December 14th, 2022

December 14th, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 14: (L-R) Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) talks with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) during a forum titled House Rules and Process Changes for the 118th Congress at FreedowmWorks headquarters on November 14, 2022 in Washington, DC. Several media outlets are reporting that Rep. Andy Biggs is planning to challenge House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in his bid to become Speaker of the House. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)Angerer/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, five republicans are holding up the Speaker of the House vote and preventing Republicans from doing anything when we need to get down to business right now. There is no Matt Gaetz for speaker movement, so if the next speaker isn’t Kevin McCarthy, who is it? They don’t have anyone and have no plan and, we are running out of time and reaching a point of no return. It’s time to engage the Biden administration, expose the Department of Justice, and secure the border. Mitch McConnell is running away with the federal budget and the national debt, and now is caving to Democrats and Chuck Schumer on an immigration bill that would expand the Democrat base. It doesn’t secure the border but kicks the can down the road and sets up another wave of amnesty. When Title 42 expires next week, the number of border crossings will skyrocket past already historic levels now. Also, Peter Schweizer calls in to discuss McConnell’s lack of leadership in the Senate, and that he’s going after Donald Trump to help the DOJ indict him. Later, in order for the liberals to take control of the government in Israel, they had to invite members who oppose the existence of the state of Israel. There were no complaints about this in the United States from any Jewish groups because they had no problem with it, just like they have no problem with Joe Biden giving the Palestinian Authority our tax dollars to subsidize terrorists. Finally, why are we on Earth for such a short period of time? Life is very complicated, don’t be frivolous.

Key Lawmakers Announce Government Funding Deal Framework

Washington Examiner
McCarthy tells members he is a ‘hell no’ on omnibus spending bill

The GOP Is Gambling on a Bill That Could Give Conservatives a Reason to Never Vote for Them Again

The Hill
McConnell steps up attacks on a weakened Trump

Photo by Drew Angerer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Is there a Matt Gaetz movement out there to make him Speaker of the House of Representatives? Mr. Producer, are you aware of this movement out there? There’s not a match. Gaetz for speaker movement. Why not? Can he get a majority of the vote? Matt. Why don’t you put yourself out there and run for speaker? The other knucklehead dead. Biggs, you can do it. I won’t do it. I don’t know why. He’s very articulate. He’s a good debater. Little dab will do them. Notice that two. But isn’t he exactly the statesmanlike material that we want in a speaker of the House? There’s some confusion with the five knuckleheads and the propaganda they’re putting out there. They have no plan. And we are running out of time. And we need a Judiciary Committee that is ready to roll. No less of a conservative than Jim Jordan has said. So the problem we’re not getting behind somebody is we get behind. We have a special counsel on the loose who’s trying to treat Donald Trump like it’s a war criminal. We have a completely out of control Department of Justice. What it’s done to so many innocent protesters, innocent individuals, pro-lifers, and how it’s also given aid and comfort to so many left wing violent types, how it’s gone off to parents going after parents. And the list is a long one. We have a wide open border. There’s a crapload to get done investigations of the Biden crime family. And Matt Gaetz. Has no plan for anything. Except to keep pointing to himself and draw attention to himself. Now, Matt Gaetz is entertaining. Very entertaining. But there’s a lot of entertaining people. And we’re not interested in being entertained by Matt Gaetz. We want action. We conservatives want action. We conservatives want to go on the offensive. We conservatives understand that there’s, what, a five, six, seven vote majority in the House. And we conservatives know. That the five boneheads. Have no backup plan, So they want to play it out, you see. Play it out. So maybe so. Maybe if Fred Upton can get it, maybe Liz Cheney can get it, maybe a Democrat can get it. I don’t know. They don’t know. And then they want you to believe that if you’re concerned about this, that means you must support all of McCarthy’s policies, which clearly I have not. But then again, I don’t support all of Andy Biggs its policies either, like sabotaging convention of states. Do we know where Mattie Gates stands on convention of states? Will you Google that, Mr. Producer? We do know we haven’t heard from Maddie Gates much. Comments on everything, but not that apparently. Certainly not much. So Mitch McConnell is running away with the federal budget. He’s running away with the debt. They’re running away proposing massive amnesty. There’s the Republicans in the Senate. And these five boneheads are slowing down our ability to get these committees going. What Comar would Jordan, as Jordan has pointed out. But all of us. We must be wrong. We must be sellouts, We must be flip floppers. We must be rhinos because we don’t agree with the five boneheads. Who thrown a wrench into the system. If they have a great candidate, let’s say it. Matt Gaetz doesn’t even honor faith in himself to put himself up. For speaker of the House. And begs. Would any of you support a Republican speaker who sabotage convention of states in the state Senate in Arizona, even though the state Senate wanted to pass it? He wouldn’t bring the vote up. Is that what you want? Well, we need rule changes. Well, you ought to change that rule in Arizona. That’s for sure. Any of these five boneheads are welcome on the show. I said that a week or two ago. You don’t need to go on other shows. Be cowards. Really you don’t. Need to hide behind Twitter. Hide behind other podcasts. Come get me. I’m right here. I’m not that smart. I’m just a talk show host. Don’t you know? Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I once had respect for some of these guys. I have virtually none now, to be perfectly honest with you. Just saying. Now, there are others who are holding out who I do have respect for. So they’re trying to figure out how to make this work. Guys like Chip, Roy, Chip, Ryan, I go back some ways, but that’s not these fired boneheads. Now. They’re more drama queens than anything else. I’ve had enough with drama queens. I’ve had enough of boneheads. The country’s dying. The country’s unraveling. The Biden administration is at the point of the spear, and we need to get down to business. And we need to get down to business right now. And they need to get their staff together and they need to get the resources together. And the Bidens and the Democrats, they’re not going to roll over and play dead the media. They’re not going to roll over and play dead. So who is it? Who’s the next speaker? Who is it if it’s not McCarthy? I’m just serious. There’s nobody. They don’t have anybody. They don’t have a soul. Nobody. And I even know the people who are advising them in the shadows. Yeah. Keep it up. Keep doing it. And they think they’re the real conservatives, much like Trotsky thought he was the real communist. But I know how to Lenin’s the real commie landowner. Stalin’s the real Kim. No, no, no. I’m a conservative, constitutional conservative. Been around a long time. The issue here is. Are we going to push back? Are we going to fight hard and confront our political adversaries or not? It turns out a MacArthur is not cutting it. They know that they can make the effort to remove them. They want the ability to have one or two members. To call to vacate the chair and throw out the speaker. I mean, it was done during Thomas Jefferson’s time. Yeah. And I can see the Democrats playing games with that endlessly, can’t you? Mr.. It is. Of course. But I remember when Boehner was removed. When Boehner was removed. Mark Meadows will remind America. Mark Meadows was the one who. Who led the way. And console it with me. And I explained to him how he could do it. And Mark Meadows will attest to that. Oh, that’s correct. That’s why Boehner hates my guts. Because Boehner hated the Tea Party. Boehner wouldn’t talk to the conservatives. Boehner was removing conservatives from committees. Boehner was trying to destroy them the way McConnell does on the Senate side. Boehner was a House leader like McConnell is a Senate leader. And I came to Meadow’s defense. He contacted me. We had more than one discussion, one in particular where we discussed it and went over it. About the same time that Andy Biggs was blocking convention of states in the state Senate in Arizona. About the same time Matt Gates was running around as a state representative in Florida. And the other three boneheads. I don’t know what they were doing. So we’re not in any lectures here. In this audience. From these five members. Who talk a good game. You draw attention to themselves. But don’t accomplish a damn thing. Not a damn thing. And if we don’t start accomplishing things around here, we’re not going to be able to save this country. There’s a point of no return. And I suspect the vast majority of conservatives and constitutionalists agree with me. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to engage this administration. It’s time to expose the FBI and the Department of Justice. It’s time to come to the defense, a pro-life organization’s. It’s time to fight to secure the border. It’s time to get on with it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

We’re losing elections because the Republicans suck. Over in the Senate so far since the election. There’s a deal that has been reached today. But Patrick Leahy, one of the most loathsome, longest serving senators in American history, and Richard Shelby, who is a complete rhino salad head of the Senate appropriations for the Republicans, as well. As you may remember, Rosa DeLauro looks a little bit like Maxwell Smart. And with the support of Mitch McConnell, we have a massive spending bill between the Republicans in the Senate and the Democrats in the Senate and the Democrats in the House. And they expect to get it done passed before Christmas. Kevin McCarthy has said hell no, that the Republicans in the House will oppose it, but also has objected, as have we, that this is specifically being done to circumvent the American people. In the last election where the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. That needs to be the focus. Meanwhile, the Senate Republicans aren’t standing still. Many of them voted for what I call the anti-religion act. They can call it the Respect for Marriage Act all they want. Gay marriage and interracial marriage have been legal now for years. Interracial marriage has been legal and federalized at the Supreme Court for over half a century. It was an utterly meaningless vote in that sense, and the court held about eight years ago that same sex marriage is protected by the equal protection clause as well. So why did they do this? They did this to attack religious institutions, religious institutions that that decide whether they be Orthodox Jew or Muslim or evangelical Christian or faithful Catholics or whatever, that they will not recognize same sex marriage for certain institutional purposes. And so they want to stamp that out. Does Washington. So this wasn’t about protecting same sex marriage or interracial marriage in the case of same sex marriage. And they attached interracial marriage to which has nothing to do with same sex marriage per se. Because it’s the anti-religion act, 12 Republicans in the Senate went along with it. And now the Republicans are discussing massive amnesty with the Democrats. Thom Tillis leading the way, massive amnesty for millions of people here illegally. And Chuck Schumer has already said in promoting his replacement theory, which is really what the Democrats are for a replacement of the citizenry, and then they call it a theory when they’re doing it, says, you know, Americans aren’t having enough babies, therefore we need to import more help replacement. So they push abortion on the one hand and then they push open borders on the other. Now, that said, the borders wide open. Why would you even be discussing amnesty of any kind if you’re a Republican? And then Mitch McConnell goes in front of the microphone over and over again trashing Trump. Trump even now, yesterday, he’s the reason we didn’t get enough senators. No, you are the reason, you schmuck your agenda. Massive spending, massive debt, massive amnesty, anti-religion act. And by the way, they already met the Democrats on the 40 yard line when it came to gun control several months back. Remember that Mr. Peters and the Democrats have said. But we knew they would say, Oh, that’s not enough. That’s nothing. And no wonder Mitch McConnell and his sycophants, they have no legislative agenda. Because it’s it’s so similar to the Democrat legislative agenda. What are they going to run on? We went to meet the Democrats on the 40 yard line. We want bipartisanship with radicals in the Democrat Party. What are they running on? What do they want to run on? Says we need quality candidates. How many times are we going to learn this? We need quality senators. How many times are we going to learn this? So let’s just be honest. Under the current phony leadership in the United States Senate, the Republican Party sucks. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

We are the true conservatives and constitutionalists. We don’t pretend we’re something else. Populist nationalists. They can’t even define these words. But they’re in vogue. They’re faddish. Some calling on Matt Gates. It’s spelled G a Etsy, not Etsy to run for speaker. Run for speaker. If he’s in Florida, I’m sure you can catch the flight. I understand he missed one. Not too long ago. But he can he can catch a flight. And you see what’s going on in the country now. You see what’s going on in the Senate now. There’s not a single senator. Other than McConnell. Schumer. Shelby and Leahy, those for who knows what’s in this bill. Not a single. Single. Senator who knows what’s in the bill. And yet. When it comes out, though, I’ll get behind it. They’ll have their talking points that will be handed out to them. They’ll all support it. Then they’ll all say, we averted a government shutdown and then they want you to treat them like conquering heroes when they go home. There’s not a single member of the House of Representatives bar two or three or four. Who know what’s in this bill. There’s not a single American citizen. Outside of those eight members of Congress who has any idea what’s going on with this bill? And the vast majority don’t even know there is a bill that they’re working on. That’s not representative government, America. That’s not constitutional government. What the hell is it? It’s government by a small politburo. It’s government by a small politburo. In Congress. That’s what it is. And it’s a huge disaster. Massive spending bill and anti-religion bill. Massive amnesty. They already voted for increased gun control. But of course, that doesn’t go far enough. This is meeting the Democrats on the 40 yard line. This is why people don’t vote Republican. Because even when Republicans run and say they’re not Democrats, many of them are. This is why McConnell is constantly going to that microphone, trashing the Tea Party, trashing MAGA, trashing conservatives, trashing Trump. He knows the media will gobble it up. And he wants to continue to do what he’s doing. And by the way. It’s 7:20 p.m. tonight Eastern time. We will have Peter Schweitzer on the program. Nobody better to discuss this and the so-called Republican leader. Matt Vespa were town halls. Grey Ryder. The GOP is gambling on a bill that could give conservatives a reason to never vote for them again. Can someone hit the brakes? We’re on a runaway. Runaway train traveling at high speed, approaching, abandon, destined to careen off the tracks unless a brave soul tells the Republican Party. To torpedo this heinous immigration deal that’s being mulled up on the Hill. Said. I never thought I’d see the day when some Republicans would willingly back a mass amnesty bill and be blind to the fact that the only people who gained benefit from this push, both in the immediate and long term, are Democrats. In the words of Alan Ripley. Nuke the entire site from orbit When it comes to this bill which we have railed against since the first details were made public, which of course we helped expose here. And I’ve never stopped railing against those many border security measures log rolled in. Serving as an ammunition belt for the members of the Congress who need to sell this legislation back home as a border security measure. More money for Border Patrol agents, salary hikes for current officers, and an expedited deportation process for migrants who fail to meet asylum benchmarks. That flanking remover is something you already know. 2 million Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients will be put on the citizenship track who could then sponsor their extended family members once they are through the process. There was an analysis done several years back that said 19 or 21 individuals on average are part of this family extended sponsor process. So for every one illegal alien, they get citizenship. You really can count 19 or 20. We’re talking millions of people. And it doesn’t disincentivize illegal immigration. No, because the current administration. Has an open border. The current administration has the support of Schumer, who said the other week, as I said at the opening of this show. That he wants amnesty for all illegal immigrants, period. So what Schumer’s doing, he made it abundantly clear is he is trying to change the nature of the citizenship. I’m not even talking about race or heritage. He’s just trying to change. The Democrats are trying to expand their base. This is their plan. If anything, it resets for another massive amnesty move in a generation or two. So it doesn’t secure the border, doesn’t take the issue off the table. It’s a classic kick the can down the road move we often see from elected officials. The only difference is it’s the Republicans that are getting screwed. The reaction from the conservative base should be a massive red flag to any Republican thinking about casting their lot with Senators Thom Tillis and the new independent Kirsten Cinema. They’re the principal negotiators in the far left must be chuckling over this because they know the Republican blood sports that come from this kind of a bill. Couldn’t care less about barely winning the House 2022 as a lost election cycle where the GOP could have established sizable majorities. We got a warning that the upper crust of the Senate Republican leadership wanted to get something done on immigration this year. That was rehashed when they joined forces with Democrats to pass their anti-gun package. What is Senator McConnell doing right now? The Kentucky Republican was recently reelected to his leadership post. So where does he stand on this amnesty atrocity? Where does he stand? It wouldn’t be even happening if he didn’t give it the green light. It wouldn’t be happening if he didn’t give it the green light. And Ronna McDaniel at the RNC didn’t give it the green light. It wouldn’t be happening. Any more than this massive omnibus bill would be happy happening, any more than the anti-religion act would be happening. The Senate. Republicans, on the whole, are not conservatives. They’re not fiscal conservatives. They’re not social conservatives, They’re not security conservatives. They believe nothing about the border. Surrendering on amnesty. And guess what, ladies and gentlemen. Governor do see and Arizona is trying to secure his border. By using these. I guess they’re massive, those massive crates that you have on. Freighters. And guess who just sued them today, Mr. Producer? The Department of Justice. They said they’re trespassing on federal lands, not the illegal aliens. They can trespass all they want as long as they’re not. Protesters who are in Washington, D.C. can have parading and trespassing on those grounds. But you can have all the parading and trespassing you want on the southern border, all of it. In violation of federal law. Because the law has become an ass. That is a cherry picked to be used against conservatives. Cherry picked to be used against states. And it is held in abeyance, in fact, turned on its head when it helps the left wing Democrat Party agenda. And I’m getting sick and tired of it, as are many other people. So now the Department of Justice. Has sued. The governor of Arizona in the state of Arizona to try and prevent them. From securing the border. Gee, I’m sure they’re going to go judge shopping, too. Now when this Title 42 expires next week, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve had a flood of illegal aliens come into this country. 7 to 80 7 to 8000 a day. A day. That’s a small city. Every month. That is a huge city. Every year. That number is going to skyrocket. Starting next week. Thanks in part to a judge by the name of Emmett Sullivan in Washington, D.C. You may have heard of this kook. In the General Flynn case, guys completely unhinged. But it’s going to get worse. They will not secure the border. They want to complete the wall. They will not follow the passed immigration rules that Trump put in place. They will not follow existing substantive immigration statutes. And that’s perfectly fine, because nobody’s going to charge anybody. With anything. Fact, the Republican reaction is amnesty for DOCA. You know, amnesty. And they don’t even try to negotiate anything. And Mitch McConnell said, we’re in the minority here. What do you expect? You have a filibuster rule, you schmuck. You know damn well what you’re capable of doing. But you won’t do it. Be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

And to find a dentist around here somewhere. My great dentist, I’m in Florida right now is in Virginia, Nai. And he’s great. Dr. King. Now, I like that. My dentist. Gee, how long now? Holy mackerel. Like 30 years. But the problem is, I’m here, and a crown just popped off her. A cap. Whatever you call crown just popped off my tooth during the break. So I haven’t seen him for a while. He, you know, which obviously annoys him, but he’s very nice about it. So I’m going to find some Mr. Producer quick. You know, whatever they put on the tooth, some kind of cock or whatever, that stuff isn’t there. I’m not going to Krazy Glue it myself. I know. That’s a mistake. You should never practice dentistry at home. Mr. Producer, that’s a piece of advice I would give you. Don’t be your own, Dennis. Peanut butter. Yeah. And there’s one other thing. You should never do. These home colonoscopy kits. I don’t recommend doing your own colonoscopy either, Mr. Peterson. That could that could definitely gum up the works. May I say that? I think I just did. Mr. Producer, to whom shall I speak? Is there somebody there? Is there an irregular or irregular American? Yes. XM satellite, Linda and King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. I know exactly where it is. And Linda, when I was a little kid, it was the biggest mall in America, King of Prussia, and they kept adding to it the King of Prussia mall. I remember that. How are you? It’s great. I’m fine. And I enjoy your show immensely every night at 6:00. Cole, you’re not a dentist, are you? No, no. Damn, This damn crown came off my tooth. I’m sorry. Any recommendations out there? Not really. Sorry. No. All right, All right. I’m calling because you were speaking about Matt Gaetz early and prior to the midterm elections, about a month, maybe two months on one of the Fox shows, you distinctly heard Matt Gaetz say that if we win the GOP in the House, where the majority that he was going to stand up and nominate Donald J. Trump for speaker of the House. I’d be very interested in your comment, your reaction to that. That’s well, my reaction is that that’s kind of stupid since Trump doesn’t want to be speaker. And they talk about Jim Jordan. He does want to be speaker. And this is what I mean by they deceive the American people and they mislead people. So who’s left? Have you ever heard of Andy Biggs before? I spoke about him on the air, man. No. No, I have not. No, you have not. Well, he wants to be speaker. Have you ever heard of convention of states? I’ve heard this. I’ve heard the expression. Yes. Would you want a man who tried to block the use of the Constitution by state legislatures to get our Constitution back. To be speaker of the House? I don’t think so. All right. Thank you for your call, King of Prussia. I’ll be right back.