October 20th, 2022

October 20th, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - OCTOBER 17: Former U.S. President Barack Obama casts his vote at an early voting venue on October 17, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois. Obama intends to campaign for Democrats in Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin ahead of the high-stakes Nov. 8 election. (Photo by Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, during President Barack Obama’s terms in office Democrats lost over 1000 seats in elected office. Either of the Obama’s campaigning for Democrats will not change the trajectory of this election.  Then, this program is concerned with the election denial displayed by a majority of Democrats with respect to the election of every Republican president for the past two decades. Later, President Biden and Democrats have weakened our country from within by weakening our military. China’s army is twice as big but lacks combat experience. Afterward, it’s easier to get an abortion than baby formula. Yet Stacy Abrams argues that children are the reason for high gas cost worries and therefore the answer to inflation is abortion. Afterward, New Jersey Republican Candidate Frank Pallotta joins the show to discuss his campaign against Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05). Pallotta noted that his opponent says one thing in the district and votes opposite to that in Washington, DC. 

Daily Wire
How Many Seats Did the Democrats Lose Under Obama? Over a THOUSAND. (December 2016)

Wall St Journal
China’s Military Is Catching Up to the U.S. Is It Ready for Battle?

Wall St Journal
The Pentagon’s Recruiting Woes

RCP Generic Ballot Polling Average

Photo by Jim Vondruska

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We will take some calls. Later in the program, this, I can assure you. So they’re bringing out Obama on the campaign trail. People are given the stiff arm to Biden, can’t blame them. Can’t blame them. People are locking up their little girls whenever Biden shows up, puts his hands on their shoulder, sniffs their hair. Beattie is OK with that. They’re not going to bring out Kamala Harris. She’s dumber than Obama, than Biden. So they’re going to bring out Obama. And what’s that going to get them? How many seats did the Democrats lose under Barack Obama when he was president? Do you have any idea, folks, federal and state? Governorships, state legislatures. Over 1000, remember that. Obama, while he was president, the Democrats lost over 1000 seats. This is the way the Daily Wire reported on this six years ago, the AP is finally face the reality, the presidency of Barack Obama in the Obama coalition that swept him into office. But work for Obama just did not work for his party. And boasting about his tenure in the White House, Barack Obama often cites numbers like these 15 million new jobs, four point nine percent unemployment rate, seventy four months of consecutive job growth rates. The AP is one number you almost never hear more than 1000 and 30, 30 seats. That’s sobering numbers. That total of all of the seats, including Congress, state legislatures and governorships lost by the Democratic Party over Obama’s two terms. When you’re pulling out Obama. Who has some kind of a world wide record? For political losses in his party. Because Biden’s worse, they think they Kamala Harris is even worse than him. I think you have a problem. I just think you have a problem. Now, on the Republican side, I noticed Mr. Singer in America, Mitch McConnell’s not in great demand, isn’t he? I mean, let’s be honest, folks. What’s Mitch McConnell going to say on the on the campaign trail? I remember my party’s from my BlackBerry. Nobody wants to hear him either. She got me to thinking, do you realize how decrepit? The leadership, quote unquote, is. In Washington, D.C.. People who can barely function. How much you want to bet? How much you want to bet between Biden, Pelosi, McConnell and even Schumer, he’s close to 80, I suppose. That they blow out the depen cells that at the local supermarket, how much you want to bet? It’s crazy, a country like this. That has people like this. Supposedly leading it. Ledingham. All right, so anyway, I wanted to put to rest this idea that, oh, here comes Obama. So now we’re going to win seats now. Here comes Obama. And the Republicans should thank God. That Obama is going to be on the campaign trail, hopefully Michelle will be there to. I think the base. The conservative base will turn out even bigger. Oh, not him to not hurt, too. Oh, my God, I can’t take it. I want to talk about something that’s not being talked about much. China, of course, it’s being talked about much, but not what I want to talk about, respecting China. Wall Street Journal, China’s military is catching up to the US. Is the US ready for battle? Something we’ve been talking about for years. And then The Wall Street Journal the other day, the Pentagon’s recruiting woes. America. When you hollow out the America. Our energy, our energy is the source of all progress, frankly. The economy can’t function properly. When you are at war internally with our military. Focused on. Bizarre, perverse ideological ends rather than the purpose of a military. You weaken a country. Joe Biden and the Democrats have weakened our military from within. They weakened our national security and not just our southern border. We’re not spending the kind of money we need to spend. On our military. And the Chinese are outdoing us. Not because they’re smarter and better, it’s because the Democrats are stupid. The People’s Liberation Army is emerging as a crude competitor. But Beijing worries about the ability of its troops, The Wall Street Journal writes. China’s military is emerging as a true competitor to the U.S. and the paying. The People’s Liberation Army now has hypersonic missiles that invade most defenses technology, the U.S. is still developing its attack. Drones can swarm to paralyze communication networks. China’s naval ships outnumber Americans, and it launched its third aircraft carrier this summer, the first to be designed and built in its country. Its defense budget is second only to the US. Now, the reason it’s second to the U.S. is they don’t have to pay. The kind of monies that we pay. We have an all volunteer military, and so they don’t have a volunteer military. You join the military with a pistol at your head. China’s military has more serving members at around two million, compared with under one point four million in the U.S.. The question for Mr. Xie, which he’s raised in public, is whether those forces are ready for battle. This is a bizarre sentence following the prior paragraph, hypersonic missiles don’t have to be ready for battle, quote unquote. They’re ready to be fired. But I’ll go on, China hasn’t fought a war since a brief border clash with Vietnam in 1979. I like American forces who have fought for most of the past two decades in Iraq and Afghanistan. China service members have virtually no combat experience, which some Chinese leaders have referred to as a peace disease. And finding a solution short of actual war has been a priority for Mr. G, especially as he seeks to prepare the country for a potential showdown with the US. We must comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation and improve the army’s ability to win, Mr G said on Sunday at the opening of the Communist Party’s twice a decade Congress. The issue has become more pressing for Beijing as tensions build with Taiwan, which China sees as part of its territory, has been, quote unquote, part of the Chinese territory for well over 100 years, by the way. The complete unification of the motherland must be realized and it will be realized, he said, drawing loud applause from the Stooges and SEALs in his audience. We put their. Taiwan reported few sorties by the Chinese Air Force close to the island before 20 20 says they have reached more than one thousand two hundred so far this year alone. Beijing state media reported an increase in more qualified recruits to the play after Pelosi’s visit. China’s political priorities mean that around 40 percent of new recruits training. As involved, studying about the Communist Party rather than learning how to be a service member, leaders, some of whom see young Chinese as pampered products of the country’s one child policy, question whether they’re tough enough. An effort to make China’s different military branches work more closely together. Remains untested. What is The Wall Street Journal trying to say here? That the communist Chinese don’t know if their troops can find. Perhaps the authors of this piece are unfamiliar with the Korean War. With a communist, Chinese actually did file. They did pour over the border. Perhaps they’re not familiar with that. And perhaps they’re not familiar with the fact. That we just withdrew, surrendered in Afghanistan in a humiliating loss. That I believe our top brass is weaker than ever before. Starting with the secretary of defense, Molly, and the others. How many of them have experience as active generals? In an all out war. But if the article is saying and I don’t think it is. They Red-Blooded Americans are better fighters. Then enslaved communist Chinese. I agree with that. That’s why they deserve the best armaments. That’s why they deserve the biggest military buildup. That’s why they deserve to make sure that they will be properly backed, led and can function in a war. Because all things being equal. At this point. Now, the communist Chinese won’t beat us. You ready, Mr. Producer? I don’t hear you, Mr. Producer.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I must confess, some of you will get furious. I must confess, I am concerned about the election deniers. May I say that Mr.. I am concerned about the election deniers. I am concerned about the January six, 2001 election, our. They went to the floor of the House where all Democrats. And claim that George W. Bush was an illegitimate president, that he was appointed by the Supreme Court. I am concerned about the election tonight. January six, 2005, they went to the floor of the House, Jamie Raskin. Bennie Thompson. Climate, they claim that Ohio electors, 10 of them, should be assigned to John Kerry. I am concerned about the election deniers who claim that Donald Trump was elected by the Russians. It was an illegitimate president. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

One morning I’m going to do my best to explain. How the Republicans often surrender even before the first day, if majority control not to dispirit you, but. So we are poised to deal with this. The problem with electing the Democrats is they’re ready, they’re ready to go because it’s not hard to destroy things, it’s not hard to burn them down. It’s much harder to build things. They are effectively the Democrats, the non-violent rioters, rioters, the non-violent rioters of our government. They are committed to dismantling this society. Everything they do is intended to dismantle this society. From women’s sports to the definition of women. To American history and on and on and on down the list, you know the list, Bill of Rights. The Republicans have a different issue. They desperately want to, quote, unquote, cover. Govern what? While the government, the country. They are not as passionately committed. To freedom as the Democrats are passionately committed to tyranny. And so you get statements like. The American people don’t want impeachment. So I don’t see us impeaching Biden or my Arcus or anybody else, for that matter. Have you ever heard the Democrats speak that way, they are plotting before day one? To cripple a Republican administration. The Republican leadership. They don’t mind embarrassing a few Democrats or having a few hearings in this sort of thing, passing legislation that won’t get through. But they’re not as serious about clawing back our liberty as the Democrats are. And clawing it away from us, this is a huge problem. I confess it’s a huge problem. And yet, for the first time ever, I’ve said vote Republican no matter what. In order to stop the Democrats from clawing away more of our freedom, now that doesn’t guarantee that it won’t be clawed away. In the natural course of things, if the Republicans don’t fight back, but we don’t have a chance. Because the Democrats move fast now. Revolutions tend to be slow, this counter-revolution is moving very quickly. Because the constitutional barriers. To limited government have been breached. They’ve been breached by the courts, including the Supreme Court. They’ve been breached by administration after administration with executive orders and this massive leviathan of a federal bureaucracy that passes laws every day. And you’re not even aware of it without representing you or me or even consulting us. Some Republicans say. I took the position that these impeachment’s against Trump were illegitimate. I can’t now say that we would use them. When they’ve lost their way. Joe Biden has violated the Constitution. We have a disaster on the southern border as a result. There’s only one way to draw the body politic to respond to what he’s doing. It’s not just appearing on my show or other shows. The Senate leadership. On the Republican side has been utterly impotent. If the Republicans in the Senate become the majority, it’ll be because of you. People like you, people like me behind a microphone and a TV camera. It won’t be because of the Republican leadership. You don’t hear from McConnell, it’s a good thing, except he’s spending a fortune in Alaska to destroy the conservative because he wants a lap dog. Lisa Murkowski. They don’t have a message. We have a message. We, the people. We want to stop. The Marxists, the Democrats. And so just like with the Tea Party. If the Senate turns Republican. In the case of the Tea Party, the House. What will happen? The Republicans will take credit for it. The Republicans will take credit for it. And then they will do whatever they can in many ways to distance themselves from us. I am aware of this. I’m not blind to this. But first things first, this has to be done in stages if it’s to be done at all. We have to stop the internal enemies of America who hate this country. Who hates so many of you? Who hate your lifestyle. And seek to impose on you and me and everybody else. Their ideological images of what should be paradise. While they empower and enrich themselves. We have to stop that. And we have to stop it now dead in its tracks, so it’s going to be too late. Nothing on matter. And then immediately after that. Should we, God willing, take the house? And the Senate. You won’t find me doing what so many TV and radio hosts and others will do, pat themselves on the back. Have a party. Give speeches now. We expect the people we vote for to deliver just as the Democrats expect to, people they vote for to deliver. The difference is we want liberty delivered and they want tyranny delivered. And we expect. These institutions that have been perverted and devoured by the Marxist left. To be held to account. Jacqui demanded. We expect a lawless president. To be held to account, we demanded. We expect the precedent that was used by the January 6th committee. And the impeachment process that was put in place by Nancy Pelosi. We expect those processes to serve as actual precedent going forward. Are we cannot survive. We can’t play tiddlywinks and marbles. While the other side is using political bazookas. It doesn’t work that way. I given you an example in the past. Some of you may remember, some of you may not know what I’m talking about, so just briefly. In the late 70s, a law was passed called the Independent Counsel Act. It was an unconstitutional law, but the Supreme Court upheld it. The only justice to vote against it was Antonin Scalia. It is signed powers to the judiciary that the judiciary should never have, it violated separation of powers. Long story short. An individual could be appointed. By a special division court under the statute. To investigate. A president or presidential appointees, individuals at a high level. The various elements of the statue were met and it would be triggered. That statute was used. To try and destroy Ronald Reagan. That statue was used. To launch the so-called Iran Contra investigation. That statue was used against various cabinet officials in the Reagan administration. Secretary of Defense, Secretary of state, secretary of treasury in the attorney general of the United States. It was used by the Democrats to try and destroy Republican administrations. Then Bill Clinton was elected president. And the statute applied to him. And it ensnared Bill Clinton in at least a half a dozen federal investigations. Most led by Ken Starr. As Janet Reno did not want separate independent counsel, she sort of just packaged these things one after another. In a sign of the Ken Starr, who was the independent counsel at the time. After that was done, the very Democrats who wrote the bill. The late Carl Levin of Michigan. And Barney Frank, you may remember Barney in Massachusetts sued for peace. I don’t mean they went to court. But they sued for peace, what did they do? They let the law lapse, but the law had a built in lapse period if Congress didn’t. Re-establishes. They led the charge, the at Lapps. Because it had been used against their precious Bill Clinton. If the Republicans today don’t learn from that, if the Republicans today. Do not use the tools and the instrumentalities that the Democrats. Used. To try and take out a sitting president, to try and take out Republican members to use against innocent Americans. Then they will fail us and the country. They will fail us and the country. They need to understand that they are not to play to the press, they need to understand. That it is not righteous. To allow Americans to be abused in the in the legal system to be abused. And don’t wrap yourself and we the people and say the people don’t want. The people want their country back. And if you should win in the House, in the Senate. We expect you to do more than pare spending bills. And borrowing bills. And Lahm bills, we expect you to do something. About the economy, about the border, about all of it, but we expect you to do something about our. Our liberty. And we’ll be monitoring you very, very, very closely behind this microphone. Friend or foe? It won’t matter. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Probably on Hannity this evening, ladies and gentlemen, nine thirty PM Eastern Time. I mean, if I have to be there, I hope you can be there, too. Ladies and gentlemen, just for a few minutes, then I go on my way. Fantastic show Sunday on Life, Liberty and Lovin. I hope you can watch it live. If not, you can always DVR it. Set it now. Ted Cruz is the first guest. Obviously, he’s a fantastic guest, Gen. Bolduc, who was running in New Hampshire and has a real shot. Becoming a senator, they will be very, very important. And. Let’s see candidates Chewbacca in Alaska, Kelly Sobotka. Who Mitch McConnell is trying to sink with millions and millions of smear money. And yet we need her to beat Lisa Murkowski, who is a really a Democrat and Republican clothing, she got her job in the first instance when her father appointed her. So this is important. And I have temporarily changed the format of the program, it’s still a long form interview because I don’t interrupt people or have other guests, two or three at a time. Everybody has their own period of time. We’re going to bring more candidates on. For the next three Sundays, right up to Election Day. James Clyburn on MSNBC today. Cat, Mr. Producer Riggo, economic policy is always a concern. Look, I came out of a household that had difficulty with voting rights and I don’t know, I don’t believe my parents would ever take a I said, well, if you can take away my voting rights, just give me 10 cents a gallon. What the hell is this moron Achak talking about? You don’t have to choose between voting rights today and 10 cents on a gallon of gasoline. What is this hideous, unconscionable big lie that this jerk in the other direction, that party keep telling about people who have to make a choice between the right to vote and whether you save 10 cents on a gallon? I’m telling you, America, these Democrats have no intention of addressing your concerns. None. Voting in the state of Georgia is through the roof, early voting, and especially in Atlanta. It’s reached a record number not ever seen before. Nobody is denied the right to vote unless you’re voting more than once, unless you don’t have a right to vote, and I know this for a fact. Now, how do I know this for a fact? Where’s all the lawsuits? Where are the lawsuit? Where the class action suits, you can still bring them under the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Where are they? There aren’t any. Or if there are, there are very few. Let alone decisions about the lawsuits. James Clyburn is the number three moron in the Democrat leadership in the House. He has no plan whatsoever, none to address your inflation, food, gasoline price problems, none. I’ll be right back.