November 29th, 2022

November 29th, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 17: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (L) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) talk during the congressional Gold Medal ceremony for former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole at the U.S. Capitol January 17, 2018 in Washington D.C. (Photo by Al Drago-Pool/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, like clockwork, the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell are working with Chuck Schumer on a massive spending omnibus bill in the name of fully funding the government and they plan to do it in the lame-duck session. Interestingly, the Wall Street Journal will support this massive spending to keep the government open but sat idly by when the government shut down the private sector. Who are these Republicans that claim to be conservatives but march to the drumbeat of Schumer and McConnell? They are phony conservatives, and they are sabotaging the important work that needs to be done for the American people. Later, Apple gives into China’s request to remove the AirDrop function so that anti-lockdown protesters can’t share information. Apple is also threatening Twitter with removal from the App Store because Elon Musk has opened the platform to share truths about COVID and other dissenting ideas that they suffocated in the past including former President Trump’s account. Apple is using its monopolistic power to destroy disagreement and Gov. Ron DeSantis is their next target to be canceled. Afterward, US Sen. Mike Lee joins the show to discuss the most recent bill passed in the Senate to codify same-sex marriage. Lee says that this is problematic for communities of faith that don’t recognize same-sex marriage and suggested amending the bill, but the bill passed anyway.

Fox News
Schumer, McConnell working on yearlong government funding deal

McConnell: “There is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy. And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view is highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.”

KJP Issues Veiled Threat to Pro-Free Speech Musk: We’re ‘Keeping a Close Eye’ on Twitter

Gov DeSantis Rips Apple Trying To Threaten Elon Musk

Right Scoop
Gov DeSantis defends Chinese protesters AND torches Apple for being a vassal of CCP while threatening to ban Twitter

LA Times
A new foreign policy headache for Biden as Israel forms its most right-wing government ever

Epoch Times
Appointment of Special Counsel Amounts to Election Interference and Sets Dangerous Precedent

Right Scoop
Mike Lee’s religious liberty amendment FAILS approval in the Senate for the ‘gay marriage act’

The Federalist
How Will Anyone Trust The Georgia Runoff Results When There’s Enough Illegal Voting To Tip The Scales?

Photo by Al Drago-Pool

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

A lame duck Congress. The Republicans led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate, which has been the case for 15 years now, whether it’s Harry Reid or Schumer or Tom Daschle before Reid. It’s always McConnell. Mitch McConnell is working with Schumer. Cornered a fox on a year long government funding deal. They’re going to try and get it done in the lame duck Congress. The lame duck probably lame duck is better Congress. And it would be an omnibus bill. It is a massive, massive spending bill. Now, as is also typical. And this is one of the things Senator Ron Johnson has objected to and why he voted against McConnell for being the Republican leader. Schumer and McConnell and their staffs and a few of their colleagues are negotiating this. The vast majority of Republican senators have no idea what’s going on. And those who voted for McConnell apparently don’t care about what’s going on. And of course, the Wall Street Journal editorial page will come out in strong support that we have to keep the government open. Of course, nobody cared when they shut down the private sector. No, no, no. The government is more essential than you are. Now. Why am I bringing this up? Well, it should be obvious, but there’s another reason. The House Republicans have yet to vote for their leaders. Further speaker. They’ve yet to do it. Because of five boneheads in the House of Representatives who are Republicans, who have no alternative candidate, who can get anything close to a majority, nothing close to a majority, and are playing right into the hands of Schumer and McConnell. Right into the hands of Pelosi and the Democrats. And Hakeem Jeffries. And right into the hands of the Republican moderates. Who at some point are not going to sit on their hands, are not going to demand that they pick the speaker. Who are these five boneheads? We’re going to allow McConnell and Schumer to work out the budget who are preventing us from subpoenaing. Subpoenaing the FBI and the Department of Justice. Conducting investigations of the Biden crime family. We only have two years. Who are these Republicans? Who are they who claim to be such solid, stalwart conservatives? Who are they? How can they be so stupid? They have no conservative alternative. They have nothing. Who are they? Matt Gaetz. Oh, he’s enjoyable to watch on TV. Very clever debater. Utterly useless. Andy Biggs. A phony conservative. Who is the Senate president in Arizona? BLOCK The convention of states vote in the Senate only until he ran for the Congress and won. Was the Senate in Arizona able to vote for as well as the assembly? And did it pass? Bob good in Virginia. Just got elected to a second term. His second term? Who is this moron? Ralph Norman in South Carolina. Never heard of don’t know a damn thing about him. And Matt Rosendale, Montana, who I met. Who was on this show when he was running the first time around seem like a solid conservative. Now he’s part of the Gang of Five saboteurs. They know they have no plan B, they know they have no plan at all. The other conservatives in the Freedom Caucus and elsewhere. They have finally figured this out. But what’s with these five knuckleheads? They’re playing right into the hands of the Democrats, right into the hands of the establishment Republicans, right into the hands of the media. Meanwhile, there is McConnell off on their side working out a deal with Schumer. Everybody’s in the dark. And the Republicans in the House have no voice. They had no say. And these five have no plan. So they’re sabotaging conservatives. They’re sabotaging those of us who want to get the spending under control. They’re sabotaging those of us who want to secure the border. They’re sabotaging those of us who want to fully fund the United States military. Because of their antics. Because they want you to think they’re more conservative than all the rest of us. I have no stomach for the Republican establishment. I’ve talked about this now for decades. But what we’re talking about now. Is the absolutely critical timing of what’s taking place. That we need to get to the bottom of what the FBI is doing. We need to get to the bottom of the Department of Justice. We need to finally get to the bottom of the Biden crime family. We can’t do a damn thing. These committees can’t even organize. We can’t even choose chairmen. We can’t do a damn thing. Jim Jordan can’t be the chairman of this House Judiciary Committee until this gets resolved. What are they waiting for? What are Gates and Biggs and Good and Norman and Rosendale waiting for? They can call the show any damn one of them or all of them together. They should. And defend themselves. And defend themselves. But these are the five. A Gang of five saboteurs. Are making it impossible. Impossible. To get on with these investigations, to get on with fighting the spending and getting the debt under control to making it impossible. To deal with this cabinet secretary Department of Homeland Security making it utterly and completely impossible. We don’t always get our way. Ladies and gentlemen, I understand that. You understand that. But we have to be rational. You don’t even have to be reasonable, but you have to be rational. Who is it that these five candidates believe can muster a majority of the Republican vote? I’ve asked this over and over again. They say it’s him. Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan is backing Kevin McCarthy. He wants to be chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He has no interest in running for the leadership position. Who’s next? Who’s next? There is no next. They have nobody. Well, what are we supposed to do, America? There are tens of millions of us who say, finally, even though we have a small majority, we have a majority. Let’s get down to business. What are we supposed to do? Sit on our hands and wait for a gates and pigs and good and Norman and Rosendahl, who mean nothing to any of us. This lame duck session is dangerous. Now quickly, because I’m not spending all day on this over here, the Taylor Force Act. This was an act of Congress that was signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 23, 2018. To stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until the Palestinian Authority ceases paying stipends to the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund the individuals who commit acts of terrorism and the families of deceased terrorists. At the time, it cut more than $200 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority because they wouldn’t swear off. Terrorism. That’s the law. Donald Trump signed it into law. Joe Biden has defied the law. And half a billion dollars has now gone to the Palestinian Authority. It was named in honor of Taylor Force, a native of Lubbock, Texas, graduated from the New Mexico Military Institute. Then he went to West Point. In 2009, he served two tours of duty in both Afghanistan and Iraq. And after completing his service, Taylor entered the own Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University to study for an MBA. He was murdered in Israel in 2016 by a Palestinian terrorist. He was visiting Israel as part of a Vanderbilt University study group examining global entrepreneurship. He was killed on March eight, 2016, in a terrorist attack by a Palestinian from the West Bank, as they call it, a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv that injured 11 people. Because the killer died while committing an act of terrorism, the killer’s relatives are paid a monthly pension equal to several times the average monthly Palestinian wage, including from our tax dollars. The pension paid by the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is part of Palestinian Authority policy. To their monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured or imprisoned for involvement in attacking, assisting in attacking, planning to attack Israel or for other types of political inspired violence, including riots, violent demonstrations and throwing rocks. This law is being defied by the Biden administration and Joe Biden specifically. And Chris Christie hasn’t said a thing. And Brian Kemp hasn’t said a thing. Now. I went back and looked at the votes on this and the sponsorships on this act. 2018. In the Senate, there were 22 Republicans co-sponsors and ten Democrat co-sponsors. Mitch McConnell was not a co-sponsor. Why does that matter? Why does it matter that the Republican leader in the Senate was not a close friend? We normally don’t close by, Tony. The Republican leader spoke out today about Donald Trump. What is the Republican leader in the Senate ever done? To confront antisemitism in our colleges and universities. Antisemitism in the halls of Congress, particularly on the Democrat side. anti-Semitism in our cities. What has Mitch McConnell done? He’s been in the Senate. For soon. It’ll be 40 years. 40 years? What has he done? What has he done? Is he gone to the floor of the Senate, spent 20, 30 minutes talking about it. He’s done nothing. But he made a proclamation today, cut 17, when he was asked by the press. Go first. Let me just say there there is no room in the Republican Party for anti-Semitism or white supremacy. And anyone. With people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States. But that’s not true because Joe Biden was elected president of the United States and you never said a damn thing about his racism and segregation, and you worked with him side by side. You never said a damn thing about Obama. Mr. anti-Semite. Not a damn thing. You don’t talk about the Congressional Black Caucus, several of whose members have worked with Farrakhan. Not a damn thing. You haven’t condemned MSNBC for hiring Al Sharpton. Not a damn thing. When Israel comes under attack by Hamas or Hezbollah or other terrorists, you say nothing. You said nothing over the past several months when they had been attacked. Nothing. This is what I talked about yesterday. There are those who believe in their hearts and who love President Trump and are concerned or upset. And then there are those who exploit this politically. And I have absolutely no stomach for them, Democrat or Republican, because after another week or two, they will move on cutting their deals, funding the Palestinian terrorists. And I want to remind you, is Mitch McConnell working with Bob Corker that made it possible for the Iran deal that Obama could sign in there, would help get the Iranians nukes? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

What’s amazing is the most coherent, knowledgeable, substantive. An effort to expose Joe Biden’s racism and segregation came from his now vice president, Kamala Harris. Mitch McConnell wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Mitch McConnell doesn’t give a crap what happens to the state of Israel. Mitch McConnell doesn’t give a crap about anti-Semitism. It’s been demonstrated in his 40 year career. All of a sudden, he’s concerned. That’s my point. Brian Kemp, governor of Georgia, hadn’t said squat. All of a sudden he’s concerned. Chris Christie, who was governor of New Jersey, where anti-Semitism is spreading like a bad thigh rash.

Hour 1 Segment 3

What do Keith Ellison. Maxine Waters. James Clyburn. Al Sharpton. Barack Obama and Kanye West have in common, Mr Producer? Their association with Louis Farrakhan. To different degrees and in different ways. The mere meeting with him. The mere attending an event with him. Allison Waters, Clyburn, Sharpton, Kanye West have all defended. Have all defended Farrakhan. They didn’t say they didn’t know who he was. They have defended him and they have defended his statements. The case of Cliburn. Allison actually worked with the organization Nation of Islam. He became the deputy DNC chairman. I objected. Dershowitz objected. Didn’t hear many others. I didn’t hear. Brian Kemp. I didn’t see any of these men. Let’s go to the state of Minnesota and campaign against Keith Ellison. Did you, Mr. Producer? We fought Keith Ellison. We brought his opponent on. I believe his name was Schultz. Remember that, Mr. Peterson. And he lost. He lost by more than we hope, but it was still relatively close. What do Chris Christie do to try and defeat Keith Ellison? Nothing. Brian Kemp. Nothing. How about the editorial pages of the New York Times in The Washington Post? Nothing. CNN, MSNBC. Nothing. How about Maggie Haberman? Did they ask her any questions about it on CNN? Never. Why? Why didn’t they? It’s an amazing thing. Have people who actually worked with Farrakhan to varying degrees. Varying degrees, defended him or complimented him or befriended him. They were never asked any questions. Alison was as a result of my attacking him. But others? No. Nancy Pelosi was barely touched. When she came up with a scheme. To write a resolution that wouldn’t condemn Omar specifically for her repeated anti-Semitic comments. And now she’s an icon, the greatest speaker in the history speakers. Really just fantastic how she worked with the progressive wing, which is made up of mostly Jew haters. Mostly Jew haters, Israel haters. Right now, for a lot of you, this is getting old. I understand. The vast majority of the people in this audience are not Jewish. But this is very important. In some ways, it’s just it’s about the rot within a society that we have people who have tolerated bigotry, racism and air Semitism even promoted it and celebrated it. You have networks like MSNBC and CNN. That repeatedly bring on Jew haters and bigots and racists. Now have newspapers like The New York Times that even hire bigots, racists and Jew haters. Oh, it’s a mistake. We didn’t look at their social media. Wow. And have gone so far as to self-censor on Holocaust. There needs to be some perspective here, but there’s not going to be because the name Trump comes up. I’m not defending anything. All these months when I’ve been condemning anti-Semitism, what’s been going on in Brooklyn, what took place at the synagogues in the riots, the Marxist riots of 2020. The failure to prosecute. Hate crimes in Democrat cities. Black Lives Matter. We expose them as a Marxist organization, an anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel organization. But Black Lives Matter was supported by the media, supported by the Democrat Party, supported by Mitt Romney. Supported by Mitt Romney. What did Mitt Romney say today, Mr. Producer? Christine go is disgusting to invite people like that to meet with a former president of the United States. I think this has been clear that there’s no bottom to the degree to which President Trump will degrade himself and the nation. So what I mean, the exploitation for political reasons degrade himself and the nation. Mitt Romney publicly celebrated Black Lives Matter, marched with them. Even though he knew it was an anti-Semitic organization, even though he knew it was an anti-American Marxist organization. He embraced Black Lives Matter. Mitt Romney. But people are interested in what he has to say about Trump because he hates Trump. That doesn’t serve any purpose. You see the people attacking, don’t give a damn about anti-Semitism. They don’t give a damn about it. Their careers demonstrate it. It’s swirling all around them and they’ve been silent about it. It’s going on in our college campuses and our universities. It’s going on in news platforms throughout the country. It’s taking place in our public schools as I speak. And what did Mitt Romney say about it? Nothing. He was marching with Black Lives Matter. Trump wasn’t marching with Black Lives Matter. But he was. Trump side the Taylor Force Act. Mitch McConnell wouldn’t be a co-sponsor. Trump killed the Iran deal. Mitch McConnell made it possible. The New York Times reporters work for a newspaper, get paid by newspaper voluntarily, are employed at that magazine excuse me, at that corporation, knowing full well its history. What kind of a media outlet? Self censors on Adolf Hitler in the Third Reich. But they’re very upset with Trump. And every time Israel takes incoming from Hamas or Hezbollah or anybody. Takes about 24, 36 hours because Israel fights back until The New York Times trashes. The Jewish state. What about Obama and Reverend Wright? Media tried to cover it up. How do you sit in a church for 20 damn years? When a guy who is spouting Louis Farrakhan type comments about America, about white people, about Jews, how do you sit in the pews for 20 damn years? Unless you want to sit in the pews for 20 damn years. We’re not talking about a lunch. We’re talking about every Sunday sitting in the pews listening to a bigot. How do you do that? But it’s Barack Obama. Nobody’s perfect. Some people are more imperfect than others. I’ve already said. And in my opinion. The former president must distance himself from the Kanye West. I understand. His. Reaction to loyalty to people who’ve been loyal to him and so forth and so on. It’s a very positive characteristic, except in this case. And he said he didn’t know what these was. Kanye West is still accepted by rappers all over the country. You don’t hear about that. Kanye West is still accepted by the most of the basketball players and football players in this country. You don’t hear about that. Kanye West was extremely popular in Hollywood. Embraced by Hollywood. Don’t hear about that. Why? Do you remember, Mr. Producer, for a couple of years? Conservatives and Republicans. Were taken by Kanye West. Remember that? Folks. You can go dig it up on the Internet, media outlets and so forth and so on. Kissing his ass except for one person. Me. Remember that? I said, Who is this guy? Why is everybody kissing his ass? I’ve said the same thing about Bill Maher. I’ve said much the same thing about Joe Rogan. We don’t really know these people. They don’t really expose who they are. But in the case of Kanye West, I never understood the interest in him. Never did. FUENTES Honestly, I didn’t know who he was. So when President Trump says, I didn’t know who he was to the whole world, I believe him. I didn’t know who he was. And I do this every day. Sorry. I don’t keep track. Of all these little bastards. Apparently, they keep track of me, but I don’t keep track of them. But for Mitch McConnell to get up there and tell you who will and will not be the nominee makes me sick. There was he’s been in the Senate about 40 years. And he hasn’t done a damn thing about anti-Semitism, hasn’t even talked about it at length, hasn’t even had committees look into it. Nothing. He didn’t condemn Obama. With the Muslim Brotherhood in care. Nothing. Neither did the clowns who surround him every time he walks up. And then our friends at National Review. National Review, my favorite magazine growing up. Bill Buckley, one of the greats, there’s no question. But they have a whole conga line over there, starting with Andy McCarthy and others who, from my perspective, is relatively new to the conservative movement. He’s been there for years, but not in the early days as a former federal prosecutor, but not just him. There’s nothing wrong with condemning or raising questions about what took place. Absolutely. But that’s not what they’re doing. And they know what they’re doing. And just like The New York Times in its reprehensible coverage. Of the Holocaust. The National Review has reprehensible essays and writers at the time who were quite young when it came to segregation in the South, including Bill Buckley. Bill Buckley would renounce it. Bill Buckley. Evolved over time, no question about it, as did many people. But you would think a magazine that’s built on that foundation. Put say their piece and then move on. But it doesn’t. And they have no intention of doing it. There were a number of essays written at National Review. They put them together. I was contacted by them and I was asked to join them because early on I supported Cruz over Trump, over everybody. I’ve known Ted for decades. Ted is a good man. He remains a good man. I was critical of Trump because I didn’t think he was sufficiently conservative. A lot of you were. A lot of us were. But I said, no, I’m not going to participate in a smear and in a campaign with a group of others. I don’t work that way. But McCarthy did and others did. And the truth is, they’ve never changed their mind. I suggested you read this piece by Victor Davis Hanson, who no longer writes at National Review. Over at American Greatness, said he put out a few days ago. It’s a very important piece, very smart piece. It’s not all gushy. It’s not all positive. It’s just a very intelligent piece. You know, I want to move on and I’m going to move on. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

The attack on Elon Musk continues. And to have the presidential spokes idiot threaten Twitter and Elon Musk because Twitter used to be the lapdog of the Biden administration and the Democrat Party is disgusting. And they’re going to keep an eye on it. Says the spokes idiot for the idiot and it free country. They’re going to keep an eye on Twitter. Meanwhile, they’re not going to keep an eye on Apple. Apple as I speak America. Apple led by liberals from Silicon Valley worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Apple silently and quietly did communist China’s dirty work the other day. And made it very difficult, if not impossible, for one Chinese citizen to communicate with another. To censor them. At the direction of the Communist Party of China. Have you heard much about that? A multitrillion dollar company. Has thrown on the side. At the Communist Party of China. Against the people of China in many ways, setting foreign policy for the United States of America.