December 8, 2021

December 8, 2021

ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES - 2021/03/31: Police tape cordons off the building where the shooting occurred. On Wednesday evening, four people, including a child, were killed in an office building in Orange, California. The suspect and another person were injured as well. This is the third major shooting in the United States in the last three weeks. (Photo by Stanton Sharpe/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the American Marxist elements in America, backed by the media and embraced by the Democrat party, have brought us the crime wave we are seeing across the country. The George Floyd riots in 2020 were seen as an opportunity for a war on cops, capitalism, and society. The Democrat party has the help from George Soros to destroy America from within. Until Soros and the Democrat Party are held to account this crime will continue. We have a lack of leaders who will stand up to these radicals.  Also, a Wall Street Journal poll shows Hispanic voters are evenly split between parties and split between backing Donald Trump and President Biden. It’s all about economics. A lot of people who have come to America have suffered through socialism or autocracies. They see what’s happening now and reject it. They want the benefits of a free society. Later, Mark Meadows has sued January 6 committee members and Nancy Pelosi because they are trying to compel him to violate executive privilege. They needed to go on offense and they are doing it; they are fighting back!  Finally, Scott Atlas calls in to discuss his new book, A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America.


Philadelphia Inquirer
Michael Nutter: Larry Krasner owes an apology to the 521 families of Philly’s homicide victims | Opinion

ABC News
‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records

Fox News
Kim Potter trial: Daunte Wright’s victims remember slain Minnesota 20-year-old, ‘Karma’s a b—-‘

Wall St Journal
Hispanic Voters Now Evenly Split Between Parties, WSJ Poll Finds

House Republicans seethe over Senate GOP’s debt deal

Right Scoop
Mark Meadows sues Pelosi and hack Jan 6th committee

Mark Levin: Trump vs. Biden, ‘There’s No Comparison’

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Stanton Sharpe/SOPA Images/LightRocket

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

This evening, we start with crime. How did we get to this place? We got to this place. Because the American Marxist element in this nation. Backed by the propaganda media, embraced by the Democrat Party. Brought us here. What you’re seeing happening in the streets now, and it’s no joke. Murder through the roof. This these these violent property crimes and so forth. We’re encouraged. By the Democrat Party after Joy George Floyd killing. They were encouraged by the media. Whether it’s CNN or MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post. Whether it’s ESPN even. Professional sports. The radical left in this country. For what you’re now seeing. They pushed for what you’re now saying. And there are former mayors who ran these cities who cannot believe what they’re saying. Former mayors. That ran New York City, that ran Los Angeles. That ran Philadelphia, that ran Minneapolis, they cannot believe what they’re saying. Just as we have a lack of leadership in this country as a result of Joe Biden in this administration. And they’re pushing their radical agenda, but a lack of leadership to stand up to the radicals. The same existed two and a half years ago during the riots. This is what the riots have brought us. And even though whites and blacks and Latinos and everybody. Everybody was appalled by what they saw, what George Floyd. It was used as an opportunity by the American Marxists, the Black Lives Matter movement. By college students who are not going to school because of the the virus, by their professors, tenured Marxists, it was used by the media. To drive some kind of revolution into this country. War on the cops, war on capitalism, war on sex on on society, and of course. The white dominant white supremacist culture. That’s what you’re seeing, that’s number one. Number two. This nation. Is the target. Have a multibillionaire. Who seeks to destroy it from within? Who’s build alliances with the most radical elements in the society? Of which I speak. George Soros. These are George Soros, his prosecutors. In Los Angeles, in Chicago. In Philadelphia. In San Francisco. Nobody’s putting a microphone in his face any more than anyone is putting a microphone in Hillary Clinton’s face over Russia, collusion, which she orchestrated. The damage these people are doing to this country, the damage this party, the Democrat Party and its surrogates have done to this nation, incalculable. And they want to do more. Through the legislative process, through the judicial process and in the streets. And in the streets. Things that used to attract people to go into the big cities who don’t live in the big cities, shopping areas are being destroyed. Union Square in San Francisco is destroyed. You have an entire shopping mall in Chicago, it’s been destroyed. Times Square is being destroyed. Market Street in Philadelphia destroyed. Our inner cities are being destroyed by these Marxists, why you say why I said this, the base of the American Marxist movement. Yes, but they want to radicalize further. They want to radicalize further. The biggest races we have in this country. That Republicans, they’re not white people. They’re not the cops. They’re the American Marxists, they’ve always been the biggest racists. Look at the Marxists in China. Who are they killing? The Tibetans slaughtering. The Viegas, the Christians. Because this is what Marxism does. To secularist atheist ideology that praise the government. Look what happens to the churches. Even in heavily Catholic, if not exclusively Catholic, to a great extent, Cuba. Venezuela. Really quite unbelievable. I want to read you. A letter, an op ed, I guess, that was put into the most radical major city newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer. You guys in Boston, in New York and L.A., you think you have a tough Philadelphia Inquirer is a real low life newspaper. And it’s written by the former mayor of Philadelphia. A black man, a Democrat. Britain, about the district attorney of Philadelphia installed by Sorrow’s. A white man. A Democrat. District Attorney Larry Krasner, he wrote recent remarks about whether we are experience, a crime crisis or some of the worst, most ignorant and most insulting comments I have ever heard. Spoken by an elected official at a Monday press briefing, Krasner told reporters, We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness. We don’t have a crisis of crime. We don’t have a crisis of violence. It takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that right now, as of Monday night, five hundred and twenty one people and now it’s 523 souls, spirits have been vanquished, eliminated, murdered in our city of brotherly love and sisterly affection, the most since 1960. I have to wonder what kind of a messed up world of white brokenness is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them black and brown, while he advocates his own national profile as a progressive district attorney. See, here he is. He’s taking on the radical white Marxists. He’s taking them on. You don’t see this from a Biden, you don’t see this from a Chuma, you don’t see this from a Pelosi because they’re of the Krassner ilk now. So it takes this former black mayor of Philadelphia to say, hey, everybody. Look what the hell’s going on here. In my wonderful city that I was mayor of for eight years. And my hometown, by the way, he said, I’d like to ask Craster how many more black and brown people and others would have to be gunned down on our streets daily to meet your definition of a crisis. How many more children and teens have to die in record numbers to capture your attention to be considered a crisis? How many more moms, dads, spouses and friends need to shed tears over the loss of a loved one for you to call it a crisis? Words matter, will act, and trigger, in her words, means something from elected officials, crassness should publicly apologize to the five hundred and twenty one, now five hundred and twenty three families of dead victims and the thousands of those maimed by gun wounds this year. He has ignored the pain of living and insulted the memory of the dead. Crassness should also use his words to send a message to the shooter’s murderers and criminals of this city by committing to actually prosecute them rather than coddle them, make excuses, reduce or drop charges, he should commit to locking them up for carrying illegal weapons or shooting people. If Krassner doesn’t have the fortitude or the guts to carry out those duties, he should resign and turn things over to someone who is still not trying to sell Philadelphians on the false choice of having either public safety or police reform. Philadelphians can have and deserve both. I know it’s possible because when I was mayor, we laid the foundation for this work. 2013, Philadelphia experienced the lowest number of homicides since 1968. We reduced the prison population by 2000, we reduced the number of police officers involved in shootings. The Philadelphia Police Department became accredited for the first time. We weren’t perfect Smer. I make plenty of mistakes, but I didn’t blame the press or Harrisburg. The people of Philadelphia knew that I cared about their safety and that I was working to stop abuses. And he goes on. And he goes on. You don’t hear this from Litefoot in Chicago. You don’t hear it and you know. I’m reading this to you because it’s the exception to the rule. You have now a former black mayor in Atlanta. She doesn’t take on these radicals. The current black mayor of Washington, she doesn’t take on these radicals. It’s an amazing thing, none of them take on George Soros. The big daddy, the Democrat Party, the sugar daddy. And all these radical movements aimed at overturning this country. Until Saurus is held to account for the mayhem he has funded. Until the Democrat Party is held to account for the mayhem it has created in this country and you want to go back to slavery, let’s go back to slavery from slavery. The segregation. To Marxism, to absolute lawlessness in the streets and on our border. Until these certain institutions and certain individuals. Are held to account or speak out. This will continue, you want to know why? The Democrats control all the elected branches of the federal government and the Democrats control these big cities. Conservatives, Republicans. For the most part, when it comes to the big cities. They’re not ruled by white privilege in the white dominated society. And if the Democrat Party does not abandon. This is not a ban and AOC and Tully and Omar and their ilk. People will continue to die and suffer in this country. School choice, something I and Landmark Legal Foundation and others have fought for for much of our adult careers. We litigated for it and we got it. School choice is something that would improve the lives of millions of human beings in the inner cities particularly, but the Democrat Party stops. Big time private sector investment in the inner cities I’m not talking about in the gentrified areas, I’m talking about the inner cities. Where so many of the people live. Take place, but for Democrat Party policies. The Democrat Party is a cancer on this country. This is their policy, you’re seeing what’s happening. They take the money from Soros, the Democrat Party, does their campaign affiliates, do their PACs, do they have dark money, PAC money, other campaign money? When’s the last time The Washington Post criticized George Soros or did an exposé on him, how about The New York Times? How about 60 Minutes? How about any of the Sunday shows? How about any of the morning shows on the networks? When’s the last time? When’s the first time? Once the first time. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

ABC News, at least 12 major U.S. cities have broken annual homicide records this year, and they’re still three weeks to go. Of the dozen cities that have already surpassed the grim milestones, four killings, five top records that were set are tied just last year. It’s terrible to every morning get up and have to look at the numbers and then look at the news and see the stories. It’s just crazy. It’s just crazy. And this needs to stop, says Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney. This is the mayor. So you got a Democrat mayor, Democrat prosecutor. This mayor’s another loser, but they’re all looking at this district attorney who is the disaster. And they passed the record 500 murders. Stood since 99, now they’re up to 523, so, you know, that’s a sprint to the finish. Philadelphia, a city of roughly one point five million people, has had more homicides this year than the nation’s two largest cities, New York 443 and L.A. 352. That’s an increase of 13 percent from 20 20 a year. That nearly broke the 1990 record. So now it’s like the Olympics. About breaking records, how about. The core problems that caused this, you know, when it comes to immigration, they said we need to look into the core issues, you know, what’s going on. And and these are foreign countries like we have any effect on what’s going on in Guatemala, for God sakes. Preposterous, but here we know what the core problem is, the Democrat Party, let’s be honest with each other, let’s be honest with each other. It’s the Democrat Party and their radical ideology and the very people they rely on to vote for them are getting slaughtered. The very businesses they rely on, they create jobs are shuttering. Are shuttering. Chicago, the nation’s third city city, leads the nation 739 homicide folks, this is the kind of crap you read about Iraq. Or some war torn country or some country that’s in the middle of a civil war, not a civilized advanced industrial nation, because the Democrat Party is embracing an ideology that isn’t civil, that is not humane, rather than attacking the police, we need more cops, a lot more cops rather than anything in prisons. We need more prisons, whatever it takes.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Why is Kim Potter on trial for murder? She had a body cam, as did two other officers. We all saw exactly what took place, exactly what took place in the accidental shooting of Dante. Right. Remember this case? That day, right, he’s 20 years old, he’s in his car. There’s a warrant out for him. The warrant for violent conduct in the past, criminal activity. He gets out and then he resists arrest, he gets back in the car. And she says Taser, Taser, Taser, and accidentally pulls her pistol and shoots him. We all heard it. We all saw it. Why is she on trial? She’s on trial for two reasons, the mob. They’re demanding that she be on trial and she was charged very quickly. And this fits the narrative, the scenario, white cop shooting a black young man. The scenario of white supremacy and the scenario of a racist police force, but we saw what happened. None of those things are true, so why is she on trial? It’s why the Kyle Rittenhouse outcome was so remarkable despite the map. So Fox reports Justice for Dante, right, reads a marquee at Minneapolis’ George Floyd Square tongue over what used to be a gas station across the street from where Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck, a Memorial Day 20-20. The fortified police station in Brooklyn Center, someone installed letters to spell out Dontae write in all caps on a barricade erected around the perimeter. Why is he a hero? Why is he an iconic figure? Prominent civil rights attorney Ben Crump. He sort of I don’t know who gets to the scene faster, Al Sharpton or Ben Crump is representing the slain 20 year old’s family following a shooting death at the hands of former police officer Kim Potter. No, he’s not technically representing. Well, he may be representing the family. I don’t know why, but in a criminal case, it’s the state. Versus the defendant, the state. But right before his death, Dontae right, left behind a trail of victims whose lives he upended with gun violence of his own. Oh, OK. Karma’s a B to such women, told Fox News Digital Monday. Unprompted, in separate interviews, the victims said they would have preferred right face consequences for his actions in a court of law, but also arguing that his own decision in attempting to flee a lawful traffic stop contributed in part to his shooting death on April 11, contributed completely to it. He created the whole environment. Caleb Livingston was 16 years old when Wright allegedly shot him in the head at the full stop gas station in Minneapolis, Lowry Avenue. Initially, doctors told Kayla’s mother he wouldn’t survive surgery after the attack he pulled through, but he can’t talk and he can’t walk. He suffers from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and requires around the clock assistance. We’re going to build a monument. Pretty right, I pray for everybody involved because it’s a loss of life, Livingston’s mother, Jennifer LeMay, told Fox News Digital. I know what rights parents are going through because I almost lost my son now, who now right. Was before he was killed. It is what it is. December twenty nineteen riding a friend MSJ driver stayed over at a young woman’s apartment. This is the key one that led to the. The unfortunate shooting stated a young woman’s apartment after a night of drinking and smoking pot the following morning after drivers saw her slip eight hundred and twenty dollars into her bra. Today, Wright allegedly pulled out a handgun, choked her twice and tried a robbery. Now, this was a friend. Who let him stay over her apartment after an ensuing struggle, right and driver left empty handed unbeknownst to the victim who believed they’d taken her hard earned cash till she called 911 and found it still stocked away within her torn clothes. That person was evil and he didn’t care about me in that moment, the survivor told Fox News Digital on Monday. Video obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital early this year shows Wright playing with a handgun in her bathroom. Moments before the attempted robbery, he recorded it himself and police seized it from his phone. It’s ironic that he died the way he could have killed me, having a gun pointed toward him, whether it was accidental or not accidental, the victim said, it just made me start to think how many more people could be. Could he have almost killed? Driver, an acquaintance of the victim from school, took a plea deal in the robbery case in December. According to the court documents, Wright died before his case went to trial, right? Right. Wright’s conduct led to three posthumous lawsuits against his estate, one in connection with Levingston shooting, one with the robbery and a third in connection with a carjacking. The left a former classmate shot in the leg. Sounds pretty violent, doesn’t you, Mr. Producer? Three weeks before his death encounter with Potter, Wright and an accomplice allegedly allegedly shot former classmate Joshua Hodges in the leg and stole his car, according to the lawsuit, the accomplice’s bullet allegedly broke his fibula, struck an already excuse me, struck an artery and left him permanently damaged. That’s two handicapped. That right was accidentally killed by a Brooklyn Center police officer on April 11, 2021, approximately three weeks after his crimes against Hodges, the civil complaint reads. After that accident, a false narrative began establishing right. As a young person, that young person looked up to when, in fact, a warrant was in place for his violations of law on bond for a post crime. He had previously chosen a life of crime, and he jumped his weren’t. That is. He failed to appear. And that’s what popped up with Officer Potter and other officers. When they stop this car. And they had a routine effort to take him into custody and he fought them and he went into his car and he reached for something. What did he reach for, Mr. Producer, pack of gum? Right, an alleged gang member was also accused of waving a black handgun near a Minneapolis intersection before ditching it and fleeing on foot, eluding responding officers when police pulled him over in April, they found he had an active warrant in that incident and attempted to arrest him. Body cam video shows an officer later identified as a trainee under the powder’s guidance, struggling, failing to apprehend Wright, who slipped back onto the driver’s seat. Potter shouted Taser multiple times, but draw a handgun, firing a single shot into right from just a few inches away, a couple of feet away the car. Drakeford then crashed up the road right died and his girlfriend, Alanya Payton was injured. And of course, this is in and around Minneapolis. Crump. And Wright’s legal team have described the accusations against him as character assassination. Now it’s called a criminal record, you jerk. Why is this police officer charged? Why is her liberty threatened? She wasn’t there to kill him, she didn’t try to kill him. She made an honest mistake. And if the criminal in this case, the perpetrator, I should say, in this case. And resisted arrest, he’d be alive today, but he’d also probably be in prison for decades. That’s part of the problem. We all saw what happened. You saw her regret, she had enormous regret. She shouts out after Taser, Taser, Taser, meaning she’s going to use her Taser. So as not to kill him. We got it there right on the bodycam, everybody says we need body cams, okay, we have them. And then after she shot him, the horror when she realized she had shot him. Now she’s on trial. It’s like the Kyle Rittenhouse case, not the substance where he was defending himself. He was put on trial. Not the remaining perpetrator. What’s the lesson here? Don’t be a criminal, don’t shoot people. Don’t threaten people with a weapon. You should live, unless, of course, you come across a criminal who wants to kill you. So now what the mob’s going to get its way, is that it? The mob’s going to get its way. We have this narrative of white on black. Police against black teenagers. And it really is unbelievable when you look at the murder rates. That’s why I started with it program the Democrat Party in the media, how they inflame these situations. Joy Reid. Tiffany Watsa asks, I can’t remember Cross. And so many others, and they’re not alone. They’re not alone. They’re all over TV. Rainbow Coalition. A relatively young. Incompetent. Low IQ radicals dressed up as journalists. And then you have an old man. Comes out of Germany. Did whatever he had to do to survive. Some awful, awful things that he did, saurus. Who’s exploited freedom and now tries to destroy it? He’s not held to account. There’s never any hearings about him ever. Because his Daddy Warbucks for the Democrat Party and their radical military wing, that’s right, I said it, their militia wings. Mostly peaceful. The cops. Reform, balle reform. Unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

You know, Bob Costas, this is kind of a dumb guy being dumb a long time and around a long time is a lift. He’s a political lib. He’s been a political live a long time, rushes to mock him and correctly so. So he and rush from time to time to go back and forth nonetheless. It’s called out LeBron James and Kaepernick. About their inconsistency. About why they don’t criticize China for what China is doing and that they benefit from China. It’s a little late to the game, don’t you think, Mr. Producer? Just a little late. A lot late, actually. And you’re not going to hear broadcasters on ESPN one, two, three or 12 or want to talk about it, you’re not going to hear anyone on NBC. I’m telling you, look, the communist Chinese, through intimidation and money, have bought off. The corporations, NBC, MSNBC, Comcast, apparently because they have exclusive rights to the Olympics. Do any of you who watch those truly pathetic and unwatchable programs, you ever hear them criticize communist China? How about The View? The view, the yentas on The View, the low IQ, stupid yentas on The View. And we sure. Let’s Joyce last name again. She’s such a loser, we saw Joe Beilharz not transitioning. Oh, no, no, no, I don’t mean sexually. I don’t know, I mean, from low IQ to the lowest IQ. You won’t hear it. Because they’re bought and paid for effectively, their companies are and they don’t want to like they don’t want to upset. It’s better to attack Trump and Trump supporters and Republicans rather than the actual genocidal maniacs that are staring us in the face. But I came across a little bit of interesting news, actually. Important news. I’m not prepared to go as far as The Wall Street Journal is, but there’s some very interesting news here. We saw it happen in Virginia, where 54 percent of the Hispanic vote went for the Republican, 54 percent. Fifty four percent. And when we say Hispanic, I’ve talked about the history of this word in the past is used by politicians in America anyway. It was a word that really wasn’t used that much by the Census Bureau. The federal government to Richard Nixon’s administration, and he said that he basically wanted to create an ethnic group. To counter what he saw as an increased problem for Republicans in the black community, getting votes. And so people from Peru, people from Cuba, people from wherever, even though they didn’t view themselves at the time, I’m a Hispanic persay, they were Peruvian or Cuban or Puerto Rican or what have you, which obviously is American territory. But my point is, so the Census Bureau at the direction of of the Nixon administration, decided to create this category. So some Hispanics, given their ancestry, that is where they’re from, the experiences and so forth, are more conservative or more liberal than others. So I don’t like to stereotype, but we have this piece here and it says, Republicans have made rapid gains among a crucial voting demographic that has long favored Democrats. The nation’s large and diverse group of Hispanic voters is showing signs of dividing its support between Democrats and Republicans more evenly than in recent elections. This is from a Wall Street Journal poll, a troubling development for the Democratic Party, which has long counted on outsize Hispanic support. One year after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60 percent of their vote, according to polls at the time. The Journal survey found that Hispanic voters are evenly split in their choice for Congress. Asked which party they would back if the election were today, 37 percent of Hispanic voters said they would support the Republican congressional candidate. 37 percent said they would favor the Democrat, 22 percent undecided. Hispanic voters were also evenly divided when asked about a hypothetical rematch in 2024. Listen to this. Of the last presidential contenders, 44 percent saying they would back Biden, 43 percent saying they would back Trump in 2020. Biden won 63 percent of the Hispanic vote, 30 points more than Trump, although Trump won a bigger majority than Romney could ever hope to have won. Hispanic voters account for about one in eight eligible voters and are one of the fastest growing groups in the electorate. Factors that compound Democratic fears about any deterioration in support quote, Latinos are more and more becoming swing voters, a swing vote that we’re going to have to fight for, said Democratic pollster John Anzalone, whose company conducted the Wall Street Journal poll. Along with the firm, a Republican pollster, Tony Fabrizio Fabrizio. And they said the polls show the economic issues were the main concern among Hispanic voters, drawing Hispanic men in particular toward the GOP. It’s interesting how black men, black, Hispanic, black, excuse me, black men, Hispanic men and Asian men vote more Republican than do the women. But that aside, there’s a couple of things going on here. It is the economics. A lot of people who come to this country or whose ancestors have come to this country, I’m talking about the the immigrants now they suffered. Through socialism, they they suffered through autocracies that may not have a fancy name. And many of them see the benefits of a freer society of more opportunity. I mean, after all, that’s why many of them came to the United States in the first place before this this current effort by Biden and the Democrats to bring everybody into the welfare state. But you understand what I’m saying. That’s number one. But there’s no to tyranny. Many of these people have escaped tyranny and many of these people are watching Black Lives Matter and the riots and the burning of cities. Whoa, whoa, whoa, they’re saying that’s not me. That’s not my background, you understand people are saying that’s not that’s not what I believe in. I tried to escape that kind of thing. In various parts of the world, I want law and order, I want stability. I don’t want the police state. But we can’t have marauders and militia types on the left, people burning, people being brutalized and everything. America is the place of law and order and justice and equality. So I think a lot of people who’ve come into this country or whose ancestors more recently came into this country, they see this and they reject it and they’re now identifying it with the Democrat Party, thanks to the media as well as Biden and the others. I want to explore this a little further with you so I can articulate it a little bit more fully. I’ll be right back.