August 6th, 2024

August 6th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Gov Josh Shapiro was not chosen to be the VP because he is Jewish and it would offend their pro-Hamas voters. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. This election will be about whether we will allow the people who exploit us, undermine us, and control us to get that final ounce of power to the point where we cannot get our freedom back. Later, Mark speaks with Michele Bachmann, former MN Congresswoman and Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, about her experience working with Tim Walz in Congress and his horrible record as governor.

Zero Policies on Kamala Harris Website — 2 Weeks into Campaign

NY Post
‘Sanctuary state’ Gov. Tim Walz gave illegal migrants taxpayer-funded healthcare, tuition, driver’s licenses

Daily Mail
Tim Walz’s deep links to China: Kamala’s VP pick taught and went on honeymoon in the country… and oversaw a scholarship program funded by Beijing

NY Post
Tim Walz has fawned over Communist China: Doesn’t have to be ‘adversarial relationship’

Bidenomics is working, but Kamalnomics will be EVEN better.


NY Post
Parents of Erin Greenberg, teacher found stabbed 10 times in head, neck, win right to challenge suicide ruling

Jewish Chronicle
The full inside story of how Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran – minute by minute

Photo by Andrew Harnik

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. All right, look. We’re going to tap into this absolute insanity that’s going on in Philadelphia. The dithering, platitudinous, vacuous, mumbling jumbling. By Harrison, soon to be her sidekick Walls. It’s just a humiliation for this country. I can just see our enemies watching this and salivating. Let’s tap and go ahead, Rich. Now I want you to. Abortion. They should just call themselves the abortion party runners of the abortion part. So here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Since the day that I announce my candidacy, I set out to find a partner. Now, let’s hold on. What? Announce what? Candidacy. You’ve been appointed. Go ahead. A leader who will help unite our nation and move us forward. A fine Minnesota and California will unite the nation. Sure they will. Patriots who believes, as I do in the extraordinary promise of America. It was a white dominated society. I could be wrong on this. A promise of freedom, opportunity and justice. Not just for some, but for all. See what I mean? Can. Today, all these people are trying to pour over our border from all over the world. I’m here today because I found such a leader. Ian FINEMAN, Pennsylvania Governor Tim Walz of the great state of Minnesota. You know, this is like the Trotskyites running with a Leninist. Some believe these guys are so radical left, it’s not even funny. That’s why AOC Talib, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren are all wetting themselves as I speak. So. To those who know him best, to those who know him best. Timmons is more than a governor to his wife, Gwen. He is a husband to his kids. Hope and Gus. He is a dad. Gus. To veterans. He is Sergeant Major Wall. There’s a whole history on how he avoided service there. You see that? Mr. Producer dropped out of the National Guard just in time not to be sent to Iraq. I’m just saying, if they want to bring it up, I wasn’t going to bring it up to the people of southern Minnesota for 12 years. He was congressman. How many of you have ever heard of him before? Almost none. Former high school students. He was Mr. Wall. And to his former high school. All right, that’s enough. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. We don’t need this Wikipedia stuff. The guy is so radical. All you have to do before Google and all the rest of them strip the facts from your knowledge base. Take a look. The guy is a complete radical, hardcore leftist. Who let Minneapolis burn. Even when the leftist mayor begged him to call in the National Guard, he refused. And half a year later he said it was a mistake. He saw what happened to that police precinct and he just watched it. He did nothing. Nothing. And he’s conferring welfare benefits on illegal immigrants. And I can go on and on and on. He is the carbon copy of Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. So have a balanced ticket with the Trotskyites and the Leninist. There is nothing, nothing that is based on American principles. But this candidate or her? Nothing. Zero. They don’t talk up the country. They’re not proud of America. Our enemies are watching and they’re salivating all over themselves. It’s just appalling. This guy, Josh SHAPIRO. I know why she didn’t pick him. She didn’t pick him. You know damn well she was having meetings with her closest advisers. She was talking to Obama, no question about it, talking to her husband and all the rest, saying, look, we have a Jewish problem in our party. If we pick a Jewish governor, we’ll definitely going to lose the river to the sea crowd in Dearborn, Stan, and all over the country. We have worked so hard to get that vote. We even boycotted Netanyahu, even undermined it. Israel in a time of war, we’ve even withholding weapons. We can’t now screw that up by picking the Jewish governor of Pennsylvania, because everybody knows, even though I think he’s a puke. But it doesn’t matter what I think everybody knows. He would have been much tougher and Pennsylvania would have been much tougher to win. But she didn’t go there. Why didn’t she go there? Oh, it’s the chemistry issue. Oh, it’s no, it’s not. It’s the Jewish issue. The Democrat Party has a Jewish problem. A significant percentage of that party hates Jews and it’s about damn time Jews who are registered Democrat better wake the hell up and they better wake the hell up fast. As well as all Americans. That’s number one. Number two, she doesn’t give a damn about the state of Pennsylvania. I posted this hours ago, didn’t I, Mr. Producer? Kamala Harris to Pennsylvania dropped dead. I remember when one of the tabloids in New York, it may have been the post, may have been the news, I don’t know. When Gerald Ford refused to bail out New York City. The headline was Gerald Ford, The New York Drop Dead. It had a devastating impact. Well, Kamala Harris just told all those Pennsylvanians, I’m an old Pennsylvania told them all in western Pennsylvania, where the men and women work with their hands, where they get dirt under their nails. Well, they drill for oil well, they refine steel where they dig for coal. She told all of those men and women dropped dead. You know why? Because there’s nothing she can say that’s truthful and honest that can get their vote. She has to lie and lie and lie. There’s nothing she can say to central Pennsylvania and all little industrial towns throughout central Pennsylvania. Blue collar workers. The heart of the country. There’s nothing she can say as a marxist Islamist to appeal to them. And she cannot appeal to Philadelphia in the Philly delphia suburbs, which has a significant Jewish population. Because in order to do so, she knows she will lose Michigan because the Democrat Party is built on identity. The Democrat Party is built on racism. The Democrat Party is built on sexism. The Democrat Party is now built on Islamism. All the isms. And they made a calculus and they had to work it through right to the last second. The reason this is being held in Philadelphia, in my humble opinion, is because she was going to pick this guy. SHAPIRO. But she was lobbied against it. And she started to think about it and then she realized that could be a dangerous path. I cannot pick a prominent Jewish governor of Pennsylvania. I can’t do it. Let’s not pretend there’s something else going on here. And then they flash. Well, she’s married to a Jew. I don’t care who she’s married to. Her political calculation. Not her marital calculation. Her political calculation. Was no Jew. That’s it. That’s it. There’s no other rational reason. None. They’re putting it out there and it’s not right. She didn’t get along. Sure she did. He was number one on the list. He fell to number two. She obviously got along with him. She needs Pennsylvania, but she’s worried. She’s worried I can’t do this because I might still lose Pennsylvania, even though I might win it. But I’m going to lose Michigan. And besides, she agrees with the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. She is the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. She is Talib who she praised and Omar who she’s praised. And oh, now see, that’s who she is. That’s who. And again, I don’t care who she’s married to. Now, if this guy who cares about this nebbish, this moron, she’s married to another sleazeball. But that for another day. And in doing so, I take nothing for granted. The media are trying to rewrite his resumé, rewrite his history like they have hurt. Which is why they come in as empty pantsuit and empty suit. Because they’re trying to rewrite their history. They don’t want them to take prominent stands. The only issue they’re going to talk about is abortion. Abortion and more abortion. And we have more abortions going on right now than ever before in American history. Apparently not enough. But it is it is a an issue that that provokes and upsets. Much of their base to try and get them out to vote. For the vast majority of you, this isn’t even an issue. For the vast majority of you, it’s by putting food on the table. It’s making ends meet. Maybe taking a little vacation. How do you get your kids through? Through school. Your car breaks down, you can’t afford to fix it for you. It’s the basics. And while they’re destroying the American experiment. They talk about equality. There must be quality. Now there must be freedom and opportunity. I listened to this speech as it was going on for about 10 minutes before I came on there. It’s completely vapid. Completely vapid. How is she going to spur the economy? We have no idea. How is she going to ensure that the price of fuel goes down? No idea. We have no idea. How is she going to secure the border? No idea, because she’s not going to do any of those things. American. She is not there to serve you. She is there to serve herself. And her fellow potentates, her fellow oligarchs. This is about the iron Fist. Dressed up as a mitten. That’s what it is. Zero policies. Kamala Harris has website. Breitbart. Joel Pollak Two weeks into the campaign. Nothing. There’s a Kamala Harris section, A take action section, a a store for campaign merchandise and, of course, a donate button. But as far as policies, there’s absolutely nothing on the website. In addressing campaign headquarters last month, she defined her campaign loosely as a quest for a better future. She did it in her speech here as well. Oh, they’ll be policy. Schultz will throw them out there here and their. Everybody has a right to health care. I don’t even know what that means. So what do we do? The guy who’s standing next to her. Who seems to have a real nervous habit. Mr. Miller. He can’t stand still if he notices he’s walking all over the damn place like he’s. He has to go to the rest. Yeah, he’s a weirdo. He’s a weirdo. It’s a crackpot. In any event. He and she want to take your hard earned money and provide free health care to illegal aliens. He and she want to provide free college education to illegal aliens. What’s that all about? Now, this country can’t sustain that. We have a massive welfare state. It’s already out of control. It’s already broke. How much more are we going to spend? How much more inflation is going to be? We people in this country, we call them American citizens. Who need help. Who needs support. If we’re going to spend resources, we spend it on our own people. Our own people. American citizens. You don’t throw the doors wide open so anybody can get over 10 million foreigners have come into this country. They’re getting welfare benefits of all kinds. For having stepped into the country. That’s it. But it’s a good day. It’s a good day. The Democrat Party has ram Kamala Harris down our throats and Kamala Harris has now rammed. This clown time was down our throats. That’s what they’ve done. There’s not an inch of difference between either of them. She’s gone hard core, ideological, hardcore, radical left. And while they pretend to care about working men and women in the middle class and equality and all the rest, that’s not what they did. Two potentates, two oligarchs. She’s handpicked by the ruling class of the Democrat Party. They wanted her. They wanted him. And I say, Now, bring it on. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I love to hear this. All platitudinous, Ladies and gentlemen, I have spared you from this. Most talk show host Would not they be pressure to plant? My God, your dinner would wind up on your shoes. Trust me. But you have a choice. He says that democracy and democracy. She wasn’t elected by anybody. Neither was he. You have a person here that was hand-selected by the Democrat Party ruling class in Washington, D.C. with the Democrat Party media in Washington, D.C.. She just chose somebody to run with her who wasn’t elected by anybody. For anything at the national level. You literally have two candidates now. Neither of whom were in a primary. In the case of Kamala Harris, Harris for president and the case of Tim Walz at all. And I lecturing, drawing about democracy. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Under Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota. Minnesota became a sanctuary state. He pushed for and got legislation to give illegal immigrants taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded tuition and driver’s licenses. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Has been a cheerleader, a pom pom boy. For the communist country of China. His deep links to the communist country of China. Just like Bernie Sanders went on a honeymoon in Moscow. He went on a honeymoon in communist China. And he used to oversee a scholarship program funded by Beijing. What else? The list is so long. It is so long. He once proclaimed that he was a proud socialist. I’m sure that video has gone by now. No, Ms.. Reducer. And we’re looking because the media won’t do the job that the media are supposed to do. Here’s the Trump campaign. 15 seconds worth, Mr. Producer, Cut, Forego driver’s licenses for illegals, transgender surgeries for that. Stop right there. Transgender surgeries for kids, six year olds. Minnesota has the most aggressively leftist tranche of transgender surgery for kids law in the nation. Is this what you want, America? I notice they’re not talking about that in Philadelphia. I notice the media are not talking about that. They’re not talking about any of this. Go ahead. I it’s in our streets. This was Kamala Harris’s first decision as a presidential candidate. Kamala is dangerously liberal. We just can’t trust her. Here’s what he said. I mentioned the socialism thing at a fundraising zoom call last week. Cut five. Go. But we can get out there, reach out, make the case. And for one thing, don’t ever. Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness. Just do the damn work. Got it. He’s basically telling it progressivism is socialism because he won’t say it’s Marxism, it’s Marxism, but that’s good enough. He doesn’t shy from this guises. He comes from the the Democrat Farm Labor Party in Minnesota. Which is where all the whack jobs come from. On China. Cut sex. Go. I lived in China, and as I said, I’ve been there about 30 times. But if someone tells you that they’re an expert on China, they’re probably not telling you the truth because it’s a complex country, But it’s critically important for us. I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree. Boy, communist China is rooting for him and they got what they wanted. Communist China’s. Favorite son. Is now running. And soon will be for vice president of the United States. Can you imagine this? They had Biden and now they think they’re going have this Tim Walz. Only you can stop this. What about the Electoral College? America, we’ve talked about this before. Do we really want 11 blue states deciding for all and forever? Our president, vice president, is a very complicated debate. They come up with this brilliant idea. So all states have a say. Some states produce more oil than others. Some states produce more food than others. Some states have more people than others. And they said, look, in order to have a fairly harmonious society, we have to have representation from all corners of this country. Tim Walz says no. No. Cat seven go. The Electoral College seems very undemocratic to me. I mean, I think at first blush, but it also was an attempt to unify the less populated areas to try and give some voice. Now, those who would say that the state of Wyoming has about 500, some thousand people, they have less than in this congressional district, But the two senators from Wyoming have the same clout as the two senators from California and the Electoral College system. And how we divide that representative proportion is a challenge. So it’s not a challenge. Let’s learn not to make this complaint about Delaware. Mr. Bruce Abraham Do that. Why don’t we have two senators from Delaware? Hmm. The tiny state with a small population. Why were two senators from Rhode Island? They’re both Democrats. Tiny state with a small population. I mean, you can go through every state and do this, and this is exactly the point. They want to undo what was settled at the Constitutional Convention. We would never have a country if a guy like this who at the Constitutional Convention ever. Ever. There would not be a United States of America. What we have here are big states in terms of population, in terms of votes, saying, look, we want to bring them out, the Electoral College, we want to take charge. We the blue states with the big cities, we want to control the suburbs. We want to control the experience. We want to control the rural areas. We don’t care if you produce all the food we eat. We don’t care if you produce all the energy we use. We don’t care about it at all. Completely what unravel the country. It’s honestly, folks. This will be too complicated for the mediocre types. But. These are the kind of arguments that were used. Before and into the civil War that we states. Have the power. We states have the power to impose our will. We states have the power to do whatever we want. No, we’re the United States of America. There’s federalism. But there are delineated powers. And so when you have somebody who attacking the foundation for principles of this country, like the Electoral College. They’d say, two senators from a tiny populated state like Montana. Well, most of the rural areas in this country feed us. Most of the rural areas in this country provide us with our material necessities. We don’t have coal mines in Philadelphia. We don’t have steel mills in New York City. We don’t have wheat growing fields of wheat in Chicago. The city is producing things, the raw areas produce certain things. And so this was the great compromise that the Democrats want to undo. And I tell you this all the time. Go ahead. Right now. I do think it’s incredibly uplifting to me to watch citizens thinking about it. Tavis Talking about this again. All right. So let’s stop. So he doesn’t support the Electoral College, doesn’t support a secure border, doesn’t think China’s a grave threat. Then he signed a law. It gives health care to illegal aliens. Can you imagine this nationally? Because it’s happening. They gives free tuition to illegal aliens. That gives driver load driver IDs licenses to illegal aliens. Which, of course, makes it much easier to vote in national elections. They know this, too. Why they do it? And what about the Black Lives Matter riots? Ground zero. Minnesota. Minneapolis. What about it? Did you like that? Do you like the way the governor handled that? Kerry go. And thank God. By the way, this is May 2020. Go ahead and thank God a young person had a camera to video it because there’s not a person here or listening today that wonders how many times that camera’s not there. These are tough questions. These are things that have been brewing in this country for 400 years. We have people out there putting themselves on the line to try and put out fires in our firefighters that are under attack. Those are the things I’m asking you. Help me restore that order. We will do that under state leadership and state guidance. You will hear directly from them once that decision was made around 1215 last night and that first mission was executed around 345 at the third Precinct. We will see a difference. So I’m asking Steve. He’s rambling. He’s he’s incoherent. Because the problem is for a marxist socialist who attacks the cops, who attacks law and order, who says society is so thoroughly unjust, it’s a white dominated society, even though he’s as white as they come. But that’s all right. Then they talk about law and order. And protecting. The precincts and protecting the streets. This is not acceptable. You see, this is why he sounds like Professor Irwin Corey. Here he’s making no sense. None. Go ahead. To talk about this. I also want to think about what happens when we don’t have that. People who are concerned about that police presence of an overly armed camp in their neighborhoods. That is not seen in communities where children. Okay. This is what I mean. This is the top executive in the state of Minnesota who failed. The people of Minnesota failed. The people in Minneapolis failed them completely. She’s a failed vice president. He’s a failed governor. They are extreme ideologues, no matter how much money they spend and how much the media try to change reality because they must. Because they must. And here she is, Kamala Harris, in November 2020, when asked about inflation and concern about inflation in America. While she has no proposal to deal with it because her ideology, her socialism, his socialism closet. China is on its back economically right now, or it would have already invaded Taiwan. This centralized crap doesn’t work. Cat three. Go ahead. What else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation? Thank you. Well, let’s start with this. Prices have gone up. And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of of the that bread costs more, the gas costs more. And we have to understand what that means. That’s about the cost of living going up. That’s about having to stress and say, all right, thank you for nothing. Can you imagine? And the Democrat Party wants to install her in the Oval Office and install this other thug. These radical kooks who ramble all know no one. He’ll make promises to everyone for everything and are utterly incoherent. Now we have two of them. Tweedledee and Tweedle Dummy. Two. It’ll be in Tweedle Dummy. One of the pantsuit, one in a regular suit. On and on about abortion. Trump will ban abortion, he said. Trump just said he won’t. What else does he have to do to explain that the court didn’t ban abortion? The court didn’t rule abortion is unconstitutional. Could have. It did not. The court ruled it’s up to the states. Now, the blue states, they’re having a blast. More abortions than you can possibly imagine. More abortions in America than before the Dobbs decision. And they’re running on abortion. Well, that subject’s not going to feed anybody in your family. That subject’s not going to lower the price of gas. The subject is not going to make housing affordable, rent affordable or any of those other things. This is how the Democrat Party plays. They claim to represent the little guy. When they crush the little guy, they claim to represent freedom when they support autocracy and tyranny. And then they blame everybody else when their ideology fails, as it must. As it must. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Most of you went to high school, right? At the student government races, you remember those mystery meetings and the kind of speeches you would give as a prepubescent and with all the weird cheering and all the weird statement, that’s what we just heard. These are two morons who give speeches like high school students, or even worse, to prepubescent morons. Van Jones had a point today. Rarely does, but he did today on CNN. K-12. Go. But here’s the challenge you got in this party. And, you know, people don’t want to talk about it. We got to talk about it. On the one hand, you have a lot of young people who are concerned about Gaza. You have a lot of Muslims and Arabs and others. They have not felt seen by the Biden administration. You saw him in that genocide joke. That was a building. That was building. And so those folks needed to have a candidate that they could feel comfortable with. This helps them in that regard. But you also have anti-Semitism that has gotten marbled into this party. You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot. But there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there, and there’s some disquiet now, and there has to be. How much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts in the party? So that’s going to have to get worked out. It’s going to have to get talked through. You won’t hear that in the rest of the media. George STEPHANOPOULOS is really out of the closet, that he is a hateful. Vicious little bastard. And here he is on ABC News today. Carl Levin. Go once appears to fit the all-American definition of a man from middle of middle America. High school teacher, teacher, football coach, member of the Army National Guard, before becoming a member of Congress and now governor. Exactly. He really has that perfect back story. He also has those rural roots and he’s really emerged as a dark horse in this veepstakes race. This is ABC. ABC is the Clinton administration with STEPHANOPOULOS. It’s just sickening. It’s just beyond belief. But we’ve got more. Never fear. Mark is here. That’s right. Never fear. Mark is here. So you heard what STEPHANOPOULOS said about walls. He didn’t mention J.D. Vance came from a dirt poor family. Join the Marines, went to Yale Law School. Became a successful entrepreneur. They never talk about J.D. Vance as the definition of an all-American man. Do they? And all American man from middle America. No, they don’t. And yet look at the poison, the lies, the propaganda that came out of George STEPHANOPOULOS, his big, fat mouth. Already positioning one of the most crazy ass left wing politicians in America, the governor of Minnesota teaming up with a like person, vice president of the United States, like Ally Casey, whose justice just is pathetic as the so-called running mate that she chose. I’ll be right back.