August 7th, 2024

August 7th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Tim Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Roe v Wade had limits with the third trimester, but Walz has no limits in his state which allows borderline infanticide. The propagandists in the Democrat party and the leftist media want to convince you Walz is a moderate when in reality he is just as extreme as Kamala. Also, unlike Donald Trump, Tim Walz lied about his military service and rank with the National Guard while running for Congress and continued to lie about it afterward. Walz retired after getting a warning he would be deployed to Iraq, abandoning his unit when they needed leadership the most. This is the most undemocratic, propagandistic election in American history, where the Democrat candidate for president was selected rather than elected by the voters, and has now selected her radical Vice President.

NY Post
‘Sanctuary state’ Gov. Tim Walz gave illegal migrants taxpayer-funded health care, tuition, driver’s licenses

Tim Walz Signed Bill Making Minnesota a Sanctuary State for Child Sex-Changes

NY Times
19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

Tim Walz’s Minnesota: Lower Growth, Higher Crime, More Migrants, Trans Surgery for Kids

Photo by Hannah Beier/Bloomberg

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Have a very serious question to ask you about this guy was. I read about him. I knew very little about him. A look at his focus. This guy is not just an extremist like we’ve never seen on any national ticket. I’m starting to wonder if he’s a pervert. I’m not kidding. He’s taking the lead. Of so many issues that are utterly perverse. Tampons and boys bathrooms. Is that a midwestern value? Because the media in Washington, D.C., New York and Los Angeles are telling us that some Midwestern value. I just want to make sure I understand. So tampons in boys, bathrooms in public schools. That’s a midwestern value. Boy, somebody’s better teachers. Guys, some science. To know that boys can menstruate. I had no idea. But in all seriousness, I thought. That the left, the Democrats, the radicals. Keep government out of your bedroom. They won’t get out of the bedroom. As a matter of fact, it gets worse than that. Ladies and gentlemen, Minnesota. It’s a sanctuary state, not just for illegal aliens, but for child sex changes. Is that another Midwestern value that I’m unaware of? Child sex changes. I mean, George STEPHANOPOULOS said it is. George STEPHANOPOULOS also cited Tim Walz, his military record. We’re going to get into that, too. From our friends at National Review. Newly minted vice presidential candidate Tim Walz signed a bill in April. 2023 that made his state a sanctuary for child sex changes. Promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in defiance of states that restrict them. A tourist site for child sex changes. A midwestern value. Dubbed the trans Refugee bill by its supporters. The law grants legal protection to children who travelled to Minnesota for a so-called gender affirming care, including puberty blockers, reconstructive genital surgery and hormone therapy, as well as the medical practitioners who provide it. See, I see it differently. Minnesota is now a haven. Per child abuse. For the medical and surgical disfiguration of children. The law prohibits prohibits Minnesota courts or officials from complying with child removal removal requests, extraditions, arrests or subpoenas related to a child sex change procedure received in Minnesota, even if they’re a crime in another state. So if you’re in a neighboring state, you go to your court. That child is your child. That child is a citizen of your state. You get an extradition order from your court in your state. He’s signed a bill that says too damn bad that child isn’t Minnesota. Therefore, he’s our property. The law makes seeking gender transition procedures for minors a factor in some assessments for whether a Minnesota court has jurisdiction to make an initial determination in child custody cases. In other words, what they’re trying to say there, and I’ll make it more clear. The court can determine if that child should have a sex change or if the parent should have permitted it. And if the court concludes that the parents opposition. Is unreasonable or unacceptable that they can lose custody of their child to the state. To the state. Is that a midwestern value? I just want to make sure I understand this. It also gives courts temporary emergency jurisdiction of a trial come if a child comes to Minnesota from a state that refused them the procedures. So if a child takes a bus and gets to Minnesota. Minnesota gives that child safe haven. They have a section. Republican lawmakers who criticized the bill, arguing it undermined parental rights would lead children down the dangerous slippery slope of experimental, life altering gender treatments. And it goes on. That’s perverse. That’s sick. Sick. Now, what’s with these? Tampons and boys bathrooms and public schools. That’s sick. That’s sick. Years ago. We call this perversion. I look at this guy now. There’s Tim Waltz. Tell me what you think, Mr. BLITZER. I figure you put him in a raincoat on a corner. And he looks like a pervert now in my eyes. Does he not hear? This is a very, very weird man. But weird doesn’t define him. Pathological to find him or we get into some of these other areas. Let’s talk about abortion. We’ve talked about tampons because they’re prominent in his administration. We’ve now talked about a child trans. Sanctuary, which is now Minnesota. The most radical law in the nation. And now we talk about abortion. Abortion in Minnesota. It’s the most is the most extreme in the country. There are others that do it, too, the way he does it. Virtually no limits. You know, Roe v Wade had limits the third trimester. What is the case in Minnesota? You don’t have to have parental notification. You can have an abortion right up to the end. It’s as extreme as it gets. It is infanticide. So I call this guy, he’s. The waist down, guys. He’s pretty sick. He’s pretty extreme, don’t you think? And that’s why the media are telling you he has Midwestern values. That’s why the media want you to go. This guy was a teacher. You know, he served in the military. He’s a hunter all of a sudden. Chris MATTHEWS is out there calling Kamala Harris. John Wayne. That seems kind of weird to me, doesn’t it? You? I think John Wayne was a male. I don’t think Kamala Harris is. John Wayne. Now everybody’s John Wayne. They hate John Wayne. I love John Wayne. As a matter of fact, people ask me on my lapel. I have an American flag. And on the other lapel, depending on what state I’m in, where my wear my jacket is, I have a John Wayne. A John Wayne button. But nonetheless. The propagandists in the media and the propaganda to the Democrat Party are trying to convince you this guy is a moderate. While Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats Socialists of America, that’s AOC, Talib Omar are praising it. POM Your mama, whatever her name is, they they of the progressives in the House, she is thrilled with this. All the Marxist Islamists are besides themselves with happiness. And of course, Obama is this invisible hand behind the scenes. This is a moderate to the Democrats. I think we should accept them at their word. This is a moderate to the Democrats. What’s an extremist to the Democrats? I’m serious. What is an extremist? Well, we’ve learned about this guy’s not only is he, in my view, kind of a pervert. And look, these are perverse. That’s all. I mean, it’s perverse. And people who celebrate this, whether the Democrats are perverse, it’s perverse. There may be children. There may be children who are subject to this issue of genital confusion and so forth. But the vast majority, the vast majority of the research says. The overwhelming majority grow out of it. So you don’t start taking a butcher’s knife. Or get into this genitalia medical activity. What’s the Harry? If they’re six years old or their eight years old, what’s the Harry? And yet Minnesota. Is. Ground zero for children. Sex change Operation. Sex change. Medical procedures. Ground zero. It’s a sanctuary state. Per sex change procedures for children. He’s a moderate, don’t you know? Tampons in boys bathrooms in public. So he’s a moderate. Don’t you know, abortion? At the very last second before birth. That’s a moderate position. To Midwestern position, don’t China? This is what they think and believe in the Midwest and Michigan. In Wisconsin. Battleground states. This is the so-called blue wall. It’s blue, but it’s not a blue wall. The most radical position on abortion, the most radical position on sex change and medical change operations for children, the most bizarre position when it comes to tampons and boys bathrooms. This is perverse. It has nothing to do with Midwest values. This guy is a radical leftist. He’s endorsed by the Democrats, Socialists of America. That’s a commie organization. He’s endorsed by Bernie Sanders. He’s a commie. He’s endorsed by Elizabeth Warren. She’s a commie. Endorsed by all the commie operations out there, all the radical leftists. Now the Marxists and the Islamists. And now they want you to believe, oh, he’s his quintessential American. We heard this from George STEPHANOPOULOS last night. George STEPHANOPOULOS we heard this from. And he’s also a nut. He’s absolute kook. I’ll give you an example. Let’s get number two ready, Mr. Producer. He knows not of what he speaks, but he never shut the hell up. Here’s Tim Walz in Minnesota. Press conference, A flashback. We want to power our Navy with algae. Algae. Cut to go. The Pentagon is not a bunch of green tree huggers. The Pentagon understands it’s a risk to the climate. It’s a risk to the environment. And it’s a national security issue. They’re trying to create the great green Fleet where we power our Navy using algae. Hmm. Yeah. They made that decision on their own. Nobody. Nobody forced it on them. Now Bernie Sanders. A self-hating Jew, a marxist, an Islamist, a red, a commie. Actually a Stalinist, and I can prove it, and I’ve proven it on this program before. Given his history in the kibbutz he worked on not too far, I’m sure, from the kibbutz. Thomas Friedman worked on all these clowns. Here he is on CNN yesterday. This is fired, Mr. Producer. Here he is on CNN yesterday. What has been a champion of working people. He’s a champion at work. What does that mean? He’s a champion of working people by destroying a state. Massive increases in taxes. You heard Michele Bachmann last night. She said they had a huge surplus. It’s all gone. The state’s in debt. People can’t leave their fast enough business. Minnesota is California, but smaller. Minnesota’s California, but more radical. I’ll play this one. Well, we’ll play it now. Let’s go to Cut five, Mr. Producer. Go. The reason that I wanted Governor Wolf is, as you know, he comes from a rural state. He has been a champion of the working class. He’s passed some very good legislation at a time when we have massive levels of income and wealth inequality. Why? Why should a blue commie bastard? Casa molina. He’s worried about inequality. Now, what you should be worried about is those little kids in Minnesota. Who are going to be forever destroyed. But that’s what working Americans want, right? That’s what you book our guys. $1 billion gas. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Near Midwest values. According to the Washington, New York L.A. Media, it’s more like Amsterdam values, if you ask me. More from our friend who right? Scoop Kamala’s running mate signed a law that included pedophiles. In definition of sexual orientation. Kamala’s running mate. Tampon Tim. That’s his name. The governor of Minnesota signed a bill into law that included pedophiles and the definition of sexual orientation, which was a complete reversal of the state’s previous stance, according to dark Hegel. On February 13, 2023, Representative Lee Fink, a trans identified man, introduced H.R. number 1655 that redefined sexual orientation in this amendment. He crossed out the section that expressly precluded pedophiles from falling under the definition of sexual orientation. In the old bill. The definition sexual orientation delineated which people were protected under the Minnesota human rights statute, making it a violation to discriminate against those falling under that definition. This old definition explicitly excluded pedophiles through the addition of this phrase to the definition, quote, Sexual orientation does not include a physical 1.2 or a sexual attachment to children by an adult. He crossed it out. It passed the committee. Passed the committee and were signed into law by the governor. Tampa. Tim, is this another Midwestern value that the people in the Midwest never heard of before? I think so. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So according to the meta media, that is tampon. Tim is a moderate who represents Midwestern values. That would be, again, the media in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles that hates the Midwest. They don’t spend time in the Midwest. They have no connection to the Midwest. They were raised in the Midwest. They left it and left it behind. But now they represent the Midwest and rural America. Isn’t that right? Because we know in the Midwest you all would love tampon Tim. Tampons in every pot. Wait. That’s a different president. Well, you know what I mean. Tampons in every boys restroom in public schools. That won’t cause any confusion. He makes Minnesota the trans refuge or the sanctuary state for transgender children. Destroying parental rights, destroying the power of other states and their courts. Sanctuary train state. Another Midwestern value, obviously. He signed into law a so-called Civil Rights Act. That protected, among others. Pedophiles. That’s a midwest value. No, I don’t think so. An abortion on demand, the most extreme abortion law in the nation. Others, about seven states that have done this right up to birth, right up to birth. That’s an obliteration and the evisceration of Roe v Wade. They keep running Roe v Wade. This isn’t Roe v Wade. This is infanticide. So it’s my contention that the guy’s a pervert, among other things. And the next time you look at a picture of him or see him on TV and you watch his weird sort of hyperactivity and his his goofy jokes, he told a weird sex joke today. He can see where this guy’s mind is. But the question is, why would Kamala Harris choose him? As her running mate. Think this demonstrates. Somebody who is presidential material. You think this demonstrates leadership? Of course not. And he’s backed by Bernie Sanders. That should tell you a lot right there in a raincoat, Bernie. And a reminder. But the media are certain. There are certain he he’s a moderate from the Midwest. Here’s a little montage. Our friends at NewsBusters cut for That’s for Mr. Producer. Go. The idea that Tim Walz is an lefty is just not true. In reality, he got elected in a district that was very moderate. Walls, of course, was very moderate in Congress, establishing himself as a moderate Democrat. He had a pretty moderate record, rather moderate Democrat viewed as a as a moderate Democrat. He is a centrist to say that he’s more liberal than vice president HARRIS Or the most liberal congressman, which I’m sure we’re going to hear. I’m just not true In Congress. He was certainly a centrist, but a more centrist dealmaking candidate, kind of a centrist Midwesterner and persona, a more centrist type who can appeal to suburban voters. We have heard from Democrats who know him, who describe him as folksy as somebody who can reach out to independents. He will be able to pull over some of those more moderate voters. He has a history of appealing to the more rural, moderate voter out there, moderates, even moderate Republicans, absolutely more moderate than people are giving him credit for right now. I would like someone to point out a place that he is different on an issue than Josh SHAPIRO genitalia. May I say, penises and vaginas. Seems to be a little bit more extreme than, say, Josh SHAPIRO. And these policies do sort of reflect a perversion. In my humble opinion. That most Midwesterners would reject. Not on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. This is moderate to them. God knows what’s in their bathrooms. God knows what they’re up to. But this is very normal for them. I’m sure all of them would support having their kids transitioned without their permission. Right. George STEPHANOPOULOS You would support that, wouldn’t you? I’m sure they all support abortion right before birth. Sure. Why not? Oh, they all support a bill, a civil rights bill that protects pedophiles. Very modern. You know, when he was in the house, he was just so damn moderate. But he’s governor. And now they want him to be vice president. And despite their lies, despite the media in America. Parodying the media in the old Soviet Union, parroting the media in Communist China, parrying the media and Russia, parroting the media in the Islamo Nazi regime in Iran, despite our media parroting the media and genocidal dictatorships. And destroying the First Amendment and free speech are destroying the press and destroying the ability of people to vote with actual knowledge. Father Okay. They all say the same damn thing because that’s what state run Pravda Al Jazeera media do. And there’s Bernie Sanders. It’s a character witness that ought to tell you everything you need to know. Everything you need to know. But you see, that’s not the issue. Free school lunches. Free school lunches. Yes. And free school breakfasts. Oh, that’s cool. And free health care to illegal immigrants. Oh, that’s cool. Yes. And free meals for illegal immigrants. Who’s paying for all this? Hmm. Please don’t press us. Don’t press us. Here’s a new mega ad. It’s actually quite good. It’s quite short. Number eight, Mr. Producer, take a listen to this Cut Echo. What could be weirder than signing a bill into law that requires schools to stock tampons and boys baths? I can tell you it’s a pervert. Why don’t we call him weird? He’s worse than weird. He’s a freak, a fraud. And in my view, with his obsession with the genitalia, what little kids should do with their genitalia. His obsession. With signing bills with pedophilia and abortion. Something’s wrong with this guy. I’m being honest with you. We’re all the psychologists that spent all those years on Donald Trump. How come they’re not spending any time on Tim Walsh? Oh, yeah. The Teamster. Makes you look at him differently now, doesn’t it? As I said, I think about him with a raincoat on and go, Holy mackerel! Holy mackerel. He looks the part of a midwesterner. No, he doesn’t. He looks the part. Go ahead, Mr. British. Signing legislation allowing minors to receive sex change operation. Try electing the man who signed those bills. Vice President of the United States. Enter Chief weirdo Tim Walz as governor of Minnesota was supported. Legislation that endangers miners, hurts women, and puts radical ideology ahead of common sense. Now Kamala wants walls to enforce those laws on a national scale. Tim Walz. Too weird, too radical. His name for now on his tampon. Tim I didn’t come up with it, but I like it. It says all you need to know. Tampon Tim. And so the question is in my mind, is he a pervert or not? Is he a pervert or not? Well, Mehdi Hassan on CNN. Wait a minute. Didn’t this guy used to work for MSNBC? I could be wrong. Then they have a video of this guy trashing Jews. Maybe it’s the wrong. Mehdi Hasan I could be wrong. That could be wrong. Well, he’s standing up for Tim Walz, too. Tim Walz is our guy. Yeah, he’s a moderate with Midwestern values. Now, let me ask you something. If he were a real moderate with Midwestern value to think they’d support him on the radical left in the media. Now look what they’re doing to J.D. Vance. J.D. Vance is a real. Kind of Midwestern guy. Who really did demonstrate that the American dream works. Tim Walz is running around. You want to change your genitalia. Come into my state when abortion on demand come into my state. Your little boys need tampons. Come into my state. You know, we used to rest people like this, Mr. Bridges. Now they elected governor. In blue states. And so attractive are his policies that Kamala Harris could have chosen anybody. And she chose Tim Walz. Now, what does that tell you about Kamala Harris? Could pick America. Does she share Midwestern values, too, coming out of San Francisco? Does she? Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Minneapolis burned to the ground. The riots were violent and horrendous. They surrounded the third precinct at the direction of the governor. The police did. The National Guard wasn’t sent in and so much too late. And only then 100 National Guardsmen, the mayor, the mayors left the fritz 600. Well, he’s great on all fronts when it comes to genitalia, when it comes to a kid’s genitalia. He’s unbelievable. And then when it comes to law and order, well, he’s on the wrong side. But don’t worry. He wants free school meals for children. Mehdi Hasan on CNN. Cut seven. Go. Yeah, I mean, they’re going to try and season. I never buy this. This is good for us. Nonsense. Trump also, I think posted today Wolves brings hell on earth. And like anyone to see the guy hell on earth is not. When you think when you see him holding a piglet or hugging. I’ll tell you what I think when I see him. I see a guy in a raincoat. Tell my kids, Stay away from that guy. That’s what I see. I’m being honest. But don’t worry, Mary Hassan, formerly I believe, of M.S., LSD, now with the Constipated News Network. He’s there, baby. The propagandists are out there, out there, spinning. They’re twisting. They’re prattling all over the damn place. They want you to believe he’s a moderate. So why didn’t she choose a moderate? She chose, ladies and gentlemen, the biggest whack job imaginable. He’s a whack job. He looks like a whack job. He talks like a whack job. He’s got these. Weird flinches and movements. He can’t stand still like a whack job. And then look at it. Look. Look at his priorities. He’s a whack job. But don’t worry. Mehdi Hasan formerly of Massawa State, now the Constipated News Network. He’ll straighten this out. Go. School meals. One of the things I pushed I mentioned to you last week was his record. Joe mentioned his record in the house. His record as a governor I know appealed to Kamala Harris. That’s the kind of interesting they keep talking about his record in the house. He’s been governor. That’s why she chose him, not because of his record and half its record in the House. Now he’s a governor. His record as governor. Why do they keep calling it a progressive record? This is this is why I wrote the book American Marxism 1.4 million copies. And the media apparently didn’t read it. They keep calling the progressives. They keep using the propaganda, the language, the early American Marxist. I don’t say Marxism. No, no, no. People all like that. We’re progressives. Progressive. He really is a progressive. He’s a marxist. He even admits to being a socialist. But he’s a marxist. Go ahead. In the White House, where he’s passing, you know, securing abortion rights, expanding voting rights, expanding child tax credit, getting gun control legislation done for gun control. I thought he was 100. Mehdi Hasan You blew the lid off the cover up here. He’s a hunter. He doesn’t oppose guns. Yes, he does. He wants to confiscate weapons. Why do we need morons like Mehdi Hasan? Why do we need any of these Democrat hack radical left wing Marxists? To tell us his record when we can go find it out ourselves. Why are the media the propagandist for the cover up artist for. These Democrats all the time. Let me tell you where you really stand now. Shut the hell up and shut down. We’ve got video. Kamala Harris, like we had video. Biden shuffling around, banging his head on the door. Oh, no, no. That’s run by right wingers are doing that. Now, the right wingers are trying to change trying to change camp on Kim’s record. They’re right. Hey, now. Oh, okay. I’m so sorry. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
All right. I don’t know that we have enough time now. One of the things I want to I want you to hear is Tom Barron’s on Alpha News yesterday. The man who replaced Governor Walz on the battlefield claims he started a political career off a position he didn’t earn in the military because he quit. Now, of course, the Democrat response immediately is, you know, Donald Trump never served. Of course, Biden never served and Clinton never served and on and on and on. But that’s not the point. We know they didn’t serve. But we also know the walls is playing up. His military service. He played it up when he ran for Congress. He played it up when he ran for governor, and he’s playing it up now. George STEPHANOPOULOS played it up. They’re playing it up on the conga line of losers, lightweights and lunatics on MSLSD and CNN, his military service, Midwestern values. This guy has no Midwestern values. He might as well be a San Francisco nutjob, just like Kamala Harris. I’ll be right back.