December 15, 2021

December 15, 2021

UNITED STATES - DECEMBER 9: Sunset at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo by Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, a faculty member at NYU says that transsexual liberation in and of itself is ineffective, but that the overall movement is about a communist revolution to abolish society as it currently exists. This sub-American Marxist movement is a force to be reckoned with because they’ve taken control of the culture. They run the universities, the media, and they run the Democrat Party. These movements are not imaginary, they want to rule your life, and cannot be ignored.  Then, this January 6th committee is so insidious that Adam Schiff went as far as to doctor the transcripts of text messages from Mark Meadows’s phone to misrepresent the facts during a congressional hearing considering a criminal referral to hold a former White House Chief of Staff in contempt of Congress.  Later, US Senate candidate, combat veteran, and former Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel calls in to discuss his campaign and his support for President Trump’s conservative policies. Mandel says that traditional Judeo-Christian values are under attack and must be defended if America is going to have a fighting chance of succeeding in the future. Afterward, there is no reason for Congress to have Trump’s taxes; he’s a private citizen. You don’t see Congress subpoenaing other former presidents as part of their legislative agenda to write tax policy. If the Republicans win the House in 2022 they must step up and stop this warped practice.


Kay Gabriel, faculty member at New York University, asserts that trans activism is part of larger effort to bring about a “Communist Revolution”.

The Federalist
During January 6 Hearing, Schiff Doctored Text Messages Between Mark Meadows And Rep. Jim Jordan

The Federalist
January 6 Committee Admits It Doctored Text Message Between Meadows And Jordan

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House Passes Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Islamophobia Bill

The Hill
Judge dismisses Trump suit to block Congress from getting tax returns

Pelosi Defends Congressional Insider Trading: ‘We Are A Free Market’

The Hill
White House will commemorate Jan. 6 anniversary, Psaki says

Institute For Policy Studies
Marcus Raskin

Times of Israel
Report: US tells Israel new tanker jets, key to Iran strike, not coming anytime soon

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

OK, Gabriel, now who would that be? She’s a faculty member at NYU New York University. It’s a big school, isn’t it, Mr. Producer? It’s always been filled with Kamis, by the way. May I say that? I think I will. Gabriel, NYU faculty member, in a video podcast in May of 2021, you know. A section of American Marxism that I probably haven’t talked enough about is this transgender movement of people want to do things through their body. Who am I to stop them? Fact, you look at some people, they ought to do things to their bodies, but you understand my point. But what is a movement, a transgender movement? When I started to dig into this a little bit, I found out not all, but a significant part of it, not all. But a significant part of it is once again drawn back to this Marxist ideology. Now, Kay Gabriel, you won’t hear this anywhere else, Mr. Producer dug it up. Kay Gabriel, as I said, is a faculty member, no doubt tenured, and I want you to understand what’s going on in our universities and colleges and now going on in our public school system, kindergarten through 12. What’s going on in our corporate world? What’s going on now in the military and elsewhere? I want you to listen to this court. One go tranced Liberacion calls for communist revolution, starting with the big one. OK, I’m going to leave on this first, but then I promise I will take a backseat. The dominant like, say, liberal bourgeois reframing trans liberation, as trans rights recognitions say, based in the supposedly successful pattern of like, say, gay liberation, transformed into recognition’s, realized how powerful the state in some places, not everywhere. We make the claim that not only is this insufficient, but that pouring our energy into this thing is actually not going to get us what we want or what we need. This kind of economic transformation that would be a kind of communist horizon, right? A world in which everyone has what they need. So why is this why is this immediately matter to trans people? Well, what do you trans people in our particularity have to to teach to say or to offer that expands the universalism of a communist, a communist society. Right. Which is to say when that would be achieved in time through processes and events that we could call revolutionary, that we would have to call revolutionary because they would require the abolition of society as it currently is, that when we demand society be rearranged in certain ways, this is a part of the project. Hmm. Now, a lot of this is for Bossidy. A lot of it’s pedantic, but when you cut through the static, you get to the core issues here. It’s a professor, among others in this video podcast, May twenty twenty one hat tip misinformed promoting communism. It requires, quote, the abolition of society as it currently is, unquote, quote, that when we demand that society be arranged in certain ways, this is part of the project, quote unquote. I don’t know why people doubt me, I don’t know why people say, oh, it’s a red scare, it’s not about a red scare, it’s about informing ourselves about what’s going on. Used to be under the radar. Now it’s closets wide open. And this is something we must attend to deal with, this is something we have to challenge and confront. And so this is May 2021 in a video podcast. This is a professor. And she’s not alone. She’s not alone in the least. She’s promoting Marxism through gender ism, transgenderism. It’s like promoting Marxism through racism, promoting Marxism through socialism, the war on private property rights and capitalism. These are sub American Marxist movements. And they pull together and they overlap. Some people belong to the various aspects of one or another, some don’t. But nonetheless, this is a force to deal with. Why, because they’ve conquered much of the culture, that’s why they run the colleges and universities, they run the teachers’ unions, they run the Democrat Party and they run the media, that’s a lot. And they run Hollywood and entertainment. That’s why they want to get rid of Fox, or Newsmax. That’s why they want to get rid of talk radio, you’re in the way. Don’t you understand? They want to fundamentally. Abolish the society as it currently is, quote unquote, and they want to expand the universalism of a communist society through time, of course, achieve it through time. Now, we need to wake up to this fact, we need to wake up to this fact that these movements do, in fact exist, they’re not a figment of my imagination. I also think this is why American Marxism is the biggest book of twenty twenty one, and it is ignored by virtually every single major book, promotion association and book award system. It’s even ignored by some of our conservative friends on TV and radio. Because they have these. These weird pangs of jealousy or something, I don’t know what they’re promised doesn’t matter, and this was all done without social media. This was all done without an elaborate book tour. This was all done because you’re worried about your country and you want to know the truth and you want to understand who these people are and what the hell’s going on, and that’s what I did in this book. But I want to play this one more time. I didn’t mean to hit you right up front with it. Well, actually, I did, but it may have gone too fast. Hey, Gabriel, the NYU faculty member in a video podcast, May 2021. And these faculties, they’re incestuous. They hire people who share their ideology, many of them from the same exact academic background or school. And so it just keeps going on and on and on one go Tranced Liberacion calls for communist revolution, starting with the big one. OK, I’m going to leave on this first, but then I promise I will take a backseat. The dominant like, say, liberal bourgeois reframing of trans liberation as trans rights recognition’s kind of say, based in the supposedly successful pattern of like, say, gay liberation transformed into some technicians realized that the state in some places, not everywhere, we make the claim that not only is this insufficient, but that pouring our energy into this thing is actually not going to get us what we want or what we need. This kind of economic transformation that would be a kind of communist horizon, right? A world in which everyone has what they need. So why is this? Why is this where does everyone have what they need in some communist revolution? I mean, it doesn’t matter, but go ahead. Well, what do you train people in our particularity have to to teach to say or to offer that expands the universalism of a communist, a communist society. Right. Which is to say when that would be achieved in time through processes and events that we could call revolutionary, that we would have to call it revolutionary because they would require the abolition of society as it currently is, that when we demand society be rearranged in certain ways, this is a part of the project. Notice the. No, notice the effort at sounding more intelligent than she or he actually is the affectations. Yeah, the process. You know, it’s weird to me when a communist society has these are the people who want to rule your life. These are the people who want to destroy the norms of a society. It’s very important we talk about these things so we all know what’s taking place, this is what they mean by a white dominated society. What they mean by a white dominated society, quite frankly, is by a society that has certain norms. About men and women, about genitalium, about freedom and individualism. And you have these disparate movements, these individuals who reject. The norms of a society, and so they have to character, assassinate people who associate with the norms of the society or built the norms of this society. And that’s why they are obsessed. With racism, excuse me, with slavery 150 years ago, but so many excuse slavery in China because they’re making big bucks and that’s occurring today, today. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, in the book, I cite an article in all places, The Washington Post a couple of decades back, and they interview a number of professors from various, particularly Ivy League schools, and they openly say, look, yes, we teach Marxism, but we don’t do it the old way. Some push Marxism as an economic model. Some use it as a climate model, some use it as a gender model, and they go on and on and on. So what’s happened in the United States? The reason the book is called American Marxism and Not Marxism. Is because in America, what’s happened is these phony elites, there was a book written by a gentleman, by the name of Warren, once brilliant man called The Opium of the Intellectuals, the opening of the elites. And he points out that these people really are disconnected from reality. But it doesn’t matter. They. They are they are in charge of what is taught and what passes for good judgment and so forth and so on, while everybody else is working with their hands and their minds trying to make a living. And that is precisely what’s going on in this country today, precisely what’s going on. So I thought it was important to point this out. I want to read you something, a letter to Kevin McCarthy from a number of very important conservatives and conservatives in some cases that run. Conservative organizations in the letter signed by, among others, former Attorney General Ed Meese. In a variety of others, Ken Cuccinelli, former attorney general of Virginia, Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council. Brent Bozell, the Media Research Center, and I could go on and on and on, these are very, very important people. Been around a little while, you know, and here’s the letter that they sent to Kevin McCarthy, the undersigned conservatives asked that the House Republican Conference act immediately to remove to remove both Representative Liz Cheney and Representative Adam Kinzinger from the Republican conference due to their egregious actions as part of the House of Representatives January six select committee. As you are aware, this committee has no formal representation from Republicans, both Representatives Cheney and Kingsgrove serve at the request of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. As part of Pelosi’s team, Representatives Cheney and Kingsgrove deliberately sought to undermine the privacy and due process of their fellow Republicans. And those are private citizens with improperly issued subpoenas and other investigatory tactics designed not to pursue any valid legislative end. But merely to exploit for the sake of political harassment and demagoguery. The actions of Representatives’, Cheney and Kinzinger on behalf of House Democrats have given supposedly bipartisan justification to an overtly partisan political persecution that brings disrespect to our country’s rule of law, legal harassment to private citizens who have done nothing wrong and which demeans the standing of the house. As duly elected representatives, Representatives Cheney and kings are free to serve in the House, but they should no longer do so with the privileges granted to members of the House Republican Conference, they should no longer be given access to the benefits of a conference they actively seek to undermine. We ask that the Republican conference meet immediately to vote on stripping Representatives Cheney and King from their membership in the Republican conference. We further inform you that conservative leaders are launching a nationwide movement to add citizens voices to this effort. Fantastic, among others, Ed Meese, Jim DeMint, Jenny Beth Martin. David McIntosh of Club for Growth. Brent Bozell, our friend. Many, many others, Ginni Thomas, President, Liberty Consulting, Gary Bauer. Can’t read them all, but these are very serious people, many of whom have been in the conservative movement for half a century. Some served in the Reagan administration and so forth and so on. Kenneth Blackwell, Matt Schlapp, Ken Cuccinelli, Tony Perkins, Al Regnery, Cleta Mitchell, Ken Krip, Brooke Rollins. I can go on and on and on. Seton Motley, Craig Shirley. All right. That’s it for now. But you understand now the pressure is on and it needs to be on.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want to thank Mike Pence for that. I should tell you, I will be on Hannity tonight. I’m not sure exactly the time, but typically it’s around nine thirty p.m. Eastern time and I won’t be on for a few more weeks as I take off on Friday. So if you want to catch me on Hannity nine thirty PM Eastern Time, you can catch me there. We’re also going to have a Wonderful Life Liberty. And in this Sunday, a brand new show at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. And our focus is going to be I’m not going to tell you because of the backbencher’s. That’s just leave it at that. I’ll tell you tomorrow. But I think you’re going to be compelled, I think, to to watch it or to DVR it, as you mostly do. And I appreciate that. So you might want to check that out this Sunday. Speaking of January six, I want to underscore something. Yesterday, you heard me play a clip of Liz Cheney and among other things that were really pretty outrageous was her statement that Donald Trump could be criminally at fault for dereliction of duty. Remember that, Mr. Misdemeanors for failing to act. And then, of course, she had somebody named Allahpundit over at Hot Air, well named, agreeing with her. Wow. They’re circling the wagons. Didn’t occur to him, of course, that they have no criminal investigatory powers, certainly no constitutional authority for such a thing. They don’t even honor the Bill of Rights due process, all the rest of the things that take place in a criminal investigation. So they’re undermining the Constitution while pretending to defend it. But this is the nature of fanaticism and fanaticism. But I did catch my attention for another reason, as, again, I pointed out last night, so the backbenchers will regurgitate it at some point. But let me underscore it. If the deliberate failure, the deliberate failure to act is a crime, the Nancy Pelosi needs to be under criminal investigation. What did Nancy Pelosi do deliberately when she was offered to have the National Guard protect the Capitol building? She turned them down. What exactly did Nancy Pelosi do in preparation for January six? Did she do nothing deliberately while she would have done nothing accidentally? And herein lies one of the issues, not all, but one of them. When you have a nine zero committee appointed by Nancy Pelosi, the purpose of which is to do her political dirty work and to damage as many people as she possibly can trump and the people around Trump and more. There is no way that this you hear the helicopter do you admire. Hold on. Let me hold up the everybody. Listen here. I think they’re coming to get me. No, I we have a Virginia home that’s on the Potomac River and frequently military helicopters, but also helicopters for dummy. When they’re going to Camp David, they like to follow the Potomac River to a point including past my house. So I don’t know if that’s dummying or not. I don’t know what’s going on there. But when when we’ve had helicopters that to me look like Hughie’s oh, my God, the whole house shakes. Feels like people who live near trains. That’s what it feels like. Anyway, if the failure to deliberately to fail to do your job, dereliction to do your job, as Liz Cheney pointed out, then Nancy Pelosi should be in the crosshairs of a criminal investigation. It’s not Donald Trump’s responsibility to defend the Capitol building. He’s not in charge of the Capitol Police. She is. He’s not in charge of the Metropolitan Police. The Democrat dummy who runs the city Boucherie, she’s in charge of them. He offered the National Guard. That’s all they can do. But Kinzinger and Cheney are not concerned about that. No, no. And then there’s Adam Schiff on this committee who they’re also not concerned about. Adam Schiff, if he were under oath, if you were under investigation, would be doing a hard time at Leavenworth, breaking rocks with his precious hands. As they point out at the Federalist, oops, he did it again after leaking fake Donald Trump Jr emails, fabricating the transcript of a 2019 phone call between former President Trump and Ukraine’s president and lying about his interactions with the so-called whistleblower behind House Democrats. First impeachment of Trump. Representative Adam Schiff is now running the same con against a fellow lawmaker during a hearing Monday night on the riot at the US Capitol on January six. Twenty twenty one, Adam Schiff claimed to have proof that a member of Congress texted former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to instruct former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Not only did Schiff misrepresent the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored original text messages which were obtained and reviewed by the Federalist in their entirety. No, let me stop there. I’m talking to the Republicans on Capitol Hill, the leadership, but all of them, Adam Schiff is an attorney, whether he’s a member of Congress or he’s litigating in court or he’s in House accounts or what have you. There’s certain rules of professional responsibility that an attorney, even one from California, must comply with. If you are intentionally altering the text of messages to misrepresent the facts in a matter that leads to you voting to hold a citizen in criminal contempt, you should lose your license. You should lose your license to practice law now, just so you folks know, any citizen is free to bring this to the attention of the Ethics Committee of the Supreme Court of California. Any citizen. But I would encourage the Republican members of the House of Representatives. I hope some of you are listening to me. You don’t even need a smart staff lawyer to do this, to draw up an ethics complaint to be filed with the relevant ethics committee of the Supreme Court of California and make it clear that Adam Schiff, Adam Schiff took evidence, supposed evidence and manipulated it and changed it. For the purpose of a congressional hearing, seeking and pursuing a criminal complaint, criminal contempt against the former chief of staff to the former president of the United States, let me repeat what I pointed out here in the Federalist. During a hearing Monday night on the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January six, twenty twenty one, Adam Schiff claimed to have proof that a member of Congress and I believe the member that he was accusing was Jim Jordan texted former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to instruct former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Not only did Schiff misrepresent the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored original text messages which were obtained and reviewed by the Federalists in their entirety. So he should lose his law license. Quote, I want to display just a few of the messages he received from people in Congress, Schiff said, referring to Mark Meadows. The committee is not naming these lawmakers as this time, at this time as our investigation. Knows ongoing, if we could cue the first graphic, he says the following graphic, purportedly the text message between a member of Congress and Meadows, then appeared on the screen. It shifts direction ready quote. This one reads on January six, twenty twenty one, Vice President Mike Pence is president of the Senate. Should call at all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional is no electoral votes at all. Schiff continued. You can see why this is so critical to ask Mr. Meadows about, about a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the people. This is the man who, of course, led the Russia collusion effort to overthrow the 2016 election. Not only did Adam Schiff lie about the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored the messaging graphic that he displayed on the screen during a statement. The full text message, which was forwarded to Meadow’s from Representative Jim Jordan on the evening of Monday, January five, was significantly longer than what Schiff read and put on screen. But Schiff erased significant portions of the text and added punctuation, where there was none to give the impression that Jim Jordan himself was personally directing Meadows to give orders to Pence on how to handle the electoral vote certification. The original text was written by Washington attorney and former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and included an attachment of a four page draft word document drafted by Schmitz that detailed his legal reasoning for suggesting that Pence had the constitutional authority to object to the certification of electoral votes submitted by a handful of states, meaning they were in conflict, they were in controversy. The piece that Schmitz had sent to Jordan was published at the website every legal vote the next day and even included the same discussion draft quote unquote, headline and time stamp on the document that Schmidt sent to Jordan. So it was the evening of January 5th, not January 6th as well. Good luck tomorrow. Schmitt’s texted Jordan on the evening of January 5th, including the word document as an attachment. Schmidt then texted to Jordan a three paragraph summary of his word document, which Schiff sliced and diced and then attributed to Congressman Jordan. Quote, On January six, twenty twenty one Vice President Mike Pence as president of the Senate should call at all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. In accordance with guidance from founding father Alexander Hamilton and judicial precedents, Schmidt text it in its graphic Shefer Race, the final clause and the M dash preceding it and added a period to the first clause without disclosing that he or his staff had chopped up the text and created a fake graphic misrepresenting the actual contents of the text message, Schmidt continued. No legislative act wrote on Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Number 78, contrary to the Constitution, could be valid. The court in Hubbard vs. Lowe reinforced this truth. That an unconstitutional statute is not a law at all is a proposition no longer open to discussion. Following this rationale and unconstitutionally appointed elector like an unconstitutionally enacted statute is now electret. All Schmidt’s right. And by the way, this is a serious point. A serious point. It’s not about ballots, it’s not about machines, it is a serious constitutional point. That if electors are chosen in a way that violates the federal constitution, that is a system set up by a governor or lieutenant governor, by secretary of state, a board of elections or even a state court that violates the federal constitution. Now, they quite knew that in Bush versus Gore, the Supreme Court knew that in 2000, the Bushes the Chinese knew that in 2000. In his statement, an on screen graphic, Shefer Race, the final two paragraphs and the final clause of the first paragraph of the text before inserting punctuation that was never there at all without disclosing what he was doing. He doctored it and he distorted it. He doctored it and he distorted it. Multiple sources who regularly communicate with Jordan scoffed at the idea that Jordan, who’s known for writing only brief one or two word texts, if at all, would sit down and type out a multiple paragraph narrative with precise legal citations akin to a lengthy court brief. Schiff and his team have a long history of doctoring and fabricating evidence to show their political enemies in the worst possible light. While Trump Jr. was testifying during a twenty seventeen hearing on Russia collusion, the committee leaked CNN and NBC emails purportedly from Trump Jr. that showed he had communicated with someone about hacked WikiLeaks documents prior to the public. Release a lie. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

All right, two things need to happen, an ethics complaint filed with the the Ethics Committee of the Supreme Court of California against Adam Schiff, helping the Republicans in the House will do this. You’re not free to doctor evidence, not even in a congressional form that seeks to hold somebody in criminal contempt and send them to prison. That’s number one. Number two, I’m also hopeful that the Republicans in the House will file an ethics complaint against Adam Schiff as well as the full committee because he can’t tell me the full committee didn’t know this and an investigation is warranted immediately, immediately. So I encourage those two complaints to be filed immediately. Don’t forget, I’ll be on Hannity nine thirty PM Eastern Time tonight for the last time in several weeks. Don’t forget to grab your copies of American Marxism there, 14 million, 50 percent off over at Amazon. I’ll be right back.