August 20th, 2024

August 20th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself.  The real story not being told is the constant hatred toward Israel and Jews by the Democrat party. The level of anti-Semitism swirling around the Democrat party and the DNC is astonishing, from Joe Biden justifying the Hamas terror attacks on Israel to Kamala Harris’ support of pro-Hamas extremists in Dearborn, MI. We are losing America not because of Donald Trump or January 6, but because the Democrat Marxist party is in control. The Democrat Party convention in 1924 was known as the Klan Bake, given the presence of thousands of its members and pressure on the convention delegates. 100 years later, the Democrat Party convention of 2024 will be known as the Hamas convention, given the presence of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters and the number of Democrat officials who agree with them or sympathize with them — including Biden, Harris, Sanders, and scores of others. Later, Mark is joined by Ohio Senator and Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance to discuss the disgrace that has been the Democrat National Convention, the rise of anti-Semitism and Hamas support in the Democrat party, and Kamala Harris’ disastrous record and history as a San Francisco prosecutor.

STUDY: Networks Deliver Massive Media Honeymoon to Kamala Harris

Right Scoop
ABC News moderator of September debate tries to connect Trump to the KKK

A Cheer For Phil Donahue

Biden Has Gone TOO FAR!…I’m Suing Him.

NY Post
Second Virginia ex-GOP rep backing Kamala Harris as Barbara Comstock throws her weight behind the VP

NY Post
Candace Owens’ father-in-law defends Israel after controversial commentator is accused of antisemitism

Photo by Kevin Dietsch

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. While the statistics are in, you know this viscerally, but the statistics are in from our friends at MRC and NewsBusters. They do these great studies rich noise as well. Since Joe Biden exited the 2024 presidential race four weeks ago, the liberal networks have delivered an unprecedented boost of positive publicity to a successor in the race, Vice President Kamala Harris. Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Trump, but the spin of Harris coverage has been more positive 84% than any other major party nominee. Even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile, 89% she gets 84% positive. He gets 89% negative. As always, our calculation of spin omits so-called horserace assignment assessments. But a separate count shows those statements have also favored Harris by a whopping margin of 94% positive versus just 43% for Trump. And at the same time, the network coverage has virtually eliminated any discussion of the strident left wing positions Harris took as senator or during a 2020 presidential campaign they’re covering up. They’re covering it all up. Meanwhile, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance and his Democratic counterpart, Tim Walz, have received nearly equal amounts of air time. Their networks have celebrated all 62% positive and punished Vance 92% negative. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Now I’m trying to find where the ABC lady, Mr. Producer. No. They tried to draw out of the. Let’s take a look at aid here, ladies and gentlemen. And I want to talk about this because this is a perfect example of how the media conduct themselves. And ABC has been one of the worst. And then, of course, they’re going to have their own debate. Kamala Harris refused to attend a Fox debate on September 4th. Donald Trump accepted. ABC and CBS offered Fox, she said no. So she is tough, tough lady. Miss Prosecutor. Can’t can’t play on a level playing field. But. I don’t see that a cut. Six. Mr.. Let me see. Okay, let’s. Linsey Davis. It’s going to be an ABC debate moderator. And yet I want you to listen to her yesterday on ABC News at a Democratic convention. Hat tip, right scoop. Take a listen to this question. Go. As you know, President former President Donald Trump is expected to go campaign in how Michigan tomorrow. Many people are aware that a month ago in the house of KKK, protesters marched in the streets with the white robes on and and suggested that they support Donald Trump. I’m curious if if you make anything about that connection in his going in particular to Howell tomorrow. Now, what’s amazing to me about this, first of all, she’s had a Democrat Party convention. The same party that 100 years ago. 100 years ago, in 1924 at Madison Square Garden. Had the Klan bake. We’re. Klansmen were marching through the streets with their white robes and their white hoods. On behalf of the Democrat Party. And she said a Democrat Party event. A party that. Was the Confederacy, fought a civil war for slavery, fought for segregation, refused to outlaw the Klan, promoted eugenics, including for blacks, was responsible for Jim Crow. And segregation. And she dares to ask a question like this. About Trump. He’s in the same town where several weeks ago the Klan march, but the town was appalled by what they did. That’s why the Klan marched there. That’s number one. But number two, what is this constant effort to try and tie Trump to the anti-Semites and the racists, the anti-Semites and the racists? I have to do is turn on MSNBC and CNN and yes, the major networks. I read the major newspapers. All you have to do actually is go outside of that convention site and watch the Jew haters, the anti-Semites, take a look at them. All you have to do is look at a significant chunk of the Democrat Party from Bernie Sanders. Chris Van Hollen. To Talib, Omar, AOC and hundreds of others. And most of all. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The fact that Kamala Harris had a secret meeting with the mayor of Dearborn, a staff secret meeting. And she walks away. And they are left with the impression that she will, in fact, boycott Israel and prevent them receiving arms, even though a spokesperson often anonymously puts out a statement and says. Well, no. She believes Ed has the right to defend itself. That’s not the right to victory in order to defend itself. That’s a nothing line. And it turns out she’s had another meeting with another group that seeks to boycott Israel and prevent them from receiving weapons. And she met with a woman and that woman walked away with the absolute impression that she had. Harris is here on this subject and that they were going to talk more about it. Now, these are people talking about the extermination of the Jews. Why isn’t ABC News interested in that? And during its entire long, monotonous speech that Biden gave that they pushed past midnight. I must confess, I didn’t count, but I don’t know that he mentioned the word Israel once. But he did say that he thought the. Protesters are doing worse. Well, they have a point. Cut. One must reduce or go. We’re working around the clock. My secretary of state ran a wider war and reunite hostages with their families and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza. Now. To stop it is being surged into Gaza. Now, the one thing you tried, your pier collapsed, you were a failure. But the prime minister of Israel has explained again and again and again and again, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tons have been delivered. With thousands of vehicles and the Hamas feels it. Hamas is a terrorist organization. But Biden is a pathological psycho case. He is a liar. He lied about Charlottesville. That’s what he does. He lies. He always has lied. Go ahead. Civilian suffering to the Palestinian people. And finally, finally, finally deliver a cease fire and end this war. Don’t stop a second wouldn’t end the war even if Israel agrees to a ceasefire. Hamas has said it’s never going to end its war. Iran is building a nuke. Hezbollah is shooting missiles and the Houthis are shooting missiles. That doesn’t end this war. Just because you yell peace in our time, we must have a ceasefire. It’s so. It’s so insane. Anyway, go ahead. Those trust those protesters out in the street. They have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides. That’s not what they’re saying in the streets. The protesters have a point. Some of them are actually carrying our Hezbollah flags. The extent of anti-Americanism. anti-Semitism. That is swirling around that building, swirling around that convention, swirling around the Democrat Party and the press center there is astonishing. That’s the big story. There is no story inside there. Everybody knows Harris has already been nominated. In fact, she’s blowing off tonight and she’s going with the Tweedle dummy. They’re going to Wisconsin to campaign in the middle of a convention because she’s already the nominee. They did it virtually. They did it without a single convention vote. A single challenge, a single anything. Have you ever heard of that before you leaving your own convention, a campaign in another state? But the real story that’s not being told by anybody in any significant way is that day in, day out, American hatred, Israel hatred, anti-Semitic, Jew hatred. In many ways it is like 1924 at the Democratic Convention and this ABC News so-called moderator dares to raise questions about Donald Trump. It’s sickening. The Israeli people as much as we, you and I, are praying to God that Donald Trump wins. But ABC will never do that story either, nor NBC or CBS. That is a fact. There’s DNC protester Fox News Chicago yesterday interviewed. Cut to go, Mr. Producer. Every Palestinian supports not just me. Every Palestinian is the bottom of this report. October seven, October seven, October seven. Yes, I do. What the what the what’s wrong with the October seven? You tell me. Women and children. Well, to murder. What is this? There you go. Oh, we got to agree with the protesters. Except for the extremists. They’re all extremists. All of them. What’s going to happen when all these colleges are back? What’s going to happen? Hmm. Kamala Harris meeting. Well, the mayor of Dearborn is Stan. Who talks about eliminating the state of Israel, which means the Jews, because they’re not moving unless they’re eliminated. It just amazes me. And they talk about. The civilians and so forth. Israel is the only country right now in the Middle East with nuclear weapons. If they wanted to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth, they would have done it already. They would have done it already. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
In the 1924 Democrat Party convention. The Madison Square Garden is often viewed as a convention where the Ku Klux Klan had really significant power. And it did add influence over that convention. There were people who fought it, but there were people who didn’t. 100 years later, the clan is substituted with Hamas. This will always be remembered. If I had my way about it as the 2024 Hamas convention. Those protesters are protesting on behalf of the genocide of the Jews. You have individuals inside that building who either outright support them. Or. Or throw them accolades. Joe Biden. Kamala Harris. Tim Walz, Bernie Sanders. AOC. And on and on and on. So far, there has not been a strong speech condemning. The Hamas organs, I call them outside that convention center. So far there have not been. Not even a throwaway line. Josh SHAPIRO may speak at some point during the convention. We’ll see what he says. But he’s not God’s gift either. And even if one or two speak out against it, that’s one or two. The fact of the matter is. That the current president, the United States, still the leader of his party, at least putatively. Did not condemn what was taking place. He said they have a point. And Kamala Harris has been leading with elected and activist leaders of this pro-Hamas movement. And she has been using the Hamas health. Officers statistics. Nobody’s ever done a study on exactly what this Hamas health association is. Who runs it? Nobody’s ever gone to Gaza to find out if they even exist. The Democrat Party. It’s a very dangerous party. I wrote the book The Democrat Party Hates America, and it does. It’ll spend 90% of last night trashing the United States of America. And then we’ll hear where democracy, where a great democracy. We’re defending democracy. We need to unite to prevent the the dangers of a Donald Trump and MAGA and so forth and so on. So they spend virtually the entire convention so far eviscerating our foundations, our principles. Our history. Telling us. How awful the country is. And then they want you to believe that they love it. They’re going to defend it. And only they can save it. I said last night, and I want to say again today, you just heard what the Media Research Center found in its its analysis and its research. But the extent to which the state run Pravda, Al Jazeera American media are involved in interfering in this election. Interfering in the election. And the fact that as the the gentleman who runs the superPAC with hundreds and hundreds of millions, say hard core leftists and hire a supporter, said this is tight as a tick. That should give you some hope. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
May I say one of the things this convention is monotonous. Is it administrative? It is monotonous. What has anybody said that’s useful? Profound, even substantive. Joe Biden was screaming at the top of his lungs. Lying about Charlottesville, lying about everything, actually, because that’s what he does. He’s a liar. And I sit here and I think to myself, who is their great star in this party? They they dig up Obama. Honestly, nobody gives a crap. Obama says outside a a niche within the Democrat Party. He sold himself out a long time ago. He decided to go to Hollywood and Netflix and he’s got his 15 homes and all the rest. So, you know. What? What is the great attraction? There isn’t any. There is no great attraction. We know in advance who the nominee is. They’re not even going to. The vote that they have isn’t even a formal vote at this point. She’s been nominated outside the convention. So the media pour millions of millions of millions into covering this. Everybody’s commenting on it endlessly. But I suspect the average person out there doesn’t give a crap. And I’m just curious about what the ratings are. If they’re doing well. I suspect not so great. I’ve told you before, the people who are giddy and joyous are the media. And the Grifters and the apparatchiks in Washington, New York and L.A.. Average Americans aren’t all worked up about this. They’re just not. And for good reason. And for good reason. J.D. Vance is scheduled to be on the program in the third hour. We always make ourselves available to. To try train push victory over the finish line and. He’s actually very articulate, very substantive. He’s nothing like they try to portray him. Nothing. And he’s been very impressive, fighting back, duking it out. You know, they tried to turn him into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into him, but it didn’t work. He’s fought his way back. And that’s the way you do it. You fight your way back. And by the way, this. Strategy that Trump and his people have of having these multiple press conferences focusing on issues. I think they’re fantastic because keep something in mind, it’s not just the national news that covers that. It’s the it’s the local news, the state news. When you go into battleground states and you do this sort of thing, it’s very, very important. And moreover. You don’t allow the national media to control the narrative. Again, you have state and local and regional media there. So whomever came up with this, very, very smart. Very, very smart. So the Obamas will be on tonight and I won’t be watching. Why? Because I don’t care. I don’t care. And. I dug in, I found something I did want you to hear. I don’t have to take a break, do I, Mr. Producer? Lost track of the clock. Okay. There are greats and there are greats. And one of the great greats was Milton Friedman. And unfortunately, many young people have no idea who he is. And this is when television programming was remarkable, even for PBS, which of course, it’s unremarkable now. In fact, it’s worse than unremarkable. But they had firing line. They had free to choose. You would see Thomas Soul. They’re really the greats of the greats. And that’s where I learned so much and got interested in. In this side of conservatism. Both the activists and mission oriented side, but also the intellectual and scholarship scholarly side of conservatism. Told you a long time ago when I lived in right outside of Philadelphia in Cheltenham, we used to go down to Independence Hall. My buddy Eric and I. Constantly. And we would walk. Around there. We’d walk to the customs house, would walk to the cemetery. We’d walk where, by the way, Benjamin Franklin and his wife were buried. The location where Jefferson wrote the first draft of the. The Declaration of Independence. You’ve got the Philadelphia Mint there. It’s just fantastic. And that building Independence Hall has. So much history. I don’t know of another building in the country that has the history of that building has. I mean, that’s where the Declaration of Independence was drafted. That’s where the Constitution was drafted. Congress met there early on. Lower House considered the House of Representatives. But the reason it’s really the lower house is because it was the bottom floor, which had more room to house the representatives and the top floor or the upper house. They call it was the Senate. And for a short period of time in an attic room, a relatively small room at the U.S. Supreme Court right there in Philadelphia, all these things took place. I mean, the birthplace of the revolution was Boston. But then it moved to the Philadelphia area in many respects. Two fantastic cities in terms of their history anyway. And that’s why you have a lot of patriots in both of those cities, many of whom listen to this program. I want you to listen to what Milton Friedman had to say. I bring him to you as I bring others to you. He was on with Phil Donahue, who passed away yesterday. Phil Donahue was a big time liberal, but not not a crazy liberal. Not not the type of liberals that you see today that Jamie Raskin’s and the Aoki’s and so forth. That is the Marxist. But. How many years ago? 1979. Wow. So about 45 years ago. He was interviewing Milton Friedman. Take a listen to this because Milton Friedman responded as only he can. And it relates, of course, to the debate that’s going on today. Go ahead. When you see around the globe the mal distribution of wealth, the desperate plight of millions of people in underdeveloped countries, when you see so few haves and so many have nots. When you when you see the greed and the concentration of power within there, aren’t you ever did you ever have a moment of doubt about capitalism and whether greed is a good idea to run on? Well, first of all, tell me, is there some society, you know, that doesn’t run on greed? You think Russia doesn’t run on greed? You think China doesn’t run on greed? What is greed? Of course, none of us are really. It’s only the other fellow’s greed. This is the world runs on individuals pursuing their self and enters. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history or where they where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. If you want to know where the masses are, worse or worse off, worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise that it seems to reward, not virtue as much as ability to manipulate the system. And what does reward virtue? You think the communist commissar rewards virtue? Do you think a Hitler rewards virtue? You think, Excuse me, if you’ll pardon me. Do you think American presidents reward virtue? Do they choose their appointees on the basis of the virtue of the people appointed or on the basis of their political clout? Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest? You know, I think you’re taking a lot of things for granted. And just tell me where in the world you find these angels who are going to organize society for us. Well, I don’t even trust you to do that. In his pointed, brilliant. Of course, human nature is human nature. I’m working now on some concepts. I’m working now on some. Heavy thoughts. As I pursue this sort of thing. Mankind’s psychology, mankind’s behavior. How it affects so much. Obviously affects them personally and their families. In the society and the culture. But vis a vis the government. And so in doing that, I have this voracious. Effort. To go back. I go back thousands of years. I go back hundreds of years. I go back half a century. I look at philosophers, I look at scholars, look at history per say. Because I’m looking for answers. I’m looking for answers to share with you. I’m looking for answers. How is it? But half a nation. Meanwhile, go and vote for their own. Enslavement, if you will. Not talking about racial enslavement. I’m talking about the attack on their own free will. The wrong choices. Why do people do that? And they keep doing it. Despite the fact. That is, they keep doing it. They see even in recent history. The consequences. The utter in complete inhumanity. The impoverishment. Everybody knows the government can’t properly set prices and wages without destroying an economy. Everybody knows that. Government entitlements. They get more and more lavish for voting purposes cannot sustain themselves. We know this in our own lives. Everybody knows a human baby is in a choice. And especially as you get later and later later into the term. The when you aboard a baby that’s literally nine months old. That that is a horrendous act of inhumanity. Everybody knows parents ultimately should have the say over how they raise their children. Not teachers unions and not governments. Everybody knows who the boy is and a girl is what a woman is and his man is. So why do we. Why do we try to deceive ourselves? What is this all about? And I want to find the answer. And I’ve actually been working on this. I’ve written very little. Accept notes and thoughts and so forth and so on. I want to try and get to the bottom of this. Look, I could come behind this microphone and cut jokes. That’s not a hard. I can come behind this, this microphone and. Talk like a silly moron, but that’s not hard. I could come behind this microphone as a politician who wants to get elected to office and so forth. That’s not hard. What’s hard is trying to figure out what’s happening to our society. And why people are prepared willy nilly. To vote against. A society that is the greatest and most humane society ever, ever established by mankind and willing to do so for so little in return. We’re willing to do so on the say so. Of people they don’t even respect or barely even know. This is something I want to explore. And I got to get to the bottom of this because I need to get to the bottom of this. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So here’s the thing, America. I’ve worked for enough companies that have bought the platforms that I’m on. This is probably the fifth one. And what has been the mainstay in conservative talk radio, the hosts that respect the intelligence of the audience. It doesn’t matter who owns the platform. It doesn’t even matter what platform you’re on. A station isn’t the plaything of a program director, general manager, or even an owner. It’s yours. These are public airwaves. That’s the way radio has always been treated. So it’s an odd combination of private ownership with public airwaves. Why? Because there’s only so many public airwaves and you get licenses and all the rest, but. To me. To me when you’re on conservative talk radio or talk radio at all. You must understand that your audience is at least as smart as you are, if not smarter. I’m not talking about college and university. That’s irrelevant. Matter of fact, many people are dumber when they do that. But. And so if if if one of these folks who have some management authority over these stations wants to project their own views, project their own joys project, that’s not what. The public airwaves and talk radio are all about. We are fighting for our liberty. We are fighting for our country. You don’t surrender a platform. To some gimmicky stuff or some political people or whatever it is. Certainly not under the circumstances like this, and certainly not before the most important election of our lifetimes. The 1924 Democrat convention was called the clambake. 100 years later, the 2024 Democratic convention should be viewed as the Hamas convention because the Hamas terrorists. Have an outsized influence on what’s going on outside and inside that convention center. And with Kamala Harris walls and even Biden, who keeps throwing them flowers. This is the defining point that’s not being reported. Certainly not being highlighted. Certainly not having a fine point made. This is a pro-Hamas convention. That’s what it is. And even people at the convention that don’t support Hamas, the best they can do is keep their mouths shut. Who’s to keep their mouth shut. Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to blow up the United States. And I’ll be right back.