July 29th, 2024

July 29th, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Kamala Harris try to camouflage their Marxism with words like democracy. Their war on the Supreme Court, war on federalism and the states, and their war on the filibuster is underway. Biden and Harris have demonstrated their authoritarianism today – change the Supreme Court to institute their agenda, as they reject the states when it comes to abortion and demand the elimination of the filibuster to prevent any challenge to their legislative demands,  Every institution and process in place to prevent their likes from concentrating power and building a police state they seek to destroy. It’s sickening to watch Biden lecture us about civil rights when it was his party that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This would be Biden who threw in with at least 6 of the worst racist-segregationists in the Senate, all of whom were involved in filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in his effort to prevent public school desegregation via busing.  Moreover, Johnson was one of the worst racist segregationists of his time. Also, Israel is at war on all fronts and Biden is either withholding or slow-walking weapons. While they are doing this to Israel – the Biden administration has put no new sanctions on Iran.  The Iranian regime is interfering in our election to help Harris.  Iran is seeking to undermine Trump’s campaign through online influence operations.  Later, a short list of Harris’ radical positions. She wants to eliminate fracking, so you can all freeze to death. She wants an open border and to decriminalize illegal immigration. She wants free health care for illegal immigrants which will destroy our healthcare system. She opposes Title IX. She would destroy women’s equality in sports. Finally, Tammy Bruce calls in to discuss her new book, Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda.


This is deeply disturbing.

Wall St Journal

Iran Is Working to Undercut Trump in Presidential Election, U.S. Spy Agencies Say


List of weapons Biden-Harris unlawfully withholding from Israel


Israeli attacks kill at least 19 Palestinians, including children, across Gaza


Trump Condemns Hezbollah Attack on Israeli Children; Blames Biden-Harris


April 26, 2024. CNN roundtable discusses how Kamala Harris may actually be dragging Biden down in his bid for re-election.



Washington Free Beacon

‘An Inspiration to Me Always’: Meet Kamala Harris’s Radical Pastor

Washington Free Beacon

Iran Raked In $16 Billion From Illicit Oil Sales in Just 4 Months, Highlighting Biden-Harris Admin’s Lax Sanctions Enforcement

Right Scoop

Elizabeth Warren confirms that Kamala will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants


NYT: Trove of Kamala Harris Videos Touting Progressive Policy Imperils Campaign

Photographer: Tierney L. Cross/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of hour 1

Segment 1

There’s tons going on. Happy Monday to you. So I got to get to all of it. Let’s start with the Supreme Court immunity and Joe Biden. The 1964 Civil Rights Act. There he goes to the Lyndon Johnson Library. I’m telling you, there’s a ton to cover. Ladies and gentlemen, what Biden and Harris are doing and support. It’s exhibit number one through 1000 in their authoritarian, autocratic mentality. They try and camouflage their fascistic Marxism. With words like democracy. But it is what it is. Their war on the Supreme Court, the independence of the court is like nothing we’ve ever seen, not even from Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to pack the court. Their war on the states when it comes to the Dobbs decision. They don’t believe in federalism that the states should have a say in what goes on with the citizens in their state health care, in their state, and moral decisions in their state. They want a centralized, all powerful police state imposing their will only if that will is in line with their ideological agenda. They want to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate. So with a mere majority of one, they can push through the most radicalized agenda in American history, install it in law, install it in their massive bureaucracy, which makes it virtually impossible to unravel. So there are three instances and just three there’s many more. The war on the Supreme Court, the war on federalism in the States and the war on the filibuster all are there to protect you and me to prevent authoritarianism while they go around and talk about civil rights. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris oppose civil rights. How they oppose civil rights. Because when the Supreme Court ruled that Harvard and a North Carolina university did not have the constitutional right to discriminate in a racist, bigoted way against Asian students during admissions, the court said, You’re not free to do that under the Civil Rights Act. Biden condemned the court and Harris condemned the court. Remember that? And so they demand that the court bend to their will. They demand that the states. The states not have a say. They demand that the filibuster rule that says hold as the United States Senate be eliminated. So by one vote, they can impose their will. This is the most dangerous. Maduro like Castro like. Mal like. Putin like totalitarian mindset than we’ve ever seen. And it all exists within the Democrat Party and their media, their Pravda, Aljazeera Media. And I will remind you, America, that it’s pretty sickening watching Joe Biden down there at the LBJ Library lecturing us about civil rights and the 1964 Civil Rights Act when it was his party. That filibuster, that act. And multiple Southern racist segregationist senators who led the filibuster the last when the filibuster for 14 hours was Robert Byrd, who would soon become the majority leader of the Senate with a vote of the likes of Joe Biden. And I will remind you that many of those senators. Who tried to prevent that law? Who filibustered it? And not only that, the 1965 Civil Rights Act, which has come to be known as the Voting Rights Act. We’re close friends of Joe Biden as he worked with them closely. Stennis, Talmadge, Eastland, Byrd, and others. To prevent little black kids from going to school with little white kids through integration via busing. Kamala Harris should be familiar with this. She claimed that she was one of them and made that point during the debate. But nowhere in the media is this mansion. Nowhere. And by the way, Lyndon Johnson was one of the biggest racist, diverse stand in the United States Senate. I’ve written about this. And the Democrat Party hates America. He opposed the 1957 Civil Rights Act. He opposed the 1960s Civil Rights Act. Eisenhower was pushing He insisted that Eisenhower take the teeth out of it or he would filibuster it. Eisenhower was forced to take the teeth out of it. And so Johnson voted for it because he was positioning himself to run for president of United States. That is the truth. That is what his biographers have said. And when it came to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the overwhelming vast majority of Republicans in the Senate and the House voted for it. The Democrats? Barely. Barely. Barely. And Biden was involved in all of it. Now they want to destroy the court’s independence. They talk about Clarence Thomas as unethical. No, he’s not. It’s not unethical at all. Unethical is somebody who has a conflict of interest, takes money and basically throws a case. The most unethical member. The Supreme Court is not Clarence Thomas. It’s not Sam Alito. It’s not even close. It’s Sotomayor. And I encourage you to go on the Internet and read about her, read about her book deals, read about how taxpayer supported staff were demanding that if she spoke data by a certain number of her books, she became a multimillionaire through her books. And. She heard at least one major case involving her publisher. Where she should have recused herself, but she did not. She voted to hear the case, even though the case didn’t have enough votes to be heard. She voted for the case. Other justices who had the same publisher recused themselves. She did not. And then Biden has the gall, to quote Sotomayor in one of the most mindless, hysterical, stupid dissents in Supreme Court history involving immunity. Joe Biden believes that prosecutors should be able to prosecute a president if they believe that the prosecutor has committed a crime. Excuse me, if the president has committed a crime during the course of his presidency. Where they could have grand juries impaneled. Where they can force the president into grand juries because they believe that he may have committed an offence. They can have his vice president, they can have his chief of staff and all of his staffers, even his White House counsel, even as attorney general testify. Obviously, that would cripple the presidency, cripple it. Which is why nobody’s ever tried to do that except Biden. Garland. And they’re unconstitutional. Prosecutor Schmidt. The Supreme Court didn’t say that a president has immunity for all purposes. The Supreme Court said the president has immunity for his official acts. It said further that the president is not free to commit criminal acts. That is, if a president commits criminal acts and that’s believed to be the case, then the judiciary, through judicial review. The district courts are free to take a look at it, but they can’t conduct these massive investigations with all these witnesses. So for it to make a determination, it is presumed that it’s legal unless it’s obvious that it’s not. Wow. So now we need to amend the Constitution to accommodate what exactly And then they believe by statute, you can limit the terms of a Supreme Court justice, even though the the Constitution itself talks about good behavior. You can serve as a federal judge justice. That is, for as long as you’re on the court during good behavior. Now, this has been the case since we’ve had a Supreme Court and a constitution. But now all of a sudden, Biden and Harris know we don’t have to do that. We can change that by statute. These are the people who are going to defend democracy, attacking it at every turn, attacking the Electoral College. Separation of powers, due process, equal protection, free speech. The Bill of Rights. That’s what that is. And for Harris to go on and on about equity. Equity is a complete shredding of the Declaration of Independence in the American experiment. Everybody has to end up in the same place. What the hell is this? I thought the cameras were thrown out of power in Cambodia. Talk about weird. Oh, yes. You see, Trump and J.D. Vance are weird. Why? Because Kamala Harris says so. So it’s got to be repeated. Have you ever seen something so sick? Have the media repeat? What the Democrat Party tells them to repeat and vice versa, if you will say anything so. Pathetic. You want to say weird? Mr. Producer, is there anything weirder than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Together. They have an IQ of five. They are weird people. Weird. They laugh weird, They act weird. They say stupid and weird things. Their spouses are weird. That’s right. I said it. Weird, bizarre kooks. Now when we come back. Israel is a war now on multiple fronts. The position of the Biden administration is to continue to withhold weapons from them. The Biden administration is now leaning on Israel not to respond to the massacre that took place. 72 hours ago. And by the way, the people who were slaughtered are Israelis, but they’re Druze. Which is a minority of a minority. They are Israeli citizens. Israel is a very diverse country, far more diverse. Then people realize. They targeted and they hit a soccer field. And they butchered those 12 little kids are all under 17. Some of them are quite young. I posted a photograph so you couldn’t miss it. With these poor kids, with their faces missing, with their limbs missing with half a body. This is a town of 11,000 people near the Golan Heights. And these missiles that are being used are provided to Hezbollah by Iran. And some of these missiles have United States parts. Did you read that, Mr. Producer? United States parts. Right here from America. How did they get him? Biden. Blinken, Austin. How did they get them? Because they turn the funnel on the oil funnel. Iran is loaded with cash. It buys whatever it wants. And tonight, Israel is pushing excuse me, the United States is pushing Israel hard not to respond, not to broaden the war. They keep giving Israel’s enemies who are our enemies, a reason to keep attacking, attacking, torturing and slaughtering hostages because they see what’s going on. And then before I get into this a little bit more, let me just see right here. I was sent something from Mars this year, Morgan Ortagus. It is very, very important, as a matter of fact. Let me just see here. Give me one second, mister, because I just posted it. Do you have that there? I just sent it to you here. I think I sent. Stay with me. America, this is. This is. These are moving events. Which is as far. Was the Iranian regime is interfering in our election. Can you correct the spelling on that, please? To help Paris. And Morgan writes, This is deeply disturbing. The words leading the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, while trying to actively murder former U.S. officials on American soil, including the former president. It’s also trying to influence the outcome of our November election. What is she talking about? Any American who truly cares about democracy should decry this immediately. What is the Biden-Harris administration doing to stop this? Reminder, Iran’s proxies are using their weapons to kill and go after American service members and diplomats in the Middle East. Now they’re trying to throw the election. Here’s what she’s talking about. Intel officials disclosed that the Iranian regime is seeking to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign through covert online influence operations. Tehran is using, quote, vast webs of online personas and propaganda mills to spread disinformation. This is on top of prior disclosures that Iranian regime is funding anti-Israel protests in America. The intelligence community needs to reveal which social media accounts are being run by the Islamic Republic of Iran and quickly. National Intel. Avril Haines, the US director of National releases statement that the Iranian government and their influencers are posing as activists supporting anti-Israel protests in the United States. And it goes on much more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Let me be clear, since the sycophants in the Al Jazeera Pravda media are not interested in the facts, the fact that Kamala Harris did not attend that joint session of Congress as the president of the Senate, to at least listen to the prime minister of Israel, the fact that after she met the prime minister of Israel, she stabbed him in the back a thousand times with her outrageous comments, the fact that she’s always coming to the defense of Hamas, whether she calls them Hamas or not, spewing her horrendous blood libels against the Jews in Israel, the fact that her daughter is Hamas in the fact that her husband is a pathetic nebbish. The fact that she hangs out with care and cares supports her, the fact that she’s talking to radical Islamic groups. The fact that she’s threatening cutting all arms off from Israel. Don’t tell me that had nothing to do with Hezbollah’s attack on those Druze children. Don’t tell me. It has nothing to do with the increased mistreatment, if not killing of the hostages. Our enemy. These terrorists. Iran. Figure they can get away with anything they want. And the Democrat Party, the American media and Harris and Biden will come to their defense. In fact, if not in word, I’ll be back.

Segment 3

Now, I want to go over with you because it wasn’t done until my show last night on Life, Liberty and Levin. The specific list of weapons that Harris and Biden are either withholding or slow walking to the Israelis and they need them now, particularly because there’s going to be an all out war with Hezbollah and they will not have the full backing of the United States. Words mean nothing. 120 millimeter tank ammo. Anticipated delivery now. 2027. Mr. Produce, you believe that? Three years. 120 millimeter mortar ammo. They may get it in 2026 now. They need it now. FM TV vehicles. Those are medium tactical vehicles. They may get them in 2026. Amram Amram, our media air medium air to air missiles. They may get them in 20, 27 or 2028. F-15s. Now, these are things that have already been supported by Congress. But they’re being slow walked. 2029. F1 35 engines for Israel’s F-35s. 2032 2034. JDAMs. Those are. Technologies that convert unguided bombs to precision guided munitions. 2026. So nothing this year and nothing next year of these systems are all being withheld as well as the tank ammo and the mortars. But I’m not done. Here are items that are ready for shipment right now, but are on hold on formal hold by the Harris Biden administration. And Katie for these are the £2,000 bombs. They’re ready for immediate delivery, but they’re being withheld and obviously they’re going to need them. If they’re going to take out Iran’s nuclear program. What else? Rifles. The Biden administration has prevented the sale even from commercial. Sales companies. Of rifles to Israeli national police. Anticipated delivery may be in a year. They have withheld rifles again from Israeli national police. The first were the cults. The second of the Daniel Group. Maybe in a year. They’re withholding 338 medium machine guns. Most of us know that as Sig Sauer machine guns for the Israeli Defense Forces to be determined. And the withholding from the Israelis, from the IDF, JDAM, Boeing guided missile systems for at least six months. So they’re slow walking. Seven. Types of equipment and systems. And are literally blocking. Blocking the delivery again, already approved. A bomb’s. Rifles. And guided missile systems from the Israelis. We’ve never seen anything like this by any administration, including Obama’s. We have never, ever seen anything like this. Being done to our ally Israel, tonight as they are having to prepare for war. Keep in mind, it’s a tiny country with a small population. The vast majority of the IDF are made up of reservists. These are just common citizens. They are exhausted. Many of them haven’t seen their families for the longest time. They need the tank munitions. They need the medium range missiles. They need the guidance systems. They need these things that Congress passed and provided to them, which are either being slow walk or blocked. By the Biden administration. And they’re doing nothing about it tonight. And in fact, there are reports of massive diplomatic efforts by the Biden administration to put enormous pressure on Netanyahu and his government not to respond to what Hezbollah did. The greatest attack against the Israelis since the prior greatest attack on October 7th. Now, while they’re doing this to the Israelis, they have put no new sanctions on Iran. The oil keeps flowing. They keep selling their oil to China and others. They are buying weapons and arms from other countries. Apparently they’re getting some of our own weapons and technologies as well and putting it in their munitions. They are muscled up the Iranians like never before. They’re providing sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah. Hezbollah is their true army. I mean, they have their own army, but true foreign army. They even have technologies now that are going to allow them to electrically interfere with Israeli radar systems through the equivalent thereof. That the Iranians have just sent them. While we’re holding back on basic mortars. And rifles. It’s a horrendous thing. There’s one candidate for president who supports Israel and there’s one who does not. Trump supports Israel. Kamala Harris hates Israel. Hates Israel. And if you’re a marxist. And you’re a radical. You hate Israel the way you hate your own country. And if we had a real median America, she would be exposed. For exactly who she is and what she is, and she’d be creamed in the next election. But they’re doing everything humanly possible to create a caricature, a a fiction, the way they did with Biden for the longest time. Here’s President Trump at around, by the way. That slaughter that occurred in Israel. Slaughtering the the Druse children. Kamala Harris still has not said anything. Oh, they put out a statement. 24 hours later. But she still has not personally come out, condemned it and spoken out about it. And I would say this to the governor of Pennsylvania, Democrat, Jewish, we were told over and over again. You are disgusting. You are pathetic. The idea, as Joe Biden would say, the idea that Kamala Harris. Who’s part of the Talib. AOC Omar. Bernie Sanders. Wing of the Democrat Party. An outspoken hater of the state of Israel, despite all the. The insinuations that she supports Israel. That’s all crap. She’s made it abundantly clear you can’t support care. You can’t speak to these Islamic groups. You can’t say do not use the phrase radical Islamic terrorism. You cannot say the things that she said after she met with Netanyahu or refused to show up in a joint. Hearing. Excuse me. Joint Congress. And then tell us that you support Israel. I know the idea that the governor of Pennsylvania, a Democrat and Jewish, would even allow himself. To be considered as a running mate. For the most pro-Hamas pro Iran pro who is pro Hezbollah? Candidate in American history. The most anti-Israel candidate in American history. That you. Would even allow your name to be considered because you’re such a power hungry little weasel, which got 61% approval in Pennsylvania. You know, you get 61% approval in Pennsylvania. I’m telling you, as a Pennsylvanian, that’s where I was born and raised. Back like you’re a moderate Democrat. Then you get moderate Democrats, you get the wild eyed freaks in and around. Philadelphia. I know Montgomery County. That’s where I was raised. That’s where they are. All the liberal kooks. You create perceptions pseudo events. Oh, he’s a moderate. Oh, we love the guy. 61. BOTH Fantastic. And he’s either going to be selected with a bald guy from from Arizona. All of a sudden he’s changed his views to bald guy from Arizona, former astronaut, who should be saying, I don’t want to be considered. Look what you’ve done to my state with the open border. But these guys have no no principles, all power hungry. But here’s Trump. Here’s Trump in Israel and rally in Central. Cloud, Minnesota, Saturday. Here he is outspoken, unequivocal defender of Israel, defender, the government of Israel, defender of Netanyahu. Under whose tutelage that is, Trump under whose foreign policy piece was breaking out everywhere, including in the Middle East. People couldn’t believe it. Now look at it. Now look at the Harris Biden. Foreign policy. Here’s Trump. Cut one. Go. Before we begin, I want to condemn the evil attack on Israel that took place earlier today. A missile launched by Hezbollah killed at least a dozen children, young children. And they were playing, as you heard, on a soccer field in Israeli territory on the Golan Heights, a place that I recognized during my administration as under Israel’s sovereignty. It was a big thing to have been trying to get it done for 72 years. I got it done in about one hour. So quick. So. The savage Hezbollah terrorists struck these children with an Iranian precision missile. Dozens more were wounded in the attack. And sadly, the death toll is probably going to go very substantially higher. Our hearts go out to the families of these innocent children. No parent should have to suffer the terrible loss of a child at the hands of terrorists or anybody else. Today’s attack on Israel cannot be forgotten, and it will go down as another moment in history created by a weak and ineffective United States president and vice president. They wouldn’t have done this if I were the president. They wouldn’t have done it. And they didn’t do it. With time, this situation will only get worse for our country with the kind of leadership that we have right now, which is no leadership, it’s probably worse than no leadership. It’s negative. It’s negative for leadership. It must galvanize Republicans, Democrats, independents, conservatives, progressives, libertarians and everybody else to put strength, respect and power back into the USA where it belongs. This attack, just like the attack on October 7th or the Ukraine Russia war. Think of it. Norwood Country busting inflation. You know, inflation is destroying our country. None of it would have happened. It would have never happened if we if we were president, it wouldn’t have happened. It’s a dangerous and terrible time for the world, and it’s almost the entire fault of incompetent Biden-Harris administration. It’s true. Now, ladies and gentlemen, there are efforts underway to remove this program. There are efforts underway to remove this program. For some of you so that we turn on the dial. I won’t be there. There are efforts underway. Because I speak my mind. I speak the truth. And it doesn’t matter who’s offended or who’s in a way. Yes, there are active efforts. To do that right now as I speak. I want you to go to Mark Levine’s show dot com, click on Audio Rewind and select your favorite platform so you can always listen to this program no matter what, though, I’ll call them out. Just give me a month or so. I’ll call him out. Or you can search Mark Levin show on your favorite podcast platform. So go ahead and download. Mark Levine show. So you always have us available to you. You can also now find all my full podcasts, interviews and specials on YouTube. We have our own YouTube channel, YouTube.com. It Mark Levine Show or Search? Mark Levine Show on YouTube, YouTube.com and Mark Levine Show or Search. Mark Levine Show and YouTube. Westwood One has extended my. Contract for another five and a half years. I don’t know what I’m going to do after that. That’s why we did it five and a half years. It’s a very patriotic president. Westwood One. I don’t want to get him in trouble. And other people. They understand the situation we’re in in this country. But there is a movement afoot here in there. To move this show in one market or another from radio. People in radio to look at this show. As Saving AM radio. As helping to save AM radio. Everybody knows AM radio was in trouble. There’s no secret. It’s published everywhere. So when you have a host. Who’s on every platform? Satellite. The Internet, various apps, podcasting and terrestrial radio. You should embrace that host as you embraced yourselves in this business. Well, you’re not going to last. You’re just not. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Here the statement Trump gave. Did you hear a statement like that from Harrison? He nothing. Did you hear a statement like that from Biden? Nothing. Tell me if you heard a statement like that from any Democrat. Nothing. Instead, you hear this from Chris Van Hollen. He’s the junior senator, soon to be the senior citizen senator from Maryland. His wife is a radical Israel hater. And so her husband is a lowlife. Absolute lowlife. Here he is on Face the Nation. Cut to go. Do you believe Congress was used as a prop by Netanyahu? I do think I think Prime Minister Netanyahu accomplished his goal of using Congress as a prop to boost his support in Israel, especially among his right wing extremist constituencies. So now if you speak to Congress. You’re asking Congress to follow up with the weapons. You’re explaining what’s going on in your country. You’re helping right wing extremists in your government. I know right wing extremists in the Israeli government, the right wing extremists or the Islamo Nazis that surrounds that country and is killing Israelis and Israel’s trying to fight back. You dumb bastard. Vengeful, sheepish jerk will come on the show. Well, yeah. Another loser. Another freak fraud phony. Unbelievable. Israel is going to have another war and this is going to be worse in Iran sits back collecting money because Harris and Biden, with the help of freaks, fools and phonies like Van Hollen, they view Israel as the enemy, not Iran. Do they ever talk about Iran as the enemy? When have they done that? When’s the last time? While they’re boycotting the prime minister of Israel. Are they boycotting? The Iranians, when they come to the U.N., know they’re handing them out visas like lollipops. Are they boycotting economically, Iran? No. When it comes to the major sanctions, they’re not even enforcing them. Van Hollen You puke, you jerk. I’ll be right back.