October 26th, 2022

October 26th, 2022

Los Angeles, California-Oct. 3, 2022-Gas prices are on the rise again in Los Angeles, California on Oct. 3, 2022, this Chevron station in Torrance, CA. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the White House has no answers on the Diesel shortage because it’s this administration’s policies that caused these very problems. The Biden administration used the climate change lie to spend our economy into a recession. Now, none of the Democrats are running on climate change because they know it’s not a winning issue at the ballot box. Later, Alaska’s US Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka calls in to discuss her quest to unseat 41-year incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Tshibaka mentioned that Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has worked extra hard to defend Murkowski and stop her campaign because Tshibaka is an unabashed conservative. Afterward, Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt calls in to discuss his campaign for the US Senate. Laxalt noted that the Democrats have spent a record-breaking $90 million to defeat him this far and has vowed to keep pushing until the end, especially since he’s ahead in the latest polls. 

PJ Media
Biden’s Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen (October 21, 2022)

Richmond Fed Manufacturing Survey: Demand Craters As Inflation Worsens

Epoch Times
Kraft Heinz CEO Says More ‘Rounds of Price Increases’ Coming as Inflation ‘Will Continue’

Epoch Times
Dozens of Former Charlie Crist Staffers and Colleagues Endorse Ron DeSantis for Governor

Photo by Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We have two candidates in our three. Kelly Abaca, the conservative backed by the Republican part of Alaska for the Senate seat there, and Adam Laxalt, whose grandfather was a senator and governor in Nevada, is making great headway there. But it’s a tight race, a tough race, and he’s trying to take out a radical left wing Democrat and so have both of them in our three. This is our one. And we’ll get into all these debates that took place yesterday. I know other people have spoken about them. I haven’t heard them, but you haven’t heard from me yet. But before we do, I want to talk about bread and butter issues. I want to talk about what’s affecting you directly. Jacqui Heinrich strikes me as a terrific reporter over there at the White House. And John Kirby, they moved that propagandist who defended all the moves in Afghanistan over to the White House. He’s a white male, I believe he’s a straight white male who has in many respects taken over on major issues. For the current press secretary, who, of course, is not a straight white male nonetheless. This question that she asks may sound familiar to you. Since we pushed it into the national conversation. About 10 days ago, and it’s very, very important, maybe it was a week ago. Let’s see now 10 days ago. Cut 19. Go. Are we doing to increase the supply of diesel, given that the Energy Information Administration said as of October 14th, the U.S. only had about a twenty five day supply? You have your northeast and New York already rationing home heating oil. What are we doing to prepare for the winter to ramp up supply diesel? I’ll take the question on the diesel, because I just don’t have the data on that in front of me. So let me take that and we’ll get back to you on that. And that’s enough. And then he rambles on about stuff to, you know, there’s the shiny object. Chase that instead. Now hear me out. That article was October 14th, that Energy Information Administration, it wasn’t on all the Internet and all that, I had to dig it out because that’s what I do and I dug it out. And there it was, the Energy Information Administration EIA, because every now and then I go there to see what the status is of various types of fossil fuels or electricity, and there was blaring 25 days left. Of diesel fuel. Which runs almost everything in this country. I know most of you use gasoline, but our trucks use diesel fuel, our assembly lines use diesel fuel, and on and on and on. Twenty five days left. Now, what’s going to happen is it’s going to turn out to be baby formula crisis, the tampon crisis all of a sudden. Oh, wow, I don’t know. It’s the you know, it’s it’s the Ukrainians. It’s the whole world. You know, that crap. When we were energy independent two years ago. And we had a hell of a lot more diesel than we have today. Kirby has no answer, you want to know why he has no answer? Because they’re not even paying attention to it. You want to know why else he has no answer. What’s the answer? The problem is this administration, the problem is this president. The problem is this ideology, this phony climate change ideology. Is it an interesting to you folks, the Democrats are running on climate change. Have you heard anybody, Mr. Producer? No, you want to know why they’re not running on climate change, because climate change is a big lie that has been used to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to drive us into inflation. To cut off at the knees. Our energy companies and our energy independence. They’re not running on climate change. So the answer for Kirby is I’ll take the question on the DL, meaning I’ll take it with me because I just don’t have the data on that in front of me. So let me take that and we’ll get back to you on that. Oh, good idea. Get back to us on that when you get a chance, you know. And the rationing, the rationing is already occurring. In the Northeast and New York in particular, that is New England, in New York and other parts of the Northeast, and soon enough, the end user, the consumer is going to feel it. You don’t feel it yet because it hasn’t kicked in in a in a significant way. But when it does, then you’re going to see supplies limited and prices going up even more. Did you know that? Then they’ll blame the oil companies and they’ll blame Putin. It’s not the oil companies, it’s it’s not Putin. We didn’t have this problem before the Democrats took over Washington, we didn’t have this problem when Donald Trump was president. Now, here’s Faderman. Here’s Fetterman on this issue of fracking. Faderman. First of all, people don’t realize Pennsylvania, I think, is the second biggest producer of oil in the country. I don’t think people realize that. John Rockefeller, where did he set up business? Cleveland, you’ve got that part of Pennsylvania and Ohio, big energy production. And so this does affect the people in Pennsylvania, and I can tell you, having grown up in Pennsylvania and southeast Pennsylvania, outside Philly, right outside Philly, they don’t give a damn what goes on in southwest Philly excuse me, Pennsylvania, they don’t give a damn. It’s like three or four different states, Pennsylvania. But we give a damn. And they’d give a damn if they couldn’t get the fuel that they needed. I can tell you that. But here’s Fetterman. People are focused on the fact that. He seems dumbfounded, he seems incapable of replying to the to the question, which is true, but it’s more than that. The reason he’s having difficulty is because the brain isn’t processing as it should, because he had a stroke, which means there was some brain damage. The question is whether it’s permanent and so forth and so on. But it’s more than that. It’s for him. You really have to spin it. You really got to figure out use your noodle to try and figure out how to work your way out of this. Well, he’s not at that point and he can’t. So he’s left. He’s left with the truth. At six 00, I absolutely support fracking. In fact, I live across the street from the steel mill and they were going to frack to create their own energy in order to make them more competitive. And I support that living closer to anybody else in Pennsylvania for fracking. To myself, I believe that we need independence with energy. And I believe I’ve walked that line my entire career. I believe Democrats. Mr. Mr. Fetterman, I do have a specific question which you can continue on this topic, but you have made two conflicting statements regarding fracking. In a twenty eighteen interview, you said, quote, I don’t support fracking at all. I never have. But earlier this month, you told an interviewer, quote, I support fracking. I support the energy independence that we should have here in the United States. So, Mr. Fetterman, please explain your changing position, 60 seconds. I’ve I’ve always supported fracking, and I always believe that independence with our energy is critical and we can’t be held to ransom to somebody like Russia. You know, I’ve always believed that energy independence is critical and I’ve always believed that. And I do support fracking, never take any money from their their industry. But I support how critical it is that we produce our own energy and create energy independence. I must correct the record here. Just a second. Mr. Oz, I do want to clarify something you’re saying tonight that you support fracking, that you’ve always supported fracking. But there is that twenty eighteen interview that you said, quote, I don’t support fracking at all. So how do you square the two? I do support fracking, and I don’t I don’t. I support fracking and I stand and I do support fracking. All right. He does not support fracking and neither does Biden. That’s why we’re in the situation we’re in. You know, he was lieutenant governor. He was the number two top executive official in Pennsylvania. People seem to forget that. Now, another point I want to make, and I’ve made this point with respect to Joe Biden, and I’m deadly serious about this. There is no way this man should be even in the public eye right now. Any more than Joe Biden should be, first of all, Joe Biden is doing severe damage to the nation. And the Democrat Party and his wife and the media installed him in the Oval Office. They knew that he was incapable of being a president and they know it today and they don’t care. They know. That John Fetterman is incapable of being a senator. His wife knows it, the Democrat Party knows it and the media know it, he isn’t capable of being a senator apart from his Marxist ideology. He’s incapable of being a senator. The Democrat Party has no compassion. And I’ll go as far to say as these spouses or as power hungry as their husbands were. And it’s a disgrace. I can tell you right now, just projecting myself into this situation, if I were having these problems, there’s no way my wife would even allow me to run for office. She loves me too much to expose me to this kind of humiliation. There’s no way. And I think most of you agree with me and most of you have marriages of that kind. This is really an abomination. It’s like Dianne Feinstein right now, you don’t hear from Dianne Feinstein right now, she ran again for the Senate. She has significant mental issues, too. This isn’t a putdown in the least. In fact, quite the contrary. She shouldn’t be in the Senate, but she’s in the Senate. Mitch McConnell did the same thing with Thad Cochran out of Mississippi. There are conservatives running for that seat in the primary, Mitch McConnell, kneecap them, stab them in the back like he’s trying to do to Kabaka. In Alaska. But Thad Cochran was incapable. Mentally of being a senator, he was having major, major dementia issues. And you never heard from the man after he got elected to his last term, but it didn’t matter because McConnell wanted his vote and he knew he could get that vote. I am sick and tired of this ruling class, I am sick and tired of it. And that includes the Pravda media. That includes these politicians and political parties that promote this sort of thing, I’m sick and tired of it. The American people deserve better than this. Pennsylvania, you deserve a hell of a lot better than this candidate from the Democrat Party. In Pennsylvania. And I’ll tell you something, I do feel sorry for the guy he’s being manipulated all over the place. I would absolutely vote against him because I don’t want him in the Senate. We can’t just vote for people like this. But what’s been done with him, the. Exploitation of him is shameful. Absolutely shameful. Just as it was shameful what McConnell did it for, Cochran, and just as it’s shameful. When the unions. When the corporatists, when the special interests, when the radical leftists. When the media. The Democrat Party and the dark money billionaires all got together. To push Biden. As he was sitting in his basement for nearly the entirety of the campaign edition of covering up the laptop, I’m just saying. And these consequences to the country, this economy, your bank accounts, your pensions, your income, these consequences for the price of food, the unavailability of basics, they impose this on you. They impose this on you. They knowingly did this. And now you hear them saying his handlers, Letterman’s handlers, should never have allowed him to debate. Why? Because they could continue to do what they’re doing, they are diabolical. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You look around the country, you’ll see these debates are awfully late, they’re very late, it’s less than two weeks until the election. I voted early today and I was proud. I did. Met a number of nice people at the voting precinct. But this is why the Democrats strategized to push debates late into the election season. Because particularly where they have early voting, like in Pennsylvania. They’ve been voting in Pennsylvania since almost I think it’s mid-September. Anywhere up to a million people have already voted and you can’t change your vote. That’s why early voting is nothing more than a trick for the Democrats, and that’s why when Mitch McConnell was trashing our candidates, whether it was ours, even after the nominations or JD Vance or Blake Masters are now Baldock in in New Hampshire or so forth and so on, did a grave disservice. Our candidates are kicking the ass of the Democratic candidates in every single one of these debates. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

 One last thing on this Pennsylvania race and I want to move on. A friend of mine who’s very well connected in Pennsylvania, you know, I’m from Pennsylvania, he said the Democrats. Have a plan. They want to get Fetterman elected. They want to get this Josh Shapiro, elected governor. They know Fetterman is incapable of representing the people of Pennsylvania in the Senate. They will get Fetterman to resign. And then the radical left wing Democrat governor who they hope to elect, Josh Shapiro, will appoint his replacement. That’s how diabolical these bastards are. That’s how sick they are. And as I understand it, much of the media knows that’s the plan. But now, you know, that’s the plan. The question is whether the people of Pennsylvania are going to put up with being manipulated by the Democrat Party and the radical left media. That’s the question. I don’t think you’ve read that in any media source in Pennsylvania, certainly not the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh fill in the blank or any of the other newspapers. And yet they know that’s the plan. Now, Herschel Walker. Now, Herschel Walker, when Gloria Allred is involved in anything, she thinks the place up. I’ve debated Gloria Allred and some of the greatest debates that radio’s ever known. Remember that last one, Mr. Producer, a couple of years back? Like, what was it like a decade ago? And she wouldn’t come back on, would she? Because she was exposed. All of a sudden, there’s Gloria Allred. What kind of lawyer is this? Not much of one, in my humble opinion. Gloria, you’re welcome to come on the program. And there she is. A person goes to Gloria Allred, anonymous to the rest of us. Herschel Walker drove her to an abortion clinic, insisted she get an abortion, paid for it. How many more October surprises? Well, that’ll be for Herschel Walker. And of course, here we are, October 26. So they’re piling on, they’re just trying to make sure. But they can try and destroy Herschel Walker and they will have their media parrot’s mouthpieces, surrogates jump all over this because they know this is a laser thin election in Georgia. They know it. And if they went out there and said, you know, so-and-so, a Democrat went out there and paid for somebody, they’d say, who cares? Because Democrats believe in abortion on demand, so who cares? But Herschel Walker, I got he says it’s against abortion. The problem with this dropping at the time that it drops in the weight of the drops is. You have to understand how you’re being manipulated. There is no way to prove this one way or another. With, what, less than 13 days left before the election, how can these kinds of allegations don’t don’t come up on any Democrat? There’s 50 Democrats in the Senate, have any of them paid for abortions? I’m just curious, do we know? There are more Democrats in the House than Republicans in the House of any of them paid for abortions. Do they even look? If a conservative lawyer came forward and said, Democrat fill in the blank, paid for an abortion for a girlfriend. They’d attack the lawyer. They’d undertake an investigation of the lawyer, his or her taxes, they try and get them disbarred, you get the drift right? You get the drift. So my advice to the people of Georgia, my advice to patriotic, red blooded Americans all over the place, ignore the media. The media at the screw you. These are desperate times for the media and the Democrat Party, they are desperate, they’re holding on by their fingernails. You need to go in for the political. I can’t say kill. Can I, Mr. Producer? They can say Nazi, fascist. Now you need to go in for the political crush. You cannot be deterred. You cannot be dispirited. You need to march, stand ramrod tall, chin up. Looking forward. You need to be. Really motivated. And nothing they say or do should dissuade you or distract you. Nothing. Were these last minute attacks? The obvious question is, why didn’t this woman go to Gloria Allred two months ago, time to vet it all, because they don’t want to vet at all. They want you to debate is it true, is it not true, is it? But we’re not going to do that. We’re going to lose. Or that we’re going to lose the whole country. That’s a problem. So we’re not going to do that here. Now, a curb with the diesel fuel where he didn’t have an answer, that is shocking. That is shocking. They should be monitoring this every day, and just so you know, oil reserves in this country are extremely low across the board, extremely low. Diesel, extremely low. Refineries are working at 100 percent and the newest refineries over 50 years old, so they break down. You can’t get parts. That’s where they’ve put us. Rather than saying, you know what, we’re going to have the equivalent of a Manhattan project, they say, no, no, no, abortion, abortion, abortion. And abortion again. Isn’t it interesting, since that decision by the Supreme Court in the DOBs case I mentioned, this is a footnote. You don’t have all these women coming forward. You don’t have all these 60 Minutes stories and 20, 20 stories and all the other phony magazine shows. You don’t have them showing thousands of women who can’t get abortions. Because that doesn’t exist. That doesn’t exist. In the United States. Or they would do that. And then they’re censoring all the people who are at homeless shelters under this administration. They’re censoring all the food lines of all these people. Censoring it so you won’t see them. Out of sight, out of mind. The media today are manipulating you, as they always do, but especially now they’re doubling, tripling, quadrupling down. They’ve got more October surprises planned for early November. Oh, yeah. That’s right. Because this is their game, they’re into it. Joe Biden, now he thinks he’s on to something, junk fees. I never heard of junk fees before. It’s you, Mr. Producer. They come up with phrases, they come up with tricks, they come out with will all this propaganda junk fees, why don’t you let us worry about junk fees and get your foot off the throat of our economy, you idiot. Chunk feels like you’re three years old. Daddy, Daddy, Mommy, Mommy, please don’t let them charge me for this. Please don’t. No, no, no. Joe Biden’s looking out for you folks. Really, it’s been very expensive. So let’s start here. Here he is at the White House today, cringing, speaking out of his mouth, cut three, go somewhere else and they can’t charge it. But you’ve got to let you know they’re in charge. It you can make a decision. Some airlines, if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money, but you don’t know it until you purchase your ticket. That’s a lie. They charge you more for six inches, more space, you go online, it could be 35 bucks, 42 bucks, 48 bucks. Depends where you going. All the rest depends on how many people want them. If you’re qualified, you can get an exit row. What is he talking about? You know, up front, and the reason why they charge more for six months is more. Is because if they didn’t, people would be having fist fights over them, and number two, they can’t give everybody six more inches or that to take rose out of the airplanes and then you won’t have these flights that you need. But who cares? What is it to do with anything? Not nothing. Go ahead, look, folks, these are junk fees, they’re unfair and the marginalised America is the hardest, especially long. They’re hitting marginalized Americans the hardest. So in other words, if you buy a ticket, let’s just say for 500 bucks and it cost you 35 more bucks to have six at Krantz’s, that’s hitting marginalized people the most. Do you even believe this crap? People are having difficulty buying food, filling up their cars, some are having to make decisions about one or the other and wait until they’re whacked with home heating oil and so forth. And he’s worried about six inches on the plane. That costs thirty five bucks. Senior citizens against the Social Security checks trying to figure out how they’re going to eat. He’s worried about them getting six inches on an airline. Let me tell you something, if you can’t afford the thirty five bucks from the airline, you can’t afford the five hundred dollar ticket. This is how our out of touch these idiots are. But don’t worry, Jose, to protect you from junk charges and you don’t even have to pick that seat. They don’t charge you for that seat without telling you. I should know I’m flying constantly between two states. When’s the last time Joe flew commercial? Six inches, he gets 60 feet on Air Force One, back and forth, back and forth from back and forth, back down, Rehoboth, Wilmington, Wilmington, Rahho, back and forth. But don’t worry, Joe’s worried about how much fuel you use and junk fees. And we have junk fees. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

But you can see we’re moving in and out of issues that matter right up to this election, as well as election issues that matter right up to this election over Breitbart, Richmond Fed manufacturing survey demand craters as inflation worsens. The manufacturing sector in the United States Central Atlantic region fell back into contraction in October after briefly stabilizing in the previous month, according to a survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The index of general business conditions fell to minus 10 in October from zero in September, readings below zero indicate a decline in manufacturing activity and it goes on. What does that mean, recession? What does that mean with inflation? I told you, we’re in stagflation after the election. All the Democrats who are experts will tell you what I’ve been telling you. We are in the middle of stagflation. And it’s going to get worse. It’s going to get worse. Even if the Republicans are elected, they can begin the process of clawing back. But the fact of the matter is, what do they say it’s already baked into the cake? I hate that phrase, by the way, although I do love cake. What else? Maybe we should put a camera in here, Mr. Producer, Epic Times Craft Haine CEO says more rounds of price increases coming as inflation will continue. Kraft Heinz CEO Miguel Patricio warned that because of persistent inflation, there will be more price increases in twenty twenty three amid ongoing challenges that are hampering the food industry. At a gentleman come up to me today at the grocery store. Knew who I was, he was putting packages of crackers and cookies on the shelf and he kept looking to me at me, so I introduced he said, Oh, I know who you are. Thank you. It’s such a great honor to meet you. People are so kind. And we spoke a little bit and he told me, you see this he was pointing to a package this a few months ago cost three dollars and thirty nine cents. Today it’s four dollars and fifty nine cents. He said, I earn 20 cents a package excuse me, 20 percent a package. He said, and I’m earning less now, why is he earning less for two reasons, they’re selling less at the price. And he said, we used to have constant offers of two for one. That is two for the price of one. We can’t do that anymore. So the price of the product is up, he gets 20 percent of it, but he’s earning much less and you’re getting much less. Got it. That’s the problem. We have 10 million job openings in this country, 10 million. And we have seven million people who won’t look for jobs. Did you know that we have 10 million job openings in this country and seven million people who’ve decided not to look for jobs? We’re not talking about people who are mentally or physically hand. I’m not talking about any of that. We’re talking about people who are fit, who can do jobs and won’t do jobs. And so when they look at the unemployment rate, oh, it’s so low, what’s happening is we have the lowest rate of labor participation in decades. Because people have been and are being subsidized not to work. All the wrong emphasis. I don’t care what you look at, folks, I don’t care what measure it is, whether it’s your own pocketbook and wallet, your own savings account, your own paycheck or pension check. When you drive in to a gasoline station and see what you’re getting charged for, how many gallons? When you go into a grocery store and see what they’re charging for the basics. I don’t care what you look at the inflation rate, the core inflation rate, the consumer price index, the production price index, it is bad, it is bad and it’s going to get worse. It’s time to throw these bums out, all of them, as fast as we can. I’ll be right back.