November 8th, 2022

November 8th, 2022

MADISON, WI - NOVEMBER 08: Americans vote at the Tenney Park polling place on November 8, 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin. After months of candidates campaigning, Americans are voting in the midterm elections to decide close races across the nation. (Photo by Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, let’s be clear about who’s interfering in elections; Democrat John Fetterman is suing to have updated mail-in ballots accepted and counted despite a recent court ruling. In Arizona, Katie Hobbs is the chief elections officer, and she is the Democrat running for governor.  Polls are still open in every part of the country and red-blooded Americans must make their way to the polls to cast their votes. Then, cheap shots against candidates will not be tolerated. Like it or not, Ron DeSantis is beloved by conservatives for rejecting Fauci’s lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Later, Anna Paulina Luna flipped former Governor Crist’s congressional seat while Governor DeSantis and Marco Rubio handily won reelection including carrying a majority in Miami-Dade county.

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Mission to Save America

Paper shortage prompts extension of voting hours in Luzerne County to 10pm

Photo by Jim Vondruska

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

So let me tell you how this works. Every two years, we take a look at the poll closings. First ones, all these are all Eastern Time, 7 p.m.. You have a slew of the closings. You have Indiana. We’ll be looking at a couple districts there. I’m just going to point out the states that we really want to focus on Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, some districts in Virginia. We want to look at and I think I mentioned Indiana. Other states in that group, South Carolina, Vermont and Kentucky. 730, North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia. Keep in mind. So at seven and 730, we have one, two, three, four of the big Senate races. 8 p.m., you have the biggest number of states closing Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Eastern time again, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan. There’s a lot of big races in all these states, and I don’t mean to degrade any, but there’s Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey. North Carolina. Oklahoma. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas. 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Arkansas. 9 p.m. Eastern Time. Arizona. Obviously quite crucial. Colorado’s quite crucial. Iowa, Louisiana. Minnesota has some crucial right. And they all do. You understand New Mexico, big closure in New York, 9 p.m. and Wisconsin and Wyoming. 10 p.m.. Idaho. Montana. Nevada. Big Oregon. Big Utah. Big 11 p.m.. California. Washington State. Couple of important races there. Midnight, Alaska and Hawaii. I’ve spent a lot of the day making my contacts in a number of these states, New York. Pennsylvania. Wisconsin. Georgia. Nevada, Virginia. Others as well. And so I, I think we know what to look for here. We will be monitoring approximately five election sites as well. And so we will try and keep on top of this. There’s three of us, me, Mr. Producer and Mr. Call screener. We’ve done this for many, many years. If you find it at some point during this program that an affiliate drops the program for local coverage, obviously you’re free to listen to that. Or if you want to continue to listen to me for the 3 hours, you go to Mark Levine show dot com slash links. And there you can link to my live broadcast on the site right there. Or you can download the Mark Levine app as well as others. So in other words, you won’t miss a skip here. We’re going to have all four, 3 hours of the best coverage possible on radio. Right here without all the liberal input and everything. And I try to be a straight shooter about this now. Since not a single state has closed its polling in. Not a single state has closed its voting yet. I want to encourage you as strongly as I know how that some of these races are going to be even closer than you think. And then when you look in Pennsylvania, where Marc Elias, the slip and fall ambulance chasing hit man at the DNC and the Hillary campaign, and now the Democrat Party is in Pennsylvania already trying to create confusion and anarchy in a state that can’t seem to get its act together. That’s something we need to keep in mind. We’ve had all these top courts rule that when you vote in Pennsylvania actually have to follow the voting rules. And the voting rules are, among other things, if you’re going to vote absentee or mail in, you put your ballot in an envelope and you date the envelope correctly and you sign it. That’s been the law in Pennsylvania forever. Even the Democrat controlled Supreme Court now. Even the Democrat controlled Supreme Court has ruled the law is the law. And there was a good reason for putting that in place in Pennsylvania. They did it as one of the steps, one of the measures to prevent fraud. You know, when you take out a loan, you go to a notary. You either follow the rules, but you haven’t actually executed the document properly. It’s no different than voting. And it really is precious to hear leftists talk about how complicated this is for their voters because how they talk about their voters as being stupid. Because more Democrats vote that way than Republicans, but even more. This is the same party that put together the Internal Revenue Code and is unleashing 87,000 new IRS agents against us. And you sign your taxes, those of us who pay it under penalty of perjury. Okay. Is it really too much to ask people to date and sign the envelopes that they put their ballots in if they want to do mail in voting or absentee voting? No. So the Democrats are in court as I speak tonight before the election results even come in. Claiming that this is a violation of the Federal Voting Rights Act, that is the Civil Rights Act of 1965, even though everybody knows it is not. But what does this allow? It allows Democrat counties. To tell voters that they’re free to come back and correct their ballots. The law doesn’t provide for that either. What’s the line? Democracy dies in darkness. Isn’t that what the Washington campus used to say? And so let’s just be clear who it is that’s interfering with elections. That’s number one. Number two, in Maricopa County, they’re having difficulty with 27% of the voting machines. Now they have a back up way of dealing with this. So I don’t want people to panic in Arizona and I want to get into this in a minute. Why you should not allow this to distract or detract from what you’re doing. But there are serious issues. And the person in charge of the voting system in Arizona is named Hobbs. She’s running for governor to run the whole state. She’s the Democrat running against Kari Lake and she will not recuse herself from overseeing this. That stinks, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. And there are other issues out there. But the biggest issue is us if we don’t win this election. If you just throw your hands in the air, you’re just down and out. Or you just think it’s too corrupt. We can’t win. You’re going to cost us the elections all across the country. All across the country. So what I want to encourage you to do. Those of you who haven’t voted yet across the country if you’re in your vehicles. Get to your voting precinct. We have something. They don’t have me on the radio speaking to 14 and a half million people in every state in the country. Every single state in the country. So let’s do it. Okay. Don’t assume you’ve won. Don’t assume it’s a slaughter. Don’t assume your vote doesn’t count. In most cases, it will count. It’s very, very crucial. That you do this. And even though we’ll be off the air. After 9 p.m. Eastern Time. There’s crucial races that are going to be closing in Arizona, in Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana. Minnesota, Nebraska. New Mexico. New York. Wisconsin. Wyoming. 10 p.m.. Idaho. Montana. Nevada. Oregon. Utah. 11 p.m., California. Washington State, midnight. Alaska, Hawaii and Alaska is key. We want Tshibaka to win. So it’s very, very important. I have a few House races and the early closings that we’ll be monitoring as well as some of the Senate races. We’ve got a few in Virginia that are very close. New Hampshire, you got the Senate race and the House races. We may not have the answers right away, but we may get a sense of what’s taking place in, of course, Georgia and Florida. All very, very important states and those close in 40 minutes. So if you live in Florida, of course, we know the panhandle comes in later, but we’re talking about the other parts of Florida. If you live in Florida, you live in Georgia, you live in New Hampshire, you live in Virginia, you live in Indiana. You live in South Carolina. You live in Vermont. You live in Kentucky. Get your ass in gear and get over to your precinct. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you. And at 7:30 p.m., these are Eastern Time, North Carolina, another crucial state with a crucial Senate race and House races, Ohio with a crucial race for the Senate for governor. And House races. And West Virginia. 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. So if you’re still in the office or you’re still at the work site, you’re still at home. Let’s go. Let’s go. We have no numbers. I don’t want to influence you with any of this exit polling. I’ll leave that to other channels. But let’s go. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

In New York. Hochul was campaigning today with AOC. It costs the state 25,000 Amazon good paying jobs with health care and pensions. He was campaigning with AOC, one of the leaders of the defund the police movement. Defund the police movement. AOC. How do you like that? And for the third time, Hochul dismissed crime as an issue. Dismissed it. So I just want you folks to be aware of this in New York and in New York. Your polls close at 9 p.m. Eastern time if a couple hours to get to the polls. But you don’t want to wait till the last minute. First of all, there’s always traffic. There’s always some issue. So if you haven’t voted. You need to get on the horse here. If you have voted, you need to contact your friends and family. All of you folks in New York who see what’s happening. This governor and the Democrats are not going to do a damn thing about crime because they’ve created this this environment. They’re not going to suddenly support the cops. They’re not going to suddenly support getting rid of their phony bail reform. They’re not going to suddenly support keeping prisoners in prison. That’s not who they are. They created this situation. And locals all but told you this. Her 11th hour move was the campaign with AOC. They should send a message to every New Yorker. I don’t care if you live in New York City. Syracuse. Rochester, Albany. It’s like wherever you are. This is a big issue. And I would tell the people in New Hampshire. You’re going to have fuel shortages this winter like you’ve never seen before, ever. And the prices are already going up. I have a story here about how the price of electricity has now begun to skyrocket. So there’s nowhere to hide, whether it’s electricity or natural gas or home heating oil and diesel. Whether it’s coal, there’s nowhere to hide. And at the federal level, Biden has made clear what he intends to do beyond this, and he’s already done enormous damage. He’s going to shut down the coal mines and he’s going to shut down all new drilling, period. So how are the people of New Hampshire intending to keep themselves warm in the winter? How do people expect to drive? I talked to the people in Virginia. The polls close at 7 p.m.. If you live in northern Virginia, you spend half your life on the highway or some road in massive traffic. That’s how big the federal government has gotten. But there’s also an enormous amount of technology, a technology corridor here where 80%, 80% of all Internet traffic comes through Loudoun County, Virginia. It’s a mess on the roads. Well, do you like paying the cost of gasoline like this? A friend of mine is an Uber driver. He has an electric car. He was driving me the other day. It was down to 13% on the battery. It’s there. I said, How long does it take to charge up at your house to full battery? He said 13 hours. 13 hours. 13 hours to go. 300 miles. You have to charge. It’s a small car. 13 hours. He said, Yeah, you plug in it at 8 p.m. and then you know, by 9 a.m. it’s ready to go. Said what? It’s shocking. The people in North Carolina. You have a huge choice, Ted, but there who’s terrific. People in Ohio, you have a huge choice. Same issues are affecting you. It’s the same Democrat Party, the same policies. Georgia. He got a Marxist running. In this, Warnock. A Marxist. And you’ve heard Herschel Walker. They’ve thrown everything at him, the kitchen sink and abortion, you name it. Be a great senator. Please vote right now. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want to thank you, America. Mr. and Mrs. America. Once again, Life, Liberty and Levin. On Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern was the number one show all weekend. On cable news and our so-called competitors at CNN and MSNBC, we crushed them by more than together, 2 to 1. We have approximately 2.1 million viewers, which was larger than all the specials, all the election stuff, all the rest. And we’re up against Sunday Night Football. So that’s you know, it’s always you. It’s this audience. And I cannot thank you enough. Wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever I write, you are there because we’re on the same mission. And we have spent months now, not weeks, months. On this campaign. From the moment Joe Biden was elected. We knew we had our work cut out for us. And that’s when I finished American Marxism. And we laid the groundwork for what I hope will be a revolution tonight against the counter-revolution that seeks to undermine the American Revolution. It’s a mouthful. Now we have 25 minutes. Until voting in major parts. Most of Florida stops all of Georgia. New Hampshire. We’re heard in all these states, all over the state, South Carolina, Vermont. Virginia. Indiana and Kentucky. Now, if you are in line before the polls close, stay in line. Do not leave. Stay in line and vote. I have seen Senate races. Come down to a few dozen votes. In fact, I saw it in Nevada. With Senator Paul Laxalt. Adam Laxalt, a grandfather who was a dear friend of mine and mentor of mine. I saw it in a House race in New Hampshire a couple of decades back. We saw it in a race in New York last election. When the Democrats tried to steal an election. From a Republican who ultimately won by 12 votes. With tens of thousands of votes cast. If you’re in line, stay in line. If you’re not in line, get in line. If you’ve already voted, pick up your cell phone. And encourage people in and around. Your social circle to get going. At 7:30 p.m.. North Carolina. Crucial Ohio. Crucial West Virginia. We’re going to keep a close eye on what’s going on in some of these House races in Florida and the level of voting in Florida. We’re going to keep a close eye, obviously, on Georgia. But Florida has its act together when it comes to voting. New Hampshire is critical. Bolduc would be a fantastic senator. And you have a couple of House races there. Virginia have several House races. Indiana have a crucial House race in the first District. Very, very important. Not again, to dismiss Vermont and South Carolina and Kentucky. And again, at 730, we have West Virginia. Ohio. You have a couple of House races and a hugely important Senate race. North Carolina, a couple of House races, a hugely important Senate race. These right now early on anyway are the states people are going to be looking at. But at 8 p.m., shortly thereafter, while everybody’s talking about the states that close at seven and 7:30 p.m., you have the rest of Florida. You’ve got Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware and Connecticut, by the way. You have an excellent Senate race and a couple of important House races. Connecticut. You have Delaware. You have Illinois. A couple of important House races. Kansas, same thing. Maine, you’ve got one important race there. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Important House races. Governor’s race. These are all 8 p.m. Eastern Time. All times are Eastern. Mississippi. Missouri. Important. New Jersey. You’ve got a couple of House races there that are very, very important. That are very tight. We’re heard all over New Jersey. Very important New Jersey. I don’t care if you’re in the northern part, central or south part. I don’t care if you’re part of the New York metropolitan area or the Philadelphia metropolitan area. It’s important. New Jersey, remember what happened last time in New Jersey. Everybody blew it off. And then all of a sudden. Wait a minute. If only a few more thousand people had voted. Exactly. You’ve got North Dakota in Oklahoma that closes at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. You have an important governor’s race there and of course, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Everybody’s watching the Keystone State. Now, Pennsylvania, my home state. I cannot believe that you would even think about John Fetterman going to the United States Senate. You’re going to become a laughing stock. And you’re not going to have representation in the U.S. Senate. Plus the extent that you do it will be because of radical left wing staffers working closely with Schumer and pushing a radical agenda. You don’t believe in eliminating the death penalty in Pennsylvania, do you? You don’t believe in abortion up to birth. Up to birth. Do you? You don’t believe in letting prisoners out. One third of all the prisoners in Pennsylvania, do you? This man voted to give parole to murderers. He’s an extremist. He’s a radical. He’s worse than AOC. He’d be a senator. And I will tell you something else, to be very blunt about it. Many people, you know, they contact their senators and their House members. Their Social Security pay is late or whatever. He’s not going to be capable of responding to constituent needs and interests. Pennsylvania, your vote is crucial. You’re a big damn steak. And your poll closes. In a little over an hour. I used to work those poles as a little kid. If you’re on line. Stay in line. If you’re not in line, get in line. And if you’ve already voted. You know what to do. The campaigning is over. The action is needed now. Then there’s Rhode Island. There’s a very close house race in Rhode Island. South Dakota, Kristi Noem is up for re-election. I assume she’ll be fine. Tennessee, you have a couple of tight races. Believe it or not, you’ve got a governor’s race there. He should be fine. But a couple of House races, Texas, there’s a couple of close races in Texas where we could win. So it’s important that we elect the people in Texas who are already there. But we can take out two or three Democrats. That’s 8 p.m. Eastern Time. And tax cuts according to my chart. So these are very, very important races. Every single one I’m mentioning and we will be on the air as each one closes. Then 830 is Arkansas. Now. I don’t I have exit polling in front of me. I’m not going to regurgitate it because I don’t care, because it’s not going to make a difference. What we do here is we try and make sure that people know that their polls are still open and that they got to go vote. And that they’ve got to vote. And we’ve done this every two years and we’ve done this every presidential election since I’ve been on the air. We’ve been told it made a difference. Remember that, Mr. Producer of Florida. With Florida. 2016. Mike Pence. Came on this program. With a half hour left voting in the Panhandle. To tell the people in the panhandle, please vote. Please vote. And they won Florida by the skin of their teeth, but they won Florida. By the way, a footnote here and it’s important footnote, I don’t want to be misunderstood. So don’t not pay attention to whatever the hateful, corrupt left wing Democrat media have to say. Let me be abundantly clear. I am not going to abide. From where I sit. My perch. The personal attacks on Ron DeSantis, period. I don’t care who they’re coming from. And I’ve encouraged the lawyers for Donald Trump, who’s one of my close friends. Who I adore. You pay attention to what you’re supposed to be doing. And you. Better get a little better at what you’re doing. Because the stars, he’s coming after Donald Trump. You don’t need to get involved in politics. You need to get involved in defending your client. But these cheap shots at the centers are not going to fly. They’re not going to fly. Whether other candidates like it or not, that Santos is beloved by conservatives. Because he was the one who stood up against the vaccines. He’s the one who stood up against Fauci. He’s the one that took the slings and arrows of Washington and stood up against Washington when it came to COVID 19. He did it. Which is why hundreds of thousands of people moved to Florida. So people are not going to tolerate this. So I’m just telling the little munchkins out there, the little staffers out there, you want to take on DeSantis, do it like big people. Take on the issues. And I don’t even know what those would be. And I feel the same way about the attacks on Trump. But they’re not coming from DeSantis. They’re coming from the usual rhinos and media. And I don’t buy that either. Period. Period. There I’ve said what I wanted to say and that’s that on that. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

And I’m not ignoring independents and some local minded Democrats out there. I’d like you to listen to, if you don’t mind. If you vote Republican this cycle, you won’t go to hell. You won’t. I promise you. In fact, you’re going to feel something different. You’re going to feel what it’s like to vote for freedom. For your country. Not that our Republicans are good, but in this case, they’re the party that can stop what’s taking place. Hopefully advance the ball to. And for some, I know it’s difficult. Maybe your family’s for Democrats. Or maybe you say a pox on both your parties. I’m telling you, there’s no time for that right now. This is an urgent moment. And you have to admit that the Democrat Party has a funny way of showing its support for the American people. When their president when Joe Biden is out there saying, no more oil drilling, no more coal, he’s going to put people out of work and out of business. Look at inflation. The Democrat Party is not the party of the people. It’s just not. So we need your help. We need your help. Most of you, when you signed up as Democrats, you weren’t signing up for AOC or Pelosi. You weren’t signing up for the radical left. Most of you Democrats, when you voted for Biden, you thought he was a unity guy. He was a moderate. Well, he surrendered all that when he solely controlled the Senate. With his vice president and he had a three or four plus vote lead in the House. He ran for the Gap. He decided to embrace economic socialism. Only you can help us stop it. Only you. And as for democracy, dying, voting today is democracy. That’s what we’re doing. And you have 8 minutes left in Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire. Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Kentucky and Vermont. 8 minutes left. Get in line and you get the vote. 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time, North Carolina, Ohio. West Virginia. You’re running out of time. You have 35 minutes to get to the polls and vote. But the 7 p.m. closure in Florida, most of Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, Virginia, Indiana. Vermont, South Carolina, Kentucky. You now have 7 minutes to get online. Please do. We need your help. This is it. All this talk. All the hand-wringing, all the concern. All the stress and difficulty you’ve been through now is on the ballot. Whether you love the country or don’t is on the ballot. Whether you believe in an independent Supreme Court and a secure border and a secure neighborhood. It’s on the ballot right now. All right. 7 p.m. Eastern Time, the polls close. In 5 minutes. If you’re at the precinct and you’re thinking about, well, should I get out of the car? Yeah, get out of the car. If you’re almost there, get there. Do your thing. It’s going to make all the difference in the world. And yes, there can be very, very close elections. This is the Mark Levin radio show election world headquarters. Where we’re promoting Americanism, urging strongly. All of you to vote. Put aside all all concerns. About the vote. Put aside all. The dismissal of the outcomes. Put aside, throwing up your hands at everybody is the same. It’s not true. If you’re a la knight. Meaning if you’re a patriot. Let’s get it done. You have 4 minutes. And Florida, Georgia, Hampshire, South Carolina. Vermont, Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky. You have 4 minutes. They help change the world and preserve ours. It is a big deal. We won’t have numbers immediately. But we will be monitoring those. And then the numbers are going to start coming in at 730, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, then 8 p.m. It’s big. A lot of states coming in, including Michigan, Pennsylvania will be voting. I don’t know that they’ll be coming in. That’s when they stop. Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Texas, Tennessee, so many. I’ll be right back.