August 28th, 2024

August 28th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day.  Also, Israel has had enough of being attacked by Iran through Hamas and Hezbollah and is firing back at their missile sites instead of just sitting around. Israel has the capacity to do enormous damage to these countries and does not have to restrict itself to urban warfare like it is with Hamas.  Later, the reintroduction of January 6th charges by Jack Smith against Donald Trump at this stage of the election is just another disgusting, disgraceful effort to smear Trump. The Biden Department of Justice will not stop their lawfare against Trump and are still using Smith to do their bidding.

NY Times
Trump Can Win on Character

Wall St Journal
The Clintons’ Terror Pardons (2008)

NY Times
Obama Commutes Sentence of F.A.L.N. Member Oscar Lopez Rivera (2017)

NY Post
Donald Trump faces new indictment in Jan. 6 Capitol riot case after Supreme Court immunity ruling

Photo by Emily Elconin

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number excuse me, 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811 more polls come out. Bottom line is it’s tied the race according to these polls. That’s what it is. Little shop here, a little down there. I wasn’t here last evening. President Trump. Invited me to interview him about something very special that you’re going to find out about a moment. I interviewed President Trump for 2 hours straight, Mr. Producer. And this Saturday, this Sunday special Labor Day weekend editions of Life, Liberty and Levin. Now, you’ve seen a interview before, but I haven’t interviewed them since March of 20, 23. And. He and I have excellent chemistry. He has said it himself. And the reason is I’ll ask a question. I let him finish the answer. And we get into all kinds of subjects. Subjects you might anticipate, of course. But I also asked him if he received a. A caller a note after he was shot. From Kamala Harris, Mr. Producer. I asked him if he received a note or a call from George W Bush. We talked at length about the the big issues and family and so forth. And, you know, you can learn a lot when you keep your mouth shut. You just listen. And unfortunately, too many interviewers haven’t figured that out. Now. I hope you’ll watch it. Now it’s Labor Day weekend. If you don’t think you’ll be around, go ahead and set your DVR is now. If I don’t mention it, nobody else will. Which is really too bad. So we did. That’s where we were last evening. He couldn’t do it any earlier. I hate to miss the radio show, but he is hustlin. He is out there. He is busy. I don’t know how he does it. And literally just before he sat down. For our talk, our discussion. And by the way, that’s what it was. It was just a discussion, you know, with the other people in the media, the other press, I should say. I’m not pressed by them. It’s fine. What do you mean by dictator? What do you mean? I don’t do that. I’m not interested in that. And so he’s able to speak and express his views about a number of things. But right before he. He entered the room and sat down for the discussion. He’d been indicted again in Washington, D.C., by Jack Smith. And we talk about that. We talk about other things as well. I see a run on Fox. Harris closes Gap in several key swing states. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been through many presidential elections. This time in 1980, Ronald Reagan was trailing Carter. It’s just impossible to know right now. What’s what? It just is. And so you keep plugging ahead. We’re going to talk about what’s being done to this country by the Democrats, the meeting, Kamala Harris, of course. Anyway. So these will be special editions of Life, Liberty and Levin. We have to trim it just a little bit. We’re going to do everything we can not to and not to edit the, you know, the meat of the interviews, because I don’t believe in that anyway. Just for this Labor Day weekend. It’s an exclusive with President Trump. There will be no other interviews, I guess, until next week. And as I said, it was wide ranging. You’ll learn a great deal about the president. And yes, we did talk about the day was shot, but I dressed in a little bit of a different way. How Melanie got word, the reaction of his kids. So we get we get into family as well as the other issues. So I know you’re going to like it, particularly you in this audience, and spread the word honestly, because the more people who watch it, the better. The more people who watch it, the better. Because they’ll see him. It doesn’t do anything for me, so they’ll see him. You know, there was a piece in The New York Times the other day by Rich Lowry, the head muckety market, National Review. And it’s getting a lot of attention and it should. It is, in fact, a very intelligent piece. Now, he’s got his little shots in there against Trump, as everybody seems to. But when you overlook it, because there’s not much of that. He’s right. And what he says in this New York Times piece as a guest. Opinion writer. Is. Look. The problem with Kamala Harris is character. It’s her character. She lies. She flip flops. She’s deceiving the American people. She’s hiding from the American people. We don’t even know if her flip flops are honest. They’re likely not. And. I’ll put it my way. She’s a chameleon. So yeah, she’s a radical leftist, but she’s a chameleon for purposes of elections. He says it’s important to raise all these issues. But it’s more important to link them to character. And he explains. This whole border czar issue. She doesn’t care what happens on the border. She doesn’t care about the consequences of what happens to kids. She doesn’t care about what happens to the to the women on the border. The drugs coming into the country. She doesn’t care. And she doesn’t act like she cares. She just doesn’t care. She doesn’t care about inflation and the impact. On the middle class in particular. She just doesn’t care. And she’s never cared. As vice president. She never said anything about it. She defended biodynamics. Now she claims bread is too expensive and so forth and so on. That’s obvious to everybody. All she’s doing is telling us what we already know. But she doesn’t care. She has no plans to do anything about. In fact, she wants to spend more. And. He points out, this is a huge character flaw. This is a huge character flaw. The he talks further. When you look at all these issues. Nationalizing health care, if you will. Taking health care, private health care from people who like it. She doesn’t care. So what? Eliminating fracking, which would choke energy production in America. The consequences you can only imagine. Two jobs. What happens in the winter. The production of. Electricity even, and so forth. And she doesn’t care. And that’s a very, very important point. It’s a character issue. And he points out it should not only be brought up, it should be repeated. It should be stated over and over and over again that Kamala Harris does not care. If people go. Without gasoline. She doesn’t care if people go without food. She doesn’t care. People can’t. Can pay their bills. She’s immune to it. She doesn’t care about the crime and the destruction that results from the open borders. So now she just lies about it. Or you might say, flip flop. And she just lies about it. And her tax policy. She doesn’t care if it destroys jobs. So what? She doesn’t care if wages are stagnant while inflation is going up. Don’t even talk about it. And I think he’s very much on to something here. Very much on to something. Kamala Harris and this guy, Tampon Tim, they’re trying to make themselves into likeable figures. People who care. Very ambiguous, very amorphous. And they shouldn’t be able to get away with that because they’re nothing like that. They’ve done a lot of harm to a lot of people. And they’ll do a lot of harm to a lot more people. Should, God forbid, they win. So the issues are important, but points are tied to her character. I agree with this. I mean, the title of its piece is Trump Can Win on Character. And also look at the juxtaposition. I would go further a little bit than Rich. And, you know, you write a column, you can’t fit it all in. She doesn’t care what happened. In the surrender of Afghanistan. She doesn’t care what happened to those 13 soldiers. Who died tragically and horribly. She just doesn’t care. She doesn’t care what will happen to the state of Israel. Should they surrender to Hamas and Iran and Hezbollah and the Houthis? She doesn’t care. And it’s true. It also has the benefit of being true. And as she’s trying to avoid all these positions she took in 2019 and 2020 without explanation. He points out. You can explain that, that she’s an opportunist. She’s a chameleon. My word. But he would say the same, I think. That she’ll change her statement to deceive the voters on anything and everything that she has true beliefs that they’re so radical that the left of Bernie Sanders. But she doesn’t want those true beliefs. To be on the ballot. She doesn’t want you voting on those. So she’s the I would argue she’s the most dishonest candidate to ever run for office, ever. Ever. And so I think this is a very smart and perceptive point by Lowry. Link it back to character. She doesn’t care about the 13 who died. She doesn’t care about all the mayhem, murder, rape. The drug cartels on the border. She cared about it. She would have done something about it. She doesn’t care that the nation is nearly bankrupt. She doesn’t care that interest is through. The interest rates are through the roof. Their cars and homes are unaffordable. She just doesn’t care. I agree. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You know, ladies and gentlemen, the reporting on Israel and the terrorists that surround her is always. As if Israel. Israel’s the issue Israel. And that. What about Iran? What if Iran attacks? It looks like Israel’s had about enough. The reporting from the Middle East is that Hezbollah is shocked by what Israel did to it. Early in the morning last week. By blowing out three fourths of its missile sites. Through its intelligence and through its capabilities. When you have 100 jet fighters flying over a small area. Let me tell you something. They get your attention. And they did it with pinpoint accuracy. Yes. Blue These. These missile. They use these missile cannons, if you will. These missile tubes just. Unbelievably so. At the same time, they’re mopping up. Still extremely dangerous. In Gaza, trying to hunt down Sinwar who’s dressed like a woman. That’s what they say. Disguised like a woman. And at the same time, what’s happening in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s east bank, what Jordan calls its West Bank. Is that Iran has been inflaming the. The Fatah party. That would be Abbas, who pretends to be a moderate. And they’ve gone in there now to to kill the terrorists who’ve been killing. Randomly. And so looks like Israel’s had about enough. And they had the capacity to do enormous damage to any of these countries in an enormous ways. Every battle doesn’t have to be urban warfare as it is in Gaza. Hezbollah, even though they do hide out in Beirut and other towns, that would not be urban warfare. Iran would not be urban warfare. Yemen with the Houthis would not be urban warfare. They have the capacity to do enormous damage. I’m just making the point. Because I think it’s very, very important. I want to give you an example of something. And I asked President Trump about this, the bipartisan immigration bill. Do you realize how ignorant the media are on this subject, that they haven’t read it? It’s a little over 300 pages. They really don’t even know what’s in it. Kamala Harris said she would sign that bill on day one. And they use this so-called bipartisan bill as a fig leaf that would have resolved everything that a single Republican in the House, three Republicans in the Senate, supported it. And when it came to the final vote, even Lankford, the author of it, voted no, as did McConnell, who is the brainchild of this as backward idea. It was negotiated in secret. Remember, at the time, I believe Mike Lee was on the program complaining about that it was dropped in their laps. And Ted. Ted Cruz told me 20 minutes after it was released, they said, no, this this can’t fly. And I’m going to give you five reasons, five simple bullet points on what this bill would have done. It would have done 100 horrific things, but five key issues. So you know what to say more than Republicans. Apparently the next time this comes up, I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Ladies and gentlemen, the so-called bipartisan Immigration Act or Border Security Act was no such thing. I’m going to give you five reasons and I will post them later. Under the bill, the Kamala Harris says she will sign on day one. Which the Republicans rejected. He would enshrine in federal law catch and release. Catch and release is the reason we have millions of illegal aliens in America. Donald Trump had stay in Mexico. Then we will adjudicate that and make a determination. Biden. HARRIS They signed an executive order eliminating that. And so we have catch and release. We’re poor Border Patrol. If they even are able, they catch the person and then they release him into our country. They could be criminals if they don’t know who they are. They could be terrorists. We could be murders. They could be MS13, they could be that Venezuelan viper gang. So Catch and release was codified under the bill that Kamala Harris says she will sign on day one. What else? It automatically gave work permits to illegal aliens. You step your foot into this country, get a work permit. You can take a job from an American citizen. Work permits. What become a statutory right, a federal legal right under the so called bipartisan bill. It’s not today except for Biden’s executive order. It would be part of the law. Ready for the next one. It’s amazing how the media haven’t told you any of this. Number three. American taxpayers. Would be forced to pay for lawyers for illegal aliens. Who would use those lawyers to fight deportation, which could go on for years and years. They would get free lawyers. You’d have free lawyers. America, Do you have Mr. Pinochet? So illegal aliens. Would get free lawyers paid for by you, the taxpayer of America. That would be a matter of federal law under the Harris Biden immigration law that she says I’ll sign on day one. Number four. 5000 illegal aliens a day would be permitted under the law. So. You’re allowing illegal aliens as a matter of federal law. It would be enshrined in the federal code. That’s 1.8 million known illegal aliens every year. They got two ways. Of course, they can’t count. They can only estimate because they got away. But 1.8 million per year. That means in ten years time, 18 million illegal aliens. In addition to the garraway. So you’re talking 25, 30 million. Aliens mostly illegal in a ten year period. That would be a matter of federal law. Federal law. Number five, billions and billions of your taxpayers money. Under this law. We’ll go to sanctuary cities that remain sanctuary cities to this day, specifically go to sanctuary cities for the purpose of helping them deal with the illegal aliens who are attracted to these cities because they’re sanctuary cities. In other words, Democrat cities. And billions of dollars would go to non-government organizations, these so-called nonprofit groups that promote illegal immigration. Billions to those groups. That’s why this detestable. Senator Christopher Murphy of Connecticut said in so many words. At the border never is closed under the bill. And there’s another provision under the bill, just so you know, that a president can waive all these caps and limitations. If he notifies Congress. So it’s a bill that does everything and does nothing. You keep hearing them say, but there’s $600 million to finish the war. It takes billions of dollars to finish the war. That money was already put aside. Donald Trump went into court after court. He litigated against these groups. He it they get it against the Democrats. He won there. Even some conservatives and Republicans who rejected what he did. I defended it. That way they can say there are 600 million to finish the war. Why don’t you just finish the war now? Just do it. So you have these other points too. So why do they keep flying in illegal aliens? Almost a million of them so far. And they did it under the cover of Dark. You and I didn’t know about it. So like six, four, 4 to 6 months ago. There’s no requirement that they keep doing it, but they keep doing it. Why did they give out an app, an app to illegal aliens all over the world? Or would be illegal aliens, foreigners all over the world, citizens of other countries? If you want to come to the country, this is what you do. You send us a message on the app and you come through the port of entry. Well, no wonder illegal immigration is down, Mr. Producer. It comes through the port of entry. You’re not count as an illegal alien. So there’s all this sleazy stuff going on, as you can imagine. When something doesn’t make sense in your gut says they got to be lying there, lying. So catch or release becomes a mandate under federal law. Work permits. A mandate under federal law. They’re not a mandate now. They’re executive orders. Taxpayer funded lawyers for illegal aliens. Imagine the cost. That would become codified as a matter of federal law. 5000 illegal aliens a day. 1.8 million a year that we know of. Would be a permissible number under federal law. Billions and billions to sanctuary cities. Billions and billions to pro-illegal alien non-government organizations. And if it became law, it would never get undone. Do you want to know why, America? It doesn’t take 60 votes to pass a law unless there’s a filibuster, of course. To undo a law, it can also be filibustered. In other words, you would need 60 votes to undo this law. Donald Trump comes in and says, No, no, no, I won’t wait in Mexico. We’re not giving work permits to illegal aliens. No, we’re not going to fund their lawyers. No, I don’t agree with up to 5000 illegal aliens a day. Almost 2 million a year. Sorry. No, I don’t want billions and billions going to sanctuary cities and pro-illegal alien NGOs. No, no, no. Well, you have to. Why? Because it’s a matter of law. That’s why Donald Trump opposed it. That’s why the entire Republican caucus in the House opposed it. That’s why all virtually all Republican senators opposed it. That’s why this was negotiated in secret. And so when they keep saying, you know, bipartisan that bipartisan bill, they would have we could have gotten a war. We could have. They are liars. Liars. It is important now that Republicans go on television and radio, particularly if their members of Congress know what the hell they’re talking about. These are five very, very important points. Very, very important points. Would you support this bill, Mr. BLITZER? Hell, no. And the point is, the Democrats do. And she said she’ll sign it on day one. And what should you think about that? And, you know, to try to get to Larry’s point, which is very important. Kamala Harris doesn’t care about all the. Women and children were sold in the sex slavery on the border. She doesn’t care about all the fentanyl not coming across. She doesn’t care about the criminals coming in MS13, the Venezuelan gangs. She doesn’t care about any of it. But she would have done something about it. Or she would have done something about it. All the consequences, all the horrors, all the monsters set loose into this country. She doesn’t care. Oh, she would have done something about it. Oh, I’m not the I’m not the border czar. But you are the vice president of the United States. Well, now I support What? You don’t care. It’s still going on right now in your administration, Kamala. It’s still going on right now, and you don’t care. They don’t care about the middle class struggling over inflation, the cost of gasoline, electricity, the cost of food because you haven’t done anything about it. You haven’t done anything about it. You run the executive branch, you run the Senate. If you want to do something about it. The Republicans are there to help, but you won’t. You haven’t done anything about it. You haven’t fixed it. You don’t care. You talk about women’s rights, you’ve destroyed women’s sports. You took Title nine of the Civil Rights Act. Effectively. It’s an education amendment in 1972, but nonetheless. Nonetheless. What have we done? Nothing. But destroy it. You support. Men in women’s sports. You’re destroying athletic scholarship for girls to go to college, but you’re destroying women’s sports generally. You don’t care about them. You don’t care about them. You don’t care about little kids having sex operations without parental involvement. You just pick for your running mate. Tampon Tim. That’s what the law says in Minnesota. You don’t believe in parental rights. You don’t believe in parental involvement even on how they raise their own kids. Even sex change operation. You don’t care about parents. You don’t care about little kids. That’s the point. Character. She has no character. She’s hiding out. So explain it. Use the issues and explain. She doesn’t give a damn. You lose your private health care, you’re forced into a government run system. 42% of Canadians I just looked this up. Would go elsewhere, the United States, if possible, for medical care. 42%. The number is even higher in Britain. Why would we import that into our system? Long waiting lines. People die while they have these horrendous diseases or conditions. Because she’s in any life. She didn’t give a damn. She’s not going to go through government health care. None of them do. They always cut cut the line or they they have a way out. They buy their way out. Just keep this in mind. The woman has no character. She doesn’t care. She doesn’t care. What’s happening to you. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Ladies and gents, let me tell you something. We’re not giving up this country without a fight. That’s for damn sure. Oh, there’s poles. Oh, the gaps filling. Oh, I don’t give a damn. Don’t be dispirited. Be strong. It’s like our forefathers. We love our flag. We love this country. We love our Constitution. And we love our liberty. We love our property rights. We love capitalism and despise socialism. That’s correct. We’re sick and tired of being told how bad we are. We’re sick and tired of being lied to. And we have an opportunity to do something about it. And we must 69 days from today. I’m going to do all I can. To expose Kamala Harris and tampon temp. But I’m counting on you. The Paul Revere’s. The Thomas Paine’s. President Trump says he believes in common sense. Thomas Paine’s most famous pamphlet was called Common Sense. You need to spread the word. Today, tomorrow and every day, 69 days, you need to use Labor Day to have a wonderful time. But use it as an opportunity. Spread the word. I’ll be right back.