December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021

HONOLULU, HI - DECEMBER 07: The U.S. Marine Corps gives the rifle salute as Pearl Harbor Commemorates the 78th Anniversary Of World War II Attacks as Pearl Harbor Commemorates the 78th Anniversary Of World War II Attacks at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial on December 7, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii. On the morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese mounted a surprise military air strike on the naval base at Pearl Harbor leading to the United States' formal entry into World War II the next day. 2,335 were killed in the attack and dozens of naval ships were damaged or sunk. (Photo by Kat Wade/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the attack on Pearl Harbor sparked America’s entrance into World War II. Many enlisted to serve their country, some were relatives of this program. The sacrifice and patriotism by these men were great, nothing like the men of our current administration. Lamentably, the writing is on the wall for a war with China which threatens many countries. Russia is expanding aggressively and will likely invade Ukraine again. Iran is months away from having a nuclear weapon and is prepared to go to war.  President Biden is not prepared for the coming conflict.  Then, former Ambassador and National Security Advisor Ric Grenell calls in to share how the Reagan Library’s board has dramatically changed to eliminate Reaganites and Trump supporters. Grenell added that the rise of China has been steady as they infiltrated the power structure of many institutions. The U.S must refrain from doing business with the CCP. Later, the philosophy of Americanism embraces things that are proven to have worked for the betterment of society. This was the difference between Trump and the Democrats, it was peace and common sense versus uncertainty and a radical leftist ideology. Afterward, Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany calls in to discuss her new book “For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond.”

McEnany highlights her time in the Trump White House and how her faith guided her in through the lies and vitriol of the media.


Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Address to Congress, December 8, 1941

American Rhetoric
Patton Speech (1970)

Trump says a bit too much about James Comey’s FBI firing (again)

NBC News
Congress hatches novel plan to lift debt ceiling with only Democratic votes

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Kat Wade

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and at the solicitation of Japan was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, but always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people and their righteous might will win through to absolute. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again and dangerous. Hostilities exist, there is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger, with confidence in our armed forces, with the unfolding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire. So there you have it, Franklin Roosevelt. So change the nature of the United States would change the course of history. Sixteen and a half million men and women would go to war 16 and a half million. Six and a half million. Very few of whom were alive today. And of course, what followed after that was Hitler. Mussolini, full scale war. A very, very difficult war for four and a half years. With almost half a million American dead. Millions and millions of civilians. Throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, other parts of the world killed. The Holocaust. Japan’s brutality throughout Southeast Asia, including China, India and Korea. And, of course, Italy. Italy. You see? What’s building today on the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor? You see the war clouds, there’s no avoiding it. There’s no pretending otherwise. China seeks confrontation. When they think. They have the upper hand. And. In no time at all. They’ve built themselves into a military superpower. How they’ve gotten there, we can complain about it, but they’re they’re. Russia. Seeks to move west, what’s west? Of course, the captured nations, we used to call them. Ukraine in the Baltics. Among others. But so is Polan. And so as hungry. Communist China. Threatened to Japan. Threatens the Philippines. Threatened Vietnam. Threaten South Korea. Destroyed Hong Kong has its sights on Taiwan. Iran. Is within weeks or months of having a nuclear missile. Which it says it’s going to use. And it is prepared for. You heard Franklin Roosevelt. The other day, you heard Ronald Reagan. The other day, you heard President Trump. Does anybody seriously believe, other than the propagandists in the media and the Democrat Party? That this commander in chief, Joe Biden, is up to the task. Has he done anything so far that demonstrates? His comprehension of what needs to be done. What do you think, Roosevelt and Reagan? And Trump would do today. They would be pouring arms into Ukraine, not soldiers, but arms in the Ukraine. And all day to day, I stood in here about the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. What else would they be doing? There would be pouring weapons potentially into Taiwan. And they wouldn’t have a diplomatic ban on the Olympics. They’d be done with the Olympics, the Olympics. The Olympics with a genocidal China. It’s unbelievable. MBC Corporation owned by Comcast. The National Basketball Association. So many other aspects of the culture that attacks our country from within, that wants to talk about slavery, but only if they can talk about it in the United States 150 years ago. What about ongoing slavery? Not a word. Ongoing genocide, not a word. Gutless money hungry buffoons weakened our country from within and strengthen our enemy from without. In Iran. We have a president and an administration. That is empowering. A jihadi regime. So that it is bulletproof from conventional weaponry. While also threatening the state of Israel, the Jewish people in Israel. That they are not to attack first, even if they believe doing so. We’ll save their country. When America’s weak, liberty’s weak, when America is weak, our allies are weak. After the attack on Pearl Harbor. There is a young Jewish kid in north Philadelphia. Who immediately decided? That he wanted to join the military. He certainly wasn’t alone. He wanted to join the Army Air Corps. It was 17 years old. He lied. He changed his birth certificate. He was chosen. But then as the train was leaving, they stopped him and. A sergeant came up to him, showed him his birth certificate and told him he had raised. The five on 1925. And put a four for 1924. And send him home. After election. Next year, he came back and he joined the army. The woman who would be his wife, of course, he didn’t know it at the time, her father. Another Jewish man from Germantown. Philadelphia. A man who never went to college. Then graduate from high school, Big Man six to. Very muscular amateur boxer. He and his brother in law. They call him Tugg, he was a gentile man. But his hands were massive, it was a big man to. Very Weideman. Used to drive from Germantown, part of Philadelphia, to the Pittsburgh area and other parts of western Pennsylvania. To bring Cole back. Which people would use to heat their homes and cook their food. From the coal country. The sell, whatever they had left to make ends meet. They both decided to join the Marines. My grandfather time was 34 years old. Old for the time. But he joined the Marines. He wound up at Iwo Jima. He wound up at Guam. He wound up in the midst of the most horrendous fighting you can imagine. And great Uncle Doug, his name was William. He wound up at Guadalcanal. Facing machine guns. Big, tough, red blooded Americans. Whose parents had immigrated? To the United States in the case of my grandfather from Russia. They both lived. And we’re changed forever. My grandfather’s hand would never stop shaking. Then he lost his voice. He would talk like this. But he remained a very tough man. You need a loan, you know what I learned from him about his experience in World War Two? Almost nothing. He wouldn’t talk about it. Not to me, not to my brothers, but to his daughters, to nobody. When he passed away, we found photos. Photos. So the most horrendous things you can imagine the Japanese doing to Americans. Photos at night. Others would tell me. They were to hear the Japanese torturing Marines that they had captured. I like the current military leadership, unlike the current. Administration, the current mindset in this country. The Japanese. If they were torturing Americans and executing them. Well, we didn’t take a whole lot of problems at that point, either on Iwo Jima. So when I listen to the season, that’s the Taliban and the Omar’s, when I listen to the Pelosi’s in the Schumer’s and the others. When I listen to the critical race, theoreticians out of our colleges make millions off their books. When I read about how much they hate this country. I truly have learned to despise these people, despise them. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

All of the people, not all, but let me be abundantly clear to many. Who joined the ranks of the American Marxist movement who hate this country a lot, but certainly not all are new to this country. Talib Omar. Others. Even joyrides, family. So I read. I’d ask. People of this mental ideological ilk. When you look at the cemetery across the Potomac. From the White House, Arlington National Cemetery, where all kinds of Americans are buried. But the overwhelming majority are white Christians. Does that look like they benefited from white privilege? Just curious.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Next hour, we’re going to have Rick Grenell on the program to discuss some of these issues. But I also want to discuss with him a tweet that I saw in which he, like me and so many others, are concerned about what’s happening at the Reagan Library and Foundation. With its chairman, the CEO of The Washington Post, what it’s doing to the board of directors, what it’s doing to the. The programming, the kinds of people they’re having, they’re now. There’s an old Reaganite long before Fred Ryan ever worked for. Any of the people around Reagan, certainly before Nancy and Ronald Reagan. I’m quite concerned about it, and so should all Reaganites be. And really, historians. Because they’re just washing out the place. Now, before we move on. You know, the movie Patton had a big impact on people, we don’t do movies like this anymore. I think they stopped about five, eight years ago and it had historical significance. And it showed a lot about what war is like. Not the gory details, obviously, we’ve had movies that have done that to. But when I was young, these are the kind of movies we would watch, they reinforced. America’s greatness, how America took out. The Nazis. Took out Imperial Japan, fascist Italy. Help save an additional multibillions of people. Freed Jews and Jews from concentration camps, you don’t hear that today in our colleges and universities. Instead, you hear from The New York Times 16 19 project and these other America hating, Marxist loving, agenda driven platforms. So on this day. And then we’ll move on from this. This very important day, the 80th anniversary, to teach your children, grandchildren, at least a little bit about Pearl Harbor and what it meant. And then. You know, using it to discuss what’s happening with China and Russia right now in Iran. Because I guarantee of most schools and colleges are not teaching us. Here’s the opening with General Patton, 20 go. I want you to remember. That no bastard ever won the war. By dying for his country. You wanted. By making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Man. All this stuff you heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war is a lot of horse dumb Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids. You all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, big league ballplayers, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing. Is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team, this individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality on a Saturday Evening Post. Don’t know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. We have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit and the best man in the world. You know, my God, I actually pity those poor bastards we’re going up, we go by God, I do. We’re not just going to shoot the bastard. We’re going to cut out their living gods and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy hunt bastards by the bush. Now, some of you boys I know are wondering whether or not you chicken out under fire will worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your duty and Nazis are the enemy, wade into that, spill their blood, shoot them in the belly when you put your hand. Into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend’s face. You know what to do. Now, there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We’re not holding anything, let the hand do that. We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding on anything except the enemy, we’re going to hold on to him by the nose and we’re going to kick him in the ass. We’re going to get the hell out of him all the time. And we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose. There’s one thing. That you, man, will be able to say when you get back home. And you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now, when you are sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee. And he asked you, what did you do in the great World War Two? You won’t have to say. I shoveled Louisiana. All right, now, you, son, you know how I feel on. I will be a proud. To lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime. Alnylam. That’s all. Well, there you have it, folks can’t do it any better than George C. Scott, that’s for sure. I want to reiterate, unfortunately, what I have been saying, which is I think we are pretty clearly on a path of war with China. I do not believe that would have been the case with President Trump. I think he was boxing them in economically and militarily. But considering Biden’s decades and decades. Of aggressive passivism, you’ve heard of passive aggressive as well. You said an aggressive voice, but he’s passive in action. The communist Chinese have studied Biden, they’ve studied Harris, which took about 14 seconds. They know all about BLENKIN, they know more about these people than we do or that our media care to share with us. Then they’ve never been so lucky. Putin’s never been so lucky, the Islamic Nazi regime in Tehran has never been so lucky. In other words, our enemies. The election in 2020, such as it was, was won by our enemies, foreign and domestic. This is a grave period in American history, grave. I’m not trying to be dramatic. I don’t need to be dramatic, I’m never dramatic when I raise my voice, I do it out of passion. For or against something. We’ve been talking about China behind this microphone on Fox and yes, on live in TV. For years. For years. Michael Pillsbury. Who else, Mr. Producer? We’ve had secretary of states on the program, Secretaries of Defense Gordon Chang. Just like the electric magnetic attack potentially on the electrical grid, talking about it for years and our exposure for years, just like open borders, when some of my colleagues who shall remain nameless, some of them my friends. We’re about to throw in with George W. Bush when they were receiving pressure and entreaties and thronged with a gang of whatever it was. We led the way here behind this microphone, and that’s when I started the live in, as I said, no. No to amnesty, I was there in 1986, I saw what they pulled on Reagan, I saw what they pulled on the Reagan administration and they do it every time. The answer is no. You wait together. We’ve been at the front of the line on these issues and we’re not going anywhere. And I’m telling you now that we have to prepare for war against China. I’m not a neocon. Which is really a sort of an anti-Semitic statement for these these Democrats who became Republicans who were sort of Scoop Jackson Democrats and or hawks. A very sober about this, very, very sober. I didn’t say we should go to war with China. I said we should be prepared. They’re preparing. And that’s how you protect yourself. They’re not building a military to defend themselves against whom, India? Whom, Japan? No, this is an imperial regime. It is a brutal, genocidal regime. Ethnic cleansing. All the signs are there. All the signs are there. But you to think about something. World War Two ended in 1945. That’s not that long ago. That’s not that long ago. A Holocaust ended in 1945. That’s not that long ago. And in terms of human history, it’s a nanosecond. Fraction of a nanosecond. Things happen quickly. Very quickly. And they’re happening quickly now. They need to be focused. Not on destroying ourselves from within, not only the relative handful of propagandists who are pushing the racist and Marxist ideologies with the voice of ninety nine point nine percent of the propaganda media who also hate this country. Really right now, in my view, we have a two front war, and I don’t care what they say about me on these liberal sites, I don’t care what they say about me anyway. I speak the truth, I speak what I know to be accurate. We have a two front confrontation going on now, one undermining us from within at warp speed. And one positioning itself. To destroy us from without at warp speed. We’ve got a lot going on. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

This Democrat Party is really unqualified to be a major party in a free nation. It does nothing to defend individual liberty, does nothing to defend the sovereignty of this nation. Nothing it has no respect for who came before. It has no respect for the founding fathers in our documents. It has no respect for the military or law enforcement. None. And they learned nothing and they drag the rest of us with them. And so they’re effectively arming up the Islama Nazi regime in Iran with nuclear weapons. They gave up. Our pipelines, but give Russia its crucial pipeline, which he uses now to threaten Eastern Europe, including Japan. Excuse me, including Germany, and we’ll be able to freeze the Ukraine. Why would you hand them a weapon like that? Trumpet cut it off. And I could go on and on and I will. Now. James Imhoff. There’s been in the Senate for quite some time. He’s the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, his son. Was a fighter pilot who died in action. Said today’s briefing about Russia was classified. While I cannot comment on the specifics of what we learned, as I said in my floor speech last month, Russia’s buildup along Ukraine’s border for the third time this year is far different than before because it looks like Putin is preparing to actually invade Ukraine. Our intelligence community has publicly warned that Russia could invade Ukraine as early as this winter, but so far the Biden administration has taken no real action to deter further aggression or support Ukraine’s defenses. Instead, on this morning’s video call a Putin president Biden smiled and waved at Putin like he’s an old friend, but didn’t say anything about meaningful consequences for their aggressive behavior. Sanctioning Russia over this reckless behavior is important, but it’s not enough when Putin, the opportunist, complains about provocation. We need to remember what’s actually provoked Putin is to invade and annex Crimea in 2014. It was not what we did, but what we didn’t do. Just as I led the charge for sending lethal military assistance to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, I urge President Biden to deliver an additional emergency military aid, though make Putin think twice about invading Ukraine, stop bullying his neighbors, and quit believing he can act without consequences. This should include Antia anti-tank and counter artillery weapons, as well as cyber capabilities, information operations and more intelligence sharing with our allies and partners so they can contribute as well. President Biden’s about three months too late on sending this aide. We cannot afford to wait any longer. His point is it takes time to mobilize. And then to get this stuff from here to there. While the Russians already have over 100,000 troops on the border and they’re cutting edge newest tanks and other technologies and of course, the powerful Air Force, Ukraine doesn’t have most of these things. That’s what’s going on. It’s what I told Representative Watts last evening, you folks were here, most of you, what should we do? I said we should be sending overwhelming amounts of military weaponry. To the Ukraine now, immediately airlifting 24/7. That will do enormous damage to Russia. Well, Mark, Mark, Mark, now, that’s exactly what Reagan did to the Russians in Afghanistan. He armed up our allies. That’s what he did. He built up the United States military. He built up the the allies. He made the Russians pay a price. Economically, yes, but militarily. I’ll be right back. He’s here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we’ve once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. The cleanup hitter here, the world never ends. Ladies and gentlemen, whether the sun goes down or rises, things are going on that we need to confront. We need to deal with. By the way, as an aside. The the media are so predictable. I did this interview with President Trump. Part two was aired Sunday, as you know. Among other things, the president said the best decision or one of the best decisions he ever made. Was the firing of Comey because Comey would have sought to do something to the effect, destroy him and his administration, so starting with a producer for The Rachel Maddow Show over at Melasti, and I don’t know why they’re paying her a lot of money. She loses day in and day out that Sean Hannity, she’s a loser. She still embraces Russia collusion because she really has an IQ of a thumbnail and I mean that. They put her out. She’s so smart, she’s an idiot, they’re all idiots. Now, that said. So it’s picked up by every kook, you know, it’s picked up by the Rolling Stone, I was surprised they’re still in business, given what they’ve done. It’s picked up, MSNBC, other MSNBC said, and regurgitated that Trump spoke a little too much to this right winger, Levin. Exposing himself for obstructing justice by firing Comey. It just shows you folks. How sick these dumb bastards are who pose as journalists, whether they’re with backbencher websites, platforms. Or Melasti, which obviously is owned by Comcast, this is sick, it’s mindless. Anyway, I want to move on. The reason why I have nothing but contempt for Mitch McConnell is because he has nothing but contempt for you. Nothing but contempt for you. On October eight, twenty twenty one, he wrote The President Biden last night, Republicans filled the leadership vacuum that has troubled the Senate since January. I write to inform you that I will not provide such assistance again, if you’re all Democrat. Government drifts into another avoidable crisis. The Senate Democrat leader had three months notice. They handle one of his most basic governing duties. Amazingly, even this proved to be asking too much. Senator Schumer spent 11 weeks claiming he lacked the time and leadership skills to manage a straightforward process that would take less than two weeks, whether through weakness or an intentional effort to bully his own members. Schumer marched the nation to the doorstep of disaster. Embarrassingly, it got to the point where senators on both sides were pleading for leadership to fill the void and protect our citizens. I stepped in remarkably easiness even as Republicans saved America from his crisis. He’s talking about the funding of the government. Senator Schumer kept compounding his failures last night in a bizarre spectacle, he he exploded in a rant that was so partisan, angry and corrosive that even Democratic senators were visibly embarrassed by him. And for him, the childish behavior only further alienated the Republican members who helped facilitate the short term patch. It is poison the well even further. I am writing to make it clear that in light of Senator Schumer’s hysterics and my grave concerns about the ways that another vast, reckless partisan spending bill will hurt Americans and help China, I will not be a party to any further effort to mitigate the consequences of Democratic mismanagement. Your lieutenants on Capitol Hill now have the time they claim they lack to address the debt ceiling through standalone reconciliation and all the tools to do it. They cannot invent another crisis and ask for my help. Sincerely, Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican leader. Got that. Got that and I want you to listen to this from NBC Congress, Hatch’s novel plan to lift that ceiling with only Democrat votes. Congressional leaders are hatching leaders, it includes McConnell, are hatching a complicated plan to lift the debt limit this month with only Democratic votes in the Senate. Three sources told NBC News the strategy, which remains fluid, is a product of negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell that would tie it to a non-controversial Medicare bill. I believe we’ve reached a solution to the debt ceiling issue that’s consistent with Republican views, McConnell told reporters today. Utterly and completely, for the second time, abandoned his own promises word. Schumer said Democrats support this approach as it would not be a convoluted, risky, lengthy process and said it looks like Republicans will help us facilitate that, quote unquote. Now, I don’t know what scheme McConnell has come up with, but McConnell has come up with a scheme. McConnell, and he’s given it to Schumer and they’re both agreeing to it. Which, of course, lays the foundation for this massive spending bill. Because they said we’re not going to raise the debt ceiling, we can’t participate in this in the spending bill and all the changes it’s going to make, McConnell led another 18 Republicans to vote for the first half of this massive spending bill. Remember the infrastructure bill, over one trillion dollars with all these social engineering programs? Well, the one behind it’s the mother of all infrastructure, social engineering bill. The novel approach would tie debt limit provisions to legislation preventing automatic cuts to Medicare in a multiple vote process that would allow the federal government’s borrowing authority to be lifted with a simple majority. This is beyond comprehension, even if you have an advanced degree, a Ph.D.. In accounting, you wouldn’t be able to follow what these fools, these low IQ clowns are trying to do with their Rube Goldberg systems in place, and that’s the plan. That’s the plan, so he basically he’s basically surrendering the filibuster coming up with a half cocked idea on how to get around the debt limit requirement vote with a simple majority to allow the Democrats to raise the debt limit without the filibuster rule. He’s giving it to them. Do you understand what I’m saying? If they’re telling you twice. That he was not going to put up with this now, what will National Review say now? What will the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal say now? What will the defense and the so-called conservative media say about Mitch McConnell? It’s shocking. How we don’t fight anything, it’s parents fighting, it’s the Tea Party fighting, it’s the Reaganites fighting, it’s the troopers fighting. Who else is fighting? Nobody else. Nobody. And the Republicans keep electing them in their leader. The Republicans keep electing him their leader leader into what? My God, if not now, when you’re not going to stand up for principle that we send young men and women off to war who put their lives on the line, we send these clowns to Washington, D.C. and they can’t even vote. Right. It’s unbelievable. I’ll be right back.