October 17th, 2022

October 17th, 2022

US President Joe Biden stops for ice cream at Baskin Robbins in Portland, Oregon, October 15, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the economy is collapsing and President Biden refuses to take responsibility instead he eats ice cream. Biden worries about nothing while families struggle with fuel prices that are 40% higher. Democrats broke the economy and lit the fuse on inflation. Fuel shortages are eminent while food becomes more scarce. Yet Democrats blame corporate greed and the war in Ukraine as the reason for this as if there wasn’t a war in Afghanistan or corporate greed during the Trump years when the country was energy dominant. Then, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joins the show to discuss his new book Bibi, My Story.  Netanyahu mentioned that Iran threatens Israel and the Middle East’s stability. Reiterating that the number one goal is to prevent the nuclear armament of Iran and the way to do it is through soft power like diplomacy and culture and hard power like a strong military and economy. Later, Mitch McConnell is a disaster and is promoting RINO’s against solid conservatives in the midterm elections. McConnell’s quest to maintain power at all costs must be stopped by re-blooded Americans that love this country. 

NY Post
Biden insists US economy is ‘strong as hell’ as he munches an ice cream cone

Bernie Sanders: Dems Spending Didn’t Contribute To Inflation

Daily Mail
Trump hits out at American Jews and tells them to get their ‘act together’ and be more like Israelis and ‘appreciate’ him – but praises ‘wonderful Evangelicals’ for their support

Honest Reporting
Hitler-Loving Palestinian Journalist Handed Prestigious Award, Invited on Reuters Panel With CNN’s Christiane Amanpour

The Federalist
Alaska Republicans Call On Kentucky GOP To Censure Mitch McConnell Over Party Interference

Daily Caller
SNEAD: The Left Is Pushing To Reshape Voting Systems Across America — Here’s How

Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The economy is collapsing. Even some of the so-called experts are out there saying there’s 100 percent chance of a recession while you’re in a recession. The question is whether there’s going to be a depression or beyond a recession or beyond inflation. We’re at now at stagflation, which is a combination of the two, which is extremely complex and difficult to get out of. And I would compare our early discussion of this issue several years back with any other host on radio or TV. None of them brought it up, I’m sure this is something I’ve been concerned about a long time. I wrote a book about this plunder and deceit several years back where we were beheaded, and that’s where we are. But Joe Biden doesn’t have a problem with it. You’ve heard the let them eat cake. Well, this is the let him eat ice cream. There he is at a Baskin Robbins in Portland, Oregon. Cottan go for more economic strength for the dollar right now. I’m not concerned about the. Yes, our economy is so we determine inflation is worldwide, of course, everyone else even states. So the problem is the lack of growth. Other countries, not so much. That’s worldwide inflation. He never takes responsibility for his own actions. Never, ever takes responsibility for his own actions. We created inflation here in the United States. He did buy his spending and his borrowing. He even said that more spending and more borrowing in the last. 800 billion dollars. The Democrats passed all on their own. And with mansion in there, that that would reduce inflation, it was a lie. And there he is eating ice cream, let him eat ice cream, so I want. All of you to think about this. If you have somebody in the Oval Office, botulism and cholera, if you have somebody in the Oval Office. And a political party that doesn’t think you really have much to worry about. While you’re struggling to make ends meet, who doesn’t think you really have much to worry about? With energy prices through the roof, even electricity is up 10 percent. And this winter. Home heating oil and natural gas are going to be almost 40 percent above last year, 40 percent. This is being sound like he’s concerned about it. Has he changed course on anything? Not in the least. And his party is of that view to. When it comes to the economy, when it comes to inflation. They broke the economy and they lit a fire to inflation. And they are not going to let your problems. On the price of food, the price of gasoline, soon there will be shortages of both. But the value of your home, which apparently is plummeting as interest rates go up. They’re not going to let your problems, which are really everybody’s problems, get into the way of their ideology now, that’s what he’s saying. I’m eating ice cream, don’t bother me. Then there’s this jackass. This comes from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. Who is a. Cocky old Red Arian, so be. And a coward. And a coward. He’s never agreed to come on any of my shows because he doesn’t want to debate me, none of them do. So here he is on Meet the Press. Now, why would schmuck Todd have Berney, the Red Sanders on Meet the Depressed? Why? Why all the candidates out there, others? Because he’s promoting it, and that’s why. Cut 12 go, Senator, do you accept the criticism that the American rescue plan passed in early twenty twenty one contributed to the current inflation issue we’re dealing with now? Now, that’s called a softball. What a real reporter would do is lay out. But the cases against the plan and give him an opportunity to respond, not just do you accept the criticism. But listen to this for go ahead. Oh, I don’t inflation right now, as I’m sure you know, Chuck is an international. So there we go. It’s an international problem. We don’t have any control over our fate here in America. So if inflation is an international problem. Is unemployment an international problem? No. They say unemployment is low, so when their benefits, when there’s credit to be given just little bits here and there, they take full advantage of it. But otherwise. They blame somebody and it’s and it’s constant, you know, it was Putin, it was temporary. Now it’s worldwide. And the other week, it was the Republicans, you might recall, go ahead in Germany it is 10 percent, U.K. it is 10 percent, Canada and U.K.. Are virtually fully socialist economies. Germany and U.K., this is the same idiot who’s constantly referring to or pointing to Germany and UK when it comes to national health care, they got national health care all over Europe, Germany, UK, France. They see how great it is. But now he points to them as look, they have problems to. This is how they get away. From defending their policies. 20 months ago, we didn’t have inflation, 20 months ago we were energy independent, so Germany, that has an economy that is a small percentage of ours, brought us down the UK that has an economy that’s even smaller than Germany’s. They brought us down. What are they talking about? Go ahead, inflation globally is caused by the pandemic and the Braken supply chain. No, it wasn’t. Inflation was very low even during the pandemic under Trump. Even during the pandemic. Go ahead is caused by, in my view, the war in Ukraine, obviously. Why is inflation caused by the war in Ukraine? Inflation wasn’t caused by the war in Afghanistan. During the Trump presidency, we didn’t have any inflation, not by the war in Afghanistan, you get my point. So, so do with the war in Ukraine. Go ahead, and it is also caused by incredible corporate greed and I hope every corporate greed, this is your typical Karl Marx crap. Corporate greed. Did we have corporate greed three, four or five years ago, if we have corporate greed today, I guess we had corporate greed back then. No, it has to do with communist greed by morons like Bernie Sanders. It has to do with Democrat Party. Greed has to do with the federal government greed, not greed by the capitalists, whatever that means. I don’t know what it means. You want to break the backs of the oil companies? Massive drilling, massive refining, that’s how you do it if you want to do it, but they don’t want to do it. I’m just turning the tables on them. More competition, not less. Go ahead, understands that when you go to the gas, like you fill up your your car today, the oil companies are making huge profits. Here’s here’s the thing, folks. The federal government has to take in more tax revenue this year than ever before in world history. The federal government for those who pay taxes. Takes about 25 to 30 percent of your income and not just you directly, but when you purchase things and so forth from other people. It resonates throughout the economy in a highly negative way. It’s the federal government that causes interest interest rates that go up, it’s the federal government where you’re going to be paying almost 700 billion dollars next year on interest on the debt. It’s the federal government giving away your money on student loans. It’s the federal government that’s opening up our borders, so your local communities have to spend a fortune much more than they otherwise would on health care, law enforcement, public education. And he dares to talk about corporate greed, you’re going to fill up your gas tank. No, no, you did that, Bernie. And on one side of your communist mouse, you go on and on about capitalism, the combustion engine, fossil fuels, how we need to shut it down, then when you shut it down, the obvious response is because the laws of economics are the laws of economics. Prices shoot up. And then you blame the very same corporations that opposed your position. That made us energy independent. Congress didn’t do that. And they provided a. Fairly low price for gasoline and oil and all the rest of it and a reliable source. You interfered in the market. You did more to damage youyou JEC, did more to damage energy in this country, you and your stupid party and your moronic president. Then the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians. Altogether. But they always have that, that. That foil that they use, the oil companies do oil companies, it’s big oil, it’s big pharma, it’s big Kampot. It’s big baby food, it’s big. No, it’s you and your big mouth, you jerk. Go ahead. Food companies are making huge profits, they prescription drug, all high pharmaceutical industry making. He says he’s just burning everything down. Bernie Sanders needs to take responsibility, these are his programs. That Biden has latched on to. These are your typical European Marxist programs, typical European Marxist programs. This isn’t new stuff, what they’re doing, we’re just a few years behind. When you all have to go out to the woods and cut and cut some wood so you can have a, you know, a wood burning stove or something in your home as we regress under the Democrats. It’s just appalling. If you support this, you know, you can vote for this, but if you’ve had enough of it, you can attack it, you’re going to have to attack it. Here is Cecilia Rouse, another Biden economic adviser is more economic advisers, and they’re all stupid. They want responsibility for nothing that they’ve done. Cut 13 go. So let me point to another data point that excludes food and energy, the so-called core inflation number. President Biden touted that as a sign that the economy was improving, but now it is on the rise, six point six percent, the highest in 40 years. So by President Biden’s own logic, doesn’t that show that the economy is actually headed in the wrong direction? So if one looks month on month, it was actually flat. So he looks month to month. It’s year to year. Do you know why people look year to year? Because it’s over six percent year to year, that’s core inflation, in other words, it doesn’t even count your food costs and your fuel costs, including energy for your home, for your vehicle. And including food costs, they look year to year because you don’t get paycheck changes. With your employer, with your business month to month. Maybe get him quarterly, maybe get a year to year, but typically you don’t. And so when you look year to year, you’re paying eight point six percent, eight point two percent more as a consumer, and then you look at the core inflation and the reason you look at the core inflation, it means it’s really here to stay for a long time. Some month, a month doesn’t matter. It’s flat month to month, this is how they come up with zero. You’ve never heard another president talk this way. You’ve never heard other presidential advisers talk this way in the past. That’s not how we measure inflation. And so they change the rules. I’ve got a lot more to say about this and many other things. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, folks. One of the great Austrian economists living von Mises once wrote a very readable and not very long book for those who worry about such things called Marxism unmasked from delusion to destruction. And also, H.G. Wells may have heard of him. He interviewed Stollen. And he called his book, I guess Marxism versus Liberalism, an interview with Stalin, and he tried to reassure Stalin. That the New Deal and FDR and these efforts, Western Europe and especially the United States, at the economic efforts that slow but steady move towards economic socialism. And Stalin, of course, said it wouldn’t work, wasn’t fast enough, it wasn’t. Comprehensive enough and so forth, but the fact is, you cannot you cannot completely bifurcate the modern Democrat Party from these European movements of the past, you simply cannot. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

The FBI is now grabbing people’s private property from safe deposit boxes at banks. Mr. Producer, you wear this. Is there no end to this? Is there no limitation on this power? All the civil libertarians are gone, obviously. Are there any constitutional movement? They may claim to an individual’s assets and then they go into this bank and they open all the safe deposit box, empty them all, take them with them, and you got to go there and fight to get your stuff back. And the FBI hasn’t. File a single charge against any of the customers, not one. Can you imagine? And this gets no attention. All right, I want to address an issue that was promoted by the Daily Mail, that was promoted by Mediaite and others, President Trump put a statement that. Saying this, I’m going to quote it to you. No president has done more for Israel than I have, somewhat surprisingly, however, are wonderful evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story. Highest approval rating in the world. And that is for Trump. And it’s true. Could easily be PM, us Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it’s too late. And so immediately the media, the left call this anti-Semitic. Now, I was among the first to call out Yae for his. Rampant anti-Semitism. And he criticized those. Who refused to condemn him? Which doesn’t mean they’re anti-Semitic. It depends what they say or how they say it to make a determination like that term somebody is racist or something of that sort, but clearly. Yae is. The Jew hater. It’s also a not in my humble opinion. There is nothing anti-Semitic about what the president posted, zero zero. No president has done more for Israel than I have. True, somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people, the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. He’s talking about the more secularist Jews, obviously the Orthodox Jews who are big supporters of what the president does have a different view. So it’s not a monolithic viewpoint, but he’s right that a large number of American Jews are not appreciative of what this president did. And not enough American Jews are willing to condemn Barack Obama and Joe Biden like I am. He says those living in Israel, though, are a different story. Highest approval rating in the world could easily be p.m. there. It’s true that he has the highest approval rating in the world in Israel. In Israel, Donald Trump is adored. U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it’s too late. It’s not saying appreciate him. He’s not even saying appreciate what he’s done, he’s saying appreciate what they have in Israel before it’s too late and that he’s also right. He’s also right. Now, the head of the Anti Defamation League, which used to be a fantastic organization, is now an appendage of the Democrat Party, and the head of it, Jonathan Greenblatt, is an Obama flunky. They should never have appointed an Obama flunky to head the Anti Defamation League because the truth is Barack Obama. In my view, is an anti-Semite, and he proved it as president. And Greenblat was a special assistant, as I recall to him. Now, here’s what he tweets. We don’t need the former president who carries favor with extremists and anti Semites to lecture us about the US Israel relationship. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It rests on shared values and security interests. This juice planing is insulting and disgusting. It’s not juice planing. And you’re insulting and disgusting, you political hack. I know Trump doesn’t carry favor with extremists and anti-Semite. As far as I know, you on the left, you like firsts, he’s the first president of the United States with a Jewish daughter, with several Jewish grandkids and a Jewish son in law. The president who moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Yurman Greenblat, wouldn’t do it. Who cut off aid to the Palestinian terrorists because they were attacking Jews. Obama was coddling the Palestinians. Biden’s coddling the Palestinians. Obama cut a deal with the Iranians. Biden wants to cut a deal with the Iranians. The Iranians want to right the Jews off the face of the earth as well as our country. Now, we don’t need lectures from Greenblat or media. Right. Or the other hacks out there. And I certainly don’t need definitions about anti-Semitism. They trash Donald Trump left and right. Does the left? Does the left? It’s true. It’s like every other faith and every other racial group and every other fill in the blank. In the sense of good people, not so good people, smart people, not so smart people in that sort of thing. Typically. But there’s no denying the fact that 70, 75 percent of the Jewish population votes Democrat, are we supposed to ignore that? There’s no divine denying the fact that over 90 percent of the black population votes Democrat. Are we supposed to ignore that? Why? Why ignore it is an irrelevant. It’s the Democrats who are doing it, the Democrats create these groupings. They give them legal support in many instances, and then when you point out, oh, look at you. Now, I don’t remember them getting all so worked up when Democrat members, prominent Democrat members promoted by the Democrat Party in the media. Spit out absolutely horrid and poisonous Jew hating comments like talibe. Like Omar. Is that because they’re Muslim? I don’t know. RBOC. Or princely. Is that because they’re minorities? You can’t criticize them, not because they’re Democrats. The Democrat Party has a huge anti-Semitism problem, huge, but mediate fronts for the Democrats. Jonathan Greenblatt is one of the radical Democrats. Who worked for Obama? He didn’t resign in protest. And I think what Donald Trump is saying here about Israel and Jews in the United States is very, very important. If Jewish people in the United States are not going to back Israel because they don’t like Netanyahu or something like that, it creates a huge problem for the state of Israel worldwide. And so my question is, what is Jonathan Greenblatt and the Anti Defamation League done for the state of Israel? Not a damn thing. What is media? And their fraud operation and that clown founder, Dan Abrams, what have they done for the state of Israel? Not a damn thing. How about today, what is Biden doing for the state of Israel undermining it? What did Obama do for the state of Israel, undermine it? And then, of course, Donald Trump in the past has been critical of The New York Times, which had Jewish ownership. Look, I hate to do this, but I have to do it. If I don’t do it, nobody else is going to do it. Everyone’s afraid, particularly non Jews afraid to speak out. I’m speaking at. I’m speaking out against the antisemite in the Democrat Party, in the media. The New York Times. I mean, there have been multiple books written on this by top professors. Looking at times covered up. For the Nazis. They covered up for the Nazis. Franklin Roosevelt. Refused to allow. Most Jewish refugees into the United States, even though they hadn’t met their camp, this is well documented. He turned back to St. Louis. With seven to 800 Jews who had fled. On the St. Louis. And he turned them back. And nearly half of them were murdered in the death camps. What do you think of that? Franklin Roosevelt, while he was rounding up Japanese Americans, while he was refusing to support an anti lynching bills. That’s right. That had Franklin Roosevelt, his State Department, was filled with Jew haters. And yet they had a rabbi who was close to Franklin Roosevelt. Who was taken by Franklin Roosevelt, so he rarely ever spoke out, his name was Rabbi Katz. They had the head of the Treasury Department, Morgenthau. He was Jewish, he was worried about his relationship with Roosevelt. He barely spoke up. Don’t get me started. With the Democrats. And the left and the phonies had media in the phoneys at the ADL. If you ask the Jews in Israel if they’d like Donald Trump back. You better believe they would. So what Trump said was not anti-Semitic. What Kanye West said is and continues to be anti-Semitic, I’m not the judge, I just give you my opinion. What kind of an anti-Semite? Will be so popular in a Jewish state of Israel. Now, the problem with Jonathan Greenblatt and Dan Abrams is what my wife Joyce is. Their true faith. Is Democrat Party liberalism, and that goes for many Catholics, too, like Biden. And Pelosi, who support abortion on demand funded by the taxpayers, including. Health care programs. That the Catholic Church runs, they should be compelled. To pay for abortions, what kind of a Catholic is that? I’m just saying. Either you embrace a faith that believe certain things that you don’t. But that doesn’t mean the feds should change and the faithful should change to accommodate politicians. And that doesn’t mean Catholics should change to accommodate Biden or Jews should should change to accommodate Obama. But this is a tough subject, and most people stay away from it because they know. That the art of the big lie practiced by the left will be used against them. They know it, they know that what they say will be taken out of context. They know that the headlines will be made and taken out of context. That’s exactly what happened to Trump. Trump hits out at American Jews and tells them to get their act together and be more like Israelis and appreciate him. That’s not what he said. That’s the daily the Daily Mail. That’s not what he said. Meanwhile, I’m waiting for the Anti Defamation League. To confront Shatha Hamade. Honest reporting dotcom hat tip. Johnny Dollar, Sharmin hot-Tempered has reportedly joked about Adolf Hitler lavished praise on Palestinian terrorists who have murdered innocent Jews and denied that Israel has any right to exist. And despite this profoundly disturbing social media history, they write, Hamad was recently handed a prestigious journalism award, a cash prize by the Kurts Schalke Memorial Fund PMF, which is supported by the charitable arm of global wire service Reuters. I didn’t see this at media. I didn’t see a statement by Jonathan Greenblatt, I didn’t see a damn thing if it wasn’t for Johnny Dollar. And if it wasn’t for honest reporting, we wouldn’t even know about this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I can give you a list as long as my arm, but the public policy positions by Donald Trump and his administration in support of the state of Israel against the tyrannies and the genocidal regimes surrounding that country, I can’t think of one thing Barack Obama did. I can’t think of one thing Joe Biden did. Nothing. I can’t think of anything George W. Bush did. What do you think of that? And so what the Democrats do, whether they’re Jewish or other faiths, is they rewrite history and they lie. And they lie. And that’s what they’re doing. Doesn’t matter what faith they are, that’s what they’re doing, they’ll take any opportunity, any to exploit it. But I would say to my fellow conservatives, grow a pair. You can defend Trump and condemn Kanye West to completely different situations. By the way, Benjamin Netanyahu will be on this program after the top of the hour. We’ll be back with the former prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.