December 13, 2021

December 13, 2021

This aerial image taken on December 13, 2021, shows tornado damage after extreme weather hit the region in Mayfield, Kentucky. - Kentucky officials voiced relief Monday that dozens of workers at a candle factory appear to have survived tornadoes that killed at least 88 people and left a trail of devastation across six US states. (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP) (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a tornado-ravaged Kentucky over the weekend is a reminder that life can be fleeting. Despite that, the blame game is disgusting, whether it’s President Biden or FEMA they’re both spinning this horrific event as a human-caused disaster rather than a natural disaster. Sadly, the media just allows these lies to go unchecked and promulgates this propaganda. Then, NBC’s Chuck Todd asks whether it’s better to get the virus or get the vaccine, this program will tell you that you can get the virus even though you have already gotten the vaccine and boosters. Therapeutics such, as monoclonal antibodies championed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, are available and are life-saving for the public.  This is not an either/or scenario and people should be free to choose what is best for their own health.  Later, New York schools used $9 million from coronavirus relief funds to introduce Critical Race Theory disguised as Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The U.S Secretary of Education supported the idea of using these funds to create agents of social change targeting cultural and linguistic inequity.  Afterward, Barak Ravid, an Israeli journalist playing both sides of the fence, continues to cause a stir over an interview he’s done with former President Trump. So the question becomes who gave Trump such bad advice with respect to even meeting with Ravid.


Fox News
Biden uses tornado tragedy to push climate agenda, suggests storms are ‘consequence of the warming’

Fox News
FEMA administrator blames climate change for deadly tornado outbreak

The Blaze
Meteorologist responds with data after Joe Biden seemingly blames climate change for deadly tornados

Washington Free Beacon
Republicans Say Pelosi Holding Up Uyghur Anti-Slavery Bill

NBC’s Todd Accuses GOP Sen. Marshall of ‘Trying to Delay the End of This Pandemic’

Fauci: Americans Will ‘Just Have To Deal’ With Yearly Boosters If Necessary

New York Used Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to Advance Critical Race Theory Indoctrination

Just The News
Large share of federal COVID relief for safe school reopening diverted to non-pandemic uses: report

CNS News
$565,135,000,000: Federal Tax Collections Set Record Through November

Durable Goods Inflation Breaks All-Time 1970s High as Prices Jump 14.9%

The Blaze
Federal Reserve expected to announce interest rate hikes this week to fight off inflation

Daily Wire
Biden Withholding $200M In Military Assistance As Russia Prepares For Possible Full-Scale Invasion: Report

Washington Post
Maryland General Assembly overrides Hogan’s veto of new congressional map

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

You go to bed one night, you don’t know if you’re going to wake up. I got a couple of texts in the middle of the night during the course of this tornado from my kids. They live about 20 minutes apart in Tennessee and they could hear the wind. Now, the heart of this tornado slammed into this town, Mayfield, Kentucky, hit other areas to that town, only has 10,000 people. And this is a tornado that or a series of tornadoes, three of them, as I understand it, also in Tennessee, in Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, and killed almost 100 people or so. There’s over 100 who are missing. And then you look at the damage, looks like a nuclear bomb hit these areas, just blew these these homes away like they were built of matchsticks. And my kids and in this case, my daughter, her grandkids and husband, they were all in the lowest bathroom in the house. Now, there is no such thing as Mother Nature. There’s nature and nature can be very, very beautiful. On a sunny day, you can hear the birds. Watch nature butterflies, you can see the seasons changing in those parts of the country where changes its beautiful, but nature has another side to it where it’s a killer. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, lightning. All kinds of things, the shifting in the plates in the earth, depending on what the sun chooses to do, any given day, any given year, any given millennium. And throughout history, not just humans, but animals of all kinds, mammals have been massively destroyed as a result of things that happen on Earth and things that happen in this universe. People want easy answers. There are no easy answers. There’s no easy answers there, parts of this country that are prone to having these tornadoes because of the way the the Gulf Stream works or the way certain storms come together, we have absolutely no control over this, none whatsoever. Sometimes your number comes up, you walk down the street and somebody hit you in the back of the head with a tire iron. Are you on a bus? The bus has a horrific accident. We’re in the ocean, and there was one occasion where a white shark. Takes you down. Life is full of risks, even if you’re as careful as humanly possible. Life is filled with risks. As joyous as life is. Life can be filled with horrendous moments, you lose a child. I can’t think of anything worse. Your daughter’s kidnapped, brought into sex trafficking, you get a call about a car accident, cancer. Who knows, each day is precious, you don’t know. And so as these people suffer families, some families wiped out, some family members are wiped out. Loss of homes, loss of so much. I really get sick to my stomach over the ambulance chasers. I really do. I really do. And when the ambulance chasers are the president of the United States or the FEMA administrator or senator from Maryland or climate site or whomever, you wish to take this horrendous event. Spawned by nature, not by man. To advance their. Ideological agenda, it really is grotesque, it’s unconscionable. You make people actually believe. That we have some control over this if we just drive less. We just recycle. If we would just use solar energy, this wouldn’t happen. And these damnable lies by people who seek to create a narrative and manipulate us. Get voice in the media today rather than dismissing these people. As political ambulance chasers, opportunists pushing their ideology and their narrative onto deaths and suffering of others, they’re given voice. Must be nice to have an ideology where every horrific thing that happens, you can identify it as a result of climate change, which cannot even be properly defined. In which there is no scientific agreement, just that the government and those who run it believe it and they fund it and they push it and they advance it. It’s really quite shocking. And so here’s Joe Biden Saturday. He’s not visiting the scene until Wednesday, but on Saturday. Saturday, he already has the answer, cat one hat tip, Breitbart go to you about climate change and the conclusion that he’s going to have to do it. Well, obviously, the problem is the media and Biden and his ilk, they play this game. That wasn’t a question. That was. Do you agree with me that this is a so-called reporter? Who lays this up for the president, the United States in the middle of a horrific, horrific event? Which no amount of public transportation, no amount of solar energy, no amount of wind energy, no amount of electric cars can prevent or even tame or even lessen. How do you account for the fact, before I give you Biden’s answer, that in parts of the world where there’s almost no industry. Well, there’s mostly poverty. Most people don’t have automobiles where most people do not use fossil fuels. How do you account for the fact that they have natural disasters to. Go ahead. All that I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has some impact as a consequence of the warming of the planet and the climate change. Now, this is. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. And so we’ll have these discussions about an ambiguous answer like that rather than give us specific information and evidence. Just specific information and evidence that we can discuss that we as reporters, we’re reporters of news rather than your observations. You weren’t around 100 years ago. To observe. Whether it’s the Spanish flu, you weren’t around 150 or 60 years ago to see the earthquakes that took place. In the Midwest of the United States, which was said to be among the worst, you weren’t around in San Francisco the beginning of the last century to see the earthquake that took out San Francisco and so forth and so on. So your observation? Is absurd. Your observation? Do you know in Florida, I’m not talking about Louisiana and so but the southeast coast of Florida, there was no hurricane this year. There was no hurricane. Does that mean the earth is cooling? Does that mean, based on my observation, the earth isn’t changing? Does it only go one way when we have these horrific events, that’s evidence that we need to destroy the capitalist system, that you need to become poor? That we need to eliminate fossil fuels. Are you telling me before the Industrial Revolution? There wasn’t horrific weather and earthquakes and hurricanes and. And tornadoes. There was that and more. What happened to the dinosaurs? There’s a debate, but what happened? Well, too much methane. So these these politicians are asking these leading questions by their media. And they make comments like this, it’s like when somebody shot the gun control comments you’re always pushing. This radical agenda, it is immoral, it is unconscionable, it is dehumanizing. So it’s all your fault if all of you would learn. To live like Peasants’. We wouldn’t have tornadoes like this now. How ridiculous is this? And he wasn’t alone, the FEMA administrator gave Jake Tapper. Who’s pushing this? Cut to go, the governor of Kentucky called this the most devastating tornado event in his state’s history. How unusual is it to see a storm this powerful this late in the year? You know, I think it’s incredibly unusual. We do see tornadoes in December. That part is not unusual. But at this magnitude, I don’t think we’ve ever seen one this late in the year. But it’s also historic. Even this, the severity and the amount of time this tornado or these tornadoes spent on the ground is unprecedented. And she goes on to say climate change. Based on what so the tornadoes are more intense because of climate change. Based on what? And then there’s Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland. Who truly is an ignoramus? He’s on today, no notice, Meet the Press. CNN. Pushing this, spreading the whole thing, cut three go, we’ve already mentioned the tragedy that took place in regards to the tornadoes. I can mention the extreme flooding conditions that we’ve seen on volume of rain that we have never seen in our lifetime. That is a lie. And by the way, even if we’ve never seen it in our lifetimes, our lifetimes are quite short, relatively speaking. Go ahead. It’s changing and we are part responsible for that and we can change the course. We are responsible folks. The hardworking average citizen in this country. Is responsible for earthquakes. And tornadoes and hurricanes and thunderstorms. And a changing planet. This is truly a bizarre, freakish religion that they’ve created, it’s an idol, it’s like a throwback to 5000 years ago. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You want to fix poverty, more government, want to fix health care, more government, want families to spend more time together, more government. One, educate people, more government. Yeah, it’s just a. Interesting, the answer’s always the same, isn’t it? Michael Mann, who I view as a discredited so called climate scientists, he’s on themselves day to day again. Look who they bring in. Look, they bring in they don’t bring in experts who have contrary views. And there are thousands of them. They bring in somebody like Michael Mann here, we’re talking about these these deadly tornadoes. And then they use that as cover to push their agenda, cut, forego. What do we need to learn about how to build better in the southeast? Let’s say in the Midwest? Well, you know, we need to build back better because that that bill has climate provisions that will address this problem at its at its core, which is the warming of the planet due to carbon pollution, fossil fuel burning. So that’s most important. We can prevent this from getting worse if we act on climate. Now, no, we can’t. And we can’t. People think there’s answers to everything, sometimes there aren’t. What can we do to build better? And you bring in this this so-called climate scientist, why don’t you bring builders in if you want to do what you can do to build better in the Southeast and the Midwest. But you don’t. They create this pretext. And so whenever there is a disaster of any kind. Whether it’s nature of this sort or whatever it is, whatever it is, the answer is always the same. The politicians get more powerful, the bureaucracy gets bigger, you lose liberty and you lose rights. We should be helping our fellow citizens, not using these occasions to empower politicians and bureaucrats and the people who live very, very wealthy, by the way, off of talking about them in Washington, D.C..

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, it’s with great reservation. I even have to engage it. It’s like after mass shooting with the gun control crowd because you’re thinking about all these people in the horror they’re dealing with. And. How many of us could be dealing with the same horror? You want time to digest it, think about it, see if there’s something or some group you can contribute to, but when the president and others the same day. Are pushing their agenda, pushing this ideology. What are you supposed to do? It’s crass what they do. Utterly classless. Bordering on immoral, but they do it anyway. So you can’t just leave the field to these people. Now, our buddy. Really, the famous Joe Bastardi, he’s responding to all this, including Biden, and he’s really quite disgusted with the media and the scientists. He says clueless Joe Biden in action again with his weaponization of tornadoes, No. One, violent tornadoes are not increasing. Number two this year, tornadoes, hail and wind altogether near record low in the mindless media should do their dang job and call him on it. He says that data best starting included coming from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA directly contradicts the claims from Biden. And Chris, well, that severe weather. Is more intense because of climate change, Bullit says the first graph shows that a carbon emissions increase between 1954 and 2014, the number of annual tornadoes did not increase. In fact, it went down bullett. The second graph shows that the number of recorded tornadoes through December 11 twenty twenty one is in fact close to a record low pullet. The third graph and this he’s taking these graphs off NOAA. The third graph shows that the number of local storm reports of hail 30 714 through Dec. 11 is significantly under the average of nine hundred and seventy nine through the same time period. Bullett, the fourth paragraph shows that the number of local storm reports of damaging winds 12000 780 through Dec. 11 is also under the average of thirteen thousand nine hundred ninety six through the same period. So. According to the data. We have Roger Pikul Pilkey, Jr.. University of Colorado professor. Says that the data, the government’s own data shows tornadoes are becoming less common in the United States, he says, according to the data from the U.S. National Weather Service. From 2000 to 2020, only four of the strongest categories or tornadoes were observed. In comparison, from 1954 to 1974, 36 such powerful tornadoes were observed, our research on tornado damage in the United States over many decades shows a decline that is suggestive of the actual decline in tornado incidences. They also highlighted an important point to consider when politicians and those with an agenda begin blaming the climate change for weather disasters. He said if it is so well known that disasters are the result of a complex interplay of social and climate factors, why, then, is climate typically the main focus of attention after every extreme event? His point, if a tree falls in a forest but no one hears or sees it, did it make a sound will in a similar way? Weather disasters like the one that happened last week are only disasters because they impact a significant number of people if a severe tornado with 200 mile an hour winds touched down. But there’s nothing there. The nobody even notices that was my point earlier before I even read this. Which is you have areas that are not industrialized. They are not heavily populated. To the extent they’re populated, they’re very poor. There’s no automobiles or that sort of thing. And yet you have horrific. Natural disasters. Geographer Gilbert White, known for his work in helping society mitigate the impact of natural disasters, wrote Floods are acts of God, but flood losses are largely acts of man and what he meant by that, it depends where you put your home, where you put your business, where you choose to locate not in every instance, but in many. Now, we’re having a rational discussion here, right. But none of it is heard on NBC, ABC or CBS. None of it. None of it is heard on CNN and MSNBC. None of it. I mean, apparently a climate denier, I deny that there’s climate, that I deny that there’s climate. Ian Plimer is an emeritus professor of Earth Sciences University in Melbourne. This is an American Marxism of an entire chapter on the climate change fanatics. Says the theory of human induced global warming is not science because research is based on a preordained condition, huge bodies of evidence are ignored and the analytical procedures are treated as evidence. Furthermore, he writes, climate science, so-called, is sustained by government research grants. Funds are not available to investigate theories that are not in accord with government ideology. Of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar, Plimmer writes that the alternative energy system, so-called, such as wind and solar, are environmentally disastrous. They cause loss of ecosystems, destruction of wildlife, sterilization of the land in costs that may not be retrieved during the life of the system and the emission of huge amounts of CO2 during construction. Furthermore, both wind and solar power inefficient. They can’t provide 24/7 baseload power and heat backup by coal burning, carbon dioxide emitting electricity generating plants, as they found out in Texas a little while back. But keep in mind that point, how do you generate electricity, you just snap your fingers and there’s electricity. I mean, that’s what Joe Biden thinks. He just ordered that all government cars will be only electrical cars at some point five, 10 years from now. Or is the electricity going to come from California that doesn’t have enough electricity? Now, the sexpert polemic condemns the entire movement. He says climate change, catastrophizing is the biggest scientific fraud that has ever occurred, much climate science. And he puts quotes around the word science constantly as political ideology dressed up as science. There are times in history when the popular consensus is demonstrably wrong and we live in such a time cheap energy, fundamental for employment, living in the modern world and for bringing the Third World out of poverty. Furthermore, the education system has been captured by activists, and the young are inculcated with environmental, political and economic ideology during their education. These same young people are not given the basic critical and analytical methods to evaluate ideology that has been presented as fact. Want to hear more, Mr. Bettison? Page 174, American Marxism, this book is chock full of stuff. Patrick J. Michaels, who was director of the Center for the Study of Science at Cato, past president of the American Association of State Climatologists program, chair for the Committee on Applied Climatology to the American Meteorological Society and Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at University of Virginia. For 30 years, he sounds like he might know something. He contends he’s never been on Meet the Press, by the way. He contends that climate models are failing. He says in its most basic form, science consists of statements of hypotheses that are retained by critical tests against observations without such testing or without a testable hypothesis. Philosopher Karl Popper stated that what may be called science is in fact, pseudo science. I’m a big fan of Popper. A corollary is that a theory which purports to explain everything in its universe of subject matter is in fact untestable and therefore is pseudoscience a climate? Perhaps it is charitable to refer to untested or untestable climate model projections as climate studies rather than climate science, saying these models are utterly bogus. Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist, former professor of meteorology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he might know something. He says global warming is about politics and power rather than science and science. There’s an attempt to clarify in global warming, language is misused in order to confuse and mislead the public. The misuse of language extends to the use of climate models. Advocates of policies allegedly addressing the. Global warming used models not to predict, but rather to justify the claim that catastrophe is possible as they understand proving something to be impossible is itself almost impossible. Robert M. Carter, emeritus fellow and science policy adviser at the Institute of Public Affairs, science adviser at the Science, a Public Policy Institute, chief science adviser for the International Climate Science Coalition, former professor and head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. He writes, It needs to be recognized that the theoretical hazard of dangerous human caused warming is about one small part of a much wider climate hazard that all scientists will agree upon, which is that dangerous weather and climate events that nature intermittently presents us with and always will. It is clear from the many and continuing climate related disasters that occur around the world that the governments of even advanced wealthy countries often inadequately prepared for such disasters. We need to do better in squandering money to give Earth the benefit of the doubt based upon an unjustifiable assumption that dangerous warming will shortly resume is exactly the wrong type of picking winners approach. He makes a point nosiest person should dispel, he adds, quote. The reality is that no scientists on the planet can tell you what credible probability, whether the weather in 2030 will be cooler or warmer than today in such circumstances, the only rational conclusion to draw is that we need to be prepared to react to either warming or cooling over the next several decades and also to severe weather events, depending on what nature chooses to serve up to us. A primary government duty of care is to protect the citizenry and the environment from the ravages of national climate related events. What is needed is not unnecessary and penal measures against CO2 emissions, but instead a prudent, cost effective policy of preparation for an adaptive response to all climate events and hazards. And as far as carbon dioxide itself. For the four billionth time it’s never been, cannot be and never will be a pollutant. You breathe in oxygen and you exhale carbon dioxide, not carbon monoxide, which is a pollutant, carbon dioxide. There was a five four decision, the US Supreme Court, a few years back, as I’ve talked about before. Massachusetts versus the EPA. And Justice John Paul Stevens used the occasion to write for the majority and left it to the Environmental Protection Agency to determine whether carbon dioxide and non-polluting. Was part of the statutory language. Included, when Congress passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. So what do you think the EPA’s going to do? So they treat carbon dioxide as a pollutant. And I’ve written in past books and I’ve discussed here many, many years in the past, something I’ve studied and studied and studied. Carbon dioxide is a tiny fraction of our atmosphere, a tiny fraction. As it was explained and I wrote in Liberty and Tyranny almost 13 years ago now. Another section on the enviro statists, I call them. Long before these terrible tornadoes. I pointed out that if you have a stadium with 10,000 seats. Four of those seats, four would represent the extent to which carbon dioxide is in our atmosphere, four out of ten thousand. Which cannot change the climate or the weather. Let alone man made climate change. And then think about the politicians who push this, the same politicians who tell you that by spending six trillion more this year. It’s all paid for. The politicians that tell you if we print money faster than any government in human history. Including governments in Venezuela. In pre Hitler, Germany. In Zimbabwe. In other places where you have hyperinflation, that it doesn’t affect inflation, in fact, it brings it down. The people who say when the borders wide open, that it’s closed. Why do you believe these people? I don’t mean you per say, but why does anyone believe these people? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

They curious to know, in addition to doing a separate one hour podcast of fresh content, if you folks think I should do a record, it it did OK. I’m sort of a YouTube type thing. I’m just curious, I’m thinking about all these for the New Year, all these ideas for the New Year. So we shall see, you know. One of the great sites is the Washington Beacon, the free beacon Pelosi is holding up the wigger anti slave bill. Now she’ll go out and talk about theories and abstractions and abortion and the health of the people in this setting. But she is holding up. The wigger antislavery bone, it’s amazing that you have people like Omar antisemite, racist bigot, who wants to pass legislation of some kind where companies are going to track people who talk about Muslims and so forth. Really, the purpose is to shut down any kind of legitimate debate, not necessarily hate speech. But it’s amazing to me as she introduced any kind of bill or as she stood up or put out anything on social media condemning communist China or condemning Nancy Pelosi because wiggers are Muslim. That’s why they’re being slaughtered. That’s why they’re being a slave. That’s why they’re being raped and sterilized and everything else. About two million of them. That’s why inas freedom. And his freedom is speaking out against him, but isn’t it amazing? We have Muslims in Congress. I mean, if this were happening to Jews, I think I would speak out very, very loudly. Why aren’t they speaking out against communist China? Why aren’t they speaking out against Pelosi, holding up the anti slavery bill? I’m quite serious. Why is that? And why do we have a media in this country that kowtows to all this while we know the answer? These are rhetorical questions, of course, because they are poison, they are corrupt, they’re inhuman. They’re better yet inhumane.