July 22nd, 2024

July 22nd, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the transformation has begun in the Democrat party to make it as if Joe Biden never existed and to reinvent Kamala Harris, because we have a president with dementia who should be removed under the 25th amendment along with a Vice president covering it up. The corrupt Democrat party and the corrupt media already stole the 2020 election from the voters and now they are on Phase 2 to steal 2024 and install Kamala Harris as president. Also, it has been over a week since the assassination attempt on President Trump and we still have no answers about what went wrong with the security and protection from Secret Service. Director Kimberly Cheatle is refusing to step down and provided no updates in a Congressional hearing that lacked accountability and answers. Finally, Mark speaks with Todd Blanche, the defense attorney and lawyer fighting for Donald Trump in Manhattan and about the January 6 charges and immunity issues to come before the court.

Photo by ERIN SCHAFF/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

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Rough transcription of hour 1

Segment 1

Well, the transformation has begun. It’s as if Joe Biden doesn’t exist anymore. Poof. Oh, he’ll make an appearance from time to time. But he doesn’t matter, even though he’s the sitting president United States, for the next five months, even though we haven’t seen him for like three days. All we got was a letter telling us he’s not running. And now why? Of course, but we know why. But they don’t say why this fan dance goes on. The president has dementia. He should be removed under the 25th Amendment. We have a vice president. Who helped cover up his dementia. The Democrat Party and their media pushing her to be the nominee. Well, the Democrat billionaires are stepping in now. Same ones who pushed Biden. So the corrupt Democrat Party, the corrupt media who’ve made a mockery of our electoral system. Who stole the election from 1415 million Democrat Party voters. Now they’re at it again. This is phase two. Now, phase two is to get Kamala Harris nominated, even though she’s never won a single primary ever. Even though she’s never won a single delegate as a presidential candidate ever. Two. One star is the Democrat Party nominee for president of the United States. But even more. The media had kicked in in their face to their face to. I’ve been very carefully monitoring this and taking note of this, if you go on my social media sites. You will see I’m listing them. So we’re getting stories now like Kamala Harris is a fundraising phenom, a juggernaut. What about Kamala Harris’s Jewish husband? Well, you wouldn’t even know he Jewish. Kamala Harris is siding with the Islamists in her party. He even praised the Islamists in the street. The. You remember them? The river to the sea, Hitler youth. But not the extremists, of course. And she will not be attending Netanyahu’s speech. She will not be meeting with Netanyahu and neither Biden. Nor Kamala Harris, nor the secretary of state. Blinken were at the airport a few minutes ago to meet the head of state of the only Jewish state. Benjamin Netanyahu, as they have effort and made an effort to dehumanize that man. And none of them will be present for his speech. Kamala Harris is desperate. Think the anti-Semite vote out of Michigan and she hopes in other states. And I am very much hoping that President Trump will meet with Netanyahu and see this as an opportunity. As an opportunity for, God forbid, for the country. You know, for Jewish people in this country and overseas. If Kamala Harris is president, United States. But the media want you to know that her husband might actually be the first Jewish first person, I guess they would call it. And as you well know, he’s made a big deal of that. Not. They’ve told us that Kamala Harris is prepared to run against Trump. She the top prosecutor, he the convicted felon. There was a piece by USA Today. Only 3% of the GOP convention was black, which caused me to respond. There are three black Democrats, senators and a party that relies on the black community for its very existence. Four electoral victories. That really sucks. Three black senators, one from California whose name nobody even knows outside of California, one from Georgia, and one new from New Jersey. That’s it. When I told the Trump campaign is scrambling, they don’t know what to do. They’re second guessing the pick of J.D. Vance. Now, what do we do? Now they tell us that it’s Trump’s age and acuity, that the issue that the script has been flipped not by them. And then they bring out people like Chris Christie. Oh, she’s going to be tough. She’s going to be very tough. All this in the last 24 hours, but more. Biden’s one of the greatest presidents in American history. What? Oh, yes. Put aside. Put aside all the rest. One news. News. These are all news articles. Put aside all the rest. Push that aside. This man’s agenda. His achievements are second to none. They’re historic. They’re unparalleled. Forget about the gaffes. What Joe Biden did was an immense act of unparalleled patriotism. Excuse me. He was forced out. No, no, no. You don’t understand patriotism. Like we’ve never seen before. Patriotism. So it begins. It was always going to begin, as I told you here and elsewhere. These people, they never give up. Once a slime ball. Always a slime bar. They never give up. And they will continue to do what they always do. They just did something that’s never been done in American history. They stole an election from their own voters. I want to remind you and I said this on Fox last night. This is very, very important. If that debate had taken place after the Democratic convention, because typically the first debate is in September, the conventions are in July and August. Joe Biden would be the nominee of the Democrat Party. All the lies, all the cover up. It would have been too late. To change him. For another. But the fact is Joe Biden has an excuse for his mumbling as an excuse for his inability to complete sentences. He has an excuse for his awkwardness, his dementia. What’s Kamala Harris’s excuse? She doesn’t have dementia, and yet she shares the same issues. We’re told she’s going to appeal to young people. She has an appeal to young people. Yet we’re told she’s going to appeal to black voters. She has an appeal to black voters. 2016. She didn’t even run in a primary, Iowa, New Hampshire. She even didn’t even wait for the third state, South Carolina. Over 50% of the voters in the Democrat Party in South Carolina are black. But she couldn’t get there. She had a lot of money. The media don’t remind us of this today. She had a lot of money. A ton of money. She had thousands of people show up. Thousands when she announced her candidacy for president in 2016. And it fizzled out. But now they want to make sure. It’s such a thing doesn’t happen. But it’s already begun in 24 hours. Rewriting Joe Biden’s legacy, rewriting Kamala Harris’s resume. And then. Attacking Donald Trump. Undermining Donald Trump. Questioning Donald Trump, his pick and all the rest of it. We’re going to get into this in more detail when I return. I’ll be right back. 

Segment 2

Ladies and gentlemen, over to MSLSD this morning, Symone Sanders, who’s worked for Joe Biden in the past while she wasn’t happy with what’s taking place. But I want to play a short clip so you can hear because I think there’s more of this than not. But the remaking of Kamala Harris, the fictionalization of Kamala Harris is underway. You know, I’ve been calling our media in on freedom of the press, which is now almost five years old. And of course, on this. Program, the state run. Pravda. And Al Jazeera Pravda for the Marxist, Al Jazeera for the Islamists, and that is the fusion of the base of the Democrat Party. I understand there’s an echo chamber. Rush used to talk about it. And so you can hear it out there. But let’s take a listen. To MSNBC’s Simon Sanders today. Cut to go. I hear Jim Clyburn saying he is a statesman of the caucus, but he said that they are not unanimous, but they are unified. But there are 35 House Democrats that, in my opinion, have just neither are neither. And frankly, it is a it is despicable, despicable how President Biden is being treated by people whom he has known most of, if not his entire political life, people he has helped elect. It is just I just don’t think that. God bless Jim Clyburn and frankly, the vice president, because let it let other people have their way. They are trying to bury pervert politically, bury the president alive and forced him out. And I just it is it is treacherous. Look, look at it. This is treacherous. It’s treacherous. I understand the thing. The Senate I understand some of the senators. I understand that there are some tough races this cycle. I also understand that it is not all the front line members, but there is just a way to go about things. And this is not the way there. And I think to that point, broadly speaking, the way you don’t go about it is a public evisceration of your your nominee. And by the way, this is the former chairman of the RNC, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland, the former Republican Michael Steele, who’s really become one of the worst reprobates on cable. And that’s hard to accomplish. Go ahead. This was a two pronged one, folks that approached him and he told them to stand down. He’s staying in the race. So they got mad and they started leaking and speaking and doing what they typically do in Washington. And to those who have just been at political odds with him forever, who were not part of the the Biden bandwagon, were were ticked off that he actually turned that 2020 campaign around to the point that he got the nomination for a of folks who thought they deserved it more than him or those that had been working with him in the past who never wanted him to have that opportunity after the Biden Obama years of the Obama-Biden years. So we the we get all of that. But this public evisceration. Is what I think Democrats failed to, you know, dumb as a doorknob. Unfortunately, always have been. There’s no public events. US. And that’s over. That’s. That’s gone. That’s done. He’s now the greatest president in modern history. Don’t you know in a blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye. He’s now the greatest president in American history. Put aside, you know, the. The gaffes and the lies and the cover ups. And there is the media once again telling us what to believe, creating a narrative, telling us what reality is, trying to frame the environment, frame the the politics. The Pravda Al Jazeera media. That’s exactly what they’re doing. And they’re going to be doing it day in and day out because, like, that’s what you do if you’re of a totalitarian mindset. It’s called repetition. It’s quite controlling thought. And so now Donald Trump. It was nearly assassinated. A little over a week ago. The dehumanization is underway yet again. Kamala Harris. Who has largely viewed. As the second imbecile at the White House. Barely coherent. Barely. Barely. Barely able to complete her sentences. A cochlear. Weak. We can’t get rid of Biden because guess who’s in line now? She’s Rosa Parks. Indira Gandhi. Oh, yeah. The best of the best. Harriet Tubman. Suddenly, in 24 hours, she’s changed. Again, she couldn’t get a single damn delegate when she ran for president. She was the first one out. Despite being a woman, despite being black, despite supporting abortion on demand right up to the last second, despite it all. Now she’s invincible. He’s going to save the country for democracy, of course. Over at CBS, over at CNN, over at MSNBC. Oh, yes. They’re in full throated propaganda mode. And we have Amy Klobuchar here and Elizabeth Warren. John Garamendi. Oh, yes. They’re all out there. A conga line of liars, frauds, people. Who told you I had met with Joe? I mean, this guy is smart. He is sharp as a tack. This guy. I don’t know what they’re talking about. This is all the Republicans have in all them. The people who support. The stealing of the election. From their own voters. From their own voters. The morning show has turned on a dime, as has Mrs. Schmo. It’s a new day. I can feel the excitement. And so who are we hearing from? We’re hearing from the same people in Washington, D.C., the same media in Washington and New York that brought us to this point. The same ones who’ve been lying to us day in and day out. Serial liars, pathological liar. They’re lying again. They’re lying again. They’re not held accountable. Nobody has resigned. Nobody has been fired. They have moved them out of their positions. They they starve their big asses in the same big chairs that they were before, and they’re still going at it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Now, ladies and gentlemen. Kamala Harris will have to pick a vice president choosing. Now I want to tap the brakes. Just a touch. She’s not the nominee yet. I know they’re trying to force this down everybody’s throat because this is what they do. They don’t want a primary. They don’t want a mini primary, of which there’s no such thing. In other words, they don’t want a dispute. They don’t want a challenge. They don’t want any other candidates. They don’t want any other votes. When it comes to Chicago, nothing. And this is how you get in trouble. This is what happens. Biden changed the primary system. The Democrat Party did. The media also, quite frankly, so that he couldn’t get it challenged? They pushed Robert Kennedy out of the Democrat Party and everybody else. They threw Iowa and New Hampshire under the bus. They put South Carolina first because that’s Joe Biden’s favorite state. That’s what they did. No effective challenge to him. Now, Donald Trump had many challenges to him. He beat them. Not so with Joe Biden. And yet, why shouldn’t he have had guy? Dementia. The guy. Couldn’t engage with the public. He couldn’t give a speech. He wasn’t available to the press. Easy pickings, right? But the machinery kicked in just like the Communist Party of China or the Communist Party, the old Soviet Union or the Communist Party. Communist Party and Cuba. The Communist Party in Venezuela or the Communist Party in North Korea, or these other fascistic Islamo Nazi parties and so forth all over the world. I’m going to have competition. What are you, nuts? That’s why on Fox last night, I played the clip. And the former president. Of Communist China. The General Secretary of the Communist Party. How G had him removed unceremoniously in front of the quote unquote delegates, never to be seen again. That’s what this reminds me of. Joe Biden’s in hiding. Scott Covert I call it Mr. Producer. I was behind the microphone. You can still talk. He can still be seen. You don’t have to meet with people. Ever feeling. Joe Biden is furious over Joe Biden feeling Joe Biden actually regrets what he did. I have a feeling that the pressure became insurmountable. I mean, you got to have a big back to be stabbed in the back as many times as Joe Biden was. From his media friends, From his friends in Congress. From his donor friends. I mean, he felt he was going to get it. Big deal. Campaigned from his basement last time. But then his ego got the better of him and he decided, I’ll show them. I can kick Trump’s butt debating him. And then the media saw, Well, look, we’ve done everything we can to cover up for this dummy. And now he’s exposed himself to the 30 or 40 million people who don’t pay attention. And he’s got to go. We got to bring them out of there immediately. Even before the debate was 10 minutes long, it started. Led by The New York Times and their ilk. The New York Times, which has never met. It ought to crack it. It hasn’t liked. Throughout the world, I might add. And that same corrupt ruling class and the Democrat Party and their media. Well. Now it’s Kamala’s turn. They don’t want you to know how stupid she is. They don’t want you to know what a buffoon she is. They don’t want you to know what Willie Brown told us in an op ed before she was selected for vice president. They’re very negative op ed, and he made her career, among other things. I want you to read that stuff. The media don’t exist to inform, to challenge. To expose. They exist to promote. To celebrate. To indoctrinate. And that’s where we are. And I’ll give you a few examples right now. Here is get to the right page of my clip. Margaret Brennan, a disaster. She now does deface the nation and she does it very poorly. She’s a hack. And here she is yesterday, cut 17. Mr. Producer, go in. My sources agree with yours in terms of not seeing a head to head challenger. But the question then becomes, who is the person who stands beside her August 19th at that dump? So that’s it. Her source, her sources, three people told her there’s going to be no challenger. So that is now part of the push, the propaganda, the effort by the Democrat Party, Al-Jazeera, Pravda media, the state run media. This is what they’re doing now. No challenger. Got that? No challenger. We can’t expose her for who she is and what she says. No, no. Challenger. Everybody unite around Kamala. My sources tell me there will be no challenger. What? Your sources. What sources? Three people. Six people. One person. Your husband. What? But now we’re beyond that. She it’s a fait accompli. She’s going to be coronated. Just like Joe was. Now, who will she stand with? That’s the issue now. So we’ve skipped another couple of levels, see? This stuff called democracy, very dirty, you know, primary process. Who needs it? We got this figured out. We have a marijuana smoke filled room. We’re all set. Go ahead. To seek the nomination in that vice president role. That’s where the focus is. That’s where the focus is. She’s it. Okay. Period. She’s at. Now that’s where the focus is now. Pelosi said she’s all in. Pelosi Such a slimeball. My guard supported Biden almost up to the end, then turned on him like a dog. Then Kamala Harris comes in, holds back. Now she’s all in. She’s the power behind the throne. I even hear my friend said, No, she’s not. She’s not a power behind anything. She’s an old lady, 84 years old. Her face is dripping. It’s melting in front of us because of her multiple facelifts. She can barely keep her false teeth in her face. She can’t complete sentences. She can’t complete thoughts. She’s shuffled on a lot. Well, that’s the power behind the throne. Oh, okay. Go ahead. It was told looking to challenge her would be committing political suicide to try to go head to head. And she told you that her sources told you political heads, go ahead if she doesn’t have a chance. I don’t know if she doesn’t have a challenger, it’s not because would be political suicide. It’s because. It would be a mess. To jump into this. It’s a no win. What they won’t tell you is the Republican Party is more is more unified than any time since Ronald Reagan. What they won’t tell you is the Republican Party is flush with money, but they won’t tell you is that Donald Trump has a pretty damn good agenda. And what they won’t tell you is that the Trump supporters are fired up. Now, don’t take anything for granted. We talk about that. We’ll continue to talk about it. But that’s not for this moment. So it’s political suicide? No, it’s a mess. Why would you jump in in the middle of this? You wouldn’t. If you’re a strong governor, a strong senator, you wouldn’t. Go ahead. And they’re making it very clear, just within minutes of announcing he was not going to seek reelection, that he was endorsing her. Lest, you know, that’s what we’re looking at now. So so Biden is endorsing Kamala Harris. Now, Biden, who they were just, you know, raked over the coals, thrown under the bus, thrown off the roof. Calling him unpatriotic, going on and on and on. Now it’s he’s a saint. He was a devil. He’s a saint. Oh, yes. I can see the special light behind Biden. Actually, I can’t because we can’t see Biden. But you get the point. My God. He’s so selfless. So selfless. Where is he? I don’t know. But he’s selfless. We know that. And my sources tell me that. You know, once he endorsed her, that’s over. That’s it. Suicide to challenge Kamala, just as it was suicide to challenge Biden. Suicide. CBS News tells us by her sources, which are probably Kamala supporters or Nancy Pelosi, it’s so predictable. This is why you people are hated. Because you’re frauds, phonies and buffoons. But she’s not the only one. There’s John King on CNN. The constipated news now. There’s Johnny. Let’s Johnny think. Could 18 go. Emily Harris was Joe Biden supporters are. Look how it went. Do you want her running the economy? Do you want her running national security? And then other issues, other issues about, you know, San Francisco and the like? And look, let’s just be honest about this. You can be certain that racism and sexism, if not directly from the Trump campaign, from other forces, are going to come flying into this campaign. You know, that’s really sad to hear that, but it’s obviously true. Excuse me. Racism and sexism. Mary Kom Flying into the campaign, you can be sure it’s obviously true. Who is that? Wolf BLITZER. Somebody woke him up. It’s obviously going to be true. So they’re already telling you the media they’re going to use racism and sexism. They’re going to use racism and sexism. Now, Tim Scott was running for president. They were the racists attacking Tim Scott. Sarah Palin was running for vice president. They were the misogynists attacking her. Sexism, by the way, that’s a whole nother story, Mark. So in other words, you can’t criticize Kamala Harris. Why? Because of her race and her son. It’s that simple. Even though you’re not supposed to mention her sex, think about her sex. Identify her sex. Does it matter? So now that’s the defense. John King has told us and he’s been seconded by Wolf BLITZER, who sounds more and more every day like Joe Biden, to be quite frank about it. But there you are. So if you attack a candidate running for president who’s never received a single vote. As a presidential candidate, not a single delegate as a presidential candidate. If you criticize her, criticize this, trying get in the way of what’s taking place, you’re going to be a racist and a sexist. That’s it. They’ve already told you. Oh. So they can shut down debate. And defeat. They hope Trump by limiting what he can actually say and do. And because Trump has made such inroads, honestly, in minority communities. They’re going to pull out the race. Look, this is what this party has done since the party was founded. It just depends on the era. Which race card it pulls out. It’ll pull out a race card against blacks. It’ll pull out a race card for blacks. So they’ll pull out a race card for whites. It’ll pull out a race card against whites. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. They’ll be for Israel and the Jews when they think it helps them. Now they’ll be for Hamas. When they think it helps them American. And so Netanyahu flies in today and he’s not met by Biden, he’s not by Harris, and he’s not met by Blinken. The prime Minister of the only Jewish state. And yet I got to listen to this idiot Moskowitz from Congress and these other left wing Democrat Jews. Oh, he’s a moderate. I got to listen to the idiot governor of Pennsylvania. What’s so special about it? All of a sudden, this guy SHAPIRO. Oh, he’s the best deal. Has he’d done nothing? No, no, you don’t understand. This guy’s good. They won’t pick him. Trust me on that. They already have the would be Jewish first person. Whose daughter hates Israel. And has more kind things to say about Hamas. And this nebbish, her husband, his mouth was shut. While Jewish kids are in college campuses were running for their lives. But don’t worry. That’s the kind of Jew the liberals like. That’s the kind of Jew. The Democrat Party like us and the media like, let’s stop fooling ourselves. There are certain Jews. They like certain blacks, they like certain Hispanics. They like certain women they like. They’ll pull the cards out if in those individual categories they share their radical left ideology. Otherwise, they smear them. That’s it. That’s simple. Donald Trump’s Jewish grandchildren. Never heard of him. Jewish daughter, never heard of her Jewish son in law. Now they attack the son in law, Jared. They attack that their daughter Ivanka, attacked them relentlessly. You never heard them talking about Ivanka. You know they’re going to use sexism and anti-Semitism. Have you ever heard them say that now? Not once. Tim Scott’s running. Have you ever heard them say, you know, they’re going to use racism? I think. And what if we are afraid? That’s absolutely true. Not once did you hear them say that racism against Clarence Thomas. Oh, no, no, no, no. You can’t say that. We have to dehumanize that man. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

And gentlemen, there was a not a sighting but a hearing. Joe Biden apparently called in to a Kamala Harris event as our friend Stephen Miller posted, retweeted by my wife. That’s how I saw it. It sounded like a hostage tape. Mr. Waters. Yeah, And then I remember. Hi, everybody. It’s Joe here. Hey, Joe. Just great as president elect. Joe. Yes, Yes. I just wanted to call in and give my best to Nancy Pelosi. No, no, no, no. If it is a Kamala Harris event. I’ve only just begun. America, my foot on the gas pedal right after the top of the hour. Here we go. I’ll be right back.