On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Will the media bring back the on-screen charts recording deaths from the Delta variant? Will President Biden be charged with killing people because people died while he was president the same way they maligned President Trump? Will Biden use vaccines and mask-wearing to attack the civil liberties of American citizens? Biden is already a failed president and is looking to cast blame in every direction but his own. Then, 1619 project founder, Nikole Hannah-Jones is privileged and spreads lies, poison, and hate. As recently as 2019, she suggested that Cuba is the democracy with the most equality because it has the most equal amount of Black and White people and that’s precisely why socialism works there. Later, for years the estimated population of illegal immigrants has been 11-12 million despite the stampedes of caravans poring in at the porous southern border. Will the media update their estimate? Having an open border will change the electorate and the citizenry. Afterward, CNN is dying because it has no significant ratings but its parent company will continue pumping money into it to continue their propaganda. It’s a tool for the American Marxists in the media.
The Post Millennial
1619 Project founder believes Cuba has ‘the least inequality’ and has brought about the ‘end of codified racism’
Washington Free Beacon
The Grift That Keeps on Grifting
NY Post
Joe Biden wants amnesty, but US tally of illegal immigrants is deeply flawed
Just The News
In Virginia, backlash against critical race theory spreading in both rural and suburban regions
Psaki Won’t Highlight Trump’s Role In Creating COVID Vaccine To Assure Unvaccinated
Washington Examiner
Los Angeles County sheriff won’t enforce mask mandate ‘not backed by science’
Just The News
Canceled Keystone Pipeline company suing U.S. for $15 billion
NY Post
Florida man gets 8 months in first felony sentencing in Capitol riot
The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.
Image used with permission of Getty Images / Drew Angerer
Rough transcript of Hour 1
Hour 1 Segment 1
Are people dying from a Delta virus, a variant? Does that mean Joe Biden’s killing people on blood, on blood, on his hands? Is that what they did with Trump? I think. No, no, no, because he’s out there insisting that people get a vaccine. All right. This is what I’m not understanding. I vaccinated. Yes. And I have no problem with that. I’ve got no problem with it whatsoever. Here’s my problem. People who first undermine the belief in vaccines are in the White House today. And they control the Democrat Party today. And they spent months trashing the idea of a vaccine under Donald Trump. Well, these are the Trump vaccines. They did enormous damage to the idea of vaccines. They raised serious question in the minds of people, whether these vaccines are safe or not and what they like to say, it’s the, you know, white supremacists who support Trump who aren’t getting vaccinated, actually. When you look at the percentage of a population, the the largest percentage of people who are not getting vaccinated are African-Americans. And the access is available. So I don’t know why the mayor’s and the Democrat Party aren’t taking any responsibility for this. And then, of course, they lash out and say, well, Facebook is responsible for killing people because it allows people to get on there who have disparate viewpoints and we can’t have that, not in the America, not where we have free speech. And so where we can’t have that. No. And now they reversed that today. Well, we didn’t really mean Facebook. And now they’re telling people who were vaccinated to wear masks, even if you’re inside, which, of course is counterintuitive, it makes no sense, then why get vaccinated? You’ll wear a mask anyway if you’re inside, whether you’re vaccinated or not, if that’s the situation. Right. So once again, we’re reaching a point where there is no science, and yet we have agendas and we have positions being pushed that are trying to wrap themselves in science. And then, of course, there’s cynicism out there, and rightly so. That we have these Democrats and these blue states who will use this as an opportunity. To further attack our civil liberties and empower themselves. And Joe Biden has shown every indication of that. So it’s much more complicated and difficult than people would have you believe that? Well, just take vaccines, OK? I took one. All right. Now wear a mask inside. Why? Because we have the Delta variant. Well, then why am I taking a vaccine? So they don’t even make any sense. And then they’re threatening people and then they’re attacking their civil liberties, they’re attacking their free speech rights, they’re attacking their ability to post, they’ve put the shoulder on these social sites. Which clearly they worked together on and Facebook got ticked off. I mean, you can’t blame. He can’t blame the Zukerberg, he figures. Look, I’ve been a great soldier to buy another Democrat party. I helped deliver them votes. I washed money through these front groups. I mean, I’ve been banning and censoring and using the scarlet letter on anybody who disagrees with the Democrats and their government. And now Joe Biden turns on me. And of course, Joe Biden walked it back to the. Of course he did. Now we have a montage, and it’s thanks to post-millennial website, I’ve heard this play today, but that’s OK. It’s hard to. And you haven’t heard me talk about it. While we’re not going to play that montage, that’s for later, we have a montage. But anyway, the point is. We played it last week, didn’t we, Mr. Producer? Yes, the montage on the virus, though, the Democrats going on and on about. Biden and Kamala Harris leading the pack. That they don’t trust it. And now. You reap what you sow. You reap what you sow and this is what they sowed and now they’re trying to flail around and blame everybody else. Joe Biden is already a failed president. He’s already. Undermining every aspect of this republic. And like a good a good loser, he’s pointing in other directions, of course. Nicole, Hannah Jones, this is important. She’s been all over television, all over the media. She had a Pulitzer Prize for pushing a lies about our history. She got tenure at a university in North Carolina where most people with her thin credentials and minimal period of time, certainly in academia, would not get tenure. She turned that into a race issue. So they turned around and gave her tenure and she snubbed them and said, now, screw you. And I think she went to Howard or somewhere. Talk about privileged. She’s privileged and all she has done, as far as I’m concerned, is spread poison and lies and hate. But that’s what they do over The New York Times and they have a long history of doing this. She’s on a podcast with a left wing site called Vox with a guy named Ezra Klein, who’s another moron. But this is back in 2019. And it proves my point, which I’ll get to in a minute. Nicole, Hannah Jones, who’s 1619 project, is being put to children throughout this country thanks to The New York Times, which hates this country. Hates this country, has more blood on its hands, figuratively, of course, than any other institution or. Certainly as much as any other institution. As it promoted Stollen. As a cover it up for Hitler, as a promoter of Castro, you know, it’s of that kind of stuff. So here’s the call. Hannah Jones talking about Cuba under the communists and what do I call it, Cuba? Because the idiot from Vermont calls it Cuba. That would be Marxist Bernie Sanders. Cottan go is there are other candidates right now or even just places that you think have a viable and sufficiently ambitious integration agenda? And if so, America, you look around, look around you, you jerk. Anyway, go ahead. That laughs that a lot, right? Yeah, I mean, one let me just I’m not arrogant, know nothing. She grunts all that says everything we need to know, you know, it says something, says Ezra Klein, another arrogant know nothing. And by the way, I had to national polls for this go ahead on race relations internationally, and it’s also hard to look at countries that didn’t have, you know, a large institutions of slavery and compare them to the United States. The answer is probably going to be surprising that I’m going to give, which is if you want to see the most equal, multiracial, it’s not a democracy, most equal multiracial country in our hemisphere. It would be Cuba. Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people. Let’s stop there. We’re going to continue. But see, she’s an ignoramus. Ignoramus Che Guevara was a racist. He despised black Cubans or black Latinos, period. And it it always amazes me how many t shirts people wear because they think he was down for the revolution, he was a psychopath. And he was in charge of the execution squad. And they executed, people say, between 10 and 20,000 people. You would have mothers come to him, he was such a psychotic mother’s come to him, beg him not to shoot their children, 12, 13, 14 year olds. He did tell them to look out the window as he would give the word for them to be executed. And he was a racist. He was a racist. And here you have a Pulitzer Prize winning phony historian who does not have historical credentials, that has credentials to teach history. Asked by the city at Ezra Klein. And she picks Cuba. Cuba is the most equal country. Well, why not pick? The late Pol Pot and Cambodia, why not pick? Only in North Korea. I mean, if that’s where you’re headed. Go ahead of any place really in the hemisphere that I mean the Caribbean, most of the Caribbean, it’s it’s hard to count because the white population, a lot of those countries is very, very small. Their countries thought very hard about this. You know, many whites are there and many blacks have many interracial. How many browns? Imagine living your life this way. And getting paid an enormous amount of money to be a buffoon like this. And there’s several Juan Delgado Candy, they didn’t invent anything, they didn’t create anything, they mishmash stuff together and push this hate America racist crap. Well, listen to that. I’d like her to speak at our event or look at him and he should speak at our event. Oh, and that Delgado, she’s white fragility. Oh, I like that. Go ahead. OK. But in places that are truly at least bi racial countries, Cuba actually has the least inequality, and that’s largely due to socialism, which I’m sure no one wants to hear. Most of the Caribbean, it’s hard to count because the white population, a lot of those countries very, very small, their countries run by black folks, but in places that are truly at least biracial countries, Cuba actually has has the least inequality. That’s largely due to socialism, which I’m sure nobody wants to hear. What she means is Marxism, because that’s what she believes in, which is the whole point of my saying America, Marxism. She is pushing American Marxism, dressing it up as a whole racial issue, and she’s not alone. Books, lesson plans, propaganda on and on and on, and she sure nobody wants to hear oh, I’d love to hear about it. I’d love to hear least inequality, because these people are not really pushing for racial justice, quote unquote. They’re pushing Marxism because the only way you see you can get equality is what they mean is an economic system. That’s full of crap. The only kind of equality that exists is equality and poverty. And equality in any humanity. Where everybody’s dragged down to the lowest common denominator because the state uses that as as leverage for the people who are at the top. If you dare to speak out, you see you’re undermining equality, you’re undermining the system, you must be a racist, you must be anti revolutionary. That’s where her head is. And not her alone, that’s where the collective heads of the people who run the National Education Association, American Federation for Teachers, that’s where they are, that’s where it came from, Black Lives Matter. That’s where they are. That’s where many of these people are. I want to play this one more time without interruption. Go ahead, Mr. President, is there are there candidates right now or even just places that you think have a viable and sufficiently ambitious integration agenda? Notice how they always talk like they’re actually smart and ambitious adversaries or anything like that anymore, and they’re basically stupid as can possibly be. Go ahead. That says a lot. Oh, I mean, one let me just I’m definitely not an expert on anything relations internationally. And it’s also hard to look at countries that didn’t have, you know, large institutions of. Avery and compare them to United States, the answer is amazing. You know, Cuba is a slave island. It is a police state. And just listen to how moronic this woman is. I mean, this person person is. Go ahead. Apprising that I’m going to give, which is if you want to see the most. That’s enough. Shut up, you idiot. I give you a Pulitzer Prize back. You and Walter Durante, The New York Times over there. What a joke. What a joke the Pulitzer Prize has become. You get the idiot prize. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 2
We talk about this a little last week, but I want to put it in a different in a different way. The new lucrative government contractors are the race hustlers. They’re making a fortune. Pushing their Marxist racist ideology in school districts. With states and of course, excuse me, in the federal bureaucracy. Whether it’s D’Angelo, Robin D’Angelo, whether it’s had Sky, Kennedy, but there’s many of them, there’s now an entire industry of race hustlers. And Marxists were making a fortune out of trashing America and dividing this country. That’s the big story that needs to be covered. There’s a piece in the Washington Free Beacon. Talking about D’Angelo. On a weekly basis, she says, I speak to groups of mostly white people and give a presentation of whiteness and right fragility. She boasts you have to visit the accountability page on our website to find out how much she gets paid to do this. She claims to earn an average fee of 14,000 dollars per engagement, now, that average fee is ridiculous because she might give it to a non-profit group for nothing. And another group for 50,000. So that includes pro bono work as well as corporate gigs. That runs up to 30,000 dollars at a rate of one every per week. That works out to three quarters of a million dollars in annual compensation on the speaking circuit alone. That’s on top of the estimated two million dollars in royalties she’s pocketed thanks to the success of the book White Fragility. So she’s a hustler. She’s making a fortune while pushing this Marxist racist ideology. She’s not alone in this sort of back bencher. Professor can be the same thing. So this entire industry now, government contractors and beyond that, these race hustling and and they’re destroying our classrooms and, of course, our society more when I come back.
Hour 1 Segment 3
This from Andrew Stiles, the Free Beacon D’Angelo, who wrote that book, White Fragility, and is about as wide as Joe Biden, by the way, knows her audience. She correctly condemned. I’m going to read to you what he says. But what’s interesting is what she says. Basically regurgitates what Malcolm X said. So this isn’t new thinking on her part. D’Angelo knows her audience, she correctly condemns white progressives for their brazen self-righteousness and their incessant Wolk’s signaling, which is almost entirely performative. White progressives, she writes, often treat diversity as a kind of consumer product that can be purchased and controlled. The people who bought white fragility, even the ones who actually read it, are some of the worst offenders she’s implying. That’s because good intentions play an especially prominent role in perpetuating white supremacy. She says involvement and anti-racism efforts can be stylish for white people, something cool that provides intense feelings and entertaining insights to be consumed in manageable doses. People become conversant with the terminology, but in practice, the terms are almost meaningless. As the author makes clear, the road to enlightenment is not a manageable endeavor. It’s a treacherous whorley, ceaseless and painful, yet exciting. Malcolm X said, and I paraphrase, It’s not the Republicans and the conservatives. That troubled me, it’s the white liberal. And she’s picked up on that and she’s dressed it up and has said in thousands and thousands of words and many chapters with Malcolm X said in one or two sentences. All that said, you can hear how sick her thinking is and her ideology is because you can never recover from this and you’re not hearing people as individual human beings, it’s white this and white that. And of course, her book is very popular as a result. Not amongst us. By the way, let me read from my book, not her book, American Marxism, and I touch on this point. I ended this book and I guess now four months ago. I say especially pernicious is the American Marxist control over a public school and college classrooms with the full support and active role of the two national teachers unions, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, where your children and grandchildren are being taught to hate our country and are brainwashed with racist propaganda. If this persists, it will most assuredly lead to the nation’s downfall, as the Heritage Foundation reports, the dissemination of curricular content and instruction based on critical race theory and k through 12 schools is second only in scope to the presence of critical race theory and post-secondary instruction where it originated. The spread within college and university level syllabi and journal articles took place over the course of many decades throughout the 20th century. While the effects on K through 12 schools in such areas as social studies, history and civics have by comparison become visible more recently. Now, without your knowledge and consent, districts around the country have integrated critical race theory into school curriculum. Again, I wrote this months and months ago. Both of the nation’s largest teacher’s unions support Black Lives Matter, the Black Lives Matter organization, with the National Education Association specifically calling for the use of Black Lives Matter curricular materials and K through 12 schools. The curriculum is committed to ideas such as Queer Affirming Network, which of course has nothing to do with rigorous instructional content and promotes racially charged essays as open secrets and first grade math teaching about white supremacy and American currency. As of twenty eighteen officials in at least 20 large school districts, including L.A. and Washington, D.C., were promoting Black Lives Matter curricular content and the organization’s week of action. According to an Education Week survey in June. Twenty eighty one percent of teachers, principals and district leaders support the Black Lives Matter movement. In fact, some school systems have applied action civics to teaching disruptive protests. And I quote, Moreover, the Marxist based ideology has spread to private schools, including private religious schools. When I go on. This is the antidote, American Marxism to the American Marxists. This is the undressing of this poisonous cancerous movement in the country, several movements, actually. And I want you to know. I don’t have the exact number. But the book is flying off the shelves right now. Because people do want to be galvanized, they do want a rally and they do want to save their country. From these insidious and invidious Marxist movement ideologies. The Washington beacon goes on the free beacon, some stories. That Delgado writes about personal anecdotes and confessions. Aren’t meant to be as confessions, but they are just as revelatory and embarrassing, such as the time D’Angelo got into an argument about racism with a London cab driver who displayed a, quote, typical white lack of racial curiosity or humility about the limits of his knowledge, his worst offense, refusing to avail himself of her expertise. Quote, He had the author of a New York Times best selling book who was in town to do interviews for the BBC in the cab. And he did not ask a single question about my thoughts on the matter. She said, Isn’t this amazing? Her thoughts on the matter, which typically are billed at about a rate of 233 dollars a minute. But the London cabbie is not alone, nice racism, that is the the add on to her book. Because she’s trying to milk this for everything it’s worth, so just 3,500 copies in its first week of publication and barely made The New York Times bestseller list, barely made it. Robin, you got to up your game, you’re going to become even more of an unhinged buffoon, nice racism, how progressive white people perpetuate racial harm. You see, ladies and gentlemen, in Robin de Angelos, rather small cranium. Nobody can escape this. Not even her friends, nobody can escape this, this goes on in perpetuity, like all revolutions to. Like all revolutions to. And how did she become such an expert on this subject? Well, she’s not. And here’s the irony, ready for this. As you’ll understand after reading the book, American Marxism. She has no basis to comment on this at all. Because she’s white, she has an experienced. She has an experience, the the other. Which is. Black or some interracial color or something of the sort, she hasn’t experienced it, so she’s not qualified under any circumstances to protect her opinions, her feelings, her views on anything. But you see, that’s because it’s about Marxism. It’s not even really about race, as I keep saying. And this woman didn’t excuse me, this birthing person didn’t invent anything. She’s exploiting it. This guy, Kennedy, who was a backbencher, associate, an assistant professor, he didn’t invent anything either. The back bencher. But they’re making a fortune off the capitalist system. I seriously wonder how many African-Americans or other minorities read these books, how many how many minorities are people of color would read Robin de Angelo’s book White Fragility. Probably a very small percentage, don’t you think, Mr. Producer? And how about this guy can be a very small percentage. You know why? Because many people of color think this is Bisto. It’s B.S. So this is an elitist Marxist ideology pushing this movement and many movements in this country. Many movements in this country, that’s what it is, so people go to school boards and they protest what’s going on, obviously raise the racial aspect to this, but you need to get in there and you need to explain in this book American Marxism, which you should bring with you proudly show it. You need to explain this is just another Marxist movement that uses race to try and destroy this country, and you’re using our tax dollars, you are using our facilities, you’re using our employees, teachers and you worst of all, you’re using our children to advance this agenda. And don’t tell me you’re not teaching it. When the NEA and the FDA said they’re going to teach it whatever we think that is, parents or taxpayers. Whatever we think. And people hate the word Marx or Marxism. Which is why only the most virulent. Out of the closet, Marxists use it, most of them pretend otherwise. You need to have the courage to call it what it is. You need to have the courage to call it what it is. So we’ve hit Nicole Hannah Jones, who praised Cuba as the most equal country in the Western Hemisphere. So you know what she is? Then you have Robin D’Angelo. Who’s trying to sell another book? Nice racism where she’s trying to make the case that really nobody, not even her left wing kook friends can escape this. I want to thank all of you who went to all these wonderful retail stores and went online to Amazon. And acquiring copies of American Marxism, and I’ll tell you what thrills me. When you go to Amazon.com and there’s about a thousand comments they give or take, we have five stars. People are really, really. I won’t say enjoying the book aren’t trigged learning, interested in what’s in the book, that is very, very important. If we are to spread the word. Like you, Paul and Paul Revere’s out there. I think we can turn the corner. And all the comments on how the book is written, what’s in the book and the activisms section of the book. It’s it’s very important that so many people see it this way now, now that I mention it, the kooks will go on Amazon and put negative stuff. If you got your book from Amazon and you like it, this is one of the ways you can communicate with your fellow patriots. It’s not. The comment section isn’t Facebook or Twitter, so you can actually leave a comment without interference and if you agree. This is a good way to communicate, communicate. And one of the things I talk about in the book is we have to communicate more. We need to network. This has to become a national movement. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 4
By the way, I could have mentioned if you have a copy of American Marxism and you think it’s worthwhile, don’t forget your kids and your grandkids. Don’t forget your neighbors and your fellow coworkers, colleagues, they need to read it to. These race based Hustler books. America, Marxism, in my view, the contents of it, let me put it that way, needs to be the most widely read of the more. Ideas actually do have consequences. Ideas actually do have consequences, and we need light bulbs going off on top of people’s head all over the country. All over the country. Regardless of somebody’s background, regardless of somebody’s race or creed or what have you. It’s very, very important, very, very important. All right, Mr. Producer, I do not have my call screen up. Do we have any callers yet that I wanted that I should talk to? Yes. Greg Corona, California, XM satellite, Corona, California, named after a beer, not a virus, I. Go right ahead. Hey, Coach Levin. How are you, my friend? I’m good, thank you. I’m going to get to the point, but I just wanted to say I’m an outside sales and I drive around a little bit and I get to hear you from 90 minutes to two hours before I see a customer. And at some point when I asked them if they know who Mark Levin is and they say, yes, my closing ratio goes up to about 90 percent. Oh, jeez, I’m glad to help you. That works through. Sir, I just I want to keep this with what you were talking about, but with all the distractions of CRT and Black Lives Matter and being politically correct here and the stuff that we talk about every day, I’m more than concerned. I’m worried that the nefarious countries like China and Russia and perhaps North Korea and Iran, why wouldn’t they make a move there? Because they have their pulse on the American people. I’ve talked about this, I think. When you’re when you’re crumbling from within, it’s very provocative. You’re absolutely right. They look for opportunities, yes, right. And so in the end, why would they wait for a 2024 election where a Trump or a Trump would get in there for, you know, they start to be careful. You know, we still have a very powerful military in nuclear weapons. And so rather than just confront us that way, they’re doing other things like China right now is doing many other things that it’s massively building up its military. It is. It is building and ports and docks all over the world, including in our hemisphere, including in Africa and other parts of the world. It is slowly but surely making claim to islands in territorial waters that don’t belong to it. It’s making claims to airspace that doesn’t belong to it. You have China and Russia now and Antarctica making claims to that area and putting military bases, building them there. You have killer satellites that can attack our grid. All of this is going on as Joe Biden weakens the country from within, weakens the economy from within. I want to talk next hour very much about what’s going on on the border here, that there’s not 11 million illegal aliens in this country. It’s closer to 35 million. And now he wants to push amnesty. They want to push it through this omnibus spending bill. This is this has all the tell tale signs. Of a American Marxist type of of approach to things he talks about, democracy, doesn’t believe in democracy, he doesn’t even believe in Republicanism. But thank you for your call, my friend. You’re right on. And I’m glad I can help you close themselves off and do that for anybody. You know my best. Go get them, guys. All right. We’ve got a lot more to cover. Stick with us and I’ll be right back.