September 28th, 2024

September 28th, 2024

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, thanks to the open Biden/Harris border we have tens of thousands of convicted illegal alien murderers and sexual criminals roaming our streets who were released from their country and sent to America. Kamala does not care about women’s rights or children’s rights while we have the most slavery since the Civil War. Also, we have an exceedingly immoral administration in Washington D.C. that despises Israel, from Biden and Harris to Blinken and Kirby. If Israel didn’t exist we would be the ones targeted by Iran, who has already attacked our troops without any response from Biden. The government is not in service to Democrat oligarchs and we must defend it with whatever platform we have. Later, Mark is joined by military veteran and candidate Sam Brown about his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat in Nevada against a radical leftist democrat, and about his service and injuries sustained from a terrorist roadside bomb. Mark also speaks with journalist and author Miranda Devine about her new book The Big Guy: How a President and His Son Sold Out America.

NY Post
Outrage as US DOJ defends UN staffers who collaborated in Hamas’ terror

This is a big deal

Why Did George Soros Buy 200 U.S. Radio Station Right Before the Election?

Photo by Jeff Swensen

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. There are so many important things going on in this country right now. We’ll need all 3 hours, probably 10 hours, but we only get three. Welcome to the program. Thank you for joining us. What if I were to tell you that Kamala Harris, who feigns no responsibility for the border and yet is always the last person that Biden speaks to? And yet, according to Biden, embraces and reflects her policies. What if I were to tell you the same? Kamala Harris has said the border is secure. What if I were to tell you that under Harris and Biden? What if I were to tell you that 425,431 convicted criminals, 222,141, would pending criminal charges, have been let out of prisons all over the world and are now walking freely in the United States of America? We don’t know who they are. We don’t know where they are. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s almost 700,000 convicted criminals or those with pending criminal charges from the Third World, from the Far East. From the Middle East. From south of the border, from Western Europe, from Eastern Europe, from Africa, from every corner of the world. Almost 700,000 convicted criminals are those with pending criminal charges. You want to hear the specifics? And they weren’t planning on releasing this prior to the election. Give credit to Tony Gonzales, Republican of Texas, who demanded information from ICE. And somehow it got loose. This is as of July 2024. As a matter of fact. And I want you to remember, Kamala Harris said she would eliminate every single detention center on day one. Which means you wouldn’t hold anybody for any amount of time. They come in the country and they’re released. And remember what else she said. They’re not criminals. Remember what else she said? Don’t call them illegal aliens. And on the pathway to citizenship convicted criminals. Pending criminal charges. 700,000. Our walking. Our country. Our cities. Our towns. Ladies and gentlemen. This is beyond an impeachable offense. This isn’t a an act of nature. This is an act, an affirmative, intentional, purposeful act undertaken by a regime that hates America, by regime that hates you, you Democrats out there who go into the booth or steal your envelopes, Google Gaga. I’m voting Democrat. I’m voting Democrat. Do you understand that these murders and these rapists, they don’t give a damn if you’re a Democrat or not? Let’s break it down. It gets ugly. 13,099 of these people are convicted murderers. We have 13,099 convicted murderers, aliens, foreigners convicted in their own country, let out by their country, sent to this country from Venezuela. From Nicaragua. And 100 other countries. Sent to this country. Who are roaming our streets. 15,811 have sexual assault convictions. Sexual assault convictions. Another almost 2000 with pending homicide charges, 42,915 with assault charges. Almost 3300 burglary charges and over 4200 with. Assault charges as well. This is what they’ve done. Almost 57,000 with drug convictions. But over 13,000 convicted murderers have been let into this country through the open border. Almost 16,000 sexual assault convictions have been let into this country. Now I want you to think about this. Criminally convicted murderers. Now Kamala Harris has gone to the border. She’s going to get a picture. She’s behind on immigration, on the issue all over the country. She’s going to wave around this bipartisan bill. It turns out, as I did more research, not a single Republican in the House, one Senate Republican, supported this bill. They call it bipartisan. She waves it around. The media haven’t read it. She hasn’t read it. That bill enshrines under federal law 95% of what’s going on right now. Catch and release in America. So all these criminals would still be in the country. Pathway to citizenship, Massive amnesty. Allowing up to 5000 illegal aliens every day. Who’s never heard of that, by the way? Oh, we’re going to allow 5000 almost to a million a year. And that doesn’t include getaways, which account for another half a million a year. Your tax dollars. You can’t afford food, you can’t afford gasoline, you can’t afford rent, you can’t afford the mortgage. Inflation through the roof, interest rates through the roof. You are going to pay for lawyers for illegal aliens to challenge deportation, which means we’ll never be able to get rid of them. This is all in this phony bipartisan bill. Sanctuary cities will receive billions of dollars. Sanctuary states will receive billions of dollars. That’s what’s in the bill. It’s an amnesty bill. It’s not a border security bill. There’s almost nothing in there for the border. And to the extent there’s money in there for security in the border, as de minimis as it is. It isn’t spent until 2028. I’m as five, ten years from now. And so she waves it around. I will sign this on day one, bipartisan legislation and the media go along with it. Why? Because they’re illiterate. Why? Because her radical leftist to. You don’t import convicted murderers, you don’t import convicted rapists, child molesters, you don’t import people like that. That’s not what immigration is for. Historically, immigration is to bring the best of societies into this country in an orderly fashion. People who are going to assimilate into our society, people who are going to contribute to our culture and our society. Not murderers and not rapists. If this doesn’t like people, they hell up. Nothing will. Nothing will. They’re saying Kamala Harris. And we had a first hand, a firsthand victim who refused to bring charges against pedophiles as a D.A.. Who molested these young teenagers. She wouldn’t bring charges. The prior D.A., who she lied about. She raised all kinds of money. Who she got thrown out of office in San Francisco. He pulled the cases together. He was ready to prosecute and all the rest. She defeats him. She rejects the cases. There’s scratching at her door. As district attorney. These poor kids and their parents and their lawyers please prosecute these pedophiles. She wouldn’t meet with them. She wouldn’t help them. And then she becomes attorney general. And they said, please give us the files that the prior district attorney put together so at least we can bring civil cases. She didn’t give them the files. She didn’t give them the time of day. She never responded to them. That’s why that’s the real Kamala Harris. Where are the 325,000 children, the unaccompanied children that have been brought into this country over the open border? By the terrorist drug cartels. Where are they? They’re in our country somewhere. Where the hell are they? Ask Kamala. What about the hundreds of thousands of women sold into sex slavery, mostly brown and black and yellow women? Where are they? Where are they? Who are they? We don’t know. Do these people in this administration seem to give a damn about women’s holding to sex slavery when they keep to abortion? Abortion? Abortion. Got it? Like abortion. Where are these women right now? We don’t know. Where are these children right now? We don’t know. The administration’s lost track of all of them. What? What? Women’s rights. Children’s rights. We have more slavery going on in this country right now since the end of the Civil War. Do you understand that? Do you ever hear anybody talk about this but me? Do you hear women’s groups talk about this? These are black women, brown women, yellow women, of course, white women. But a vast majority are minorities. Do you ever hear minority groups talk about this? When’s the last time a minority group spoke out about this? We hear about others racism in America. Excuse me? It’s worse. There’s slavery in America. There’s slavery and women of color in America and minorities in America. Why? Because it’s under a Democrat regime. Why? Because it’s under Kamala Harris’s eyes, her eyeball. She sees it. She knows it. She doesn’t say a damn thing about it. So it’s okay. No, it’s not okay. No, it’s not okay. Where are these kids? No, it’s not okay. You know, there are Democrat presidents I’ve liked in the past, believe it or not. None of the modern ones, that’s for sure. I didn’t always agree with his policies, as I’ve read them historically. But Harry Truman was a great president. Not in every respect, but several respects. A real midwesterner from Missouri. Kind of a sort of liberal, but not always. The left hates him because he dropped two atomic bombs of Japan to end the war. Which needed to be done. But he had a little plaque on his desk. You’re not the plaque set on his desk. Mr. Producer, The buck stops here. The buck stops here. Not phony by. Partisan legislation who was never bipartisan. Not so called immigration security legislation. It was about amnesty. For Kamala Harris. The buck never stops with her. Same with Biden. It’s Netanyahu’s fault. Trump’s fault. Putin’s fault. It’s the fault of the American people. It’s never their fault. This is Kamala Harris’s record. No wonder they don’t want you calling her borders after they called her border czar. And she’s running down there for a photo op. So the best Kamala Harris can do for women in a sex slavery for missing 325,000 children, many of whom are no doubt in child porn films. And so it’s disgusting. The best she can do with 700,000 convicted criminals and criminals being charged. 15,811 sexual assault convictions. 13,099 convicted murderers are in our country wandering our streets. Let’s get a photo op and blame Trump. And now she wants a promotion. She wants to be president. Now, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe she did work at McDonald’s, but as far as I’m qualified, I’m concerned she’s not even qualified to work at McDonald’s. I know people who work at McDonald’s. They’re good people. They tell the truth. They break their ass. They get paid minimal money and they’re still polite and they still try and serve the customer. I don’t see that as being Kamala Harris. She’s a climber. She’s a she’s a Marxist Islamist to the left of Bernie Sanders. Her own words from 2019, 2020 and before. When she’s caught, she’s lies and she doesn’t want to get caught. So she bobs and weaves rope a dope, as I’ve been saying, for months. This is the person you want in the Oval Office. A nation that had presidents like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. A nation that’s had presidents like Abraham Lincoln. A nation that’s had presidents. Like Ronald Reagan. A nation that’s had presidents. Yes. Like Donald Trump. Are you serious, America? She’s 50% support. She’s an economic illiterate. She can’t even complete sentences. Her thoughts. She says she’s a capitalist, but she’s a socialist. She blames companies gouging. Well, what happened four years ago when there wasn’t gouging? I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Please listen carefully. Those of you who already know, who already know the Kamala Harris must not be president and Donald Trump must you have family members and friends? You have acquaintances and colleagues. We need you or we’re going to lose. And it seems to me this is the biggest issue of them all. We now have tens of thousands of illegal aliens roaming our country, 700,000. Who’ve been convicted of things, including murder. Rape. Molesting children. They are roaming our streets. They are roaming our towns. No wonder this administration tried to keep it secret, just like it tried to keep secret the fact that they lied, that there were a million more jobs created than there are. Ladies and gentlemen, what kind of administration, Democrat or Republican, and parks convicted murderers from foreign countries, imports convicted rapist from foreign countries by the tens of thousands. What the hell kind of president and vice president do that? Look at the mirror. Do not allow them to stay.

Segment 3
Ladies and gentlemen, could you ever imagine your government importing murderers and rapists from other countries all over the world? It’s even worse than that with terrorists coming across the border with fentanyl coming across the border, 100,000 American citizens dead every year. We lost 60,000 heroes in the Vietnam War, and in more than ten years in a war, we lose 100,000 innocent American civilians, citizens, your fellow citizens, every friggin year. Because the Chinese give the drug cartels in Mexico the equipment, the material, and they’re shipping it across an open border and they’re killing 100,000 Americans every friggin year. Thank you, Kamala. Thank you, Joe. Oh, they really care about Americans. They really care about the little guy. They really care about the middle class in important matters. Importing rapists. Importing criminals, not by mistake. When there are 700,000. Convicted criminals. Brought it to the United States. That’s not a mistake. That’s not a screw up. That’s not an oops. That’s a policy. That’s a policy. That’s their policy. 325,000 unaccompanied kids are missing. Do they seem concerned about it? They don’t even talk about it. The inspector general had to release that information. Has there been a speech on it? Have they put together a special program to find them, to get them? No. 325,000 kids. That’s the size of a mid-sized city in the United States of America. What do you think about that, ladies? On the left going to vote abortion one issue. What about the kids? Don’t they matter to. What about the women? How much sex slavery is going on in this country in our own damn country. I did a show on this a couple of years back. It is so horrific. It is so horrendous. And Kamala Harris believes that prostitution should be decriminalized. Oh, I bet. And the pimps will love that. The sex cartels who love that. Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, what’s happening? This should be a sure thing this election. Do people hate Donald Trump more than they love their country? Do people hate Donald Trump more than they love their country? We didn’t have these things going on during Donald Trump. His presidency, despite all the massive propaganda from the American Pravda Al Jazeera media. In other words, the Democrats. We weren’t importing murderers and rapists by the hundreds of thousands. I’m sure there was sex slavery. But not like this. We didn’t have 325,000 missing little kids. Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? And why is there no urgency? He tried. He tried. Executive order after executive order. Funding for the wall. Beefing up the Border Patrol, beefing up ICE. He’s the number one man since I’ve been alive. Concerned about illegal immigration. He believes in immigration, not illegal immigration. He tried. He fought. He fought the Democrats. He fought them in the courts. He fought the media. And he succeeded. And now he it’s his fault. Kamala Harris says it’s his fault. If we only pass this legislation, this amnesty legislation, which would it codify 95% of what’s going on right now? If we only pass that, Kamala, you only need a law to find those 325,000 kids. You don’t need a law to stop sex trafficking. You don’t need a law to stop importing murderers and rapists from other countries into our country. You don’t need a law to stop flying Venezuelan gangs into this country on airplanes at our expense. A million so far. You don’t need a law. The only way you stop this, America. It’s to vote them out. Don’t listen to what they say. Don’t watch their propaganda. Films like this is some third world fascistic regime or something where they put you, I believe in the bottom out. I believe in the bottom up. I believe in not Shut the hell up. You don’t believe in a damn thing except what’s on the radical left. And they ain’t got surprises for us, let me tell you. Boy, they got surprises for us if if she’s elected. I want to deal with what’s going on in the Middle East in second hour, but I want to deal with one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Terrorists are coming into this country at record number. Does that concern anybody? We have people in this country who are unaccounted for. On top of all the rest, half 1000000 to 1000000. Who are they? We don’t know. Where are they? We don’t know. I want you to listen to Tom Hallman, one of the great one of the great patriots on the border and elsewhere. What you hear what he had to say today. Mr. Producer, Cut 12. Go. How were they allowed to cross the border? Was there no information about that before we decided to just grant them parole? No. Look, I’ve been saying that over three years, Lawrence. There’s no vetting process. They say to you that these people. But the American people need to know. When you don’t have access to other countries, criminal databases, so when they get them, they’re vetting through NCIC, our system, NCIC, Tripoli state systems. So let’s have a record in the United States based on their fingerprints. We don’t know who they are, what character they are. They come from El Salvador, Guatemala or or Venezuela. We don’t have access to information, so we take your fingerprints and run them. We’re running them against our databases. So vetting process is terrible. And that’s why we keep seeing these criminals coming up and coming to our attention that were released by this administration. It’s even worse than that. So the numbers I’m giving you show that it’s worse than that, because he’s right. There are people here. We don’t even know who they are. These are the people who we do know who they are. They’re leading in the country. But we’re letting people in the country who support terrorism, who support Iran, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Palestinian Authority and other terrorist groups. They’re hiding that from you, too. These are the people you’ve seen in the streets desecrating our monuments, burning the American flag, putting up their flags, not just the the PLO flag, the Hamas flag, the Hezbollah flag, the Islamic Jihad flag. The New York Times is covering this up. You want to know how I know? Because somebody I’m very close to took video of what was taking place when the U.N. was meeting the other day and Netanyahu was in town. They were flying the flags of Hezbollah that killed hundreds of our Marines and hundreds of Americans slaughtered them. They were flying the flag of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We are importing people into this country. Importing people into this country. Who are violent Islamists from the Middle East, who support terror organizations, who support terrorism, who hate America. We’re bringing them into this country. That’s the next report I would like to see one day. Who are they? Where are they coming from? You better damn well believe. Damn well believe. If we’re bringing in hundreds of thousands of criminals, including murderers and rapists, you better believe we’re bringing in Islamists. We are destroying our country from within. Lincoln warned about this. Jefferson warned about this. Reagan warned about this. If America is going to be defeated, it’s going to be defeated from within. We are being defeated from within. They are using immigration as a revolution. And they’re not going to stop. Does anybody remember a Venezuelan gang problem when Trump was president? Do you remember that? Mr.. There wasn’t one. We have thousands, if not tens of thousands of Venezuelan gang members in every corner of this country. A violent international. Criminal organization. And Kamala Harris. Has the gall to say I’m a former prosecutor. Turns out she never personally prosecuted a single band case as D.A. or attorney general. I can’t find one, and neither can Jeff Clark, former Department of Justice official. I’ve asked the media on this microphone and on TV find the case. I want to read it. I want to give it credit. There is no case. We know she turned her back. On the victims of pedophiles. I’ve interviewed the man on TV, and he’s not the only one. Some tough prosecutor. Oh, there’s stuff on the border. Let me ask you a question, America. You’re vice president of United States and you see the massive. Sexual slavery that’s going on for women on our border as a result of policy. You keep your mouth shut. She did. Hundreds of thousands of missing children. He keep your mouth shut. She did. I ask you in your own walk of life, if you are a person with humanity, with compassion. Do you just turn the other way? You just ignore it. She wants you to believe that she believes in an opportunity society. Well, those women sold into sex slavery. They don’t have an opportunity. Those 325,000 kids, they don’t have an opportunity. The people are being murdered and raped and assaulted because of our open damn borders. They don’t have an opportunity. 100,000 dying a year. 100,000. They don’t have an opportunity. Is there some kind of a joke? And she wants a promotion. She wants a promotion. Oh, yes. She wants a promotion. She’s done such a great job. Well, where do you stand on the economy? Economic illiterate. Absolute 100% economic moron. Where do you stand on the military? Oh, I’ll deal with this on Fox on Sunday, and I’ll deal with this on Monday on radio. You won’t believe what she’s done with and to the military since she’s been in the Senate. She hates the United States military. Why wouldn’t she? What about all the antisemitism spreading in our streets? What has she done about that? Hello. What has she done about that? Keeps pointing to a Jewish husband. That schlub, that schlemiel, that puke. Oh, okay. Forget it. I’m sorry. There’s no anti-Semitism. She’s married to a Jew. Oh, okay, Great. Great, great. Yeah, well, he’s about as committed to his faith as are the owners of the New York Times. They covered up the Holocaust, and that doesn’t fly with me. I’m not into identity politics. When I tell you about The Blaze folks, the fantastic digital TV site, we co-founded that with my buddy Glenn Beck. We’re living in one of the most consequential periods in history. That’s not hyperbole. We’re losing our country. We’re losing it fast by the by the hour. If the Marxist Islamists get their way, our freedoms will erode and fast. This includes your ability to access voices that this ruling party elite find dangerous. Did you hear what Hillary Clinton she said the other day? She called for jailing people over spreading misinformation, quote unquote. Don’t doubt me for a second. They want to silence me and my colleagues at Blaze Media. Soros says he’s trying to gobble up stations, cutting corners illegitimately. There’s now a full blown House Oversight Committee investigation and the FCC of Soros of Audacity and the effort that transferred 220 stations to Soros to blow this program out of Philadelphia and not just mine. And he’s got over 25% foreign investment in his management firm, which is supposed to trigger a national security investigation. And the Democrats on the FCC, they voted, oh, we don’t really care. Give him the stations. That’s how much they believe in free speech. Remember, next hour, I’m focused on Israel, Netanyahu, Hezbollah, and our stinking rotten State Department. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
All right. Welcome back, America. I hope you won’t miss any hour of this program tonight. I think it’s very, very important, the word that this administration, the word that this administration was using for years about the southern border or the words where the border is secure now, they’ve changed position since, but the border is secure. And now it’s if it isn’t secure, it’s Trump’s fault. But the border isn’t secure. They lied. They lie about everything. You see, if Kamala Harris revealed who she actually is, she’d lose in a landslide. We don’t believe in Marxism in this country. We don’t hate our country. We don’t hate our founders. Washington, Franklin and the others. In fact, we love them. We love our monuments. We love our declaration. We love our Constitution. We love our culture. We love our society. We love the principles and the morality that undergirds them. And yes, the diversity of the population. We love our flag. We’ll have all those things that she has spent an entire career attacking as a radical Marxist Islamist, raised by a Marxist, raised by two tenured professors. She pretends, Oh, I’m a McDonald’s lady. No, she’s not. Never has been. Never will be. She’s an elitist Marxist Islamist.