December 2, 2021

December 2, 2021

US Capitol / Getty Images / Jim Watson

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is yet again exaggerating the fact that the government might shut down because Congress has failed to deliver a balanced budget as they are required to under the Constitution. Interestingly, the government is shut down every weekend and on holidays, and during actual shutdowns, only 17% of the government is down. Then, Anthony Fauci, President Biden, and the government say that you must be vaccinated and wear a mask and then they say that the masks and vaccines aren’t guaranteed so the public will need more. There are studies that show that natural immunity outweighs vaccine immunity but the media refuses to share these facts from the New England Journal of Medicine or the success of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s policies in Florida which leads the way in COVID safety as of now. Later, Constitutional Scholar John Eastman joins the show to explain that Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Committee violates the House’s own rules and the basic principles of due process. Eastman has said that certain states acted illegally in the 2020 presidential elections, but the House committee won’t let him call any witnesses to litigate his case. Eastman also drops a bombshell regarding judges in some of the 2020 election integrity cases. Afterward, Black Lives Matter has announced a hateful boycott against “White” businesses. Americans must become patriotic activists and do business wisely. BLM fails to realize that this will hurt Black athletes, entertainers, and employees employed at these very same White enterprises such as the NFL, ESPN, and many others. Finally, James Golden calls in to discuss his new book “Rush on the Radio: A Tribute from His Sidekick for 30 Years.”


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Fraternal Order of Police: Most ever police shot and killed in US history

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Jim Watson

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Do we have a killer show for you? May I say then? I think I will. We have two guests, as you know, it’s not that I’m ideologically opposed to gas, but we keep it to limit. But our guest next hour is going to be John Eastman, one of President Trump’s attorneys during the election, who’s asked to come on the program. And we’re going to discuss some constitutional issues. We’re going to discuss the January six committee. He has been subpoenaed and he and his lawyers say it’s perfectly legitimate to come on here and discuss certain issues. And we’re going to do that because you see the committee leaks. You got what’s the guy’s name? Benny Hill, the chairman of the committee. Is that his name? Benny Hill. Oh, Bennie Thompson. That’s right. He’s out there trashing various people, telling them that they’re criminals and they’re guilty because they assert their Fifth Amendment right. You know, I don’t think Benny Hill would support that in any other circumstance. What do you support that in any of this? No, I don’t think so, but see, this is a Stalinist Pelosi committee. It’s what it is. It is a disgusting disgrace to the American system. While they claim to be defending, it’s nothing more than a broom. Hilda Evea stretch, a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi’s Politburo. And she uses it, of course, to try and inflict as much damage as she can. Much like her plastic surgeon. May I say that, Mr. Brewster? I think I can again. We have a looming deadline, ladies and gentlemen, always something is looming. There’s pressure. There’s danger. Look over your shoulder. Quick. Oh, no, no, it’s OK, there’s a looming deadline. What is the looming deadline? I got. The government might shut down. And to quote the late, great Nancy Pelosi, it’s reckless to close the government. It’s a double whammy. Oh, a double whammy. Oh, my Lord. Now, the late, not so great former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan once told me right here on the air. Right here on the air in front of all of you, then when they say a government shutdown, they actually mean 17 percent of the government, the entitlements continue. In other words, the welfare state marches on. There’s some inconveniences, of course, for people who are on the dole, but so be it. But do you see all the media attention? Oh, my God. There’s a looming deadline. They may shut the government down. Now, again, as I’ve pointed out repeatedly in the back, benchers burp up and regurgitate. That is the backbencher’s. Every weekend, the government shuts down. I’ll put this to the test. You seniors, I want you to call the Social Security Administration on Saturday or Sunday. No answers. What’s that all about, you folks on food stamps call your food stamp office or whatever you call, call them on Sunday. Anybody there? No. Goodness gracious, nobody’s here, call the CDC right now on Friday night, Eastern Time, are they there? No, they’ve gone home. They’ve gone home to collect with family members in a closed environment without masks. It’s an unbelievable thing. How about the Department of Energy? No, I don’t think they were ever open. How about the EPA? No, the environment’s only important during the weakness and certainly not at night. In other words, the government shutdown. Now they keep adding holidays. Then we add another holiday. What was the other holiday we just said of Mr Bush’s I forget what say Juneteenth. I have to confess my ignorance, I never knew what Juneteenth is, but now it’s a holiday. So how do you celebrate Juneteenth? You shut down the government for a three day holiday. Are there like ten national holidays? Oh, yes. The government shut down a lot. People don’t show up for work a lot. People are at home working virally because of the virus. All kinds of stuff. So it is absolutely unconscionable and reckless. To shut down 17 percent of the bloated, bloated, incompetent wealth, redistributing politically controlled bureaucratic run federal government now in the private sector. It’s righteous to shut it down when people in the government tell you to shut it down, shut the churches, shut the mosques, churches, shut the synagogues and shut your mouth. We’ve got more mandates coming because. Of the president of France, Macron, right, Mr. Producer? Isn’t this the Macron variant, I think it is the Macron variant, I just know no, we have a new variant, ladies and gentlemen, that according to the South African government, the head of their medical expertise and their government actually practices medicine, unlike Fauci, you know, unless they play doctor, nurse, wife, husband, you get the drift. But he’s not a normal practicing doctor like she is. And she said it’s extremely mild. Not typically you don’t use the word extremely. In front of the word mild, how can something be extremely mild, but you get the point, it’s mild, it’s mild. So because it’s mild, Joe Biden went over to NIH today, rambled through a pre written speech, shuffled on the stage, shuffled off the stage. And what did he say? You, the American people. It’s your fault. We’re going to test you till you’re blue in the face. We’re going to vaccinate you or you’re going to lose your damn job. It’s time the American people get behind the Biden agenda. You notice the difference between the approach Trump took and the approach that he takes there, very significantly different Trump actually embrace science. I know. I understand. I understand what Carl Bernstein has been saying to you. But look at Carl Bernstein. He’s a fat slob. It’s like him talking about nutrition, Karl, you’re a fat slob, I don’t want to hear about nutrition from you or it’s like the legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, talking about proper behavior in front of your cohorts while his pants are dropped and he’s shooting rockets. May I say that, Mr. Producer? I think I’ll say that to yes. Are the media scum of the earth. May I say that? I will. Why don’t we keep saying may I say that? Because I’m doing my best. Joe Biden. May I say that? I think I will. So in any event, government shutdown, bad private sector, shut down, righteous. What we have, ladies and gentlemen, are no nothing politicians making scientific decisions. And Falchi is nine tenths politician and one tenth scientist. We can check falsies decisions with experts all over the country, there’s a great one out at Johns Hopkins, there are several great ones at Stanford, there’s great ones out of Yale, there’s great ones out of Oxford, great ones out of the Rockefeller College. Great, great experts who who study these things, who practice these things. They’re not holed up in an office earning half a million dollars a year. Claw their way to the top 400 and 12 years ago, you remember back when Joe Biden was a segregationist and a racist and managed to hold on power. It takes a lot to hold on to that position, 38, 39 years, really. Think about that. Think about how vicious and vile you have to be to keep all those young whippersnappers with more background, more expertise, more education from moving into your position. We have a czar in this country whose name is Fauci. And he’s about as effective as the last saw of Russia, if you want to know the truth. So nonetheless, we have the Macron there. I know it’s not a Crohn, I call it Macron, we have the macro environment and so more mask’s, more testing, even if you’ve been vaccinated. This is the problem. Now, listen to the logic, you folks, the American people, at least half of us are logical. You’re being told get vaccinated. Get booster that. Wear masks. Where where goulashes. Where paper hats wear raincoat, get in the fetal position under the desk in the basement, get ready. Don’t talk to your family. They may be carriers. Is this when Americans do in the face of a pandemic? Do they double down and fight like hell? Red blooded Americans, this is what we do, is this what we’re doing all over the rest of the world? Some places, yes, some places now. But out of one side of their mouth, they say you must be vaccinated, vaccinated, boost bird wear masks, get tested. OK. In the same paragraph, they’re saying vaccinations. Even the booster, even masks, does not guarantee you’ll be protected. So we’re going to test you. We’re going to quarantine you. And then when people actually bring up science, they say, now, wait a minute, may I discuss science? Well, of course, Falchi says I’m Mister Science. Not too big of an ego or a narcissism, Mr. Science, just like he’s an athlete. He throws the ball to home plate and he winds up at first base. Points up at first base. All these years, guys, four feet, two inches tall, and he was a great basketball player, really, where anyway? So they say, what will the vaccines not a guarantee, what a great marketing plan, get vaccinated, protect yourself if you’re not yet killing people, but it’s not a guarantee. Wait a minute. I’m confused. That’s because you’re a white supremacist. Got it. That’s because you’re a racist. Oh, OK. Now the science applies and less politics applies. You see? There is absolutely no scientific evidence, I’ve run this through two experts, one from Yale, one from Stanford. On Life, Liberty and live in on this program. They said there’s nothing that demonstrates giving him a vaccine to a five year old, to what is it, a 14 or 15 year old is going to do anything or that they need it. Oh, so they’re going to mandate. OK, that’s not science. If you have natural immunity, which a massive Israeli study and the New England. But is it Journal of Medicine? Two days ago, I told you about. Said that natural immunity is actually based on their studies, the studies that they’ve pulled together from all over the world is actually more effective. But whether you have natural immunity by choice or not in the CDC doesn’t even recognize natural immunity. In fact, about a month ago, they put out phony data challenging it. And our friend, Professor Kendler, who’s a brilliant, brilliant man, unraveled the whole damn thing. That’s not science, ladies and gentlemen, illegal aliens coming across an open border by the hundreds of thousands. Hello. Hello. Hundreds of thousands from the poorest parts of Central and South America. The poorest parts of central South America who are not vaccinated, who are not tested and not, by the way, not just for the virus, but polio, a thousand other things. Well, on occasion, the great fallacy tells us, like the great Houdini. The great Fauci tells us on occasion, you know, when the occasions are relevant, we touch them. Now, when it comes to the American citizen, they don’t say when the occasion is relevant, no. Some cases they put on German uniforms and they you shall do the following your child going around. Now, notice, as I’ve said many times before. They used to bring up the Santurce, he was the bogeyman. The Santa said, I had my own experts, my own scientists were looking at our data. Florida is the third most populous state in the country. In many cases, he’s completely rejected Falchi in the CDC. Florida has the least number of cases, let alone the least number of hospitalizations and the least number of deaths of any state in the country now knows number four, Texas, the second most populous state, you know, one of the worst. California, California, which has adopted North Korean medical policies, as well as energy policies with brownouts and blackouts, you might have noticed. I’ve got a lot more. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

And one of these weird moves, so you never know what’s going to happen on. You see this big dwek, they keep bringing on profits on the content, you know, King and but we have to balance that between the first amount. Please, Congress, regulate us. What a bunch of crap. Get the hell off Facebook and Twitter now. Joy Reid, MSNBC s big time racist, and there are a number of them over there, bigot, homophobe. Well, I believe should be removed from the media because she, in my view, has a role in so much that is horrible about this country. Dr. Joy Reid, she’s a doctor today. Listen to this kind of letting go, but making sense is hardly the point. It’s about power and spreading lies and fake outrage. So the maggot squad wins elections. They are today’s angels of death, refusing to get vaccinated and urging fellow Americans to remain exposed. All right. Let’s wait there. Angel of death. Then she must be the idol of death. Now, let me respond to this poisonous it’s poisonous. Let me just respond. You know what, ma’am? Let me explain something to you. One of the communities that is most resistant of taking the vaccine. Our communities of color, particularly the black community. Are you aware that joyless read aware of that? So what do you say to people of color? What do you say to people in the black community? Do you talk to them the way you talk to tens of millions of other Americans? How much longer is Comcast going to put up with this disgusting racist demagogue? How much longer are they going to put up with this female Louis Farrakhan? How much longer are they going to put up? How much longer are you going to put up with Comcast? I’m quite serious. So what would she say to communities of color?

Hour 1 Segment 3

Come on now. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re standing up against American Marxism, which has found a home in the. In the rant, sadness of the Democrat Party. The party of slavery, the party of segregation, the party of Jim Crow, the party of Korematsu. That’s right, that’s right, I said it. All these frauds in the media. The New York Times at all, and their history of supporting genocidal dictatorships and Marxist regimes. Like they have something on us. Are you kidding me? Now it’s time to kick back, come on, hello, come on. Mr. Producer, in America, we are preparing something for our friend Jimmy Kimmel and Eats or whatever his name. Jimmy Kimmel. I cannot wait. We’re working on it. We will. We’ll run it at some point, hopefully in the near future on live TV. We will put it out all over the Internet, through Bleys, who live on TV, by the way, had a great interview with Alex Marleau over at Breitbart. I’m telling you, that guy is the real deal. I’ve always loved Breitbart. That site is unwavering. You should go over there right now. You’ll see where headlined all over the place. It was a terrific interview. Is almost a half hour just just terrific. So you might want to check that out. We have some great independent, real journalism going on. You look at Blaze TV. I could not be more proud to Blaze Media. I could not be more proud. A Blaze Media. You know, we started as conservative review TV. We were approached and we agreed that we would join up with Beck’s operation. Now we have this full scale operation with an enormous number of subscribers. You look at the daily wire, you look at Daily Caller, you look at right. Schoop legal insurrection. You know, I think. Jeffrey Toobin should start a show, a website called Legal Erection, don’t you think, Mr. Producer? But nonetheless, there’s so many great conservatives out there, independent journalists. I mean, it’s really fantastic. All right, let’s go. Joe Biden, sort of a shadow president, he’s at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland today, and I thought, all right, finally they’re going to give him the care that this guy needs. You know, put him in depends, take all the sharp objects away, take all the fillings and caps out of his mouth, put them in a padded room and and wish him all the best and give him a gold watch. But no, he’s there to give a speech for crying out loud. And this it’s unbelievable what he had to say, considering he came out of his mouth, cut one go, I plan to announce my plan I’m announcing today pulls no punches. All right, stop. He’s not announcing any medical plans. Any effort to find new vaccines? Any effort to find new therapeutics, his plan is always the police state the iron fist authoritarianism. That’s the plan I told you, it’s autocracy before science, they don’t even know the science or to the extent they know the science, it’s quite clear. That this is a, quote unquote, extremely mild variant, the mccrone variant. I know it’s not Macron, I call it Macron, the Macron variant. It doesn’t matter. They look for the opportunity to use the iron fist. They look for the opportunity to use the brass knuckles of government to centralize power, to push the people around. Well, whatever you do oh, my God, we’ve got our looming government shutdown. What are we going to do live? Eat, drink. Be happy. You know, there was a day when we conservatives actually celebrated government shutdown. I remember when Ronald Reagan shut down the federal government six times to get what he wanted. Instead, we have this hapless loser of a Republican leader in the Senate. I put my bipartisanship by my BlackBerry back. That’s him, McConnell. I my boy, when you get shot and he sees no reason to shut down the government. The Democrats see every reason to push for what they want. What is it exactly that McConnell wants to do as the leader of the Republicans? What is it? They never push against the American Marxist left. We never make any progress toward liberty. We never advance our agenda. We never go on offer. And he’s backed by, of course, the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal. He’s backed by the National Review, he’s backed by the never Trampas, he’s backed by the Republican establishment. What the hell have they accomplished? Obama ran circles around them. Now Biden is running circles around it. And I admit backwards. Sometimes they’re not circles, sometimes they’re triangles. But nonetheless, he’s running. Now, Biden says, look, I’ve got a plan, this country’s divisive, this has become a political issue. Did not this clown from his basement and his running mate, what’s your name? Did they not spend the entire campaign politicizing the coronavirus, blaming Donald Trump for every single death, lying about what he said and the context that he used? Did they not spend every second of the campaign raising national doubt about any vaccines that would be developed during the Trump presidency? Did they not do that, ladies and gentlemen? Yes, they did that. Did they not, when they came in the office, lie about all the advances they made, did he not use July 4th as independence from the do you remember all that, ladies and gentlemen? I do. And now it’s your fourth, particularly the unvaccinated, many of whom have natural immunity, many of whom can’t be vaccinated. Does it matter? You’re the enemy. Folks with 80 percent vaccination in this country, we don’t have any percent anything in this country, 80 percent vaccination. We had the Yale expert I told you the other day, a true professor, more of an expert than thought she could ever wish to be. Dr. Rish, he said about 70 percent of the population has natural immunity. We know how this works, the state of Florida is the gold standard, it’s the gold standard. Protect the elderly, protect the 60, the the sickly. And otherwise, what’s with all these mandates? So Joe Biden sees an opportunity, as do the other the Marxists who surround him to get people fired so they lose their pension, they lose their health care while they’re subsidizing nonwork. By the way, going after the people in this country that really oppose authoritarianism, the cops, the firefighters, the military, including the National Guardsmen. People protect this guy going after ICE Border Patrol, oh, yeah, they’re the real enemy, it’s the illegal aliens that we embrace. But they don’t believe in science. If you’re an illegal alien, you sneak across the border, so be it. You don’t have to be tested, you don’t have to be. Now, if you’re a law abiding American citizen, you take a plane ride, you go, OK, look. Maybe I’ll go to the Bahamas, come back excuse me, we’ve been vaccinated. Yes. Have you been vaccinated? Yes. Did you get the booster? Yes. Did you test negative on the way out? Yes. Did you test negative on the way in? Yes. We can’t. We can’t. And we got. Yeah, what are you talking about? Seven days in quarantine in your home. Go to the basement. Oh, yes, and if you don’t, you lose your job, you lose your pension, you lose your medical care. Got it. OK. Thank you, sneak across the border, you’re an illegal alien, you’ve never been an American citizen, you’d never contributed to this country once. Well, you go to New York City, you get the vote, you get health care, you go public education, you want to get vaccinated. We’re not going to ask. We’re not going to ask. We’re not racist. We’re not white supremacists. We’re not going to ask if you should be vaccinated. But don’t worry, because according to the CDC, the NIH and the rest of the alphabet soup, get vaccinated, vaccinated again, get the booster, get it all, wear a paper bag over your head at all times. That’s right. That’s right. Do all those things and the vaccine may not work. Wow, what a message. What about, you know, every country is not conducting itself this way, every state is not conducting itself this way. Why do you think people are getting the hell out of New York and Michigan and Illinois, New Jersey getting the hell out of California and trying to escape to these red states, which, of course, the Democrats want to nationalize. So you don’t have any options. Why do you think Florida is gaining enormously in population in New York, is losing enormously in population? Why do you think the clown that runs New Jersey almost lost the seat despite the fact it’s two and a half to three Democrats to one Republican? Why do you think California is being depopulated of American citizens, but populated by illegal aliens? People talk with their feet. Now, Biden talks with his I don’t know, but people talk with their feet, their mobility, they’re moving. Why do you think Biden’s popularity rating? Is 36 percent. Thirty six percent. Unbelievable, unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Just heard a very, very good man, by the way, somebody who I really admire on Fox say we crossed the Rubicon on vaccines 150 years ago when Massachusetts mandated smallpox vaccines of a sort. So what does that have to do with today, Mr. Producer? He said Massachusetts mandated it, right? Massachusetts mandated. Not the federal government. Not the federal government, the federal government does not have constitutional police powers to mandate any of it. Some of you may wish they did, certainly in the left, they wish the federal government was in control of everything, certainly your life. But no, we’ve not had federal mandates on vaccines. Can you name one? Now, you have states that agree, states that communicate, states that coordinate, you have a lot of schools that won’t show that they won’t allow kids unless they have certain vaccines and so forth and so on. But it’s all state related. It’s not federal aid. It why do you think Joe Biden is stretching with OSHA? Why do you think three federal courts have have have effectively stricken? What Joe Biden has tried to do is tried to seize power that they do not have police powers. And if you’re seizing police powers, remember what I said? Police powers. That means the federal government is supplanting state governments and that is a scary authority that is scary. Period. Absolutely inappropriate. So, no, we don’t do that as a matter of course, in this country, period. What is it, Mr. Producer? Oh, yes, yes, I love this, Rhonda said just today. And an event on what Biden is proposing, the federal government again get Ron DeSanto should be in charge of science and medical decisions in this country, quite frankly. And interestingly enough, he brings up the Bahamas and this is the first I’ve seen this. So where what can I say? Two eyes, two eyes cut, seven go. Then I also just think what President Biden’s doing by trying to impose more restrictions. You know, he’s now going to say that if you go to the Bahamas as an American citizen and you come back, you’ve got to do a test, a covid test. But if you just come right across the border illegally, then somehow that’s fine. And we don’t care about the test or vaccination. I just don’t understand it. I think it’s all that’s going to do is cause a lot of problems. I don’t think that they should be imposing any mandates on air travel or any of the things that they have done. I think it has not been anything that’s really made much of a difference. I think it’s inconvenienced a lot of people. I think it’s it’s crimped the willingness of people to travel. And I don’t think that that’s necessarily a good thing. So we’re going to look to see ways that that we’re going to see if the state of Florida can potentially do something to seek to seek some relief on this. That’s a leader. That’s a governor. That’s why his state is leading in almost all categories, as far as I know, in terms of protecting its citizens. Biden’s all bully or huff and puff, all smoke. That’s what he is. They have plans and plans and plans. It’s not hard for the government to come up with plans to steal your liberty. And they’ve got a zillion plans, the blue state governors, the RINO governors. The Blue City mayors, the rhino mayors, the rhino members of Congress, the Republican establishment, you’ve got a handful of patriots in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives out of the base of the Republican Party. We’re trying to explain to McConnell, who’s not particularly bright nor articulate and trying to explain to the Republican leadership that you need to fight these mandates. It’s about liberty. You know, you have the solicitor general of the United States, a complete hack at the Supreme Court yesterday saying killing a baby in the womb is about liberty. Well, it’s certainly not liberty for the baby, just one man’s opinion, may I say. And probably tens of millions of us, men and women, even people transitioning, you never know. And here’s the thing. They call that liberty and a choice. But it involved another human being. What about liberty and a choice when it comes to vaccine? Well, that affects the whole country. You’re damn right it does. And she’s been wrong more times and right. Biden has politicized this entire thing. This Omicron, whatever they want to call it, variant really isn’t a pimple on an elephant’s. But at this point and the countries in which it has effect has affected first in Africa, eight countries, South Africa first, but seven other countries. African countries have. And here we are, we’re being transparent, we tell the United States of the world what’s going on. We’re telling you that it’s, quote unquote, extremely mild. We’re not having an epidemic, let alone a pandemic. And now look what you’re doing. You’re penalizing us. They’re saying Biden, the same people, the same Foushee who oppose Trump on the human virus that killed millions and millions of people worldwide. So what do you expect people to see other than politics through and through illegal aliens? OK, that’s just absurd. That’s not science. That’s political science. I’ll be right back.