November 7th, 2022

November 7th, 2022

ORLANDO, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES - 2022/10/24: Voting booths are set up at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office on the first day of early voting for the 2022 midterm general election in Orlando. With Election Day just 15 days away, early voting is already underway in 34 states and the District of Columbia, with some states breaking early voting records. (Photo by Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, this election is a referendum on America and the Republicans have put up superb candidates. This election is your chance to declare whether you love America or you don’t. However, these tight polls are concerning.  This cannot be taken lightly, every vote counts, and We The People must go out and vote to deliver a vote for our country. Then, why are the Never-Trump Republicans not supporting the Republican candidates?  Later, Gov Ron DeSantis joins the show with an update on his re-election campaign for Governor of Florida. DeSantis says that no win is guaranteed, and he is running like he is behind. Afterward, Democrats are maneuvering to get John Fetterman elected so that they can have him resign and appoint their candidate of choice and they will use all of the instrumentality of government available to them, in order to do it. 

Right Scoop
“There is no more drilling” – Joe Biden admits he’s not allowing any new oil drilling [VIDEO]

Biden Is Trying To Destroy The American Energy Industry

The US Northeast Is Hurtling Toward a Winter Heating Crisis

Daily Caller
The EPA’s New Methane Rules Could Force Small Oil And Gas Drillers Out Of Business

NY Sun
The Sun’s Hopes Lie With a Red Wave

Right Scoop
Fetterman campaign sues to have INVALID mail-in ballots counted

Photo by Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. You’re listening at the Mark Levin radio show World Headquarters. I love the way people give different names to their election desks. And don’t forget to listen in tomorrow, 6 to 9 p.m. Eastern and whatever time you folks have out there. For the full coverage. From 6 to 9 Eastern. And if he can’t get the program, for some reason, you can always go to our podcast or go online to our show. All the links are a Mark Levin show dot com slash links. Right. Mr. Producer. And you can listen live on the Mark Levin excuse me about cholera on the Mark Levin app. But you can listen live on the iHeart Radio app. But the Mark Levin app is the straightest way to listen. Should somebody be so foolish as to interfere with our program here? We’ve been leading up to this day now for a year and a half. A year and a half. And I am concerned. In fact, I’m worried. That our guys, quote unquote, on cable and on radio, have been so cocksure. We’re going to have a red tsunami. That some of you and some of you, your family, some of your friends and colleagues and coworkers are going to blow off this election. You’re not going to vote. You’re going to leave it to other people. I’m worried about that. Very much. According to the polls. And I don’t know whether there trust him or not any more than you do, but let’s pretend they’re right. We have a bunch. Have nail biting elections going on for governor, for Senate and for House seats all over the country. Red states. Purple states. Blue states. And to be perfectly honest with you, a lot of these elections shouldn’t be so close, given the nature of the president and his party. And given the disastrous nature of the economy, the border crime and so forth. So I know it’s easy for me to come on here and to be a Pollyanna. But I am concerned that we’re going to leave some of these candidates behind. Who deserve our vote, who deserve our support. I think you would do well not to listen to a lot of the coverage tonight before the election. Because it doesn’t do us any good. It doesn’t do us any good. Now we have this fantastic, unbelievable victory. Great. But I’m talking to you before tomorrow, before the formal day of election. And I am concerned. And I’m sensing this just my own sixth sense. Now we’re going to leave some of these candidates behind, and I’m worried about it. I’m worried about it for a lot of reasons. Number one, all these candidates, bar maybe one or two, are superb. Number two, all of their candidates are insane. Number three, you’re voting up or down on the country. It’s more than a referendum on Biden. It’s up or down on the country that you love America or you don’t. There’s not a lot more I can say behind this microphone or on TV, for that matter. To encourage people to vote. I can’t say anything more than people fill up their car or go to a grocery store or see what’s happening to interest rates and housing prices. Or they live in areas that are crime ridden. Or they fear using public transportation. Are they concerned about the value of their paycheck and their pension? Open borders, the fentanyl, the drugs, the criminals coming across. There’s just not a lot more I can say other than you’re living. The disaster. That is being imposed upon you. And this is the one opportunity you have right now to push back. To push back. We all know that democracy will be here on Wednesday, as the Democrats call it. But I won’t be here for long if they continue to dismantle our constitutional republic. And that’s their goal. I don’t want you to be depressed and glum the day after the election. If we lose some of these fantastic candidates and maybe not even win a majority in the Senate. I mean, think about your own House district that you live in. You have a Democrat representing you and this is an opportunity to remove them. Is it going to bother you if they win re-election? Of course it is. So don’t assume anything. Victory or defeat. There must be some level of urgency. Some level of. More than usual motivation to take care of business here. From our classrooms to our borders. To our bank accounts. There are home budgets. Everything’s under attack, folks. Now. It could be a historic realignment, as Newt says. I hope it is. But it’s not going to be. If we don’t put our foot down and make our voices heard. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Everybody has done everything humanly possible. To build a path toward victory. But what they cannot do and only you can do is to secure that victory. No candidate. No pundit, no commentator. Note talk radio host. Can deliver you a victory. You, the people. We the people. Have to deliver ourselves a victory. These close polls should concern you. I don’t care where they are, who they candidates are. These close polls should concern you. Part of the reason the media keeps saying things like even in blue states. Look at Zeldin. I like this congressman here. Or look in Oregon and Washington State. Look here. It’s called rope a dope. They want you to believe. That the victory. The factory is already had. There’s no need to get excited or passionate. There’s no need to vote. There’s no need. To do what I’ve been encouraging you to do, to get on the phone, to text people, to email people, you know. This is it. This is it. And I can assure you, the corrupt Democrats and their corrupt media, they’re not sitting on their hands. It’s all out because power is their name. Power is their game. It’s not our name. It’s not our game. But we need it to be tomorrow. We need it to be tomorrow. It’s up to you. It’s not up to any campaign, any candidate, what ads are on TV and so forth and so on. It is totally up to you. The Democrats are trying to scare the hell out of their base and independents. To vote Democrat. Barack Obama. Come Wednesday. He will leave the American people in the dust. To go back to making money. Millions hand over fist. Vacationing all over the world, deciding where to buy another mansion. For him. This is all a game. For Bill Clinton. It’s all a game. Part of the team, you know? But for you. For us. There is no game. Everything’s at stake. Everything. And if you have races in your congressional districts and in your state for a Senate that are close. That means you’re behind. And that’s the way you ought to treat it. Washington state. Oregon governor. Oklahoma governor. He got races throughout the West. California, Texas, other states. Washington state, Oregon. Everything’s on the line. You look in the east. New Hampshire. Pennsylvania. Critical Senate races. You look at New York critical governor’s race in a bunch of House seats. In Pennsylvania, in New York and throughout the Northeast and even New England at stake. Look at Maine. It. Maine, the Republican establishment wants to teach. The conservative base a lesson by defeating us. That race in Maine is every bit as important as any Republican versus Democrat race, which should Barker being the Republican. And Murkowski being the Democrat. You look in your own states. You look at Pennsylvania. Pennsylvanians. Do you want to wake up one day and find out that John Fetterman is your senator and be the laughing stock in the entire country, perhaps the world? And what kind of representation would you have for six years? The needs of the people of Pennsylvania cannot be met. They will walk all over this guy, Fetterman. The other 99 senators. That’s serious. You look at this governor’s race in Michigan. Whitmer’s going to double down on fascism. If she’s re-elected. You have a fantastic candidate in Dickson. Look at Nevada, you have three House seats. We’re leftists who voted for inflation, who voted for higher gas prices and illegal immigration. Could be re-elected if you don’t turn out and you have a fantastic candidate for Senate. And Adam Laxalt. Arizona has House seats on the line. And an unbelievably important Senate race. Well, Blake Masters, I endorse all these Republicans. And a crucially important governor’s race. Well, Kari Lake. 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time tonight. Ron DeSantis will be on the program, 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time tonight. Carrie Lake will be on the program. Now you know, the let’s look at Ron Johnson in Wisconsin. Can you imagine waking up in Wisconsin? The day after the election and realizing. That you’re now represented by a Marxist who wants to open the prisons? Well, that’s what the Democrat wants. And your governor’s race there. You have a fantastic Republican running for governor. I mean, the Republicans have you in the primaries have put fantastic candidates up. Absolutely fantastic. All across the country. And the Democrats are so cocky, they put up the most radical AOC type Marxists they could. And those who don’t come out of the closet as Marxists, they aid and abet them. They’re even worse. They pretend to be moderates. There are no moderate Democrats left. None. You’ve got congressional races in the state of Virginia. I know you don’t have any statewide races in Virginia, but crucially important in Florida, you’ve got multiple state excuse me, congressional races and statewide races with DeSantis and Rubio utterly crucial. But every state if you’re in a red state. It matters. If you’re in a blue state, it matters if you’re in a state with no color identification. It matters. We cannot leave these candidates behind. You’ve become familiar with them. From this show and other shows, from TV shows, from. From debates and your own communities. Your fate. Is in your hands. Not there’s not the election desk tomorrow. You shouldn’t even allow it to be close. What are you going to do about it tonight and tomorrow? What are you going to do about it? We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

On the Democrat side, you’ve had Biden truncated, but nonetheless out there campaigning, you’ve had Clinton campaigning and Obama campaigning to ex-president and one. And Biden. Where’s George Bush, Ben? He’s been helping our candidates. Now, how about Larry Hogan? Where is he? Even came out against his own Republican nominee for governor of Maryland, but he wants the Republican nomination. Where’s Chris Christie? Truth be told, all three of them are persona non grata among most Republicans, and yet two of them still want to run for president. And as for this election, false information stuff isn’t an election false information. When the Democrats say as a chorus, when they say over and over again that we’re going to lose democracy if they don’t win that the day after the election, democracy’s dead. Is it that false election information? Rights, immigration, foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of political dialogue today. We talk about them often on my show. They’re at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our Founding Fathers say about these issues? We’ve moved so far from the founders understanding a government that you’ll be surprised by their answers. And my favorite college, Hillsdale College, as their best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join Hillsdale Professors Thomas Wesley and David Azure AD as they explore the thoughts and ideas of America’s founders. And Hillsdale is newest free online course, the real American founding a conversation. So don’t wait, folks. The midterm elections are right around the corner, and you need to understand the founders thoughts about the pressing issues of their and our time. Watch the trailer video of the real American founding a conversation it’s a killer and sign up for this new, completely free online course at Levin Freehills dotcom that’s Levin Hillsdale dot com. They keep talking about the election deniers, and yet at one side of their mouth, these Democrats and these ex-presidents, the sitting putative president, keep talking about. Election deniers. And then they keep talking about if you don’t vote for them, there will not be a democracy. Sanctimonious. The same people who’ve been calling you names. Four years. The same people who’ve been bashing our voting system. Four years. The same people have been bashing and attacking. Our constitutional system, our history. Four years. But Joe Biden, those of you who live in areas that get cold or those of you actually use stuff like electricity and natural gas, maybe use oil, maybe use propane. In other words, all of us, you better pay attention, because the other day, as you know, Joe Biden said he’s shutting down all coal mines. Now they try to walk it back. Ladies and gentlemen, he’s not walking anything back. They’re shutting down all coal mines, 60% of electricity in this country. Is developed through coal. And then he said something yesterday. That should shock you to the core because this is their plan. Should the Democrats win, then your candidates lose. Here’s their plan. Here’s Biden at a Kathy Hochul rally in New York yesterday. Cut one go. There is no more drilling. I have a job for many new, new drilling. More years of offshore drilling. No specific, but in the morning come from Mexico. That was before I was president. And we’re trying to work on that. Get that done. They’re going to close it down. Get that done. There is no more drilling. I have it. I’ve affirmed I have not affirmed any new drilling. Those are quotes. You heard them with your own ears. So he tells the oil companies last week, why don’t you drilling more? Then he lets the cat out of the bag here where he says, I have. What he’s saying is I have not allowed any more drilling. But what do you think this is going to do in the months and years ahead to you? To your job, to your ability to to use a car and to travel to food prices, to everything else. These maniacs are sabotaging this country. So you have to decide if you’re in or out, if you’re for it or against it. And here’s a short montage hat tip RNC that Biden keeps saying will shut down coal plants and no fossil fuels. Cat three Go. No more drilling. There is no more drilling. No, I haven’t gone for any new new drilling. No more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling, including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. And would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration? No, we would we would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America. No one’s going to build a coal fired plant again. Now we’re going to get rid of the ones we have now. I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuel. I would say stopping fracking and stopping the pipeline in this country. And there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. No more no new fracking. We are going to get rid of fossil fuels. Have a transition from the oil industry. Yes. Oh. From his lips to your ears, folks. And it’s kicking in and it’s kicking in heavy. Here’s Bloomberg from this morning. The U.S. Northeast. Is hurtling toward a winter heating crisis. I’ve been talking about this for weeks and I pray to God the people in Pennsylvania and New York and Connecticut. I hope that people in New Jersey. And all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. I hope you’re listening. An obvious densely populated corner of the United States. Temperatures are about to drop after a stretch of unusually warm weather and the signs of winter crisis are already multiplying. Heating oil delivered to New York is the priciest ever. Retailers in Connecticut are rationing it to prevent panic buying New England stockpiles of diesel and heating oil, the same product taxed differently. A third of normal levels. Natural gas inventories are also below average. A Massachusetts based utility is imploring President Biden to prepare emergency measures to prevent gasoline shortages. Add some coal to the mix. And in the best case scenario, Northeast consumers will shoulder the highest energy bill in decades this winter. The Biden administration, under pressure to tame prices after the midterms, is trying to consider ways to stash more diesel and gasoline in New England. Now. That’s not how you. You support an economy. Ladies and gentlemen. In other words, to divide a a shrinking source of fuel among the states. This is a Democrat Party created crisis is utterly unnecessary. In the worst case scenario, please listen. A cluster of states. With a combined economy bigger than Japan’s will run out of fuel to keep the lights on and heat homes and businesses. This is from Bloomberg. News. Did you hear what I just said? They want to keep all democracies overall. If you listen to them, you’re going to freeze. In the worst case scenario, a cluster of states. With a combined economy bigger than Japan’s will run out of fuel to keep the lights on and heat homes and businesses, cities in the northeast. They’re talking about New York. They’re talking about Pennsylvania. They’re talking about New Jersey. They’re talking about all the states in the Northeast and New England. And by the way, even though old Virginians don’t accept this, they’re talking about Virginia and West Virginia. It’s going to be pretty bad, said Marcus MacGregor, head of commodities research at Conning, Inc. Diesel, heating oil. Natural gas prices are through the roof. When you’re on a fixed salary, how does it impact your overall budget? It has to be very bad. The Northeast is no stranger to fewer constraints. Its dearth of pipelines and refineries, meaning limited number. The shale fields of Texas and Pennsylvania might as well be on the other side of the world. In other words, because they have put an end to pipeline construction. We can’t get oil and natural gas from one part of the country to another part of the country that needs it. One part of the country that develops it. One part of the country that needs it. Rocky MacDonald, a father of three and realtor in Stoner, Massachusetts, expects to pay over $500 for eating oil to keep his three bedroom ranch house warm this winter. That’s 20% more than last year. And to save money, McDonald and his wife are cooking dinner at home more often. I just can’t believe it. He says the monthly expenses are crazy amounts. I’m trying to hoard every penny. His family’s total spending has climbed to $10,000 a month from 8000 last year. He’s even buying less, and he’s worried that rising interest rates will trigger a housing market slump, eating away at his income. He’s right. We are in a recession. Please. I know what I’m talking about. I’m not the propagandists. Let’s leave that to the people on TV. We are in stagflation. And we could be in a depression. In the not so distant future if these policies aren’t stopped immediately. In the Northeast, a typical family. Is is expected to pay 1100 dollars to keep warm with natural gas this winter, 23% more than last year, b earning 23% more this year, folks. And when you consider the increase in food prices. And. Automobile, gasoline prices and all the other prices. And the fact that the value of your savings, if you have any, are going down. Your paycheck, your pension check, they’re all going down because of inflation. Prices go up. The value of money goes down. This was done by the Democrats and the multi-trillion dollar spending bills. And let me ask you a question. Those of you who are going to suffer now. Did all that spending help you in any way? No, it didn’t. No, it didn’t. And he still wants to give away $1,000,000,000,000 and student loan relief. That hasn’t been done yet, you know? Can you imagine? In New England and the mid-Atlantic, you’ll be hit even harder with an average bill of 2350 $4. Northeast households using propane and people using propane. You know, a lot of these are rural people that are people in RV’s and so forth. You’re going to spend 1970 dollars. Low income consumers will suffer the most. Some of the most at risk people are suffering when heating fuel runs out are immigrants and refugees, said John Thielemann, president of this, that and the other. We’re very concerned about the coming winter. Unbelievable. The heart of the Northeast energy squeeze is natural gas. Even after Pennsylvania’s shale boom brought abundant supplies to the region’s doorstep, constraints have persisted. Gee, I wonder who put those constraints in place, ladies and gentlemen. New England and mid-Atlantic are more reliant on gas than ever. Coal fired power plants have shut in droves, falling victim to environmental opposition. Wind turbines and solar farms haven’t sprouted up quickly enough to replace them. And that downing of shale gas in Pennsylvania, concerns about climate change have scuttled plans for pipelines to bring it eastward. The radical environmentalists, a.k.a. the Democrats. Are killing us. To, quote, backlash. We are in for a tough time. This was unnecessary. The number of Northeast households that use heating oil has ticked lower as more switched to gas. But that’s little comfort to their almost 20% of homes, 20% that are still relying on it. The East Coast, one of the U.S. regions dependent on foreign imports, has devised a country struggling to replace the Russian supply. Ladies and gentlemen, there was no need for this. No need for this. And it goes on. We’re in deep s. You remember that tomorrow? You want to reverse this? You need to get a pro. Free enterprise. Pro energy. Congress to at least start the process. So they put bill after bill after bill on this president’s desk. And they dig in to the Environmental Protection Agency in the Interior Department and all the other departments that are using their regulatory powers to freeze you during the winter, to sweat you during the summer, to drive up the prices of automobiles that drive up the prices of gasoline. That drive up the prices of food. And it drive down the value of your income. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want you to listen to this to America. These are all warnings, huge warnings about how you’re left holding the bag of this party, the Democrat Party, and how they’re impoverishing you. Daily CALLER, the Environmental Protection Agency’s new methane rules could force small oil and gas drillers out of business altogether. The EPA is finalizing rules to crack down on oil and gas drillers, methane emissions, which could raise costs for smaller producers and force them to cease operations. This is concerning because during the 2020 election, Biden talked about eliminating fossil fuel energy as quickly as possible. Independent Petroleum Association of America Executive Vice President Lee Fowler told The Daily CALLER small wells can quickly become uneconomic with onerous rules and would likely be shut down because operators cannot absorb the additional regulatory burden. Said Western Energy Alliance president Kathleen Sgamma. Now you see, they talk about we want more competition in these companies. This would kill small and medium size independent drillers. Folks. They’re serious about this. They want to destroy our energy system. The EPA is finally finalizing rules that will restrict oil and gas production. BP’s regulatory program can be exceptionally demanding on small wells, which can be made uneconomical. This is concerning. The proposed regulation would fight the climate crisis, unquote, by cutting 41 million tons of methane emissions from 2023 to 2035 by about 920 million tons of carbon dioxide, according to the EPA. Methane is a, quote, potent green gas, unquote, that contributes to climate change by drop trapping trap trapping about 30 times as much heat as carbon dioxide over 100 years. Ladies and gentlemen. Carbon dioxide, those masks they’ve made you wear. You’ve been inhaling your own carbon dioxide at a rate that is unbelievable. The only one talking about it is me. Number two, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It has never been a pollutant. It’s not carbon monoxide. Number three, something called osmosis. You exhale carbon dioxide. It’s not a pollutant. You exhale it. You create it. And carbon dioxide is oxygen to plants. Number one, the Democrats were all for carbon dioxide and the Amazon and all the rest while they’ve they genuflect. So carbon dioxide is essential. And then finally. It is the smallest element or one of the smallest elements, but I believe it’s the smallest element. In Green Gas. I’ve told you this story before. Take a stadium with 10,000 seats. Four seats represent carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases. Why do we have greenhouse gases? You ever see these little greenhouses that in the winter? I remember we used to drive around in Pennsylvania and in New Jersey and other places, and the farmers would create these greenhouses to copy the effect of the atmosphere when it’s warmer so they could grow their plants. We’re not being threatened. By greenhouse gases. There is no such thing as manmade climate change. We are incapable of it. And yet this big lie goes on and on. But whatever you believe. It’s quite beside the point. They are planning on shutting down small and medium size oil and gas drilling businesses. They are planning on eliminating fossil fuel altogether. They are moving in that direction now and you are going to pay a price this winter. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

My opening comments. Let me let me think about this during the break, because some of our friends are still out there telling you how many seats we’re going to win. I want you to listen to me. Is that how the great. Military generals and admirals. Which speak to the men. They’re about to send in the battle. Now we have this one in the bag. Don’t worry. No, I don’t think so. How about the great? Lombardi and other coaches. What would they say? The night before a major game or for that matter, any game. We have this one in the bag. No. They would say we can crush these people. We can defeat these people. We are better than these people. We can get out the vote. You need to do what you need to do. Each one of you in your own roles and you know what your role is. They will want to draw your strength. And encourage you to use that strength. Not play rope a dope. And that’s what I’m talking about. I want to read something to you from the New York Sun. It’s a great paper. It’s a subscription, but it starts a great paper. The son’s hopes lie with a red way. We have rarely, if ever, seen a midterm contest in which the relative virtues of the Republican principles are in such sharp relief. As Americans go to the polls tomorrow, the hopes of the sun lie with a red wave. And by the way, as do all of us, the race is too close in the key contests to make confident predictions. In respect to the outcome. But it’s not too close to say that we have rarely, if ever, seen a midterm contest in which the relative virtues of the Republican principles, particularly sound money, constitutional government, equal justice and fiscal restraint aren’t such sharp relief. We understand the bitterness of the Democrats, whose liberal project was stunned in 2016. It was defeated by an electorate in which a quarter of the voters were seen. But what used to be the party of Andrew Jackson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and JFK is a basket of deplorables. This reacted by moving even further left and is now in thrall of an angry socialist faction that is every bit as offensive to the GOP as the angry GOP fringe itself. Yet we make no apologies for our sentiments. For the GOP, the big issues for others beacon are inflation, meaning sound money, crime, the Constitution, a vibrant foreign policy and the contests we’ve been covering. It says it’s hard to think of a candidate that Democrats have stood up and we choose over the Republican. We’d like the Democrats years ago, but the party long since left us. It’s grown more hostile with each passing election. For the generation now flying the flag of the sun. This goes back to at least Vietnam. There the Democrats took us to war, only to start in the face of communists, guns waffling, eventually betraying our wartime ally. A generation later, the Democrats abandoned our ally in Iraq, and recently, in a particularly shocking default, the most democratic government in the history of Afghanistan. They want to do the same with Israel, and I might add, they want to do the same with the United States. As the Democrats have grown more radical, we should say, discomfort with our Constitution. The basic red lines are ignored most blatantly in this season by the Democrats. January six committee appear willing to use against President Trump a forbidden tactic attainder meaning as the Supreme Court once put a trial by legislature. They said we carry no bread from Mr. Trump but are shocked by the attempt to run him out of politics by forbidden means. The same nihilism is on display in, say, New York, where the Democrats are defying the Supreme Court’s long overdue decision to strike down the state’s de facto NÉ de jure handgun ban as an affront to the Second Amendment. It has led to the Democrats being compared to racial segregationists and Jim Crow South, who sought to defy the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown versus. Board of Education. When did the Democrats become like that? Concerns of a crime dismissed by liberals as fear mongering are bolstering the Republican cause this year as voters recoil from the Democrats hostility to the police and laxity on public safety. Bowing to the far left New York’s failed attempt, a dairy farm turned courthouses and a revolving doors for repeat offenders. And Congressman Lee Zeldin is near the end of what could be let’s not get ahead of ourselves, a historic run for governor. And I’m reading this because this really applies throughout the country. For all this. It is the economy that is most important issue this election. The key issue is inflation. It would be wrong to lay entirely Democrats debasement of the dollar. The power to regulate the value of our money is given to the Constitution of Congress. It’s clear, though, that if any effort is eventually be made to reconsider our national experiment with fiat money, it’s likely to come from Republicans. Inflation isn’t the only issue. It follows from overspending and overborrowing. Although our issues on which the GOP is more likely to lead a reform. Which is why the sun favors a vote for the GOP in the House and the Senate. But the Republicans are successful in either House or give us a period of divided government and test, among others, whether the Democrats will credit our democracy, they say, as graciously as Clinton did in 99. And what they mean by that is Clinton had a press conference and he admitted that he moved too far to the left and then he moved more to the center. But that’s not going to happen this time because the Democrats won’t do that. They’re not capable of it. They just don’t believe in it. Just listen to their media. Their media tell you everything you need to know. And just listen to the Democrats. They tell you everything you want to know. James Clyburn on Fox News Sunday, he doubled down on comparing Trumpism to Nazi ism. And what Clyburn is really saying is unless you’re one of these Chris Christie, Larry Hogan, Republicans. Liz Cheney type Republicans. You’re like Nazis. Now. I want you to listen to this again. Cut seven. This is from Sunday. Go. Congressman, you’ve repeatedly made comments about Hitler, about Nazi ism, about Germany in the 1930s. In recent years, you’ve gotten a lot of pushback from that, from Jewish organizations and others who say it belittles the suffering of the Holocaust, of the millions who were lost. Your response? I’ve talked to many Jews. There are many Jews in my congressional district and they are very supportive and they know that this is the stuff that causes those kinds of deteriorations in democracy. This is not anything about whether how difficult it was. I talk about slavery and how difficult it was, but that to discuss the facts of what’s going on here. Election deniers setting up procedures by which law committees by governors can overturn the results of election to call the press the enemy of the people to call out. All right, that’s enough that that’s enough for this city. Tell me, what do they call Fox News and conservative talk radio? And how many times have they sought to put us out of business? Paramount Press as long as the press is part of their party. They don’t mind free speech as long as when you speak you agree with them. That’s why the oligarchs in Silicon Valley teamed up with the Biden administration and the Democrats in the last election, and probably this one to cover up fundamental issues. And to add to push off the Internet completely. Views of Republicans running for office and conservatives. The only people attacking the Bill of Rights are the Democrats and people like Clyburn. The only people making references to Hitler are people like Clyburn. Climate says, Oh, look, I know a lot of Jews in my district, okay? I know a lot of blacks and they don’t talk like you. Clyburn. You’re a hack. You’re a heck. And they don’t want to stay focused on the issues, America. You think about when you go to vote. You think about your own situation. Because if you’re not even going to vote to defend your family, defend your livelihood. Defend your community, defend your savings, defend your retirement. Defend your nation’s borders. To defend your nation’s economic system. To defend the police. And to defend the military. And defend the Constitution. Then there’s nothing we can do to convince you. But this jerk. With the Third Reich and the Nazis. Why doesn’t he explain to us how FDR handled the Nazis in the Holocaust? He won’t. Because I guess the Jews in his community don’t know about it or don’t tell him. And here I am with a friend of 14 and a half million people. And I’ve told you and the whole world repeatedly. What would the founding fathers say about what the Democrats are saying today? What would they say about. About the 1619 project. What would the founding fathers say about. And putting their lives on the line. Everything on the line. If the British had caught them, they would have hanged each and every one of them after they tortured them. What would they have said? And the men and women who came after and put their lives on the line for this country, not some imagined. Utopia that the Democrats are pushing for but this country. What would the founding fathers say? And what would the founding fathers say about this election? What do you think they tell you? What do you think? The men and women who died for this country. What do you think they’d say to you? What do you think they would say to you? In Arlington Cemetery. In all the other military cemeteries and private cemeteries where all these men and women are buried. One battle after another, one horrific. Death after another. I think I know what they would say to you. We gave everything. So you could have everything. Don’t. Don’t give it all away. Because he didn’t vote. Don’t allow these demagogues. To persuade you that somehow they. Are defending liberty and the vast majority of them have never put on a uniform and attacked those in uniform. Don’t believe the slipped tongues and propaganda. Of those who are destroying your country, look all around you. Look at the grocery store. Look at the gas station. It’s not hard to find. And they’ve only just begun. Evil isn’t just. Something that’s projected into the country. Evil is something that exists in our country. I’m just telling you.