On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden obstructed justice by interfering with a Ukranian government investigation into his son’s business dealings and threatened to withhold foreign aid if the prosecutor wasn’t fired. The Wall Street Journal is still pushing the pseudo-event that the media has been pushing this week. The claim is that President Trump had a conversation with the Ukranian government about investigating potential wrongdoings by former Vice President Biden’s son Hunter and his involvement with a Ukranian gas company. Biden, of course, forced the hands of the Ukrainians to fire the Ukranian state prosecutor that was investigating a money trail that led to Hunter Biden. Then, despite Speaker Pelosi saying that a sitting president should be able to get impeached, the reality is different. It would be an impossible burdon on the American people if a single prosecutor could decide to in effect reverse the results of a national election. Later, U.S forces will be supporting the air defense in Saudi Arabia. Plus, Congressman Matt Gaetz spars with Rev. Al Sharpton in a committee hearing over anti-Semitic comments. Afterward, Andrew Pollack, author of the new book “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students” joins the program.
Wall Street Journal
Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son
The Federalist
The Entire News Media Is Biased. They Should Just Embrace It
Pelosi Says Congress Should Pass New Laws So Sitting Presidents Can Be Indicted
Yahoo News
‘Millions’ protest in youth-led global climate strike
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