October 8th, 2024

October 8th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Meteorologist Joe Bastardi calls in to give the latest update on Hurricane Milton. Don’t be fooled if the category of the storm downgrades, it will be just as destructive. If you’re in the path get out now, why test Mother Nature? Also, do you hate Donald Trump more than you love America? Kamala is not qualified to be president; she’s demonstrated she’s not even qualified to be VP. If you love your country, there is no way you can vote for Harris. Harris said, there would be no difference between her policies and Biden’s. America needs to know the real Harris. The one who’s known for running a toxic workplace. Later, the ruling class and their media are destroying this country for power and money. The pseudo-news begins weeks before election day.  Loathsome gossip author, Bob Woodward, times the release of new book excerpts and his book, filled with trash, to use against Donald Trump.  His colleagues in the corporate media, already desperately all-in for Harris, use the excerpts as concocted news, run with headlines, and force the Trump campaign to respond. Afterward, Speaker Kevin McCarthy calls in to explain that he feels that the momentum is on Trump’s side, but we need to keep that momentum up for the next month. Voting early will help!  Finally, Tom Barrett calls in to discuss his race for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District.

Daily Mail
Kamala Harris’ ‘world salad’ response on 60 Minutes edited out by CBS

Washington Free Beacon
Don’t Look Her In the Eye: Father of Harris Intern Recounts Office Horror Stories

Daily Mail
Doug Emhoff was a foul-mouthed ‘a**hole’ and ‘misogynist’ who hired a ‘trophy secretary’ because she was ‘pretty’ and ‘retaliated against women who didn’t flirt back’ at LA law firm, ex-staff claim

Harris responds to report that DeSantis refused her calls about storm recovery

Right Scoop
‘She’s never contributed anything to hurricane efforts while VP’ – Gov DeSantis SCORCHES Kamala for political attack

Biden Breaks From Harris on Ron DeSantis, Praises Him For Doing a ‘Great Job’ With Hurricanes

Daily Mail
Why ‘General’ Kamala Harris lost over 90 percent of her staff as Vice President

NY Post
Afghan national in US on Special Immigrant Visa accused of plotting ISIS-inspired Election Day terror attack

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has released a Message to the Residents of Lebanon


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Let’s get right to it. We only have 3 hours and tons going on. First things first, Hurricane Melvin. We have our buddy Joe Bastardi, chief meteorologist, Weatherbell.com. Joe, what’s happening, brother? Well, it’s going through a second cycle of deepening and we saw this coming yesterday when it fell apart a little bit, didn’t really fall apart, just weaken with the interaction with the Yucatan and some drier air tried to get into it. But now it’s pulling away from the Yucatan. It’s really intensifying, is probably going to hit a second peak. Let me explain something about this storm, though, folks. When it reaches the Florida coast, it will not be strong. At the center is what you’re seeing now. The problem is it will be much bigger. It’ll be a very, very big storm by that time. So that hurricane force winds are extending out 100 miles to the south and north of the center. Right now, they only extend out 20 miles. So it’s like a mighty mite right now, very small, relatively compact. So what will happen is it will still have the same amount of total energy. And that total energy is pushing a wall of water at the Florida west coast from the southwest. The last time this happened in Tampa was 1921. Now, you said, well, what about Ian? What about Charley? All those storms went in south of Tampa and we saw Halloween, Dahlia and Debby. They went into the north of Tampa. This is coming very close to Tampa. It may be 20, 30 miles south of Tampa. A lot of the models some of the models are a little bit further south. Most of the models that I’ve just looked at right over Tampa Bay. But here’s the thing that you have to understand. The total power of the storm is very concentrated now. It’s going to continue to increase the amount of power it has. Don’t be fooled. If the categories fall down because the storm will be just as big and destructive even if it hits off its peak. I’ll give you examples. Rita, Katrina, Wilma, All those hit the United States is category three after five. Now I’m talking about the SAP or Simpson Scale. My companies develop the power and the impact scale, which takes into account this size I’m talking about. And the size of the storm will be very important. So it’s going to be near its peak on our scale when it reaches the coast, probably between eight and midnight, very, very close to Tampa, if not at the mouth of the bay, perhaps a tad bit further south. Not going to make a difference with the tremendous surge that the National Hurricane Center is forecasting will move right up the I-4 corridor, come out just north of Cape Canaveral, it looks like, in the morning on Thursday. Head out to sea. And that area, that I-4 corridor, is going to get hit by hurricane force winds. Not as bad. Of course, is what we’re going to see around Tampa, but still a substantial storm. And when it’s all said and done, it’s liable to rival. And as far as total damage done to Florida in billions of dollars, my God, I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m no expert, Joe, But let me ask you a question. Is this thing moves from the West Coast? Central Florida, East Coast. I heard Governor DeSantis say, and you folks on the East Coast, things may well happen when this hurricane’s in the Atlantic. Is that true? And what is that? Well, they’ll get 3 to 5 hours of strong north winds, probably gusts 85, 90 miles an hour the north. But it will be moving away from that. And so the weather will consistently improve. It’s not like a storm coming at you from the southwest as far as never seeing this is, you know, one of the things my professors at Penn State, Dr. John Kerry, late Dr. John Kerry, said go study typhoons in the Pacific. You’ll learn all about how these things really work. So you’re seeing an exceptional situation, but it’s not something that we haven’t seen before. Wilma in the Caribbean. She went down, I believe, to 882 millibars and the high was only a half mile wide. So what happens is let me do it this way. In plain English, the average American who hasn’t studied typhoons in Japan and so forth. When’s the last time something like this hit the United States? Well, it’s going to hit it’s Helene. It’s going to hit with the strength of Helene at the center. It’s not going to it’s not going to be the same storm it is now. But it’s like, okay, what I caused, I suppose, with 23 years old year 12 and 102 mile an hour fastball, but then eight or nine years later, you get a wicked slider like Steve Carlton used to have, right? He’s not throwing a fastball as hard, but he still just is just as nasty a pitcher, just so. What happens is when it hits, when we when we total it up and we’ll say, well, this was the 34th strongest storm to hit Florida as far as pressure and high. But you’re saying that’s not really what you look at. You look at the overall hurricane, the width of the hurricane. And so say you got it’s going to expand, it’s going to get bigger, it’s going to be stronger. And you see, this is how nature works, is only so, so much energy. You can bundle in very closely. Then it will start to expand. But think about this. I tell this, tell us to people all the time and this is why this is why I get really upset with these people with the climate change, because they don’t look at the size of some of the storms. Katrina officially hit as a Category three, but its hurricane force winds were so far out that all that energy of 80 to 100 mile an hour winds piled in and piled the water up. Carla versus Harvey, Carla gave hurricane force winds to the entire Texas coast. Harvey, only 100 miles wide, felt the force, but which was which was the greater storm as far as power goes. So we want to get that across to people, because if you start saying, oh, my gosh, look, it’s starting to weaken. It’s not really weakening. It expands in a different way and it’s just as deadly and just as strong. And this is as so. So really, Joe, before we run out of ignore the category number and pay attention to the fact that this is just for the average person, a massive, brutal storm. That’s exactly right. You got it right there. Don’t dwell on those categories. Well, look, the National Hurricane Center, people give them a hard time. They they’re great at this kind of storm. They’re going to be right on top of it. The governor just said this is a, you know, just amazing. They’re getting people ready. He said, you know what? What a difference. But you guys just hunker down. You get out of the way, the darn thing. You come back and you rebuild. You come back stronger. That’s how it’s going to be. But get out of there. Get out of there at ground Zero. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, Joe, you’re the best. If people want to learn more about you and your company, where do they go? Well, what about dot com is our site, and it’s a it’s a it’s a premium site, but we still put the information out to get people there. And I’m on our Big Joe big story on Twitter or whatever the heck I am. But that that I put a lot of stuff out there to get people to look and especially I can’t believe this whole climate situation it’s like it’s like nuts to me. But in any case, Joe Glass stuff there, brother. All right. Thank you, man. Appreciate you at the last minute like this. Take care of yourself. Joe Bastardi is the best. So there we learned a lot. It’s just one damn big hurricane. It’s going to do a lot of brutal damage. And if you haven’t gotten into your vehicle to get the hell out of there, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Because if you have an O. S moment, there’s nowhere to go. There’s nobody there to help you. I’ll just give you an example. We build our house in Florida, 210 mile an hour winds. It’s built of steel and cement. It’s built like a pillbox. A bunker doesn’t look like it on the outside, but that’s the structure. It’s supposed to be able to withstand a massive hurricane. And even these these tides of ten, maybe 12, maybe 13 feet. The windows are almost bulletproof. The the casings the windows are in are massive. It took four or five men to put each window in to put the doors in the doors open towards the outside, again, because of the weather and so forth. The roof is a massive commercial roof. So basically all the money in this house went into the structure. But so what? I’m never going to sit there through the middle of a hurricane. I want to come back to a home. And everything around it will be destroyed. But I want the home to be there because I can’t build it again. God knows if it will be. But that’s what it’s tested to. But there’s no way I would wait in that house, even on the east coast of Florida while the hurricane is busting through the state of Florida. It’s not it’s not white. And so I. You don’t need me to tell you this, folks. You’re all mature adults. But why? Why test it? Mother Nature’s a mother. And you know what I mean by that? I don’t mean a sweet mother. A nurturing mother. This is Mother Nature. Unlike earthquakes and tornadoes. And things of that sort. Hurricanes are predictable within a within a window number of days. Basic area where it’s going to hit. And basic outcomes. So there’s no excuse. To be perfectly honest, no excuse. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Folks, I want to have a serious discussion with you here. About Kamala Harris. And everybody’s having laughs about her 60 Minutes interview and. CBS greatly edited the interview with respect to Israel because the things she said in the. Illiterate nature in which he speaks. She goes on to Howard Stern. Howard Stern got wealthy and famous. Pushing sexism and porn obsession and racism and vulgar ism and woman woman womanizing stuff and not saying he did it, but this was the core of his program. As she goes on that show, she goes on The View. Where you have really some nasty, awful people. She’s going on Colbert, who’s a Democrat. Basically surrogate. The American people deserve a lot better than this. She’s a mature. She’s not smart. She doesn’t work hard. She is an ideologue. She’s manipulative and is easy to be manipulated. This is a frightening prospect. A frightening prospect. Nobody listens to Howard Stern anymore. A tiny percentage of the American people watch The View and Colbert. He’s talking to the same people who support her. Her 60 Minutes interview was a disaster for her. But even CBS cleaned it up somewhat. Look at her pick for vice president. There couldn’t be a more awful choice. And for almost four years as vice president, she literally did absolutely nothing. Nothing. She admits she did nothing on the border, but she did nothing. They didn’t want her near the White House. They didn’t want her in public. Her ratings were in the dumpster up to about two months ago where they recreated her. They don’t want her engaging with serious people. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re a little over three weeks away from selecting the next president of the United States. I don’t find this funny at all. She’s got surrogates out there all over the place lying to us. All they do is attack Trump. She’s got hundreds of millions of dollars. The campaign has said that they’re going to use that money to rip Trump to shreds. The lie about Trump’s position on abortion on Project 2025 In-vitro Fertilization. They’re still talking about him as if he’s Hitler. The dehumanization is going on and on and on. And that’s why I say you’ve got to make a decision. Your friends, family, others have to make a decision. Do you hate Trump more than you love America? Kamala Harris is not qualified to be president. She’s not even qualified to be vice president. And she’s demonstrated that. I’m not talking about her age or her gender or her race. I’m talking about her as a human being. The idea that people are going to cast a vote for this person, a cast, a vote for this person is simply because they either hate Trump and can’t get over it or it’s it’s a matter of baseball. It’s one team versus another. But if you love your country, there is no way you could possibly vote for somebody like this. No way. Four years of this will be a disaster. We will be in a war with China, perhaps Russia. Israel could easily be defeated because she hates Israel. She’s an Islamist. Her father was an Islamist Marxist. Her pastor’s the same thing. She’s truly a radical. So she’s going to lean on her Marxist Islamist ideology. I’m telling you, ladies and gentlemen. We know the real Carmela, but unfortunately, most of the nation does not. The real Carmela tells an intern, Don’t look into my eyes. So upsetting the intern’s father that he wrote an entire op ed about it. The real Kamala Harris can’t get along with her staff. 92% turnover on the vice president’s staff in three years. Nobody’s ever heard of anything like this. She drops F-bombs left and right. And look who she marries. This guy, Doug Emhoff. Doug Emhoff is a fraud, a phony. Now game is a misogynist. We have another piece in the Daily Mail that he was known in his law firm. As hitting on the women. Totally improper. We have a story in the Daily Mail that he slapped the woman so hard that she twirled around. He impregnates. What was it? The baby sitter. The nanny. I mean, this guy’s a sleazeball. A sleazeball. But the Praetorian Guard in the media, which is filled with sleaze balls like this. Their protector. They protect you. They have no regard for free press, no regard for professional journalism. And so this is a big deal. People are going to have to really start thinking about what they want here. This isn’t a senator from California, an attorney general from California, D.A. in San Francisco. We’re talking about the president of the United States. She didn’t get a single vote in 2020 in the primary. She didn’t get a single vote because she never ran in a primary. This time around. She didn’t have a real convention. They had a phony convention where she already had been picked virtually. And so now she wants to get your vote. And I’m telling you, America, listen to me, America. This is serious. It’s not funny. It’s not a joke. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
The ruling class and their media are destroying this country for power and money. Now we have the pseudo news begins. Remember what I wrote about in and Freedom of the press Pseudo news headlines weeks before Election Day. You have a loathsome gossip author, Bob Woodward. He times the release of a new book and book excerpts filled with trash trash talk to use against Donald Trump, his colleagues and the corporate media already desperately all in for Harris, use the excerpts as concocted News run with headlines force the Trump campaign to respond and so forth. Meanwhile, Rome, that is America burns. And Woodward gets richer. These people don’t give a damn about our country. Kamala Harris doesn’t destroy our health care system. She’s destroyed our border. She intends to do more. She’ll destroy marriage. She’ll destroy any notion of a colorblind society. I’m telling you, folks, she has no respect for the office of the presidency any more than she had respect for the vice presidency. She’s immature. She’s over her head. She’s incompetent. She’s barely literate. And she’s cold blooded. What she did with the senators today was disgusting. She’s never attended a pre-hurricane meeting. I broke that story nationally yesterday or the day before. Hurricane Helene. We have this massive hurricane about to hit Florida and she’s on Howard Stern. What do you women think about Howard Stern? I’m just curious. Howard Stern is pretty sick. He’s become quite the quite the putz, by the way. But in any event. Would you listen to something today that’s kind of gotten drowned out from all the rest? I want you to listen to this. I want you to listen to President Trump yesterday at a remembrance event. On October seven. I want you to listen to this. Cut 17 go. As you know, Hamas has now been severely degraded and Hezbollah has recently been dealt very, very powerful, crippling blows with strength and the right leadership. The dawn of a new, more harmonious Middle East is finally within our reach. It’s finally within our reach. But you have no idea the role that the United States has to play in order to get that ball over the goal line. We have to get it into the end zone. And if it’s not the United States, it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. We have to be able to get it done and get it done properly and get back to a wonderful, beautiful way of life. You have to be able to do it. You have to finish what you began and you have to finish it quickly. So here is my commitment to you on the solemn date. I will not allow the Jewish state to be threatened with destruction. I will not allow another holocaust of the Jewish people. I will not allow a jihad to be waged on America or our allies. And I will support Israel’s right to win its war on terror. And it has to win it fast and know what happens. It has to go. There is no confusion. There is no talking out of both sides of your mouth that received almost no attention. Almost no attention because the media want to tamp it down. They don’t want Jewish voters. Or Christian voters who support the state of Israel or other builders even hear what Donald Trump said. Kamala Harris doesn’t say any of this. Israel has the right to defend itself. Trump said it was right to win its war on terror. It has to win it fast. And it has to win it with the backing of the United States of America. How about anti-Semitism? Here’s Donald Trump again yesterday. October 7th, Remembrance Day. 18 go. Almost as shocking as October 7th itself is the outbreak of anti-Semitism that we have all seen in its wake. I never thought I was going to see this. Never, ever. This is so incredible to be witnessing. Whoever thought we thought this was very, very rarified, putrid air. We never thought we’d see it and we certainly never thought we’d see it in this country. And a lot of that has to do with the leadership of this country, this attack. Well, yeah. Well, that’s that’s true. We need leadership. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s very sad to say I never thought I’d say it. This attack should have rallied the entire world in support of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland. Instead, an ancient scourge of anti-Jewish hatred. And this was something we thought was left to hundreds and thousands of years ago. I mean, this was something we never thought could happen to anti-Jewish hatred as we turned, even here in America, in our streets, our media and our college campuses and within the ranks of the Democrat Party in particular, not in the Republican Party, I will tell you that it’s not in the Republican Party. And then in comparison, because that’s the choice. Trump or Harris. This is in the Daily Mail. CBS News appears to have edited the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris to show the Democrat 2024 hopeful in a more positive light. Social media erupted in criticism of the vice president’s words salad response to a question about the Israeli Hamas war. But after the episode aired on 60 Minutes on Monday night, the version that was put on to the show’s official YouTube page did not include Harris’s nonsensical answer and instead included a truncated and more straightforward response. Host Bill Whitaker asked Harris about whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was listening to the U.S. and whether the administration had any sway over the Jewish state’s decision making and its conflict with Hamas terrorists operating out of Gaza. Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy, where it needs to happen in the region. Her answer was riddled with long pauses and hesitant wording. The interview aired Monday, the same day that marked the one year anniversary of the start of the Middle Eastern conflict after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and carried out the largest single massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. It appears at CBS, decided to edit the vice president’s answer instead. The new version on YouTube has Harris appearing much more decisive and sure footed in her answer. CBS and Paramount did not respond to requests for comment from the Daily Mail regarding the edited clip. You see the difference, America? I played you the unedited Donald Trump. He made it abundantly clear where he stands and what he wants to do. Kamala Harris. It’s not a word salad, it’s equivocation. She surrounded herself with antisemites, with Islamists, with self-hating Jews, many of whom worked for or in the prior Obama administration. She’s made it clear that if she becomes president, she’s going to call together and have a special meeting on looking at the relationship with the state of Israel. When it comes to the United States. She lies about the border. She lies about the bill. People are being enslaved as I speak. She’s the vice president. She hasn’t lifted a finger. Photo ops. Photo ops. You go on, Howard Stern. There’s a joke ego in on The View, which is pathetic. You go on Colbert. Which is which is pathetic. And this is how you intend to campaign with the American people. This is how dictators campaign. The Iran friendly media. Basically state run media media that burps up regurgitates. But the monopoly party, the Democrat Party and their government. Want you to say. So the best she could do. They go on 60 Minutes. Whitaker had a good interview, but apparently the CBS bosses decided to tighten. Her answer about Israel because she doesn’t unequivocally support Israel. Whenever she talks about Israel, she needs to talk about the Palestinians. I want to make another point clear. I want to make it clear to the whole world. I want to make it clear to the journalists. I want to make it clear, even to my colleagues. On TV. A Hamas senior official has said. And of the 41,000 people who’ve died in Gaza. 80% were Hamas terrorists or Hamas terrorist family members. 80%. That’s a report. That’s a fact that came out of his mouth. 80%. And the reason is the other 20%, which will be lower, is because Hamas kills its own citizens, By the way, they they fight their terrorist wars and they kill Israeli citizens. Jets have Sabah Hezbollah kills citizens and Iran kills its own citizens. Enough of these lies. The media are contemptible. They say, Oh, if you criticize us, it’s like Stalin. No, you are like Stalin. You are like Pravda. That’s the problem. That’s why there’s the Blaze. That’s why there’s Breitbart. That’s why there’s The Daily CALLER and the Daily Signal. That’s why there’s right scoop. That’s why there’s conservative and truly free media platforms developing. All over the place. All over the place. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Now, this is funny to me. I care about my kids and my grandkids, and I care about the people who came before us, who put their lives on the line, serious people who cared about our country and everything that it meant. And I had one election where a complete buffoon. We’re the ruling class. The Democrat Party and their media are doing everything humanly possible to install her. I don’t find that funny. And I’m deeply concerned about this deeply because I know what’s going to happen in this country and I know what’s going to happen to each one of you. Even some of you who vote for. You won’t escape it. You won’t escape it. Now, I want you to listen to this on The View. What Kamala Harris said, because we hear from her surrogates, not from her, but her mouthpieces leaking to the media and so forth that she’s trying to separate herself from Biden. Is she? Biden the disaster is she? Well, listen to this. Cut seven, go. Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years? And there is, Donna, the thing that comes to mind in terms of and I’ve been a part of of of most of the decisions that have had impact the work that we have done, for example, capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for our seniors is something to start there. See? See right there. Trump did that. Trump did that. They take credit for something Trump did and go back and play the audio. But why should I go ahead without allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices? Trump did that. He did that to. Go ahead. It’s a prescription medication down for for seniors. But my intention is to expand that for all Americans. The work we have done to invest in American industries, whether it be in terms of manufacturing, if you didn’t invest in American industries, the one company they invested in has ties to communist China, the solar energy company they’ve been bragging about, they invested in. Apparently, it has a a fairly close relationship. The communist Chinese people are such frigging liars. But here’s the bottom line. The bottom line. It would be no different, she says. Food prices haven’t come down. They’re through the roof. Energy prices haven’t come down. They’re through the roof. They’re a dollar more a gallon of gasoline. Electricity prices haven’t come down. They’re almost 50% higher than they were when Trump was in office. Housing prices are through the roof. Rental prices are through the roof. In other words, basic things that you need to sustain yourself and your family. Those prices are through the roof and they’re not coming down. They’re not coming down. Inflation is through the roof. It’s not coming down any time soon. Need a change of administration? You need people who are going to embrace the American people. The wisdom of the American people, their know how the American people are businesses, small and large, rather than treating them as enemies. You’ve got to stop talking about centralization of government with more and more regulations, more and more taxation. We’re not interested in redistribution of wealth. We’re interested in success. Success. Why would we want politicians to decide the winners and losers? Why would we want to increase a massive bureaucracy and make it even bigger? That’s not how you create prosperity for more and more people. We’re not interested in equity. That’s what they do in North Korea. That’s what they do in communist China. We’re interested in opportunity where people who want to succeed can succeed. We’re interested in helping American citizens, not opening our borders to everybody who wants to come in here and go on the welfare state. We’re not interested in that. Kamala Harris does not have your interests in heart. She believes in the fundamental transformation of America. That’s why Obama groomed her when she was attorney general, running for attorney general California. She’s not interested in supporting the state of Israel. Period. Donald Trump is unequivocal about it. Now, why is that important to people? What’s Israel have to do with anything? What does it have to do with anything? Because I’ve told you before. People who hate Israel hate America. People who hate America hate Israel. She’s not going to do a damn thing about the anti-Semitism in the streets. You heard what Donald Trump said yesterday. That’s the most full throated attack on anti-Semitism in this country I’ve heard yet. The most full throated statement about securing our border, supporting our allies, building up our military. What we need in this country. Is what we needed 100 years ago. Normalcy. Normalcy. We don’t want revolution by immigration. We don’t want our economy turned inside out. We don’t want to destroy. The combustion engine in the automobile. Ladies and gentlemen. Everything’s on the line. All the rest of it is crap. All the rest of it is propaganda paid for and in-kind by the media. Much more when I return.