On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, an Obama-appointed judge on the D.C. Circuit obnoxiously opposed the Trump administration’s plan to deport Venezuelan gang members who entered the U.S. illegally. They are here illegally; there’s no due process. These judges are overstepping their role by trying to create due process for these individuals when this is a national security matter outside their jurisdiction. These judges are protecting brutal gang members as part of a broader battle, with the ultimate war aimed at undermining Trump. Also, the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg claims he was accidentally included in a text chain about military plans to strike the Houthis. How can this be an accident? Secretary Hegseth Pete Hegseth came out and said, “nobody was texting war plans.” Then, according to left-wing Politico, NSA Mike Waltz’s “future in doubt following accidental war plan leak,” which may be disinformation or a leak. There’s a campaign to oust Waltz, most likely from the isolationists. This is a set-up. The administration must defend Waltz against this apparent push to remove him. Later, the Houthis “have attacked U.S. warships 174 times and commercial vessels 145 times since 2023.” That’s 319 acts of war. That’s why President Trump ordered military operations against the Houthis. They attacked us over and over and over again. Unprovoked. For the hate America First appeasers, why are you on the side of the enemy? Finally, Sen Ron Johnson calls in to explain the critical importance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, emphasizing that this race carries significant national implications.
ABC News
‘Nazis got better treatment,’ judge says of Trump administration’s Alien Enemies Act deportations
Trump launches large-scale strikes on Yemen’s Houthis, at least 31 killed
Right Scoop
AG Pam Bondi says Judge Boasberg is “out of control”
Red State
Judge Boasberg Rules on Trump Admin’s Motion to Vacate Order Blocking TdA Deportations
Judge Boasberg Allows Tren de Aragua Migrants to Appeal ‘Alien Enemies’ Deportations
Legal Insurrection
Anti-Israel Journalism Prof Claims it’s ‘Racist’ to Call Hamas a ‘Terrorist’ Group
Waltz’s future in doubt following accidental war plan leak
SecDef Unleashes on Atlantic: Highly Discredited Source Behind Text Story
Photo by Salvadoran Government
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Rough transcription of Hour 1
Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. The Obama appointee judge on the D.C. Circuit was loud, obnoxious, interrupting. She’s very, very upset. But the Trump administration wants to send. The Venezuelan gang members. Back, she says, without due process. I’m going to get into this. You’re going to hear what she did in part. Truly quite pathetic what’s going on here? I mean, honest to God. They’re here illegally. What? What’s the due process? Not only are they here illegally. But let’s say they they recorded the border. There would be no prices whatsoever. They would be caught and returned almost immediately. So these judges are bending over backwards to create due process. They know that the American people like that phrase. And also to talk about free speech, the First Amendment, when it comes to all they know, the American people like that phrase. But we’re talking about people who are here illegally. They’re here illegally. As they say. More into that later. Also, the Atlantic, which has a fairly radical left website and only we know that they have a magazine in war torn by this guy. I think his name is Jeffrey. Jeffrey Goldberg. Its name is irrelevant, actually. But he writes today that. He was accidentally, I suppose, put on a security chain. Texts with top administration officials about their military plans to hit the Houthis. Which, of course, we have I. Among other things, it seems J.D. Vance wants to wait three weeks because the Europeans have more at stake than we do. I don’t know what’s going on with this. Kind of thinking Europeans have more than we do with respect to the hoodies. Haven’t they shot like 60 times in American military ships, Mr. Producer? As well as our commercial ships. I don’t. The Europeans have more to lose. I mean, this is an enemy. They’re shooting at our ships in international navigable waters. Anyway, that aside, how can it be an accident? Now. Maybe it is, maybe it was an error. But how does this guy wind up on a text chain? According to reports. You know, with the vice president, the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the national security adviser, and a handful of others, how is that possible unless this report is not accurate? That this clown, this moron, this guy Goldberg. Is on the text chain. They said, we’re going to investigate. You know, it’s obviously a national security issue, which it is. The question is, was it a mistake or was it a leak? I guess we’ll find out. You know, there’s people who don’t want us to attack the Houthis. I find these people who talk this way, they remind me of the defund movement in the United States, where they don’t want our police to push back against the criminals. Where they want the source, prosecutors, to let the criminals out on the streets. We’ve enemies overseas with big weapons. Big weapons. And. What are we supposed to do? Wait until they attack us at Pearl Harbor again? I mean, I don’t understand. You read the early founders? You know, people cite Washington’s farewell address. They see that see that character actually read Washington’s farewell address rather than be handed two paragraphs from it. He was assisted in in his views in that in writing it by Hamilton and Jefferson and a few others. So it’s really worth looking at. He was arguing, We really can’t take the side of Britain and France. We don’t have a military strong enough. You know, we’re a brand new country. And we got to find our legs, basically saying we got to find our legs first. So we should avoid entanglements, foreign entanglements. But he argued. Jefferson argued more than Adams. We don’t have to sit around and wait to be attacked. The Jefferson. The Senate. Who said Our Navy. To destroy the pirates of Somalia. They were taking our commercial ships. Much like the hoodies attacking Commercial says. But they were taking out commercial ships. And they were enslaving the sailors. There you actually had. Black Somalis enslaving white Americans just for those who keep track of race out there. But in any event, that’s what they were doing. Adams was trying to negotiate. He wasn’t getting anywhere. He didn’t want to send the Navy. Jefferson did. And he crushed the pirates. Crush them. But he also said, and he’s not the only one, what are we supposed to do? Wait to were attacked if we see. On the horizon. People are preparing to attack us. No, I don’t think so. We have an Obama appointed judge who’s a radical hardcore lefty. I notice in her bio she’s argued more cases than any other woman in front of the Supreme Court. Did she ever argue a case? On gender that women aren’t women and men aren’t men or in front of the associate attorney general Jackson, who wouldn’t define a woman. I’m just curious, again, I will always point this out. The schizophrenia, the hypocrisy, the first woman this and the first woman that when it comes to liberals and Democrats and radical causes. And then when you point out, I thought, we’re not supposed to identify by gender. They’re so moronic, it’s not even funny. But we have this judge. And there’s several of these on the circuit court, because what Obama and Harry Reid did is they expanded the circuit court, the appellate court in Washington, D.C., by several seats. And the Democrats put in some of the biggest kooks imaginable, probably her. She’s probably one of them. This court, this three judge panel has her and Obama appointee Henderson, a judge who was appointed by George H.W. Bush. And then another judge who was appointed by Trump. Considering the Democrat radical kooks outnumber the Republicans, it’s a pretty good draw. 2 to 1. I hope it’s 2 to 1. We’ll see what the Bush judge does anyway. But I want you to hear some of this back and forth. I think we’re going to wait because I don’t want to rush it. We’re going to take a little break and then I want to play it for you. But again, I want you to keep some context here, which is if these people were stopped at the border, they would have been arrested and imprisoned right there or returned immediately. We have a district court judge who doesn’t even follow the procedures. In that court, even though he’s the chief district court judge in that district, which is put your orders in writing, especially when you’re dealing with the bureaucracy so it can be copied in several copies, can be made and handed out to the relevant people. He’s looking to hold the Trump administration in contempt like in other ways, conducting him so that he’s a complete loose cannon. They’ll tell you he was appointed by Reagan. To an earlier position or Bush, I guess it is now Reagan. Bush have explained how those deals are made. He’s not a Bush judge, even though he was appointed by Bush any more than the senior status. Federal district judge in Seattle is a Reagan judge, even though he was appointed by Reagan. These are radicals, extreme radicals. And the truth is on first principles. Regardless of how these Venezuelan gang members. Were deported or on what basis they are. It’s none of the judge’s damn business. The administration said this is a national security and foreign policy issue, which it clearly is. This is an international criminal enterprise. That’s what it is. And these judges just don’t care. They don’t care about our security. They claim to be defending the Constitution. They don’t believe in the Constitution. The more radical they are, the more they reject the Constitution. They believe in their own. Personal little constitution. We’ll be right back.
Segment 2
All right, ladies and gentlemen, you’re about to hear a judge by the name the judge panel that a radical leftist appointed by Obama 11, 12 years ago. The deputy assistant attorney general arguing the case. His name is Drew Anderson. Got to forego my wrong about anything I just said. Actually, Your Honor, I think it’s incorrect that they couldn’t have gone into court as the five individual plaintiffs. But the point here was that there were planeloads of people. I mean, it was also it’s a class action. There were planeloads of people. There were no procedures in place to notify people. Nazi. Stop, stop, stop, stop. So they should give a heads up to the gang members. What would happen to the gang members, Mr. Producer, if they gave them a heads up? Anybody with common sense out there told me they would disappear. Now. This is an egghead. This is a moron. To notify people when notifying you that we’re picking you up in 2 hours. We notify you? We’re picking you up tomorrow. This is serious. This is why judges are not fit. My experience. To do these jobs. She’s a lawyer. She’s been a judge for a while. She’s got a couple of law clerks. That’s it. Let’s start from the top again. Go. About anything I just said. Actually, Your Honor, I think it’s incorrect that they couldn’t have gone into court as the five individual plaintiffs, but here was that there were planeloads of people. I mean, it was always the point here, Judge, is you can’t give them notice. Like this is some contract case. Or they disappear. Got it? No, I don’t think she does. Go ahead. Plane loads of people. There were no procedures in place to notify people. Nazis got better treatment under the Alien Enemy Act and has happened here where really they got better treatment. Nazis. Maybe she’s not where the Kirin in case. In the 1940s. The handful of Nazis that came ashore and Billy was off New Jersey. I’m doing it off the top of my head. I believe there are eight of them, if I remember. Five or six of them were executed at the direction of Franklin Roosevelt, too, as attorney general. Now, how much do prices do you get in a month? Because they’re executed a month, give or take. How they could get a lot. Do you? This judge is a fool. Absolute fool. Go ahead. What are the promulgation of regulations? And they had a hearing boards before people were removed. And yet here there’s no there’s nothing in there about hearing cause there’s no regulations and nothing was adopted by what? What is she talking about? When was this? During World War Two. post-World War Two. When we were gathering up Nazis who were in the United States. It’s funny how she went and research this and her assistantship. We’re talking about individuals here who’ve already committed horrific crimes against American citizens. We’re in their home country. Or in other countries. They’ve come into this country to do the same. And many of them have done the same. So I’m not even clear on what this analogy is. And this is the problem, Erica. These judges are not really talking the law and the Constitution. These judges are. Playing semantics. Some of them are almost hysterical in the language that they use. Parsing this. Comparing this to the Nazis. It’s crazy. Go ahead. We’re administering this. The people weren’t given notice. They weren’t told where they were going. They were given those people on those plans on that Saturday, had no opportunity to file habeas or any type of an eyewitness lawyer who was arguing the case who would have explained. Why they were gathered up. And sent on the plane. I wish he would have explained if they had been stopped at the border. They would have immediately been returned. You know, Biden had stop and release. Trump had stop. In return. Also suppose the lawyer could have referenced Dwight Eisenhower. And I know that the million people that he sent back, did they all have due process to, quote unquote, due process? Can you imagine with millions and millions of illegal aliens? She knows this. If you put them through the normal due process process, they will never leave All the resources of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security will be used in trying these cases. You would need literally tens of thousands of new administrative judges. And the reason we have administrative judges is because we don’t want to fill up the federal courts with immigration cases. But that’s all we’ll hear. There’s a whole system that’s been set up to deal with immigration. It’s not the same as, oh, they’re citizens due process rights. No, there they’re due process rights. And there’s due process rights. And decisions have been made by Congress and prior courts. And she’s all washed up. I’m not done with her. We’ll be right back.
Segment 3
We’re going to get back to that judge in a moment. This is Reuters. About a week ago, a Pentagon spokesperson said the Houthis have attacked U.S. warships 174 times in commercial vessels, 145 times since 2023. Folks, that’s 319 acts of war. That’s why President Trump ordered military operations against the Houthis. They attacked us over and over and over again, unprovoked. But they hate America. First. Appeasers. Why are you on the side of the enemy? Why do you speak like the enemy? Why do you think like the enemy? What’s that all about? Why do you give aid and comfort to the enemy? Because you are. We’re giving aid and comfort to the enemy. So back to this. Outrageous. Circuit Court judge appointed by Barack Millhouse Benita Obama. Let’s pick it up where we left off. Go ahead, Mr. Producer. Removal under the ACA. And, Lee, you’ve agreed that two of those airplanes people were removed under the ACA. Is that what’s factually wrong about what I said? Well, Your Honor, we certainly dispute the Nazi analogy. But more importantly, the fact is that individual plaintiffs were able to file habeas in time in order to secure relief in this court. All right. So hold on. Habeas means that they can go to court on their own and accuse the government. Of imprisoning them or. Removing their freedom. Without the benefit of due process. I don’t even like that argument. But that’s all right. Go ahead. Individual plaintiffs, though. That’s not my question. My question is there were a lot more people. They wanted to make a class action. They had to have some name plaintiffs excuse me. They wanted to bring a class action. Okay, government, sit on your ass and wait because the Venezuelan gang members hired a bunch of lawyers like her and they wanted to bring a class action. You didn’t give them notice. You didn’t give them time to go to court and defend themselves. Don’t you understand, Judge? I know you do. You’re an educator, but you’re a radical kook. The government’s argument, that is the Trump administration’s argument is you have no role here. This is a foreign policy national security issue. You’re a judge. You live in a cloistered conference room all day with two or three recent law school graduates as your as your clerks. So they’re supposed to wait for these people to water up with the worst kinds of lawyers imaginable who do this for a living? Defend terrorism, mass murders. To go in the court in front of a judge like you at the district court level. You know, Your Honor, we’re planning on moving these 200 people away. They want to bring a class action lawsuit. Do you see what I’m saying, Rich? How stupid this is. So the Trump administration’s excuse me, this is a national security issue. These people aren’t supposed to be here. They’re part of an international crime syndicate. They were sent here purposely. They’re committing acts of crime. They’re digging in. They’re secreting themselves into our society. We’re going to get rid of them now. This is a domestic. A domestic dispute. And so. They wanted to bring a class action suit. Meaning a couple a hack lawyers wanted to represent all of them as a class. Yeah, Class A gang members now. Can you imagine the precedent this sets? I hope Supreme Court justices are listening me and paying attention. Can you imagine? If all this has to go through a federal court every single time there’s millions and millions of illegal aliens here. While the lawyer wants to bring a class. Oh, excuse me. What? We’ll step back so they can bring a class action suit. See, I think when he brought up habeas, he gave too much. That’s just me. What do I know? What do I know? Go ahead. Well, pilot happiness doesn’t help everybody else. On to airplane loads. See, even if one person brings a habeas, gets in front of a judge in time and says, Hey, they’re denying me my rights. And I don’t have due process. Now she’s arguing. But what about all the rest on the plane? Even if one or a handful bring habeas complaints to a judge, all the others are sent away. What about them? Well, what about him? I is understandable, Mr. Producer. I’m explaining this. How crazy as this is. Go ahead. Correct. And my question to you is and you said those five didn’t get put on the airplanes. So as to the two airplanes, but I think you just agreed involved removals solely on a grounds. On Saturday. The very short time of the proclamations, publication and no opportunity. To file for habeas or even notice as the grounds on which she said five of them got an opportunity. But what about all the rest? They didn’t get notice. They didn’t get notice. He just took them away. And they also. Sort of a parallel argument. They didn’t have time to go to court, make a habeas claim. That’s the point. They needed round them up. They needed to do it secretly. They needed to move them quickly. These are dangerous people. Let me go back to the judge. Did any of the lawyers for the Nazis file a class action suit? We went to represent people of the same class. We went to represent all the Nazis. No, they didn’t. You know why? It would have been absurd. Sometimes I’m too old for it. I wish I were in the courtroom. You know that, Mr. Peterson. So, Your Honor, let’s go back to your Nazi analogy. How many of them had class action suits? I don’t know. None. I can tell you none. It would not have been tolerated. And, Your Honor, if we given them notice, they would disappear. There’s a national security issue. How would you suggest that we handle it? Now, a lot of times judges will be rude and they’ll cut off the. The litigant. But so what? So long as you do so many tolerably rational and respectful way, you do it anyway. Her yearly. Mr. Producer. What are the last few seconds of this? Go ahead. Am I wrong about that? I think so, Your Honor. The fact that five individual plaintiffs did file habeas and did get relief in the case that they could. I don’t think you’re answering my question. What she means by. You’re not answering my question. What about all the others? Five. But she didn’t let him finish this. She. No. It’s like a talk show host who never shut the hell up when the guests are on. You know what I mean, Mr. Producer? But when you’re arguing these things, she didn’t want to hear the answer. America. This is the nature. You got to hear some of these radical judges. They are doing everything they can. To protect these Venezuelan murdering, raping, brutalized and gang members. Some people ask why? Why are they doing this? And when I tell you, I. You ready? This is a battle. What’s the war? What’s the war? The war is to denude Donald Trump of presidential authorities that had been exercised by past presidents. So you you take the cases as you can, if it means the release of hundreds of Venezuelan gang. Summers back into the United States till they can bring a class action suit, you know, or a habeas petition. That’s the price. That’s the price you pay. Meaning we, the citizens. That’s the price you pay for turning the Constitution inside out and trying to prevent Donald Trump from exercising his authority. That’s their end game. Not that she doesn’t give a damn what happens to these over 200 people. Tell me, how many federal radical left wing Democrat appointed judges gave a damn? About 325,000 unaccompanied minors who are missing. How many of these radical left wing Democrat judges give a damn about God knows how many untold numbers of women sold into sex slavery when the border was wide open? You know, they talk a lot from the bench, whether it’s oral argument or whether whether they’re sentencing people or. Even in their writings and so forth. I don’t remember one. Not one. Not one. Raising issues about what’s happening to these people as a result of an open border, which of course violated numerous, numerous. Immigration statutes. And provisions. I don’t remember any of them. So they don’t give a damn about people. They could care less about people or they’d be like us. Secure the border, follow the law, arrest the bad guys, put them in jail. Get these foreign gang members who are part of an international criminal enterprise. Get them out of the country. They wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. Phony analogies with Nazis. But they wanted to bring a class action. So what if they want to bring a class action? They didn’t have the opportunity. No, they didn’t have the opportunity. Well, five of them brought habeas petitions, but the others couldn’t because they didn’t have notice that things are exactly right. We needed to get them out of here. Crazy. I’ll be right back.
Segment 4
You know, people talk about these wars, these forever wars. Can we win these? I don’t think we can win wars anymore if we have judges like this. Taylor Right now. I really believe that these people are nuts. You know, it’s interesting, I mentioned in going back and forth between the Houthi situation and of course, this judge and what they’re trying to do on immigration. More specifically deporting criminals. And. I mention these hate America first types, these isolationists who blame us, who say we’re the ones who are. Motivating people to attack. As I just pointed out, they they fired on 319 of our ships. 174 Military 145 commercial. Each one of those is an act of war. For instance, if somebody in this country went out there and said, you know what, I’m going to blow up a freighter or I’m going to blow up an American naval ship. Do you think we’d turn the other cheek, mister? No, I don’t think we would. How about if they do it 319 times? I don’t think so, America. And I had alluded to George Soros. It’s like their attitude is foreign policy, that George Soros had foreign policy. That’s what they are. That’s what the isolationists are. They sound like him on foreign policy. They take the position of the enemy. They cavort with the enemy. Enemy. They talk up the enemy. They attack anybody in the United States who speaks up for America, who speaks up for the men and women in the military and the United States military generally. They call people who support our military and believe that we should not be subject to target practice by terrorist groups, warmongers. And they use the the canard neo cons because they’d rather not say the Jews. The Jews aren’t behind this, the neo cons are behind this. Warmongers aren’t behind this. It’s called self. They don’t even believe we should have self-defense. And they don’t believe if Iran gets a nuclear missile, that that’s a problem, that we should wait till they fire it, I guess. And I’ve been thinking about this. It is George Soros and Charles Koch, the Quincy Institute and this other little crap foundation that they created. Where they create these these sort of brainwashed. Feeble, ridiculous people who go out there. And defend the enemy. George Soros Funds Groups. That opposed democracy. Funds, groups that believe in the destruction of the state of Israel in the Middle East. George Soros brought the. British economy to its knees. George Soros backs the release of violent criminals in our own streets, and he does the same overseas. George Soros and Charles Koch. That’s their Quincy Institute and groups like that, I would argue. And then they call the foreign policy realist. What’s realist? It’s a realistic farm. No, it’s not. It’s like the progressives calling themselves progressives. No, no, no. They’re Marxists. They’re not progressives. So they attack our ships 319 times. Like Jefferson, when the pirates attacked our ships, finally he stepped in. When he became president, Adams wouldn’t. And he put an end to it. What Trump is doing is Jeffersonian. What Trump is doing is, is Reaganism peace through strength? What’s the alternative, America? What’s the alternative? So these voices are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They’re giving aid and comfort to the enemy in Iran. They’re giving aid and comfort to the Houthis. They’re giving aid and comfort to Hamas. I hear news reports today. Same thing spewing the Hamas health Ministry’s numbers. And they even give aid and comfort to Qatar. A terrorist regime plays both sides of the street. But gave aid and comfort to Hamas to the tune of 1.8 billion, gave them safe harbor. And I’m supposed to pretend it never happened? Oh, excuse me. I’m sorry. What is this? That’s why the president put his foot down. That’s why he’s attacked the Houthis. That’s why he’s giving an ultimatum to Iran any time certain. That’s why, as Pete Haeg says, sit on my Fox show last night. It’s unequivocal. The president’s position down to the secretary of defense, secretary of state and national security adviser. They will not get into. Why not? What’s the problem? Doesn’t mean no use, you know. In Islamic. Fundamentalist, murderous, genocidal regime. And so we’re just supposed to hope it doesn’t happen? Now we have judges who want to allow Venezuelan gang members. Give them notice. Give them notice like nothing’s going to happen. They’re going to be in our streets. So, honestly, ladies and gentlemen, the George Soros policies and mindset. They exist throughout our judiciary. They exist wrapped morons with microphones and TV cameras in their face. George Soros has a lot of influence, apparently, on knuckleheads of every of every party. This hour’s up already, Mr. Producer. What the hell? I shall return.