August 1st, 2024

August 1st, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the most powerful individuals and organizations in this country are the corporate media, who truly run our country. They are protected by the 1st amendment, responsible for creating the news, and tell us what to think and believe morning noon, and night. The media lied about Kamala Harris while she was Vice President, and they are lying about her now while anointing her as the Democratic nominee. President Biden called Harris a DEI Vice President during a speech in May, but if you point it out you’re called a racist because the left wants to tell us what to see and hear. The media are doing everything they can to humanize Kamala, while at the same time dehumanizing Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Also, it is immoral and unconscionable for 9/11 terrorists to be given a plea deal, which is exactly what the Biden Administration did. This has signaled to terrorists and countries like Iran and China that there are no consequences for attacking America.

CBS News
DNC kicks off virtual roll call vote to formally nominate Kamala Harris for president

Kamala Harris Admitted ‘Yeah, I Am a Radical’

FLASHBACK: President Joe Biden confirms VP Kamala Harris was a DEI hire.

Heritage Foundation
The Senate Border Bill Is a Disaster for Border Security

Washington Free Beacon
Harris Walks It Back on Felons Voting: Murderers, Terrorists ‘Should Be Deprived’ of Voting Rights (2019)

Three Sept. 11 suspects agree to plead guilty at Guantanamo

Border Patrol Seizes Enough Fentanyl to Kill 250 Million People

In an attempt to reverse the Supreme Court’s immunity decision, Schumer introduces the No Kings Act

What is Kamala’s foreign policy record? Clear and present danger

Miami Herald
Blinken: ‘Overwhelming evidence’ González won presidential election in Venezuela

Photo by Graeme Sloan/Bloomberg

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Who’s running America? You know, I sit here, I prepare 4 hours for this program. As soon as I get off the air, I’m preparing for the next program. I’m going through the news, I’m going through books, doing research, preparing analysis. And right before the national anthem was just played, I thought to myself, Who runs this country? You know, who runs this country, Mr. Producer? Corporate media. It’s not Silicon Valley. It’s not Wall Street. Everybody’s got it wrong. The most powerful. The most powerful. Individuals and organizations in this country are the American media, big corporate media. Why? They’re protected by the First Amendment. They don’t have to follow any rules. They are responsible for creating, quote unquote, the news. And with mass media and technology and communication. They’re in our homes, are in our cars, They’re in our ears. They’re on our cell phones morning, noon and night. Telling us what to think. Telling us what to believe. Telling us who to believe. Telling us who to dehumanize. Telling us who to create. You know, false impressions of his angels and. The corporate media in America are the most powerful, the most powerful entities in the country. Not the oil companies, not the pharmaceutical companies, not the social media platforms. Not Silicon Valley. None of it. The corporate media. They’re the most powerful. Virtually no regulations. Under the First Amendment, no accountability. Because of the First Amendment. No responsibility Because of the First Amendment. They have no internal controls. They have no internal controls. In fact, the corporate media advance the cause of the Democrat Party and the radical left. There is an oligopoly. What’s an oligopoly? Well, basically an oligopoly is a collection of businesses or companies or corporations, better yet. That control over 50% of a market. This is an oligopoly that controls almost 100% of the market. They hire from the same hiring pool, the Democrat Party. Radical leftist organizations. They marry each other, they socialize with each other. They basically live in the same geographic cities. It’s incestuous. The corporate media control America. They absolutely do. And it’s the corporate media that decided to get rid of Joe Biden after insisting. That you should vote for him after protecting him like the Praetorian Guard. It’s the corporate media that propagandize is 24 seven, day in and day out, 365 days a year. That tells you who to like, who to dislike, who’s Hitler, and who is Mahatma Gandhi? The corporate media controls communication in this country. That includes what they want you to know and what they don’t want you to know. That is control by omission and control by imposition. And they don’t make any any bones about it. Because there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. And so when they say Kamala Harris. That Kamala Harris is a fantastic candidate after a year ago when she had the lowest ratings, according to NBC, on record of any former vice president, any since they kept records a year later. She’s fantastic. She was. The borders are now She’s not. The borders are. And so they call this flip flopping. I call it lying. There are lying then and they’re lying now. It’s all about power. It’s all about control. It’s all about authoritarianism. Now. They’re even going to have. See if I got this. Yes. From Mr. Producer. NBC kicks off a virtual roll call vote excuse me, DNC to formally nominate Kamala Harris for president. CBS News. This is bother you. A virtual roll call them. Everything is being done by the media and the Democrat Party to ensure that she’s the nominee without challenge. Without debate, without discussion, without anything, without votes. The Democrat Party began the formal vote to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. Did any of you even know this? I just saw this. On Thursday. That’s today kicking off a virtual roll call that will cement her status as the party’s standard bearer bearer heading into November. So now we have virtual roll call votes. The Republicans didn’t do that. The Democratic National and by the way, democracy, they’re going to defend democracy. You don’t even hear that anymore. You don’t even hear it anymore. Because it’s so preposterous and so absurd given what’s just taking place. The coup. The stealing of an election from from the primary voters in the Democrat Party and the independents. The replacement. I’m a president. Not by any Democratic means whatsoever. By threats, by pressure, by bullying. And now we have a virtual roll call to nominate Kamala Harris. People aren’t even in the same room to debate it, to discuss it, to challenge it. Everybody sit home. A virtual roll call means are doing it over their computers. The DNC opened the vote to the delegates who will decide the party’s nominee at 9 a.m.. Delegates are emailed a personalized and watermarked form and they can either send the form back or have the DNC call them to cast their vote. Ballots are being sent on a rolling basis and the process is expected to take several days with the voting window closing at 6 p.m. on August five. Monday, the DNC said it will share the full results of the roll call after it’s completed, but it’s unclear whether they will make an announcement when Harris passes the threshold needed to secure a majority of the 1976 delegates. The outcome of the vote is not in doubt. Given that Harris has the support and endorsement nearly all the pledged Democratic delegates. Close to 3900 delegates have indicated they support. Harris threw their signatures to get her onto the virtual ballot in the first place. Who voted for the delegates? Nobody. Now, the fact is you have delegates. You vote for Biden-Harris, that ticket, which means they send their delegates to the convention. But the voters never voted for Harris, Biden or Harris for president. This is a completely fraudulent process, the whole damn thing. There’s nothing democratic about it. It’s all autocratic. They’ll share the results with us, ladies and gentlemen. When she when she gets the majority at 1976, they’ll let us know about it. So they’re going to have a convention. A convention for what? To put on a show. All the dirty work will have been done. It’s all done. We’ve never seen anything like this. Yes, the outcome of the vote is not in doubt. Harris is slated to make history. Here we go. CBS. As the first black woman to be nominated for president in U.S. history. She quickly solidified her support after Biden announced he was dropping out of the race on July 21, and no other candidate emerged to challenge her candidacy in the wake of the president’s decision. We know what took place now. Look. The media and the Democrats can’t keep talking about race. And then when people notice it and talk about race, who disagree with Kamala Harris, say you’re racist for talking about race. When the party of racism. Keeps talking about race. They keep talking about D.I. They put it in their executive orders. They put it in their federal contracts and grants. It’s in most universities and colleges. The Democrat Party itself embraces it. And then when you notice it and you’re pointed out again, what are you doing trying to run a race on racism. And so here it is, the first black woman to be nominated. Nominated. But not in a democratic process. She’s coronated. If they’re going to write accurately, it should be the first black woman. To be coronated. As the Democrat nominee for president. Meanwhile, they say focus has turned to Harris’s selection of a vice presidential running mate. She doesn’t need to name her pick before the roll call vote ends. But sources tell CBS she can make her announcement by this coming Monday. And according to the media, true or false? The two frontrunners are Josh SHAPIRO of Pennsylvania and Mark Kelly of Arizona, Y. Why? Well, for Josh SHAPIRO, there’s two reasons why he’s the governor of Pennsylvania. They’re hoping that he’ll drag Pennsylvania into the Kamala Harris bucket. But historically it doesn’t really work that way. And there’s another reason because he’s Jewish. If she chooses him, it’s because he’s the governor of Pennsylvania and Jewish. Why? Because she’s the most anti-Israel candidate for president or vice president in American history. Since the state of Israel was established. She’s done more to provide propaganda air cover to Hamas in Gaza. And to the Islamists in the United States. He’s very close to this group CARE CAIR, which is a Hamas run group. And Hamas is a terrorist organization. Four, which Kamala Harris so far hasn’t had to answer a damn thing. And so she figures I have a Jewish husband and I’ll have a Jewish running mate. So what? Probably the most hostile senator to the state of Israel is Bernie Sanders, who was born a Jew, but he’s a Marxist. So they hate Israel. And they hate the Torah and they hate ancient history because Marxists don’t like history. If you don’t like history, definitely don’t like the Jews. Anthony Blinken is half-Jewish. Hasn’t he done a fantastic job? Schumer, I believe, is half Jewish, if not all Jewish. He’s been stabbing Netanyahu and the government in Israel on the back, left and right. They’re all about power. But so what if her husband’s Jewish? So what if Josh Shapiro’s Jewish? It’s Kamala Harris who seeks to be president of the United States. It’s her record. It’s her words. That matter. But she’s used to getting where she wants to go. Two appearances that is creating appearances through pseudo events. Now, what if it’s Mark Kelly of Arizona? Well, Mark Kelly of Arizona. It’s sort of a moderate when it comes to the border. He’s weak. Very weak. But then she can hide behind him and say, See, I’ve picked this this great this great guy for the border. It’s all about creating an image. It’s all about creating. False narratives. I want to ask you a question. Without going on your computer and researching, Name three things Kamala Harris has done as vice president that are important. That are important to the country. You can’t name one. Not one. Nothing. She hasn’t let anything. She had her chance to be a star on the border, but she couldn’t. Because she doesn’t believe in illegal immigration, as a matter of fact. She doesn’t believe that illegal immigrants should be charged. She rejects ICE and the Border Patrol. That’s what she is said. Now that she wants to be president, of course she lies. About our record, about our position and all the rest. But she only gets away with it because the most powerful corporations, the United States of America who run this country, the corporate media. And the reprobates. And they’re malcontents and they’re miscreants. You stare at you in the TV screen, go with the microphone and lie to you and to your face. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
And I am radical. I do believe that we need to get radical about what we are doing and take it seriously. Head to Breitbart. That’s Kamala Harris. She’s radical. That was from 2010. Mark that so long. Excuse me. She was an adult. She was the attorney general. California. I agree with her. I agree with her. She will not submit to a real interview. By one of the the handful of real journalists who are left. She won’t submit to it. She knows if she does that, her own words will be played and that she’ll have to respond to them. But she doesn’t want that. And so she’s ducking the media. Now, Joe Biden had an excuse. He has dementia. Kamala Harris has an excuse to I suppose she’s a radical kook. And when she really was seriously questioned, even by Lester Holt, a friendly interviewer, NBC host who’s very good journalist, I think she crumbled. She made an ass out of herself. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Now, Joe Biden has demonstrated recently as May 29th 2024 that he’s a racist. That he’s a racist. As recently as May 29, 2024, he’s demonstrated that he’s a racist. He was at a rally. So in a rally when he was actually running for president again. So I want you to listen very, very carefully. Joy Reid, I want you to listen very, very carefully. Joe Scarborough, I want you to listen very, very carefully, Jake TAPPER. Dana Bash and all the other hosts without ratings. I want you to listen very, very carefully. That is carefully New York Times, Washington Post. All the race baiters in the media. I want you to listen very, very carefully to Joe Biden, the racist. That’s right. Cut 14, Go. They’re trying to erase black history. We’re going to write black history because of American history. It’s American history. Together, we make history, not a racist. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally. And that’s not kidding. No core strength of America. That’s why I am proud to have the most diverse administration in history taps into the full talent of our country and starts at the top of the vice president. So we just called his vice president. The way I hear it. A DEA vice president, did you not, Mr. Producer? He said It starts at the top. This is the core of America. D-ii. Now nobody’s played this. We found this and I played it. And I’m going to play it again. And I’m going to ask myself to stay in the Constipated News Network. I’m going to ask the New York Times editorial page to look at this. The Washington Post. I’m going to ask the network news organizations to comment on this, to at least inform the American people. That two months ago. Not me. I don’t play that game. Not be Joe Biden. Kamala Harris. A D-I vice president. I didn’t do it. He did it. Again. Listen. Cut 14. Go! They’re trying to erase black history. We’re going to write black history because American history. It’s American history. Together, we make history, not a racist. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally. And that’s not kidding. No core strength of America. That’s why I am proud to have the most diverse administration in history taps into the full talents of our country and starts at the top with the vice president. Okay, now, the media will spin this because the media are not interested in facts. They’re not interested in exposing this. They’re not interested in the the schizophrenia within the radical left and the Democrat Party on this issue of D.I. They praise it, they embrace it. He says it’s the core strength of America. One of them, they put it in their executive orders. They put it in their contracts for federal contractors. They put it in grants they impose it on. Colleges and universities. And then when you raise it, they go, What are you talking about? You must be a racist. Really? No. You’re the people who invented it in the Democrat Party. You’re the people can’t stop talking about it. You’re the people who celebrate it. And then when it’s pointed out, you call people a racist. Again, I don’t think this is the best way to campaign. I, however, am not running for anything. I use my noggin and I’m pointing out what we see and what we hear. I am not Helen Keller. Although she was fantastic. For a third time. I’ll play it for the media that are slow in listening. For the race baiters and racialist all over the media. Then it’s Joe Biden who called Pamela. Kamala Harris. A D-I vice president. There’s really no other way to interpret this. I am not encouraging the Trump campaign or anybody. To keep at this. She’s so bad, substantively, so horrific. You will crusher her on the economy, you will crush her on the border, you will crush her on so many things. But she cannot allow the corporate media. And they’re Democrat Party clients. They keep lying about who the racists are. It’s the Democrats. They’ve always been racists. LBJ Biden goes down to his library to praise them for their 1964 Civil Rights Act. LBJ was one of the most horrendous racists ever to serve in the White House, even according to his two biographers. If you read the Democrat Party Hates America, There it is. It’s not even a close call. And yet Joe Biden goes down there. He’s the guy, the racist segregationist, early in his career. The National Association of Black Journalists. If Joe Biden had showed up, if he were still running for president, would that ABC News so-called reporter have pummeled him with his history? They try and create this this image of Trump. What they have. Would they have pummeled Joe Biden on an image reality facts, his history about how he stood in the doorway to prevent little black kids from getting on buses to going to schools with little white kids. Nobody knows that better than Kamala Harris. And if Kamala Harris does wind up at the National Association of Black Journalists event, maybe they’ll hold a new one. What did they ask her? How the hell could you have run with a man? How could you be vice president to a man who you yourself said. Who you yourself said in so many words was a segregationist. Right. Last time, at least for now. I want you in the backbencher world. TV and radio to use this. To use it. To call out the media, to call out the Democrat Party, to call out the DNC, to call out Biden and Kamala Harris under their rotten, lousy propaganda campaigns. And remind them two months ago, just two months ago. Joe Biden not only celebrated, he said it’s the core strength of America. But he said it starts at the top with the vice president. He said it, not Trump. He said it. Cut 14. One more time. Go. They’re trying to erase black history. We’re going to write black history. Because American history. It’s American history. Together, we make history, not a racist. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally. And that’s not killing the core strength of America. That’s why I am proud to have the most diverse administration in history taps into the full talents of our country and starts at the top with the vice president. Okay, fine. There you go. And the media will find a way to twist that. Just as the media told you that the clips of Joe Biden shuffling around, he was actually an Olympic athlete. And when he was mumbling, speaking to himself in Joe Biden gibberish, they were telling you that he’s the smartest man since Albert Einstein. Oh, of course, I emphasize with references, but, you know. Then they told me after the debate he had to go and then they installed the corporate media have installed Kamala Harris. And as I led the program off this evening, the most powerful force in America, it’s not the pharmaceutical companies or Wall Street or the oil companies or any other. It’s the corporate media. They have no regulations. You see, when we had a First Amendment, that is when the First Amendment was adopted, I should say there was no corporate anything, let alone corporate media. So what’s happened here is the whole system has been poisoned. So we’re not talking about a few people with a printing press or anything of that. We now have mass communications at a level nobody could have imagined. And it’s immediate. And wherever you go, you see people staring at their iPhone, either sending text or looking at news. And so with that should come a responsibility and accountability. But it doesn’t. If you’re an oil company, you have a massive amount of oversight. You have auditors. You have massive regulations. Fines if you violate them. If you’re any type of corporation in this country other than a media corporation. You’re regulated, taxed, overseen, audited up the wazoo. So this is an area. That the left has conquered. Now got to keep moving. Remember that Senate bill that Donald Trump put all the Republicans? That was a bipartisan bill. It’s time that we speak some facts to this. There’s nothing bipartisan about this bill. There wasn’t a single Republican in the House that would have supported it. There were less than a handful of Republicans who ultimately voted for it. I think three or four tops, maybe two. It was negotiated in secret. Republican senators didn’t know what the hell was going on until it was dropped in their laps and they were appalled. And it wasn’t because Donald Trump said, kill it. These people think for themselves. It was an appalling bill and I wanted it to do. Well, Mark Morgan and Tom Homan know something about this. I mean, these are men who have led the effort. On border security, on immigration. To secure this nation for decade after decade after decade. They looked at this for the Heritage Foundation. Now. This isn’t hiding anywhere. They wrote a piece in February 2024. The media can look at it. They said the Senate bill codifies President Biden and DHS Secretary America says open border tools in the statute. These measures would not only continue the border crisis, but would also make it more difficult for any future enforcement minded president to fix it. So they would enshrine by statute what Biden did by executive order. And make it almost impossible for President Trump to reverse course. They say the key takeaway is that neither the funding nor the statutory reforms would truly secure the border and border security is the only measure that Congress should use. With more than $7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security, State Justice and Health and Human Services, the Biden administration once again found, quote, sanctuary, unquote, jurisdictions, sanctuary cities and non-governmental organizations, NGOs that have been facilitating mass illegal immigration, $7 billion using federal grants provided by these departments. Sanctuary mayors and governors have decried the volume and cost of its illegal alien amassed in their jurisdictions. Yet they do not terminate their sanctuary policies. Instead, they simply demand more federal taxpayer money to pay for sheltering, transporting and providing social services to the ever increasing number of illegal aliens. This bill would deliver for these mayors and governors so $7 billion to sanctuary cities and states and the non-governmental organizations that are facilitating mass illegal immigration. That was in the bill. It accepts and clarifies crisis levels of daily illegal immigration. If passed into law, it would create a three year border emergency authority to allow agents to expel illegal aliens back across the border during, quote, extraordinary migration circumstances. But the numerous exceptions and limitations swallow the authority whole. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the discretion to activate the authority discretion After the US Customs and Border Protection, CBP encounters an average of 4000 illegal aliens daily for seven consecutive days. Secretary activation of the emergency authority becomes mandatory after it encounters 5000 illegal alien daily average for seven consecutive days or 8500 in one day. Not counted in those numbers. Hello. Are unaccompanied children parolees? Those who claim they fear persecution. Also the people being brought into the country by the app, by the hundreds of thousands and people being flown into the country by the hundreds of thousands. None of them are counted, right, considering this number. You got that. Also, people have been in the United States for at least 14 days already travel beyond 100 miles from the southwest border. They’re not included. So you have loophole after loop of total Swiss cheese. This secretary would not be able to activate the authority for more than 270 days to attend 25 days and 180 days in any calendar year and continue to allow these crisis level numbers of illegal alien encounters means that border agents would remain overwhelmed and more illegal crossers evade the agents turning into gateways and bad actors would slip through limited and rushed vetting. Look at the red tape that they put in here to ensure. That the border won’t be secured. It continues catch and release. That’s the mandatory detention statute. Current law mandates detention for any alien who illegally enters the U.S. while pursuing asylum protection. This bill redefines detention to non-custodial detention and applies to supervised release by another name only to adults. So in other words, they let them loose in the country. If passed into law, families and children will be released without supervision. Worse, the bill codifies the Flores settlement agreement as interpreted by a single federal judge in California who ruled that unaccompanied aliens could be in immigration detention no longer than 20 days. She later expanded her ruling to accompanied aliens, meaning families. So you have to release them if they’re here for more than 20 days. It expands and codifies how you handle maracas, mass parole abuse. If enacted, the Senate bill would codify asylum processing rule, administrative rule, rather. We give aliens work authorization immediately upon release and create a bureaucratic third administrative appellate body with multiple chances for review, reconsideration, appeal, and on and on. In other words, it’s bull. They wouldn’t even agree to this bipartisan bill. If they did, it would be over. There’d be no enforcement. The president on his own can say, I’m not going to enforce it under the bill. None of the money’s available till 2028. There’s really nothing in here about securing the border, is there? That’s what Kamala Harris is using and the Democrats and the media. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Why didn’t they just sign this bill? This bill would have been the end of immigration. In the border would be forever open. That’s why they didn’t sign. They keep saying was bipartisan. Even Mitch McConnell voted against it. There’s nothing bipartisan about it now. When we come back, I’m going to discuss this deal over these mass murderers. Who slaughtered thousands of Americans on 911. As well as the. Hostage release or swap, I should say, that just took place. There’s much more to discuss as well, including a pending potential massive war. I’ll be right back.