Benjamin Netanyahu on Life, Liberty and Levin. “What he did in the first two weeks is to do everything that he promised to do. He did great things in his first term. He recognized Jerusalem as our capital, moved the American embassy there, recognized our sovereignty in the Golan Heights, got out of the disastrous Iran deal, brokered the Abraham Accords in which we made peace with four Arab states. He did that in four months. Didn’t happen in 25 years. Sso he was a great leader then, but he started now, the second term, he hit the tarmac, right? So he got from the delivery of weapons that were being held, withheld to us as we’re fighting a seven front war for our existence against our common enemies. You know what he did today? He went against anti, Semitism, he, he went against the ICC, this corrupt so called international court that targets America, targets Israel, targets democracies. Listen, it’s a great beginning, and a restart, a recalibration of our great alliance.”