November 15th, 2022

November 15th, 2022

US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (C), Republican of Kentucky, speaks alongside US Senator John Barrasso (L), Republican of Wyoming, and US Senator John Thune (R), Republican of South Dakota, during a press conference following the weekly Republican caucus luncheon at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, September 28, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, if Mitch McConnell and other weak Republicans continue to work against the interests of Americans then this program will lead a movement against the Republican Party. We The People have more power than McConnell, Governor Chris Christie, and President George W. Bush, it’s our country, not theirs. Then, Sen Josh Hawley is suggesting that more federal programs be used to help the working class, in other words, more government not less. The Republican establishment hates constitutional conservatives just as much as the Democrats and the media do. Later, Craig Shirley joins the show to discuss how establishment Republicans and Democrats said Ronald Reagan was too toxic and divisive to win back in 1980. History is clear that this was false and the people decided what was best for them. Afterward, we now know from FBI Director Wray’s testimony that the FBI had confidential informants embedded within the January 6th protesters. Wray neglected to answer if the sources were dressed in MAGA clothing disguised as Trump supporters.

Wall St Journal
Open Nafta Borders? Why Not? (Updated July 2, 2001)

DeSantis Responds to Trump

FBI Director Won’t Answer If FBI Were Dressed Up As Trump Supporters On J6

Dianne Feinstein Doesn’t Seem to Know She Isn’t Interested in Serving As President Pro Tempore of Senate

Red State
In Horrific Move, Iran’s Parliament Votes to Execute 15,000 Protestors to Teach ‘Hard Lesson’

Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Brief announcement. Fox News Channel and I are extending my show for another four years. It was up in February. We’re extending it another four years. We’ve had a great relationship. Suzanne Scott trusted that I could do a show and not get thrown off the air on Fox and where others did not. And I want to thank her and her team and all the all the folks in between who who’ve supported this. So we will be doing another four years. Assuming I’m here, I think I will be four years starting in February. And I know this upsets all our enemies out there, but that’s just too bad. So I want to congratulate them. They congratulated me. And so we move forward in what will be a very interesting and critically important four years. And most of all, I want to appreciate all you folks in the audience. Life, Liberty and Levin has been really, without fail, the number one Sunday night primetime show for years. And thanks to you, we have defeated MSNBC and CNN combined week after week after week after week. And it’s often the number one show in the entire weekend on cable news talk. And we have to duke it out with football and with the Duke it out with Yellowstone and all the rest of it. But you you show up and I do the very best I can on that program to make it worth your while. I don’t shoot from the hip. It’s something we think about a lot. We think about the guests. We keep it limited. We go deep. And now that this campaign is over, we’re going to continue with that format. It’s a unique, long form interview format. Again, I want to thank you. I want to thank Fox. I want to thank my family, my beautiful wife, Julie, all of our kids, my wonderful mother in law, everybody. All right. I want to talk to you folks for a second. I’ve been doing this for about 20 years, you and I. We’ve been through a lot together. We were through the Tea Party and various movements beyond their various candidacies. Beyond that, many of you have purchased many of my books. I’ve written nine books. Millions and millions. What are they about? What are they about? What do I do? What is the purpose of all this? Now I’m going to tell you something. I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve been watching the media. I’ve been watching the politicians. I’ve been watching these governors today spout off. I’ve been watching the the people who have spent most of their life inside the Washington, DC bubble working for one of these entities or another, working for think tanks. And I’ve been watching this McConnell for 20 years. And I’m going to tell you something. I want to tell something to Mitch McConnell. I want to tell something to Chris Christie and Larry Hogan and Asa Hutchison. I want to tell something to the Republican establishment that’s still here, still dug in, no matter who we send to Washington, no matter what revolution we have politically. I want to tell you something. You guys are trying to exploit this past election to empower yourselves yet again. You don’t care about Donald Trump. Your vicious, constant, obsessive attacks on Trump that Trump’s time has come. We get to decide that we the people. You don’t get to decide that. We get to decide if Larry Hogan is presidential material. You don’t get to decide that. I want to tell you something. If at the end of the day, the Mitch McConnell’s went out over the course of the next few years, if the Republican establishment wins out. If the Mitt Romney’s went out and the Chris Christie’s and the Hogan’s and the ASA Hutchison’s went out and the Peggy Noonan. Then count me out. And I’m going to encourage I’m going to lead a movement where millions and millions of us refuse to back the Republican Party. They keep threatening us. They keep talking about the people who lost. What kind of reprobates they were. When they wouldn’t even support them. Every person I just mentioned to you didn’t lift a finger to help these candidates. Not a finger. McConnell played games he cherry picked. But McConnell has blocked Moore in the Senate and promoted more deficit spending and so-called bipartisan legislation. This country is dying from this. We, the people are dying from this. We’re getting smothered. And I don’t need lectures from Paul GIGOT and his team over at The Wall Street Journal. Once in a while, they ought to go out and meet the people every now and then. And I don’t need lectures from the National Review, which used to be a great magazine, still has a few great writers, but not enough. Who come to the defense of the very people who have created this situation. 50 years as an activist. 20 years on the radio. Many of you understand exactly what I’m talking about. It doesn’t mean that we support every nutjob who’s out there. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have prudence and think about various candidates and so forth. What I’m talking about is if you and you’re smart out there, step back. Look at what’s going on. Chris Christie gets a standing ovation at the Republican Governors Association meeting for the last five, six, seven days in a row. Trump, trump, trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. Even from our friends. They see it as their opportunity. People who didn’t help us at all. People who do not, when they say unite, do not invite conservatives in. We are not going to beat the Marxists. We are not going to promote the Constitution. We are not going to promote liberty. If we agree to this, we have more power than all of them combined. You and me. And the 14 and a half million listeners to this program over the course of a week. We have more power. This is our country. It’s not Mitch McConnell’s. That’s not Chris Christie’s. It’s not some newspaper editorial pages. It’s us. And they put the same propaganda PSAs on radio and TV over and over again. And the newspaper. Saying the same thing. If only the Tea Party had done this. If only MAGA had done that. If only conservatives had done this. Excuse me. The only reason the Republican Party has any relevance and any power is because of you. Mitch McConnell is walking around. He’s crawling up there on Capitol Hill. I have the votes. The bastard has the votes. They all line up behind them. Not a damn one of them, except really about a handful of them. But the ones that lined up behind them, they’re not worth a damn. Nothing. Barrasso soon. Well, Thune got 70%. Gives a damn. What do I care? Gets 100% of the vote at us. So it’s not the kind of why do I mind? Has nothing to do with me except when he serves as a henchman for McConnell. I know McConnell better than McConnell knows McConnell. Oh, the judges. Excuse me. He gets credit for judges. Bob Dole would have done it. Trent Lott would have done it. Any solid conservative in there would have made sure. Oh, give me Mitch McConnell and the judges. The guy’s been there 15 damn years. Can you point to something else? They ask us, vote for Romney. We line up behind Romney. Look, Mitt Romney’s become a fraud. Get behind McCain. You get behind McCain. Can’t run a damn presidential campaign. And now all the losses, the same incompetent Republicans. Who delivered defeat after defeat after defeat. The same incompetent Republicans, the same Mitch McConnell who opposed Ronald Reagan in 76, who opposed Ronald Reagan in 1980. That’s how foresighted this clown is. Runs the Republicans in the Senate. He’s their leader. This guy is so unpopular among Republicans, he can’t even speak at a Republican event. He can’t even campaign for candidates. He can’t even go on conservative shows. I’m not talking about frauds. I’m talking about really conservative shows. Can’t do it and won’t do it because he’s despised. Except by all the mouthpieces inside the Beltway and in New York. That’s where his support comes from. The fact that he can’t communicate to the American people. He can’t talk. He’s not uniting anybody. He’s not uniting anybody. Now, what about Trump? He’s making an announcement tonight. I don’t know what it is. I don’t even want to know in advance what it is. He’ll do what he wants. Well, let me tell you a little secret. Donald Trump and I become quite friendly. We don’t talk that much. Ron DeSantis and I are very close, very good friends. Let them duke it out. I do not support the vicious personal attacks on DeSantis, whether it’s The New York Times or Donald Trump. And I’ve said it. But the people who are trashing Trump are the people who’ve never liked Trump. Chris Christie. What the hell did this jerk do in New Jersey? The Democrats still control New Jersey. What did this idiot Larry Hogan do? He opposed his own Republican candidate. He doesn’t believe in a big tent. All these guys are grifters. All they do is promote themselves. They want a TV show. Are they? They want to. They want some kind of legacy. I don’t know what it is. They know there’s a snowball’s chance in hell. And there’s George W Bush. Sick, happy. Where the hell is he? Waco, Texas. Painting. And having a grand old time with the Obamas. Did you know they’re good friends? Oh, yes. Particularly he and Michelle. Well, the country’s burning doesn’t lift a damn finger to help. Not a finger. The fact is. The most selfish Republican bastards have. Always. But the same selfish Republican bastards, the ones that don’t work hard, the ones that expect to have power, the ones who work closely with the corrupt media to trash their conservative opponents. I’ve seen it too often. I see how they went after Reagan. It took them three damn times to get the nomination. Why? Because the Republican establishment didn’t want them. Look what the hell Trump’s had to put up with. Don’t get me wrong, I get annoyed too. Yes, I do. But that man doesn’t deserve what he gets. And he swings back. Maybe he swings back in ways I wouldn’t. But that’s what he does. So he needs to go to prison for that. Right. And they’re already trashing DeSantis. They’re already trashing him. And I’ll trash the others too. What I am saying here and I want to be abundantly clear. We keep getting threats by the McConnell types and the establishment types. Now it’s our turn. You guys take this party over. You kill this conservative movement, and I’m walking away, hopefully with 14 and a half million listeners. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, ladies and gentlemen, I hear these Republicans saying the 1 to 1 here in Washington, we should have focused on the future, not the past. Who stopped them? Who stopped them from focusing on the future? What is it that they offered us for their future? They didn’t do anything, at least in the house where you have a change of hands. A Senate. We lost a seat. We got nothing. They ran on nothing. Absolutely nothing. We can’t run on the past. Okay? Run on the future. Run on something, for God’s sakes. And you know what? They won’t run on conservatism. They won’t run on limited government. They won’t run on capitalism. They won’t run on faith and morality. I’ve got more on this. Stick with me. They won’t run on our principles. Instead, they all want to turn into Gerald Ford and George Bush now. That’s the answer. No, that’s a disaster. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Let me tell you something, folks. Because of the lack of strong leadership by this guy, McConnell, and not just him, let me talk about the governors. They say look at the governors. That’s where our strength is. Like all the governors are like, no, they’re not all like some of them suck and some of them are Republicans. We have voting issues in these states. Tommy, who was the governor of Arizona, his name was Doocy. How come he didn’t fix it? You think the Democrats would sit there? Do you think they’d lie? They’re like a flounder on the beach and just let them roll over them. Now, why didn’t he fix it in Arizona? And I can go through state after. Look at New Jersey. What the hell did Christie leave a Democrat Party more powerful than ever before? Look at this guy, Hogue. These people are not leaders. They’re not statesmen. They managed to win election here in their. And of course, there’s lousy Republican candidates. There always are, but they’re not exclusively because of MAGA or exclusively because of conservatives or even exclusively because the rhinos. It’s just that everything we’re hearing is so much bullcrap right now. Mitch McConnell, what do you think? I think we’ll speak up. I’ll try to speak in English. Try and use real words in complete sentences. I’ve never seen anything like it before. And he has a an iron grip on the leadership and the in the Republicans in the Senate because they’re on a joke. Certainly more and more of them. Let’s go back. Chris Christie. Chris Christie couldn’t fight his way out of New Hampshire. He’s not leader Larry Hogan. Please. Are you a joke? Asa Hutchinson. Are we serious? Guys. Then can you speak up, Governor? We can’t even hear you. We got harvesting going on in these things. Forget about fraud. We have harvesting. We have curing, giving, year harvesting and curing. Now, if you’re a Republican governor, you get rid of that crap. The Wall Street Journal editorial page viciously used to attack the Tea Party. As a matter of fact. That editorial page, which is being cited all day for reasons I don’t understand. It’s basically five office nerds hanging around to write an editorial. Big deal. This is from July 2nd, 2001. I’ve read it before. It’s about immigration. We annually celebrate the 4th of July with a pale paean to immigration, the force that tamed this vast continent and built this great republic. This is not simply history. Immigration continues to refresh and nourish America. We will be better off with more of it indeed, during the immigration debate of 1984. Ready for this? We suggested an ultimate goal to guide passing policies, a constitutional amendment. Five words, quote, There shall be open borders, unquote. Did you know that? I guess Joe Biden was listening way back in 2001. And when it comes to the debate over the debt ceiling, where this country’s debt is spiraling completely out of control, $31 trillion wasn’t that long ago, folks, when it was $16 trillion. You’ll see The Wall Street Journal editorial page line up behind McConnell and the big spenders that lie about the credit of the nation at stake and so forth and so on. McConnell has done this every year. He’s done nothing to confront this. Nothing. Zero. Mark my words, you will see. You will see. How does a party that has a leader like this run on anything anyway? What are they going to run on? Well, he doesn’t want them to run on anything. And now this all upset some of you. Josh Hawley. Josh Hawley says Here’s what we need to do. And he lays out a plan that could come from George McGovern. Am I right, Mr. Minister? All about federal programs, federal money, federal subsidies, but always for the working class, of course, because the government sufficient can target it. Government bureaucrats who he doesn’t trust should control all of our economic trade overseas. What the hell is this? This is the new populism, Mark. Populism? You’re giving all this power to bureaucrats. What’s so populism about it? Populism. You want to know what economic populism is called? Capitalism. That’s populism. We the people. Not some strange. Weird. Yes, that’s right. We have to help the working class and the working people. You’re damn right we do. Get the hell off their back. Get out of their way. The private sector employs steelworkers. The private sector employs co-workers. The private sector employs electricians and plumbers and roofers and construction workers. The private sector employs is the middle class. I don’t care if you’re a Republican or a conservative, what kind of label you put on your lapel. What makes you think you can run this economy better than Mr. and Mrs. America? We just don’t need a new team managing our economy. We don’t need any team managing our economy. Let’s look at the candidates that Mitch McConnell wanted to run. And dead run in some cases the state Senate president in New Hampshire. A fairly liberal Republican. Wow. Yeah. In Alaska, Lisa murkowski. Utterly unrepentant. Liar. Unreliable. Sorry. Still of this. Covered a liberal Republican. He opposed Marco Rubio when I endorsed Marco Rubio during the Tea Party. He opposed Ted Cruz when I endorsed Ted Cruz during the Tea Party. We could go on and on. Who else? What other fantastic candidates did Mitch McConnell want to bring to the United States Senate? They helped save the country and he could ensure that they would be elected, don’t you know? That’s right. I checked it out with the American Enterprise Institute. They feel mighty sure that they would have been elected or better yet, if Donald Trump would just drop dead. Then we know all these Republicans could get elected. Unbelievable. Tell me, how have these Republicans done? How did they do without Reagan, who they opposed? How did they do without Trump, who they opposed? How do they do without the Tea Party? They wouldn’t have been in a majority. And they still hate us. You understand? The Republican establishment hates us, just like the media and the Democrats. I’m a constitutional conservative. That’s what I am. Federalism. Here we have this guy, the senator in North Carolina. This will be purposely spun by the media. And I don’t care what said senator’s name, I can’t remember his name. It doesn’t matter. No. And so the Democrats are going to propose another gimmick to codify same sex marriage. You don’t have to, quote unquote, codify same sex marriage. The Supreme Court already ruled. That the law of the land is that same sex marriage must be permitted throughout the land. Thom Tillis. Tommy, tell us, what has Thom Tillis done in the Senate? Nothing. But you voted for him? I would have voted for him. Right. We need your vote. Okay. What has he done? Nothing. They said we need a forward message. Well, what’s the message? So the Democrats are very good at scheming and they say, okay, we want to codify same sex marriage. And he announces, we Republicans need to all get behind that. Just get behind it. So just think about this for a second. Put this subject aside, but think about what he’s doing. The Supreme Court already ruled. There’s literally no threat to this. We do have issues of federalism. So on the on the edges, you know, the states have to make certain kinds of decisions, whether a baker has to bake for, you know, that sort of thing. And he he blows off. Federalism. He blows up the Supreme Court. He’s ready to vote. Baby, let’s go. Let’s vote. That’s the problem. These are not serious people. They don’t believe in the Constitution. They say they do. But they don’t. That’s the truth. I would ask you this. What is it about a Chris Christie or Larry Hogan that would appeal to. Nothing. Nobody cares about them, nobody wants them. But the media propped them up. And in Chris Christie’s case, you need a crane to prop that guy up. But you understand my point. Why in the world when the debt is as bad as it is. The 19 Republicans led by Mitch McConnell vote to add $1.9 trillion to the debt on so-called infrastructure. That was almost all climate change. Why did they do that? Why did the so-called Republican leader do that? He didn’t do anything. Where is the Mitch McConnell bill for securing the border? There isn’t one. Why not? Where is it? Oh, there isn’t one. Oh, okay. But don’t worry. It’s the future they want to look into. They’re going to lead in the future. I got a lot more to say, but I just want to be very, very clear. We don’t follow what the media say. We don’t follow what the establishment say. We don’t follow any of that. We have to think for ourselves. It’s very it’s not complicated. There’s a lot of static out there. We discern who the conservatives are, and they’re the ones who typically might talk about something like, you know, freedom, individual liberty, private property rights. Something like that. We don’t need the great compromisers like McConnell because we always lose. Because Schumer smarter than McConnell. Schumer’s more aggressive than McConnell. Schumer is more. Strategic the McConnell McConnell’s there burping into his chest about how do you have a Republican leader who can’t be a Republican leader? I’ve never seen anything like this in my life for 15 years of this guy where I got the vote trap rapper wrapped up here. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Let me ask you something. With all the things the Democrats are doing to the American people, critical race theory, this whole transitioning thing, I can go on and on and on and on and on and on. The idea that the Republicans in the Senate had no agenda is a disgusting disgrace. It it offends you, I think, and me, because it doesn’t tell us what they’re going to do. We have another party calling all of us fascists, insurrectionists, anti-democracy. Who’s defending us? Who’s speaking out? Who’s having press conferences? And let me ask you a question. McConnell, George Bush, Hogan, Christie, whomever you want, you know the crowd. How many of them have called out? What’s going on in this country for what it is, has the National Review as The Wall Street Journal has The Washington Examiner, have they called out these Marxists for what they’re doing to the country? There’s plenty of scholarship out there. Do they read? Do they know? I mean, they’ll pop off an editorial here and there and that’s it. Off they go. Back to the same. We’re in trench warfare here. Trench warfare. Were there some bad candidates? Yeah, there were some dumb asses. Iran, don’t get me wrong, but that always happens. I mean, I can remember Romney running for president and perfect example that got more. To get a handle. I think it’s important we make it abundantly clear that we are independent, that we are constitutional concern. Can you believe the House conservatives today? Even my buddies, they rallied around a guy by the name of Biggs. Who opposed convention of states who blocked it in Arizona. That’s the guy they rallied behind. He gets 31 votes. They have nobody else to rally around. That’s their guy. Convention of States is really, in my humble opinion, the only thing that can fundamentally save the damn country. But the one guy in the Freedom Caucus who opposes convention of states, that’s the guy they rally around. That’s the guy they hope will give them the leverage that they need. Are you kidding me? Geez. Knuckleheads. We’re surrounded by knuckleheads. There was never going to be a red way. We’re lucky we didn’t get our asses kicked. Even worse. The other side is on the attack. On the attack. On the attack. They have a lot of very stupid voters who accept, you know, tomorrow that we’re not going to have a democracy. Listen to that crap coming out of Obama’s mouth. But there’s more. Next story I want to get into. What do we do about it? Let me circle back to the beginning. I’m a constitutional conservative. I believe in individual liberty. Populism. What do you think? Joe Biden thinks he’s practicing populism. Josh Hawley says the answer to this is populism. Using government for the benefit of the middle class. Really? And who’s going to do that? Which department? Which bureaucracy? Which public union? You have any faith in the American people, Josh? He’s not alone. Don’t get me wrong. Then we have this guy because he’s the great savior now who opposes convention of states. Then we have McConnell, who is a complete laughing stock to be, quite frankly. And I can go down the whole damn list. Here’s the point. You and me, we insist on constitutional conservatism and embracing capitalism. Securing this border and law and order. That’s it.