September 26th, 2024

September 26th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, over 40 million Americans are about to be impacted by a massive CAT 4 hurricane Helene.  Did President Biden make any public statement this evening (not a press release, public statement) to the American people about this emergency?  We certainly hope so. Maybe we just missed it. Also, the Democrat party of today does not support Israel, and all of the outspoken Marxist Islamists belong to the Democrat party. The Biden/Harris anti-Israel regime condemns Putin but subsidizes Iran for doing the same thing to Israel that Russia is to Ukraine. Democrats are doing everything they can to lie and cover up their hatred of Israel which includes buying radio stations a month before the election.  Afterward, we are undergoing a revolution through immigration as a result of the Biden-Harris open border. Harris is finally visiting the border after ignoring it as Biden’s border czar, but anything she says at this point is just lip service to the catastrophe she helped create.  Later, Mark talks with businessman and candidate Dave McCormick about his campaign for the Senate seat against radical career politician Bob Casey and gives Pennsylvania the representation it deserves instead of a Kamala lapdog. Mark is also joined by sports TV and radio host Stephen A. Smith to discuss how recovery from an injury gives a deeper respect to athletes who go through it on a regular basis and how politics do not have to destroy a friendship if a subject is approached respectfully. Finally, Bill O’Reilly calls in to discuss his new book Confronting the Presidents: No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden.

New Poll Shows How Anti-Israel Democratic Voters Have Become

America’s anti-Israel Harris-Biden regime.  More overwhelming proof

Jeff Clark: I Can’t Find Evidence Kamala Harris Led the Prosecution of a Single Case

Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America.  Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Before we get into. News and so forth. This hurricane is a massive disaster. Now, I’m no hurricane expert or historian, and I don’t pretend to play one. We do have a home on the east coast of Florida. That will be fine. But there’s going to be a lot of homes and a lot of parts of this country that are not going to be fine. This is going to be a Category four hurricane. That means minimum sustained winds of 130 to 150 miles an hour. That will take down most houses. There can be anywhere from 2025, even worse. Foot high sustained waves. Now, in the coastal areas, of course, you don’t have mountains and so forth along the coast. So that’s going to be devastating. And as I understand it, most people who don’t take precautions, who don’t get out of the way, you don’t evacuate. This is how most of them wind up dying. Because there’s nowhere to go and there’s nobody to help you. So I always take these warnings seriously. People will say, Yeah, well, you know, two years ago, that’s fine. That’s fine. That’s luck. That’s okay. But this forecast is real. It’s serious. And this hurricane is already bearing down in the Gulf in Florida. This hurricane is 4 to 500 miles wide. It’s not moving up the East Coast. It’s going to be moving through. These states, the southeastern states. Into the north. But it’s also going to take a bit of a turn to the west. Which means places like Nashville and Huntsville are going to see 40, 45, 50 mile an hour sustained winds. So people who aren’t used to this. Parts of Georgia that aren’t used to this. Atlanta. Big metropolitan areas as well as rural areas. They’re all going to be affected. They’re all going to be affected. So what I can tell you now is this program is airing at six or 9 p.m. Eastern Time live. You don’t have any time. If you’re within the zone and within the zone, I mean, within the zone, I don’t mean on the outskirts of the zone. If you are at point zero. You better listen to your governors. They’re monitoring this. They’re getting the best scientific information they can find, and they are relaying it to you. And do it. And do it because nothing is more important than saving your lives. And this is a big damn hurricane. The other thing that that comes out of hurricanes are tornadoes. There’s no way to prepare for a tornado. But they’re devastating. They’re disaster. But I can I can tell you, sustained winds of 130 to 150 miles an hour. That is an everlasting, really tornado. So that’s how bad this is. So I just want to point that out. I want people to know that we are thinking about them. We are praying for them. This has to be a horrendous experience. Some people have been through it before. Unfortunately, some people never before. Some people who moved into these areas the last year or two are not used to it. Some of these folks who live in these other areas, we are going to get hit. Even if you don’t get a direct hit, you won’t be used to it. Just use your noggin. User survival skills. Even if you’re in an area where you don’t have to evacuate, you know, bring all the stuff that flies around inside and stick it in the garage. And so. But whatever you do and I could just tell you from my own experience, we find the spot in the house that is the least vulnerable. Away from any windows, away from any exterior doors, or there’s more foundational material, whether it’s cinder blocks or whether it’s poured cement or whatever it is. And I can tell you in a house in Virginia exactly where that is, in our house in Florida is built like a pillbox. I’ve had people say to me, So why don’t you hang out there during, you know, during a hurricane or two or three? Could I get the hell out of there? I’m not I’m not looking to survive the hurricane. I want the house to survive a hurricane. But we’re still flesh and blood. So you don’t need lectures from me. Just do it smart. Because once this thing really bears down, you’re going to have no choice. And God knows. God knows what will happen. Only he knows. There’s a lot going on. Ladies and gentlemen, in New York, The the mayor has been indicted. I read this indictment. It’s almost 60 pages long. I’m very perplexed by this indictment. You’ve probably heard others talk about this, too. I try not to listen to others. I try and make my own conclusions. A lot of these charges are just. Ridiculous. Several of them passed the statute of limitations. Then involved this mayor before he was mayor, go all the way back to 2017. An upgrade in a flight bribery where there’s no quid pro quo. So to me, I call that immediately piling on. I don’t trust federal prosecutors anymore. I just don’t. Given what Trump’s been through. Now, there’s other more substantive charges in this indictment involving foreign moneys and so forth. But even where they they point that out. They don’t pointed out in a way where it’s a slam dunk. And again, they seem to balloon the numbers to millions and millions of dollars. I don’t see that demonstrated in this indictment. And so we shall see. It could be that Eric Adams is the biggest crook. It could be that he’s not. It could be that maybe he is a little maybe is kind of I don’t know. I just don’t know. Now, I don’t think Biden’s behind it, but it would not surprise me if the leadership of the Department of Justice is behind it. Why, Mark? It’s the most radical Marxist leadership in the Department of Justice in American history. Every one of those assistant attorneys general slots and I familiar with every damn one of them is filled with the most radical extremists imaginable. And when AOC is immediately demanding that this mayor resign so he can be replaced by one of her acolytes and their Marxist radical kook. Well are Marxist radical kooks that are filling the senior levels at the Department of Injustice. Again. I don’t need to speculate. Time will tell how this works out. But that’s my first take. I draw your own conclusions. But I must say, when I watched this press conference by this U.S. attorney and he was laying it out, and then when I read the bill in particular, as I said, this doesn’t really mesh. And so I just don’t trust these people. And I’m not a big fan of Eric Adams. He didn’t mean anything to me. Nothing. So we’ll see. Now, ladies and gentlemen, there’s a lot going on. I noticed today that a lot of time was spent by Biden and Harris. With Zelinski. Now, unlike some conservatives, I don’t dislike Zelinski. I think he made a real boneheaded mistake this week going to Pennsylvania. Kissing ass to the Democrat Party because I think he feels that this is the only place where he’ll get support. It’s not true. He can get support, but it doesn’t mean he’ll get the kind of money. Without limitation that is gaining now. But it does mean that I’ll get a president in Donald Trump who will do what he can to try and end the violence that’s taking place. That should be a good thing. And we know Trump by now, we have four years of experience with Trump. He doesn’t suffer fools. He doesn’t roll over. He’s not an isolationist. He’s not pro-Russia any more than he’s pro-Iran. A pro communist China. A pro North Korea. They said he wanted to eliminate Naito, as he explained today during his presser. I want to eliminate Naito, he told these Naito countries, if you don’t cough up the amount of money that you’ve agreed to under our North Atlantic Organization Treaty Organization. You know, treaty. But we’re not going to defend you if you won’t defend yourselves. And he made them nervous and they coughed up the money. And Naito had never been more flush with money to defend itself before. He’s a negotiator. He knows how to negotiate. The ruling class in Washington are suckers. They don’t care how much they bleed the American taxpayer. But ironically, if you listen to them, he hates Nader. Yet when he he left office, Nader was stronger than ever, had more money from most of these countries than ever before. Our military. Hadn’t been as strong as since the Reagan days. And so he’s not an isolationist. He’s not a pacifist. He’s not one of those clowns. He is a peace through strength Reaganite. In fact, his foreign policy I’ve said this before, it’s no surprise, is very similar to Reagan’s foreign policy. He took out Soleimani. Reagan took out their oil bases. And we could go on and on. But something today. I noticed, and I was taking notes. As I was watching this. Really underscored for me. That the Biden administration and I want people to listen to this. I want people to listen to this. We’ve been censured in New York. By George Soros. Radio Station w. T. In Philadelphia. I’m sorry. Now we’re on ABC HD in Philadelphia, so the folks there are now moving in significant numbers to the podcast. In I and Westwood One, and we’re working together as a team. We will find and create other platforms in these major cities if we need to. And we do. But that’s not the point. The point is, this is the Soros. Strategy. One month before the election because I want to communicate to the whole country, particularly American Jews, that you have been suckers to the Democrat Party, you’ve been suckers to Biden and Harris, you’ve been suckers to The New York Times that covered up the Holocaust. And Thomas Friedman, It undermines the state of Israel. You’ve been suckers. Suckers. Two oligarchs, some of whom are Jewish, some who are not. The Democrat Party does not support Israel. And there is a new polling out that was provided to me by David Milstein and Josh Hammer. Separate occasions that shows. That so many in the Democratic Party support, quote unquote, the Palestinians against Israel. The numbers are frightening. Overwhelmingly, the Republicans and the Republican Party supports Israel over the so-called Palestinians. There is simply no question about this anymore. Hamas front groups like CARE. Their home is in the Democrat Party. Talib Omar, AOC, all the active, outspoken Islamists Marxists. River to the sea crowd. They’re all Democrats. Now, you might say, well, we see some on the right in the media, and that’s true. But when you look at organized, systemic party affiliated anti-Semites. Their big home now is in the Democrat Party, like all the parties have real sickos. Don’t get me wrong. But that’s where the activists are. And they have an enormous effect. And they’re in the executive branch of this administration. They’re in the executive branch of this administration, and most of them. Earn the vice president’s office and the vice president’s circle. Most of them are retreads from Obama. And they’re there and they are poised and they’re ready to attack. And what they’re doing right now. So you understand, is they’re withholding intel, they’re withholding intelligence information from Israel right now about Hezbollah point that’s out last night. They’re withholding basic military equipment right now to try and starve Israel. They’re trying to starve Israel. And so here’s what I wrote. And I think it’s important. It was posted by our friends at Right Scoop. America’s anti-Israel harass Biden regime More overwhelming proof. Now, please listen carefully. The whole country but especially. Especially Jews who been brought up as Democrats, who have spent their entire life voting as Democrats and think that Kamala Harris is with them. Biden-Harris, Love Zelinski. Did you see that today? And treat him with respect, but hate Netanyahu and treat him with contempt. They condemn Putin but subsidize Iran. They rush arms to Ukraine, but withhold arms from Israel. They provide intelligence to Ukraine, but are not sharing intelligence with Israel. They seek no cease fire, a diplomatic solution with Ukraine, but demand that Israel agree to a cease fire and insist on a diplomatic resolution. They say Russia must be stopped or that war will expand. They say Israel must be stopped or that war will expand. I’m going to finish this, Mr. Producer. They put sanctions on Russia but lifted them on Iran. They’ve flowed more money into Iran than they have into Israel. I say this as someone who supports Ukraine, but the Harris Biden regime’s conflicting statements and actions underscores their animus. The Democrat regime’s animus has towards the Jewish state. It is beyond debate and it is factually conclusive. You better wake up to this America, particularly Jewish Democrats. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Now, I’m not going to belabor the point, but I do want to underscored. If enough. Jewish voters in and around Philadelphia, in the Pennsylvania area, turnout. To vote against anti-Semitism in a vote against this Israel hatred coming out of the Democrat Party. And by the way, the same people hate Israel, hate America. It’s the same Marxists. We will win Pennsylvania. And so it’s very, very important to understand this. And I want to remind you, Harris intentionally boycotted Netanyahu’s speech in Congress. But you were slobbering all over Levinsky. Why? Because I believe in my heart of hearts that she’s an anti-Semite. That’s what I believe.

Segment 3
Now we have a sitting president of the United States who made a public appearance today with what did I the Zelinsky? LUZINSKI I’m thinking of Greg Luzinski, the great Philly dating myself. But anyway, Zelinsky spent a lot of time with Zelinski. They wanted to be very public with the media there. And when Biden was done, he handed it off to Harris and she read a a script that was provided for her about how much she supports Ukraine, about how money needs to flow in Ukraine, equipment needed to flow into Ukraine, and that there’s some people in this country that don’t believe in defending Ukraine. I happen to believe in defending Ukraine. I’m not one of them. But that’s not my point. At no time, certainly during that event or any time around that event did I hear them talk about this hurricane. And the American people. And that they are for the American people, you know, people under duress and people under stress in a circumstances like this. They want to hear from their president or their vice president. Well, maybe I missed it. Maybe it was a flash in the pan. Maybe they were whispering it. I did not hear any public statement. I don’t mean issue a statement where one of their press people put a. You know, a paragraph out there like it means something. Did you hear anything today, Mr. Peterson? She quickly said she was monitoring it. That was it. We’re all monitoring it. So that’s the best she could do. She’s monitoring it and I doubt she’s monitoring it. But she will look for an occasion subsequent to this to try and politicize it. I’m not talking about exploiting it or politicizing it. A hurricane, a massive hurricane. It’s all over. The media is about to slam into the United States of America, affecting over 40 million Americans. Many of them are going to have their lives destroyed. It’s a horrible, horrible thing. They’ll talk about global warming till they’re blue in the face. They’ll talk about all kinds of left wing causes until they’re blue in the face. Okay, This is Mother Nature. Mother Nature is not very nice. Mother Nature is hurricanes and tornadoes and earthquakes. Mother Nature is droughts and floods and so forth and so on. And it was that way before man ever walked on the face of the earth. Mother Nature sounds so sweet. There is no Mother Nature. It’s the nature of the system. And we can’t do a damn thing about it. But all that aside, you would think that people who keep talking that we can do something about it would at least talk to the American people today, the president or the vice president, in a way that makes some sense. But other than her monitoring it and I’m sure she’s not, why is she at the. Did the Hurricane Center or something? No, I don’t think so. She’s going to the border. Now the useless taxpayer financed trip. Yes, that’s right. But I want you to think about what she said today. She gave this speech her full hearted support for Zelinski. She boycotted Netanyahu for heart, its support for billions more for Ukraine totaling maybe two 300 billion. While they’re withholding withholding necessary armaments from Israel as they fight Hezbollah, the world’s biggest terrorist organization that killed over 100 American Marines. They slobbered all over. Zelensky praised him. While they denounce and dehumanize. And character assassinate Netanyahu. They’re providing all kinds of advanced weaponry as well as intelligence to Ukraine. They’re withholding. Intelligence even involving Hezbollah, which is our enemy to. From the state of Israel. They’re not pressuring Zelensky for a cease fire. They’re not pressuring Zelensky for a diplomatic solution with Russia. No, They’re pressuring Netanyahu for a cease fire, a surrender, a diplomatic solution. With country. Excuse me. With terrorists backed by a country, Iran, that has been firing 9800, it’s now missiles into the state of Israel. Why the two different positions? And I’m going to tell you why. They do not hate. Iran. And its surrogates. Like they hate Russia. They do not love Israel. Like they love Ukraine. This administration is filled with Islamists and Jew haters. And by the way, so is the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration. During the height of the Holocaust and World War Two. In. Some things never change. The New York Times ran interference for Franklin Roosevelt and the Democrats. Spent most. A World War two and beyond that the Holocaust years covering up. The Holocaust, pushing it to its back pages to the extent that are reported on it. The same New York Times today. Has done effectively the same thing. With the Jews in Israel, many of whom survived and came from, or are the progeny of Holocaust survivors. This administration is doing the same thing, and so is the New York Times. Except The New York Times is worse. It’s actually taken sides. It’s it’s promoting. The Iranian regime is promoting. Destruction of the state of Israel through people like Thomas Friedman in the endless appearances in the media. Of somebody like. Well, Bernie, the rec. Who has non-stop access to cable and networks in the newspapers. The idea that 30% of our Navy are shrinking. Navy is in the Middle East. The Middle East waters is an act of support for Israel is preposterous. They’re shooting at our ships. They’re killing our military personnel. We have military personnel casualties. They blocked the Red Sea and we’ve done nothing effective to stop them. And despite all that power we have in the Middle East. I’m not talking about soldiers, air power, naval power. We’re withholding all that power, all the intelligence and more and more weaponry from the state of Israel. Our emergency rushing. Billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine. While at the same exact time Harris and Biden. Our withholding, our blockading. Equipment and moneys already approved by the United States Congress in violation of the Appointment Act from the state of Israel. Kamala Harris gives her speech about Ukraine today. He hasn’t given a speech. About. About her full throated support for the state of Israel, her full throated support for the elected prime minister and government of Israel. Her full throated support. For Israel’s right to defend itself, but to defeat the enemy. To defeat the enemy. That’s why I wrote this piece, The Juxtaposition. Now, I can tell you right now. While patriots and conservatives throughout the country will take that posting and already are like it, right scoop and elsewhere. And comment on it and post it. The American media and by the American media, I mean all of it. All of the corporate media were completely ignored. Because. The media can pervert news. By reporting things that aren’t news. By twisting things, by creating pseudo events, and by censorship. And that’s exactly what’s taking place. Censorship. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So Kamala Harris is going to the border tomorrow, whatever that means, for a photo op to spew more lies and propaganda have a better idea. Why doesn’t she just go to one of the many airports where she is flying illegal aliens into our country from Venezuela, where she can meet the Venezuelan gangs, introduce them to our country? In other countries, they’d hate us. Why does she? Why doesn’t she show us where the women are sold into sex slavery? Where the children are held before they disappear. Into our neighborhoods never to be seen again. Thou shall blame Trump That bipartisan bill, which I’ve already explained and Ted Cruz explained yesterday. That would enshrine almost 2 million illegal aliens every single year. And that doesn’t count. Galloway’s. Which means in one term, in four years, you could see another 15 to 20 million illegal aliens. Ladies and gentlemen. Nobody. But I am pointing this out. And when they make them citizens. They will be able to have chain migration and bring up to 20 relatives into this country on average. When they have children, they will automatically be American citizens. This is as I’ve coined it. Revolution by immigration. This is Democrat Party destruction of America, where there’s no assimilation, where they attacked the undergirding morals and principles of this nation. While people come into this country hating its founding, hating its economic system, thanks to the Democrats and their Marxist Islamist ideology. So she’ll go to the border, make some stupid comments. Blame Trump. Just pathetic. That bill. Would it make catch and release? A federal law right here in the United States could have been reversed. That bill provides untold tens of millions of dollars for taxpayer financed lawyers for illegal aliens. You don’t have taxpayer financed lawyers, do you, to make it impossible to deport them? That’s right. Most of the money in that bill that was supposed to be set for security. It’s delayed till 2028, meaning you’d never see it. And I can go on and on and on about this phony bill. But she’ll use it because she knows that ABC News and CNN and MSNBC and all the rest of the putrid liars. Our Pravda media, our Al Jazeera media will cover for her. The lie. We could have had a secure border. But for Trump, what about these millions of people you’re flying and. Well, come on now. And what the hell kind of country gives apps? Two people. To make appointments to come into the country, thereby legalizing what is illegal immigration and puts them on a speedy path to citizenship. That would be not a country but a political party that wants to register them as fast as possible. So we have what’s a what I call a fake democracy, a Potemkin democracy. That is, you have an opposition party in the Republican Party, but it can never win again because the demographics and the number, the welfare state. They’re all used to maximum. Maximum power for the power hungry in the Democrat Party. This is immigration revolution by immigration. Whatever she says is a lie. Except when she says things by accident and they pop out, and then we catch her. In a truth. But the truth coming out of her mouth is an exception, and most of it came out of her mouth five or six years ago. And that’s the truth. All right. When we come back, we’re going to listen to Kamala Harris’s economic plans. And when you’re done, I want you to tell me what the hell are her economic plans. I’ll be right back.