August 12th, 2024

August 12th, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR’s near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden’s dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator – a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history.  She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school.  Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party?

Gateway Pundit
Shameless Kamala Harris Rips Off Trump’s Idea for No Taxes on Tips at Las Vegas Rally — Trump Fires Back with Scathing Rebuke

Woke Spy
Tim Walz Believes 10-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Own Gender

This article is missing a lot of important information regarding Ilan Goldberg’s views on Israel.

After Weeks Promoting Kamala, Media Celebrate Her ‘Amazing’ ‘Momentum’

FACT CHECK: Jonathan Karl Falsely Claims Trump Hasn’t Denounced Nick Fuentes

Photo by Alex Perez/Sipa/Bloomberg

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I’ve been grinding my teeth to get behind this microphone. And I want to thank you all for being there. The media, the Democrat Party. The ruling class that runs this country. We’ll do anything to hold on to power. They don’t care. Kamala Harris has the IQ of a walnut. They don’t care if she flips and flops and flips again like a flounder on the ocean beach. They don’t care. They lied about Biden and then pretended they didn’t. Then they removed him when his numbers were unsustainable. Then installed her without a single vote from an American citizen. Without a single vote from a Democrat. The American media have done this before. They covered for Woodrow Wilson when he had a debilitating stroke. It was utterly and completely dysfunctional. And his wife ran the country for a year and a half. They did the same when Franklin Roosevelt ran for his fourth unprecedented term like a dictator. They reported him to be an excellent health when he was dying from the moment the first vote was cast. And he died in office. They lied about John Kennedy’s conditions. And they are lying to you right now. They lied about Joe Biden day in and day out, regardless of what you saw and what you heard. Because the media in America don’t represent the American people. They represent a part of the population. They represent the Democrat Party base. They come from the Democrat Party base. George STEPHANOPOULOS, Jake TAPPER. Dana Bash, if that is her name. MSNBC. CNN are loaded with Democrat Party operatives and activists. The most radical Marxist Islamists professors and guests. They don’t represent you, the American people, The New York Times. You expect them to print the truth? The New York Times lied about Stalin. And the slaughter of the Ukrainians in 1932. The New York Times covered up the Holocaust until 1944, when most European Jews were already exterminated. The New York Times helped to install Castro, a mass murdering, genocidal communist who they portrayed as, say, small D democratic. And now they all want you to believe that Kamala Harris isn’t Kamala Harris. And so they pour. Their own opinions, their own objectives, their own ideologies into a vessel. The woman who is not smart into a woman who is unaccomplished and a woman who shouldn’t be anywhere close to the presidency, let alone the vice president. Into a vice presidential candidate from Minnesota. Who’s a pervert, who’s a liar, who went a. The American media are the pro of the media. Putin would be proud if he adds such high state run media. The American media are the Al Jazeera media of Qatar. Qatar would be proud if they had such a state run media. The media in America have destroyed the entire notion of a free press. In recent decades, the corporatists, the massive global corporations have taken over these news platforms. They don’t serve America’s interests by giving us the facts and letting us make the decisions. Again, the American media is not just the Democrat Party media. It’s the Democrat Party base media. And the Democrat Party base is essentially populated by two types of people. Low information voters and fanatics that are zealots. And they serve both their interests. If you follow them closely. Telling them lies, repeating them big lies they propagandists do and fascistic and Marxist autocratic regimes. You are not watching a small d democratic election for the most powerful office on the face of the earth. You’re watching a dictator’s election. This is a dictator’s election with a dictator. Kamala Harris and the dictator’s party, the Democrat Party and the dictators media. They put out positions, they put out talking points, they put out arguments, they put out statements. They repeat them again and again and again. Air them on television, they air them on radio, they run them in their newspapers and now on social media they say the same thing, if not similar things. And conversely and simultaneously. They do. They do, What state run media do they do it. Putin’s media does. They do what Al-Jazeera’s media does, which is. Censor, smear, character assassinate. The opposition. They’ve turned J.D. Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris and a J.D. Vance. They’ve taken a man who really lifted himself up by his bootstraps out of the poorest kind of upbringing in Appalachia. Who volunteered for the Marines after 911. To wound up at Yale Law School, who became a successful capitalist. The American Dream, the American experiment in this one individual. And they’ve tried to destroy him, to turn him into some kind of racist while he’s married to a brown woman, to turn him into some kind of a a buffoon. But he’s got a very high IQ. And meanwhile, they turn the racist bigot, anti-Semite, Kamala Harris, who is surrounded by anti-Semites, who is surrounded by Hamas supporters, who is surrounded by Islamists. I don’t give a damn who she’s married to. And I can present you with a list who has said the most horrific blood libel against Jews, against the Israelis, Who’s helped trigger the terrorism that is taking place in the Middle East today and the death of the hostages, by your words, by your absence? At a congressional event for the prime minister of Israel. They try to turn air into something. She surely is not a statesman and thinker. An achiever, A leader. They tell you she wasn’t border czar when she was? They repeat her positions. Now she opposes taxing tips when she was the 51st, both in the United States Senate. To hire 87,000 new IRS agents for that purpose. Insignificant part of going after all your waiters and waitresses, the hospitality people who they said you’re not paying your taxes on your tips, you are targeted. We talked about it here a couple of years ago. She was the deciding vote. Biden signed the law. She comes out and says, I’m opposed to taxing tips. He comes out over the weekend and says, so am I. And the media play along. Why? Because they’re not an American media. They’re not a free press. That the media of the Democrat Party base, they are trying to influence the low information voters and the zealots. They know it’s a close election. They know it comes down to a handful of states. They don’t give a crap about the 330 million Americans in this country. They are focused like a laser on 40, 50, 100, 120,000 people. That’s it. That’s it. Kamala Harris now says she’s going to hire more border agents. Has she not been vice president for four years? America? Was she not? The borders are now. She says she wants to hire more border agents. She’s the one who said she wants to defund ICE. Oh, no, no, no. You don’t understand. Oh, okay. Now she says she wants to bring prices down. She’s the one who supported the biggest profligate, unbelievable spending in American history, trillions of dollars in spending on the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act, which was trillions of dollars to Left-Wing, climate change degrowth groups. Now, she tells you she wants to lower prices. No, she doesn’t. How’s she going to lower gasoline prices when she opposes gasoline? Oh, she doesn’t oppose it anymore. You got that? Pennsylvania. You’ve got that America. She wanted to shut down every fracking operation. Every oil pipeline. Every gas station. Every gas pump. That was her position. She is now today, as I speak, supported by every radical extremist, socialist, Marxist, anti-capitalist organization. But she says now she’s for fracking. And the media say it’s okay. A we. The people. The progeny of the Revolutionary War. The progeny of Washington. Jefferson. Madison and Franklin, the progeny. Of Lincoln. Reagan. The progeny of the greatest industrial might on the face of the earth. The progeny of the greatest founding document and constitution on the face of the earth. We cannot allow ourselves to succumb. Two bald faced lies. To people who will say anything and do anything and preach anything. Depending on whom they’re speaking to, depending on the moment, in order to seize control from you and me, in order to seize power conferred upon themselves and their friends, in order to prevent us from living prosperous lives and our children from living prosperous lives, telling us what kind of car we can drive, what kind of fan we can put in our house, what kind of light bulb we can put on our home, telling us the little things, the big things and the middle things. Telling us everything we must do. Are we going to and we’re going to bend to this. This is a woman who has surround herself with people who hate America. This is a woman who has surrounded herself with people who hate capitalism. This is a woman who has surrounded herself with people who hate American citizenry. This is a woman who has surrounded herself with. Well with Soros prosecutors, with Islamists and Hamas supporters, with Antisemites, with Iranian sympathizers. She just chose a chai comme a communist Chinese special pleader to be her running mate, a pervert who doesn’t believe mothers and fathers should decide what kind of. And to tell you their children can have if that child can get to his state of Minnesota. And you and I are supposed to stand here and believe in some kind of a war hero, he’s some kind of a moderate. Oh, it’s time for joy. Don’t you understand, Joy? Let me take. Let me take. It’s not up to Donald Trump. And J.D. Vance on their own. It’s not up to the Republican National Committee on its own. It’s not up to Fox and conservative talk radio and other conservative outlets on their own. It’s we, we, the people. This is our damn country. And they’re stealing it from us. They’re stealing our children from us. They’re destroying their futures. They’re destroying the future of this country. The propaganda on TV, these filthy, poisonous, cancerous liars who call themselves Democrats, they contemptible. Contemptible media that uses the free press, that uses the free press that my ancestors fought for and your ancestors fought for to advance an autocratic notion of what this country should be. To lie to the American people. To be demagogues and propagandists. Day in and day out. Are we going to succumb to this? I sure as hell hope not. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Let’s talk about some of this. Kamala Harris is for women’s rights because she supports abortion on demand. Women’s rights. Let me ask you a question. If you’re not the vice president of the United States while the destroying the entire women’s sports. Tiger women’s sports. She and Biden the only administration since 1972, the Education Act. Amendment to the Civil Rights Act. Destroying women’s sport. She supports biological men competing with women. Does that sound like somebody who supports women? She chose a running mate who opposes mothers and fathers making the final decisions about their children’s gender. Is that a woman’s right? I ask you mothers, is that is that okay with you? Because and of all the people Kamala Harris could have picked, she picked this pervert, this guy tampon Tim, who said, No, no, no, The state will decide what your kid’s genitalia will be if we think the genitalia is wrong. What do you think about that, moms? Is that like a mother’s right to you? I’m not done. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You think of Kamala Harris had this fantastic record. She’d be hiding from us. If you think she were smart, that she’d be hiding from us. Do you think if she could speak in complete sentences? Should be hiding from us. You think if she had this fantastic experience at record as a D.A. and an attorney general and as a vice president? She’d be hiding from us. Do you think if she had the charisma of a great leader, she’d be hiding from us? She’s a career politician. Who doesn’t want to talk to us. So she has to rely on the Svengali. She has to rely on the low IQ, so-called journalists. She has to rely on the Democrats dressed up as press people to spin for her. Because they can say anything and do anything. Because their corporate masters have no problem with whatsoever. She’s running the campaign of a Putin, a regime over villain. She’s running the campaign of a dictator, a pretend election. Any pretend democracy. With a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. And a pretend free press. My guess is we have the Potemkin Village courtroom in Manhattan. We now have the Potemkin Democrat Party Kamala Harris campaign. It’s not really campaign. It is funded by massive corporate media platforms through free media worth untold billions, and it is funded by Democrat Party multi-billionaire oligarchs who, in return for their money and their support in the election of Democrats, expect something in return from the new centralized, ubiquitous administrative state as its police powers and its tentacles reach further and further into the rest of our society. And they are rewarded with things like the Inflation Reduction Act. Trillions of dollars spent. We don’t know where it goes, but it always seemed to wind up in their pockets, doesn’t it? And at the same time they’ve learned from Mao. They’ve learned from Lenin. They’ve learned from the worst. Say the opposite of what you mean. You’re for the little people. When you’re not. You’re for redistributing, redistributing wealth when you’re fear for theft. You’re for lowering prices. When you’re going to raise prices. Just keep saying it. We own the media. Plus, our Democrat Party billionaire oligarchs will fund it. Now there is many areas to go into here. I started with one. Kamala Harris hates women. Excuse me. Kamala Harris hates women. How do I know this? I’ve grown up around a lot of strong women in my life. I’m going to tell you something I even think my family knows. My mother’s mother. My grandmother, Rose. She got married when she was 16. And was pregnant. And lost her son, who was stillborn. Her second child was my mother. Who she had. At the age of 17, almost 18. And then she had a second daughter two years later. My grandfather would eventually leave her. And she raised her two daughters on her own. My mother and her sister. My mother was. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. And what did she do? My grandmother Rose. There were no child benefits. There was no food stamp program. There was no Medicaid. There was nothing. She opened a little pub down the street. Back then, you didn’t need all kind of licenses to do all sorts of things. If you had a a will to work, you worked. And for a while that’s what she did. She was never rich, but she would never allow herself to be poor. My mother got very ill. When she was young, she was in her teens. And the doctor said they had to go to Florida. She needed to be in the hot weather. She sold everything she had didn’t amount to much. She got up. And they moved from Philadelphia to Florida. For a few years. He would eventually remarry. She did. I was raised by a strong mother and a strong father who took nothing from anybody. They never had a government job. They never wanted a government job. They started out with a little nursery school that they created with their own hands in their own minds. Then during the summer, they they used it as a day camp. Eventually, they sold that. Not for a lot. They opened a retail store in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. The economy went bad. Times were tough. For the whole family. But never, ever did we go without. They would never permit it. My parents were conservatives. They were Republicans. My mother would despise Kamala Harris. My mother would despise Nancy Pelosi. That whole mindset, that whole ilk. That women could only achieve with the help of government, and that a woman was about an only about abortion. That’s not how women are defined. That’s not how good, strong, independent women define themselves by abortion. They define themselves as human beings. A bigger life. Then the Democrats want you to believe. Because they don’t believe in truly independent women any more than they truly believe in truly independent men and truly independent human beings. They don’t believe in individualism. Period for women or men. My mother didn’t believe in, quote unquote, women’s rights. She believed in human rights. She raised with my father three boys. Kamala Harris doesn’t believe in women. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have done more to destroy women’s opportunity and athletics than any duo in half a century. And even were it illegally and unconstitutionally by reinterpreting a 1972 amendment. To the Civil Rights Act, Title nine. That now defines equality as equity and includes men who identify as women. Completely destroying women’s athletics for little girls and anybody else. Kamala Harris could have picked anybody she wanted as a running mate. Anybody? He chose. One of the most perverse. Extremists. Moronic kooks imaginable on a thousand levels. Because he reinforces her. Immature, childish, but dangerous and vile ideology. She chose a running mate who signed into law the most extreme, more extreme than any other blue state. Gender transition law. In America, perhaps in a world. We’re parents. Don’t have a say so. What happens to their children if the state decides? That the parents are interfering. With a gender. He called them health choices. Involving their children. I ask you mothers out there. I don’t give a damn what part of urine I ask you mothers out there. What happened to women’s rights? Obviously, I’m a father and a grandfather. But there’s something special about mothers. The government is now going to step into the shoes of a father and a mother and make a determination on whether their child is going to have gender, reconstructive surgery or medicines to alter them physically. Without any recourse. That’s who she picks as her running mate. I’ll say it. Nobody else will. I’ll say it. Nobody else will. That’s the stuff of the Third Reich. And I say that as a Jew. Maybe there are occasions when it’s necessary, but if a parent disagrees. The state takes prominent. A Kamala Harris says she stands for women’s rights because she stands for abortion on Demand. She supports Ryan. Randi Weingarten and the left and the teachers unions deciding. What is appropriate to teach your children rather than. Your mother and your father rather than your parents. She doesn’t believe in parental rights. She believes in Randi Weingarten rights. She doesn’t believe in parental rights. Last time I checked, we do have mothers in this country who are active in the raising of their children but want to raise them a certain way. A belief system with values. This is the Communist Manifesto. This is Marx. But she supports women’s rights. Don’t you know, so long as you don’t get in the way. Randi Weingarten, The AFT. So long as you don’t get in the way of Jim Ross and his laws. She’s overseen Cora border. So she doesn’t deny being vice president, does she? She’s overseen the worst open border atrocities ever committed against women, especially women of color, including rapid sex abuse and sex slavery in modern American history. She’s the vice president. Now she decides she wants more border agents. Do you believe her? Of course not. Her base, her zealots, her media would never support her. They know she’s a liar. She’ll say anything and they’re going to help her. But she sat there. It didn’t lift a finger. To fight the policies of her own regime and its impact on women and little girls, especially of color, like we’ve never seen in this country, ever. She didn’t bend a finger because she hates women. She loves power. At any cost. Even if it means destroying the mother daughter relationship, even if it means destroying little kids, Even if it means rampant. Rampant. Atrocities against women on our border. She’ll spin it. Her billionaire donor oligarchs will run ads to spin it. Her media will spin it. As long as she runs around and talks about abortion. That’s okay. Not by me. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Kamala Harris has done nothing for women and girls in this country except harmed them horribly. The next hour. I want to know what she’s done for the black community as a D.A., as an attorney general, and as vice president. It’s interesting. If I asked you to name three things off the top of your head, you couldn’t. Particularly those of you who are listening to me, who are black and live mostly in a black community. We’re also going to discuss a reckoning. A reckoning. Whether American Jews are going to abandon Israeli Jews. And vote for an individual and a party. That is now openly the voice of Hamas in Iran and anti-Semitism. Whether they’re going to abandon the state of Israel, abandon the Jewish people. For their party. This election is a reckoning for the American Jew. There’s going to be plenty when we return. This, I can promise you. Be right back.