June 3, 2021

June 3, 2021

Coronavirus Lab / Getty Images / WPA Pool

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, It will be one of the most unimaginable and shocking ironies if the federal department responsible for protecting us from pandemics were actually responsible for funding it and covering it up. Science editor Nicholas Wade blew the lid off of the COVID origins findings that were unequivocal, that there was never any evidence that coronavirus came from an animal to human infection. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is suspected of increasing the lethality of coronavirus in its labs. Recently leaked emails show that Anthony Fauci was concerned about the virus having originated in a Chinese lab. However, the media went out of their way to discredit anyone that questioned Fauci on this point. Labeling President Trump and other skeptics as ‘conspiracy theorists.’ Even now, with all the control Democrats have in Congress not a single congressional committee has launched any oversight investigations into this. Then, every day the American Marxists figure out new ways to implement their beliefs which in turn destroys most Americans’ way of life. The citizenry must come to grips with pushing back on the efforts of Marxists to change our culture through the entertainment industry, academia, and our government. Later, Democrats have not relented on nationalizing zoning codes to allow for higher occupancy in suburbs as an act of creating equity. School boards are being overrun with leftist ideas and now they want to federalize residential communities. Afterward, Naftali Bennett, a one-time aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is now siding with the opposition in an attempt to become Prime Minister himself.


Nicholas Wade
Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

Washington Examiner
Biden administration squeezing suburbs out of existence with zoning laws

Washington Examiner
‘Not a partisan act’: Biden breaks with himself by giving Trump credit for vaccine development

The Times Of Israel
The end of democracy in Israel as we know it

Washington Post
F. Lee Bailey, defense lawyer for the famous and infamous, dies at 87

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / WPA Pool

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

By the way, I have a Sunday show, too. I don’t think you’ll notice that you’re watching the advertising on our favorite cable network, but I thought you should know 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sundays, the number one Sunday night show on cable news talk. All right. I am printing out. Can you hear this, Mr. Producer? Can you hear that, America? I’m on Hannity tonight. Sean asked me to come on and talk about Dr.. I am printing out what is, in printing terms, a 33-34 page article that was written by Nicholas Wade, whom we’ve talked about before and whom I interviewed, I guess it’ll be two Sundays ago. But he wrote this piece on May 5th, 2021. It blew the lid off this whole Fauci cover up and these other activities. And it did really, because it was not only so thorough and substantive, but he’s the former senior editor, not cub reporter, not writer and editor, senior editor for the Science page or pages of The New York Times. He didn’t condemn Fauci. He was very careful not to condemn Fauci, but he did condemn everything that was swirling around. And it’s hard not to look at Fauci and wonder what in the world was this man thinking? What and how the world has this man been running his operation? You know, it’s interesting for all the oversight, I don’t really remember thorough investigations of the infectious disease organization in our government or the National Institutes for Health or the CDC or the FDA. They’re pretty much on their own, aren’t they? They’re pretty much left alone. There may be GAO reports out there, the accountability reports, but you won’t see many of them. You won’t see much of it. And there’s certain findings in this article. Which are unequivocal. That is not debatable, and one of them is there is absolutely no evidence, not one scintilla of evidence. That the coronavirus was caused by an animal to human virus, nothing. Zero. This gentleman, Nicholas White, he looked everywhere. He interviewed numerous experts. He’s not he’s no slouch. Found nothing. As for the OHAN Institute of Virology, the lab. Well, nobody can get in there to get the information they need, nobody can get the data because the Chinese are no doubt have already destroyed it and destroyed anybody who knows about it. That said. Whether it’s in the law or whether it’s a matter of logic. You don’t have to be Einstein to figure out this lab. Was taking coronaviruses from Batz. And making them more lethal to human beings. More lethal to human beings. Well, that’s exactly what happened. Then later, we find out from The Wall Street Journal that three of the staffers got sick, very sick. We don’t know what happened to them. Oops, they disappeared. Wow. Then we find out the organization that got a grant. From falsies operation. Run by a guy by the name of Daisuke. That he gave part of that grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In part. To do the kind of research I just talked about. He also organized virologists. To sign a letter. Arguing that it was a natural cause that resulted in this coronavirus. Not a spill over a leak from a lab. And at the end of the article, as Nicholas Wade points out, the end of the letter. He may make an extraordinary statement that they don’t have a conflict, that they’re just giving their professional scientific opinion, but he did have a conflict. He did have a conflict. There was a second statement that was issued again by doctors, including Christian Anderson of the Scripps Research Institute. Now in the emails, we know that Christian Andersen actually raised a concern. Maybe it was a leak out of the lab. We’re not saying it was, of course, but something to consider. And yet. In their public letter, not their email to Fauci in their public letter. Signed by additional so-called experts and published in the journal Nature Medicine. They write our analyses clearly show that the virus is not a laboratory construct or purposefully manipulated virus. The five virologists declared. And as Nicholas Wade points out, this was another case of poor science. Poor science. So you had to. Affirmative statements by two groups of virologists that were used by the media to attack anybody who dared to raise questions about the lab in Wuhan, China, and God forbid, if you call it the China virus, then you’re clearly a racist. So this is what the media do, most of the media who cover these stories. Our political media. Their political media, they’re the same people who cover Capitol Hill or the White House, they’re looking for opinions, they’re looking for narratives, they’re looking to position themselves. And you have groupthink. And propaganda. And suitable events. Which cover up the real events. This information was unknown until Nicholas Wade wrote this piece. He looked at the grand. He looked specifically at the grant. And the grant was very specific and that it was to help support this. This this attempt to make these viruses much more lethal, at least for human beings. The emails also show. That there was a bit of panic. In our government. A bit of panic and falsies operation. Now, why would there be panic? Well, what else did we learn from this article and from Nicholas Wade? There was a a moratorium. A moratorium on this kind of grant making this kind of scientific endeavor, there was a moratorium. And the moratorium required. That if there were going to be exceptions, the head of the National Institutes for Health, that’s the umbrella organization. As well as Fouche, his organization would have to sign off on it, that would be Dr. Collins at the NIH, who’s ultimately falsies boss and Dr. Falchi. I’m putting this in plain English after having interviewed the gentleman and now having studied this article for a third time. I mean, after all, it’s in the hell is it? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, I don’t pretend to be a scientist, let alone an atomic scientist. And now we know. All these efforts. To silence individuals. About the potential of a lab leak. To silence individuals who were seriously questioning Anthony Fauci. And Dr. Collins over there, Francis Collins at the NIH. And all these efforts to distract and focus attention on Donald Trump and to try and embarrass him and humiliate him and degrade him. To take attention away from these so-called experts. His shocking. And I can’t say I’m shocked any more by the media, the media move in. The whole aggregate of the media, the whole media industrial complex, they all move in one direction or another direction, always opposite of our direction. Have you noticed? They call all this strongly condemned it as conspiracy theories, suggesting that covid-19 does not have natural origins and they would wave around the letters from these two groups of virologists without any curiosity whatsoever about what is the actual cause of this. We need to independently investigate this. You know who else didn’t care? The Democrats in Congress. They control all these committees, they don’t even care today is there a committee in Congress controlled by the Democrats that’s investigating this? There’s not one. They had an investigation of how Donald Trump handled it. Have they ever asked the tough question of Anthony valge in front of any of these committees? No. No wonder she likes Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, he’s known these people for decades now, he’s very comfortable with the Democrats and the Democrat Party. They promote him, they salute him. But it’s not just Falchi. It’s our damnable corrupt media. People wouldn’t get away with this, we’d have much more information as a people. If the media would do their job at the media, don’t do their job ever. Ever. More when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 2

The article, if you want to look it up yourself, we have linked to it previously, is the origin of covid. We’ll have it up on the website this evening. The origin of covid that people or nature opened Pandora’s Box at Wuhan. Well, I am convinced, speaking for myself, that it came from the lab. If there’s absolutely no evidence to defend this wet market idea which was put out by the communist Chinese and embraced and regurgitated. By our so-called experts, including so-called experts that received some of the grant and didn’t reveal it at the time when they issued their letter. You have to ask yourselves why. Even to this day. Even to this day, Joe Biden hasn’t said we need an investigation, he asked about the cause of Covid, but we need an investigation into falsies operation, the National Institutes of Health. Organizations that are rarely investigated. Not for political reasons, almost 600,000 Americans died. So a lot of people. And we have a right to know what caused and we have a right to know if we help the fund. Now, to say we’ll never know anything because the Chinese destroyed the data, then we’ll never know anything about anything related to the communist government in China. But that’s not the way we operate. First way to figure out what happened on our site. It has always been very strange to me the extent to which Anthony Fauci has been in the media, I mean, everywhere, every day, day and night. To what end? His answers are also are often. Contradictory of answers he’s given before. Everything is kind of passed, he has a real knack for political speak. But he really hasn’t told us anything. It’s really the CDC that puts out the rules, not Falchi. Stays six feet apart, wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear two masks, you know, wear a burqa, you know, whatever. Those directives don’t come from Foushee. It’s like the vaccine vouches operation has some role in it, but it’s not the primary role. The FDA has the primary role. And yet Falchi. Not so long ago, I was taking credit for the vaccines along with Joe Biden. There’s something about him that just rubs the wrong way. Is there not there’s something about the way he conducts himself. There’s something about the way that he enjoys the spotlight. Being on the cover of magazines, winning awards and getting money for his awards. Now he apparently has a book coming out to me, this is not the normal behavior. Number one of a civil servant. It’s just not. And number two, somebody who’s who is, quote unquote, been dealing with the deadliest pandemic in modern times. You’ve been working on a book. You’ve been working on a book like Juanma was working on a book, quote unquote. At a time when people are dying and getting sick, I want you to write it in three weekends. I have to admit, they say it’s 80 pages long. I could write an 80 page book in about 14 seconds. But you get my point. It’s foushee time I’ve marked this all the time. Hey, you know what? Yeah, at Foushee time. And so he’s almost bigger than life. He celebrated. People will start to ask questions, Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo, Rand Paul, so forth, and then this article drops almost a month ago now and really blows the lid off the whole thing. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

And I want to dig in this a little bit further with you. I just want to tell you there was a piece in The Atlantic, which is a far left website, quasi publication, and it interviewed some never Trump in particular. And here and there, a conservative and one or two publishers, but not many about conservative books. Why are there no conservative books condemning Joe Biden? Who are they going to make the boogeyman? Furthermore, the assertion from the author is. Now they’re just going to focus on broader themes and so forth and so on, so I first I think to myself and I look to the people who contributed to the article and I said, what do these people know about anybody or anybody else who’s actually writing books or books that are coming out? Nothing. And read my book, my book is not out yet. They didn’t send it to them to read, I didn’t send my book to Jonah Goldberg or anybody else. So what do they know? Now, one of the reasons, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ll tell you this, that I had to wait until now to release this book. Is because I wanted to see what would happen after the election and I wanted to see what Joe Biden would do, because you’ll recall on live TV, on Life, Liberty and Levin and especially behind this microphone. I would point out the 150 page excuse me, Sanders and Biden manifesto, and I would go through it with 110 pages. And that’s exactly what’s happening, Biden’s implementing that, his staff is implementing that. And I mentioned that in the book and more, I go through some of the executive orders, so the entire premise of the article is wrong. Everybody they’re talking to doesn’t know what they’re talking about. How can you talk about what’s going on in this country and ignore what the Democrat Party is doing and what Biden’s doing? Why, because I don’t know Biden’s face on the book and called Biden now, I confess he’s not the main part of the book, but he is part of the book. And so are all the others that are pushing this Marxist agenda, including the media and individuals in the media, including especially academia and people in academia. So I guess this author will be surprised by you won’t be. This has to be the most comprehensive book I’ve ever written, and you know what I need to write a volume to? This will be volume one. Because I couldn’t cover the whole panoply of issues, the whole horizon of things going on in one book, as I told you, would be five, six, seven, eight hundred pages long. And I don’t think many of you would read it. I don’t know that I’d read it even if I wrote it. You look at and I’m not comparing them, trust me, you look at democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville, there were two volumes, basically two books. He came to the Americas twice. And by the way, his book was ignored and dismissed until about half a century after his death. Marx’s writings were essentially ignored till about four decades after his death because the so-called progressives who were really Marxists, American, Marxist. They started to embrace advance. And regurgitate Marxism again in an Americanized form. And I explain all this, and the reason I explain all this is so we understand what’s going on in this country. This isn’t just another cycle or a fad we’re going through. This is a friggin revolution that we’re dealing with. We have parents I have to fight for the minds of their children and in elementary school. We have Americans who have to fight for their economic system every day, whether you’re a truck driver or an electrician. Or a a corporate magnate of some sort. We have to fight for basic science. Know the difference between male genitalia and female genitalia and who has what? Then they take these issues. They make it impossible to discuss them and debate them except on their terms with their words and their phrases. And then they wrap them in civil rights propaganda. The Democrat is back and it’s as racist as ever before. Joe Biden’s back and he says racist as ever before, but that’s not the story. This is a Marxist enterprise within the United States of America. And for those who don’t believe it. In the late 1940s and 50s and I touched on this yesterday, don’t worry, I haven’t lost my place. Some friends meeting at the Reagan Library and others are having outside influences from Karl Rove and his ilk, where the world passes them by and they don’t even comprehend what’s taking place. No offense, nothing personal. Nothing personal whatsoever. I’ve gone back and I look Ronald Reagan for years, fought the communists in Hollywood. He had joined these various nice sounding organizations. He said he was a hemophiliac liberal. In other words, he couldn’t stop his bleeding heart. He joined several organizations intended to promote the arts and defend those in the arts and to unionize those in the Arts Australia. Wait a minute, these are communist front groups, not a communist. Then, of course, the big enchilada, the Screen Actors Guild. He said, holy mackerel. Many communists here. Or people sympathetic to communist Sterling Hayden was a was an example, people who were sympathetic, but he was one of many. And he fought them as president of the union. This history of Reagan is ignored. It’s certainly forgotten. What many of his. So-called pseudo advocates today, most of whom opposed him in 68 and 76 or weren’t even on the scene helping him. Most of them. I want you to believe that Ronald Reagan was like, you know, a Bush or a McCain or a Romney, he was nothing like them. Nothing. The Bush didn’t fight the establishment, either of them. They were the establishment. They fought Reagan. And so forth. Reagan will be standing with us, I’m convinced. Now, what do you think he’d think about what’s going on today? Anyway. What I’ve done in this book. You know, just so you know, when you write a book, you have to go back and read the whole thing because you write it in pieces and you go back to read the whole thing, not just to edit it and make sure it flows. But to make sure it represents you’re thinking. And you know what’s interesting, most radio hosts and most TV hosts do not wear. Their emotions on their sleeve. They’re pretty cold, they’ll be entertaining, so we’re not talking about that. When you write a book, I mean, when you write it, not when somebody else writes it or goes writes it or researches, when you as the author research and write the book from beginning to end, from the first word to the last word, it’s your baby. It’s your creation. It’s not an essay, it’s not an article. It’s not a tweet, it’s not a comment, it’s a book. And you better have something intelligent to say or compelling to say or interesting to say, are really good pictures of yourself and then better make sure you’re in good shape. Bad joke, but you get my point. And that’s why I come to you behind this microphone or in front of a TV camera. As first and foremost, I guess, author. It’s the hardest thing I do. It’s the hardest thing, and yet it’s probably the most lasting thing I do, if I were to say to you, Didn’t you love my shows, Mr. Producer, in 2012, you’d say, what show? What did you say when, what day, what are you talking about, right? If I were to say, what did you think about liberty and tyranny, you’d have an opinion. One way or another, you’d have an opinion. I say here often you’re the. Revers, you’re going to decide what this country is going to be in the future. We cannot allow the media to do it. We cannot allow tenured academia to do it. We cannot allow the Democrat Party to join these entities and more have become enemies of Americanism, constitutionalism and capitalism, and we are going to have to learn to be courageous in the words that we use and in our pushback. And my hope is, once you’re done reading this book, can you really understand, and I think you will deeply what’s going on, not the superficial. And it’s not even enough what I say behind a microphone in front of a TV camera, when you really are able to, at your pace, digest it. You’re going to say holy blank. Where do I sign up? Where do I sign up? Look. You might say. I have my job to take care of my family, I have to do this, but what can I do? Where do I sign up? And that’s what we’re going to discuss together and work out when we get to the end of this. I had a discussion, I think it was over the weekend with family members and I said, you know, every day these American Marxists, whether they’re in the media, whether they’re professors, whether they’re in Hollywood, whether they’re in Congress, every day they wake up and try to figure out how to destroy us, destroy our way of life. Destroying our unalienable rights. Destroy. Our economic system, every single day, they’re on the attack. This is what they live. This is what they breathe. This is where we eat. We don’t do this. We live our lives. We try to care for our families, pay our taxes. We enjoy our freedom. They don’t and they are plotting 24/7. We need to come to grips with this. We need to come to grips with this force. Has basically taken over the Democrat Party like an alien in a body. This force has basically taken over the American media and entertainment and academia. It’s everywhere. We’re not paranoid, we were smart, we see it, we hear it, smell it. So we can’t pretend otherwise and we can’t be cowed into ignoring it. Well, what are you, McCarthyite? Now, what are you, Maoists? All right. And so that’s the whole point of American Marxism. This probably is going to be the most important book I’ve ever written. Given our times, given our situation, given our circumstances, I don’t write books about myself, well, that’s not true. The one book Rescuing Spray wasn’t really about me. It was about our family and our dogs. But I’m not writing books. Hey, look how great I am. Chris Matthews out there. He gets canned at MSNBC. He writes a memoir about himself as a producer, not writing a memoir about myself. Nobody gives a damn about that. Certainly nobody gives a damn about Chris Matthews memoir either, do they? I don’t know. I don’t think so. The purpose of this book is intended to to fuse with the radio show, to fuse with living TV, to fuse with my Fox show. In other words, it’s not one or the other. It’s it’s a combination. Just a different platform, but a much more comprehensive and thorough. Examination real time. All right, when we come back, I will continue. With this virus issue and I want to continue to give credit where credit is due, again, there are many people deserve credit. But this Nicholas Wade, it was his piece that blew up the whole subject. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Some of my TV colleagues in America have just realized that the the sick irony of the Democrats and the history of the Democrat Party really is amazing. We’ve talked about this for how long, 20 years, Mr.. They cancel culture, the fact that the Democrat Party, the pulldown monuments, they’ll burn books, they’ll do this, they’ll do that. But the Democrat Party, which is responsible for supporting slavery and the Confederacy and then joined with the Klan, and that lasts that survives at all, as I’ve said many, many times before. So the parents are in on it now. They have figured it out. But I want to underscore point. It would be one of the most unimaginable and shocking ironies if the federal department responsible for protecting us from Pandemic’s. May well have helped fund it. I think they’re in for cover up mode. I think they’re in full cover up mode. I think that’s what’s going on, I don’t think there’s any question people want to talk around it. Excuse me. Hello. Hello. People want to talk around it. I’ll just state it bluntly. And now the others can state it with full confidence. I really believe in the media are no different. Media are no different from. From the others that have been spawned from American Marxism. Look who’s in the media. Look at them. He got George Stephanopoulos, he’s not a journalist. He got this guy, Chuck Todd, he’s not a journalist, he’s also stupid, but he’s not a journalist. Most of these so-called journalists aren’t journalists anymore. The model that they follow, the model that they instituted is the same model that they practice on Capitol Hill among Democrats. Just look at the guests who they bring in, the propagandists that they bring in, look at the narrative that they push. It’s the same narrative. It’s the same damn thing. I’ll be right back.