On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, The fatal shooting in Minnesota was a horrific tragedy. The incident was caught on tape and is nothing like the George Floyd case. It clearly had nothing to do with systemic racism and the looters should be jailed accordingly. The mayor has fired the City Manager, Curt Boganey, for asking for due process. The media have already drawn their conclusions and done away with any form of due process. When the Mayor fired Boganey he became part of the mob. Then, Tucker Carlson has been attacked by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for making ‘White supremacist’ comments. Yet, the truth is that Carlson’s comments were based on the facts of what’s happening at the border to change the voting demography of southern states. The ADL is led by a secular Jew and former Obama White House staffer that seemingly agreed with President Obama’s anti-Semitic views. The ADL should fire their CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt! Later, Joe Biden is ramming through trillions of dollars that ultimately benefit his base, not the people. Everything is being done in the name of infrastructure even if it isn’t. Congressional Republicans should reject any deals with the Democrats and play offense. Meanwhile, Democrats are seizing on the fecklessness of the GOP and working with large corporations to implement their leftist vision for voting laws.
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Rough transcript of Hour 1
Hour 1 Segment 1
You know, I’m going to address this fairly concisely. The shooting in Minnesota. Of the black young man. By the police officer, the female police officer, it’s all caught on video. It’s nothing like the George Floyd case. It’s nothing like the George Floyd case. She screwed up. Big time. And as soon as she screwed up, she knew what she did. She killed somebody. She thought she was reaching for her taser, instead she pulled out her pistol. And in a horrific tragedy. A horrific tragedy. What am I supposed to do, sit here and defend the rights? And to defend the violence and start trashing police officers all over the country. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to do that at all. People who are now riding. Looting, burning, need to be rounded up and sent to prison for a long, long time. For a long time. That video. Will probably result in the firing of the officer. But also result. Most likely, if she’s charged with anything and her being proven not guilty of anything, I doubt she’ll be charged of anything because the video demonstrates exactly what it was, a horrific. Tragedy. And the bodycam, you’ve all seen it, you saw the George Floyd and now you’ve seen this. Let’s just listen to that 15 seconds hat tip, Daily Caller cat1 go. Oh, yes, I shot him. Oh, yes. Now, this wasn’t just a normal traffic stop either, he had a, was a warrant, wasn’t it, Mr. Producer? For having an unlicensed pistol or something to that effect, so they knew that. But there you have it. Something horrific happened was clearly an accident. That’s what the video shows. I don’t want to hear about systemic racism or all the rest of it. I don’t want to hear about it. Because it has nothing to do with that whatsoever. Now, there’s something else that’s been brewing out there. And I have to speak to this as well, being Jewish as I am. Tucker Carlson. I believe was on Friday. Was highly critical of the illegal alien fiasco, chaos on the southern border, as I have been. And one of the things he indicated was that the the Democrats, the left are trying to in effect. Change the demographics in this country. Change the demographics in this country. Talking about replacing citizens with illegal aliens and so forth. And so the head of the Anti Defamation League, who is a leftist. Who served on the Obama White House staff, who was a disastrous appointee to that position. Accused Tucker Carlson essentially of either being a white supremacist or repeating far right white supremacist language. He called for his immediate removal by Fox News. Immediate removal. So I feel compelled and he’s not the only one. There’s another group that came out to the piling on has started. I don’t know Tucker well. But I know a sleazy CEO at the Anti Defamation League when I see one. What Tucker Carlson said about the Democrats trying to influence the demographics in this country so that they can create more Democrat voters is a fact. Is a fact. And if Mr. Anti Defamation League is worried about anti-Semitism, he should have looked at his former boss, Barack Obama. And the men he surrounded him with. Carletti. Among others. The most anti-Israel president in the history of the state of Israel. And I accused Obama at the time of being an anti-Semite more than once, and I still believe he is. The fact that secular Jews or self hating Jews, in my humble opinion, back people who. Are hostile to the state of Israel and hostile to the Jewish community is is a is a problem. Like the mayor of New York targeting Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. Like the governor of New York targeting Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. Well, Black Lives Matter in Antifa and other Marxist organizations are marching around without mass attacking cops, attacking innocent civilians, burning, looting. While the Orthodox Jews are trying to have funerals and weddings and and celebrate various holidays, that should tell you all you need to know. And so immediately there’s this buffoon, this lowlife, Brian Stelter brings this clown Greenblatt on his program, where he further smears Tucker Carlson. And so they try to bring all these. Parallels that aren’t parallels at all. They are parallels at all. That Carlson’s comments echo. The great replacement of the largely white populations in the Western countries with non-white immigrants, you know, it’s amazing thing that Democrats Obama used to say this and others Biden to. That by 2044, thereabouts. White people will be the minority, whereas minorities will be in the majority collectively, they’re the ones who keep talking about this. There is no rational explanation for what’s going on of the southern border, except for the fact that the Democrats want more and more people to come into this country, eventually give them amnesty, legalization, citizenship, because I can assure you of people coming into this country were voting two thirds of three fourths Republican. They would be the first to have a wall. The widest, tallest wall on the face of the earth. Now, Tucker Carlson is not talking about a replacement theory. A white supremacist tenet, we’re told that the white race is in danger by a rising tide of Nightwatch, writes Greenblatt. Well, we’re talking about Greenblatt, your left wing kook. Is what you’re doing. Is what you are doing and if people actually point it out. If people actually mention it, then they must be part of the clan. They must be part of the neo-Nazi movement. Or they’re just part of the. Systemically white racist movement. The vast majority of the American people oppose what’s going on in the southern border today, including the vast majority of minorities, including the vast majority, majority of Latino Americans living in these communities, including one of the congressmen who represents one of these communities. Greenblatt doesn’t live down there, his ass is in New York. And that’s a fact. Our immigration laws are being violated. What’s going on in the southern border is inhumane at the hands of Joe Biden and his party. Little girls are being raped, drug kingpins are making a fortune. We’ve got more fentanyl crossing the border than any time in our history. Greenblatt doesn’t talk about any of that because it is Biden in the Democrat Party who are mistreating brown people. It is they who are doing it. And it’s Biden with his early racist past in the 1970s. So they they try to you see, they try to do their Alinsky tactics on a guy like Karlsen. Because they truly are of that mindset, this neo Marxist mindset I’ve been talking about. Target, somebody personalize it. And that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. How dare you speak up about what’s going on in the southern border? How dare you speak up about what the Democrats are doing and what the media are doing? Brian Stelter never moved his fat ass to the south border, southern border to see what’s going on. He would never, never get out of a cafe in Manhattan to see what’s going on. Everybody knows Tucker Carlson is no Klansman, a white supremacist or neo-Nazi. So you see the viciousness of the hard left and I am calling on the the Anti Defamation League to fire Jonathan Greenblatt. He’s brought his left wing kook Obama politics to the Anti Defamation League. He’s undermining their job, which is to call out true anti-Semitism. Not as some freewheeling commentator for CNN and MSNBC. Absolutely outrageous. Meanwhile, Joe Biden. Actually, he doesn’t even care what the hell’s going on on the southern border, but this is what they do. On the left, you see president of the United States, the most pro Israel president. Since Israel’s been in existence, Jewish daughter, son in law and grandchildren, and they paint him to be an anti-Semite. Who do you think this chick voted for, Biden and Biden has actually surrounded himself with anti-semite, Biden’s policies with Iran and the Palestinians are all anti-Israel. He’s got one kook after another advising him. But this jerk Greenblatt doesn’t say a word about that because they’re his friends, this Jon Greenblatt sits on his mouth while the Iranians are running wild, getting support from the United States through the back door, that Jack says nothing while the Palestinians are going to get money without any obligation to not use it for terrorism. That’s Greenblatt who needs to resign. Greenblatt and what’s this other group hold on here, let me there’s so many left wing groups, I’d say, what’s this other group here? Let’s see, give me a second. Oh, then we get a write up from the Intelligencer. The National and New York Magazine and other crap left wing magazine, Jonathan Chiat are Chayut another asshole? Quite frankly, when Nazis marched in Charlottesville in 2017, they chanted, You will not replace us. And some more clarifying Jews will not replace us, the terrorists who gunned down. And he goes. So in other words, Tucker Carlson. It’s like the Nazis and the Klansmen. And now there’s crape Jonathan Chait knows that’s not true. There’s not any evidence whatsoever. And Carlson’s background, nothing. Nothing. But this guy is a punk, he never speaks up against the anti-Israel policies of his own party. Tell me, did he demand the resignation at Talibe? Did he demand the resignation of Alamar? Did he demand the resignation of any other anti-semite Jew haters in the Democrat Party? Not once. Not once. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 2
This guy, Greenblatt, head of the Anti Defamation League, has condemned a single member of the Black Caucus who is close to Farrakhan, did he condemned James Clyburn in his positive comments about Farrakhan? Did he know? He did. And back in twenty seventeen, as our buddy Joel Pollak wrote back then. Greenblatt talks about hate crimes on MSNBC with Al Sharpton. But Al Sharpton, because you see Al Sharpton is a big, important Democrat, an influential Democrat, Greenblatt had no problem sitting down with Al Sharpton, none whatsoever. And as the media research noted in 2015 on their 20th anniversary, the attack. In Crown Heights against Yankel Rosenbaum, Sharpton was one of the main causes of the hatred which led to firebombing of Freddie’s fashion mart. He didn’t toss the firebomb, of course, but the anti-Semitic and racial bias which came out of his mouth and out of his mouths of others while in his presence produced the massacre, some believe. So this is what you need to understand, Greenblatt. Has no problem with Al Sharpton, Greenblatt sat down with Al Sharpton, was interviewed by Al Sharpton, MSNBC and NBC have no problem with him. Brian Stelter has no problem with them either. Does that create Chiat or whatever the hell his name is at New York magazine? Perfectly fine. Perfectly fine. So don’t take anything this guy says seriously. Not a word, not a word when they target hosts on Fox. When they target Fox, this is the left wing Democrat Marxist mentality, that’s what it is, and he can go to hell. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 3
Is there a single pro-Israel conservative voice that the Anti Defamation League endorses? Now we have the American Jewish Committee, another left wing group. And they tweet out the anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and white supremacist theory that Tucker Carlson touted as abhorrent and un-American, Fox News should be embarrassed by the hate being espoused on its network. We must call out and fight this extremist rhetoric. And, of course, they link to the idiot from the New York magazine, Jonathan Chick, all leftists. All leftists. All leftists. Does the New York magazine denounce the Farrakhan wing of the Democrat Party in the Congressional Black Caucus? Do they object to the fact that Sharpton has a TV show on MSNBC? And he’s not alone. He’s not alone in the late. Did they attack Barack Obama for his past association? With Palestinian radicals. Of course not, Mark, of course not. See these character assassins on the left, whatever their religion, whatever their group, they don’t give a damn, they’re not serious. They went after Trump. Left and right, hammer and sickle. You would think the Anti Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee would be supporting Trump, no way back pocket of the Democrat Party. And then they quote each other, hey, did you hear what Jonathan Chayut had to say? No. And who cares? Well, so you have a leftist magazine cited by a left wing Jewish group. And then you have a left wing former Obama official at the Anti Defamation League or with the moron Brian Stelter, who has has his whole life, Skold attacks on Fox. His book sold nothing. Nobody watches that little meathead. But they can do this to anybody now, they can use Marxist claptrap left and right. And they do. They can use Marxist claptrap left and right. Bernie Sanders is a self hating Jew. Bernie Sanders hates the state of Israel, repeatedly talks about it being an apartheid state always comes to the defense of the of the violent radicals, as he does all over the world, by the way. Have any of these groups said, you know what? He’s a Marxist. He uses the language of a Marxist march called 100 million people, least his theory did he needs to go? Of course not. Of course, that. Well, I’m not putting up with it, period. Not now, not ever, and I never have. All right, we’re going to move on. We’ve got other things to talk about here, too. A lot of other things to talk about here to. And I want to start with this. We talked briefly about the police officer. The questionnaires of the police chief in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, it was unbelievable to listen to this. Unbelievable. Cut to Mr. Producer, go as I watch the video and listen to the officer’s commands, is my belief that the officer had the intention to deploy their Taser but instead shot Mr. Wright with a single bullet. This appears to me from what I viewed and the officer’s reaction and distress immediately after that, this was an accidental discharge that resulted in the tragic death of Mr. Wright. I’ve asked the BCA to conduct an independent investigation into the shooting and death. Once they are completed, I expect they will submit their findings independent of me to the appropriate authorities, the property attorneys that will that will look and review this case. I’m also stressing that I do hope for the community to be patient and allow this investigation, criminal investigation, to be completed as thoroughly as possible. Uh huh. Cat three. What was your decision to make this first order? Oh, well, they were peacefully protesting in front of the police station. What led you to issue dispersal order? And then on the back end of that 10 minutes first order issue of CO2 canisters and gas for the crossover. This is what happens. Any police chief that protects his community or hers. We’ve seen it in Seattle, we’ve seen it in Portland, we’ve seen it in New York, we’ve seen it comes under immediate attack. Under immediate attack. Any police chief who defends their buildings or any comes under immediate attack. All these people gathering and all around what was its just like in front of the White House in Lafayette Park, mostly peaceful. No, it’s not mostly peaceful, it’s mostly violent. Go ahead. It’s clear I was trying front and center at the protest at the at the right. We did not see that it wasn’t a riot. There wasn’t a riot. There wasn’t a riot. Now, what’s amazing is, Mr. Producer is 20 small businesses were looted. Did you see that news? There was video. 20 small businesses were looted and there were fires, but that’s not a riot because the media says it’s not a right. Go ahead. Right there was right. So I was we were being the officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop. They’re being pelted with concrete blocks. And yes, we had our helmets on and we had a look. That’s not a riot. That’s mostly peaceful. Go ahead, officer was injured, hit in the head with a brick brick that was ahead of a county deputy. Was transported to the hospital. So we had to make decisions. We had to disperse the crowd because we know you got to treat it like the Portland courthouse, which was also under attack, wasn’t it, Mr. Producer? Attack after attack after attack on the Portland courthouse, the federal courthouse. Insurrections left and right. Insurrections left and right. Go ahead. She wants to be harmed. And I’ve already answered the question, I believe, about your lighting. I know that’s a that’s a big deal with you and I understand that. But I thought I explained that myself. So that is I told you it’s my decision and that’s why I made that decision. You made a good decision. Cut for it, go well, you can imagine protecting protesters and the people of the city. I am committed to these reporters. I think community activists or something. Who are they anyway, go ahead to the sea every day yesterday, peaceful protesters. Here you go. There you go. They weren’t peaceful pro, they were peaceful protesters, so you have a media now that’s fighting with the police chief. One more cut, five go, the VCR is not to conduct the investigation, so we need to be able to get a story like that. A lot of information is released jail that the chief believes that body camera footage, they’re expecting the name of the officer to be released because that is public. The BCA has no control over that whatsoever. Well, let me say this. And this is the head of. Public health and security in the sit in the town. Go ahead, take your question as well. But I will tell you this. We have every intention to release that information as quickly as possible. And and I would and I’ll just leave it at that. We don’t have there’s no reason or desire to withhold that information any longer than absolutely necessary to stop this from happening. I won’t do that at this moment. Why? Why are they trying to release the name? Do they want to kill? Do they want her home burned down? What is the point? The name will come out in due course. What what who are these reporters? Who are these people? Go ahead. It would be in a patch, the city manager, who, by the way, is African-American. Go ahead. Not inappropriate is an appropriate film. That’s right. I’m sure what I mean, it was inappropriate and it was a horrible accident. And it’s on the video and they immediately released the video. It doesn’t sound like they’re covering up anything. But now you have a gaggle of reporters who are piling on here, and you know what? It’s these reporters and in many ways it’s the media. That are participating in creating enormous violence in this country. And I’m not kidding. And I’m not kidding. They are participating in creating enormous violence in this country. These are not reporters, these are antagonists. That’s exactly what they are. They’ve already drawn a conclusion. So what do you want to do, you want to charge this cop with murder? Is that what you want to do? What do you want to do and why charge them? Just find him guilty and throw him in prison? Preposterous. Preposterous. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 4
You know, I’m listening to this discussion, this debate on TV about infrastructure. And the Democrats drag us into the world of stupid. So now infrastructure is their entire Marxist left wing agenda, that’s infrastructure. That’s infrastructure. Now, that’s not infrastructure. So they always want to conceal what they’re actually doing, they use phony titles on their bills and they lie about words like Clinton is, it depends on what the meaning of is is. Well, it depends on what the meaning of infrastructure is. And so we actually have Republicans who are at the White House apparently for an hour and 40 minutes today who are trying to find a middle ground. This Republican Party doesn’t have the foggiest idea what’s going on. You’ve got these old bulls at the head of it and then you have the next here, which is dumber than the top tier. We are in a fight for our survival if you believe in liberty and faith and family and Republicanism. We are in a fight for our survival. And you have Republicans sitting in the Oval Office looking if they can find compromise with Biden. They should be looking to defeat Biden, they should be looking to defeat Schumer, they should be looking to defeat Pelosi and their agenda, they should have a positive affirmative agenda that they can take to the American people what principles and ideas and policies they have. None of it. They’re always playing defense. It doesn’t matter how hard left the Democrats go, they always want to compromise. They always want to find something to agree on. Fight them, beat them. This is the great difference between the Republican Party as an institution and we as constitutional conservatives, Joe Biden just created a commission to destroy the court system and they’re over at the White House trying to figure out if they can agree on infrastructure. Joe Biden has rammed through trillions of dollars now, trillions of dollars now in profligate spending, which, among other things, provides money to his political base, and they’re over in the White House trying to see if they can come up with compromise on infrastructure. And after this so-called infrastructure bill, they have another infrastructure bill behind that and probably another infrastructure bill behind that one. Because it has nothing to do with infrastructure. The Republicans don’t know how to use the language, they don’t have to create the narrative, they don’t know how to position themselves. And this is why you and I are getting killed, because they’re supposed to represent us. There with the White House having a meeting with Biden, who’s destroyed the southern border, who’s create massive anarchy and chaos on the southern border for both sides of the border. But they want to deal. It’s the Republicans who should say we’re not dealing. Come hell or high water, come what may, we’re not dealing we don’t deal with tyranny. We don’t deal with a Marxist agenda. It’s incredible. And even if they get their deal, Biden’s coming back for more spin, it doesn’t even make any sense. What’s the strategy here? All right, we’ll spend a trillion dollars. I think I heard Kudlow say maybe a trillion dollars. Like it doesn’t mean anything. A trillion dollars, maybe a trillion dollars will just great. You think that’s going to stop them? Now they’re going to come right back. Every one of these Republicans should be out there denouncing what’s taking place, explaining what’s happening to our country, every single one of them. They have almost half the house, they have half the Senate. And that’s exactly what they should be doing. There’s no deals to cut with this guy. Even if they get a quote unquote, deal, he’s not done. The guy just signed. Scores of executive orders to destroy this country, whether it’s critical race theory or critical gender theory, are critical, this theory or that theory. He wants massive tax increases, massive regulations, look at the people he’s appointing every single commission. He picks the most left wing nuts he possibly can. The guy he wants in charge of guns at Treasury, it’s like picking the biggest nut job you possibly can, the person to head the civil rights division of the Department of Justice, they don’t come more racist than her and. And they want to talk about what the guy wants to issue executive orders that violate the Second Amendment. And the Republicans want to sit with him and talk to. It’s not that the Democrats are so smart, it’s that the Republicans are so stupid. They should be able to take this radical agenda that the Democrats have, part of it already instituted more that they want to institute. Who cares what labels they put on it and call it what it really is. Start pounding away, but you got marble mouth as the Republican leader in the Senate, shut up. It just shocking to me. You and I, we can discuss this, you and I, we know what the left is doing, you and I know what to call it and how to address it. Why don’t they? Why don’t they? You know, at the front end, the Republican Party when it was founded. When it was founded in 1856. It was founded on principles, real deep, strong principles. To eliminate slavery. What is it doing now? I don’t know, I hear people say, just get more Republicans in there. I’m not against that. If they’re going to block the Democrat, I got it. But they have to have a message for the people. So in 2022, we can win. In 2024, we can win and we can advance the cause of liberty and capitalism in a secure border and national security something. Give us something. But they don’t. I think the Democrat Party and the left are way out of line. They are embracing. Marxist ideology. You don’t have to brace it to every little crossed T and dotted I, but that’s basically what they’re doing. It’s it’s Bernie Sanders agenda. They should be able to pick this apart, unravel the damn thing and ram it down their throats. But they can’t for some reason, they’re over at the White House trying to figure out how to make a deal on infrastructure. I’ll be right back.