October 18th, 2022

October 18th, 2022

BIRMINGHAM, AL - MARCH 13: JayDanny Cooper urges Alabama residents to vote in the primary along the side of a highway March 13, 2012 in Birmingham, Alabama. As the race for delegates continues, voters in Alabama and Mississippi will cast their ballots in their primaries today. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, millions of Americans fought for this country and didn’t do it so that some ivy-league educated liberal could piss it away. Every American must do their part to save this nation, or we will lose it. The greatest threat we face is American Marxism, which has lamentably found a home in the Democrat Party. Then, abortion is much more aggressive than the Democrats who wrote Roe v Wade ever envisioned. Roe describes viability and breaks up the pregnancy into trimesters based on ‘the science.’ The new anti-science abortion-on-demand movement ignores the very science that Roe was based on.  Later, Sen. Raphael Warnock’s Ebenezer Baptist Church is a slumlord. Residents complain that elevators are not working for handicapped residents and the Church recently received federal grants from the American Rescue Plan to make repairs. Warnock voted on this bill that he directly benefitted from. Afterward, Rep. Lee Zeldin joins the show with an update on his race for Governor of New York. Zeldin reminds us that Gov. Kathy Hochul is soft on crime and all New Yorkers, irrespective of political party affiliation, are tired of it.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Washington Free Beacon
Pests, Filth, and Killer Elevators: Inside Raphael Warnock’s Secret Low-Income Apartment Building

Photo by Win McNamee

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The in-person election, which is most of the vote, occurs three weeks from today, and as I’ve done for 20 years, we will have a big time election night coverage here from six to nine p.m. Eastern Time. And the times throughout the country, we often get a little bit of inside information. We’re able to see some of the tracking polls when people vote. And of course, I bring my knowledge to this. There’s really nobody else in radio who has the experience I do when it comes to this issue. That’s no Bragge. It’s just fact. I’ve been involved since I was 13 years old. 13 years old, can you imagine I’m 65 right now. In any event, I want to get you psyched up, I want to get you worked up, I want to get you motivated to do everything you can in your role. In your life. In your community. To make sure that we win this election and win it massively, it’s all going to depend on you. So in the weeks up to the election, some of you voting now, I want you to keep a few things in mind when you hear that. I want you to think about how this nation has fought for its liberty, our prior generations have fought for our liberty, how we have volunteers today who fight for our liberty. Selfless put their lives on the line for the battles of Lexington and Concord, Gettysburg. The siege at Yorktown. When you think about the Battle of the Alamo. When you think about the invasion of Normandy, you think of. The Battle of Iwo Jima Midway. You think about today, the brave men and women. You fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, Vietnam, North Korea. And on and on and on, so many battles, we can’t keep track of them. Tens of millions of American. Who have fought for this country. And over a million who’ve died for you. For your freedom. They didn’t do that so that a new generation of Americans could piss it all away. Because they’re offended. Or because they they have a new ideology that was hatched in some Ivy League school. Because they have a chip on their shoulder. Because they don’t want to work. Are they’re jealous of their fellow citizens or a thousand other reasons? Nobody’s insisting that you go to war. That you leave behind your family. But you put your life on the line. Well, we are insisting. Is that each and every one of you? Do your part to save this nation. Well, we’re going to lose it. Now to the British, now to the French. We’re going to lose it. Not to imperial Japan or fascist Italy or the Third Reich. Not that China, North Korea. Now to the North Vietnamese. Not the Russia. We’re going to lose it here within the United States. The greatest threat we face. The greatest threat we face in this country is American Marxism. And that threat and that threat has found a home. And the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party. Which has little in common with America. The Democrat Party, where slavery found a home, where segregation found a home, where Jim Crow found a home. Were the client found a home? We’re lynchings, found a home. We’re literacy tests and poll taxes found at home and today. Whether radicals find a home. The people who hate America find a home. Twenty four and Black Lives Matter. Find a home. Taurasi and Talib and Omar find a home. To a racist, find a home, an anti-Semite. Find a home. It’s the at the home for those who reject science. I believe that murdering babies in the last second of life is a choice. They claim to want to protect a woman’s body when they won’t even define what a woman is, a claim to want to defect, protect women’s rights, and yet. When it comes to security, safety and policing. More women are being raped in our streets day and night than ever before. Lawlessness, complete lawlessness. Because in our major cities controlled by the Democrats, they won’t protect the populations. Because. They despise law enforcement. Murders through the roof, people can’t take public transportation. It’s not because America is a bad place, it’s because the Democrat Party is evil. Hundred and ten thousand young people from the ages of 20 excuse me, 18 to 49 have perished. In the last nine months. From all that comes across the border, mostly manufactured in China, brought into this country through open borders, through the drug cartels. It’s at an all time high, the Democrat Party has done this. MS 13 has spread throughout America. Convicts people with criminal records who’ve been deported before they’re back, word’s gone out. No vetting come in. Terrorists have crossed the border, almost a thousand innocent people have died at the border and the Rio Grande. Children are being molested, women are being raped, sold into human slavery. America didn’t do that, the Democrat Party did it. We have senior citizens on this country, many of them living off of Social Security, imagine living off of Social Security with the cost of eggs going up 40 percent. With the cost of gasoline going up 60 percent, imagine. Having to choose between three square meals a day and two or heating your home. Imagine. Imagine sabotaging your own country, energy independence, sabotaging it. Imagine. These are the forces within. This is what you’re voting about in 21 days. You decide if we live free. Or we live as captured servants of the Democrat Party and a centralized, massive federal bureaucracy youdecide. It’s in your hands. What are you going to do about it? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, Rush Limbaugh and I were buddies for over 25 years and we talked a lot when he lost his hearing, we e-mail, we text it a lot and we shared a lot of views with each other. One phrase he used was echo chamber. I knew what he meant, even as I began my radio career, I knew what he meant. And of course, we experience it here since the DOBs decision in June. I’ve been trying to make the point and put the Democrats on defense on this issue of abortion. I have explained on every platform I have to tens of millions of Americans. And Republicans running for office, the Democrats do not support Roe v. Wade, they are much more radical. They say they support killing babies that science says are babies. And I want to pick this up when we come back

Hour 1 Segment 3

 So what we’ve been saying here, and you’ve been here for the last four to five months is stop running from this abortion issue. Get your head around it and do not let the Democrats define it. Don’t let them create the narrative. Their position is so extreme, it’s not it’s not embraced by countries except like North Korea and China. It’s not embraced by a single civilized nation, not one. The Democrats voted for a bill. That places absolutely no limits on abortion, none whatsoever destroys every regulation and every state eliminates parental notification. That is a radical extremists pro death position. It’s why it’s not covered by the media. It’s why they never asked Dr. Fouche or any of the other doctors who who dance across the media stage. When does life begin? When does life begin? We know it begins well before abortion in the last trimester, so this isn’t even a fight over Roe v. Wade, the Democrats have left that far behind. Where they’re in control of state governments. Their position is abortion with no limits. And those of you who are mothers who know what it’s like to give birth. The final days before giving birth. Right before giving birth. Is that a baby? Now, you know what? The science says it’s a baby. The science has a debate, it’s a baby the Democrats support not only killing that baby in a gruesome, gruesome way, which is why you never see the graphics or any documentaries on this subject ever, despite all the deaths that occur. But it’s never discussed except here. This message has gotten across, I believe, to a lot of people who are really thinking about this. Not only do the Republicans need to win, the Democrats need to lose, you do realize the Democrats have fifty one members in the Senate and even hold the House by one or two votes. They will kill the filibuster and they will push through what they call the codification of Roe, it’s not the codification of Roe. Roe didn’t go that far. It’s the codification of murdering babies, human beings that no civil society has ever embraced. None. And I’ve been making another point. The Democrats say they care about. Women having control over their own bodies, but they really don’t. They don’t support women having control over their own bodies. Rapes in this country at a record high, particularly in areas where the Democrats rule cities and metropolitan areas. Rape is a horrific, violent, often deadly act against a woman. So what are the Democrats doing about it? No cash bail in the front door, out the back door, defund or slash the funding for police makes it kind of hard to catch rapists, let alone stop rape. Light sentences. They don’t support protecting a woman’s body. They don’t support it at all, let alone anybody else’s body. This is a party that is driven by ideology, it’s driven by the lowest common denominator, it’s not a policy that makes America strong, prosperous, free, independent and vigorous. It’s the opposite here we have energy independence, something we’ve been striving for for 80 years. We get there under Donald Trump, they blow it up. Not only do they blow it up, those who are responsible for making energy independence, the oil companies small, medium and large, including independents who invented fracking, found a way truly to get to natural gas in a way that is clean. They’re immediately attacked. There’s a whole propaganda campaign funded in part by the Russians to attack our industries. Our genius. Our progress. And they shut it down. They shut it down. What the Democrats used to say is capitalism and the ingenuity that goes with it. Is not capable of creating prosperity. Now they say it creates too much prosperity, it pollutes. Yeah, we have the cleanest air of any major industrialized nation on the face of the earth, but the facts don’t get in the way. Neither do the science. We’ve never had so much anarchy on our southern border in the history of this country, never. We’ve never had so much. Anarchy, crime and humanity going on in our southern border ever. Half the people crossing the southern border aren’t from Central and South America, they’re from continents far away. Continents far away. This is in effect. Listen carefully. Amnesty. This is never voted on by Congress. Quite the contrary. Congress voted laws in place to prevent it. Joe Biden is violating each one. I have good friend Stuart Varney, Kilmeade, Brian Kilmeade, and they say be a terrible mistake. Terrible, terrible mistake. If the Republicans start to impeach Joe Biden. And I would say to my two friends, you’re dead wrong. You are dead wrong. Some things you do because they’re right and they have a necessary impact, the only way you can get a president to enforce the law isn’t to just keep winning elections. That’s important. But it’s to punish him as the Constitution provides the Democrats used impeachment at the drop of a hat, they even used it against ex President Donald Trump, who’d already left office. It’s not a matter of getting even, although an eye for an eye isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s good enough for the good for the Lord. It’s good enough for me, Mr. Producer. But that’s not even what I’m talking about. Is there anything in this country that’s going right that the Bush administration’s that the Democrats don’t have their DNA and fingerprints on? What is it exactly? This is a party that 100 years ago supported eugenics. This is a party that supported eugenics. Including against black people. This is a party that promoted the sterilization of 60000 Americans, which was upheld by the US Supreme Court in the 1920s, sterilization against the will of the people who were sterilized. This is a party under Woodrow Wilson. That resegregated the federal bureaucracy. If the two prior Republican presidents had desegregated. And resegregated the military. Did you know that? This is a party under Franklin Roosevelt, the Democrats will tell you, look, he created Social Security, he created Medicare, he created this, he created not Medicare, he created all these programs and LBJ created Medicare. And I know the Republicans oppose. Let me tell you something. Bismarck in Germany created Social Security, so it really doesn’t matter who created it. But he’s also the president who refused to support anti lynching bills, how many black people out there know that? Don’t you find it odd? That you weren’t told us. This is the president who, under existing immigration numbers, could have brought hundreds of thousands of Jews into this country from the Third Reich. But he refused to how many Jews know that? This is a president who sent one hundred and twenty thousand Japanese Americans, 17000 of whom were citizens, into internment camps rounded up by the United States military military order, nine zero six six upheld by the Supreme Court in the Korematsu case, moved them to 10. Internment camps, nine of which were in the Midwest, one was in Arkansas, it took their property from them. You’re aware of this. There was no evidence that any of them were Spanish. That’s the great Franklin Roosevelt. And Franklin Roosevelt was so bad on these issues, not Eleanor, Eleanor was pretty good, but she wasn’t President Franklin Roosevelt because he was very concerned about how he would be viewed. By the southern racists in his party, he wanted a third term, which had never happened before. Roosevelt’s first pitch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Was Justice Black, Hugo Black, Hugo Black, who served as the lawyer for the Klan in Alabama, got elected to the Senate. Fought the anti lynching bill was one of Roosevelt’s closest allies because he supported Roosevelt’s socialist economic agenda. He was Roosevelt’s first appointment to the US Supreme Court, had been a member of the Klan. The great heroes at the Democrat Party. Lyndon Johnson. Voted against every civil rights bill up until 1957 when he decided he might want to run for president, been in the Senate a long time, and in the House, he’d been a Democrat majority leader, and he worked closely with the segregationist. Eisenhower was pushing the 1957 Civil Rights Act. People ask me, what do you do, Mark, on your free time? This is what I do. I read, I study, I learn. LBJ said that law is not going to pass unless you water it down here to water it down. Eisenhower, he didn’t want to. So it passed and LBJ could point to his great success, and even with the sixty four sixty five Civil Rights Act 65, the Voting Rights Act, LBJ was a racist his entire life. The N-word, can you imagine what media and Media Matters would say, of course, they’d say nothing because after is belied by that. Every other sentence out of his mouth use the N-word. He was a bigot, pure and simple. And yet he pushed these bills, but without the Republicans, he never would have gotten any of them passed. Why? Because the Democrats in the House and the Senate were blocking it, especially in the Senate in a 1964. One of the Democrats leading the filibuster against the 70 day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act was also a former Klansman by the name of West Virginia named Robert Byrd. He made a last ditch, desperate effort for 14 and a half hours on the floor of the Senate. Finally, they gave up 70 days. Byrd would be rewarded. He would become the Senate leader, the Democrat Party in the 70s. He would become their minority leader and their majority leader, Robert Byrd. I can go on further about the Democrat Party, it’s an echo chamber, so I’m hoping the backbencher’s pick it up, whether they pick it up today, tomorrow or 100 years from now, the echo chamber. You got to make decisions this election and think about it, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Wilson, FDR, they all had a fawning media when FDR wanted to downplay the Holocaust, he could count on The New York Times and The Washington Post and the rest of the media. And, of course, Woodrow Wilson was the first to set up an entire propaganda apparatus. People talk about the Espionage Act. Isn’t it interesting? They keep talking about the Espionage Act. The Modern Espionage Act came into play under Woodrow Wilson. You know, it was used for ladies and gentlemen. To shut down any criticism. Of his entrance into World War One, people were literally arrested under violations of the Espionage Act and sent to prison. Particularly socialist’s. Because he said it undermine their efforts, literally arrested and sent to prison. That’s the history, the beginning history, the Espionage Act. Of 1979 was quickly amended the next year to make it even tougher. The Democrats have always opposed free speech. FDR did the same thing. He extended licenses for radio stations and later TV stations. But radio stations from. Two years, he reduced them to six months and put his political campaign operative in charge of. The distribution and Raino of licenses. So the companies that own these these broadcast platforms know. That if FDR disagree with you, he would yank your license. And he sic the IRS on newspaper publishers that opposed him, especially the Philadelphia Inquirer, Annenberg’s Pop, his father, which at the time was a Republican newspaper. Police, state tactics and First Amendment, you can see it now with the big oligarchs and in the tech world, Republicans don’t do this or if they do it, it’s certainly not systemic. It’s not systematic. It is with the Democrats. This is what you’re up against. You’ve got to resist this and fight them and show up and vote. All right, we’ve got lots more America, stick with me, I’ll be right back.