July 16th, 2024

July 16th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Butler, Pennsylvania is a tiny town with a small police force. The idea that the Secret Service, with all its resources, would be relying on the local police to protect the perimeter is so outrageous. The Secret Service should have been on top of every building and drones should have been in the air.  It’s now known that the Secret Service ramped up more security after learning about an Iranian plot to assassinate President Trump. Iran is the enemy and President Biden is funding them to the tune of billions of dollars and undermining Israel.  What do we know about the Secret Service director? She got her job after a push from Jill Biden. Jill Biden is acting as president.  Also, Biden is waging war on the Supreme Court, he is set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes. Biden is proposing the destruction of the separation of powers. He wants to use the power of Congress, which doesn’t have the power, to change the terms of Supreme Court Justices. Later, the effort to get rid of Biden is back. The DNC is trying to nominate Biden virtually, well before the convention, so Democrats can’t pick another nominee and get rid of Biden.  Finally, Kathie Lee Gifford calls in to discuss her new book, Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior.

Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shooting

NY Post
Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle landed job after push by Jill Biden’s office, sources say

NBC News
Rooftop where gunman shot at Trump was identified as a security vulnerability before rally: sources

Washington Post
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes

How the DNC plans to run out the clock for Biden

ABC News
Former DNC chairs push back on calls to delay party’s virtual Biden nomination

Jerusalem Post
Antisemitic, anti-Israel activists claim Jews control Trump VP pick Vance 

Columbus Dispatch
Columbus police officer shoots, kills man near RNC site in Milwaukee

Biz Bac Review
Oh no, Joy! Reid says Trump shouldn’t be allowed to be ‘hero and victim’ after GETTING SHOT

Thomas Crooks “locked eyes” with counter sn*pers before the Trump rally from inside the secure rally area.


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. And our three, Kathie Lee Gifford is going to be here at the time. My wife, she’s been there. Why didn’t you tell me? Because I forgot to tell you at about 8:20 p.m. Eastern time. You know, Butler is a tiny town in Pennsylvania. It’s got a population of about 6000. I don’t know how big its police force is, but I’m sure it’s quite small. Mr. Producer. How many can they have? 12. 20. The idea, as Joe Biden would say, the idea, no joke. That United States Secret Service. With all its resources, all its experience. We’ll be relying on a small town police force of loyal, patriotic men and women, no doubt. To protect the perimeter. That is the area outside. In encircled. Area to protect the president is so outrageous to me. And they are leaking like hell on these cups. Does that mean a cop who saw the perp shouldn’t have shot him on the side. No, it does it forgive. It doesn’t forget. My point is different. The Secret Service should have been on top of that building. Secret Service drone or drones should have been in the air. The Secret Service. Any building where possible snipers can climb to the top should have been secured by the Secret Service. Not a police department in a town of 6000 people. I just don’t get it. And now it even becomes more perplexing. You know, I get people who say to me all the time, why do you talk about Iran all the time in Israel? All the time. Why? Why? Here’s a headline from CNN. Secret Service ramped Up Security After Receiving Intel of Iranian Plot to Assassinate Trump. No known connection to shooting the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran, wants to assassinate Donald Trump, wants to assassinate Mike Pompeo. It wants to assassinate John Bolton. Now he’s a reprobate, but still assassinate John Bolton. They want to assassinate. Americans. That’s crazy. They’re the enemy. They’re evil. So Bolton has special protection. Pompeo’s special protection. Trump is supposed to have special protection. We are funding Iran. To the tune of billions of dollars. Joe Biden gives Netanyahu the Trump treatment in terms of his yelling and. Horrendous statements about Israel, the blood libels against Netanyahu. He says nothing about the leadership of Iran. Why are we giving them billions of dollars? Why? Why did we lift the sanctions on oil? U.S. authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump. You do understand, right? That’s a declaration of war. A development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president. In recent weeks, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN. That’s frightening. So they increased. Secret Service around the president, and there’s still happened. President Trump. The existence of the intelligence threat from a hostile foreign intelligence agency in the enhanced security for Trump raises new questions about the security lapses. And it goes on. But it not only raises questions about the security lapses, which definitely need to be addressed. And now. But nowhere in this article. Well, let’s go on. Let’s go on. National Security Council spokesperson. Watson. Adrian Watson said there’s no known link between the shooter and the permanent mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations denied there’s an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. Oh, wow. Must be true then. These accusations are unsubstantiated and malicious from the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Trump is a criminal who must be prosecuted and punished in a court of law. Following the assassination of General Soleimani, Iran has chosen the legal path to bring them to justice. Iran never chooses a legal path. Surge of threats from Iranian state backed media. Iran has repeatedly vowed revenge for the US military’s killing of Qassem Suleimani, the commander of the Iranian military’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The former senior Trump administration officials who worked on national security have had tight security since leaving the government. We’re having to protect Pompeo. Bolton, others who worked at the National Security Council because Iran is threatening to assassinate them and threatening to assassinate President Trump. This is a big story. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also a target of the Iranian assassination plot at a federal law enforcement source familiar with the investigation. Trump’s former national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, had a U.S. government security detail due to threats from Iran, Mike Pompeo and other former Trump officials. That detail was dropped last summer, according to sources familiar with the matter. O’Brien is now paying for his own private jet. So Biden drops. The security protection for O’Brien, who is still threatened. By the Iranians by possible assassination. Biden wouldn’t give RFK Secret Service protection until the day after President Trump was shot. Bolton still has Secret Service detail, and he should. For months, law enforcement officials have been concerned about the persistent threat of Iran potentially attempting to assassinate former Trump officials and the former president himself, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. This is CNN. But the recent intelligence suggested a significant uptick in the threat, the source has told CNN. Because they don’t want him to win. Because they know that Biden, Blinken are appeasers. They don’t want Trump back in. Warnings about the operational planning have coincided with a noticeable surge of online messaging from Iranian accounts and state backed media, mentioning Trump, which has raised security concerns among U.S. officials, one of the sources told CNN. Now, presumably this information is the hand in the hands of Joe Biden and Blinken themselves. So what are they doing to Iran about it? What are they doing? What are they doing? They’re attacking Israel. They’re undermining Israel. Withholding arms from Israel. Israel says 60% of its tanks have been badly damaged. Did you hear that, Mr. Producer? They’re low on ammunition. Iran is, you know, feeling its oats. It feels it can do whatever the hell it wants. Hezbollah today fired hundreds of missiles on Israel. Today, the Israelis uncovered enormous amounts of weapons in the East bank. Well, then called the West Bank of Jordan, now called the East Bank of Israel. Okay. In the East Bank. Skye Biden. He’s got to go. I’m rooting for the Democrats are trying to dump this this guy. But then there’s this. Who is this woman in charge of the Secret Service? Kym Cheadle. Well, our friends at the New York Post have told us. What a great newspaper. Secret Service Director Kim Cheeto landed job after push by Joe Biden’s office. Sources say, I have told you that she is the Edith. First Lady Wilson. She’s running the show along with the Obama revolutionaries, Marxists and Islamists. Embattled Secret Service director Kimberly Cheadle, who’s facing congressional outcry and calls to resign over security lapses leading to former President Donald Trump’s near assassination Saturday landed her role, thanks largely to a close relationship with the first lady, Jill Biden. The Post has learned. Joe Biden. Cheadle, 53, is the second woman to lead the Presidential Protection Agency and secured the non Senate confirmed role in August 2022 after a three year stint as senior director of global security at PepsiCo. Before that, she had 27 years in the Secret Service, beginning in the Clinton administration. Four sources. Four sources close to President Biden’s family, including people who interacted with Cheadle during the Obama-Biden administration, said he was well-liked by the future first lady and her most senior aides, including top adviser Anthony Bernal. Quote, Cheadle served on Dr. Biden’s. What’s this Dr. Biden crap? Cheadle served on Dr. Biden’s second lady detail, and Anthony pushed for her. A Democratic insider told the Post. Anthony has no social excuse me, national security or law enforcement experience. He should have no influence over the selection of the US Secret Service director. I heard at the time she was being considered for director that Anthony had pushed her forward as an option, another well-placed source told the Post. Anthony Bernal, top adviser to the first lady. Bernal, 51, is widely regarded as rivaling even White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients in terms of influence over administration decisions. Yes, because Joe Biden. Is acting as president. He has faced allegations of bullying and sexual harassment from colleagues who have likened his sway to that of Russian mystic Rasputin over the Romanoff court. Anthony is obsessed with being DEA compliant, a third source told the Post, using the acronym for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Human Resources Practices of Attempting. To ensure diversity in the workforce. Cheadle is expected to provide a briefing to members of Congress Tuesday on how gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to get while you get the point. I’ve got a lot more. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The Butler Township Police force consists of a lieutenant, four patrol sergeants, three detectives, 12 full time patrol officers, one part time dog law enforcement officer, and two full time clerical support staff. And the United States Secret Service is blaming them. Then. If we’re not controlling that building. From which President Trump is almost assassinated. Now let’s let’s talk logically. Okay. We don’t have to be in law enforcement. The Secret Service has to be anything be a hotdog vendor. You can even be a stupid lawyer. Okay. There’s this massive crowd. Tens of thousands. You’re going to have a presidential candidate, former president. You’re in charge of the Secret Service or at least the detail. And you go to this little town, a rural town, really, Butler Township, Pennsylvania. And you see they have a lieutenant, four patrol sergeants, three detectives, 12 full time patrol officers, one part time dog law enforcement officer, and two full time clerical support staff. And you leave it to them. His secure the area outside the perimeter. Are you nuts? How much experience do they have? None. They barely have a staff, for God’s sakes. And now you’re going to blame them. And we’re supposed to accept these leaks coming out of headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Against little Butler Township. Meanwhile. The Biden regime knew that Donald Trump had an assassination threat hanging over his head from the week before from the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. Did anybody tell Butler Township that? Of course, that. Now, maybe the cop should have shot him. Maybe that cop should have done this, that or the other. But ladies and gentlemen. The idea. That the United States Secret Service director, the top brass, whoever was in charge. We just assumed that the local police would. What are you talking about? What in the hell are you talking about? And of course, the big media will listen to the Biden regime. Let us be clear. It is the Biden administration. Let us be very, very clear. Afghanistan, that’s the Biden administration. Open border. That’s the Biden administration, MS13 coming in, fentanyl coming in, Venezuela, gangs coming in. That’s the Biden administration. The Department of Justice undermining local police departments day in and day out with their DEA crap and all the rest of it. And Donald Trump is almost murdered by an assassin’s bullet. And the department, the agency responsible for protecting him is the Biden administration. The Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service. They don’t report to Butler Township, nor should they. They report to the Biden White House. And so now their answer is to blame Butler Township. Are they kidding?

Segment 3
By the way, Ron DeSantis is speaking tonight, but you wouldn’t know it with all the hype that Nikki Haley’s going just saying the rhinos are coming out of the woodwork. You know, NBC News rooftop where a gunman shot at Trump was identified as a security vulnerability before the rally. Two sources told NBC News the Secret Service flagged a building near the rally site as a security concern. Investigators will be scrutinizing how a gunman was allowed to scale it. You don’t say. The building owned by Glass and Research Company is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said. Someone should have been on the roof for securing the building so no one could get on the roof, said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning. Just remember the head of the Secret Service was appointed effectively by Jill Biden because Jill Biden liked her. You know, it just this is the Biden administration. They are in charge of the Secret Service. Mallorca says in charge of the Secret Service. They chose the head of the Secret Service. It’s their DEA policies, it’s their woke policies. That’s why she was picked. And she in turn has said she wants 30% of the Secret Service agent workforce to be women. And this is what happens when your focus isn’t on the job that you’re supposed to do rather than on all the theatrics, for God’s sakes. The Secret Service work with local law enforcement to maintain events security, including sniper teams poised on rooftops to identify and eliminate threats. Secret Service spokesman Peter Anthony Jill Cimini said. But no officers were posted on the building used by the would be assassin outside the event’s security perimeter, but only about 140 yards from the stage within range of semiautomatic rifle like the one the gunman was carrying. Why does it matter where it was? They said it was a security risk. What are we dealing with? The bureaucracy, the IRS now? The Secret Service had designated that rooftop as being under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement, a common practice in securing outdoor rallies, said the spokes idiot. But the Butler County D.A., Roger Golding, said his office maintains an emergency services unit team which deploy for sniper teams for quick response teams at the rally. But he said the Secret Service agents were in charge of security outside the venue. I have no doubt he’s right. None. This police force simply isn’t big enough. Let me ask you this. So the Secret Service top brass, I assume they’re walking around, checking out, making sure all the soldiers in place the way they ought to be. And he or she sees the rooftops. Is empty. In other words, none of their snipers are their. Do they hear the screams of the Patriots in the audience saying, there’s a guy up there with a gun, a rifle up there, and others who said they saw. 30 minutes before the guy crawling around on the roof. Gold diggers, said. The commander of the emergency service unit told him it was not responsible for securing areas outside the venue. To me, the whole thing is under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service. Agree with that? They had the skill. Certainly a little town police force or even a small county police force is not up to this. That’s not their job. Their job is to assist the Secret Service not to act in lieu of the Secret Service. The former senior Secret Service agent also said that even if local law enforcement did drop the ball, it’s still the agency’s responsibility to ensure that they are following through either beforehand or in the moment. Exactly. Just because it’s outside the perimeter, it doesn’t take it out of play for vulnerability, he said. And you’ve got to mitigate it in some fashion. Mm hmm. Is this not the Biden regime’s responsibility? You want to hear Biden at the ACP today? I did turn it off. The guy is absolutely nuts. He is absolutely nuts. He’s lying. He’s mumbling. He’s screaming. But what will Biden do tonight? What will Blinken do tonight? To Iran. Will they impose new sanctions? Does anybody know? No, they’re not imposing new sanctions. They’ve just threatened to assassinate Donald Trump last week. We get to hear about it today? Well, they impose new sanctions on Iran. No. Well, they lift the sanctions on Israel and given the weapons that Congress paid for. No. Blinken’s a special player for Iran and their surrogates. Israel is under attack every single day with multiple missiles firings. Their tanks are damaged. They’re running out of ammo. Iran is going to get a nuclear weapon. They want to assassinate Trump, and we’re funding Iran, for God sakes. That’s reason enough to get rid of this old patch. To be perfectly honest with you. But here he is buying at the ACP and the ACP. Talk about cowards and hypocrites. Backing a man who supported segregation. Who was a racist. Backing a man in 1994 who they condemned for the so-called crime bill targeting blacks. What a bunch of hypocrites. The NAACP. More Democrat. Then leaders of the black community. That’s that’s the bottom line. Every every ethnic group, every religious group has the same type. Here he is. Cut 20. Go. Just a few days after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Regretful he was not seriously injured. We continue to pray for him and his family. It’s time for an important conversation in this country. Our politics has gotten too heated. You know, this is the May. Here’s the arsonist saying, you know, here’s the arsonist. By the way, I’ve been making this scenario over and over, and I notice other people have picked up on this. Now, if you Mr. produced this were rush means by the government sorry, by the echo chamber. Is the arsonist. And then he’s complaining about the fires that are being set everywhere. This is a sick man. Nothing will fix that. Then cut 21. Go. You know the pain and the price of violence. You understand, if you’re going to talk about standing against violence, you must stand against all violence, a stand against violence perpetrated against presidential candidates in Pennsylvania. I stand against all violence, white and black against presidential candidates. It was against Donald Trump. One stand against all violence. Who doesn’t stand against all violence except the Soros prosecutors and the liberal mayors and the activist judges? Go ahead. The violence perpetrated against George Floyd in Minnesota. Oh, now we’re going to racialize it. He never misses an opportunity, this bastard. Never. Never. You know, ladies in general, it’s amazing to me. He’ll talk about George Floyd till. He’ll use George Floyd, he’ll use Charlottesville. He lied about that again today. Again. The man who. Stood with the racist segregationists in not just for a year or two, four, five, six years. Worked closely with them to prevent little black kids from going to school with little white kids. Oh, we’ll just we’ll just ignore that. Forget about that. The racist things that have come out of his mouth time and time again. Oh, so be it. It’s just Joe. Meanwhile. Thousands and thousands of black people are losing their lives in the inner city, murdered by other black people, more specifically. Thousands and thousands of young black men are killing. Young black men. Every year. Joe Biden doesn’t talk about that. Joe Biden has no way of addressing it. Joe Biden does not look for solutions to that. Joe Biden is Mr. Hot button. He’ll bring up George Floyd. He doesn’t know the names of anybody else who’s been murdered. Over the years since he’s been president of the United States in the streets. He won’t bring up the people being murdered on the border as a result of his policies or the people dying from fentanyl. All over the country. Inner cities, the most rural of areas. Never. He screams that guns kill more young people than anything else. That’s not correct. Drugs do. And fentanyl is at the top of the list. And the communist Chinese working with the Mexican drug cartels are pushing as much fentanyl by the tons into this country, killing 100,000 people a year, the vast majority of whom are young people. Joe Biden can do something about that. He won’t. Catch 22. Go there. Not to speak about violence. Not to speak about guns. Poor children. Erica died of gunshot wound. That any other reason? That’s stunning and that is sick. First of all, it’s not true. Second of all, it is sick. How many illegal guns are coming across the border because the borders open? Mr. Paterson. We don’t have the foggiest idea. Millions of illegal aliens are coming across the border. Hundreds of tons of illicit and toxic drugs are coming across the border. Venezuelan gangs, MS13 the worst of the worst criminals from all over the world coming across the border. How many illegal weapons are coming across the border? You know, we’re not even tracking that. Mr. Law and Order. Mr.. I’m concerned about guns. But listen to him. Catch 23. Go just because you must lower the temperature. And our politics really divides. It doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth, but it does mean you should stop screaming and lying out of your big, fat mouth. And that’s all you’ve ever done, your entire pathetic career. You’re a smear merchant. You’re an absolute smear merchant when we come back. How much time do I have in this segment, Mr. Producer? When I come back, I want you to listen to something. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
It was on Fox and Friends this morning. What a great program. And my buddy Brian KILMEADE was interviewing me. What a great guy. And to the point that I’ve been raising the last 20 minutes, here’s what I said. Cut to go. And I want to say something to Joe Biden. I’ve been on this air since my friend, the president of United States, was almost assassinated. And I have spoken to him about, you know, Joe Biden, you’re the nation of apology. You spend half a century in Washington, D.C., smearing people from Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. The things that you said about Ronald Reagan, I was there. The things you say about Benjamin Netanyahu and you saved your words for Donald Trump. You were a desperate man desperately seeking reelection when five days ago your party was trying to get rid of you. It’s amazing how the media turn on a dime to talk, talk, talk for weeks and weeks that this man is dimensionally senile. He should be removed, and now he’s a uniter. Joe Biden has never been a uniter from his days as a racist segregationist in the South to his days today with the things that he says and he does. The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump has survived an assassin’s bullet. God was watching over him. That’s number one, Brian. Number two, lawfare is almost dead. Donald Trump has beaten a corrupt department of Justice, a corrupt attorney general, a corrupt D.A. in Manhattan. That case will be resolved properly and a corrupt D.A. in Atlanta. They’ve tried to bankrupt him. They’ve tried to imprison him. They’ve smeared his character in his name. And I want people to remember something when they talk about J.D. Vance said these things about Trump. He’s apologized. When will the media apologize? When will our Al-Jazeera probe the media apologize? They talk about what’s wrong with America. There’s sickos in America. The problem is there’s too many of these people in the media. When will Comcast do something about Joy Reid and the lineup at MSNBC? When will Warner Brothers do something about CNN and the lineup at CNN? They have no self-reflection, no circumspection. The media have led the charge with this Hitler narrative, which is grotesque. Let me tell you something. As a Jewish person, that may surprise you, Brian, that I’m Jewish as a Jewish person. The Holocaust is the most horrendous thing that ever happened to the Jews. And when I watch corporate media hosts and guests and politicians in the Democrat Party call Donald Trump the greatest friend that Israel has ever had, has Jewish grandchildren, a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son in law who put in place the executive order to protect Jews on college campuses. When I listen to these reprobates in media and they’re not going away, they’ll give it a week. They’ll give it two weeks, three weeks. They never stop and they never will stop. This is who they are. Joe Biden has been doing this for 50 years. When I hear what these people say and they take no responsibility, one of them has been fired by corporate media. Now one of them has gone on the air and apologized. And the head of the whole operation, the man demanding that his campaign go low, attack low. Look, I’m telling it as it is. I haven’t been on the air for nine days. That’s Joe Biden. It’s always been Joe Biden. And I want to say this to President Trump. Now, Brian, everybody’s been on all nine days. I want to say something like this. God bless President Trump. He’s pushed back the FBI. He’s pushed back the Department of Justice. He’s pushed back these days an attorney general. He survived two impeachments. He survived a criminal investigation. No man should have to go through this. No man whatsoever. And I think the American people understand this completely. And I’m back alive. And I do think they do.  I’ll be right back.