December 9, 2021

December 9, 2021

Jussie Smollett leaves the Leighton Criminal Court Building after his trial on disorderly conduct charges on December 7 2021 in Chicago, Illinois. - Smollett on December 6 denied fabricating a hate crime against himself during his trial in Chicago, a case that sparked a wave of national outrage. The former "Empire" star was accused in 2019 of orchestrating a hoax racist attack in the Midwestern city to gain publicity and secure a bigger paycheck. (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP) (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is focused on Jussie Smollett being found guilty on five out of six charges for staging his own hate crime instead of focusing on how President Biden is about to give away a piece of Ukraine. Should Smollett be charged with extra time for committing a hate crime against himself? America deserves an honest discussion on race in America, but Joy Reid, “The View,” “Good Morning America” and others don’t want to have that conversation. The left within the media would just rather call it racist, blame our country, and move on.  Then, Biden is infuriating America’s Eastern European allies over his weak rhetoric on Russia’s aggression toward annexing Ukraine. Allies reject the notion that Russia should have any say on who joins NATO. Jen Psaki even went as far as saying that whether Russia invades Ukraine is entirely up to Putin, essentially abdicating the U.S’s role and giving the green light to Putin.  Later, a federal appeals court decided that Biden will have the final say on former President Trump’s executive privilege and will likely make its way to the Supreme Court. Democrats in the House want to obliterate executive privilege so they can have their political way. They don’t care about the Constitution as long as they can stop Trump in the future. This happens because the Democrat Party controls all branches, packed the court during the Obama years, and is only interested in political power, not in the people.  Afterward, Adam Carolla calls in to discuss his new show “The Daily Yeller” on the “Daily Wire” and how a close-knit group of newspaper owners, a small minority, agree to see things as racially oppressed while a large silent majority of Americans see things as they really are as a meritocracy of hard-working Americans. Finally, Brent Bozell joins the show to discuss his new book, “Stops Along the Way: A Catholic Soul, a Conservative Heart, an Irish Temper, and a Love of Life.”


The Blaze
BLM calls Jussie Smollett trial a ‘white supremacist charade,’ say they ‘can never believe police’ over someone who so ‘courageously’ stands for black freedom

Biden Infuriates Eastern NATO Allies With Outreach to Russia

Appeals court denies Trump bid to shield records from Jan. 6 panel

Post Millennial
New York AG subpoenas Trump in ‘another political witch-hunt’

The Dispatch
From ‘Maximum Pressure’ to ‘Minimal Resistance’

Report: China Military Spending Surge — Now 50% Larger than India, Japan, Taiwan, South-East Asia Combined

U.S Attorney for Massachusetts to Boston News Reporter: ‘I’ll Have You Arrested’

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The media’s priority tonight is Jussie Smollett. They even brought in their legal analysts to tell us what’s taking place because we’re too stupid to know. I don’t know what this jury will decide. Will the jury ignore all the evidence? I mean, more than a dozen witnesses, will the jury ignore these so-called co-conspirators testimony and the video? Well, they ignore it like MSNBC and CNN. Will they ignore it like The New York Times and The Washington Post and all the other frauds, phonies and buffoons in the media trying to push a narrative. I have a different question, actually, everybody sitting with bated breath, Biden’s about to give part of Ukraine to Russia, but now you’re just a small I got to know about just a small. If you commit a hate crime against yourself. And. Shouldn’t you get, like, double punishment? If you commit a hate crime against yourself because you’re a person of color and an a homosexual, I’m just curious, does that mean because you attempted to exploit both? And arguably smeared both. Because you’re unhinged. And you’re trying to bring attention to yourself. If he’s correct. And it seems to me he committed. A hate crime against himself, so should he do double the time if he does time at all? Think about that, the legal analysts out there. Obviously, tongue in cheek here and I’m just making a point, but. The police are upset because of the amount of time they had to spend on this. The only relevance that has to me. Is this is such a fantastic country. We have a lot of cases where people make up stuff like this. A lot of cases. And people do not want an honest discussion about race. Joy Reid doesn’t want an honest discussion about race. If you don’t want an honest discussion about race. Good Morning America doesn’t want an honest discussion about race. If they wanted an honest discussion. We’d all be putting our heads together to figure out how to prevent or slow or limit the slaughter that’s taking place in the inner cities, the vast majority of which is black young men killing black young men. But we don’t have that discussion because to have it apparently is racist. To have that discussion apparently is racist. And it’s anything but. It’s anything but racist. People talk about the. Number of people in prison like that’s. Some kind of a determinate, if that’s that’s definitive, of racism in America? No, it’s not. But it’s definitive and what it’s determining is that we have a lot of violent people in this country. Who need to be sent to prison for a lot of people are going to be hurt, particularly people of color, particularly old people, particularly homosexuals, particularly Orthodox Jews and so forth. People of different backgrounds, whatever. Can have that discussion, everything we seem to discuss in this country, everything we seem to do in this country is driven by the Marxist left and their surrogates in the media. It’s really quite appalling. And I want you to remember. The Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi all believed. This small, but I don’t really care what the jury comes back with. We all know what took place here. There’s going to be one or two jurors who believe in jury nullification is Jonathan Turley. Wisely pointed out that that’s really what Smart’s testimony was about, it wasn’t about. And from his testimony, whether he was guilty or not, because he’s guilty as hell. That’s, of course, somebody on the jury throws out everything and chooses to ignore it. So we shall see, Mr. Producer, right, nothing’s been done yet, but I’m not going to sit here with bated breath. When they come back and they’re about to give the information, I know three or four of you are interested in finding out the result and I’ll give you that. But to me, the damnable things have already taken place. There’s been a ton of media attention on this and most of it. Lousie. Most of it rotten. What’s the lesson from this? What’s the lesson for the media? The media do not learn lessons. Ladies and gentlemen, the media. Our roeg and the media push an agenda. The Roe, they wanted to believe that Trump supporters. Beat this guy up, put a noose around his neck. And then talked about Maggie country, this whole push about January six insurrection, this is now in AP, Reuters, all the major so-called news sites. January six is a fait accompli and it’s an insurrection, even though it doesn’t meet. Any of the. Real definitions of an insurrection doesn’t matter. They’ve gained it to be an insurrection. As they damn Trump to be involved in Russia collusion. They gain a lot of things. And impose their will on the American people. So we’re not going to sit here and bated breath, but I, I do want to ask the corporatists across America, are you embarrassed yet about your support for Black Lives Matter? Are you embarrassed yet about giving money to this organization? Overplays media, here’s the headline from the other day, Black Lives Matter calls justice smaller trial a white supremacist charade say they can never believe police over someone who so courageously stands for black freedom. Isn’t what Smollett did the opposite? He made a mockery. Of racism, he made a mockery. This is a wealthy man, apparently is relatively famous, I know very little about him, certainly before. Who used? The pretext of race, the pretext of homosexuality. He used those identities. To try and bring a. A smear to try and bring an utterly false story to draw attention to himself. And to advance his own political viewpoint. Who are the victims here? We, the people. Because once again, the media exposes corrupt. Were the victims here, President Trump and his supporters, why? Because once again. People are lying about who he is and who they are. And who are the victims here? Well, law abiding individuals across this country who would never pull such a stunt. Particularly those who are in or people of color or homosexuals. Because Jesse Smollett. Smeared them all. Smeared them all. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

There’s no TV in these courtrooms, so let’s see, breaking tonight, what’s breaking now, Smollett? Guilty, the first five charges, they’re waiting for the sixth. Anybody really think otherwise? Of course, the fact that the charges were brought demonstrates the systemic racism of not just the police but the whole system. Now, how do I know that? Because Dr. Melina Abdullah, former California State University professor who now serves as the director of BLM Grass Roots, writes The Blaze declared in a statement published on the organization’s website that the movement will continue to stand with small, regardless of the outcome of the trial, since they can never believe police, quote unquote, over someone, quote, has been courageously present, visible and vocal in a struggle for black freedom. I didn’t know that he was. And I don’t know what that even means. Abdullah claimed that in an abolitionist society, this tribe would not be taking place and our communities would not have to fight and suffer to prove our worth. Instead, we find ourselves once again being forced to put our lives and our value in the hands of judges and juries operating in a system that is designed, you understand, white privilege. This whole Black Lives Matter movement is a critical race theory movement. And so that’s Black Lives Matter. She she is not just some, you know, homeless Marxist. No, no. She is in charge of their grassroots organizing. A clear thinking person like Melina Abdullah. Former tenured professor, I might add. She’s in charge of BLM grassroots and the grassroots are never wrong, of course. So there you have it. Smollett is guilty, at least on the first five counts as a six count. Really doesn’t matter. He’s a liar. He’s a fraud. He’s a fake and a phony. He’s a race baiter. And so may I make a suggestion America may make a suggestion, Mr. Producer. He should be a prime time host on MSNBC. I while on CNN, there is a Cuomo slot, but MSNBC, I mean, they do have Sharpton there and we know what Joy Reid said and she blamed it on hackers who got into her social sites and put all that homophobic, anti-Semitic. And I, quote unquote, white stuff on there wouldn’t be her, of course, and we’ve learned now the way she speaks and acts and talks, there’s no way. No way. But while all this is going on, ladies and gentlemen, while this has been the focus. Of the media for about the last hour, I have some bad news for you. Maybe this will help explain it, Bloomberg Yeah, he’s bad news, but that’s not my point. The news service Biden infuriates Eastern NATO allies with outreach to Russia. I read this this morning. I said, what the hell is he doing now? The United States offered talks on Russia security guarantees that fuels fears in Eastern Europe, Biden to talk to leaders in the region later today. I said, oh, good Lord, what’s he doing? Eastern European countries have reacted critically to a US proposal that handful of NATO allies could meet with Russia to discuss its military buildup along Ukraine’s borders. One government in the region is furious and seeking immediate clarification on what exactly Biden is planning, according to a diplomat from the country who declined to be named. Speaking on confidential issue. Another diplomat was more specific. The unease among the eastern flank, where countries that were once dominated by the Soviet Union called the captured nation’s. Now find themselves on the front lines against an aggressive Russia centers on just what kind of concessions the talks might lead in terms of political guarantees and curbs on NATO’s freedom of movement and its ability to carry out actions. Russia should under no circumstances be given a say in who may or may not be a member of NATO. Eastern excuse me, Estonian Prime Minister cashier Carla said at a news conference on Thursday. Moscow’s most worrying wish is to divide Europe into spheres of influence. We remember these kinds of moments from our own history, and we’re in no way naive on this issue. And I want you to think about this. All right, the smaller things over, it’s over, the media is going to pump this for everything can. This is why you can’t stand them. They got the legal analysts on again. Go they get. Who cares? We know what happened. We know what happens. But you get my point here. What’s going on? I want you to think about for all these years, they talked about Trump weakening NATO, what just happened in NATO not. What just happened to NATO now? For all these years, they said Trump is in Russia’s back pocket. Well, who’s in Russia’s back pocket? Look now. Look now, look at Mr. I’ve got 40 years of foreign policy experience. Look how he’s destroying one relationship after another. Look how our enemies are poised to move. How our enemies are blackmailing us, shaking us down. Joe Biden. Has taken the NATO alliance. Has taken peace in the Middle East, which was left to him. Has taken China and Russia. Empowered China, empowered Russia, empowered Iran. And has weakened our alliances and weakened the United States. And it didn’t even start with Afghanistan, which was bad enough, which was horrible and still is with American citizens there. And so we’re going to focus on small ed. That’s going to cut one Mr. Producer go on Ukraine. There are some reports that the US is pressuring Ukraine to cede land to Russia as a way to deter them from invading. Is that true? No, that’s absolutely false. I don’t believe that for one second that it’s absolutely false. I don’t believe it in the least. These people lie. They just lie and they lie and lie. I don’t believe it for a second. And remember, this is a friendly press to Biden and this administration, even a friendly press in many respects to Russia. We see more and more of that, the apologists for Russia, but there’s more on this when I return. This is a big deal. What’s taking what’s our interest in the Ukraine? What’s our interest in what’s our interest here? And are we going to start off a nuclear war? What is this third grade? Everybody have a low IQ. Should we eliminate NATO? Should we take out our nukes? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

So a three judge panel has bought the argument that a. Former president who asserts privilege over certain of his documents when he was president. Can’t really do that because you see the existing president. Has refused to assert privilege. With those same documents. And so the court says, you know, that’s not really something we’re going to do, we’re not going to second guess the sitting president. Of course, the courts are filled with judges who second guess presidents, Congress, the American people, the states, on and on and on. So this is not an issue of the the of a political doctrine notion that they should stay out of politics. This is a separation of powers issue at its core. And whether or not Congress has this kind of power, it’s not typical for Congress to start subpoenaing records of a former president for the purpose of investigating a former president who’s now a private citizen. We’re going into new, very dark, very troubling territory here, which is what the Democrat Party is doing. And this is where they’ve dragged us when it comes to impeachment, which now is no standard whatsoever. When it comes to launching criminal investigations, which now has no requirement for an honest predicate when it comes to using campaign dollars to buy a dossier and then to politicize the FBI and intelligence agencies in the Oval Office for which the person behind it. Hillary Clinton is not held to account, let alone investigated and dragged in front of a federal grand jury. Now we have this. No, I haven’t had time, but I looked at the three judges on this panel, Mr. Producer. The two that I looked at are both Obama appointees. We’ll see if the third is a Trump appointee, a Reagan appointee. I will look that up, but there’s two of them who are Obama appointees. Now, one of the things you’re not hearing about you’re not reading much about is that Biden is packing these courts as fast as he can with these radicals. And they are sort of neutralizing the constitutionalists on these courts that were put there by President Trump. And one of the reasons they’re able to do that is because these votes bring them out of committee, the Judiciary Committee, because the ranking or one of the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee is Lindsey Graham, who so far has voted for virtually every judicial nominee, bar two or three, because he thinks a president has this right. What he doesn’t accept and what most of these people don’t accept on the on the McConnell side of Capitol Hill. We’re in a battle here to save this country, to save our Constitution, save our way of life. Well, you’re playing games, you’re holding to some rule. That is inapplicable. That is utterly and completely inapplicable. So this is problematic. So. Now, why is this a problem? From time to time, we have Supreme Court justices and or their spouses listening to this program. Why is this a problem? It’s the reason I said several weeks ago. If a Democrat Party that controls all elected branches of government. The Democrat Party is not interested in separation of powers, its interested in power, it’s not interested in these constitutional constructs that keep us free. Fact, it works day and night to reverse course. And so Joe Biden and his staff and his lawyers and the Department of Justice, they didn’t really look at the documents that Donald Trump. Asserted executive privilege over. They’re working hand in glove with the Democrats in the House, Nancy Pelosi, Benny Hill and all the others. Benny Hill being the chairman of the committee, I know his name, it’s Benny Hill. That’s what we call. And of course, they love the never Trump who helped bring us. To this point of desperation, it’s a country. Self-righteous, narcissistic punks mostly. And so this really isn’t the Biden administration asserting executive privilege on any constitutional basis or the converse passing it. They want this Democrat run committee to get the information that they think they could twist and use against Trump and his former staffers, advisers, friends, whatever. And the court did not address another issue that I raised, which is this. I don’t believe Joe Biden will run again, but Joe Biden says he is going to run again. OK, so it’s in Joe Biden’s interest in this case to cripple separation of powers. To give his own party access to information. Related to Donald Trump. So they can twist into a pretzel that information or use it as they wish, they hope, they hope they find something, something embarrassing that they will claim is embarrassing and spin it. To improve their chances in twenty twenty four. So there’s no getting around this if you’re going to pretend, well, Joe Biden, he’s the sitting president, he can make the no, this is a separation of powers issue. Hey, separation of powers issue, the court has before it three judges. It’s not a question of whether Biden asserts executive privilege or not. Under these circumstances, the court must take into consideration the environment and the facts of what’s actually occurring, forget about these legal analysts on TV. Not a damn. One of them is a constitutional expert, not one of them. One of them can’t keep his pants on, for God’s sakes. They put him on the Supreme Court next. Because a very important issue. This isn’t a Trump issue, it’s a constitutional issue. And so this matter will be going to the Supreme Court. Let’s hope the Supreme Court doesn’t keep ducking constitutional issues. There comes to cases out of Pennsylvania that are crucially, crucially important. The Rehnquist court didn’t duck a case in 2000 and took it right on, had the guts to make a decision. The Roberts court is a whole nother ball of wax, as they say. But this is important to get this right. And let me also say this to our friend Kevin McCarthy, because Mitch McConnell is hopeless, absolutely useless. These decisions by these courts and these actions by this current speaker must be taken up by a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, where Kevin McCarthy becomes the speaker. He must do to the Democrats what they have done to the Republicans or this unbalance. With the Democrats can do anything they want. And the Republicans play marbles. Well, sink this Republican. And I’ve explained to you a few times and I want to explain to the Republican leadership in the House, the Republican leadership in the Senate. Is non-existent. It’s oxymoronic to call the Republicans in the Senate leaders. The Republicans in the House, we still want to see. But it’s very, very important, the independent counsel statute, which was passed, I believe it was 1978. After Watergate, it’s a convoluted statute, it’s set up a separate court system to go after certain covert individuals. It required a public report. It undermined our understanding of justice. It triggered investigations left and right. It really, in many respects, tore this country apart, you know, everybody says we’re talking about we’ve been torn apart a lot by the Democrat Party and the American Marxists. This was the brainchild of a buffoon by the name of Carl Levin. He’s been praised. Oh, it’s so great when he passed away. We’ve never seen anything such a nasty man. Nasty man. And Barney Frank. And Barney Frank. So this thing has triggered multiple times under Janet Reno. Against Clinton. Before that, it was triggered multiple times against. Reagan. So the Democrats and the Republicans came together on Capitol Hill and, you know, they decided America. Let’s get rid of this law, it’s just to because the Democrats finally felt the wrath of the of the law that they created. The Pandora’s box that they had opened. And so now that the. Clinton was subjected to multiple independent counsel investigations as the Reagan administration had been. They cried, uncle, the Democrats. They cried, uncle. And they let it lapse. The law had an immediate an automatic lapsing provision. And it’s never been renewed. That’s how you deal with the Democrats. Trump’s right, you hit them harder than they hit you. But that’s how you deal with it. When it comes to impeachment. When it comes to coup efforts, I. I really am loath to believe that the Republicans have the guts to do this sort of thing, Nancy Pelosi has done it with a three vote majority in the House. In other words, essentially no majority. Now they want to take this congresswoman. It’s hoping you’d whisper in my ear, most of it is Bobber. Lauren Bobert. And remove her from committees, one party removing Republicans from committees, one party appointing a special committee to investigate January six, one party driving impeachment, one party driving a coup, one party driving our economic system, our governing system, one party demanding. To change the the independence of the judiciary, one party with no majority, really. That knows its is going to get kicked in two years, that’s certainly the whole. They don’t stop, they keep driving the agenda. Donald Trump, they want his taxes. They accuse him of violating the emoluments clause. They can’t even spell it, let alone pronounce. They’ve accused him of a thousand things. January six committee, it’s a farce. Did you know Laticia up there in the attorney general? New York has decided that she’s not going to run for governor in the Democrat primary, why? Because she get her ass kicked. That’s why she said she too much work to do. She’s released all this information on the Cuomo seat, basically taken out the Cuomo says, competition to her. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing she took them out, I’m saying she took them out as competition to her. Most people would say this is a conflictual situation, but no, no, no, no. And she’s just announced, again, there’s a civil investigation of the Trump organizations and she’s demanding that Donald Trump testify on January 7th. There’s no end to this. Whether it’s the D.A. Vance, whose father served in the Carter administration was a disgraceful disaster. Whether it’s Letitia James who ran on criminally prosecuting Donald Trump, she should have had her license pulled right there, but the whole system is rigged. The tax returns, executive privilege, you name it. The entire constitutional and legal systems, federal and state. Are being turned into a mockery, a mockery. Because they want to take out Donald Trump, who’s not even in office right now, but they fear him so much if he is, as the news organizations say. A drag on Republican victories in four years as the news organizations, the never treehoppers, the republics and the others say. A problem that needs to get out of the way and let somebody else take over. Then why do they keep attacking him? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I let me tell you why I wanted to look at the the three judges on this panel that made the decision apparently today in the D.C. Circuit under Harry Reid, they added additional seats to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit is considered the second most important court because all these big cases typically go there before they go to the U.S. Supreme Court out of the disputes between Congress, the executive and those sorts of things, the bureaucracy. So it’s a very important court. Well, they packed that court when Obama was president of the United States and Harry Reid worked with them and they added seats to that court and it’s paid off. So when I read an article by CBS and NBC and I read both articles just to make sure and they don’t point out who appoints these three judges, I knew that was an issue. All three judges on this panel were appointed by Barack Obama. All three of them. So Trump and the other individuals raising questions here. Couldn’t have pulled a worse panel, could not have pulled a worse panel. Now, wouldn’t that be the headline in every news article if every one of them had been appointed by Trump? Written by Republican, how often do you hear them denounce the Supreme Court when they don’t get their way, the six conservatives on the court, the six conservatives on the court? Well, these are three of the radicals on the D.C. Circuit Court, all of whom were appointed by Obama, as best as I can tell. I mean, I’ve done it under Krunch. Now, if I’m wrong, I’ll correct myself. I’m not afraid to do that. But that’s what I looked up. That’s what I saw. That’s what I saw Judge Millette, Judge Williams. Judge Brian, all appointed by Obama. So this matter needs to go to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court needs to take it up and John Roberts has to decide if he’s going to continue along the road where the court’s going to pass on major constitutional issues that affect this country. You just can’t let this country unravel like this. They have a responsibility. They get involved in things where they have no responsibility, and then when you’re black letter law that comes up regarding the text of the Constitution, what this means and. Judicial precedent. That’s right. We’re not getting involved, it’s the political doctrine question. No, it’s not. It’s the separation of powers question. The separation of powers question. Now, I’m not going to be diverted. From where I started tonight, I want to get back to it. And that is, of course, the what’s happening with Russia. But before I do. I get it, you’re sick and tired of what they’re doing to this man, I get it. You’re frustrated with a corrupt system. You’re frustrated with how these American Marxists have conquered so much of our government, so much of our society and culture. You see that there’s two forms of justice here when it comes to what party you belong to or what you actually believe. And you’re right. But you have to keep fighting. That’s what Trump does. That’s what these other folks are doing. I’ll be right back.