October 15th, 2024

October 15th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, can you think of any reason why there shouldn’t be requirements for voter ID to prove that you are an American citizen? Can you think of any reason why a non-citizen should be permitted to be on a voter list for a state, thereby being capable of voting? The DOJ is suing Gov Glenn Youngkin for fulfilling his role and assuring that only legal citizens are able to vote on November 5th. Also, Christopher Rufo calls in to discuss his exclusive report that Kamala Harris plagiarized large sections of her book, Smart on Crime. Decades ago, this would have knocked Harris out of the race, but those standards don’t exist anymore. We now have propaganda by censorship in the media. Later, the Democrats are working closely with unconstitutional Jack Smith to use his filing as a basis for impeaching Donald Trump if he’s elected. Democrats are also launching a judicial power grab in case Trump wins in November. These Democrats have no intention of accepting the election results. Afterward, it’s not a perfect analogy but Trump’s view on tariffs are more akin to President William McKinley’s. McKinley saw rapid economic growth after a depression. Finally, Trump was at the Economic Club of Chicago and every question from the Bloomberg News host was screamingly hostile and his attitude was condescending and off putting.  This is a perfect illustration of the corrupt media aggregated into this single guy’s performance. And yet, Trump handled it all with a great temperament, skill and substance.  There’s no way Kamala Harris could cope with anything like that on any level.

Fairfax GOP
Fairfax Republicans Condemn Biden-Harris Justice Department for Interfering in Virginia Elections

Christopher Rufo
Kamala Harris’s Plagiarism Problem

The Federalist
Democrats Are Launching A Judicial Power Grab In Case Of A Trump Victory

Biden-Harris Economy: Walgreens to Shutter 1,200 Stores to Help Stem Losses

Feds Admit: Child Sex Trafficking Reports Triple under Harris and Biden

Photo by Emily Elconin for The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Welcome. I begin the program with two questions. As I sit here and contemplate. Can you think of any reason why there shouldn’t be the requirement for voter identification that you are a citizen when you vote? Can you think of any reason, any. They should have to show. A legitimate voter ID. Number two, can you think of any reason? Why a non-citizen should be permitted to be on a voting list for a state. A noncitizen could be on a voting list for a state thereby capable of voting. Can you think of any reason? To permit that. Well, I want to tell you what’s going on in the Commonwealth of Virginia. And it’s not just in Virginia and other states, too. Let me give you an example. In Virginia. The biggest county in Virginia by far is Fairfax County. It’s got well over a million people, probably 1.2. To the biggest county outside of Washington, D.C.. He used to be Republican, but now, of course, it’s for white Democrats. And the Fairfax Republican Party. Put out a release today. The Fairfax County Republican Committee condemned the US Department of Justice. Listen to this. For interfering in Virginia’s voting process by suing Governor Youngkin for fulfilling his role in ensuring that only legal citizens are able to vote on November 5th. The Virginia Constitution itself states quote, Each voter shall be a citizen of the United States, unquote. That is a requirement, period. So Governor Youngkin, he issues Executive Order 35 and explains that in the brief 18 month period between January 2022 and July 2024, the Virginia Department of Elections, or what they call elect remove 6303 noncitizens from the voter rolls. We are proud that Governor Youngkin is defending the citizens of the Commonwealth by cleaning up our voting rolls, said Katie Gorka. That’s right. Our buddy Sebastian Gorka, his wife, chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee. For too long, the DMV, the DMV did not provide legally mandated data and the Department of Elections or elect did not demand it. So here you have the bureaucracy that didn’t follow up. Purposely. As a result, non-citizens registered and voted in the past. Governor Youngkin is now simply following the law to ensure that Virginia voters are not disenfranchised. The Department of Justice, the Harris Biden, Department of Justice, has brought a lawsuit. In an attempt to thwart this action, a push for non-citizens to vote. One more example of the Harris Biden administration wielding the DOJ for their political purposes. So for more than a decade excuse me, Virginia bureaucrats allowed thousands of non-citizens onto Virginia’s voter rolls and from at least 2011 to present day. Thousands of non-citizens had been permitted to register to vote in Virginia, enabled by the Department of Motor Vehicles. From 2013 to May 20, 23, ten years, the DMV did not provide to elect the office that oversees elections. The document numbers obtained from legally present noncitizen DMV customers as required by law. These document numbers would have enabled elect to verify the citizenship status of voter registrants. Their use of systematic alien verification for entitlements program are save operated by the DHS. Prior to August Elect also failed to use the same program to verify the citizenship status of both newly registered voters and existing voter registrations, even though elect has had the ability to use the same program since 2014. Using the same program, states and localities can verify easily legally present noncitizen immigrant status and also their naturalization acquired U.S. citizenship status. And elected in general. Registrars do not verify the Social Security numbers of non DMV voter registrations with the Social Security Administration for these registrations. The Social Security numbers are not even checked to ensure the numbers match to the holder’s correct name and date of birth. Gorka said We have hundreds of election workers and poll watchers to help protect the integrity of this election, but there’s no way for us to verify if the people voting are actually citizens because the DMV and the office of elect keep that information hidden from the people they claim to serve. That is the citizens of Virginia. And so this is why Young Kin’s actions are so important. But in addition to the Harris Biden regime lawsuit, two groups, the so-called Virginia Coalition for Immigration Rights and the League of Women Voters every year are suing to restore non-citizens to the voter rolls and to stop any further removal of non-citizens. So these leftist groups are also using campaign tactics to push non-citizens to register and vote on Election Day. So you hear all the time, where’s your evidence of voter fraud? Right here. It’s right here. Now, Governor Youngkin. He was on the Constipated News Network yesterday with Jake TAPPER. And I want you to listen to this. Starts with the fake and then it goes to junk and cut six. Go. The reason why this quiet period is what’s put into law under the federal law is because these purging programs not I’m not singling out Virginians, but in general, purging programs are error filled. And let’s stop a minute. Here’s what he gets wrong. If you know that the DMV and this elections office have been have not been scrutinizing their voter rolls for noncitizens on their voter rolls so they can vote. There’s no requirement in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that you allow fraud to occur. None whatsoever. Quiet period or no quiet period. And so here there’s no question that there’s no mistakes. It is affirmatively taking place. Go ahead. We’re not citizens who have since gotten their citizenship are mistakenly taken off the rolls. Sometimes it’s just the same name. Sometimes the government just screws up. And so that’s the reason for the 90 day period. Why not just honor that 90 day period? Well, let me just first begin. It’s anything but a purging program. It begins with someone identifying themself as a non-citizen. And I guess I would posit back to you. Do you think that non-citizens, when they’ve had self-identified as a non-citizen, should stay on the voter roll and therefore be in a position to potentially vote in a presidential. I don’t think so. Let’s stop a minute. So, in other words, these forms, citizen non-citizen and so forth, then so these people check off that they’re non-citizens. But the DMV and the election office do not take that information to make sure they’re not on voting rolls are automatically put on these voting rolls. And so this isn’t a matter of a mistake. The people themselves are checking noncitizen. Go ahead. And citizens should vote. How are they self-identifying? How does that happen? They actually tick a box that says I am a non-citizen or they do not answer the question that they are a citizen and therefore they self-identify that they are not a citizen in the United States of America. And this is why this is so out of bounds in my mind, from the Justice Department. They fully understand this. They understand the process starts with a person self-identifying as a non-citizen. And then there is a match with that person’s name on the voter rolls. And they are given not just one, but up to three times in order to try to cure it. And this is why I find this to be a very, very unreal moment that is stunning that they filed this suit 25 days before a presidential election, when, in fact, this has been going on in accordance with our constitution, the federal constitution and state law since 2006. You understand these violations have been going on since 2006. And the Department of Justice waits until now to bring this lawsuit. Why? Because it won’t be resolved before the election is a very diabolical, evil Department of Justice. One more cut. Seven. Go. I guess the only thing I would say is and I’m not here to represent the Justice Department, 6300 people is a lot. I don’t know that every time everybody checks a box, they know what they’re checking. I think a lot of people mess up when they check boxes. And there is this federal law of 90 days. And I just wonder when you knew this was going on, did you not know that the law was you can’t do this within 90 days of an election? Or was it just a it was just rolling and nobody even thought about it? No, it actually doesn’t contravene the federal law at all. And in fact, because it is done on an individualized basis, person by person, and because that person has, in fact, self-identified as a non citizen, this is not subject to the 90 day blackout period, in my view, and in and in counsels and counsel’s advice. So they’re not just blowing people off this list. They’re looking at individuals who’ve checked non-citizens. You’ve checked non-citizens. You have identified yourself as somebody who shouldn’t be on the voting lists, the DMV and the so-called elect office. They put them on the voting lists anyway. And so the governor is trying to take them off. The Department of Justice intervenes 25 days before the election, says no, no, the 90 day period. And with the governor saying this has nothing to do with the 90 day period, we’re looking at individuals that checked the no citizen box. It’s a violation of state constitutional law, federal constitutional law, and that just partment says no. And they did this with another state. So I don’t want to hear any more that there’s no voter fraud because you see the League of Women Voters and this phony ethnic front group, they come in and they sue and challenge it, too. They want these people on the rolls. Why? So they vote? They don’t want voter I.D.. Why? So people who don’t have a right to vote, vote. What could possibly be legitimately another motivation for this. And this is going on in a lot of places, and it’s the Democrats who are defending it. It’s the Harris Biden Justice Department. And you might recall a few months ago, I did a story on how Biden signed an executive order that was secret for the longest time, where people are signing up for federal benefits and so forth. They’re signing up. That information is being used to put people on voting rolls. And so they’re purposely exploiting this throughout the country. And this is why I say you got to vote early and you got to vote in big numbers and you got to be the Paul Revere. You got to be the Thomas Paine. You got to get your friends and everybody else out to take care of this so we could end this kind of institutionalized voter fraud is what I call it, institutionalized voter fraud once and for all. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
All right. We’re with our friend Christopher Rufo, who helped break a story about Kamala Harris and her plagiarism. You know, I remember Chris years ago, 1987, as you point out, Joe Biden had to drop out of the Democrat presidential primary because he was caught stealing language from Robert Kennedy and Neil Kinnock, the Labor Party leader in Britain. And today we have media organizations. You bring the story to the American people that she is a big time plagiarist with her first book. And other than a few spots here and there, pretty much crickets. Isn’t that amazing to you? Yeah, I mean, it’s amazing in one sense, but it’s not amazing in another. The media has learned its lesson. They aren’t honest brokers. They aren’t trying to deliver the facts to the people and let them decide. They’re trying to maintain a narrative about Kamala Harris that we’ve seen since her first entry into the campaign, which was basically a full scale propaganda effort to prop up a historically weak candidate. And the funny thing is, Mark, if you compare the plagiarism by Kamala Harris and her first book with the plagiarism of Joe Biden in his 8788 campaign, Kamala Harris’s plagiarism is much more egregious, not only because she’s copying language, you know, verbatim throughout the text, but she’s copying from sources like Wikipedia, which even my middle schooler understands is beyond the pale. Mm hmm. Yeah, Wikipedia is a joke. All right, so tell us what this expert found overseas. You got this information and what she did. Yeah, that’s right. So I received a kind of a document and then published it as an exclusive report from a plagiarism hunter in Austria who has developed a reputation over the past decade for terrorizing the German speaking politicians, digging up plagiarism from their academic careers, and really taking down political leaders in Germany with some stunning successes. And he thought that he was less equipped to break the story here in the United States. I had broken the story about Katie and Gay’s plagiarism when she was president of Harvard University, and so he came to me with this document, which was stunning. There are, you know, a dozen instances of significant plagiarism. She’s copying language word for word from unreliable sources. And the whole book is basically riddled with this plagiarism. It’s like, you know, intentional. It shows sloppiness. It shows malevolence in some cases. And look, in any other kind of sane and healthy immediate environment, this would be the top story not only in conservative media, which it is, but it would be the top story in all media across the United States. Mm hmm. And even some conservative media is not really focused on it. Isn’t that correct? Yeah. I mean, I mean, it’s made the rounds day one. It was a bit of a slow build, but now we’ve gotten coverage in virtually every conservative publication. And, you know, that said, there are two big publications on the left and center left. The New York Times did a big whitewash. They said that it was it was plagiarism, but it wasn’t bad. And if you noticed it, you were racist. The kind of typical argument from the Times. But to its credit, CNN actually did an analysis of the report and concluded that, yes, in fact, it was plagiarism. The angle, the story, you know, making me the villain of the story rather than the plagiarist. But they did acknowledge within the story that, yes, this is plagiarism. Yes, it was widespread and yes, it was significant. When we come back, Christopher Rufo, what has been the response of Kamala Harris campaign? Has there been a response? Let’s dig into that a little bit. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So this is a plagiarism scandal. A couple of decades ago, this would have knocked Kamala Harris out of this race. The media would have been shocked. She would have been humiliated. She would have had cameras and microphones in her face demanding an answer. That’s what happened to Biden. But those standards, as weak as they were back then, they don’t exist at all anymore. You can imagine if this were Donald Trump, you’d never hear the end of it, just like her husband, Doug Emhoff, and the things that he’s accused of doing. It’s as if the Daily Mail never reported them. Why? Because you can have propaganda by censorship. That is the media not reporting information that is newsworthy because they want a particular result. Now, Christopher Rufo. As I understand it, you attempted to get a comment from them. Others have attempted to get a comment from them, and there’s been no response from the Kamala Harris campaign. Is that correct? Well, initially, yes. The Harris campaign refused to provide us comment as we first broke the story of her plagiarism. But there was actually enough heat coming from left wing publications, at least covering it from the CNN reporters and New York Times reporters. And they did eventually release a statement, but the statement was in itself totally false. It said that Kamala Harris had cited her sources and created footnotes. Of course, she didn’t say to her sources she committed plagiarism, but the bulk of the statement was actually just to attack me. You know, I’m bringing forth the information. I’m the reporter, I establish the facts. But really, they just went on the attack against me because they want to signal to their to their allies in the media and such. You know, this is a conservative reporter. We want to destroy his reputation. We want to target him personally as a way of avoiding the actual substance of the report and grappling with this very embarrassing plagiarism crisis. And it is embarrassing because I want the American people to understand plagiarism is stealing. You’re stealing somebody’s work product. You know, have physical labor of intellectual labor. You’re stealing somebody’s thought process, their their writings and so forth. It’s like stealing anything else. And not only that, Christopher Rufo, she’s an attorney, and attorneys are trained. To have proper citations, proper footnotes or notes when they write briefs and so forth and so on. They’re supposed to be meticulous about this. You’re taught in in law school how to write these things. Also, when you’re an author, you’re an author. I’m an author. The difference is you and I actually write our books. And so you’ll find hundreds of notes in my books. And I do that purposely. People deserve credit. That’s why and that’s how I’ve been trained. It’s called ethics, whether you’re an author, a lawyer, author or whatever. And so doing it, we know anything about the publisher. I mean, it seems to me they ought to be retracting some of this. Well, this is actually a very interesting wrinkle. And so my team emailed the publisher requesting comment, and the executives at the publishing company accidentally copied us on some of their internal communications and they were in a full panic. They said that all inquiries about this plagiarism should be routed to the executives and we should try to maintain silence because this is a very sensitive matter. We have to get through this. That was the effect of what they were saying. And so, look, the publishers know they got caught publishing plagiarism. The readers of the report that I package know that Kamala Harris committed plagiarism. But we still have this kind of media class that is maintaining this fiction that she is brilliant. Joy is a scholar of high caliber. It’s an utter farce. And the question is, are the American people going to see through it? Are they going to catch the glimpse of what is really happening beneath the surface of this propaganda campaign when they cast their votes come next month? You know, Christopher Ruth, I’ve made the point that she never actually prosecuted a case herself, eight years in the DA’s office, eight years in the attorney general’s office, because I’ve looked through other normal search channels. I don’t have time to go to every courtroom and look. But I’ve challenged the campaign on Fox and behind this microphone. Okay. If she is actually litigated cases, can you can you cite me them and show me them so I can give her credit where credit to do nothing. Not a word. So she’s really never prosecuted anything. I brought people forward who who had been molested by pedophiles, priests in the in San Francisco who said that the prior D.A. had actually done investigations, had pulled files together, was ready to go. She defeats this prior D.A. and then she wants nothing to do with them. She never prosecutes any of these pedophiles. You know, other cities did. And then when she was attorney general, they asked for the records so they could bring civil suits. She never answered their contacts. Then there’s a lot about her 92% turnover on her staff when she’s vice president, dropping the F-bomb, screaming at people, telling them not to look in her eyes. I mean, this you’re 100% right. They’ve created a fiction here. They have concocted this personality and they’re just desperately trying to drag her across the finish line, right? Yeah, that’s right. And I think what you’re saying really goes to this point that, you know, she has really worked her way up the ladder and leaving behind her a kind of abyss of accomplishment. You don’t see actual substantive achievements. Her record as attorney general is been her record in the United States Senate as far as legislation passed is thin. Her record as vice president, to the extent that she was participating in the administration, was likewise thin. And so she has a and a symbolic political leader who’s collected the various identity points, who’s collected the various titles. But there’s not much substance there. And I think the American people are starting to see this this vast chasm between the image or the symbol and the underlying substance. And again, propaganda is is difficult to maintain over the long term. The truth has a way of bursting through. The question right now in the closing weeks of this campaign, however, is what will win in the end? Can they maintain the fiction for long enough to get her over the finish line so that the regime behind her can rule over the Oval Office? Or will people see the truth and say, you know, for whatever his faults might be, you know, at least former President Trump is a man who calls the shots for himself and certainly is a man who wants to get substantive things done. And he loves the country and she doesn’t she believes in this fundamental transformation. She was basically groomed by Obama. I remember the midterm elections where he got blown out by the Tea Party, but he went all the way to California to campaign for her to become attorney general. But I thought it was very weird. And she’s been kind of under his wing from the very start. And you can see Obama trying to salvage her, her campaign now. But what do you make of the media? I mean, the media attack you, they will try and destroy you. They do it with me. They do with other people. They do it with Trump and so forth. The media are different than they were 20 or 30 years ago. They may have been liberal, have a liberal bent, they may have been partisan. But this media is completely out of the closet now, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s right. And you know, Mark, for my last book and you were gracious enough to have me on your show about it, I read The New York Times op ed about some of the left wing radicalism back in the late sixties and early seventies. And I was actually shocked by the position at The New York Times, was very critical of hard left race ideology, Black Panther ideology, Weather Underground ideology. They relentlessly kind of mocked and criticized those philosophies. Fast forward now 50 years, and those are the philosophies that rule the pages of The New York Times. And if you dissent from. You know, I consider myself someone on the kind of moderate center right. But for them now, anything left of far left is considered far right. This is the political world that they’re creating that they would like to see. And so it’s no surprise that they’re going all in to defend Kamala Harris, no matter what her transgressions. She’s lied about her background. She’s lying about her position. She picks a running mate who is a serial liar. These two people are pathological. Do you ever see anything like this before? No. I mean, it’s stunning. But look, Kamala Harris did not want to take a vice presidential candidate or rather vice presidential nominee who would upstage her in any way. And so she had to define it all the way she succeeded. To Tim Walsh, who’s one of the most bizarre people, even just as far as his mannerisms, his public appearances, his bumbling with words. I mean, it really is stunning and shocking. And it would be a shame if America, the most powerful and still the most free country on earth, would take people of such little skill, little talent and little accomplishment. It is shocking that the greatest nation on the face of the earth, this is the best they can do it. And look. It is shocking how she became the nominee. Not a single vote, not a real convention. They had a virtual vote before the convention. No competition, no challenge on the floor, no nothing. They broom by now they the disenfranchised 14 and a half million primary voters. And they keep smiling and going long like that’s no big deal. So she’s never received a single vote for a presidential nomination. Not the first time she ran. Not this time she ran. So this general election will be the first time she’s actually subjecting herself to vote in this the weirdest damn thing. It is. And of course, some people just have fortune on their side. They’re very lucky. I think that’s certainly part of this. But the other part of it is she is a ruthless operator. She’ll say and do whatever it takes. She knows that she has some of those symbolic qualities related to race and gender in particular, that make her untouchable relative to other candidates. And so she’s going to ride this all the way in. And listen, what I think the conclusion is, if she wins, she’ll know. She’ll know that she owes it all to the media. And so the relationship between the president and the media will be the relationship to watch. And the question then becomes, in a sense, who controls whom? And I think that it would be the first totally media controlled presidency, because Kamala just has to kind of go wherever the media’s fashion is indicating. That’s the only source of her power. And I actually think that’s much more dangerous than even a kind of a kind of addled and semi braindead president like Joe Biden. Mm hmm. She’s there really, as a as a holder, as a marker, because just like with Biden, they’ll pour their ideology through him or in this case, through her, they’ll push their agenda. But she does have some ideological positions, like she’s extremely hostile to Israel. She really does not believe that we should have a secure border, that everybody coming across the border. I mean, you’ve written about it lat, grit and all these other things that, you know, these white Europeans, they’re the illegal aliens and so forth. Obviously, she and others really believe this stuff, right? Or the border wouldn’t be wide open the way it is. Yeah, no, of course she does. But at the same time, she’s very willing to switch her positions as she finds political advantage. And so, you know, in a sense, one of the most reassuring elements of her political campaign is that she’s adopted all of Donald Trump’s positions because her polling at least is indicating to her that her prior radical positions, probably her most authentic political commitments, are deeply unpopular. And so, again, I think we see a bait and switch. She’s saying close the border, reduce taxes. Yeah, but she’ll switch back if she’s elected in all of these things. But that would be immediately gone. Exactly. If she if she enters office 100%. Well, keep up the great work. That was really excellent work. And the gentleman who who did the digging just pass my regards on to him. And it’s very, very important to know these things. And I appreciate your buddy and you’re with the City Journal and the Manhattan Institute. And you can go to Chris Rufo. Dot com is a Christopher Rufo dot com Christopher Rufo icon and take care of yourself. Thanks, Mark. Bye bye. All right. Be well. That’s amazing. Blatantly steals people’s intellectual property. It’s like stealing a physical piece of property. And no big deal. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, folks, I look at this violence issue and democracy issue because they’re trying to ramp up now democracy. He wants to be a dictator. He’s going to use the military to round people up. They’re liars. He never did any of that. And he’s never going to do any of that. But here’s what’s interesting to me. You had the riots of 2020 that went on for months. People literally died. They were killed. Arson in our major cities, starting really in Minneapolis. They burned down a police precinct. The destruction that they did. You had in Portland, the federal courthouse under attack for 60 straight days. Physical attack. Police. Police beaten and harmed throughout this country. You literally have a candidate for president and Kamala Harris. Who supported Black Lives Matter. You literally have this guy Biden, who made one statement from his basement. You literally have the governor of Minnesota chosen as the running mate by Kamala Harris, who pulled back the National Guard despite the fact the left wing mayor of Minneapolis begged him to send in the National Guard. Citizens were being harmed. Businesses were being destroyed. Cops were under attack. You had mayhem. You had anarchy. Real violence. But he waited. And so Kamala Harris. And Tampon Ten. They’re going to tell us about January six. January six, you’re Trump. The day was extremely articulate, dealing with a real head case, this phony journalist. He kept this cool, kept this temperament. He was just moving from year to year. Absolutely brilliant. Kamala Harris couldn’t stand that for 10 seconds. And he made the point. He said, look, there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people at that protest, a relative handful of them, seven or 800 of them, whatever. They tried to storm the place. Some of them were waved in, invited in, he said. But they never talk about the hundreds and hundreds of thousand. And I said peacefully and are for the National Guard. You know, Kamala Harris can’t even say that. Campaign team can’t even say that Kamala Harris was busy. Contributing to a fund that would allow the rioters out. That would pay for their bail. That’s what she did. She literally had her hand. If not directly indirectly, in the violence by rewarding. The violent individuals. By providing them with money. And proud of it, announcing it. So I want you to think about these things, America. Dictator and now he’s a racist. It’s amazing. The party of racism and segregation of slavery. Joe Biden, a racist segregationist? Absolutely. 100%. And Kamala Harris once called him out in a debate. Donald Trump has never done anything racist. He’s hired black people. He’s hired Latinos. He’s hired Asian people. He’s hired gay people. He’s hired all kinds of people, regardless of background or creed or race or religion or anything else. Kamala Harris. Talks about equity. Kamala Harris puts people pigeonholes them into groups based on physical features. Just keep your head straight, America, and think these things through for yourself. I’ll be right back.