October 18th, 2024

October 18th, 2024

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrats are desperate! Democrats know that if they win, they can get 4 more years of their own federal judges, Supreme Court Justices, and a wide-open border to change America – so they are on the attack. If we allow our country to be turned over to Harris/Walz – then it’s game over. The Democrats have no intention of accepting the election results if Trump wins, Rep Jamie Raskin has said so.  Also, a study says 32 million Christians are likely not to vote and 10 million gun owners aren’t registered to vote. What?! The other side doesn’t have this problem. We’ve got to get our act together if we want to push Trump and Republicans to victory. Get out now and vote early! We can’t sit this one out.  We need to send a message to the world that we are better than Harris and that America is back! Afterward, hardcore leftist Sen Bob Casey, who votes with Bernie Sanders all the time, is now all of a sudden for Trump’s tariffs and for fracking. The word has gone out to Democrats – positioning yourself as a moderate with common sense. They hope to lie their way to the Senate, the House, and the White House. Later, yes, we should absolutely have tariffs on our enemies, like China. We shouldn’t have open markets with the enemy, but people like Mark Cuban want us to fund China.  Finally, Sen Deb Fischer calls in to discuss her reelection campaign, up against a radical leftist. She’s running to make life better for American families.

Judge unseals heavily redacted trove of evidence in Trump’s 2020 election interference case

Arizona Capitol Times
Study says 32 million Christians likely not to vote

Clock Ticking: 10 Million Hunters, Gun Owners Not Registered to Vote

You Tube
Broken Record

Right Scoop
Dan Bongino BLASTS Kamala for lying about Trump from his interview

Photo by Andy Manis

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. It’s Mark Levin. Our number 877-381-3811. Hello 877-381-3811. Our foot is on the gas pedal. It’s pushed all the way to the floor. It’s Friday but we don’t waste any time. I hope you’re well. You know, maybe, maybe it’s me. But this election cycle with the Democrats in the media and their surrogates, it’s more. Filled with hustlers and hucksters than I can never remember and I can never remember. We’ve got Bill Clinton here in Durham, North Carolina, yesterday saying that Donald Trump’s going to call the military on Americans. We’ve got Mark Cuban saying that Donald Trump is going to steal Christmas from you with tariffs. I mean, seriously, folks, we’ve got Kamala Harris, perhaps the laziest candidate in American history, saying Donald Trump is tired and lazy. They’ve got Bob Woodward saying that Netanyahu is prolonging the war to stay out of jail. I mean, I can go on and on and on. They’re nuts. There’s lunatics. Lunatics. And then they want you to believe there’s something wrong with us. They want you to believe that somebody like me who has spent his life writing about thinking about defending the Constitution in courtrooms, at the Justice Department, in books, and with you defending the Constitution against them, would vote for somebody in Donald Trump who’s opposed to democracy while it is they who keep talking about the Constitution is old. It was written by old white slave holders that that it was written in order to enshrine the slave white dominant society mentality. I mean, there’s so much. They are so nuts. And then they’re their oligarchs, the Democrat Party oligarchs. They raise enough money to keep spewing this stuff. And of course, they have their media, the Al Jazeera Pravda, American media. Literally giving tens of billions of dollars in free platforms and coverage to promote this. To promote this. It’s really incredible. You’ve got a guy running for the Senate in Pennsylvania, Bob Casey, who’s been gone. Hard left. Hard left, hard left. That’s exactly what Schumer tells him to do. He’s voting out there were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. All of a sudden, he’s for fracking and he’s for tariffs on trade. What? They’re desperate and so they get dumber and nuttier by the second. And now we have a federal judge in Washington, D.C. by the name of Tanya Junkin. Tanya Tonkin should never, ever had been confirmed as a judge. She is a radical in robes. That’s exactly what she is. My first book. My first book, I had a chapter called Radical in Robes, and she’s the she’s the perfect illustration of it. She’s busy setting a schedule for a trial for Donald Trump that cannot be held until next year. But she’s actually changing the rules of evidence and normal motion processes. So the unconstitutional Jack Smith violated the appointments clause when he was appointed. So he can keep filing papers and releasing them in the middle of the election. And it’s an amazing thing. Our friends at the New York Sun point out. That this guy, Jack Smith, he is he files like 165 page brief, 3 to 4 times longer than any brief has normally allowed. But she said fine, filled with hyperbole. There was spectacular B.S. Allegations against Donald Trump reads like an essay. It reads like a Jamie Raskin impeachment charge. And when, you know, four or five days later, Kamala Harris is using it in campaigns throughout. Throughout the battleground state. And one you know today. Today, she released more stuff, nearly 1900 pages of documents collected by Jack Smith. They were initially filed under seal. Initially filed under seal. And what does she do? Even though they’re heavily redacted, she releases them today. On a Friday. Two and a half weeks before the election. She’s clearly interfering with this election. And in my view, she not only should be disrobed, she should be disbarred. Smith, of course, should be disbarred, but she absolutely should be disbarred. This doesn’t comply with an appearance of a conflict. It’s not an appearance of a conflict. It’s a reality of a conflict. She was appointed by Obama. She’s a radical Marxist. She’s on the bench for life, for God’s sakes. She treats her courtroom like some kind of a Soviet style, Stalinist style propaganda operation, just signing off on the release of documents left and right, left and right, right before the election. She set the schedule. And rather than the defense filing motions, which is what’s normal and the prosecution responding, we actually have the prosecution filing motions. And even over at CNN, legal analyst said, well, that’s not how it works. The defense files motions. Then the government response, she’s allowing the government to file motions and then the defense is responding. Absolutely outrageous. And of course, you all recuse herself. Stalinist judges never recuse themselves. So while they’re talking about dictatorship and he’s going to round up people and use the military, it is they. It is they who are using the court system. It is they are using prosecutors. It is they. We’re putting this information out in the public record. A man can’t even defend himself in the course of an election. She should be disbarred. There’s absolutely no question about it. And they’re scared to death. They’re scared to death. Trump will win and that he’ll try and address some of this. So they act like he’s the dictator. He’s the one who’s anti-democratic. He’s the one that will use the legal system against his political party. They’re doing it all against him right now. We don’t have to guess. That’s exactly what they’re doing. The party of slavery. The party of segregation. The party of Jim Crow. The party of eugenics. Now the party of Marxism and Islamism. Never the party of Americanism. Never the party of constitutionalism. They’re going at it full bore. So what’s going on? I’ll tell you what’s going on. They know. But if they win this election, they didn’t care if they run Kamala Harris or they run Minnie Mouse. It didn’t matter to them. She’s filling a seat just like you see Biden in the most radical among them, the Marxists and the Islamists. They’re peppered throughout our government. They’re peppered now throughout the judiciary. If they can get four more years appointing federal judges, four more years getting Supreme Court appointees, four more years of years in the Department of Justice, the way they are issuing regulations, issuing fiats, executive orders, the border wide open, another 40 or 50 million illegal aliens coming into this country. They know. I know, you know. Then it’s over. Does it matter if there’s another election? Then it’s over. And they know Donald Trump knows it. They know we know it. But, of course, Liz Cheney and the rest of the reprobates. They hate Trump more than they love the country. They hate Trump more than they love the country and they want to take out the Supreme Court. Why? Because they don’t get the answers that they want. Because so far, for the most part, the Supreme Court has stood up against this tyranny, has ruled against this tyranny for the most part. So they figure, all right, we own the Supreme Court. We have in the past and we have to own it now. So what should we do? Well, expand it. Well, kill the filibuster rule. Well, expand the Supreme Court. You don’t need a constitutional mandate. Do it. We’ll have the presidency. We’ll have the Senate. We’ll have the House. There’s not a damn thing they can do about it. What else will they do that defy the Constitution? They’ll create two more states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. There are four more Democrat senators, so the Republicans can never have a majority in the Senate. What else are they going to do? And look at the Department of Justice. Noncitizens self-identify in Alabama, Virginia. I’m a non-citizen. They’re on the rolls to vote. The governor of Virginia says, okay, you’re noncitizen, you’re on the vote rolls to vote. Okay, we’re removing you. The Department of Justice goes into federal court and says, no, you can’t do that. The Department of Justice. They say it’s a waiting period, a 90 day waiting period under the federal law. Now, it’s not that federal law. I just looked it up. Talks about a systemic change to the voting rolls. These are individuals who self-identify as non-citizens. So it has nothing to do with a large scale or substantial systemic change to the voting rolls has nothing to do with it. It’s not about policy or ideology. They said they’re non-citizens under the federal and state constitution in Virginia. They don’t get the vote. So according to Department of Justice, the Republican governor of Virginia is supposed to close his eyes. The Republican governor of Alabama. They’re supposed to close our eyes. This is how the institutionalized fraud. They know exactly what they’re doing. And then, of course, any time there’s a Republican who’s interviewed on these damnable Sunday shows or any other show. Are you going to accept the results of the election? I don’t know yet. Al Gore accept the results of the 2000 election. He still says he won. I don’t know if John Kerry accept the results of the 2004 election. He said he won it. Jamie Raskin or a slew of Democrats accept the results of the 2016 election when they were challenging Trump on the floor of the House. Or when they impeached him twice and tried to imprison him while he was president of the United States with a criminal investigation. Do they accept the results of any election? Tell me when Jamie Raskin and 40 or 50 other Democrats have made it clear that they will not accept the results if Donald Trump wins the election, they won’t accept it. And if he manages to get the votes that they will immediately move to impeach him using Jack Smith’s filings in front of Judge. Are they going to accept the results of the election? They never accept the results of election. They tried to impeach Reagan for God sake. They remove Richard Nixon. They didn’t accept the election of George W Bush. They didn’t accept the election of Donald Trump. And now they’re out there. Desperate because Kamala Harris sucks. She sucks. She’s always sucked because a lousy D.A., a lousy attorney general, a lousy senator, a do nothing lousy vice president. She stinks to the core. Jesus, self-promoters, self-aggrandizing narcissist. That’s what she is. She doesn’t love America. How can you be to the left a Bernie Sanders, who’s a Stalinist. And love your country. How I want to know. Well, let’s jump in a little bit. We’ll take a little break. You can see I’m fired up. It’s Friday. Oh, by the way, did you vote yet? What do you mean? You haven’t voted yet? I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
These people have no respect for you. They think you’re stupid. Maybe the people in their base are stupid, but you’re not stupid. I’m telling you these things in here, my passion and I. Because we need to do something about it. You need to vote. You need to vote early. We need to overwhelm these people, Overwhelm them at the ballot box. Overwhelm them. Get Donald Trump in there. He gets people in there who know how to fight back and push back, whether it’s at the Department of Justice or Raskin in the House of Representatives. We need the Senate, we need the House, we need the presidency, and we need them now. Now. There’s no more time left. This is it. This is our moment. This is our generation’s time. The greatest generation stood up. Other generations stood up. Our generation so far hasn’t done a damn thing. Not a damn thing. We’re going to allow our country to be turned over to these people. Seriously. President Kamala Harris. Vice President Tim Walz. Are we kidding ourselves? Then it’s game over. It’s game over. Here’s Bill Clinton in Durham, North Carolina. He doesn’t care about this country. It’s guys been feeding off this country for decades, for decades. And there he is out there, barely able to speak. Looks like he’s 140 years old. Yeah, well, that kind of sleeping around the daughter after a while, I’m told. Cut Fargo. And he keeps talking about how he wants to get even and may have to call out the military. Well, let’s ask a question. Get even. Why would he want to get even? First of all, not that he does, but why would he? Why would he want to get even Billy? Why? Just because he was prosecuted in Manhattan in a Stalinist like trial, just because the attorney general in New York used a phony statute to try and steal all his money and his businesses? I don’t know. Why would he try to get even? Just because another day in Fulton County, Georgia, and her lover. Yes. Because they put up a bunch of phony charges just because they used an unconstitutionally appointed federal prosecutor, not even a federal prosecutor, to drag this guy’s ass back from the AG who files these phony lawsuits. All right. Who has them used in the campaign? Why would he want to get even? I can’t imagine why. But he doesn’t want to get even. He wants to fix the system. And this is what Marxists and fascists do. They lie. They project onto the victim. They project onto the victim. What it is that they are actually doing. Go ahead. The danger within. I suppose that includes me. No, you’re not a danger. You’re a fat, old slob. Your fat old slob can barely function. It’s a fat old slob who can barely function, probably sits in the corner at a McDonald’s all day. Remember that? Slopping down the French fries. Excuse me. Now you’re in irrelevancy. You need? Well, it doesn’t include you. Even on the worst day, it doesn’t include you. As I’ll repeat this, because we have so many ignoramuses who’ve been president, we’re running for president who are Democrats. The enemy within is a phrase. It really comes from Abraham Lincoln. In his Lyceum speech, one of the greatest speeches in American history. Any history? You done, Bastard? You don’t even know that. And many, many of the most brilliant, most brilliant statesmen in our history have used that phrase or have made references of the kind. Thomas Jefferson, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Joseph Story. Abraham Lincoln. Ronald Reagan. Oh, yeah. The danger with it. And I suppose he means me now. Now that’s because you’re a pervert and a woman chaser doesn’t mean you’re the danger with. And that’s not what he’s talking about. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Then you have this moron, Mark Cuban. I don’t know if everybody treats them with respect. Not me. He’s a moron. Oh, Marcus, could this in my ass shut up. It’s a guy that used to own the Mavericks. Now he’s a minority owner, sat around there trashing Trump because he’s jealous of Trump. Trashing Trump. And yet the person who bought the majority stake. The Dallas Mavericks. Is the Adelson family. Sheldon Adelson, who was a great patriot, his wife, Miriam, who is a great patriot. Massive Trump supporter. Tens of millions of dollars in support of the Trump campaign and this idiot Cuban. As Bernie Sanders would say. Mark Cuban. He’s out there making an ass of himself to. They’re billionaires. They’re billionaires. Multi multibillionaires and then billionaires. What do I know? He’s not even in the league with Elon Musk or Miriam Adelson. And here’s my Cuba. In Wisconsin yesterday, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Listen to this, idiot. Cat five. Go. Hear me when I say that Donald Trump and by the way, the people online, Mr. Producer, tells me, say that the way he’s dressing and with his spectacles and everything, he’s starting to look like Rachel MADDOW. I think he does look like Rachel MADDOW. In fact, how do we know he’s not Rachel MADDOW? Rachel MADDOW looks like him. Go ahead. Hear me when I say that Donald Trump I love this line that they all use. Now hear me. Another thing. Kamala. Hear me? Him! Shut up, you idiot! Hear me! Hear me! Like. They’re like they’re the gods. Speaking of Moses. Amy. No, I don’t want to hear you. You, Jack. Why are there so many stupid billionaires? You know. I’ve often thought to myself, if that idiot can be a billionaire, should the rest of us be able to be? I look at this clown, this guy with the misshapen head. Got this massive head. May I say. Massive head doesn’t mean he’s got a big brain. It could be filled with a lot of bone, you know. And in his case, it is. But Mark, Cuba, there is a billionaire. When he was young, you know, he was probably working out of his mother’s basement. He hit it hot on whatever it was on computer, something or other, the Internet. And now he knows everything. He knows nothing. He’s a schmuck. Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. When I say Shut up, you jerk. Go ahead. Due to have a lousy Christmas. Oh, Donald Trump wants you to have a lousy Christmas. So not only is he going to lock you up with the military, he wants to ruin your Christmas. Wow. I told you, he’s an idiot. Go ahead. Donald Trump. Donald Trump? Is that Grinch, the Grinch that wants to steal your Christmas? Well, what he’s got to be the lowest IQ billionaire that’s out there now. You think, Mr. Producer Easy. And his voice has changed in mid-sentence there. I guess he’s still gone through puberty. Is that even biologically, anything’s possible anymore, I guess. Anything. So Donald Trump wants you to have a lousy Christmas, you see. After he’s done rounding you up with the military and putting you in prison. You understand, don’t you? Go ahead, Rachel. I mean, Cuba. Go ahead. No, let me explain. People just don’t realize how many of the products that we use on a daily basis are made in China. It’s a lot. Actually, dufus. We do. And that’s part of the problem. Let me educate you. Hear me. Hear me. Please hear me. Communist China is trying to destroy us. That’s why they’re building the military that they’re building. Their navy’s bigger than ours. That’s right. By 2030, they’ll have more nuclear weapons and a modernized nuclear weapon inventory that we don’t have. They’ve got three times as many soldiers. Their conventional warfare is quite significant. They’re more advanced with art, with hypersonic missiles. Joe Schmuck. Oh, we’re going to ruin Christmas. Trump wants to ruin your Christmas. So many of the of the drugs that you take to improve your quality of life or to survive are now made in China. Is that good? I don’t think it’s so good. And we have policies in place by these nimrods. Biden and Harris and their ilk that enrich communist China. I have an idea. What’s that? We’ll get rid of the combustion engine, destroy our our auto industry and all the workers that go with it. We’ll go with these stupid electronic vehicles. We can drive 300 miles and wait in line for an hour and a half and charge up your car. And you better hope you’re not in a flood, because if you’re in the car, well, you’ll fizzle out. Poof. Poof. 85% of everything that goes into one of these cars comes from communist China. 85%. Oh, and by the way, the electrical grid cannot handle. It cannot handle the the Green New Deal and all the electric vehicles. We don’t have enough electricity. We don’t. We’ll figure that out later because Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, they’re brilliant. They’ll figure it out, won’t they? I mean, after all, we have eight charging stations for $7 billion. These guys are good. They know what they’re doing. All right, Go ahead, schmuck. And this time next year, you’re going to be making decisions on the Christmas presents you want to buy for family and friends, launching all the toys. And they sound more and more like Bill Clinton to you. Doesn’t he, Rich? Let’s do this play 10 seconds at him and then go back to cut four and play 10 seconds of Clint. Let’s see how good you are on the board today. It’s clothes, shoes. And he keeps talking about how he wants to. Yeah, I think they’re the same person. Now he’s actually Rachel MADDOW. Go ahead, backpacks. Even the good old book dad jokes that I get every single Christmas. If Donald Trump is elected and he puts these 60% tariffs on Chinese products, they are all going up. Hey, moron, there’s already 100% tariffs on Chinese products. And Biden and Harris haven’t lifted them either. So you see, I’ve made it clear over the course of my career, and even as recently as this week, there’s tariffs and there’s tariffs. I’m not a guy that says throw tariffs on everything, including our allies and products. However, on the enemy that’s stealing our technology, that’s stealing our no harm on the enemy, that is trying to put our businesses out of business like communist China. Yes, you use tariffs because they’re the enemy. You don’t have open markets with the enemy. And he specifically points out trying to look how stupid this guy is. He’s a moron. Truly. So he wants us to fund our enemy while our enemies are destroying American jobs and American industries. I’ve talked to you already. About McKinley. President McKinley, late 1800s. He was assassinated in 1901. He was a big tariff believer. I don’t agree with him. Well, he’s gone, of course, but historically. And yet, under McKinley, when he came into office, there was a horrific depression. And he put in place an economic program of growth and tariffs. And there was rapid economic growth, rapid economic growth. They needed industrialization of America the early 1900s. The early 1900s. So when you have an enemy like let me ask this more on this way that export controls. See, this guy came out of the computer industry or things related to the computer industry, the Internet and so forth. These clowns don’t believe in any controls for up to them. They’d sell their soul and their mother to the Communist Chinese for an extra buck. Oh, yeah, they would. Oh, yeah, they would. You know, there’s a lot more going on here. A lot more morons. Hear me? Hear me, Hear me! We hear you, you dummy. There’s a lot more of this going on today, especially and I’m here, you know, I. I’m America’s fact checker. Mr. Producer. I’m America’s fact checker. That’s what I’m here to do. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Number 13 Mr. Producer. So this guy, Bob Woodward. Bob, looks like he’s already died, doesn’t he, Mr. Producer? It’s got the skin of an old man. He’s got this speech  impediment. Now, don’t make fun of people’s speech, but I’ll make an exception for him. It’s a real slow thinker. Writes the same book every couple of years. Gets his pay day. They push him on the usual corporate media platforms after all. After all, he got his start at the Washington Compost. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. I don’t get it. And I’m glad I don’t get it. When democracy dies in darkness over there at The Washington Post. But in any event. He goes on to The Colbert Show. Now nobody watches Colbert. Look, to be honest with you. I saw more conservative books than anybody else. I just do. We’re number one. Why? Because of me? No, because of you. Our little radio audience, our little blase audience, my little Fox TV show audience. These guys, they’re fighting to get on Meet the Press, the d face the Nation and and week weaa k this week with whoever the schmo is. And there they are being pushed by the compost and the slimes and all the rest of it. And they go on these late night shows. They’re not comedians, they’re jokes, and they go on with these jokes. Nobody’s watching, nobody gives a damn. And there he is with his gossip. Now this low IQ buffoon who’s been hanging around like a bed in her thigh rash. This guy who’s a hammer erotic a.k.a hemorrhoid. Here he is. Cut 13. Go. What makes him angriest is that he can’t control. Let me say he’s talking about Netanyahu. There you go. Go ahead. What makes him angriest is that he can’t control Netanyahu and the the war as it’s escalated in the last month. And it is something that they can’t control. And Netanyahu’s going to do what he wants to do, not just for what he deems in Israel’s interests. But the prime minister, as can mean he’s under indictment. He’s hanging by his political fingers. And so he is conducting the war not just in the interest of Israel, but his own political interests just took him. It took him 5 minutes to say what any Nimrod could have said in 4 seconds. Let me tell you some. This guy’s a liar and a fraud and a phony. The most popular public figure in Israel today, it’s not even close is Netanyahu. His party is majority control. If there was an elections today, they win in a landslide. A landslide. This clown doesn’t know what a statesman and a leader is like. Now he doesn’t. He thinks it’s George McGovern. He’s not hanging by his political fingers. Moreover, that legal case has all but fallen apart. All but falling apart. It’s another one of these phony legal cases, quote unquote, that the left uses. And Israel, like the left uses in the United States. These people don’t believe in due process. These people don’t believe in real cases. The phony fake case. Now, see, if Bob be on this program, I’d ask him about each individual charge, which I happen to know about, because they’ve been hanging around for a long time. I ask him, what are the elements of the charges? I’d ask him who brought the charges. I’d ask him about the witnesses, because I’ve read up on this, too. I know about the witnesses. There’s clowns. Not a serious person. Not a serious person. He should be. He should be drawing comic books. Well, he pretty much has. Now, I don’t know how many books he has sold. Almost nothing. Hillary Clinton just came out with a book. Stupid publishers, they pay her millions. I think she sold 12 copies. Nobody wants to read these people. Nobody’s interested in them. The country’s dying, the country’s dying, and they think this is funny. Can you see he’s doing this to stay out of jail? No, he’s not. They just got Sinwar. They knocked off Nasrallah. They’re defeating Hamas. They’re defeating Hezbollah. Iran is begging Biden to intervene and make sure that they can protect their nuclear sites and their oil sites. And, of course, Biden is helping them. He’s a special pleader for communist China. He’s a special pleader for the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. That would be a book. What word? You moron. But of course not. Now I got to write a book like that. What do you mean? And so there he is on late night. And by the way, Cobus says, can you imagine a politician doing anything they could to stay out of jail? Oh, that’s so funny. So here they are using Stalinist tactics against Trump and, yes, Netanyahu. These are historic, iconic figures, Trump and Netanyahu. These are people who actually love their country. And yes, there are enemies within. You’re seeing them. You’re hearing them. These are the enemies within. This is exactly what Lincoln was talking about. And Jefferson. And Storey and Reagan. How dare you? How dare you ever Shut up, you idiot! Can you imagine? Can imagine having a discussion with this guy at the dinner table? I mean, get starved to death. Wait till he finishes, honey. So. So we’re not rude. We’re not eating while he’s speaking. Well, I mean, what the hell? I don’t want to miss dinner here unless a whole meal. And listen to what he says. He’s an idiot. By. This is the nature of the beast right now, America. Nature to me. And then, of course, we have to go to Al Sharpton was on the morning show. Hey, Joe, is this the best we can do? Al Sharpton yet to scrape that guy off the bottom of your shoe? Oh, yeah. There’s a guy with a great history, Al Sharpton. Yeah. Look how they mainstream this clown. This put them on MSNBC. Every reprobate. Every reprobate. The way they mainstream themselves is they get a show on MSNBC. Look at them. They’re a a bigger bunch of morons. Yeah, maybe at CNN. But in any event, here’s Al Sharpton on the morning show show cut 15 go. And then his been clear for those of us that have known and dealt with Donald Trump pro and con for years. Oh, really, really, really jerk. We know about you for years. Two people in New York that people at Crown Heights we know all about. Yo, yo, yo clown. How dare you speak ill of Donald Trump? You of all people. I’ll be right back.