November 18th, 2022

November 18th, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 18: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland delivers remarks at the U.S. Justice Department Building on November 18, 2022 in Washington, DC. Garland announced he will appoint a special counsel to oversee the Justice Department’s investigation into former President Donald Trump and his handling of classified documents and actions before the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol Building. Garland's pick to oversee the special counsel is Jack Smith, an international criminal court prosecutor. Garland spoke alongside Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco (L) and Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite (R). (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

NY Times

Jack Smith Named Special Counsel to Lead DOJ Probes of Donald Trump

Business Insider

A federal judge compared the January 6 mentality to ‘Nazi Germany’ at the sentencing of a Capitol rioter




The January 6 Committee Travesty

Daily Caller

Treasury Dept Flagged 93 Financial Transfers Between Biden Associates And A Chinese Investment Fund, Report Shows

The Federalist

Why Is The Government Arming More Federal Bureaucrats Than US Marines?

Fox Business

Clinton-linked dark money group targeted Twitter advertisers amid Elon Musk’s takeover

Washington Free Beacon

The Media’s Madame: Journalists Pour Their Hearts Out for Nancy Pelosi (Video)

Zero Hedge

Twitter On Lock Out After Mass Resignation Exodus; Operations At Risk

Photo by Anna Moneymaker

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Let’s step back and think for ourselves. They just named a special counsel to investigate Donald Trump on two fronts. January six and documents. This guy is not an independent special counsel. He has spent his entire career as a career bureaucrat at the Department of Justice, either in one of the field offices for a U.S. attorney or in main justice. He’s obviously a colleague of and well-entrenched and well known, but the very people who are conducting the investigations of the president at this very moment. Now, what’s troubling about all this, ladies and gentlemen, is as follows Let’s take the documents case first. Put aside all the static. All the so-called legal analysts and the professors and the former attorneys general and all the rest. Why would you bring the country to the brink of war? A document case? Whatever you think about it, why would you bring the country to a brink over a document case? Lady president slash former president as he’s moving into the former president stage takes documents with him to Mar a Lago. Some of which are classified. Now we have leaks to The Washington Post that say he didn’t have a criminal intent, he didn’t have mens rea. He wasn’t trying to make money from them, sell them, give them to the enemy. That’s the purpose of the Espionage Act. The purpose of the Presidential Records Act isn’t to prosecute anybody because it’s not a criminal statute. So why would you bring the country to the brink? Why would you pave unpaved ground? In order to try and bring what is basically an administrative case criminalizing it against a former president. There’s no reason for this. None. None. Now let’s look at January 6th. How long have they been investigating? January six. Now they had informants and the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and the their. So now that they had informants in these two groups. I am 100% certain they had informants at the Capitol building. If they went so far to get informants in these two groups. Trust me, they had informants in the Capitol building. They’re trying to concoct. Criminal scenarios against the former president. About sedition. And whatever the hell else that is trying to block. The movement of the one administration to the next. And yet he didn’t do it. He didn’t do it. Certainly not in any criminal way. So now they appoint a special counsel. What’s the job of a special counsel? This guy is going to be focused laser like not on, you know, 300 cases that may come into an office, but not two cases against the same target. Donald Trump. And he says he’s going to hit the ground running. They’re not going to lose any time, of course, because he already knows all the players at the Department of Justice and the FBI. He’s one of them. Merrick Garland didn’t bring in an outsider who could bring some temperate, levelheaded, sober thinking to this. He brought in one of their hitmen. Now you’re not going to hear this or read this anywhere because it’s very popular to pile on right now. I don’t pile on. I don’t believe in it. So what damage was done to the United States when it comes to these documents? Nothing was done to the United States when it comes to these documents. Nothing. And you have to really come up with a. Almost fictional type tale to put in your charging documents. If you’re going to take on Donald Trump on this interference issue and you’re going to create a precedent. For every single politician in this country. But the Democrats don’t care because they usually control the Department of Justice and the rest of it. And there’s this long piece in the New York Times by Aruna Viswanathan and Sadie Gurman. Talk about a sprawling investigation into 2010. Sprawling investigation. Why? Why are they doing this? It’s a funny thing. You keep hearing the media say, let’s get on from this 2020. You keep hearing republics say the same thing. Let’s get on. Stop looking at the past. Stop being a victim. Move on and move on already, for crying out loud, the people don’t want to hear about this. The reason Donald Trump keeps talking about it and I haven’t talked to him about this. Is because they’re trying to send him to prison. You understand what I’m saying? That’s what they’re doing. Then you have people say he shot himself, you know, in the foot on this. Shot himself in the foot on this. How? Rod Rosenstein. You remember him, the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller as the special counsel to look into Trump’s and the Russian interference in 2016 came up empty. New York Times asked him about what’s taking place now, and he says the attorney general faced a difficult circumstance. He said. But Mr. Garland broke new ground by appointing a special counsel to investigate someone who an opponent of the incumbent administration rather than an ally. Now, what he means by that, of course, is what? Donald Trump. Is now running for president. I don’t know if he’ll be the nominee or not. But the administration. Who’s chief executive? The current president of the opposite party. That administration has now appointed a special counsel to go after him. Over documents on January six. It gets even worse when you read this New York Times piece. Says the special counsel appointment won’t entirely eliminate the appearance of a conflict. As Mr. Garland and other senior Justice Department officials are still likely to be involved in some decision making related related to the probes, according to people familiar with past special counsel’s. The complicated nature of investigating a former president and current presidential candidate is expected to be on full display with the special counsel. Given the messy history, the last two appointments. So Merrick Garland has ratcheted this up. Now he’s ratcheted up. And their intention is to charge Trump. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I’m just the messenger. That’s the intention. Now this would be the same Democrat Party and the same media that don’t even want the Republicans in the House to conduct investigations that aren’t even criminal investigations. This would be the same media in the Democrat Party that don’t even want the Republicans in our House to have oversight hearings. On the Biden family. And other corruption related to this administration. This would be the same media and Democrat Party that do not want the Republicans in the House to look into the FBI and the Department of Justice. Because they want to focus on inflation. Which they created. And this is why the rhinos within the party are so preposterous. They’re saboteurs. Same with people like Mitch McConnell. So I just point this out to you, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe you support some other candidate already. For the Republican nomination. God bless you. For all you know. I do. But you ought not support this. This is tyranny. This is East German Stasi. This is unacceptable. You see what they’ve done to pro-lifers? You’ve seen what they’ve done to people they disagree with. You see what they’ve done to attorneys, people like Giuliani? Oh, sorry. We made a mistake. They don’t even say that. They just say we’ve decided not to prosecute. You see Letitia James in Albany, New York. You see Bragg in Manhattan. You see the prosecutor in Georgia. These things are not coincidental. These things are not accidental. And every Republican who wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party for president. Better pay attention to this. You might think, Oh, that’s because Trump shot himself in the foot. That’s because Trump was begging to be indicted. That’s because, you know, Trump has a Nazi past. Let me explain something to you. None of that is relevant or true. What they’re doing here would make Joseph Stalin blush. This is not justice. I don’t care what disgruntled former employees of the president have to say. With emphasis on the word disgruntled. I don’t care about their new love for The New York Times and CNN and The Washington Post and all the rest. Wrote What I always say. Think for yourself. Think for yourself. This is appalling. And when you consider a special counsel should have been appointed a long time ago by Merrick Garland to investigate the Biden family, including the president of the United States, because that’s really what special counsel are for. So there’s not an internal conflict of interest. And that’s what the regulations compel. And when you consider all the evidence that is available laptop evidence, e-mails, texts, eye witnesses. Treasury wire information. Bank accounts that relate to this family. Investigations done by Peter Schweitzer, investigations done by other individuals on their own based on the public record. And there’s no special counsel. Investigating Joe Biden. There’s no grand jury in Washington, D.C. focused specifically on Joe Biden. Forget about Hunter Biden. He’s the fall guy. This is why the Republicans must conduct themselves aggressively. And get to the bottom of this for the sake of our country and all of us. This is bigger than President Trump, even though it’s a disaster for him and his family. What they’re doing to them, they’re trying to make an example. The Democrats seem to think they can do whatever they want. They can take tens of millions of dollars from a crypto fraudster. They can call him. Their regulators can have meals with him. He can steal billions of dollars from common citizens. Billions. But because he went broke, he got caught. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been caught. They could destroy our electoral system with curing and harvesting and 50 days of early voting to fix the system, not reform it. Fix it so the outcome is known in advance. Sorry, it’s the way it is. And if you push back and you’re a lawyer, you’re going to lose your law license or you’re going to be paying millions of dollars in defense counsel fees. Attorney client privilege out the window. Attorney work. Product out the window. But don’t worry, you’ll get a gig on CNN or The View. Or MSNBC. But don’t worry. You can write a book and get a couple hundred thousand dollars, maybe a million. And you’ll be on the good side of Washington, D.C.. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

 And I want to ask you if you think this is appropriate conduct by a federal judge in Washington, D.C.. The federal judge on Friday appeared to draw a comparison between Nazi Germany and the period leading up to January six, 2021, in which former President Donald Trump and his allies this is the article falsely claimed the election had been stolen, saying that both involve large swaths of the public being swayed by a demagogue. This is from the bench. Judge Reggie Walton made the remark at the sentencing of Dustin Thompson, a Capitol rioter who blamed Trump for his involvement in the January six, 2021 attack on the Capitol as he sentenced Thompson to three years in prison. Walton said he was struck that the college educated Capitol riot, who fell into a self-described rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and came to believe false claims spread by Trump and his political allies. It makes for a very different situation, he said, because I’m not unsympathetic to people being radicalized, to engagement in abhorrent behavior. We saw it happen in Nazi Germany. A very educated, intelligent population was able to be swayed to engage in the atrocities that took place in Germany based upon a demagogue. Seems to me you bought into that same type of mentality. Not the first time in Thompson’s case that Walton rebuked Trump over his efforts. And I’ll read more when I come back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I’m not going to do a hit and run here, which I never do anyway. I want to slow down on this because it’s very, very important. The man has been a federal judge for many, many years. Embraced by Republicans and Democrats alike. And he’s sitting on the bench in Washington, D.C.. And he hands us a sentence. Of three years. To Dustin Thompson. And he says. It makes for a very difficult situation, says the judge, because I’m not unsympathetic to people being radicalized to engage in aberrant behavior. We saw it happen in Nazi Germany. A very educated, intelligent population was able to be swayed to engage in the atrocities that took place in Germany based upon a demagogue. Now, these comments were premeditated. It seems to me you bought into that same type of mentality, the judge added before saying it was utterly scary that many are still buying a lie. It was not the first time this judge in this case, Walton, rebuked Trump over his efforts to lead supporters to believe the 2020 election was stolen. I’m just reading from the article. In April, shortly after, a jury found Thompson guilty. Walton expressed concerns about the future of American democracy and had harsh words for Trump. Now Trump is not on trial. Trump has no lawyers in the courtroom. There has been no preceding directly involving Trump. No depositions, no exchange of information and nothing. Nothing. So this judge is commenting purely. Purely from the gut. She says, I think our democracy is in trouble because unfortunately we have charlatans like our former president, who does not, in my view, really care about democracy, but only about power. And as a result of that, is tearing this country apart. Is this appropriate for a judge, ladies and gentlemen? Have you ever heard a judge like this? Unbelievable. Following Thompson’s conviction, Walton and federal prosecutors accused him of lacking candor while testifying under oath. You must have thought the people sending the jury were fools, Walton said today. In Thompson’s case, said the judge involves one of the most disgraceful events in the history of this country. I think, Mr. Walton, if we had a good system of ethics, the good old fashioned way would be reprimanded by the appropriate ethics officials. But he won’t be. But he won’t be reprimanded. Now, if I were Donald Trump’s attorneys just in case. Just saying, just in case, I get a transcript of what Walton said. And should this Department of Justice. Should this Department of Justice be encouraged by what their prosecutors are watching on television? By what the president’s political opponents are saying. But especially by what this federal district judge in Washington, D.C. said today. You hold on to that transcript because it demonstrates that Trump could never get a fair trial in Washington, D.C.. Never, ever. Good job, Judge Walton. You’re an embarrassment. Talk about Democracy Day. How do you think your job is? You want to be a commentator. Come join me. See how you do. See the problem. What? Walton did it not only. Goes far beyond what he’s supposed to be doing. But you’re not able to challenge him. He’s a lifetime appointee. He’d never come on a show like this. He’d never debate me. And so when you wear that black robe, it has a meaning. When you have a lifetime appointment, it has a meaning. Your personal predilections, your personal opinions, your personal conclusions are irrelevant. They’re the stay out of that damn courtroom. Because let me tell you something, Judge. It’s not your courtroom. It’s our courtroom. We paid for every square inch of that courtroom, Walton. Now you may have your views. Good. Maybe you could be the next Speaker of the House if the Democrats win. But what you did in that position. Brings great disgrace to the judiciary. And we don’t need lectures from you about democracy when you just undermined it. Your Honor.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Speaking of the Department of Justice and speaking of Jews, Judge Walton, Mark Tapscott over at Instapundit. He says, Add Department of Justice, anti-Semitism to The Hill’s 2023 probes, a key maxim repeated often among Reagan political appointees. Tapscott was one, as was I, of course, was personnel, was policy. The truth of that maxim has been brought home again at the Department of Justice. Launches a new investigation into the death of Abu Akila, an Al Jazeera reporter during a clash between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists in May 2022. Israeli authorities previously investigated the incident and concluded the reporter was killed by a stray bullet fired by one of the soldiers. But the Department of Justice, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, clearly questions that conclusion. And that fact is stirring anger on the Hill as Republicans meet pressure to take over the House of Representatives on January three. The Biden appointees at the Department of Justice include, according to the Washington Free Beacon, Adam Credo, Kristen Clarke, who, quote, came under fire during her Senate confirmation hearing after the Free Beacon revealed she edited a law journal that featured an anti-Semitic black nationalist who peddles conspiracy theories about Jews. How this woman. Got a top federal appointment at the Department of Justice is beyond belief. She’s an anti-Semite. She’s a bigot. Adam creator, the reporter was told by multiple health sources that the only way to root out this bias is for Congress to launch an investigation. And the Department of Justice’s anti-Israel agenda, which has been fueled by a cadre of anti-Semitic lawmakers in Congress known as the squad. Oh, no, no, no. They’re progressives. They’re for the people. These lawmakers, which include Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rasheeda Talley, pressured the Department of Justice for months. To investigate the Abu shooting. So the FBI is going to go to Israel to investigate Israel. What do you think of that, Judge Walton? What do you think of that, Judge Walton? Mm hmm. Tell me, Judge Walton, did you did you provide sentences to any of the people who rioted on 2020? And tried to storm the White House when the president, Donald Trump, had to be taken to the nuclear bunker under the White House. Did you talk about democracy then, sir? How about Black Lives Matter? Torching our cities? You know, they torched Washington, too. Did you talk about democracy then, sir? How about the riots that took place when Donald Trump was being sworn in as his inauguration? Did you talk about democracy then, Judge Walton? How about when the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, was being attacked night after night after night for over two months? Could you talk about democracy then? Judge Walker. How about in 2000 when the Democrats on Capitol Hill voted against voting against. George Bush is president of the United States. You talk about democracy then. Did you do it in 24? Did you do it in 2016? Russian collusion. Remember that, Judge Walton, did you talk about the Nazis then? Who the hell do you think you’re fooling? You don’t even know what the hell happened in Nazi Germany. Just because these guys and gals have black robes. My first book on it. Men in black. The black robes. How the judiciary’s destroying America. The subtitle. He’s a perfect example. Make your damn rolling and shut your damn mouth. That’s what you should do, Judge. You have something to say about the case and about the defendant sitting in front of you? That’s fine. You have something to say about a former president who’s not in your damn courtroom. Who had no civil liberties whatsoever. That’s way over the top. Way over the top. And as far as I’m concerned, you’ve just poisoned any jury pool. That could possibly be assembled in your courthouse, not your courtroom. In your courthouse. What an abomination. I’m telling you, as a former Justice Department official myself, I’ve never seen anything like this open season. Judges can sound like they’re reporters for The New York Times. Or that they’re Nancy Pelosi. Meanwhile. Betsy McCaughey. He’s a brilliant lady, former lieutenant governor of New York. He has a fantastic take on the January six committee. And I want to discuss this with you when I return. I’ll be right back.