August 13th, 2024

August 13th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we know who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for; a Marxist Democrat who will say and do anything to get elected, which is a trait she shares with the American Pravda media outlets who believe the ends justify the means like the Stalinists they are. The Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical, anti-Semitic ticket in American history, and they have sold out to the pro-Hamas base in the Democrat party. As governor Walz has allowed Minnesota to become a hotbed of anti-Semitism, and both Walz and Kamala have extensive ties to CAIR. This is the ideology being imported into America by the Democrat party through an open border, and these are dangerous times in America if we do not wake up our fellow Americans. Also, we are witnessing a revolution through immigration by the Democrat party and Joe Biden’s open border. Millions of illegal immigrants are being fast-tracked for citizenship in the waning days of the Biden administration because they want to reshape the electorate and control America. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News contributor and author Joe Concha about the corrupt leftist media trying to carry Kamala Harris across the finish line while burying Donald Trump in propaganda, and about his new book Progressively Worse: Why Today’s Democrats Ain’t Your Daddy’s Donkeys.

Walz Endorsed Radical Ilhan Omar

‘Reshaping the Electorate’: Biden-Harris Admin Granting Citizenship at Fastest Rate in a Decade

Washington Examiner
Tim Walz repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric who celebrated Oct. 7 and shared pro-Hitler website link

Jerusalem Post
Neo-Nazism, Islamism: Who is Imam Asad Zaman, hosted by Tim Walz?

Washington Free Beacon
‘An Inspiration to Me Always’: Meet Kamala Harris’s Radical Pastor

NY Post
Kamala Harris has long line of anti-Israel statements following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks

Daily Wire
‘Most Radical Anti-Semitic Ticket:’ Elise Stefanik Slams Tim Walz For Appearing With Anti-Israel Leader

Photo by Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You know, the people, we the people shouldn’t have to beg a presidential candidate. To make appearances so we can know exactly what they’re. Thinking. Amid a presidential candidate is running. Seeking our votes. It’s not enough to have the right to vote. You need to have the right to vote with knowledge. Now, the truth is, we know what Kamala Harris is. She’s a Marxist Islamist. Her economic policies have been. The most extreme, even more extreme than Bernie Sanders. That’s not moderate. That’s not little tea Democrat. That’s not even socialism. It is what it is. And now she will lie about them to the extent that her polling and surveys tell her she needs to lie about them. So you have an issue with Marxist Islamism plus character. She has a very low character. What do I mean by that? She knows she will say anything and do anything to get elected. And in this this Marxist Islamism and low character. It is a a defective trait that she shares with her media. With George STEPHANOPOULOS. With Dana Bash. It’s a defective trait she shares with. All of MSNBC and CNN. The New York Times. The Washington Post and the rest. And the big government. Pravda. Al Jazeera. American Media Platforms. Deceit. Lies. It’s a pathology. The ends justify the means, as many communists have said, including Lenin. And that’s exactly what’s taking place. So we had people say, one, was she come out, one Will she speak? But it’s more than when will she come out? One Will she speak? Which is very important. But when she does, do we believe her? That’s the issue of flip flopping. Flip flopping means you’re a liar. You were the lied before or you’re lying now. She hasn’t had a change. World view can suddenly suddenly come upon facts or information or knowledge she didn’t have before. She’s a chameleon. She has a core belief system, but she’s a chameleon in the sense that she will reveal them when she feels it’s useful. She will conceal them when she feels it’s useful. She will pretend she doesn’t hold them anymore, or to the extent she held them when she thinks it’s useful to her gaining power. This is what autocrats do. And so I’m going to spend time right up to the moment of Election Day. For all of our affiliates, all of you listeners, wherever you may be. Exposing this woman. And by the way. Well, the fact that she’s a woman and the fact that she’s a minority black is very, very important to the Democrat Party and the media. It means nothing to me. It means nothing to Putin. It needs nothing to own. It means nothing to the Islamo Nazis. It means nothing. To the illegal aliens, the criminals on our streets. They could care less if she’s a she or a he. If she’s albino or black, it doesn’t matter. It’s the policies. And that’s what should matter to you. Is she going to improve your life? She’s going to make it miserable. Is she going to make our streets safer or more dangerous? Is she going to secure our border from fentanyl, from rapists, from illegal aliens, from murders? Or should they continue the Harris Biden policies of today? I want to address several issues, but I want to start with one in particular. I said yesterday and before. That the Harris Walsh ticket. Is the most anti-Semitic. National ticket in American history. You know, it’s a funny thing. Woodrow Wilson, you might think who was one of the most horrible racists. One of the most horrible racists, a Democrat, a so-called progressive. He resegregated the civil service. He resegregated the military. So many things that he did I wrote about in the Democrat Party Hates America. But he was not anti-Jewish. He put the first Jew on the Supreme Court. Interesting, isn’t it? Strange, but interesting. Franklin Roosevelt didn’t lift a finger for blacks and was anti-Jewish. What he did. Blacks. Not only wouldn’t he meet with them for the most part. As I’ve told you before, in 1940, a bipartisan bill came to him from Congress to outlaw lynching a federal law outlawing lynching, and he wouldn’t sign it. And he was condemned by a number of prominent. Black athletes, as a matter of fact. But you wouldn’t know it listening about FDR today. You wouldn’t know about listening to LBJ about him today. But he was every bit as racist as Woodrow Wilson. Horrendous. So it is amazing when you hear that party talk about Donald Trump who doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. Who’s never done anything racist. All those years as an employer, as a developer. In entertainment all those years. Kamala Harris. In my view. Is an anti-Semite and I’m going to demonstrate it. Tim Walz, in my view, is an anti-Semite. I don’t care that she’s married to a Jew. That is irrelevant. There are anti-Semites. There are Jew haters who are Jews, just like they’re Catholic haters who are Catholic and on and on. They exist. It’s a sickness, but they exist in every ethnicity and every religion. The fact that you marry somebody who is this or that is of no consequence. It’s you. You’re a character, you’re a substance. What’s between your ears that matters? With a piece in the Daily Mail. Excuse me. It was a huge mistake. The Daily Wire. Most radical anti-Semitic ticket. Elise Stefanik slams Tim Walz for appearing with anti-Israel leader, was rubbed shoulders with Students for Justice and Palestine founder had Tim Barzun in 2019. By Kassie Akiva. Stefanik condemned. Walls for rubbing shoulders with the founder of the National Students for Justice in Palestine is another Hamas front group during a 2019 event. Was was photographed with the anti Semite scholar and JSP founder Hatem Bazin during the Council on American-Islamic Relations March 2019 event on challenging Islamophobia at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, the Washington Free Beacon reported. So Care is a Hamas front group founded by Hamas that supported October 7th. It is a group with extremely close ties to Kamala Harris. Now, let’s just stop there. If we had a Republican candidate for president or vice president put extremely close ties to the Ku Klux Klan. Wouldn’t that be the end of it? Wouldn’t that be the end of it? This is why I say the media in America are filled. Has with with Hamas Muslim Brotherhood supporting individuals self haters. anti-Americans. anti-Israel, too. They are. And I remind you that The New York Times was owned by a Jewish family, as was covering up the Holocaust. Because Franklin Roosevelt wanted to cover it up. Tim Walz condones and props up anti-Semites like the most dangerous professor in America, Hatem Bazin Stefanik told The Daily Wire, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. That’s the most radical anti-Semitic ticket in history. She’s 100% correct. Was reportedly opened the care event and used his remarks to announce the formulation of an office to address Islamophobia in Minnesota. Bosnian is also founder of the anti-Israel American Muslims for Palestine, which is under investigation in Virginia for suspicions it finances terrorist activity, according to the Free Beacon. So these are the most vile, radical organizations with ties to these terrorist front groups. That have. Connections to involvement with. The Democrat candidates for president and vice president of the United States. The troubling anti-Semitic histories of care and SJP have been well documented, especially since Hamas’s October seven massacre of Israelis. CARE executive Director Nihad Awad celebrated Hamas’s attack, stating he was happy to see people breaking the siege and that Israel does not have the right to self-defense. Students for Justice in Palestine we’ve talked about these groups has been the driving force behind the anti-Israel encampments, the Hitler Youth movement on college campuses, which have led to the harassment of Jewish students and the disruption of some college graduations. And they’ll be back. They’re going to be back in force. Both AMP and SJP were named in a may lawsuit filed in federal court which accuses the groups of working to support Hamas, a U.S. designated terror organization by acting as collaborators and propagandists. Much like our media. Now I want you to think about this. I want you to step back and think about Kamala Harris and Tim Walsh. The truth is. Most Americans know very little about both of them. And the media want it that way, and Kamala Harris wants it that way. But over my dead body. Walls came under fire last week after it was revealed that he hosted extremist Islamist imam. There’s another one. Assad Come on. Multiple times. Zaman met with Wallis’s gubernatorial office as recently as May 2023. Zaman, who is the executive director of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, has a history of sharing his Facebook page to share Hamas press releases, anti-Semitic blogs and a link to a piece on a Web site for a 2013. Pro Adolph Hitler film. The Washington Examiner just reported. A pro Adolf Hitler film care. Hamas Students for Justice in Palestine. Who did the vetting of this man, Eric Holder. They knew all this. This is all publicly available. And Kamala Harris knew all this. She is close to many of the same organizations and has been. Now more when I return, because you’re not going to hear this from anybody else. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Let’s continue because you folks need to know this. It is the extremists, radical Islamists who attacked us on 911. The Muslim Brotherhood is the mothership. Most of these groups have some connection, direct or indirect, to the Muslim Brotherhood. Not all, but most. The ideology is the same. It’s the same. Now. We lost 3000 people. We lost 3000 people. We remember September 11th every single year. We honor those who died, the firefighters, the police officer, the innocent people. Civilians trying to help civilians. The heroes. Pilots. Central Pennsylvania, the Pentagon. We have this element now. I’m not talking about Arabs and Palestinians and Muslims. I’m talking about Islamists, radical extremist Islamists. We have this element. That now has a presence within the Democrat Party. It has a presence within the Democrat Party. It is playing footsie with organizations. With organizations that are enemies from within. And nobody’s going to stop me from telling the truth. Not Soros buying radio stations. Not station owners deciding they want to lighten up a little bit. Our program director. Nobody is going to stop me from defending this country. Nobody. And speaking the truth. Technologies to advance. You can’t stop me. But I want to continue with this because we have a candidate for president and vice president who are dangerous to this country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
We have American Muslims for Palestine is a radical groups. Radical groups. We have care. A Hamas front group, Students for Justice in Palestine, a Hamas front group, Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a radical, radical organization. We have these Jew hating imams emerita America hating imams. This guy, Bosnian. In my view. Professor. And. And we have this guy. Assad Zaman. I know it all sounds great, but you understand what I’m saying? Waltz reportedly opened the caravan and used his remarks to announce the formation of an office to address Islamophobia in Minnesota. Bosnian is also the founder of the anti-Israel American Muslims for Palestine, which is under investigation. I just told you in Virginia for suspicions. Suspicions of its finances are tied to terrorist activity. This is a friggin vice presidential candidate. Then we have the antisemitic histories of care. And Students for Justice in Palestine again with ties. The overseas groups have been well-documented, especially since October seven. We have the executive director, Nejad Awad, who was in that meeting in Philadelphia to form care, a Hamas front group. He’s still roaming around the country. Three. He said he was happy to see people breaking the siege on October seven. Israel does not have the right to self-defense. These organizations have been harassing Jews at colleges and universities, helping to organize the Hitler Youth and the street. Walsh came out last week. He hosted the extremist Islamist Imam Asad Zaman. Who pushes a pro-Hitler film. On his website, as the Washington Examiner reports. Shares Hamas press releases. Can you imagine this? You don’t have to. It’s reality. In a statement October seven, the Muslim American Society of Minnesota affirmed its unwavering support. I quote, for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation. Called for the U.S. to pressure Israel to cease those atrocities. Many days before Israel even entered Gaza. And what gave this organization the Muslim American Society of Minnesota? $100,000. Of state tax dollars and they are set to receive another $25,000. Jonathan Karl, what do you think about that? What about the self-hating Jews in the media? What do you think about that? CNN, MSNBC, New York Times. We know you don’t give a damn. You didn’t give a damn about the extermination of 6 million European Jews. You don’t give a damn about this, that’s for sure. The same media. That continues to this day. To provide reports. Provided to them by the so-called Hamas Health Ministry. Have they ever gone over there and visited the Hamas Health ministry? No. There is no such thing. I’m millions of millions of people listening to this program. They say this election is going to come down to 40, 50, 100,000 people in a handful of states. Well, what about Carmelo? What’s it have to do with her? She chose him. She chose him. They pretended they were looking at this Jewish governor of Pennsylvania. Now he is. He’s an A-hole. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like the guy in the least. But that’s not why they overlooked him. They overlooked him because all these radical. anti-Semitic, America hating, Jew hating organizations are now entrenched enshrined within the Democrat Party base. They’re the zealots that they need. They’re in the base. They’re in Congress. Kamala Harris. I spent hours on this today, so let me read you some things. Kamala Harris Defends Ilhan Omar After Backlash to Israel. Comments. March six, 2019. S.F. Gate. San Francisco Gate. Shortly after House Democrats announced they would indefinitely postpone a vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, Senator Kamala Harris of California put out a statement in support of Ilhan Omar, whose controversial comments in Israel are believed to have spurred the drafting of the resolution. Remember, I heard the Benjamins and she said a lot worse than that. And she said a lot worse than that. No specific order. Here we have Kamala Harris. Campus protesters have a Gaza war. I quote, showing what human emotions should be. And then she said, Now I’m not talking about the extreme. They were all extremists, you idiot. This is her mindset. This is her ideology. This is their thinking. Editor’s notes Jerusalem Post Harris as president could be a disaster for Israel and the Jewish people. More report. Kamala Harris has extensive past ties to radical group care. Joel Pollak. Breitbart Extensive. Report by Robert Spencer at Front Page magazine. The 27 eight care was named in unindicted co-conspirator in a terror financing trial. The Holy Land Foundation led the FBI to continue its work with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge ruled. The types of care with Hamas. The Palestinian terror organization ample evidence to establish the ties. The United Arab Emirates. Labor care. The UAE, labor, labor care, a terrorist organization in 2014, a decision the Obama administration opposed. And yet it’s entrenched with the Democrat Party. Now, this has been known for years, but one is one is cared, but one that no one has cared. Back in 2020, the Washington Free Beacon reported. As California’s attorney general and then as U.S. Senator Harris forged a relationship with CARE, one of the nation’s top anti-Israel groups and advocates for boycotts of the Jewish state. And after Hamas massacre of October seven, the matters even more care. The Free Beacon, it added, advised Harris on community issues during her time in California politics. She later offered the group her gratitude and admiration. In a 2018 personal letter to the group. She specifically, Hossam Ayloush, executive director at Carrie’s L.A. office, praised Harris in a 22 in 2015 for including the group in an interfaith meeting with law enforcement officials. Harris, he said, exemplified leadership by vowing to tackle Islamophobia at a time when the state’s Jewish institutions were facing threats. But that’s not all. The Beacon Road is California’s top cop. Harris partnered with local care officials and ruled on them excuse me, and relied on them to advise her about community matters. 2015, she hosted Care for an interfaith Community event following a deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino. 2016. As she ran for the Senate, Kerry’s political action committee donated 1752 booster campaign. That may not be much in the larger scheme of things, but imagine the outcry if Donald Trump had taken a small fraction of that amount of money from the Ku Klux Klan. Front Page magazine’s Daniel Greenfield reports that second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, Harris’s husband, always Jewish, don’t, you know, work for a law firm that represented radical anti-Israel interests and pro-Palestinian groups, including Al Jazeera And Greenfield notes the newspaper noted that. If there has been a Harris was a partner at DLA Piper, whose lobbying clients had included the governments of Afghanistan and Bahrain, as well as the Qatari government funded Al Jazeera. Think I’m making this stuff up. Democrats have long used Douglas Emhoff Joel Rights Kamala’s husband, who was raised in a Jewish family as a defense against critics, noting her troubling political views. But Emhoff’s law firm connections raise their own issues, both apart from his wife and perhaps reflective of her. Kamala’s husband did not personally represent terrorist Perez supporters or sponsors terrorist linked entities during his time at DLA Piper. One of his clients at a previous law firm was, however, an arms dealer who has since charged and pled guilty. But he benefited from the firm that did and care participated in shaping the Biden administration’s so-called anti-Semitism strategy. You believe that? Believe that. It’s quite amazing. More. Kamala’s National Security Advisor probed over ties to Iranian influence Network. The Free Beacon, Tom Cotton and Elise Stefanik, two heroes, launched a probe into Vice President Kamala Harris, national security advisor, over his ties to an Iranian government influence network. In a letter to Harris, Cotton and Stefanik asked the presumptive Democratic nominee to provide information about her advisor Phil Gordon’s connections to Ms.. Arian Tabatabai. A senior Department of Defense official, is reportedly involved in an Iranian government operation to expand Tehran’s soft power in the United States. I’m quoting the letter. GORDON The letter notes co-authored at least three opinion pieces with Talabani that argued against sanctions on the Iranian regime. She was outed last year as an alleged member of the Iranian influence. Iranian run influence network, the reported back to Tehran’s foreign ministry. This is. Gordon’s connections. Now Gordon is. Harris’s national security adviser. Gordon’s connections to Tabatabai are fueling concerns about a 2024 election. Gordon is likely to play a central national security role and in Harris White House in his connections to pro Tehran. Advocacy groups suggest that renewed diplomacy with Iran will be a top foreign policy priority for Harris. If she’s elected. Cotton and Stefanik are primarily concerned about Gordon’s access to classified information and so forth. In March 2020 article Gordon and Taylor Torbay claimed continued sanctions on Iran would create catastrophe in the Middle East. And Cotton and Stefanik wrote in their letter in another piece. According to the lawmakers, Gordon and Tabatabai wrote Sanctions could lead to new Iranian efforts to lash out with attacks on its neighbors and so forth. In other words, the Iranian sympathizers, if not special leaders. This is her national security adviser. Here we have. neo-Nazi ism Islamism. Who is Imam Asad Zaman, hosted by Tim Walz. We just spoke about him. Tim was Kamala Harris’s new running mate is hosting an extremist Islamist imam on many occasions, the Washington Examiner writes. Three times in 2019, once in 2020 again in 2023, among others. And the Washington Free Beacon found last week will also appeared alongside an anti-Semitic scholar at a conference call Challenging Islamophobia, hosted by Kerry in 2019, as we discussed. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz speaks during a campaign rally there. Photos of this. Now, the Anti-Defamation League corroborated this, telling the Washington Examiner that Imams Ironman has a troubling history, the recording playing into classic anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel. And yet this is Jim Wallis. This guy is a buddy. He’s given $100,000 in Minnesota tax dollars. Zaman asked Democratic California Congresswoman Katie Porter to reaffirm the right of Palestinians to defend themselves after she condemned the attack goes on and on. I’m about halfway through. You don’t have to be Jewish to be saying yourself, Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Now you know why the media do not want you to know Kamala Harris or Tim Walz while they’re busy. Busy waving shiny objects in your face. Busy with their lives, their spin and their propaganda. Many of the same elements are in the American media today at CNN and MSNBC and the Times and the Post and all the rest of it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I want you to keep something in mind as I go through all of this. And there’ll be more. There’s a lot more. Kamala Harris had no problem with care. She has no problem with the American Muslim American Society, Minnesota. She’s no problem with Students for Justice and Palestine. She’s no problem with any of these. While. Organizations. She she’s no problem with them. But she had a problem sitting and listening to the prime minister of Israel. She made a big drama move, wanted everybody to know she wasn’t going to be there as vice president of the United States and president of the Senate. She’s reached out. To these organizations with ties to Hamas, ties with foreign countries. That push Hitler. That push Jewish blood libels. She pushes Jewish blood libels when it comes to Israel fighting in Gaza. She demands a cease fire. She demands that Israel surrender. She rarely ever condemns. The leadership in Iran. She has surrounded herself. With special plotters and appeasers. To the not so loud Mr.. But is here. To the to the Islamists. It’s outrageous. But she can’t meet with the prime minister of Israel. I’ll be right back.