June 9, 2020

June 9, 2020

US Troops / Getty Images / Spencer Platt

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Thousands of Americans are serving overseas in the U.S military and they must be shaking their heads when they see what is going on right now. They’re not athletes, media personalities, or politicians. They don’t take a knee when the National Anthem plays. They stand up for their country. The unreality being pushed by the Democrat party only promotes their ideology. Meanwhile, 18 people were killed in one of America’s largest cities, Chicago, yet it’s completely ignored. To the left it seems only certain lives matter; no mention of these murdered souls in Chicago was made at George Floyd’s funeral. Sadly, Abraham Lincoln was right when he said that the temple of Liberty is being built for all to have equality and freedom in the future. Then, Professor Walter E. Williams, an Economist from George Mason University, joins the show to make the point that black neighborhoods are suffering financially and educationally as a result of the Democrat Party’s policies in these cities. In fact, Williams asserts that teachers’ unions and feckless politicians prevent black school kids from school choice options. Later, Homicides in Los Angeles have spiked by 250% since last week yet the conversation to abolish police continues. They claim that the cops are the problem, not the criminals.


Mitch McConnell Refers to America’s ‘Original Sin’ in Push for Police Reform

Fox LA
Homicides this week have increased 250% in L.A. compared to last week, LAPD says

Right Scoop
The Democrat and media’s massive double standard on protests

FBI Releases 2019 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

The Hill
NY police union head rails against legislators, media for ‘vilifying’ law enforcement

The Federalist
If You Want To Know What Disbanding The Police Looks Like, Look At Mexico

PowerLine Blog
The Last Stand Of Law And Order Republicans?

Fox News
Distraught Chicago officials heard on tape fuming over looting, riots: ‘My ward is a s–t show’

Right Scoop
“I think you’re 100% full of sh*t!” – Insane leaked audio reveals Chicago Mayor dismissing alderman’s concerns over wrecked ward from rioting and looters

Wealthy Havens Lure Homebuyers in ‘Mad Rush’ From San Francisco

Fox Business
Coronavirus sparks ‘insane’ evacuation from NYC, movers say, as residents head south

DC Council passes emergency police reform bill

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Spencer Platt