October 24th, 2022

October 24th, 2022

This is the Preamble to the US Constitution, It starts with the phrase We The People and shows only some of the writing from the upper left hand corner of the document of the Constitution, It is written on parchment paper that is now faded, showing its age. (Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the big divide that people keep talking about exists and it’s between liberty and tyranny; between law and order and we are on the right side of history. Just like the Democrat party hates the Constitution and the founding of the country they hate liberty and embrace chaos to promote their ‘progressive’ agenda. With ‘progressivism’ being the bastard child of Marxism, it promotes the notion that the economy exists for the benefit of the government which exists to support the ruling class. Then, don’t be fooled when President Biden and the Democrats blame the Republicans and big oil for the massive price increases due to energy shortages that are coming at the end of November because of Biden’s policies that slowed domestic energy expansion. Later, US Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss how Democrats are pushing a pseudo-independent to fool never-Trump Republicans and others into thinking they won’t be as radical as the Democrats. Lee added that Democrats are pushing for total domination in Washington to push their liberal agenda. Afterward, US Senate candidate Herschel Walker joins the show with an update from his campaign. Walker called out Sen. Raphael Warnock for being a Marxist and evicting people unfairly from properties owned by his church.

PJ Media
Biden’s Next Crisis: Home Heating Oil Rationing Begins in Northeast, and It’s Not Even Winter Yet

Daily Wire
Rubio Campaign Canvasser Seriously Injured After Violent Attack For Wearing DeSantis Hat, Rubio Shirt, Campaign Says

Daily Wire
GOP Senator, Dem Congresswoman Endorse One Another In Alaska

Political Wire
Murkowski Endorses Peltola for House Seat

Washington Times
Liz Cheney predicts rise of ‘new conservative party,’ says Republicans ‘more dangerous’ than Dems

Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

All right, Mr. Producer, just want to make sure that wasn’t a burp, was it? No. All right, by the way, this one is those are words I like. You like those words, Mr. Producer. This one is. He said, what the hell’s he talking about and signaling, signaling? All right, folks, welcome to for a fantastic week. My favorite platform, radio. Favorite, favorite, favorite. Let’s start off a little cerebral now, we’re going to jump right in. There’s lots to get into. We have two great guests in the third hour. We’re going to keep bringing candidates in. We have Mike Lee said, a big fight in Utah. We have Herschel Walker, big fight in Georgia. We need these men to get elected. This big divide people keep talking about does exist. It does exist, this big struggle people keep talking about, it does exist. Liberty versus tyranny. We’re on the liberty side. Law and order versus crime, we’re on the law and order side. But, you know, it’s interesting. It’s even broader than that. Have you noticed how the Democrats condemned the founding 1776? They condemned the Declaration of Independence, if they even references, they they take out important parts of it. Remember when Justice Jackson then nominated, Jackson would not say whether she could or could not support the notion of natural law or natural rights primarily. And yet that’s right there in the Declaration of Independence. They hate the Constitution. How many times have I come behind this microphone citing some Democrat on TV or radio or in the newspapers? Going on about how the Constitution’s too old or was adopted by white slave owners and so forth, but what is it that they want instead? So I really got to thinking about this. There’s two major and different thresholds of thinking here. You remember we’ve talked about over the years and I’ve written about over the years this German based ideology from Hegel and Marx and many others remember that. And this is where progressivism, so-called comes from progressives being the the bastard child of Marxism to American Marxism. You have Hagel who really laid the foundation for Marx, who’s laid the foundation for the modern progressive era, who’s laid the foundation for American Marxism step by step. And that is an ideology, again, born of German philosopher that is undemocratic. That believes the economy exists to serve the government. Whether in the case of Hagel, it’s the Prussian empire, in the case of Marx, it’s this Marxist utopia. And the government exists to serve the ruling class mastermind’s because you see they’re the experts and somehow God has. Although they don’t believe in God, but God has conferred upon them expertise and knowledge that that the placebo that is we do not have. And of course, these experts are phony, which is why they always have to ultimately use police state tactics to enforce their power. And trash, the equivalent of the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms to process and all the rest. So that’s really, in a nutshell, the German. Based ideology that has led to so much horror throughout the world. And then there is what I’ll call the British based philosophy. And even beyond Aristotelian, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States. Now, the Constitution is not too old. The purpose of the Constitution is to protect the individual, know the declaration is not a white supremacist document. Read it. Unalienable rights for whom? For everybody, natural law, what’s natural law, it’s God given law, God given rights, truisms, truisms. And the early so-called progressives, Wellstone, John, Dewey, Wiley, Crowley, all the rest, they didn’t believe in God given anything. They didn’t believe in God given anything. They believe man has the capacity. Through rules and laws, through legislation to determine his own fate and the people responsible must be sort of mastermind’s, a ruling class that directs, that pulls that pushes that organize the groups, the population, because the population is incapable of doing this. And so this this German based ideology rejects individual free will, whereas this British or Greek or Hebrew philosophy embraces individualism. My making sense, Mr. Producer. And so you move this up to today in this election. What is it? That the Democrat Party stands for its German ideology. But the German ideology. Is the opposite. Of the principles and the philosophy and the truisms that went behind the declaration and undergird the Constitution, that’s what this struggle was about. That’s what the struggle is about through much of Europe, they’ve adopted the German ideology, even in Britain. That’s not how the United States was founded and established. So we have this American Marxism that is built from the German ideology. That is trying to devour what is the notion of individualism, private property rights, limited government and all these things that built the most powerful and the most significant country the world has ever known? That’s the battle. That’s the battle, that’s what’s going on. And more about this another day. Eugenics, we’ve talked about that these things, you know, I’m playing around with them over the weekend, so I get excited about presenting them to you. Eugenics, it’s no accident that the Democrat Party supported eugenics, because if you feel that you can socially engineer society, how can you socially engineer society without socially engineering the human beings in a society you can’t? That’s the danger. And yet Planned Parenthood has been an appendage of the Democrat Party for 100 years and you have spent billions of dollars subsidizing. It’s only a few years ago, starting with its New York chapter, that it even condemned Margaret Sanger. Hillary Clinton got the great Margaret Sanger Award. People were thrilled about getting Margaret Sanger awards. She also was a racist. This is the problem when we’re not taught actual history and this is the problem when the media lies to you to promote an agenda because it’s corrupt. Isn’t this important for people to know? How do we go through the last several years talking about insurrections, talking about systemic racism, watching riots, pulling down monuments, burning books, and the Democrat Party is untouched and unscathed? How is that possible? We talk about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 65, we have an idiot like this Roland Martin guy, we had to pass these things, you know, because even though we had the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, white people refused to embrace them really well. White people pass the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Republicans and Republicans passed overwhelmingly the Civil Rights Act to sixty four point sixty five with some Democrat help. But why were those acts passed? Why were the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments passed to stop the Democrats? Why was the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the nineteen sixty five Civil Rights Act, a.k.a. the Voting Rights Act? Why were they passed to stop Democrats? Oh, you don’t say. They want to talk about why they want to talk on the left about the country. Because they’re Democrats. Racism has always been a big part of the Democrat Party, always. Up until and through the 60s. Racism. The target, the target were blacks. Today, the Democrat Party is still racist, the target whites. Waitz. Racism is a core, fundamental part of the Democrat Party, why? Because it’s an evil damn party to begin with, because it has this Trumaine ideology now as its base, you cannot be viewed as individuals. You cannot see a colorblind society. First of all, it doesn’t serve their power hungry purposes, but it doesn’t serve their ideology. So racism was targeted against blacks for 150 or more years, and today it’s white supremacy pushed by critical race theory. Again, Democrats. Democrats. Republicans don’t push these ideologies because they’re not part of the tradition of the country. When you look at the Declaration of Independence, John Locke was antislavery. Edmund Burke was antislavery. I can’t think of a Republican president, the Republican Party, as I recall, was established in 1856 to do what? To abolish slavery. I can’t think of a Republican president who ever supported slavery. I can’t think of Democrat presidents. I can’t think of a Republican president who supported segregation, but I can’t think of Democrat presidents who supported segregation. For 100 years after the Civil War. And members of the Democrat. Party who supported segregation, members of the Democrat Party. One of whom Joe Biden worked very closely with segregationists and racists because he agreed with them against integrating public schools. He agreed with them, the Democrat Party. Even after the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. One of the great filibuster leaders was Robert Byrd, and he took to the floor for 14 and a half hours in a last desperate effort on the last day of a 70 day filibuster to try and stop that law from being passed. What happened to Robert Byrd after that? He became the leader of the Senate Democrats and not for a little bit and not for a little while for at least a decade. He was their minority leader and then he was their majority leader. So where does this get us? It’s the same party effectively, it’s the same ideology, effectively different targets, different tactics, different strategies. It is unraveling and dismantling our country from within because it always has. That’s the battle that’s taking place. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, I was going to make a run at the British prime ministership. But I see it was just filled today, Mr. Producer, so I won’t be doing that. So you’re safe for a while. Just let me finish top this off here. So the German perspective rejects capitalism. Right, the situation in which the American system was established embraces the market system, a voluntary system. And so, again, you can see that the Democrat Party embraces this Hegelian Marxist angle. Type of ideology, and you and I are trying to defend our unique American system from them and that. Anyway, lots more when I come back. Remember diesel fuel, I told you last week? Twenty five days supply, which is a disaster. Well, get ready northeast. Here comes your heating oil rationing and it’s going to begin soon. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

The Democrats like to say they’re protecting democracy. Ladies and gentlemen, how. Let’s assume by that that their constitutional rights, they mean the protecting Republicanism, because that’s the system, not democracy, but. How are they protecting it? Give me one example. By trashing Supreme Court justices. By threatening to get rid of the filibuster so they can ram through whatever they want, even with a one vote majority. A temporary faction imposing the will of the nation, how are they protecting democracy? Ladies and gentlemen, by violating separation of powers. And Joe Biden issues executive orders like peanuts to elephants. How are they protecting democracy with a rogue, corrupt FBI, Stassi and Department of Injustice by targeting parents, by targeting pro lifers? Exactly how is the Democrat Party protecting democracy? The Democrat Party hates democracy, a.k.a. Republicanism. The war against the Constitution is led by one party, the Democrat Party, the war against our institutions is led by one party, the Democrat Party. The war on our history is led by one party, the Democrat Party. How are they protecting democracy? I just want to know. Biden keeps saying there’s a reason they do this. He keeps repeating a big lie, they’re trying to find the big lie that will resonate. They’re trying to find a big enough lie that will resonate to counter what’s happening in your lives, which is economic disaster set upon you, unleashed upon you by Joe Biden in the Democrat Party. Doesn’t have to be this way. He didn’t have to be this way. And two short years ago, it wasn’t this way. And you know the problems. It’s crazy to buy a dozen eggs. It’s crazy to buy a half gallon of milk. Oh, yes, we do that. I do that. It’s crazy to buy chicken and meat. It’s crazy to go through the fast food line where food used to be quite cheap. It’s crazy when you go into stores and you see what? Less and less on the shelves. It’s crazy. That didn’t have to happen either. When you cut off liquid gold, when you cut off liquid gold. Liquid gold, meaning what, fossil fuels, electricity from the economy. You’re committing economic suicide now, the people in Washington don’t suffer from this. The people from Washington won’t suffer from this, maybe politically, but financially, they always seem to get richer, not poor. Have you noticed? Funny how that works, isn’t it, the timing on their stock sales amazing. Most of Washington is immunized from all this. The media didn’t suffer from the pandemic, it doesn’t suffer from inflation. There were overpaid. The bureaucracy doesn’t suffer either. You suffer. You’re the target. What are you going to do about it? PJ Media Ryan leadin Decker Biden’s next crisis, home heating oil rationing begins in the northeast. It’s not even winter yet. Meaning the Cole hasn’t really even come yet, looks like President Biden might get his winter of death after all, and it’s not because of the unvaccinated. If you live in the Northeast, you know that even in normal times, heating oil bills constitute a significant expense because winters are usually brutal. Unfortunately, this year, it could be the worst year ever for residents of the region hoping to adequately heat their homes. Of course, they’ll blame it on climate change. Big oil. Putin, the Saudis, but it’s them. Not only are heating oil prices through the roof on anti fossil fuel Biden’s watch, but even for those who have the funds to stock up, doesn’t really matter. Heating oil rationing. Has already begun. Rationing like toilet paper and baby formula rationing, why is all this rationing happening on Biden’s watch? For the record, we never once worried about rationing under former President Donald Trump. But the worst part about this unfolding crisis is that it’s not even winter. Into a bombshell report in Bloomberg, and I quote, The U.S. Northeast is so short on heating oil that the fuel used to power home furnaces is being rationed even before the start of winter. Some wholesalers in Connecticut are putting retailers on allocation, meaning they can only get a limited amount of fuel based on availability, according to Chris Erb, president of the Kinetic Energy Marketers Association, which represents about 600 family owned retailers in the state. These retailers must, in turn, ration to their customers. Now, many of you haven’t felt this yet, but you will. Like so many of these stories, I pull them out and I highlight them first for the nation. Bloomberg’s data matches what former Marine governor excuse me, former Maine Governor Paul LePage, a Republican gubernatorial candidate, talkradio, told radio talk shows Howie Carr this week, good buddy, he’s great and that the heating oil shortage situation in the Northeast is beyond frightening and a genuine cause for concern. So now diesel fuel, there’s a 25 day supply. Well, actually, I told you that on Friday. Others have regurgitate it. So now there’s a twenty one day supply. And our home heating oil for the northeast. Disaster. The page essentially begged current Democrat Maine Governor Janet Knowles to do something, anything to bring attention to the situation before it’s too late and people start dying while also blaming Biden for not properly addressing the issue. So my by my doing it here, this one will resonate just as when I announced on Friday the diesel fuel situation. Now it’s everywhere, it’s important to get it out now before the election, so we can elect people who might try and do something about it. Today, just about an hour ago, we got information from a local oil dealer or right now tonight at five o’clock said the former governor, is five dollars and sixty nine cents. Kerosene is 669 a gallon. This is what we’re facing right now, he said. He added, earlier this week, the president, the United States released 15 million barrels of crude oil from the reserves, but he did not he did not release any northeast home heating oil reserve. We have a shortage and prices going through the roof. And the governor of the state of Maine has yet to say a word about it, he said. And the page every listener to call Governor Mills’s office in Maine to leave their thoughts about the developing crisis, saying Mills needs to get on the ball and call Biden and tell them to release heating oil reserves for the Northeast. Because we’re going to have a tough winter. We have shortages. They’re predicting brownouts and blackouts. We’re in desperate need for help. LePage and Card discuss the reports of heating oil rationing taking place already in Connecticut, LePage added that the same practice is already happening in Maine and it’s still nowhere near his state’s coldest and most energy demand any time of the year. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA, residential heating oil in the New England area in March 20 20 was about two dollars and eighty seven cents a gallon. It held in that range or lower for the bulk of Trump’s presidency, not long after Biden entered office, the price began to climb as of October 17, the latest figure. It’s doubled five dollars and 70 cents a gallon. He got that new angle, you got the New Hampshire. He got that main. And it’s not just them. It’s the Northeast. New Jersey, Pennsylvania. New York. You know who you are. You’re going to get whacked. And there’s no reason for this, none. And the math of what’s going to cost for residents of the region to heat their homes truly blew me away, he wrote, at current prices. And keep in mind, these prices are guaranteed to rise in the coming months as demand increases and supply decreases, probably significantly, the cost to fill the typical two hundred and seventy five gallon residential heating oil tank. Is just under sixteen hundred dollars. That amount of heating oil, according to. Energy lasts the average home about 56 days, less than two months. Let’s call it two months, folks, that seven hundred and eighty three dollars a month for heating oil alone, and that’s at the current rate, which will probably soon seem cheap, and that’s if you can find it. And what happens in three months in the dead of winter when inflation is even higher, unemployment is up, nobody can afford expensive heating oil bills. What then? Some will inevitably have to decide whether they heat their home or buy groceries. Either sacrifice Juan dateable cause the winner to be one of the sickest and deadliest. What do you think about that? We’re just a few months behind your. A few months behind you. That’s it. But unlike Germany. And so many of these other countries, we have enormous. Fossil fuel reserves in this country. That had been cut off at the direction of Biden and the Democrats. Don’t be fooled that it’s big oil, big oil didn’t do this two, three, four years ago. Why is it doing it now? Because it’s being directed to do it. Diesel fuel. Most of you don’t buy diesel fuel, home heating oil. Look at the price of regular gasoline. Look at the price of electricity where they want you to solely use electricity. They’re all through the roof. This is a massive conspiracy among millions of Americans to do this to fellow Americans, of course not. When the government acts on economic matters and imposes its will, including fines and penalties and has all kinds of red tape and approval at every level. Every level of development and distribution and when that governments in the hands of individuals who break that system and do it intentionally. You suffer, not them, you. This is going to be a disastrous winter. It’s really too bad the election isn’t like February 15th because then it would be more than obvious. But I’m telling you now, now pass the word whisper down the line, no yell down the lane. Energy shortages are here. It’s just a matter of time until the customer feels it, no matter what you pay, there will not be enough. And that’s not just New England. We see what happens in California. And we see what happens in the rest of the country. You’d think baby formula shortages. You think that’s an anomaly? It’s not an anomaly they on, quote unquote, fixed it. I’ll be right back,

Hour 1 Segment 4

The media is incapable of comprehending actual facts and knowledge because the media are filled with radical ideological Democrats, as you well know, it’s not just Republicans who are paying these prices. It’s not just Republicans are beginning to see shortages. It’s not just Republicans who are concerned about crime in the streets, it’s not just Republicans. We’re on Social Security or have other pensions and see the the diminishing value of their of their monthly paycheck. It’s not just Republicans who work with their hands every day as electricians and plumbers, as truckers, drivers of other vehicles, and make this country work. The American people, whatever party, if any, party see what’s happening to their country, they see what’s happening to their police force, they see what’s happening to their military, they see what’s happening in their classrooms. They see what’s happening to their economy. They see that Democrats are attacking the family structure. They see that Democrats are now wanting illegal aliens to vote. They see that Democrats had the southern border wide open. So drugs federal are pouring into the country criminals with all kinds of backgrounds, drug dealers, drug cartels are running the border. Americans see this, Americans. Not just Republicans. Americans are coming out to vote in 15 days. Who love the country and the Democrats have given them a stark choice, may I say a binary choice? If you hate your country. If you support the impoverishing of yourself and your family, if you want your kids to be brainwashed with sexual perversion and racism as their test scores are dropping like a lead balloon. If you think foreigners should vote in your country. And if you don’t have any problem with inflation and recession, then you vote Democrat. It’s very simple, but if you love your country, you make sure you turn out your vote against these bastards. You vote for the Republican, even if you don’t necessarily love the Republican. That’s what this vote is about. How much time do I have left, Mr. Producer? Not enough. So when we come back, Joe Biden announces today that Republicans. Are opposed to you marrying the person you love. Now, which Republican is this? What is he talking about, which Republican is against you marrying the person you love? What’s their name, exactly? What’s his name? What’s her name? And then out of the other side of his mouth, what does he do? He brags. He brags about what he brags. Yesterday on MSNBC, I used to go down to the Senate dining room and eat together with segregationist James Eastland. James Eastland opposed interracial marriage. That was Joe Biden’s buddy. More when I return.