August 30, 2021

August 30, 2021

Afghan Plane / Getty Images / Sascha Schuermann

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, What is success in Afghanistan? President Biden and his handlers will want you to think this was a tremendous success when in reality it is a complete and utter disaster. How many American citizens have been killed or taken hostage in the last three weeks? We don’t know because no one in our media has asked and no one in our government has answered (except for the 13 U.S service members we know of). Yet asking such questions will get you accused of attacking the military by the Democrats. There are no more U.S media in Afghanistan and no one is going to report when the Taliban tortures women, dismembers people, and their screams will not be heard, because according to the democrats it’s not our problem, and every American that wanted to get out was offered a chance to leave. Then, Biden’s poor decision-making will get more people killed. This Administration doesn’t have a clue as to how many Americans are really left behind in Afghanistan. The more they lie and propagandize the more our enemies see it and the less prepared America is to respond to what awaits. The Taliban is being treated as they weren’t the same people that released thousands of ISIS-K terrorists from the jail at Bagram airbase. Later, there is an isolationist movement within the Republican Party, mainly because the U.S has never been hit from Kansas. The enemy is primarily abroad, which is why Afghans need to prove that they assisted the U.S in war before they are let into the U.S as refugees.


The Federalist
Almost 90 Retired Flag Officers Demand Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin Resign After Afghanistan Debacle

Right Scoop
Biden’s Gift to Terror: STUNNING infographic shows the MASSIVE new arsenal the Taliban now possesses

Texas Family In Afghanistan Who Wanted To Get Out, Couldn’t Get Out

American Humane
American Humane Condemns Death Sentence Delivered to Contract Working Dogs Left Behind in Kabul, Afghanistan

The Blaze
American University of Afghanistan students ‘terrified’ after being told they can’t evacuate and their names have been given to the Taliban

The Blaze
Taliban fighters are ‘hunting down’ journalists, carrying out revenge executions against Afghans who worked with the West (August 20, 2021)

Sirius XM
Kathy McCollum, Mother of Fallen US Marine Rylee McCollum

Thank you, President Trump!

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Sascha Schuermann

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Yes, there’s a lot going on. But let me start with this. Let me try to unravel what’s happened in the last hour. What is success in Afghanistan? The Pentagon brass soon the secretary of state, tomorrow the president, the United States, they’re going to be very careful, their media handlers, not to act like they’re. Spiking the ball, but they want you to know that this was a tremendous success. One hundred and twenty to one hundred twenty three hundred and twenty four thousand. Evacuated from Afghanistan. That the war went on long enough. And we needed to put an end to it. And so this was successful. This was a disaster. And it is a disaster. Anyway, you look at it a complete and utter disaster and it is getting a little troubling with these correspondents at the Pentagon and correspondents in Washington starting to regurgitate the narrative that’s being given to them. I have a question that nobody’s asked, and it’s been bothering me. Have any American citizens already been killed by the Taliban or al Qaeda or ISIS? And if so, how many? The last three weeks? Nobody asks, nobody knows. Nobody knows. Well, is that the key how many American citizens, if any, had been killed in the last three weeks, how many of them been taken hostage in the last three weeks? The State Department repeated by the Pentagon brass, repeated by the spokesman at the White House, say almost with absolute certitude, there’s about 250 Americans left all of a sudden, 15,000, 11,000, 6,500. Now, we’ve gotten 6,000 out, as we know, of 250. If they want to come out saying, wait a minute. It’s not an awful lot of numbers at us. Do you know if any American citizens have already been killed over the course of the last several weeks or how many may have been killed over the course of the last several weeks or how many had been taken hostage? They have no idea. Well, if they do, just tell us none. The way the narrative now is also being. Directed is if you criticize what Biden and the Joint Chiefs and the secretary of state in the national security adviser have done, you’re criticizing United States military. Now, these are the people. In the Biden administration, they’ve always hated the military and are flat lining their budget. Teaching them critical race theory and concerned about all the white supremacists who are among them, remember? Nobody that I know of who’s criticizing Biden. And his top generals in the State Department and so forth is criticizing the United States military quite on the contrary. Success at what? 13. Thirteen American personnel, military personnel were killed in one suicide attack. That’s 13 more than the past 18 months combined, and it’s the most in a single day since a decade ago, is that success to. I’m just curious. What exactly was the mission here? The estimate is there are 80000. Special. Visa holders. Who didn’t get out? Now, why are they special visa holders, because we gave them special visas. Why? Because they worked extremely closely with the United States military and our allies to fight the Taliban. Approximately 80000, give or take. They’re still there. Their families are still there. We’ve heard the stories, we’ve seen firsthand witnesses on TV telling us what’s happening to many of them. Certainly some of them. Then you hear I heard somebody on cable, the war is over, the war is over. War is not over. That war is over. Maybe our physical presence in Afghanistan is over. The war is not over. We weren’t at war in Afghanistan when they hit us the first time al-Qaida. Based in Pakistan and. A specific location in Afghanistan. We had to attack them at all. So the war is not over, certainly not in their eyes, and if it’s over in our eyes, we’re doomed. And there’s different kinds of wars, different kinds of strategies, different kinds of tactics, you must be a warmonger. No, I’m a peace lover, actually. A peace lover. Now they move my show to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Fox because they wanted to cover the hurricane, perfectly understandable. The only thing that confused me, quite frankly, was. There was more going on with a hurricane at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time at eight p.m. Eastern Time, but that’s fine. I get it. I had on Congressman Brian Mast and I had on Congressman Crenshaw. I believe. That they are veterans, combat veterans who fought in Afghanistan. One lost both his legs and an index finger, the other one lost an eye and his other eyes. It’s giving him a hell of a big problem. Ask them if they think this was a success. I can understand, General McKenzie, his job was. But once all hell broke loose. To get our troops out there by August 31 and as many people as we can who come to the gate, some who didn’t come, but most have to come to the gate. How many stories have you heard people who went to the gate and couldn’t get in and you should have seen my my iPhone yesterday, the texts that I was getting from people telling me about other people who were at the gates, they couldn’t get in, students who couldn’t get in. I said, who do you want me to call, I’ll do whatever you want, and then I got it. It’s over, forget it. Nobody’s allowed in. Is that success? Is that success? There are no American media in Afghanistan today. There will be no Western media in Afghanistan. The genocide that’s going to take place will not be on your television screens. He won’t hear the screams of the women being raped. You won’t hear the screams of the little girls being grabbed from their parents. You’re not going to hear the screams of families one after another, watching as their decapitated because they assisted the United States, whereas they lop off hands and lop off legs and lop off arms. That’s the Taliban, the newly reformed Taliban. You won’t hear any of it and you won’t see any success. Success. That’s none of our business, Mark, those people helped us. We didn’t go there to help them, certainly not originally, we went there to settle a score and to try and make sure this wouldn’t happen again from Afghanistan. Those people helped us. Mark, we got one hundred and twenty two hundred twenty three, one hundred twenty four thousand, and if I heard carefully what the general said, actually we got out, I think it was 80, 85, 90,000, and our partners got out. The others, obviously, they couldn’t do it without us. And I’m not trying to put anyone down. I happen to think that’s a remarkable thing. But it was a surrender. It was a surrender. That’s what it was. And 13 of our fellow Americans died and hundreds, if not thousands of our fellow Americans are behind enemy lines. And tens of thousands of our allies, the Afghans, are behind enemy lines. And now you’re going to hear them tough talk about the Taliban. We’re going to use diplomacy. 100 nations are with us. We got money. We’re going to withhold money. Now, these are people who’ve never had money. Well, now they have to run a country. They’re not going to run a country like, you know, it’s made they say you can’t set up Jeffersonian democracy there. Right? Not in Afghanistan. We did throughout Europe under the Marshall Plan, but not in Afghanistan. I got it. But then they act like. The Taliban are going to credit Jefferson, you know, they want their banks, they want the money, they got to run the airport, they got that guy to satisfy the people. They. Wait a minute. They’re terrorists. They want to kill. So that’s not the case. We watch people being turned back. From that wall, from the gates, we watch them. And what else? Well, more when I return, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

90 retired generals and admirals have called Familie in Austin to resign. You won’t hear from a single one of them. On the corrupt media, not one, and on August 19, Joe Biden said, remember, if there’s an American, there’s American citizens left, meaning on August 31, we’re going to stay to get them all out. That’s what he told Stephanopoulos. We’re not. And John Kirby this morning was asked the question to the mouthpiece over at the Pentagon, cut three go. A number of us have gotten reports from either American citizens or vulnerable Afghans that are still on the ground and can’t get through the gates anymore. They’ve been getting notices that the evacuation is over. What happens next for those that are left behind? Will there be any sort of military operation to help get them out of the country? I think you heard Secretary Blinken talk about this, that for four Americans and and other individuals that that want to be able to leave Afghanistan after our withdrawal is complete, that the State Department is going to continue to work across many different levers to facilitate that transportation. And as I say, as I said earlier, right now, we do not in. A military role in that effort. No military role. Biden said we’re going to keep the military there until we get our citizens out. Now we’re going to have a State Department role, I’m sure, that will really influence the terrorists in Afghanistan. Well, why didn’t you start evacuations earlier? Because this is such a tremendous, tremendous historical success. Cut for go daddy where essentially stopped by the State Department from beginning this evacuation. I wouldn’t say that. And I don’t think it’s important right now to get into internal delivery. Let’s not get into internal deliberations. It’s time to click our wine glasses because you see, we got out. Go ahead. We were obviously still in close contact with the gynae government, which was still, you know, he was still the president of the country. And, you know, you you have to have you have to be able to have those conversations, too, because our expectation was that the Ghani government would stay. We now have Intel and we also have emails from people who were actually on the ground there, said they felt that the that the military would put quickly would quickly unravel. And particularly when you you leave the biggest air base you have in the middle of the night, you don’t tell them. So let’s be clear, the actions of the Biden generals and the Biden administration in part contributed a significant part to the Afghan army, deteriorating the way that they took the steps that they took. So is the Taliban. Is it less safe now, now that it has all of our weapons cotinine go? Are Americans less safe now because the Taliban now has access to billions of dollars worth of American made weaponry? Well, let me impact your question a little bit, because the U.S. military part of their retrograde effort is to facilitate retrograde unpack. Go ahead. Reduce the amount of military equipment or apparatus that anyone on the ground has access to. I’m not going to get into the details of how they do that, but that is part of their effort. I will also reiterate something that our national security adviser said just last week. We had to make an assessment several weeks ago about whether we provide materials to the Afghan national security forces so that they could fight the fight. Obviously, they decided, OK, OK, OK. That’s not the question, is it? Is it? Ladies and gentlemen, that’s not the question. This is a huge success. I thought the question is they collapsed. You pulled the rug out from under them. You left all our weapons there. And we’re now safer as a result. The answer is no. In fact, it went much, much more grave and serious danger, and then we were. Before this spectacular withdrawal, historic withdrawal, we’ve never seen anything like this before. In world history. And it wouldn’t have been necessary, at least not to this extent and not this way had Biden not been president. At all stand up and secretary of defense, had Lincoln not been secretary of state, chairman, not been national security adviser and on and on. How much time, rich? All right, when we come back. Since we now know the military is not going to lift a finger according to. Abnormal communications director Kirby. It was also a communications director in the Obama administration, all the retreads are back, so the military is not going to lift a finger now at the order of the commander, the chief, to use any military assets to get our citizens out when it wasn’t that long ago, 12 days ago, when Joe Biden said on ABC News, we’re going to stay till we get them all out. I want to continue with this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I just want to continue with the long list of successes that took place during the last several weeks of the Biden surrender. Richard Engle is a reporter. He’s actually quite liberal. His father was quite literally was a reporter, too, but it doesn’t matter. He’s NBC chief foreign correspondent. He was on MSNBC today with Andrea Mitchell, who’s also a liberal. Well, what did they have to say, cut 13 go. This is a critical time, obviously, to get both the US personnel and the equipment out of Afghanistan blow up the equipment that’s left. What is the latest? What happens after the deadline if the US cannot get every Afghan who wants to leave out, which is now obviously going to happen? We’re talking about thousands of people. There’s no possible way at this stage that the US is going to get everyone out who wants to leave or who may have changed their mind and decided that they now want to to go and don’t want to ride it out with the Taliban. We’re in the final. All right. That’s it. Now, why are we in the final hours? Because Biden set August 31 and the Taliban said, that’s right. That’s our red line. That’s it. So American citizens who want to get out cannot get out and the military is not going to help them get out. The military’s done. That’s what Admiral Kirby said at the Pentagon today. It’s now up to the State Department. And we all know the Taliban shivers when it hears about the secretary of state. Penkin. What happens to the Afghans are left behind? We know what happens, right? But here’s Matt Bradley, NBC News foreign correspondent. On the morning shmo show and by the way, the morning show thought this was all great, he and Mrs. Shmo thought this was fabulous. Cut 14 go. And we know that there are still some Americans left in Afghanistan with one day left of these evacuations and many, many Afghans who would like to leave the country. What happens to them as this deadline is met? As President Biden has promised on the thirty first, which is tomorrow, what happens on Wednesday, on September 1st to those left behind? Yeah, you know, I don’t really know. And I’ve spoken with some young Afghans who were trying to get out. I actually spoke with a young woman last week. She was on a bus trying to get into the airport. She sat on that bus for about 10 hours. The Taliban came on and we’re looking around inspecting everybody. It’s tough because they have to get through the Taliban checkpoints. And in order to do that, they have to identify themselves to the Taliban. So if they didn’t understand, they had a practical reason, we had shared interests. We had to be pragmatic. Go ahead into the airport, if they don’t get out of the country, then they have to return to Taliban occupied Kabul, knowing that the Taliban has their names, their contact details, all their information. But where did they get their names, their contact and all their information from NBC? What had such a tremendous success, we’ve never seen anything like this before. They have the name and contact numbers. Wow. They have the technology to. To look into somebody’s eyes through various devices and so forth, to know who they want, they get that from. We’ve never seen such success like this, have we, Mr. Producer? So they have names, they have contact numbers, they have information on these people. Now, go ahead. And knows that they’ve been trying desperately to leave the country, so it’s unclear what’s going to happen to them. No, it’s not, he said. She’s a young woman. It’s very clear what’s going to happen to her. She knows it, which is why she’s trying to get out. But it’s not botched. No, no, nobody’s stranded. Don’t use the word stranded, we’ve been told we’ve been admonished. No, no, no. This is the greatest the greatest evacuation in world history. Look what we did. And if you disagree, you’re attacking the troops. No, I’m not attacking the troops. Oh, you must be. We have to be fair about this, you know. Not taxing the decisions by the community. No, no, no, no. And they’re working on a speech as we speak, and he’s got to be practicing it tomorrow. That’s why he never gives a speech at 9:00 in the morning. The word is they are not. They saw the work it through. I can ask, does anybody know if an American citizen has been killed in Afghanistan any time during the last three weeks? I’m not talking about those three here excuse me, 13 heroes, soldiers, I’m American citizen. Now, nobody knows, oh, by the way. If you want to get out, you can still contact the State Department, keep in touch with the state. Let me ask you folks a question. You have a problem with your iPhone? Any connection to Android, have you, Mr. Producer? So let’s say you’re in. A part of Afghanistan, it’s maybe not it’s Kabul, maybe it’s part of the. The countryside. I think people are having trouble with their cell phones or their laptops. I think they might be Mr. Producer, don’t you? Yes, yes, I travel in New Jersey today. Just charge up your phone. Where are you going to charge? I just don’t. Come on. He can just do it. You think the Taliban by now knows how to shut down electrical grids and. I think they do. Jon Karl, ABC’s This Week yesterday cut 15 go listening to President Biden and his top national security advisers before the horrible bombing, they were making this sound like a smashing success. But you heard what Secretary Blinken just said. Yeah, I mean, it is they’ve been describing something that isn’t reality. This has been an incredible airlift. More than one hundred thousand people evacuated. But what a disaster are. Clearly, Thursday was the worst day of the Biden president. No notice. As much as I hate group much of what he’s saying, everything’s defined by politics and the Biden presidency, 13 people are murdered Americans. This is the worst day of the Biden presidency. Oh, I’m sorry, it is. It’s where. Oh, I’m sorry. It’s the worst day. The Biden problem. I’m sorry. Well, then. That explains everything. Go ahead. We know, Martha, how bad it really is. We know the disaster that is unfolding. Now, the big question is, does Afghanistan once again become a safe haven for terrorist attacks on U.S. interests around the world? All right. You know, I was just told the war is over all over TV. You’re watching the graphics, America. The war is over. It’s the end of World War Two. Or we dropped atomic bombs on Japan. We’re Berlin was where where Hitler committed suicide. Yeah, it’s like, well, what we surrendered. We surrendered, they’re not done. The part of that surrender doesn’t define if a war is over. And we use this word war. When we have 2500 men and women there who are noncombat. The war is finally over. And the war is not over. Well, we have over the horizon and we demonstrated that when we killed a few of these cockroaches the other day, what are their names? We’re not telling you. Why we’re out now, what are their names, we’re not telling you why. Because they’re planners, you know why, ladies and gentlemen, I’ll take a guess. If they actually hit the people who were involved in the specific attack. That wound up killing scores of Afghans, among others, and our precious 13 troops, we know their name, their serial number, and we have their pictures. If they were the ones that were actually behind it, as soon as I heard this, I said to my wife, Jill, how do they know they got these guys? We pulled all of our intelligence out of their. I don’t think they do. Presumably they would tell us what they know. You watch how the narrative changes, the spinning is beginning, the correct media is going to jump in. You watch. My God. This is the most fantastic thing we’ve ever seen, planes flying in and out every 14 seconds, we’ve never seen anything like this before. Because they are intentionally. They are intentionally. Overlaying. The patriotism you have for our troops. With the disastrous decisions that were made by the brass and the commander in chief and the secretary of state and the national security adviser. Because they are propagandists and they are brilliant at this and the media is going to switch on a dime you want. Do I owe you anything, Rich? Not at Hillsdale or anything. Well, then I want to hear one other thing. I got to watch the clock, but I’m really. Really focused on this and really body and soul. What else, what else, how else is this a magnificent success? Ladies and gentlemen, they have 85 billion dollars worth of our cutting edge technology and equipment. Oh, yeah. Fantastic. Unbelievable success, we’ve never seen anything like this before. Oh, yeah. There’s a whole chart out there, thousands of Humvees, dozens and dozens of Cobras and even jet fighters. I mean, my goodness. It’s like the fifth biggest army on the face of the earth now, give or take. Now, while Biden and his secretary of state and his secretary of defense, no doubt, and General Mackenzie. I think this has really been unbelievable. 5,000 terrorists were released from two prisons, including al-Qaida and ISIS. 5,000. I’ve been saying it now, one of the hosts on cable TV regurgitated one to salute the hosts. They know what show to listen to, but the Taliban and ISIS hate each other. Really? Then why did they release them from prison? They have a common enemy. It’s called us. But it was the greatest airlift in history, greatest in history. Oh, OK. It shouldn’t have been. If this was handled properly, without deadlines, without confusion. Without sending the military out. The first you send the citizens out. And when we come back, do you think China, Russia, Iran? I think this is the greatest success ever. Oh, America has demonstrated to us, don’t screw around with Commander Joe Biden. No, no, no, no. Commander in Chief Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., born in Scranton, lunch bucket Joe, a man of Wilmington, Delaware. Don’t mess with him, boy. I tell you what, what a magnificent success. We’ve never seen anything like this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Mission accomplished, mission accomplished. The greatest surrender in world history. More people evacuated in that period of time than ever before. Eighty five billion dollars of equipment, American citizens left behind. Allies left behind, 5000 terrorists released from prison, al Qaeda and ISIS. Wow. What’s communist China think, how about fascistic Russia, how about Islam or Nazi Iran, what do they think? I think, oh, my God, I was shaking in their boots now. Biden and his commanders, we’ve never seen anything like this before. That’s the most historic surrender and evacuation we have ever seen, you know, our enemies want more evacuations just like that, so we get really, really good at it. They’d love to see us evacuate Europe, NATO. Oh, my God, look, they’ve evacuated. Oh, look at that. It’s historic. We’ve never done it like that before. And with a deadline. Can you imagine? Oh, yes. Is that what China thinks? Is that what Putin thinks about what Iran thinks? Oh, when I failed to mention. Ever hear Pakistan or as normal people call Pakistan? Pakistan. About a third of it. Is terrorist controlled. As a relatively corrupt military and a totally corrupt government and nuclear warheads. Nuclear warheads. What do you think the terrorists would love to get their hands on? What do you think? We gave them everything we have 85 billion dollars worth. I love the antisemite in this country, you know. Well, we’ll support Israel with two or three billion dollars in military equipment. And in exchange, we get their technology, we get their eyes and ears. We get them as a foreign force against Iran, three billion, two billion, whatever, to. Wow, 85 billion to the Taliban. Can you imagine our cutting edge technologies going right over to Beijing and Moscow? Tehran. The inbred in North Korea, they’re all going to have it, they’re all going to see what success breeds success. Head on now. Fantastic, we’ve never seen it like this before, you know who we haven’t heard from, Mr. Producer in America. Where are the American citizens who can’t get out? How are they going to communicate with us? I don’t want to hear from reporters who cover the Pentagon, I don’t want to hear from reporters who cover this story. Can we hear from one of the 250 know why? Because they’re hiding for their lives and we have no way of contacting them, our media are not there anymore. Oh. But the secretary of state, he’s going to come to the rescue. No, he’s not. They great to hear from one or two American citizens behind enemy lines now, wouldn’t it, ladies and gentlemen? And now what you’re going to hear tomorrow, among other things, if not the secretary of state of confusion, is tough talk on the Taliban now. Now that the military is working to put it to these guys, we’re really going to put it to them. I mean, I’ve got my toughest assistant secretary for international affairs on this job. Boy, big live, big Democrat supports gun control, but he’s a tough guy. You’ve never seen him in a room. He knows how to talk the talk. And who’s going to back him up? Not the military. Oh, well, the Taliban doesn’t don’t they want to be part of the the community of nations over here? That one community of nations, they want to be part of the community. They’re terrorists, you idiot. I’ll be right back.