November 9th, 2022

November 9th, 2022

NORTH LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - NOVEMBER 09: A Clark County Election Department worker sorts ballots in the tabulation area at the Clark County Election Department during the ongoing election process on November 9, 2022 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. One day after the midterm elections, Nevada election officials continue counting votes in state races. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, making predictions about a “red wave” in the midterm elections erases any sense of urgency and promotes voter apathy. If conservatives vote en masse we will win en masse and if we don’t then the Democrats will win en masse and we will lose. Election predictions do more harm than good. Then, Republicans attacking Ron DeSantis are not helping. Ron DeSantis has fundamentally changed Florida and facilitated a win we haven’t seen since reconstruction. Republicans must become the anti-corruption party and investigate the Manchurian candidate, his son’s laptop, Merrick Garland, and the unsecured border. Later, Democrats are losing their Hispanic base because the Democrats treat these voters as a monolith which they are not. By and large, most Latino voters are hard-working people of faith who align with the conservative movement. Afterward, today is the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht ‘the night of the broken glass’ and while the media won’t discuss Hitler’s actions against the Jews, this program will. 

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Mission to Save America


Josh Hawley Says He Will Not Support Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority Leader

Photo by Mario Tama

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I’ve been chomping at the proverbial bit. To get on this program and talk to you folks. And I want to go through this. It’ll take the full show to really vet through all this information. But and my thought process, I was asked. Up until Election Day, what do you think, Mark? What do you think? How are we going to do? And not a single case. With people bumping into me on the street. Family and friends. Other relatives are on this station. Behind this microphone. Did I make a prediction? I never do. Why? I want you to listen to this from November 1st and then we’re going to circle back. It lays the foundation for what I’m going to tell you I think took place. It’s not going to be as simple or as simplistic as some suggest. As they do their analysis and beat their chests over and over and over again. But I want you to listen to this from last Tuesday on Life on excuse me. Lavin TV cut one. Mr. Producer, go now. You’re hearing a lot on Fox and elsewhere. People come on and predict. How many seats are going to win in the Senate? How many seats are going to win in the House? Do you find this helpful? I don’t know why people need to predict these things. You want to predict these things, write them down and wait till after the election. Why do I say that? We need people to vote. We need people to have a sense of urgency. We need people to do more than they normally do on Election Day and before Election Day to get their family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors to vote, to go through their email lists, to go through their phone lists, maybe text people to contact people you might not normally contact, but who, you know, might need help to vote and will vote the right way. We can’t rely on the Republican National Committee. We can’t rely on precinct workers or the precinct worker. I have nothing against precinct workers. In fact, they’re very important. But we have to take matters into our own hands. We did it in 2010 with the Tea Party movement. It was done last year with the parental movement in the schools and so forth. This is how the base needs to act. And even beyond the base, independents and Democrats who love this country, who can see that it’s heading south, the borders are wide open. We’re gutting the police force for gutting our military with social engineering. Everywhere you look, we’re gutting women’s sports. The radical left ideologues through this administration have control of the instrumentalities of government. You look at the House and the Senate, their agenda is to fundamentally alter the way we govern ourselves by eliminating the filibuster rule so they can ram through whatever they want, you know, be almost irreversible, even with just 50 senators, if they can get away with it in the House, of course, all they want to do is investigate Donald Trump and try and give a black eye to the Republican Party. It’s going to be up to you. I have a headline here from today’s Washington Examiner. Democrats lead in early and mail in voting is more than 22 million ballots already cast a historic record in early voting. The Democrats are leading in early voting, 45% to 33.3%. Now, you might say, as the pollsters say, and I don’t really normally care if the pollsters say, well, that’s typical. Well, if it’s typical, we’re not going to crush them. And so whether I’m the lone voice on this and others will join me who have radio or TV shows, it is crucially important that we stop predicting and stop talking about red waves and red tsunamis. Pray to God it happens. If it happens, we celebrate. We are thrilled. But it has to happen to happen. In other words, we have to vote. We have to organize. We have to do our thing. You know, I see things a little differently. I’m an activist. I’ve always been an activist since I was 13. I would work to the polls, not so much for the Republican Party, for the conservative candidates. And that’s how I got my toe in the water when it came to politics. When I was in law school, I ran for the local school board. I was 19. I had started the Committee for Tax Limitation because the Democrats had massively increased property taxes, and I was involved in the Republican primary decisions. And then finally the head of the Republican Party came to me and asked me if we could help the Republican Party. I said, as long as we can push the right agenda. And I was 19 years old. I was politicking in areas that were considered solidly Republican. And these were mostly gentile areas and was hilarious German areas and Italian areas. They couldn’t wait for Levine to show up. And then in the Jewish areas, more Democrat areas, they couldn’t wait for Levine to get out. But we overwhelmed them. And so this is the way you do it. It’s by door, it’s canvassing, it’s calling. And if 100,000 of us do that, then I say we will crush them because 100,000 times 20. That’s a big number. And even more so. Democrats need an early mail in voting to keep a few things in mind. The Democrat. Candidates in these marginal districts are who won in Republican districts are posing as moderates. Every single Democrat voted for the last massive bill that has caused incredible inflation. Every one of them, every single Democrat, voted for 87,000 new IRS agents who are going to be auditing you. Well, Mark, I don’t pay income taxes with all that. That, too. Why don’t you? I’m telling you, they’re going to be knocking on your door. They’re going to be sending you these scary letters. That’s how it works. 87,000. They need something to do because they already have 90,000. $80 billion towards that. That’s what they spent. That’s what they got through at the very end, because they want these police state powers to control more information coming out of the White House. And the Democrats work with the oligarchs and Silicon Valley to silence you on social media. We can’t have that kind of tyrannical mentality. And yet that’s what they did, as you know. And are we going to get to the borders wide open? But most of us have not been to the border. Most of you have not been to the border. Do you know what’s going on in that border? INS, criminal mayhem. I mean. Attractive young ladies are being raped and molested and sold into sexual slavery. The drug cartels are running the border. You can go miles and miles in that border. You won’t find any border control patrol because what the Biden administration has done is they’ve taken the Border Patrol off the front line. They’re doing administrative work. And you have to hope that there’s enough state police and so forth in Texas and Arizona to be manning the border. You can’t have a country survive like this. No other country does this. So these are diabolical, intentional acts by the Democrat Party and their president. And so the only way you can push back is now we are very fortunate we’ll have an election in a week to try and set things straight. That doesn’t mean everything’s going to be fixed whether we have one house or two. The president has enormous executive powers, obviously, and he’s he can veto whatever he wants. But we’ve got to make the case we better begin the process. We’ve got to start fighting inch by inch by inch for our liberty back, for our country back. And so to watch people just talk about what they predict will happen, I don’t even ask guests, what do you think’s going to happen? Why does it matter? They’re not Nostradamus. They can look at the polls. They’re not 100% sure. I can tell you what will happen in this sense. We vote in mass. We win in mass. We don’t vote enough. They win in mass. That’s not a good thing. In fact, it’s a disastrous thing. Well, that was last week. Those of you who listen, you know, that’s been my view. And I’ve been very critical of those brothers and sisters who are on TV. Talking about tsunamis and waves and Armageddon and all the rest. Now, today, many of these people are acting like they never said it. The media said it to the general corrupt media and the pollsters were saying it over and over and over again. They were wrong. I don’t believe in these people. I don’t believe they matter. I don’t believe we should be predicting the result of elections in advance. A Ronald Reagan would never have won two massive landslides 1980 and 84 because he was never predicted to do that. I believe we take reality in our hands and we wrestle it to the ground. This was a lot of hype. A lot of hype from the pollsters, from the media. From Republican leaders. A lot of hype. I want to break this down because I think one of two things have happened. And they are complete opposites. And I don’t think we’re going to know until 2024. But first, the good news. We will take the house, as I said last night, there’s no question about that. There are some more seats that are going to come in on the West Slope. They haven’t been counted yet because they’re not done in California. And in Arizona. We will at least tie in the Senate. I believe strongly that Adam Laxalt will win in Nevada and we’ll have a runoff in Georgia. So if Herschel Walker wins there, we have our 51. If Herschel Walker does not win, it’s back to 5050. Now, let me tell you what’s interesting about this. So let’s do some analysis and then I’ll give you my opinion. What’s interesting about this is in this election cycle, there were 34 Senate seats up. There’s 34, 33 and 33 to get to 100. Every two years, this was a year which 34 Senate seats were up. 13 were Democrat, 20 were Republican. So the Republicans. Had a big rodeo here. It is very difficult to defend. 20 seats and they only have to defend 14, let alone take three, four or five of those Democrat seats when they have all the resources to defend those seats. We lost Pennsylvania, which was a Republican seat. For a lot of reasons I can go into later. And I believe we’re going to win Nevada, which has a Democrat incumbent who will have been defeated. So it’s a wash. It’s a wash in the Senate. A year ago, if I told you that we’d have a wash in the Senate, that would be a good thing. Given those numbers that out of 34 seats the Republicans had to defend 20. And if they wanted to win, they had to win some of the 14. But with all the talk of a red wave, red way, red wave, red wave and predictions, there were literally predictions on on TV of 56 Senate seats. We were going to get people getting way ahead of themselves. It just seems like. Like a lot. And maybe we could have done better. Maybe we could have done better. More on that in a second. I’m just giving you the numbers in the next election cycle in 2024 when there’s a presidential election. Listen to this. It flips and even worse for the Democrats, rather than defending 14 seats, they have to defend 23 out of 33 and the Republicans only have to defend ten. The Democrats this cycle needed to win Republican Senate seats to even have a chance in 2024 to hold on to a 5050 Senate. So they are not poised well for 2024 at all. This isn’t Pollyanna stuff. This is the way I. I study it. Because, however, the chips fall, they fall. I don’t. Represent anybody. I am. Paid like these consultants on TV. To say what their candidates want them to say. I haven’t talked to anybody. Now let’s look at the house. It’s a big disappointment, right? We were supposed to win 20, 30, maybe even 47 seats. I heard our buddy knew talk about that. I heard a lot of people talk about that. A complete blowout. But we’re not going to win that many seats. But we are going to win more than we have right now. The Republicans will have the majority in the House. Those are what the numbers show. That’s the math. I looked at a number of these races. Do you know? Republicans lost over 20 seats by while less than 5%. Well less than 5%. Over 20 seats by less than 5% against incumbent Democrats. Now. What does that mean? All right. I’m going to explain more of this when we come back. Please book note what I’ve been telling you because I want to build on these points. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

So we have about a minute in this segment. So developing this for you so you can understand at least where I’m coming from. So I can’t do it in 3 seconds. I mean, if I were a talking head on TV, I could do it in 2 seconds. But the point is to lay out for you what’s going on and then to give you what I think are the two possibilities. So the Senate numbers were heavily against the Republicans. And you’re going to have, in my view, either an even Senate or the Republicans will pick up one. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I’m not predicting. That’s what it looks like. And in the House, the Republicans lost a ton of seats against incumbent Democrats by less than 5% of the vote. And they still will have the majority in the House. We were told there would be a big red wave told by whom? Pollsters, TV hosts. Raving lunatics just yelling and screaming. Something we wanted to hear. But you don’t know until there’s an election. So people are very, very disappointed. I’m not done. Stick with me. We have a break and I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

On top of this you look at Florida. Florida was a slaughter, absolute slaughter by every measurement. Republicans against Democrats. Here you have a governor, DeSantis, who won by the skin of his teeth four years ago. Then he has the biggest landslide victory. He wins by 20 points. A request. Rubio wins by 15 or 16. Helped in part, I’m sure, by DeSantis massive victory. We pick up four Republican seats in the state of Florida. He wins. Miami-Dade, a long time Democrat County heavy Hispanic by 11%. He wins Palm Beach. For God sakes, Phil with. Many people, including liberal socialites. Now you know why Biden and Joe Scarborough and the others, all cheap suits. Why they attacked somebody like DeSantis. They fear him. Massive victory. You look at New York. Lee Zeldin. It was a very close race. Zealand got 47.2% of the vote against Hagel’s, 52.8%. And the Democrats way outnumber the Republicans. And Zeldin. Who was a fantastic candidate. Poll by number of Republicans to victory. In New York. Incumbent Democrats lost, including the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. So the Democrat governor gets less than 53% of the vote. Zone has a star. It’s got a great future. Stacey Abrams. Has lost again. Beto O’Rourke has lost now three times. Val Demings, who they were counting on, who Biden seriously thought about being as a running mate, crushed by Rubio. Just a huge inroad into Hispanic voters in Florida and then around the rest of the country. Around the rest of the country. So what’s gone on here? What happened to this red wave? Is it a good day? Is it a bad day? What kind of day is this? Well, I was watching the results with my wife, Julie. We were kind of down. We’d bought all this stuff about the red wave. And we didn’t have a red wave. When a close race where the Republicans took the House and likely tie or win by one seat in the Senate, the pundits telling us, I think it was Ari Fleischer, almost 56 seats in the Senate. And in the house we had people to have 47 seats in their house. Well, we didn’t come close to that. Did we? So people were drawing the wrong conclusion, weren’t they? But here’s the key to me. I look at these House races we lost against incumbent Democrats. Well over 20 by less than 5%. They were incumbents. They won by less than 5%. Some of them in fairly blue areas. You think the Democrats are nervous about that next round? I think Chuck Schumer’s worried about the Senate next time. I’ll tell you what I think happened. One of the options, one’s very sunny. One’s very dark. I think the so-called experts, which are really experts and analysts. I think they were off one election cycle. I think we damn well could have a red wave, but not in 2022. And 2024. Another two years of Biden. I think it’s absolutely possible. But they were just. Too early. Why do I say that for? Not only for the reasons I said, because Florida could be the point of the spear. Florida could be the point of the spear. The blowout in Florida, the blowout in parts of New York. Think about it. Or. Is Florida an anomaly? Because of demographic changes. Florida, an anomaly. Not the point of a spear of anything. In which case the alternative scenario in my mind is we have such deep culture rot, it’s virtually impossible to climb out of this hole that people are voting against their best interests. People are voting against their families. People are voting against their morality. People are voting against their faith because the Democrat Party is has challenged and attacked all of it. And they make no bones about it. That we’re outnumbered. In too many areas. That 120 years of so-called progressivism, a.k.a. American Marxism, has succeeded. And this is the poison that results from it. That people are willing to vote. Vote. To sabotage their own lives. Because they hope they believe in the ideology that’s being spewed to them. That the culture right is so deep that we’re not just looking into the abyss. We’re in the pit and we can’t climb out. I’m leaning heavily against that scenario. Time will tell. Well, I think we’re in the abyss, and I think we’re dealing with American Marxism. But I don’t think this last election seals the deal. I really don’t. Just think about it. The pollsters said X they were wrong. The hosts and pundits on TV regurgitated. The endless pre-election coverage. They don’t really have much to cover, so they just keep asking pollsters what they think. They keep asking candidates what they think. They keep asking other politicians what they think. And one reinforces the other. Right. And so it becomes a. A fact, even though it’s not. It was never a fact that there would be a red wave. We hope there would. Right. We thought there might be. Given the conditions in the country. We saw the polls. And yet many of you are sober enough. I think I am. Not to be sucked into all this. This is Washington stuff and New York stuff. So I think the media, including the conservative media, did you a grave disservice by the constant drumbeat about a red wave and a red tsunami. I think the Republican Party in many ways did exactly the same thing. The RNC. And others. So now we have people who are suggesting fixes. Fixes when they were wrong in the first place. But they have the fixes. And what are the fixes? Marc Thiessen, who I have great respect for, who’s an old Bush guy. And by the way, there were a lot of Bush guys on TV last night telling us what to do. One of the questions I would have asked and where’s your former boss? Why isn’t he out there campaigning? And there he is, Chris Christie. The Cape May orca. Suddenly he shows his face trashing the Republicans. Where was he during the campaign? How come he wasn’t out there? Because these guys are opportunists. They don’t have any support anywhere for anything. So now we have the anti MAGA people out there saying it’s Trump’s fault. Most of them are the Bushies who were on TV last night. Then we have. Some of the MAGA people. We’re trashing each other, shockingly. And then we have the establishment Republican led by Mitch McConnell and his ilk. They’re attacking everybody, just as they did in a massive red wave in 2010 when the Tea Party rose up. We want a couple of Senate seats, but Mitch McConnell blamed the Tea Party movement for not winning all of them. And so they had their list ready. Bolduc in New Hampshire. Bolduc in New Hampshire was a long shot, folks, particularly after Mitch McConnell cut off $5.9 million to him and gave it to Murkowski in New Hampshire. And he was running against an incumbent. It wasn’t an open seat. Our Blake Masters. Oh, I didn’t even support in the primary, but I strongly supported in the general and still do. McConnell didn’t give him a penny. The situation in Pennsylvania is truly unique. You had a guy there who should never even be running for the Senate. Runs for the Senate. But he won’t debate until late October. And Pennsylvania is the longest early voting, 50 damn days, almost two months. But they wait towards the end so people can’t even see the guy. That’s not good. Dickson in Michigan, fantastic candidate, MAGA candidate. She came close. She got no support. From the establishment. We don’t know what’s going to happen with Lake and Masters. Ultimately, we’ll see what happens. But they don’t talk about their own losses. Look at the sky all day. And Colorado. They call that a lecture within 3 minutes. No kind of Republican. A guy who. Walks on both sides of the street. Well, that didn’t work. McConnell took an Alaska. Shibata is leading Lisa Murkowski. But because of the system they set up in Alaska, she could well lose because whoever doesn’t get if they don’t get to 50%, they count the number two ballot. And that is what McConnell and Murkowski are betting on. McConnell and Karl Rove spent millions to try and destroy Bolduc in the Republican primary in New Hampshire. They beat him up very, very badly. He went into the general election limping. He went into the general election limping. They did exactly the same thing with Tshibaka. And they’ve done this to other candidates across the country. The Republican establishment complains about first Tea Party candidates. Some years ago now, MAGA candidates, they’re too extreme, but they make it incredibly difficult for these candidates, the vast majority of whom are citizen candidates, to survive the primaries or to win the general. And then they point to them and say, look at the bad candidate. Well, if the establishment Republicans are so great, why don’t they ever win anything? Romney wouldn’t even endorse Mike Lee, who won by a big number. And I told him he would. There’s no complaints about Romney tonight. Romney wouldn’t even endorse his colleague from Utah. No complaints there. I’m going to say something that may disturb some of you, but some of you, I think, will understand there’s a huge difference between a McConnell and a McCarthy. McConnell is evil. McConnell. Would walk over his grandmother for power. That is all he cares about. McCarthy. Say what you will. He backed all the candidates. He wasn’t taking money from one to give it to another unless it was obvious they weren’t going to win. And he recruited many good candidates. He’s not at war with MAGA. He’s not at war with conservatives. He may not be one of you, but he’s none of those. You know, those those. Those saboteurs. McConnell is a saboteur. And then he has this people on TV spinning for him. You can tell who they are immediately. And one of the things I regret these after election commentator desks, whatever the network is. They have people from Washington and New York for the most part. People who are former politicians or current political operatives and consultants who get paid. They never have anybody from the rest of the country. Where’s the guy from? Detroit. Where’s the guy from Chicago? Where’s the guy from? You name it. There’s nobody there representing us. They keep talking about us and what we want and what we did and how we should do it or what we should do. But we’re not there. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

All right. I think you’re going to easy on the Republicans not going easy or hard on anybody. I said, well, now in two years of its cultural rot and if we have a huge problem here. On the other hand, I’m looking at the facts. And absolute facts. I’ve been around a long time. It’s funny to watch the media talk about a red trickle when it was the same me that we’re talking about a red tsunami. What all these consultants get this information from. I’m just curious. Just curious. So we’ll see what happens. We’ll know in two years. It won’t matter then, but we’ll know in two years. And it is true that Masters could still win that Senate race. There’s no question about it. George Bush, Chris Christie, Larry Hogan, they all sat on the sidelines. Now they seek to exploit this, to blame other people, and then they come to the rescue. You see? Oh, yes. They’re going to come to the rescue, don’t you know? I’m not done analyzing this. I’m not done analyzing this. Should it have been a red wave? Would have been nice. So what went wrong? If there was supposed to be a red way? Seriously. I’m asking what went wrong. We had all the issues. We had the most imbecilic president in modern history. No, you never, ever. All history. The Democrats are on the wrong side of every issue. Could it be that all the candidates were poor candidates? Could it be that Donald Trump poisoned the whole election? No. So you got to think it through. You got to put the static out of your head, all the phony experts out of your head and think it through. I think it’s one or the other, as I explained.