On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Sen Bernie Sanders are staunch Marxists, even though AOC shows she has never deeply read the texts of Marx or Hegel. Marxism is all about slogans, skills Sanders excels at while AOC is still developing. There isn’t one place where Marxism has worked, yet this is what they push. Later, there is this fusion between Marxism and Islamism. The People’s Forum, a pro-Communist Chinese Party (CCP) Marxist group, is orchestrating protests to free Mahmoud Khalil. The group has ties to radical left-wing organizations like Code Pink and has a history of supporting anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian causes, including celebrating Hamas attacks. Also, the mainstream media is downplaying the fact that Badar Khan Suri, a Georgetown University student facing deportation by the Trump administration, is the son-in-law of a senior Hamas official, Yousef Saleh. The media portray Suri as merely a researcher or student caught in a legal dispute, ignoring his alleged ties to Hamas and his promotion of antisemitic propaganda on social media. Afterward, Jim Trusty calls in to discuss the Trump administration facing an unprecedented number of legal injunctions, far surpassing those of any previous president. This is the continuing of lawfare. In addition, leftwing conflicted Obama judge, James Boasberg, is looking to hold the Trump administration in contempt. That’s what he’s doing, and he wants to make a big splash, get lots of media headlines, and try to sabotage the Trump administration. He wants to create the impression that Trump is lawless when, in fact, Boasberg is lawless. He wants to play into the Democrat Party narrative that Trump is a dictator, when it is Boasberg who is the autocrat. Finally, Jim Simpson joins the conversation to talk about his new book, Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America.
Just The News
Meet the pro-CCP Marxist revolutionary group behind the Mahmoud Khalil protests
The Federalist
You’d Never Know From Corrupt Media That The ‘Student’ Facing Deportation Is A Hamas Chief’s Son-In-Law
Fox News
Trump flips script on reporter questioning administration’s authority to deport illegals
K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal/Tribune News Service
The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.
Rough transcription of Hour 1
Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. Folks. Obviously we’re getting into AOC’s little brain. Mark Levin on the brain, such as her brain, is Wait until after Saturday’s opening statement on Life, Liberty and Levin That’s right, 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Fox. Wait until that. Boy. I’ll be in their brains. Hers. Bernie Sanders and the rest of the Marxist Islamist reprobates. But I never said that AOC was smart enough to actually read Marx her Hegel. Or Wellstone or any of it. But she’s a Marxist on the left. You know, most Marxist America have not read anything. Maybe they’ve taken a dive in the Communist Manifesto, but that’s about it. Because as we’ve discussed, what is the strength of Marxism? It is an irrational, impossible ideology. When you read March, you can see it’s such conflicting. It’s why there are so many appendages to it today as I speak. He can be reduced easily to sloganeering and slogans. And we’re going to hear that. In Bernie the read Sanders, who’s in Las Vegas, which is like the capitalism capital of the world. But elsewhere, running around like, say, a homeless old KGB agent. On a wooden soapbox wearing a raincoat. And yelling at the top of his lungs. Eight days of growth on his face. His hair disheveled. Smells like what You might step in by accident on a lawn. That’s what he sounds like. Looks like. And probably is. Probably. And we’re told by Democrats, Listen to Bernie. Listen to Bernie. He’s got away and he’s he’s telling us how to do this. Listen to Bernie. And the juggernaut of support he gets from a. A state called Vermont, smaller than most counties in America. Which is why we love Vermont. I could see living there. Not with him. As the senator, nonetheless. AOC, or as we like to lovingly refer to her. Yeah. She knows about creating jobs elsewhere. She destroyed thousands of Amazon jobs that were. They were targeted for her district. Oh, yes. Other than that, I don’t know what the hell she’s ever done. There’s anybody else? No. They say she pours a good drink. I hope so. Because most of us would need to drink a good drink after listening to her mealy mouth pablum. But here she is. They’re fighting, ladies and gentlemen. The oligarchy. The oligarchy. Which is interesting, too, Mr. Producer, because I’ve been using that term oligarchy to describe them. Not for months, for years. So they learned a new word. Oligarchy. Oligarchy. The billionaire de Oro Gorki. Anyway. These two are true blue marks as she runs. With this so-called Democratic justice group backing the Marxist. He’s a democratic socialist. That’s a Marxist. Mark said socialists were halfway communists. That sounds about right. But Bernie is a four way communist, as I’ve told you before. He was at a kibbutz in Israel. Now, there were communists, kibbutz in Israel, or as we say, in Jewish kibbutzim. But there were. There were, but he picked the Stalinist one. Wow. He did. So here is Guy. I didn’t say she’s book read. I didn’t say she’s intelligent and even say she’s literate. I said, She’s a Marxist. She’s good with the slogans. Cut four. Go! We will have you believe that these American values are something out of the Communist Manifesto, that we believe these things because we went to college and read them in a book somewhere. But let me tell you, Fox News, I don’t believe these things. I don’t believe in health care, labor and human dignity because I’m a Marxist. I believe it because I was a waitress. Looks like it could be a mom to go to school. Keep the lights on. Now, you actually grew up in Westchester, in a fairly well-to-do neighborhood, but she proves that she’s a Marxist. Look at that. I’m part of the proletariat. She grew up in Westchester, New York. She went to college, too, didn’t she, Mr. Produce? Yes, I believe so too. Believing in health care, labor, whatever that means, and human dignity. She believes in more than that. She believes in redistributing wealth. She believes in the centralization of government. She’s part of the Cabal in the House of Representatives. That is radical, hard left that’s constantly putting down the country, that because she was a waitress, she was a bartender mostly, but okay. But because she’s a Marxist now again, she’s too stupid to be. A scholarly Marxist or an intellectual Marxist such as they are. She’s just a garden variety, stupid Marxist. But where did she get this from? Does everybody at Fox talk about the Communist Manifesto? Mr. Producer. Does everybody at Fox use the word Marxist? When I came to Fox, nobody used the word Marxist. They kept using the word progressive and I kept telling them on ARONOFF Stop using the word progressive. Stop using the word hyphenated. Left wing. They’re Marxists. Stop using the word socialist. Marxists say the word every Marxist. Marxist. And I wrote a book called American Marxism. And I think I’m in her pea brain right now. Hey, you are welcome to come on this program. You have an open invitation to come on this platform. My television show, my brave show. So does your Uncle Bernie, the Red Sanders. Now, Bernie, the Red Sanders is also a low IQ moron, really as an accomplished much in his life other than his own self-promotion and the hierarchy in the political system. But he’s got the sayings down. He’s got the slogans down, man. He’s got them down. Oligarch billionaires. The Bebo democracy. Yes, he’s got him down. Hey, there’s not. She does not. He does. And so let’s let’s take a listen in on Bernie Sanders. Cut one, Mr. Produce. He’s at the same Las Vegas rally there. They really get in the people, you know, the resistance going, I hate to tell them we’re the resistance. You and me, we’re the resistance trumps the resistance to the massive. Government, the administrative state. The entrenched radical judges. By the way, those of you out there in the media who use the audio that Mr. Producer dug up on PBS, in which Chuck Schumer confesses to using to put in progressive judges, 235 of them on the courts. You know, we work hard to find these things. They’re not all over the place. If you’re going to use them, at least give a hat tip to the Mark Levine show or to Mr. Producer. I see it out there. Did you see this, Rich? It’s really disgusting. It really it’s bizarre, but we move on. Anyway, a rally in Las Vegas. Cut one. Go. He wasn’t in. And I know the power of the oligarchs. They are very powerful. But if we stand together, I have zero doubt that we can and will defeat them. When I see that we can transform the economics and transform the economics of the country. See, he is defending the edifice. That the so-called progressives, a.k.a. American Marxist, have built. He defends that. Every inch of it, every penny of it. But we can transform the economics of America. Go ahead. This country that we can’t have an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%, not just the 1%. Here’s this problem. Here’s his problem. He thinks he’s talking to the proletariat, that is. He thinks he’s talking to the masses. The vast majority of Americans love this country. The vast majority of Americans are patriots. The vast majority of Americans would fight and die to protect and save this country. It’s called the middle class. The vast majority of Americans are the people who make this country work. Pay the taxes. Who carry the freight. It’s not for the 1%. If it were the 1%, there would have been a communist revolution or a fascist revolution or some kind of revolution. Bottom up with the proletariat. We the people rising up and overthrowing the government. It’s the government of the 1%. Not the bureaucrats of the judges who are trying to control us. He’s got his Marxist propaganda inside out. Upside down. But he is spewing the Marxist slogans. And there’s more to go. And so today we are here to say very loudly, and Billy, no, we will not accept an oligarchic form of society where a handful of billionaires run the government. You see, AOC, this is the this is the sloganeering. He’ll never actually explain what Marxism is because he’s too dense. And or he’s afraid they’d all upset his followers. Wait a minute. You’re going to take all of our private property. Wait a minute. You’re going to shutdown our churches and synagogues and mosques. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We’re going to move the people in the cities to the agricultural areas and the people in the agricultural areas to the city. Wait a minute. We’re going to separate the children from their parents. We’re going to destroy the relationship between. Parent, child, child and child. We’re going to destroy the nuclear family. Wait a minute. You’re going to force us into indoctrination schools. Wait a minute. This is Marxism. No focus on the bill, you know, at one point. But shut up, you old man. You’re damned for. But here he is again. Cut to go. No, we will not accept an authoritarian form of society. Can anybody name. In one Marxist society that’s not authoritarian, just name one one. Anyone pick anyone? Which one’s not authoritarian. In fact, can anybody name a blue state in the United States of America during the pandemic that wasn’t authoritarian? Just name one. They are. You can’t name one. Authoritarian, huh? He knows all about authoritarians, doesn’t he? Tell me the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. The Rockefeller family, the wealthiest family on the face of the earth for a period of time. Their their money goes to all left wing causes because the foundation was overtaken by the left. Do you have a problem with those billionaires? Why? Why, Wanda? George Soros makes his money through quote unquote, finances, whatever that means. Fans, all kinds of radical left wing Marxist Islamist operations. How come Sanders doesn’t talk about the billionaire Rat Pack? But where? Warren Buffett, another liberal Democrat. Are Gates another guy that’s worth a quarter of $1,000,000,000,000. But billionaire billionaires. Or she who’s a billionaire in communist China or on the inbred, he’s a billionaire in North Korea. And how about in Venezuela? Maduro He’s a billionaire. The Castro brothers are billionaires. How is it that all the comrades that run these Marxist state, they’re not only authoritarian genocidal hellholes. But how is it they’re all billionaires? Do they create things? No, they steal stuff. How is it that Bernie Sanders is a millionaire? Shouldn’t he be earning the income of a janitor? Hey, buddy, Come on the show. Look behind me. I’ll be right back.
Segment 2
And it’s not Marxist. She runs as a Marxist as AOC, and now she’s trying to distance herself from it. That’s why I’m in her head. Very dangerous to these people. Ladies and gentlemen. I know who they are. I know who they listen to. Those who have dared to read. Marx and Engels and the rest of them. Takes a lot of work and a lot of time. Those of us who have a handful of us, to be perfectly honest, there’s a handful of us. I doubt any Republican in Congress has any Republican in the administration, has any Republican or Fox has any Republican in the media? I have. I know what she is. I know who she is. Same with Bernie Sanders. I know exactly who they are. Tell me any place on the face of the earth where Marxism works. In fact, show me any place on the face of the earth where economic socialism works. Just show me. In fact, show me any state in the United States where either of them work. Why is everybody going to Florida and Tennessee? We’ll be right back.
Segment 3
Oh, yes, that be me. We’re the real voice of America. You can get rid of the old one that’s pushing Hamas and. All kinds of crap, as a matter of fact. My God. But it’s called the Voice. Don’t worry. I’m the real voice of America. Oh, yeah. I’m the real voice of America. What’s wrong with that? Speaking of communists, just the news, which is which is a great site, John Solomon said. I commend it to you, mate, the Pro CCP. Marxist revolutionary group behind the Mahmood Khalili protests. Now, I’ve told you the first and repeatedly of this fusion between Marxism and Islamism. I’m waiting for that to be regurgitated soon. The People’s Forum helped organize the encampments on Columbia University’s campus. Now the well founded pro CC CCP Marxist group is organizing the protest to free Marc Morial. Protests against the arrest of a pro-Palestinian is not pro-Palestinian. He’s pro-Hamas. Now, either there’s a difference between Hamas and the Palestinians or there isn’t. If there isn’t, then it’s pro-Hamas. If there is, then it’s pro-Hamas. Either way. Hello? He’s away. Protests against the arrest of pro-Hamas Columbia graduate student are being organized by a Marxist revolutionary group that is pro-Communist, anti-Israel, anti-American has potential links to the Communist Chinese Party. The CCP, Mahmoud Khaleel, a leader in the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel encampments at Columbia University, all chest free speech. What are you trying to deport him for? Was detained earlier this month by the Trump administration. As you well know, he led activities aligned to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization. Oh, well, you know. Come on. Look the other way. Turn the other cheek. The People’s Forum. Anything that’s the people’s this, that or the other or the Reform Party. Would the democracy for sore communist crap. The People’s Forum helped organize some of the campus chaos. It’s now organizing protests. Free college. He’s a a political prisoner. Free, collegial. Columbia University. Apartheid Divest. That’s the name of Carlile’s front group steward. Oh, that’s right. See you. Is the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel group that sparked HK led many of the student encampments at Columbia University. Collier was a lead, quote unquote, negotiator from Kenya as the group occupied buildings on Columbia’s campus in the wake. The Hamas slaughter. A Venus and Juice on October seven, 2023. Oh, yeah. A former leader, Khamenei James, said, quote, The Zionists don’t deserve to live, unquote. Was eventually banned from campus. Now it’s just free speech. Come on, now. Hitler was free speech. Goering was free speech. Himmler was free speech. Oh, yeah. Don’t you know this? Well, initially apologize for James remarks. Last October, the group withdrew its apology. What drew it and declared, quote, We support liberation by any means necessary. This is the group that’s led by Khaleel, You understand? The political prisoner. We support liberation by any means necessary, including armed resistance. Long live the intifada, which of course is a terrorist uprising. Now the group C, UAD, I had also shared a message on Instagram stating We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization. Wow. So obliterate the Jews and destroy Western civilization. No wonder he got a student visa. Now has a green card. Living pleasantly, minding his own business in the United States of America every now and then, popping up ahead of his from under the rock. To spew First Amendment protection protected speech. We know this, of course. Following my previous signed executive order, I proudly apprehended a detained mammal and radical farm pro-Hamas student on the campus of Columbia University, said President Trump. You got to love President Trump, man. This guy is a hardass. He just is. He knows who the bad guys are. He knows who the good guys are. He’s just fantastic. And look what he’s up against. And look how he’s exposed the ACLU as pro-Hamas and terrorist. That’s my opinion. Look how he’s exposed these judges as pro-Hamas and terrorism. Just my opinion. Look what he’s done, Trump. Now, the Trump Education Department has also poured hundreds of millions of dollars worth of grants from Columbia and has provided the university with a list of demands to comply. Apparently, they’re starting to go through that list. Now, here’s a college that has tens of billions of dollars. And look how they just put it aside. They won’t touch it and they want our tax money. It’s unbelievable. Carlos large legal team. He’s got this massive legal team filled with Marxist Islamists. Just your whole variety of skulls. Balls. Is fighting his detention and deportation, writing in federal court that this case concerns the government’s targeted retaliatory detention and attempted removal of a student protester. He’s not a student because of his constitutionally protected speech. That’s where it’s wrong. Is he being targeted? Yes. Is that retaliatory? Yes. That’s the way it works when you’re dealing with terrorists or. Terrorist supporters. It’s attempted removal. That’s true. Constitutionally protected speech. No, not in the least. But of course, we’ve got a left wing kook judge, left wing kook judge in New York. We need to take a close look at this. The people’s form has been a driving force behind protests condemning the detention and possible deportation of Khalil. Scores of videos posted by the form on social media. Yeah, there. Who’s funding them? Of course. The dark money Democrats. Qatar, by the way. Notice how nobody and I mean nobody’s mentioning. That Qatar gave $5 million to the Medal of Honor Museum, which is a disgrace. They shouldn’t have taken one penny from Qatar. What’s that all about? Carlile’s legal team addressed the crowd at a protest organized by the forum. They organize their protests. They organize it all. They address it. They hire the lawyers. You and me. Just supposed to sit back and take it. There’s no indication Carlile himself is involved in the protest by the People’s Forum. Yes, but I would tell our friend John Solomon there’s every indication he was involved in the others. The Communist group has conduct connected its pro kaleel efforts to its border. Shut it down for Palestine street protest campaign add to its fight against ice being allowed on campus. Group said that we will take to the streets to demand the immediate release and Mahmud Khaleel noticed they don’t take to the streets to demand the immediate release of the hostages. And Hamas has noticed. Have you noticed that? The forum’s leader, Manolo de los Santos. Manolo de la Santos has also personally tweeted multiple times to promote the form led protests for Khalil. The forum immediately promoted a petition the day after Scalia was arrested. With the petition contending, Calio has been the target of various Zionist harassment campaigns. Don’t they sound like Nazis, Mr. Minister? Because they are another petition by the form signed by a host of left wing celebrities and activists. Oh, yeah. Lamented that it is just the first target of the Trump administration’s newfound anti-Semitism task force. Well, that’s true. No debate there. For months, we’ve been the target of a campaign that alleges our funding comes from dark money. Well, it does. Few years ago, we met Roy Singham, a Marxist comrade who sold his company and domain. It must have as well to non-profits that focus on political education, culture and internationalism. They tweeted that in December 2021. Roy Singham. Who you Bernie billionaire 10 billion top 1%. Funding current supporters Bernie. Singer married Jody Evans, the co-founder of the radical left wing group Code Pink, which is a communist front group. By the way, in 2017, her group touts itself as anti-war. It’s become increasingly pro-China. There you go. The New York Times, the Holocaust, denying New York Times, the Hamas promoting New York Times reported that Singham works in Shanghai, that its efforts there are linked to the CCP, the Communist Party of New York. Excuse me. Close. Communist People’s Party that is attended at least one CCP workshop on promoting the party globally. The outlet has reported that Singham provides backing for the People’s Forum. The Free Beacon reported that key leaders from the forum serve in top position at Singapore’s Justice and Education Fund. Oh, that’s the other word. Justice. Justice and Education Fund. Jew hating, American hating communists and Islamist justice. The outlet. Reported the network run by Sigma, also behind Breakthrough Media and Dung Chung News. Who both push pro-China narratives and whose content is regularly reshared by the forum. So I told you before. This is the Marxist Islamist fusion. The Free Press reported that Syngman Evans have donated over $20.4 million to this group, to this group that said Columbia and elsewhere, the people’s form from 2017 to 2022 through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups. See, the FBI needs to go after these people. The outlet reported that the pro-China No Cold War group is also linked to the Singapore network. Singh was unable to be reached for comment. The People’s Forum didn’t respond to requests for comment. Excuse me. Cholera People’s Forum reported total revenue. Listen to this. I have over $15 million total expenses of over 3.6 million and 17 million in net assets in 2019, according to Influence Watch. And the form is openly pro-communist. China has produced dozens of what it describes as teaching materials, many of them pro CCP. The multi-party series title China 75 from October praised the Communist revolution in China. Sell it. So they’re funded by Communist China. They’re funded by Qatar. They’re funded by Iran. They’re funded by Hamas. Free speech, Mark. Free speech. The article goes on. It’s an outstanding piece, absolutely outstanding by just the news and John Solomon’s piece. See if I can give the author credit. Gerry Dunn. Libby, Craig Dunn. Libby, great job on this piece. We’re going to post it as we post all the sources of the information I provide you that I use on this program. When Mark Levin showed art, come. That’s the mothership. Be right back.
Segment 4
Since today’s Friday. I know that’s the case, Mr. Producer. I looked at the calendar. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Tomorrow is March 22nd. Why is March 22nd important in America? Why is it important, Mr. Producer? It’s my beautiful daughter, Lawrence. Our beautiful daughter. Lawrence. Birthday. She was born on March 22nd. So I tell you what, you’re going to have to really dig into the archives. Remember that song she sang years and years ago? Let’s see if we can find it during the top of the hour, a break and play it next hour. We’re very proud of all our kids, very proud of our grandkids. Each and every one of them is fantastic. Do we have enough time? I think we should wait. Well, wait till we come in the next hour. It’s too tight to do it. To do it right now. But. So many people have listened for a while. You know what I mean? It’s a great song. She does a great job, as a matter of fact. How many of you have ever heard of Elise Jordan, political analyst on the Morning Show Show? None of you, of course. Well, her advice to the Democrats is we need to embrace Bernie Sanders. We need to embrace him. Marxism. Go around using the word oligarch. Oligarch. Oligarch. Oligarch. The top 1%. The one. I’m waiting for his dentures to fall out one day. I’m waiting for his dentures to fall. So weird, dude. Cut three. Go. That is the message the Democrats should run with Obama. It is. They are getting rich. You are getting nothing, and they need you. We’re not Marxist, but the class warfare. Now, here’s the problem. And I mentioned this the other day. The new Marxism is identity politics. It’s not economic class warfare. They’re they’re skipping over the culture war and all this wokeism. Economic Marxism is so blasé. L.S. Jordan, political analyst. Whoever the hell she is, she must be a somebody, not a nobody, because she’s on the Joe Scarborough show. And is he a nobody? Maybe he is. Maybe the show is. I don’t know. But at least Jordan. Follow Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders isn’t even a Democrat. He’s a Democratic socialist. He’s not even follow him. I’m telling you, follow. Go ahead. Hard at that. They need to let their anger show. They need to. Oh, that’s the problem. They’re not letting their their anger show. You see here the Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party of old. Or maybe it is. It depends how you look at it. The Democrat Party was a very angry party before and during the Civil War. I seem to remember reading about that somewhere. Boy. They dug in on slavery. MAN Oh, shit. They blew up the country. They went to war. They fought for slavery. Past few years. They fought for slavery on the border. Women being sold into sex slavery. But they said those borders got to be open. They’ve got to be open. And then they told us that they were secure. And then they told us they were open. And we needed by by sexual legislation excuse me, bipartisan legislation. Did they not, Mr. Bruce? So they wanted the border open. They were pretending it was closed. Then they pretend it was open, but that Donald Trump opened it. They’re insane. They’re liars. But now follow of Bernie Sanders. But he’s not a Marxist. No. Oligarchs. Oligarchs. Bernie, I’m going to teach you a few other words, too, that you might want to spew. Can you imagine being in the front row with this guy or the second or third row with this guy, with the the load of spittle just flaming out of this guy’s mouth? I’ll be right back.