March 6th, 2025

March 6th, 2025

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrats and the DC ruling class want us to hate those who are cutting waste, fraud, and abuse, and they want us to hate the cutting of waste, fraud, and abuse. But we don’t hate them, and we don’t hate the cutting. The Democrats and the ruling class need to go on a diet and try to live on $6.5 trillion in federal spending. It’s only half a trillion more than it was two years ago when we seemed to get by ok. But believe the Democrats and the DC ruling class. They’ve never lied to us before. So what if the GAO says $250 – $500 billion is blown every single year. We, the people, exist to fund this government, to serve this government, and keep our mouths shut.  Some on the left are now claiming it’s racist to want to cut waste, fraud, and abuse. Are they suggesting Black people want waste? Racializing legitimate debate is not effective anymore. Later, the Democrats continue lying about the Republicans stripping Medicaid from millions of Americans. The needy are not going to lose their health care, and the Democrats know it. Afterward, Gov Ron DeSantis called in and questioned whether private property truly exists when homeowners must continuously pay escalating property taxes to the government.  He’s pushing to eliminate Florida property taxes and plans to put it on the ballot, standing with taxpayers. Also, Florida law enforcement is helping ICE enforce immigration law. Finally, why shouldn’t NPR be sold? Why do we even have government-funded radio? There’s so many other options to listen to now. Put NPR and PBS up for sale.

NY Post
As a lifelong Dem, I never thought I’d see my party embarrass itself so much

NY Post
Don’t buy Dems’ lies: The GOP isn’t trying to strip Medicaid from millions of Americans

Let’s help remind Adam Schiff of what a fraud he is.

FIVE Reasons to Defund ‘Public’ Broadcasting

Photo by Matias Baglietto/NurPhoto

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
And therefore, representative Al Green, be censured with public reading of this resolution by the Speaker. Oh. Oh, yes. Syria’s civil rights movement has also come to order. The House had come to order. We shall overcome. You are lucky to I come to order the of Democrats. What a mess. What a mess. And you ought to hear their media and these creepy tenured professors. You’ll hear some of them. Ladies and gentlemen, spending this past year was approximately $6.5 trillion with federal spending. Approximately 1.2 trillion of that was borrowed. Approximately half a trillion of that is missing and is missing every year. Over a ten year period. We’re talking about $5 trillion and missing. But we’re at 6.5 trillion. Two years ago, we were at 6 trillion. So we’ve gone from 6 trillion to 6.5 trillion in the course of two years. 1.2 trillion more debt. Half a trillion of which is missing. And you and I are supposed to be here screaming, protesting, yelling about cuts in Medicaid, which are not coming. You and I are supposed to be scared to death. That Elon Musk and the boys and girls are finding all this waste and abuse, that they want to cut the size of government, that they want to cut the size of the workforce. You don’t do that in government. You only do that in the private sector. And so it is. That the Democrat Party and the ruling class in Washington, D.C., they’re trying to create. A movement to defend all this. And they’re failing miserably. Miserably. Almost none of you. Almost none of you who work in the private sector and almost none of you in the federal government are going to feel any of this. The vast majority will not. But the ruling class. And by the ruling class, we don’t just mean elected Democrats and some RINOs. We mean the bureaucracy, we mean the media. We mean they’re masterminds in academia. They want you to believe that there’s going to be more homeless, that people are going to be hungry. Then entitlements are going to be blown up. They want you to believe that the end of the world is near as they desperately try and figure out ways to defend the indefensible. No household could survive with this kind of spending and debt. This kind of bloat and waste and, yes, fraud. No business could survive. What makes anybody think the government in the long run can survive? It can’t. It’s just a matter of time. We’ll be okay. You want me? Our children may be okay, although maybe not. But our grandchildren know they won’t survive it. They will not survive it. They will not have these programs. They will not have sound money. And what happens when an economy crumbles? What happened during the pandemic. You lose liberties. The rule of law. The Constitution are thrown out the window. And when societies go deeply bankrupt. Deeply in economic turmoil. What happens? Centralized government, centralized power and martial law, all kinds of stuff. That’s what happens. You know what happened during the Great Depression? Our Constitution was changed forever. Forever. And for the worst. You know what happened in Europe when their economies collapsed. When economies collapsed. Freedom doesn’t break out. Democracy doesn’t break out. Republicanism doesn’t break out. Quite the contrary. The ruling class. Becomes power hungry. More centralized, more authority. And the Iron Fist. For the sake of the people, for the sake of the community. You’ve heard it. Now. We either defend our children and grandchildren. From what these people are doing this kind of. Grotesque, grotesque fraud. Now we lose the country. We lose it for them. The debates that are going on even aren’t really even our debates. These federal judges from one day to the next. You don’t know what they’re going to rule. Trump can fire this guy, but he can’t fire that guy. Trump can withhold funding for this, but he can’t withhold funding for that. We have absolute judicial anarchy right now thanks to the United States Supreme Court. Which could have put its collective foot down 48 hours ago. But instead. We get a one sentence, essentially, that’s what it comes down to a one sentence order written by Chief Justice Roberts. Supported by the three leftists and Barrack. A disgrace and an embarrassment. Five of them. Five of them. He went one sentence. That’s all it was without explanation. Changed the nature of the republic. Undermine separation of powers, stole power from the executive and gave it to federal district judges. To issue national bans. And what a president can do. We’ve never seen anything like this. Because of John Roberts. And Amy Coney Barrett. I expect the free radicals to do what they do. They’re a disgrace and they always will be. But when you apply through your vetting process, when you deceive. When you know full damn well that when you get on that court, you’re not going to be as people assume, you’re a disgrace. You’re like character. You lack morality. And that’s Roberts. And that’s Barrett. Sorry. It’s true. These are fundamental constitutional issues. Certainly deserves more than one sentence. Denied. Based on what? Based on nothing. Nothing. He didn’t say a damn thing. All the analysis going on. There is no analysis. I do the analysis, others do the analysis. But the chief justice of the United States, who must be lazy as hell, intellectually lazy. Or he’s getting dumber by the year. This is what he does. Denied. The law is the law. And I make the law. I’m the chief justice. Just had a massive election. You could see Barrett detest Trump by the way she looks at him, and yet she owes her job to him. But she hates him. You can see John Roberts is fully ensconced in the D.C. social circles. He. Thomas Friedman and their ilk. Now we have utterly unstable law, utterly unpredictable law. Exactly what the great philosophers, especially Montesquieu, warned would doom a republic. Give him a republic. We have rule by lawyers in black robes. Elected by nobody accountable to no one. The reason why we have lifetime appointed judges. And so they’re not influenced by politics. So they will read the Constitution and apply the law. But the Biden appointees and the Obama appointees are a different breed altogether. They are a different breed altogether. They’re radicals in robes. That’s what they are. We’ve seen this in other countries like the state of Israel. With their effectively Supreme Court, their highest court. 15 of them 15 judges through their own ruling since the 1990s, have taken over the country literally. It is a politburo no different than a poll up here on the Soviet Union. Does it matter who elects whom? It doesn’t matter what coalition is governing. Does it matter what the prime minister says? It doesn’t matter. They have no standing requirements. If the court wants to take up a case, it takes up the case. Regardless. Period. There’s no boundaries. There’s no rules, truthfully. And so the highest court in Israel runs the country. They have an attorney general. Who doesn’t report to the government, doesn’t report to the prime minister. She effectively reports to the courts. That’s essentially what she does. And she’s a hit woman. What she is. She goes after the Prime Minister over cigars. So absurd. Bribery, they say bribery. How? Because of a news website where they claim that Netanyahu is giving preference to the news website. Number one, he wasn’t. Number two, how is that bribery? Politico got money from the United States government. This is. How pathetic. The judicial politburo is. Grotesque. The middle of a war. Three days a week. Hearings. Three days a week. They cancer in the hands of the Likud Party and their allies, the majority. They decide they want judicial reform. They want to bring democracy back to the state of Israel, that the parliament, the Knesset, should be making the law, not this politburo. And so former prime ministers of the radical left, the radical left parties gang up, funded by dark money. From United States groups, from Soros and others. Seek to overthrow this sitting prime Minister. Organize and pay for riots in the streets. That media love it in Israel. They go along with it. So there’s one more effort. My other concern. They want to make it a decision on who is going to be added to the court. A vacancy. The other week. The Court. We will decide who is added to the court. How do you like that, Mr. Produce? We will decide. Who’s added to the court. John Roberts is no better. John Roberts. Every now and then we get a good opinion from the man. But he’s an activist. He’s no willing. William Rehnquist Man, Could we use William Rehnquist? There was a principle Chief Justice. He didn’t give a damn about what the media said. Per Roberts does in the media know it? And in the end, he’ll get no credit for it anyway. Because he stands for nothing. Nothing, the Roberts court. But we got six conservatives on the court. Now we don’t. That’s the left. That’s their propaganda. And so let’s be clear. The federal courts are doing more to undermine the November 5th election. The January 20 inauguration. The executive branch, the office of the presidency. The federal courts and now the Supreme Court, unless it eventually reverses course, are doing more. And any foreign enemy. Then any radical organization, any enemy within. Congratulations, Roberts. You’re a screw up. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
When is it? When did it become racist to want to cut the size of government waste, fraud and abuse? Well, somebody explain that to me. When did it become racist? Now the people are saying this. What are they suggesting? That black people want waste, fraud and abuse? I mean, think about how stupid these people are. You’ve got this guy, Bacile snickered. Nice professor at Columbia. Figures on the morning schmo, of course. So now you see doge and a desire to. To kick. Fraud, waste and abuse from our government is racist. Cut, forego people who are charged with trying to find savings. So, yes, it’s an attack on government, but it’s also an attack on this government. What I mean by that is it’s an attack on this government that needs to be headed by a black man. It’s an attack on this government that almost elected a black woman to the highest office in the land. It’s an attack on a government that has been more welcoming and more supportive of people who have come to this country in search for a better life. Well, of course, it’s perplexing when you consider the hard left, including professors have been trashing our republic day in and day out, trashing it, seeking to fundamentally transform it. Now, their position is the greatest government on earth, including waste, fraud and abuse. And in fact, if you try and cut waste, fraud and abuse, obviously you’re attacking black people because once Barack Obama was president sick.

Segment 3
Governor Ron DeSantis will be with us next hour. You know, I really ought to do this more often. You know, we add stations all the time and stations juggle their schedules from time to time. Some stations have contract requirements. Most carry all 3 hours. A relative handful have to carry 2 hours, but won’t announce the WEF as XFL. Fort Myers, Naples, a great station, a great community, will be adding our third hour now starting. What does it say here next week? So we want to thank them very much. Our third hours are very important. They call them the power hour for a reason. Get a lot of breaking news for some reason. It occurs in the third hour. I don’t know why. Some more on the scene. You see, everything is racist. You know, calling everything racist is like calling everyone Hitler. There are men and women who lost their lives to racists. Who were abused and tortured and raped by racists. Real racists. Who are kept from enjoying God’s earth. Even though they too had unalienable rights as human beings. Prevented from voting. Years ago, I told you the story about my father. Way back when he was a young man. I think he was in his late teens. He could. He took the train from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.. So this would have been about eight years ago. Washington, D.C., was considered a southern city. It was a segregated city. And when he got off in Washington, D.C., he saw the signs. At the water films. For whites only. He’d never seen anything like that before. He was disgusted. Said for whites only. It really hit home to him. It’s something that he passed on. Two sons. So many ways, my mother and father. That’s why I am the way I am about individual liberty, that a colorblind society, about limited government, checks and balances. People can be very, very, very evil. People are imperfect. You need to check one against the other. But not to not get philosophical about it. So when people throw around this term, racism. Knowing full well what they’re talking about is nothing to do with racism. It has nothing to do with race. It has nothing to do with white or black people. It is really loathsome. You don’t get much lower. It’s like calling people Hitler. And there was only one Hitler. Who did what he did. Unimaginable. Yet for the left. Anybody they disagree with is Hitler. For the left, if there’s an issue they don’t like, it’s racism. No debate, no discussion. That’s it. And these are people, the vast majority of whom are Democrats. And here’s Hank Johnson is truly a stupid man. He’s on a Zoom call yesterday. I want you to listen to what he says. I don’t believe this stuff’s effective anymore. I believe that. Racial izing legitimate debate is an effective anymore. Because human beings with a brain. We’re not politicians who are not rabble rousers. We’re not. Militia minded or activist or so forth and so on they go, What the hell is this guy talking about? That’s my tax money to. Cut five. Go! All of the ways in which they can kill public education from defunding it from a federal level and then also enabling. You know, it’s amazing. Public education has been a massive disservice, especially to the minority communities and especially to blacks. And real black leaders. And real black civil rights minded individuals. Real black activists. To stand on the shoulders of the black activists of the fifties and sixties. They’re the ones leading the school choice fight right now. They understand that these public schools exist for the teachers unions. Who exists for the Democrat Party. They get it. That these monopoly. Public sector teachers unions. We hear what they say in Chicago when they’re going to strike. We see the results in these communities. And when parents have an opportunity to make a choice. And get their kids out of these schools. That’s what they do. That’s what they do. You know, it used to be said, how come only rich white kids could go to private school? Now. There are efforts by Donald Trump and some great governors like DeSantis and others. To make private schools, parochial schools, other kinds of schools available to everyone. And you know what they call that now? Racist. Racist. I thought the other way was racist. No, no, no. This was racist. Everything’s racist. These so-called leaders like Hank Johnson. Do they really care about this community? Do they? Because they have a funny way of showing it. They’re part of the ruling class, too. Like this, Mayor Johnson in Chicago, does he really care about the black communities in Chicago? No, he doesn’t. That is suffering from crime, lack of resources, so much of which is developed. Two illegal immigrants. Does he seem like he gives a crap? They’re politicians regardless of their skin color. They want power, regardless of their skin colour. They’ll make a deal with the devil. They’ll walk over their grandmother. They don’t care. Go ahead and local monies to flow into the private school for profit school set up that is going that is ongoing. It’s a recipe to make education unavailable to black people. And where does that then leave us? It puts us back, first of all. First of all, he’s such an idiot. The vast majority of funding for public schools. Comes from the local. Property tax base. That’s where most of it comes from. The second biggest part comes from the States. The last part. Comes from the federal government. So I don’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And what we also know. Is that when you go, it’s nationwide, but especially in metropolitan areas, kids aren’t learning. They graduate from. High school. Many of them are illiterate. Don’t understand basic mathematics. I think I read I forget what city it was. I think it was Baltimore. But I could be wrong. They’ve a 34% truancy rate. Meaning a third of the students don’t show up on any given day. If something’s not working. You got to figure out how to fix it. And more money is not the answer. Look at that bloated fat federal government. More money is not the answer. It doesn’t fix anything. If you keep pouring it into the poison. But it doesn’t matter. Hank Johnson. As a hack. But the teachers unions. So race, racism? Well, it gets better. Go ahead. America was great and we were picking cotton and all of it would doing the productivity that they put in the mind, Latino brothers and sisters who migrate here to do that work because we are not suited intellectually to do it anymore. I have no idea what this guy’s doing. He has no idea what the hell he’s saying. Are Latino brothers picking cotton? I don’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Picking cotton seriously. Pretty sick, don’t you think? But he’s not alone. His representative, Jasmine Crockett. She’s everywhere. You want to know why? It’s like Bernie Sanders. It’s like AOC. The more extreme. The Mark Cook. The more obnoxious. The media want them. Desperately. Because they need ratings. Go ahead. And if they have decided to go after immigrants and visas and things like that, and they said, oh, they take a black job, they taking your black jobs? Not really. They are obviously jobs that they want us to go back to, such as work in the field. All right. Good. Those immigrants that come into our country, they work the field thumping that we are, ladies and gentlemen. People pore over a border for many reason, many reasons, many of them to make money, and they send it back home. Most of these people aren’t in the fields in Kansas, in Nebraska. Most of them are picking potatoes in Idaho. The vast majority are inner cities are our inner cities. Overwhelming services. How do we know these mayors keep telling us this? They keep asking for federal aid. They keep saying we need more money, we’re overwhelmed. So those who do want to work are obviously taking jobs from those who live in these communities. And it just so happens in these communities, there is a. Larger percentage of black people than white people in many of these communities. So who are they taking jobs from? Black people. You’re not even allowed to say it. So for the Democrat Party, they don’t defend women. Right. They don’t defend women. No such thing as women’s sports. Any biological male can claim whatever he wants. In any sport according to the quality of them. And here we have black representatives throwing out round the word racism. Cotton picking. What was the other one? Whatever. Go to the fields. They’re not even defending their own communities. They’re not even defending their own communities. Pretty sick. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Next hour, I’m going to prove to you that Cory Booker. One of you people in New Jersey especially is a serial liar, is a contemptible liar. You know, early on in his career, he’d been mayor of Newark, seemed to be a new voice. Different than the rest on the left and in the Democrat Party’s not. He’s a serial liar. I’m going to prove it to you. You’re going to hear some interesting things after the top of the hour. Of course, next hour we have Governor Ron DeSantis, America’s governor. He’s so fantastic. He really is. I’m going to unravel the serial lies of the serial liar, Corey Booker. I’m going to expose. Keith X. Remember Keith X? The Attorney General? Minnesota. Keith Ellison. You know what his complaint is today? Donald Trump has no no regard for states rights. So now. A radical Democrat. Key sex talks about states rights, you see, because he wants to nullify federal law. He’s more of a Confederate than he knows, but I’ll point that out shortly. Pretty funny. What’s going on out there, isn’t it? Oh. So funny. We have Eugene Vindman. Remember that clown? This is the worst 45 days in American history. I think he needs a history lesson. Lesson? Maybe he’s unfamiliar with the Civil War and the battles that took place. I thought he had been a colonel or something. No. I believe it was our military. Not not a foreign military, but who knows these days. Whereas 45 days in American history, America worse than the Great Depression, worse than the Battle of Gettysburg. Oh, yes. The worst. These Democrats, they’re funny. If they didn’t have power, they’d be they’d be a real hoot. We have Symone Sanders. A Democrat operative. Hence, she works in MSNBC. Democracy’s on life support America. Life support. Come on, you can do better than that. You got to bring out Hitler and the neo-Nazis that support him. Come on. Come on, Simon. You can do better than that. Paul. When I return, I’ll be right back.