On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Mike Huckabee’s confirmation hearing for U.S. ambassador to Israel was minimally covered, with only C-SPAN reporting while network and cable TV ignored it, amid vicious protests from Code Pink and bias from Democrats favoring Hamas. He delivered a masterful lesson on our nation’s founding, its connection to God, Judaism, and Christianity, and our ties to Israel. There’s growing concern over unprecedented cooperation among China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea against the U.S., alongside rising antisemitism, which President Trump is trying to address despite resistance from Democrat-appointed judges. Islamists and Marxists have the same goal: the destruction of Western civilization. The U.S. isn’t engaging the Houthis over Israel; rather, the Houthis have struck our ships 319 times, constituting clear acts of war. Also, Jim Jordan calls in to address methods for curbing federal judges who act as if they hold presidential authority. He also recounts his memorable experience attending a wrestling match with Trump and highlights Wyatt Hendrickson’s incredible victory. Later, the signal leak wasn’t good but it’s not the crisis of the century. It was a discussion, and no classified information was revealed. Finally, Steve Hilton calls in to discuss his new book, Califailure: Reversing the Ruin of America’s Worst-Run State.
Jordan briefs Trump on plans to rein in federal judges
NBC News
Speaker Mike Johnson floats eliminating federal courts as GOP ramps up attacks on judges
Sen. Warner’s Hypocrisy: Slams Trump Team for Using Signal After His Own Secret Messages Exposed
Photo by Kevin Dietsch
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Rough transcription of Hour 1
Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. America. How are you? A lot of fireworks on Capitol Hill. And, you know, it’s the confirmation hearings for. Mike Huckabee. We’re not even covered by anybody except C-SPAN. I watched it. And the Democrats are just disgusting. It’s like they’re special pleader special representatives for Hamas. It’s incredible. Like our media. We’re going to want to get into that. We’re going to want to get into some of the. The phony outrage about that call and signal. Oh, yes. The phony outrage. We’ll be getting into that, too. And we’re going to have a guest in the secondary. May have heard him, Jim Jordan. We’re going to talk about ideas on what to do about the federal judiciary. We’re going to have a guest in our three good friend, Steve Hilton. I don’t know if we’re going to have time to do everything, so we’re going to get started now. I’m going to start with something you didn’t hear today. No one. Mike Huckabee was giving his testimony multiple times. Code Pink protesters in the back room viciously attacking him. Viciously. Tom Cotton, who is just a tremendous senator. One of my favorite. Just tremendous. I want you to listen to this, because this was sort of the flavor of what was taking place. Huckabee being heckled by Code Pink and quite frankly, by Democrat senators. Cut one go. So funding is low, so funding is true. So funding is still. So that protester was a Code Pink lunatic saying the greatest threat to world peace is funding Israel. I will observe for the benefit of the audience here and on television that Code Pink is funded by Communist China as well, which simply illustrates. Speak up now if you want to be removed as well. However, saying that part of the or is not that is within the party. If anyone else would like to join them, speak now, please. We don’t have any more disruptions. As I was saying, the fact that communist China finds Code Pink, which interrupts a hearing like this about Israel simply illustrate Director Gabbard’s point that China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other American adversaries are working in concert to a greater degree than they ever have before. That last point is very important. Our intelligence agencies working with the White House, the Pentagon, and so forth. And Tulsi Gabbard. These four countries. China. Iran. Russia. North Korea. Are working together. In ways they’ve never worked together before. We are the enemy. That’s not Israel, That’s not Naito The fools, the buffoons, the morons. Get out of Naito, Get out of Israel. We’re the enemy. Their focus is on us. The other the other areas don’t. They don’t really matter. The focus is on us. Now I want to bring this down to and we’ll discuss this other aspect later, these two big hearings. But I want to go to. Mike Huckabee, because nobody has his has even covered this. And it’s very important. This is a remarkable man, in my view. And he’s also a man of deep faith, very decent man. You know, when he was running for president, there was Romney, a lot of conservatives back Romney. Several years ago when I had him on Life, Liberty and Levin before he went on the program, I pulled him aside and said, I want to apologize to you, because the truth is, you were by far the better candidate. The conservative. And he was so gracious. So gracious. I think I’ve apologized to politicians probably three in my life. Three of my life. Hey, look, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong. That’s the bottom line. You got to man up. But here he is at his confirmation hearing to be the ambassador to the state of Israel K-12. Go. Chairman Risch and Ranking Member Shaheen. Thank distinguished members of the committee. I want to say thank you very, very much for giving me the privilege of coming. American Jews gathering. Do you? You say? You know, I’ll just come on here. The hate for Jews, it’s just so unbelievable, so sickening. It’s just sickening. I blame the Democrat Party. I blame the media. They blame our immigration lack of immigration standards. I blame our colleges and universities. We have more people here from the Middle East. President United States is trying to remove them, particularly the ones who are. Voices for supporters of terrorism. We go through this joke of this court system that pretends they’re not the pretends they have the same rights as American citizens. It is absolutely sickening to watch what’s taking place here. President try and fix this. And the Biden Obama Clinton judges won’t let them. I tell you, if you’re an American Jew. This is. Stunning. It is shocking. And even if you’re not an American Jew, you can get a sense for what takes place in the Middle East, for what took place in the 1930s. I’m not going to candy coat this. This is why I’m so grateful. For people of other faiths, especially Christianity, who stand by Israel and stand by the Jews because they know they stand with themselves, too, if they don’t. That we’re all the targets. But it’s just okay to trash Jews. It’s okay to trash Jews. In college campuses. In a hearing like today, they play games about neo cons and don’t care about the lives of Palestinians and all this other stuff. It’s very simple. If Hamas hadn’t attacked Israel, nobody would have killed a single Palestinian. Would they? We’re not fighting the Houthis. Potentially Iran because of Israel and the Jews. 319 times our military vessels and our commercial vessels were attacked by the Houthis 319 times. If there wasn’t a single Jew in the Middle East, which is the hope of these people, if there wasn’t a single during the Middle East, those are acts of war against the United States of America. Period. That’s it. Iran getting. A nuclear warhead to put on intercontinental missiles is a threat to the United States of America, period. That’s it. Case closed. But the Jew haters are coming out of the woods. They’re coming out of the closet. And the righteous Gentiles. I want to thank you. The righteous Gentiles. You stand with us and I stand with them. You heard about the stories. The worst time of the Holocaust. Christian families taking in Jews and trying to hide them, putting their lives on the line. Raoul Wallenberg. Schindler. Many, many more. Baranski. Tibor Baranski. You ever hear of him? Is a Romanian. He saved several thousand Jews. He worked with the Catholic Church. He was employed by the Catholic Church. He was considered becoming a priest. I know Tibor Bianchi. I know him. I know his wife and his children and his daughter. Cathy Baranski worked for me when I worked for Ed Meese and Ronald Reagan at the Department of Justice. They would have been executed on the spot. On the spot. Wallenberg disappeared. The Soviets got a hold of them. Obviously, they killed him. The least we can do, folks, is speak out against this. Is speak out against this. There are hearings for protests and everything, but you don’t have hearings where people are yelling at minorities, yelling about minorities, that the minorities got to get out of the country, that they’re killing everybody else. But you heard about Jews. It’s a non-story now. It’s like it doesn’t even happen. Wasn’t even covered today on TV. Not a word of it. Not a word of it. We’ve got judges. Who act like these. These Hamas supporting terrorists supporting. Aliens who migrate to our country, who are trying to overthrow the campuses and and our country, quite frankly, working with the Marxists. They act like they’re Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King. They’re scum. There’s come. The things they say, the things they promote, and they work with terrorist scum like care, like Students for Justice in Palestine. All front groups. All front groups in our country. Mike Huckabee at his confirmation. Cut. 13. Go. I cannot imagine under any circumstances that any right minded person would find it acceptable to support or to even acknowledge that there was justification in any way for the massacre of innocent civilians on October the seventh. If I am confirmed, I will be. Absolutely clear to carry the president’s policies. They have been clear that Hamas will have no future in Gaza. That’s stop. Do you understand that the underlings to President Trump. Do you understand what your orders are? He seemed to love TV, loved the talk. All these guys and gals. The president has said no. Stop undermining the president and stop usurping the president. He’s trying to get. The terrorist loves the hell out of the country. He’s met with. A number of Jews who were taken hostage. He’s taken a direct interest in this. He does not want Hamas running Gaza. So it’s about time people stop undermining him. He’s got a moral compass. Apparently, some people don’t. Go ahead. Was not simply a cold blooded murder in which people came across the borders and shot innocent people. They massacred them. And they did it in a way. It was most physically painful and in the way that was most personally humiliating and worse, they videotaped themselves doing it because they were proud of it, and they published it with pride, and they announced repeatedly that they would do it again. Hamas is not a government. It’s not a standing army. It is a terrorist organization. And they acted like it. And they must be treated as such. And if confirmed, I would hope that this unfortunate, horrific war that has resulted in many, many deaths, including Americans, the taking of hostages for a longer period of time than even the hostages in 1979 were taken during the Iranian takeover, that all of that could come to an end and there could be accountability for what was done to Jewish people on October the 70, 2023. Hmm. Nobody got to hear that on network TV or cable TV. It was on C-SPAN. Mr. Producer pulled it. There’s more about this hearing, another hearing about the the texting scandal. I’ll be right back.
Segment 2
More from Mike Huckabee during his hearing. And then he was a tour de force today. Cut 15 go. Israel, in many ways is a reflection of our own heritage in history. It is the Judeo-Christian law that there is a right and that there is a wrong upon which all of Western civilization is built, but certainly our system of government. There is no country across the globe that more mirrors our own struggle and our own level of democracy. And as the state of Israel and it’s one of the reasons that it is a natural ally, the spiritual connections between your church, mine and many churches in America, Jewish congregations to the state of Israel is because we ultimately are people of the book. We believe the Bible, and therefore that connection is not geopolitical. It is also spiritual. And to ignore that, to deny that would be to make it very difficult for us to ever understand how to go forward in a relationship with them. This is crucially important to understand. And he articulates had brilliantly. This nation was founded on exactly what he just said. Judeo Christian values. In combination with the principles of the Enlightenment. That’s how we got our country in today. It’s never discussed. We’ve talked about this over the course of a year. Today, it’s never discussed. And so he is bringing it up again. When you read the declaration, when you read our early, early debates, this is what they were about. I’ll be right back.
Segment 3
All right. A little bit more. So basically, Governor Huckabee, Mike Huckabee’s giving a a lesson to the nation and the Democrat senators in particular about our founding, about our connection to God, Judaism and Christianity and our connection to our. Holy Land. Jews and Christians. The State of Israel. It’s go to cut 14, Mr. Producer, go. The great tragedy is that it’s hard to have a peaceful solution that involves a future for the Palestinians when they quench any hope of real democracy for their people. Abbas is now in the 20th year of his four year term. As we think about that, one has to ask how many years does a person get for a four year term without an election, without some transfer of power, without empowering the people to speak for themselves? That’s part of the real challenge that is faced in the Middle East with the ongoing doctrine where compensation is given to those who murder Jews. Parks and streets are named for those who do it. Pensions are given to the families of those who are killed in the line of killing Jews. Senator, that’s a difficult pathway to peace. I would further just mention that if in fact there is going to be a peaceful direction. We have to accept that something isn’t working. And the two state solution, the notion that everyone’s going to live together, toast marshmallows around the campfire singing Kumbaya and it’s going to happen in our lifetime is not going to happen. If one of the sides doesn’t believe the other one has a right to exist and continues to say from the river to the sea. And so that’s why it becomes a challenge. I have every confidence that Secretary Rubio and especially every confidence that President Trump wants to see a genuine, long lasting peace for everyone in the Middle East. And it will be a privilege to serve the president to try to work toward that. Excuse me, Is it too bad you didn’t hear that anywhere else? His entire. Testimony. Isn’t this what we we believe, we Americans? He was giving a lesson on American history, on faith. When our connection to the state and people of Israel, to the Holy Land. How often does Congress hear that? How often do the American people hear this? Now. Let’s go. Mr. Producer, the cut 17, cut 17, go vetoes. Why is why is the defense of Israel, the support of Israel important to America? It’s another great question. The truth is it’s been very clear, as expressed by the Iranian government, that Israel is the appetizer and we’re the entree. They don’t want to stop at Israel. They certainly want to annihilate them. They’ve said it over and over. And there’s an old saying that when people are saying again and again they’re going to kill you, you might want to take them seriously. But they’ve also gone beyond saying they want to annihilate Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth. They’ve said that their ultimate goal is to first take care of the little Satan they identify as Israel and then come after the Great Satan. It’s another that’s us. And whatever is happening to Israel, it is the canary in the coal mine. These governments are Iran being the most notable who want to develop a nuclear weapon and who have the audacity to wish to use it to destroy a sovereign Jewish state so that they ultimately could destroy Western civilization. That’s why it matters. Senator, and I appreciate your question, because I hope people will understand this is not just about Israel. It is about us. And if we don’t stand with them, they stand alone. And if they fall alone, we fall next. Absolutely brilliant. You don’t hear this on most cable networks or. Network networks. You just don’t hear it. I’ve talked about this at length, wrote about it in American Marxism and on and on. The Islamists. I’m not talking about Muslims per say talking about Islamists. The Marxists are not talking about liberals per se. Have the same goal. It’s the destruction of Western civilization. Marx rejected Western civilization. Says first the were the primitives. He says humanity works in stages. The primitives. Then feudalism, then capitalism, then socialism, then communism. The Islamists. Wish to wipe out the West as well for different reasons, but their objective is the same. So that’s why you see them marching. People just don’t get it. I say it over and over and over again, but you see them marching, whether it’s at Columbia University or elsewhere, this fusion of the Marxists and the Islamists that I keep talking about over and over again. Others are beginning to talk about it. It will eventually penetrate the. The static out there. Typically the way it works is somebody will sit it and say, as I’ve been saying for years, Right, Mr. Producer? But destroying Western civilization is the goal. That’s why what AOC and Sanders and their ilk preach is utterly incompatible with our constitutional system, our republic. AOC is getting very angry with me, but she won’t mention me. She keeps complaining that somebody on Fox and elsewhere keeps calling her a marxist and a communist. It’s me. Come on in, young lady. Let’s have a discussion. But she won’t. She refuses. You know, when I wrote American Marxism and when I went on Fox in these other places, I said, Stop calling them socialists. Stop calling them progressives. Call them Marxists. That’s what they are, Marxists. We’ve been beaten into submission. Because of the McCarthy Army McCarthy hearings in the fifties and so forth. Oh, look at this chair now. No, they are Marxists. By what they state and what they want. American Marxists, not German Marxists, not Marxists who want to round us all up and eliminate us. I’m not talking about that. I wrote the whole book on There Are American Marxists. So it’s not just economic class warfare. Excuse me? It’s identity politics. It’s class warfare. But about men and women, it’s class warfare among the races. They took the 1960s, the 1970s, and they rolled it into Marxism. That’s what’s going on. That’s why they defend transgenderism, to destroy the nuclear family. That’s why they defend school boards that stand between parents and children. Why did Marx say in the Communist Manifesto, We must destroy all existing social structures? And he says, You criticize us for wanting to destroy the connection between parents and children. But what kind of social structure is that? It’s a hierarchical structure. That’s what he says. Read it. And so they seek to destroy the nuclear family. They seek to destroy parental rights. They don’t believe in separation of powers. That’s why their judges are doing what they’re doing right now. Hagel didn’t believe in it. Marks Didn’t believe in it. Woodrow Wilson didn’t believe. In it. Franklin Roosevelt didn’t believe in it. And so that’s where we are. But this fusion, remember mark it down because I say it again and again, this fusion between Marxism and Islamism. It is real. The Marxist like Islamism that because they agree with the end result, but because they agree that together they can destroy Western civilization, starting not with Israel, but America. These people who say, what is Israel’s fight have to do with us? These people say, So what? We can manage Iran with nuclear weapons. They are dragging us into their suicidal mentality. They are insane. They are attacking Judeo Christian Western enlightenment principles. With their little bumper sticker labels. They may sound smart, but at their core, they’re actually quite stupid. I’m blessed to have this microphone blessed. So I can explain this to people who care. To people who care. The Marxists and the Islamist. Their first their primary, their paramount goal is to destroy Western civilization. They’re doing it in Europe. You are so many parts of Europe. They’re gone. Most of our Ivy League schools are gone. Trump’s trying to deal with this. The Democrat Party lawyers, these extremists, the progressives, quote unquote, Schumer say they put them there for a reason to thwart Trump. They’re trying to prevent it. And you might say, Michael, why do these people want to destroy Western civilization? Why? Because they bought into the ideology. They bought into the ideology. You can have the Ten Commandments in school. You can’t even have silent prayer in school. You see, the difference is this nation. Was born out of Judeo-Christian beliefs, was born out of the Western excuse me, Enlightenment and so forth. Locke and Montesquieu. But there’s a difference between politicians and public officials and scholars and statesmen. Who have faith, who believe in God, and those who say there’s one faith. It’s the only faith. And we will impose it on everybody else. Those are faiths in the case of Islam that have not gone through. In my opinion, the Enlightenment. Now all faiths don’t have to. That one needed to. And so what if the judges are usurping the president, the United States? We hate Trump, right? That’s the way the left is. He’s the danger. So what if we put him in prison? He’s the problem. So what if we burn down our traditions and customs in this country? So what? They’re no damn good anyway. The founders rather screwed up. The framers didn’t know what the hell they were doing. This is what we we’ve heard day in and day out, day in and day out. And there’s Huckabee. A brilliant, profound voice. For the American people. His comments today were exactly that. It was bigger than a hearing for an ambassador to Israel. He was giving us a history lesson. Which is why nobody covered it. It wasn’t spicy. And besides, he’s defending the Jews. Now, come on. You should see the comments. On my own social sites, on X and everywhere. When I post something negative about Iran. Positive about Israel, it is. This that the poison, the venom. Jew this you’re an Israel first or this I family who fought for this country, not Israel, this country. A person who defends the Constitution, who defends the founding. Who defends great leaders who clearly are not Jewish. Who defends the Christian faith, who defends all faiths. They truly seek peace. The Jew. You should look at them. You see them, mister. Do you see him all the time, don’t you? It’s sick. It’s sick. Or if he dare to disagree with one of these. These insane suicidal. Fools. On social media, on podcasts, some on TV, some on radio. They’re worse than isolationists. They talk up the enemy and they talk down our country. I’m the one defending the United States. I’m the one defending the men and women in the military. I’m the one who loves America and says America first. Not them. Not them. You can’t hold up Qatar. Hold up Iran. Hold up Russia. Make excuses for China. And tell me that you support America. You hate America. I’ll be right back.
Segment 4
Next hour, we’re going to get into this stuff, all the texting leak. It’s funny how this puke. Jeffrey Goldberg at the so called at length is always at the center of these controversies. What exactly did he hear? Now, I read the transcript. Did you read the transcript, Mr. Producer? It was a discussion. There was absolutely nothing revealed. We would say, wait a minute. We’re going to use that weapon. And even though we have it. Wait a minute. We have a base over there. Wait a minute. Their special forces over there. Wait a minute. We’re going to hit an 11:43 p.m. on one set. None of that’s in there. None of it. But it’s not good that it happens. But it’s not the crisis of the century either. The media are seizing, the Democrats are seizing. And by the way, do you notice they’re like Siamese twins. They whine about the same things. They complain about the same things. They use the same language because they are the same thing. I’ll be right back.