March 18, 2021

March 18, 2021

Trump Covid / Getty Images / Saul Loeb

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, But for Donald Trump, the American people wouldn’t have a vaccine right now. President Biden is taking credit for Trump’s Operation Warp Speed because he can’t take credit for what he’s actually done – nothing. Biden’s policies are hurting America; he’s siding with teacher unions while keeping kids out of school. Pushing mask mandates that even doctors like Rand Paul have called out for being political theater. Once an individual has a vaccine there is no evidence to suggest a re-infection of COVID. Other experts like the epidemiologist, Dr. John Ioannidis, who was right all along about herd immunity, were initially accused of being inaccurate. As Rand Paul points out, Anthony Fauci is following the science of conjecture not the science of facts. Then, Joy Reid falsely claimed that Republicans are afraid of brown people coming to America, not immigration, per se. Would it then be logical to ask if Democrats want brown kids to be raped and imprisoned in the Biden Administration’s shipping containers? Why do these neo-Marxists like Reid keep stereotyping minorities? Later, Chris Horner, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, joins the show to discuss how Democrats are circumventing everything from the electoral college to implementing the Green New Deal in through the back door. Horner adds that all of the changes democrats seek wouldn’t reduce global or atmospheric temperatures. Afterward, critical race theory is a hateful, anti-Semitic, racist ideology that attacks ‘whiteness’ and is now being accepted by Gov Chris Sununu and other left-wing politicians pushing it into public school curriculums.


The Blaze
Sen. Rand Paul demands Dr. Fauci point to scientific data showing vaccinated people need to wear masks. He doesn’t.

The Federalist
One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest Casualties Could Be Science

ABC News
Dr. Fauci: Wear goggles or eye shields to prevent spread of COVID-19; flu vaccine a must (July 29, 2020)

You Tube
Kamala Harris says she would not take a Trump recommended vaccine (October 2020)

The Blaze
Report: Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through ‘backdoor’

Senate Confirms California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as Health Secretary

The Blaze
Horowitz: New Hampshire Republican Gov. Sununu threatens to veto bill barring divisive anti-white curriculum in schools

Daily Caller
Democrats Block GOP Bill Requiring Migrants To Test Negative For COVID-19 Before Being Released

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Saul Loeb

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I want to thank President Trump, I want to thank all of those involved in operation warp speed, all those in the private sector. I want to thank all the people who worked on Team Trump day in and day out 24/7. To get us the vaccines we needed in record time. My wife and I were vaccinated the other day. And but for Donald Trump, but for what his administration did. One hundred million of us wouldn’t have received vaccinations and the rest will receive vaccinations by the end of May, early June. No, he didn’t jump in the front of the line, we waited in line. As I always do and I as I always will. It’s weird, you know, you have a heart attack, you have heart disease, you have asthma, I say, OK, your next. But all that said. Joe Biden had nothing to do with it, and I will explain this further. Because today he’s trying to take credit for something he didn’t do, you want to know why? Because he can’t take credit for anything he’s actually done right now. He’s destroying the economy. He’s destroying our financial status with the debt. He’s destroyed our immigration system in the border. He’s undermining our school systems. By backing the teachers unions against the students and the parents, by destroying girls’ high school sports, what is it exactly that Joe Biden has done that has helped the country? Oh, he has spent two trillion dollars. That hasn’t helped the country. Not in the least. The country is coming back from a pandemic, we don’t need neo Marxist economic policies to blunt our growth. And I’ll get into that later as well. But first, I want you to listen to some back and forth between Dr. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Yes, Rand Paul, Dr.. And he just took Fauci to lunch. Because she’s not used to being questioned about science, he used to having sycophantic, slobbering left wing media hacks. Throw them softballs in which he attacks people he disagrees with, and he makes these broad, outrageous comments for which he’s neither knowledgeable or trained. But let’s take a little listen to this. At this hearing today, cut 12 go welcome today, three sixty seven of 15 days to slow the spread, proponents of the economic lockdown’s promised it would be just 15 days to flatten the curve instead of 15 days. The lockdown is now going on for over a year. Early on in the pandemic, as we all remember, there were projections that hospitals would be full and have to turn away people. Medical equipment was in short supply. Businesses were closing what they hope would be on a temporary basis as governments started locking down their economies and telling people to stay home. At that time, when programs like PBP were created, no one was under the belief that we would still be doing this a year later with no end in sight. All right. I want you to listen to the back and forth between Senator Paul and the Fauci. Hat tip, the blaze cut 13 go what study shows significant reinfection, hospitalization and death after either natural infection or the vaccine? It doesn’t exist. There is no evidence that there are significant infections after vaccine. In fact, I don’t think we have a hospitalization in the United States after the two week period after the second vaccination. Yeah, you have a death in the United States. Let’s stop here. What he’s pointing out is because Fauci saying, you know, you might need you should wear a mask even after you’re vaccinated and maybe two masks. Well, Rand Paul saying, what the hell are you talking about? There’s no science of back set up. The whole purpose of a vaccine means you cannot get and you cannot give this virus. That’s what we know. From getting the vaccine, so why are we wearing masks other than you people trying to control us? You won’t give it up. Where is the science that backs this up? There is no science that backs this up, none. I mean, why would people get vaccinated if they stopped to walk around with burqas? May I say, with all due respect, go ahead. Hearing what I’m saying about variance, we’re talking about wild type versus variance and now being there, what proof is there that there are significant re infections with hospitalizations and deaths from the variants? None in our country, zero. Well, because we have a prevalence of a variant, yet we’re having one. Can I finish? We’re having one one seven deaths becoming more common policy based on conjecture. No, it isn’t based on Darians. So you some you won’t be able to wear a mask for another couple of years. Now you’ve been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. No, you can’t get it again. There’s almost there’s virtually zero percent chance you’re going to get it. And you’re telling people with that of the vaccine who have immunity, you’re defying everything we know about immunity by telling people who are masked, who’ve been vaccinated. Instead, you should be saying there is no science to say we’re going to have a problem from the large number of people going back to that. You want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy to wear their mask after they get the vaccine. You want people to get the vaccine, give them a reward instead of telling them the nanny state is going to be there for three more years and you got to wear a mask forever. People don’t want to hear it. There’s no science behind it. Well, let me just state for the record that masks are not theatre, masks are protective and we have immunity there. Theater, if you already have immunity, you’re wearing a mask to give comfort to others. You’re not wearing a mask. I totally disagree with you. Well, what’s to disagree with? And why does the idiot chairwoman keep interrupting? We know why she’s trying to save Fauci because finally he’s up against somebody who knows something and he’s confronting him. You’ve just been immunized with a vaccine which is over 90 percent effective. That’s why we did this. That’s why we want people to be vaccinated. We’re encouraging people who don’t want to be vaccinated, to be vaccinated. And you’re acting like they’re not vaccinated, you still want them to wear one, maybe two masks indefinitely. Because there’s some variant that might be out there. Well, there’s no variant right now, nobody is aware of a variant not in the United States. We have a problem with a variant. If that happens, you deal with it. So the 100 million vaccinated, we also have people from herd immunity who who’ve gotten this virus. We’re going to be perfectly fine with or without a vaccination. We see what’s happening in this country and they won’t take the foot off the country’s throat. And what Rand Paul is saying brilliantly is what kind of science is this? You’re not following any science, you’re power hungry. Biden’s power hungry, your government’s power hungry. These governors are power hungry and they won’t give us our freedom back. Now, I mentioned yesterday my wife, she’s on an airplane, I believe it’s united. She’s been vaccinated. Still, she wears a mask on the airplane because she has to, that’s what they say. So she’s drinking some water and she’s eating some peanuts that they gave her. And the flight attendant comes up to her and says, you got to wear a mask and she opens her hand and I’m eating peanuts. Well, you put the mask on in between your chewing. Is that what the CDC is saying, is that what the FDA is saying, because if they are, they’re full of crackpots and they need to be cleaned out with real scientists. This is what’s going on. This is what’s taking place. You have airlines throwing people off the planes because they have an autistic kid who won’t keep the mask on his face and they have a letter from a doctor, not good enough off the plane. Your kids are two and a half years old who won’t keep their mask on. Not good enough off the plane. Even though that we know they’re not carriers for the virus, they’re not going to give it to anybody. That’s the science. The same reason we have schools closed. It’s now Joe Biden standing where Orval Faubus stood standing, where George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse doors to prevent little kids from going to school. It’s now Biden and his old buddies. There is no science whatsoever that supports what Fauci says once you’ve been vaccinated or once you have had this virus, none. We’re a free people, open up the economy. Open up our country, get the hell out of our way and off our backs, get off our necks. The people of this country. I’m more sensible than the phony experts and elites in Washington, D.C.. It’s like using the National Guard and fences with razor wire. They want us to think that the very next attack on the capitals right over the hill, so we got to protect the capital. That’s not what they’re doing. They’re preventing us from lobbying our members of Congress as they push through their neo Marxist agenda. Without any pressure. Without any hearings that we can attend. A very good piece. And the federal lesson, and there’s always good pieces in the federal court, by the way. Written by two of the great. Professor is professor of medicine at Harvard University. Martin Caldo de. And Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Stanford, if I mispronounced anybody’s name, I apologize. When we come back after the break, I want you to listen to this. Because in the last year, what Fauci and his ilk have done with the help of an ignorant. Ideologically driven media and an ignorant, ideologically driven Joe Biden and Democrat Party. In addition to destroying the media. They’ve destroyed science. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

One of the lockdown’s greatest casualties could be science, writes two top experts at the Federalist, the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown’s have not only been devastating for society, they’ve had a chilling effect on the scientific community. For science to thrive, opposing ideas must be openly and vigorously discussed, supported or counter based on scientific merit. Instead, some politicians, journalists and a lot of scientists have engaged in vicious slander of dissident scientists, spreading damaging conspiracy theories, even with open calls for censorship in place of debate. And we’ve seen this on Facebook and Twitter and Google and other. About operations, in many cases, eminent scientific voices have been effectively silenced, often with gutter tactics people oppose. Lockdown’s have been accused of having blood on their hands, their university positions threatened with many of our colleagues choosing to stay quiet rather than face the mob. We tell the story here of five prominent scientists who have faced the modern day inquisition. Now, I’m not going to probably get through all of this, but I just want to give you a feel for what they’re saying here. Dr. Scott Atlus served as a special adviser to the President covid policy between July and November 2020. This would be a difficult job in normal circumstances when the science is more mature. And with his background of public health policy, Atlas’s advice emphasize balancing risk imposed by viral spread against collateral. Public health harms from the lockdown’s in a rapidly changing scientific and policy environment. Scientists who did not share his views had every opportunity to do so responsibly by reporting scientific facts and conjectures and engaging with his ideas. Instead, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the flagship medical journal in the United States, published an opinion article defaming him without engaging his actual scientific views. The editors of the Journal then refused to publish letters supporting Atlas. Contrary to his critics, I don’t got the science right, the highest covid-19 mortality risk is among nursing home residents. Atlas work to ensure federal support for frequent and rapid testing of nursing home staff. Residents and visitors were not implemented everywhere. This initiative alone saved innumerable lives. Atlus worked hard to make mass available nursing homes and was right to contradict former CDC director Robert Redfield false assertion that Masowe more effective than vaccines Atlus advocated for in person schooling during the pandemic opposition and even pro lockdown epidemiologists now endorse. What about Dr. John, I need and I had this brilliant gentleman on Life, Liberty and some sometime back, Dr. John Ioannidis, who’s a world famous scientist who from the beginning of the epidemic called for a better scientific information to decide covid policy. His work, published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, has helped establish how deadly the virus actually is, an order of magnitude lower than the conventional narrative implies. For his work. BuzzFeed News falsely accused him of political bias and financial conflicts of interest. And two articles published in Scientific American, two esteemed medical journalists presented evidence against the false charges Ioannidis faced while lamenting the slander of scientists as a substitute for scientific debate. Shockingly, these journalists were then attacked. The publisher caved and published extensive, trivial so-called corrections, none of which contradicted the reporting. One objection cited the journalists for a conflict of interest because they cited an article by different scientists without declaring that they had previously collaborated with them. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, why is every doctor named Gupta, by the way, Mr. Anderson. Oxford University Professor Sonatrach Gupta, who is one of the world’s pre-eminent infectious disease epidemiologists, has been the subject of vicious attacks by politicians and media pundits with a fraction of our knowledge and wisdom. Gupta has argued throughout the epidemic for protecting the vulnerable while allowing the disease to be managed and the rest of society with limited restrictions and minimal harm. I’m going to continue with some of this after the break, but here you have the top doctors in the world smeared and trashed by the likes of cable phonies and frauds, by bureaucrats and our own government and foreign governments. And they happen to be right. And the smear merchants happen to be wrong. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Well, I won’t go through the rest of this excellent piece, but you can see how they tried to destroy the reputations of doctors who wouldn’t conform. To the politicization of our science, who would not agree to their totalitarian tactics? A Fauci. And Cuomo and their sycophants, their chorus line. And there are many, many doctors out there. Who agree? That what was done with their heavy hand, the iron fist, was an outrage. Like what happened to doctors that stood behind hydroxy chloroquine? As a harmless. Drug. But an effective drug in helping to deal with the virus. You know, ladies and gentlemen, I think I told you, I’ve been taking hydroxy chloroquine since July or August. Every week. I have noticed, Mr. Producer, I have a little bit more hair on the top of my head, so I think there is a benefit there. No side effects whatsoever. And yet, if you watch TV and you listen to these TV scientists in these TV doctors, these no nothings. It harms people have heart disease, I have heart disease, it harms people, has asthma, I have asthma as an army in the least. I haven’t gotten this virus and I’ve been extraordinarily active. I go everywhere. I do whatever I want to do. And I’ve worn a mask. And I had my hand sanitizer. But a lot of people were getting the virus regardless of mashed and hand sanitizers. Now I have the vaccine. I follow the science that I believed. I followed the men and women in science who I respected. As soon as Anthony Fauci told Americans, you don’t need a mask, I was sitting in my chair at my desk. My wife on one side, my stepdad on the other, and she’s. Graduating from medical school. And I heard him say, you don’t need to wear a mask, you know, if you touch your face in the hospital again on your fingers, you get it in your nostrils. I said, who is this idiot? Always Dr. Fauci. And I said, I’m getting masks. Why I was at. Why? I said, because he can’t be right. I don’t care who he is. Surgeons wear masks for a reason. And when their epidemics, doctors and nurses wear masks. I’m going to wear a mask, I do need the government to tell me to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. I made the decision myself now. The government has since put in rules and, of course, corporate America. Is. Well, there are a bunch of cowards, except when it comes to their customers who they’re very much prepared to punish. These corporate boards and these corporate managers now are clearly on the left. And they will carry out the wishes of the government. They’re not believers in capitalism and so forth. They’re just not. Now we have Joe Biden. Joe Biden cannot help but lie. Joe Biden is a serial liar. He is a career liar. Which is why I believe Tiree, remember, I believe the women and I believe that woman and Joe Biden on top of it is a serial liar, so. But he’s out there again today thanking himself for all the progress we’ve made with the vaccine lying through his false teeth about his role in the last seven weeks and saving American. And I think he’s actually figured out who his wife is and his sister is, and I’m told he doesn’t confuse them anymore. Well, that’s good to know. Here’s Joe Biden at the White House today. Taking credit for something he had nothing to do with Cut Tengo announced. Now, in December, a goal that I set of administering 100 million shots for the virus in the first 100 days, you know, it’s amazing the man is barely functional. He’s barely functional. And here he’s taking credit for something he had nothing to do, they give him the. A monitor to read from this is we’re living through an unreality, we’re living through a fake presidency that is doing enormous damage to this country, and he keeps repeating himself because he knows it’ll resonate throughout the media and through media to people who don’t really pay attention. They’ll get their vaccine. And you see was the Trump virus. But it’s the Biden vaccine and that’s what the left and the Democrats and all the handlers and propagandists want the country to believe. But for Donald Trump taking the whip to the FDA, but for Donald Trump with his strength of character and personality in his private sector experience, listen to me. We would have no effective vaccines whatsoever, period. If we had to rely on Fauci and Biden. They’d still be talking about the signs, so we need to be patient and this is a war and they’d be going on and on. That’s what they always did. That’s what they always do. What was the difference here, Trump? It’s the Trump vaccine, it’s not the Pfizer vaccine, it’s not the medicine of vaccine, it’s not the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that the Trump vaccines. Why not? Because he was in a white coat in a lab inventing the vaccines because he made it possible. He made it possible. The communist Chinese gave us the virus, and it’s Donald Trump in the end, who’s going to defeat it? But Joe Biden is desperately looking for credit desperately. Go ahead. Plus 100 million shots in 100 days, it was considered ambitious, no, it wasn’t. It’s exactly what was happening. As a matter of fact, we had reached one point three million shots each day. And as the people in Operation Warp Speed will tell you, it was always going to ramp up, you don’t ramp up at the beginning with 300 million shots. Ladies and gentlemen, in the first day, it doesn’t work that way. Everybody knows that. Except this blunderbusses here. He doesn’t he you know, what am I doing the thing I don’t, I could and they thought it was ambitious. And here I am seven weeks in and look at me. I beat the ambitious expectations. Look at me, look, look what I’ve done. Honey. I mean, Psaki, look what I’ve done here. And only I could pull this off only only I could have done this. Go ahead, even suggest, by the way, my Biden imitation not to thank me very much. It’s the best, isn’t it, Mr. Producer. Spot on, baby. Go ahead. Experts said that it was the plan was, quote, definitely aggressive and just one expert, they might play with regret. It is definitely a. Aggressive as aggressive, we were already doing it, you numbskull. Go ahead, have to be seamless for us to be successful. OK, one headline, simply put it quote, won’t be easy here. Hey, let’s just stick to it. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden here. I want you to thank me and I want you to credit me. We’re saving you. I want you to give me all the credit for the vaccines here, you know, when I was in my basement in Wilmington, Delaware, I said to my wife, Dr. Jill, I said, you know. You know, Joe, where is my old man, I said, where is it? I want to you know, I want my old man, you know, a little bit of brown sugar, and I like the brown sugar raisins, I want some raisins. I know some people don’t want the raisins now and then. We had strawberries in there and I said, you know. You know Jill. And then I forgot what I was saying, but I I just want to say to you, the American people here, nobody expected we would be able to reach my ambitious goals. Nobody. But here I am. We needed more vaccines, we got more vaccines, I triggered the Defense Production Act. As we like to call it in Washington, the DPA and I triggered the DPA and magically all of a sudden, you know, we’re able to push out all these vaccines, all of you people getting the vaccines out there. You can credit me. Joe y yeah, yeah, me, Joe Biden. Yeah, I had. Well, it wasn’t. When I took off shut up, you idiot. You make us. Just listening to you and you lie like a rug. Cut 11 go. Using the power given to a president and the defense had nothing to do with it and had nothing to do with the Defense Production Act, you moron. You need to expedite anything these companies are trying to expedite it. These companies have been working together, these companies recapitalized by the Trump administration. You had nothing to do with it. You were in the basement picking your nose. That’s exactly right. You’re accusing the president of the United States than Donald Trump of killing people when he just saved millions of people as a result of these facts, at least three vaccines, you have nothing to do with saving anybody. Crape, that’s right, I said it. And the defense put extra and get on his nerves. Go ahead. We expedited critical materials in vaccine production, such as equipment, machinery and supplies, all, oh, the expedited equipment, machinery and supplies. And you know what, ladies and gentlemen? They come into office, there’s no vaccine. That’s what he said. They couldn’t find 20 million that had been produced. And but for Biden, he hasn’t even had his people in place, but it doesn’t matter. They said Joe Biden’s coming, oh, my God, let’s expedite production, please trigger the Defense Production Act because we these come we don’t know what the hell we’re doing. We don’t have to produce this stuff. We don’t know how to expedite this stuff. We don’t know how to get the picture. We need Joe Biden to tell us how to do it. And I’m here, Joe. No, hell, I’m I’m here. And you can you move it along a little bit quicker there? I told him to move it along a little bit quicker. The magic of Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen. What did he call himself, corn something or other corn pop or whatever, the magic of corn pop. The dumbest man to ever serve in the United States Senate, the dumbest man to ever be vice president of the United States, the dumbest man to ever be president of the United States, and listen to him. Leahy, so pathetically sorry, listen to him. Constantly with these these incoherent. Teleprompter statements written by. By his chief of staff. The chief staff infection, Ron Klain in the others, Joe, do this, and they and they write it in capital fonts that, you know, about six inches high, I triggered the air defense production that we export. I turn my teeth are loose. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I want to remind you, ladies and gentlemen, that wasn’t all that long ago, a few months ago, when Joe Biden was mocking the potential of vaccines, when it was discouraging people from taking vaccines, when Kamala Harris did the same thing, and then they jumped at the front of the line and they got the first vaccines are among those who did. They mocked the whole process. They attacked the president of the United States, they said he was cutting corners. The Democrat Party was putting out information, propaganda that it wasn’t possible that Trump was doing this for political reasons. I interviewed President Trump in September. It was one of the first things I raised with him, and he was appalled. He said, yes, we’re going to have vaccines either by the end of October or early November. And he was right. The Democrats were lying, they always lied when their mouths moved, they lied. And now they’re taking credit. Credit for what? What the hell did the Democrats do, what did Joe Biden say? Hey, the Defense Production Act. Yeah, DPA, the deeper. What a clown, what a fool. You realize this man’s not giving a State of the Union address or even issuing a State of the Union statement, the first time in American history, because he can’t stand straight and speak for 45 or 50 minutes without everybody, the entire world shocked that half of our country is filled with such stupid people that they would vote for this guy. And that the disgusting, corrupt media would promote them, they promoted a man who is mentally incapable of doing the job while he’s taking credit for the vaccines and the distribution. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Joe, what’s going on? What? Why won’t you have a press conference? Why do I need a press conference? The press supports me. In a conference with whom and by the way, what do you think, the Zeien shining the Islam of Nazi and in Tehran and and Putin and all the rest of them, they’re laughing at us. The election of Joe Biden, such as it was, is a provocation. Because our enemies are thinking, all right, when are we going to move? We got to move sometime during this nitwits presidency and Kamala Harris is making most of the calls to world leaders. Come on. How are you? Where’s Joe? He’s busy. You know, he’s he’s in the basement making vaccines. He’s actually stirring it up a little bit of vinegar, a little bit of oil. Distilled water. Oh, yeah. Joe’s the guy. SIC, we’re living a lie in this country, an absolute lie. But don’t worry, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden, Biden’s got it all figured out. Oh, yeah, he’s got it all figured out. He’s rearranging the entire society and culture. With the help of his friends, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, they have the pulse of the nation, these people, Chuck Schumer has been in public office his entire life. Joe Biden’s been in public office his entire life. Nancy Pelosi her entire career. She’s been in public office. Not a damn one of them have ever experienced what goes on in the streets, in the stores, on the farms, anything in real America. All they know is they grab power and redistribute it and hold it and expand it. That’s all they know. They don’t know from Butkus. But don’t worry, they’re doing it for the little guy, for the people, whether the little guy or the people know it or not, this radical anti-American, neo Marxist agenda, did they run on this, the Joe Biden run on this? When President Trump confronted Joe Biden during the debates, Joe Biden laughed it off, Joe Biden dismissed it. The morons, they call them debate moderators who are in the back pocket of the Democrat Party, for whom it’s all show. Were they very good or responsible and really ferreting out what Joe Biden was up to? Of course not. And one, who does Joe Biden go to speak to a Clinton hack by the name of George Stephanopoulos, or who else will they talk to? A Democrat hack by the name of Jake Tapper, or who else might they talk to? Another Democrat hack by the name of Chuck Todd. They’re everywhere. They’re everywhere. Like cockroaches. I’ll be right back.