November 17th, 2022

November 17th, 2022

Outgoing US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (C), Democrat of California, speaks in the House Chamber at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on November 17, 2022. - Pelosi, 82, the trailblazing first female speaker of the House, said Thursday that she will step down from the party leadership when Republicans take control of the chamber in January 2023. "For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect," said Pelosi, who first became speaker in 2007. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP) (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi has been fired as speaker by the American people. Pelosi is a classless disgruntled backbencher that is celebrated for her policies on the border, the economy, and what she calls election deniers. Pelosi criticized House Republicans for investigating President Biden and his son Hunter when all she and the Democrats have done is launch one investigation after the next against Republicans. Then, slash the DOJ and their budget if they’re going to go after parents. Republicans in the House need to take a principled stand against the radical left. Later, FBI Director Christopher Wray refuses to answer questions on whether the FBI is receiving private social media information and whether they are tracking the names of American citizens in conjunction with that social media data. This seems like a massive civil liberties problem. Afterward, the White House through their partners set up dark money groups that won’t be scrutinized until after the 2024 election. They plan to make it look like the Republicans are politically persecuting David Brock’s front groups when the reverse is actually happening. The Republican majority must look into Facts First, The Congressional Equity Project, and the Center for American Progress are actually doing behind their non-profit tax-exempt status.

Neither Trump nor the family were involved

PJ Media
SHOCKER! WaPo Sheepishly Admits the FBI Found No Nuclear Secrets, or Anything Else, in Mar-a-Lago Raid

Washington Post
Investigators see ego, not money, as Trump’s motive on classified papers

LA Times
Karen Bass elected, becoming L.A.’s first woman mayor

Biden Gets Creepy With A Russian Man

NY Times
Nonprofits With Ties to Democrats Plan Counteroffensive Against Congressional Investigations

Judge blocks DeSantis law on barring ‘woke’ education

Photo by Olivier Douliery/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Nancy Pelosi. I posted this earlier, so I guess the echo chambers out there, I said she was fired by the American people. But of course, I’m the I’m the fourth hitter here. I’m the cleanup hitter. I’m not early in the morning and all the rest, but fired by the American people. She’s now officially a backbencher and a disgruntled backbencher. It then classless, nasty right to the end and the bipartisan morons there plotting her, plotting her for destroying our economic system, applauding her for open borders, applauding her for attacking the Supreme Court, applauding her. Oh, I could go down the list. One of the great iconic leaders of all time. Nancy Pelosi. Because she was a. Very contemptible. Radical San Francisco leftists who imposed her will like a dictator in the House of Representatives. And that’s what the media want. And that’s what her supporters want. They talk about democracy. It’s like the so-called People’s Republic of China, the People’s Republic, the Democrat Party. Just for the people, not you. Well, the people kicked their ass out. So now. So now she can sit in the back with all the other backbenchers. Then I heard all these election deniers. I’m not going to sit here and allow the media and the Democrats to do fine people, the election deniers. I hear the Republicans are sick and tired of the Democrat election deniers from 2000 and 2004 and 2016. The election deniers. Benny Hill Thompson. Jamie Raskin. Hillary Clinton. Barack Millhouse. Benita Obama. Terry McAuliffe. Joe Biden. The Election Deniers. Yes. And now the Republican investigations, they haven’t even opened a single investigation yet. But the idea that they’ve announced it is just too much. Are you kidding? We can’t have investigations. This is why the Republicans didn’t do so well. They’re not focused on inflation and the border. You believe this coming from the same people? That pushed investigations and impeachment and coups and collusion and all the oh, we can’t have investigations now. And then, of course, the media, even our so-called friendly media. It could be a political pitfall for the Republicans if they do this and overreach. My God, what’s wrong with them? First of all, I want to thank and salute the House Republicans, the Senate Republicans under the iron fist. Under the iron fist of a unhinged rhino by the name of Mitch McConnell aren’t going to investigate crap. While I might want to play with them, I want a 40 yard. 40 yard line, you idiot. We’re gone for touchdowns. He’s a he’s an anvil tied to our ankle. That guy. He’s an anvil. And now we’re going to have the government shut down and it’s going to be the Republicans fault. Oh, my God. They won’t lift the debt ceiling. And I will talk about this again and tell you about the scaremongering. Even The Wall Street Journal editorial page. From Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell. Like it or not, they support big government. While the full faith and credit clause has nothing to do with this. Nothing. The full faith and credit clause goes back. To the Civil War. I will explain it when the time comes. And Mr. Producer is going to dig into the archives over the next day or two. And I will explain to you how when you lost your jobs and when you lost your business and when it was shut down as a result of the of the virus that was righteous. And if you dared to step out, you were arrested. You weren’t condemned. You were shamed. By the media and the Democrats and some Republicans. But as I said before, you shut down the government. Even though you don’t, since 17% of it is only shut down. You shut down a park or something like that. Oh, my God, it’s Armageddon. I noticed one of the backbenchers picked this up today. Mr. Producer, we’ve only been saying this for two and a half years, so we will dig that up. So you get to hear it so I can demonstrate why it’s important that you’re here and why I know it’s important that you’re here because we think outside the box. We’re independent thinkers. We think for ourselves. We don’t listen all day to the rest of them in order to figure out what to say. They listen to us right here and regurgitate what we say. It’s true. It’s true. Now before we get to some of the outstanding comments made by Jim Jordan and James Colmer and others, Ron Johnson. I don’t want to pass up on this. There was testimony today in a courtroom in New York City about the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg, a senior adviser, former chief financial officer at former President Trump’s organization. He said he conspired with a subordinate to hide more than a decade’s worth of extras from his taxable income. Ready. And I quote. But neither Trump nor the family were involved. Oh, excuse me. But neither Trump nor the family were involved. Can you tell me why that’s not the leading story on every single cable news show? I haven’t even seen it once. Can you tell me why that’s not the lead story, the headline at the New York Post, front page. Let’s see if it is tomorrow. Can you see if this is going to be the headline on one of the editorials from the office nerds at The Wall Street Journal? Maybe it’ll be a headline at the National Review. Legal analyst Andy McCarthy, he’ll jump into this. No question about that. Let’s just see. Ladies and gentlemen, how much the media how much the media focus on this. Let me quote it again, quote. Allen Weisselberg, a senior adviser and former chief financial officer at the ex-president’s Trump organization, said he conspired with a subordinate to hide more than a decade’s worth of extras from his taxable income, but that neither Trump nor the family were involved. Wow. Meanwhile, the Associated Press starts with this sentence. Donald Trump’s longtime finance chief choked up on the witness stand Thursday, saying he betrayed the Trump family trust by scheming to dodge taxes on 1.7 million and company. Benefits. But there it is, the first said Donald Trump’s longtime finance chief, should the headline be. Donald Trump’s longtime finance chief completely exonerates him. Mr. Producing. Now we have that. And, you know, it’s funny, I do these things and people say, why do you Trumper. I’m telling you what’s going on. And then we have our friends at PJ Media. Kevin Downey Jr. Shocking and I have the article here. Washington Compost update about Mar a Lago. Ray doesn’t fit the narrative. Okay, so now we have what’s going on in New York City. This is why people are disgusted. They’re disgusted with the Chris Christie’s and the Larry Hogan’s. They’re discussing with the Republican media. This guy is under attack. He’s always under investigation. And for what? It’s all crap. And so people get defensive. There’s nothing funnier than watching lefties punch Pinellas Bee Clown themselves over the latest. We’ve got Trump now. High jinks. Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home, supposedly looking for, quote, unquote, nuclear secrets a few months back? Remember, they leaked it to the Washington compost? Let me maggot had women over there at the New York Slimes. Remember how you all got excited about it over there, too? Do you remember? And you were all with the constipated news network looking constipated. Constipated. All very, very excited. Remember that, maggot? Guess how that turned out? I’ll let the quislings at the Washington Post spell it out. Here’s what they said today. Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former President Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter. In other words, Trump was keeping souvenirs, as anyone else does. Funny how the Washington Post sat on that story until after the midterms, right? But wait, there’s more. That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information Trump’s possession. These people said FBI interviews were witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets instead. The former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said. Now what every single one of the people on TV saying, otherwise be fired tonight? No, I think they’ll be promoted. Washington Post also found no evidence Trump was looking to leverage sell the U.S. government secrets. They threw the idea in near the very end that they still might come up with something juicy. Hey, look, we’re never going to give our. The people familiar with the matter cautioned that the investigation is ongoing, that no final determinations have been made. It’s possible additional information could emerge that change investigators understanding of Trump’s motivations. But they said the evidence collected over a period of months indicates the primary explanation for potential criminal conduct was Trump’s ego or intransigence. Wow. So Trump kept a few tchotchkes from his for years. Serving as the greatest president in recent history writes the nerve. The nerve of this, please, for this article to your liberal harpy and lowly rates and her blue haired trans pansexual gelding lady boyfriend who clung like sad, tragic barnacles to the embarrassing lie that Trump was trying to sell nuclear missiles to the Kaiser or whatever as they needed to believe. Exactly right. Why isn’t that a headline everywhere? So there we have the document scandal and here we have the Trump tax scandal in which there’s no scandal whatsoever. And they wonder why the guy’s angry. I mean, how many of you could put up with this? It’s just Daniel. But those damn Republicans. Now, they’re going to investigate the Bidens. Oh, my God. Didn’t they get a lesson from the last election? They are supposed to freeze in place. It me with the Democrats at the 40 yard line, I tell you. That’s right. Show progress. Vote for more programs. Lift the debt ceiling. Spend more money. Create more debt. That’s right. Meet them at the 40 yard line. Meet the American Marxist at the 40 yard line. And don’t whatever you do. Investigate the Biden crime family or the Democrat. Oh. Oh. Maybe now we’ll actually find out what happened on January 6th. With Pelosi in the FBI and all the rest. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know what the big story is tonight? Ladies and gentlemen, Ticketmaster. Oh, Ticketmaster. Jacob Ticketmaster. What did they do? Well, they couldn’t keep up with the demand for tickets to a swift concert. Say what? Oh, yeah. And we have cloture and the other senators and congressmen, idiots and the rest. We need to break them up. Yeah, they are. This demonstrates capitalism doesn’t work. We need to break up Ticketmaster. We need more government, more centralized, impervious to imperial government. We got to break them up. I’m sitting here thinking, baby formula shortages, tampon shortages, natural gas shortages, electricity shortages, diesel fuel shortages, all caused by the federal government. Nobody talks about breaking up the federal government. No, that’s big oil. Big baby formula. Big tampon. Yeah, they’re the ones standing in the way. I had to break up everything and burn it down and start over with AOC. Maybe we can bring in Nancy Pelosi for some advice on how to rebuild everything, you know? We have an open border. We’ve got crime up the wazoo. We have inflation. But Ticketmaster. So after codifying Same-Sex Marriage, the next priority is to break up Ticketmaster. And whatever you do. Do not investigate the Biden crime family. Because nobody cares about that. Don’t you know? Just investigate. Trump We got so many resources on January six. So many resources on Trump. We can’t afford to use FBI agents looking at the Biden crime family and their connections to the communist government in China and the fascist government in Russia and the multi millions of dollars that they’ve taken. We don’t have the resources to do that. And besides, the American people don’t care. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know how the media report, how they concoct stories, how they fabricate them. They cherry picked the people they speak to, to push the narrative that they’re pushing. Republicans don’t want Trump and Georgia. So here’s mine. Let’s see here. Republicans don’t want McConnell to campaign in Georgia. He won’t anyway, because they’ll be booed out of every auditorium he’s in place that I hurt us badly. Plus no one can understand him. I think he and Fetterman are going to have a great conversational relationship. Republicans do not want McConnell to campaign in Georgia. Want to hear another one. Republicans don’t want. Provocative, nasty, failed. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to run for president. He could offend single women. I’ve got many more during the course of the next several months as we plow ahead, ladies and gentlemen. Representative James Comer, I don’t know this guy. We got to bring him on the show. At a press conference today. And now, of course, they’re trying to destroy this man. They got stuff on them, especially related to abortion. See if he can find anything. See if he ever tied his dog to the top of a car when he was in college. Look for anything. So the DNC is on seek and Destroy working with their good friends and the corrupt Democrat Party media. We got to get this guy Komar. He’s not. He’s not doing what the people want. Notice how the fascists and the Marxists always claim they’re working on behalf of the people. Which people? The ones at three. Your side of the majority, anyway. This is what I said. It was very disappointing. But they’re out and we’re in. And yet for the last eight days, nine days, it’s been that Democrats are celebrating. Pelosi just resigned now. They’re celebrating. I’m another question. I ask another question. I think I may. For my dear friend Brit HUME and Marc Thiessen and all the rest. And they are friends. I mean acquaintances anyway. So Trump is responsible for every single negative thing that happened on election day. All of his candidates, not you. You vote. All of his candidates, they lost. There is McConnell trying to save all the Trump candidates. McConnell, the angel flying in, trying to save us from Trump. You know how many seats we could have won. But for Trump, you know, we did take the House. Does Trump get any credit for that? No, no, no. You don’t understand how this works. All success goes to McConnell and the establishment Republicans. All failures go to Trump and MAGA. Oh, now I got it. Okay. Thank you. So if Herschel Walker wins in Georgia. It’s Makana. Thank you. If he loses it, Trump wins. McConnell loses. Tribe. They already started their war on the Santos. New York Times are one of them. I get so confused. They’re all the same. Put out something the other day that they say is Trump. But without a personality I’ve got, oh, not the Santa suit. He is worse than Trump. Oh, worse than Hitler. How is that possible? By the way, the Saints has got the biggest Jewish vote as a percentage and as a full, you know, absolute number in the history of Florida. As a Republican. But he’s got to be part of the Third Reich or now I guess would be the Fourth Reich. I’m on to these bastards. And I’m ready to wrestle them for as long as I’m behind this microphone. And unfortunately for them, every one of my business partners keeps asking me to extend. So we extended four years with Fox, we extended three years with Blaze. And in due course we will deal with the radio situation not up yet. James Comber Oh, and I have three more books coming up. So the only thing that can save them from me is a heart attack or hit by a bus or whatever. Now my wife is cringing right now. Don’t worry, honey. James Comber at a press conference today. Cat one Go. This is an investigation of Joe Biden, the president of the United States, and why he lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business schemes. National security interests require the committee conduct investigation, and we will pursue all avenues avenues that have long been ignored. Committee Republicans have uncovered evidence of federal crimes committed by and to the benefit of members of the president’s family. These include conspiracy or defrauding the United States, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, tax evasion, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The Biden family’s business dealings implicate a wide range of criminality from human trafficking to potential violations of the Constitution in the 118th Congress, this committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partners and whether he is a president who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence. I want to be clear. This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that’s where the committee will focus in this next Congress. The American people aren’t going to like this, Mr. Producer. The media aren’t going to like that. No, no, no, no. Somehow you got to get Trump involved in this. Let me just say that. Made the hairs stand on the back of my neck. Joe Biden has his blondish legs with the little kids around him. I don’t have any of that going on, but you know what I mean? Finally, there’s going to be some oversight of the Manchurian President. And this guy sounds like he’s up to the task. He’s going to need a political bulletproof vest, both on his chest and in his back. He’s going to need to wear a helmet. Because they’re now doing everything they can to dig up stuff to try and destroy him. Maggot Haberman at the New York Slimes. The conga line of misfits over at the Washington Compost. The useless IQ conga line of morons over it makes LSD in the Constipated News Network. Oh, yes. And then there will be the leaks from the Biden Stasi and the Department of Justice. Yes, we got to put this guy we’re going to shut this guy now. And I want to reiterate my buddy, Joel Pollak at Breitbart. His advice, keep that January six committee going. Absolutely. Republicans go in. They don’t want any Democrats on that committee. The rip, the Pelosi all the iconic, historic Pelosi. It brings tears to my eyes. She set the standard and the precedent. They just take over all the files, fire all the reprobates on the committees, and then turn the investigative mechanisms on Pelosi, on Hoyer, and yes, even on Mitch McConnell. Subpoena like hell. They had a thousand witnesses get going and get to the bottom of it. What did the Stasi know and when did it know it? What did Eva Pelosi know and when did she know it? What did Mr. Republican leader know and when did he know it? Yes. Let’s take a look. Would that make you happy, Media? No, it’s okay. We don’t exist for you anyway. Jim Jordan. Who is to be the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Got to go. And I think it’s also important to say never forget how this story has changed. I mean, think about this. When it started off, it was no, it’s not his laptop. It’s not his laptop. Then it was well, it’s his laptop. But remember, it’s Russian disinformation and no one did anything wrong. Then it was. Well, maybe. Maybe he did something wrong, but President Biden didn’t know about it. And now it’s well, maybe President Biden knew about it and was involved, but it didn’t influence his decisions. In fact, yesterday there was a story in Politico which said that the story in Politico yesterday investigating the investigators, Dem strategists to launch Counterpunch to House GOP story in Politico yesterday. Here’s what it said in there. Quote, No evidence has publicly emerged that Joe Biden’s decisions were affected by his son’s business dealings. Wow. We so we’ve went from it wasn’t his laptop and it was Russian disinformation to oh, whatever was in there didn’t affect the president’s business dealings, even though he was involved, even though the laptop was real, even though it wasn’t disinformation. We’ve that’s how far we’ve come. So I think I think there are all kinds of questions that. Needs to be answered. We’re determined to get there. No, please, please, please, please. Do you want to lose the next election? Please don’t dig into the Biden crime family and all the corruption and the millions that they took. No, no, no, no. The Democrats purposely did investigate this because they were working on inflation. Creating inflation. They were very, very busy working on gas prices, creating high gas prices. They were very, very busy working on diesel fuel, cutting supplies. You know, they’re very busy working on the border that is opening it for all kinds of foreigners to come across for God knows what. Busy fighting Senate? No. Increasing the amount of fentanyl coming into the country. They were so busy trying to bring peace and law and order to our streets. Actually, they weren’t. So please, please Republicans. No missteps here. You’re really playing with fire. Jim Jordan, cut. Three, go. We’re committed to getting to the truth, the facts. We think that’s what the American people are entitled to. We’re going to we’re going to we’re going to try to help represent Comber and the team here in Oversight with with our work on Judiciary, but with a specific focus on what the FBI was doing. Wait a minute. You’re very unpatriotic. You’re going to look at what the FBI’s doing. The FBI at from Zimbalist Jr’s FBI. You’re going to be looking at what the FBI is doing. My God, why would you do such a thing? Because they’re corrupt as hell. Through and through. Top to bottom. Bottom up, middle out. That’s why. And this guy, Christopher Wray, as a sanctimonious putz. Finally, we’re going to have some oversight. Go ahead. How often are they talking to the FBI? Are they talking to the FBI? Who’s doing the talking? Who’s doing the briefing? Were they brief? There’s so many questions that need answered so we can get to the bottom of this. Then the final thing I would say is this. A colleague of mine said this in a committee hearing a few weeks ago, Mr. Gates. He said, What is the FBI going to quit interfering with elections 2016? They spied on President Trump’s campaign. 2018, it was the Mueller investigation. 2020 they suppressed information about the Hunter Biden story. 2022 They raided the president’s home 91 days before the election. Maybe it’d be nice if the FBI, the Justice Department, just stayed out of it and let the people decide who we think should represent us, who we think should lead us. That’s supposed to be how America works. So this is the focus on the Judiciary Committee, the political nature at the Justice Department, and the linkage now to what was happening with the Hunter Biden story. Again, just 15 days before we have a president, I am humiliated. That this is the focus of the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee. They’re supposed to be focusing on environmental injustice. That’s right. Urban injustice. LGBTQ plus injustices. They’re supposed to be focused on the critical race theory and the white, racist, systemic, dominant society. The lack of transitioning monies for surgery in United States Marines. How dare they focus? On the FBI, for God’s sakes. That’s none of their business, asked Christopher Wray. Exorcist and. And. And practices and. Excuse me. Play. Please don’t interrupt me. A schlemiel. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Asa Hutchinson, ladies and gentlemen out of Arkansas. Asa Hutchinson thinks he should run for president. Asa Hutchinson on CNN today. Let me just say this. You’re on CNN trash and Trump. You’re going nowhere, pal. Asa Hutchinson, how many ways or any side to this must be a family name. Asa. Asa. I’ll decide on a 2024 run by January. We know the chaos that comes with Trump. We’re all on the edge of our chair. Azar, we can’t wait for Assad to announce if he’s going to run for president. President of what? He said. The whole country. You got to be kidding. He’s got so much to offer. Speak so quiet. What did you say? You know, the turmoil, the. Speak up, man. Well, you know. So there he is playing the buffoon on CNN. We got the Three Stooges. We got Ito Hutchison. But how do you say it? We’ve got Chris Christie, the Cape Majorca. Remember that picture I told you yesterday where he’s on the beach. He’s he’s like a beached sperm whale. Larry is on the beach and he accomplished so much a New Jersey. He changed the entire state. Oh, he didn’t. But he should be president. No, he’s not provocative. He’s not a blowhard. No, no, no, no. The single women out there love Chris Christie. That’s what I hear in the suburbs. Oh, yeah. And then there’s Larry Hogan. The chin meister. Yes, he did a fantastic job. And Marilyn, I think they’ve only lost 10% of their population. Now, I will take a five minute COVID rest and I will be right back.