July 12th, 2024

July 12th, 2024

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark offers advice to President Biden’s campaign to fend off the Obama and Clinton operatives trying to oust him. They need to talk about democracy, but not in response to Trump. Biden needs to explain that he will defend the voters who voted for him in the primaries.  He’ll need to point out that over 14 million people voted in the Democrat primary in every state and that 99% of the delegates are committed to him, not any other Democrat. Biden needs to use the tactics he uses against Trump, against his own party, and the media.  After 50 years of Biden’s character assassinating good people, after 50 years of deceit – he knows how to do this. He just needs to aim it at the Democrats who are trying to topple him. Later, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the media are all behind Kamala Harris for president should they succeed with their coup against Biden. The question for Democrat voters is, do you support a president in the 5th stage of dementia, or do you support an imbecile VP? Also, Biden, who has gaslighted the most horrendous Jew-hatred the U.S. has ever seen, was at NATO attacking Israel. Biden treats Israel like he treats Trump and MAGA. If Israel were to adopt Biden’s policies it would cease to exist. Biden is holding 7 defense systems from Israel. Why? Because he doesn’t want them to use it on Iran’s nuclear site.  Finally, Heritage President Kevin Roberts calls in to explain and discuss the lies about Project 2025.

Kamala Harris Just Won’t Stop Using Widely Mocked and Memed Trademark Phrase

Fox News
Trump, GOP take aim at Kamala Harris as her popularity rises: ‘Biden’s enabler in chief’

Washington Examiner
Democratic Socialists of America pulls AOC endorsement

Biden’s Call With Hispanic Lawmakers Goes Off the Rails

Fox News
Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ shooting trial dismissed by judge

House Fails to Hold AG Merrick Garland in Inherent Contempt After Four Republicans Defect

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to remind you, in our three, we have the president of Heritage Foundation, a fantastic organization, Kevin Roberts, to discuss Project 2025 so you can see what a bunch of crap the Democrats are peddling. But we have other things to get to. First. As I analyze the Biden naito, whatever that was. On the spot. I told you that he gets a c, C plus. Enough to get by. And that’s pretty much what has happened. And that’s a good thing. Look, I want Biden as their nominee. I’m not playing games. I want him as their nominee because I think he’s the easiest to defeat. It’s that simple. It’s that simple. And many of the Democrats realize it’s that simple. But I want to give some advice. To the Biden campaign. What do you mean, Mark? I want to give some advice to them. Because I think we can join hands. Mr. Producer in. Trying to help them fend off Obama and Clinton. And the invisible hand of those who are trying to push him over the cliff. And I say this is somebody who wants him crushed in the general election. But we have to be strategic about these things, America. What you need to talk about. Biden regime and Biden campaign is what I’ve been talking about here since the debate debacle. You need to start talking about democracy, not a response to Trump. Because Trump believes in Republicanism and constitutionalism. You. Of course, Biden do not believe in any of it. But still, you’re a liar. So lie. And you need to point out. That over 14 million people voted in the in the Democrat primaries. In every state and in the territories. And that they voted for you. And that 99% of the delegates, our delegates committed to you. And the idea that The New York Times. Trying to cover its pathetic bloody ass. May I say, with all due respect. And the other media frauds, phonies and fakes. I trying to use this occasion to try and buy back some level of credibility with the American people, which is an impossibility to try and rewrite their own history with respect to this primary. That you, Joe Biden, you really are standing up for democracy against those in your party and those in the media. Poor insisting. That you do what they say rather than. Accept the nomination of the delegates who were sent to Chicago. By the millions of people who voted for you, who donated for you, who were activists for you. You know how to wrap yourself in the flag. I mean, your real flag is the communist Chinese flag. But I’m saying, you know how to wrap yourself in the flag. The tactics that you’ve been using against Trump to no avail, by the way, you need to start using against your own party. Now, I’ve been saying here behind this microphone now, it’s it’s been a little over two weeks since this debate, if you can believe it. But the Democrat Party cares about the party and its power, not the country. That when you read the columnists and the editorials and when you listen to their mouthpieces, it becomes abundantly clear. My brothers and sisters and Fox are finally picking up that point, and I’m glad they are. My brothers and sisters and talk radio are finally picking up on this point, and I’m glad they are better late than never. But it’s very, very important. They’re not saying things like what’s best for the country. What’s best for them. What’s best for these these senators in these marginal states, these congressmen in these these red districts who are Democrats, they need to hold on. He’s going to kill the whole ticket. They don’t talk about Biden killing the whole country. It’s not as if Biden is up against a really top notch brain trust in the Clintons and the Obamas. They’re really not that smart. Neither is Hakeem Jeffries. Schumer is literally an idiot. And Bernie Sanders is an old man. In a raincoat. And I’ll stop right there. Now, of course, Biden has dementia. His son is a creep and his wife has power hungry. But they know how to do this. There are autocrats. It’s funny they say that. Donald Trump wouldn’t give up power, but he did. It’s Joe Biden who doesn’t want to give up power. 50 years of it. This is all he knows. But after 50 years of character assassinating good people. After 50 years of lies and deceit. If there are 50 years of propaganda and demagoguery, he knows how to do this. He just needs to aim it at the right targets. The elements within his own party were trying to topple him. Now, look, let’s be honest from a political perspective, this battle among Democrats is fantastic. It’s fantastic. For once, they’re on defense. For once, we’re not on defense. But don’t get me wrong, they’ll be back and they’ll be on offense. And they will use character assassination. They will use lawfare. They will use their media sycophants. They will use their dark money donors. They will use everything and anything they have to. And I’m the one who’s been warning you about this. And our colleagues about this. But that said, in the moment right now. The best move by Biden. And Edith Wilson. Joe Biden. It’s to use the tactics they use against Trump. Against people within their own party. And to reframe the narrative. The narrative is Mr. Producer, Mr. and Mrs. America. I. Joe biden. I’m standing up for the american people. I joe biden. I’m standing up for the voters in the primary. The people are trying to remove me. They’re no better. They’re no better than the segregationists and the racists. Who tried to repress and suppress the vote in the Democrat Party. I don’t want to suppress what the people the Democrat Party did. They voted for me. Now, keep in mind, we all know that the whole system was rigged. They pushed Kennedy out. Cornel West out. They move the the states around, starting with South Carolina. In other words, it was a fait accompli. This primary was about as honest as a Joe Stalin primary. It doesn’t matter. Biden should wrap himself. In democracy. It’s not going to work against Trump because the truth is that Biden is as fascistic as any president we’ve ever seen in American history. I’m not talking about Biden versus Trump. I’m talking about Biden versus Obama-Biden versus Clinton. Biden versus them. Then he’s gotten part of the way there. He and his cabal. Cabal. I mean, I almost feel like it’s there in the Berlin bunker near the end of World War Two. You know, he’s got his wife with him, his son with him, probably his doctor with him. Some of his most important propagandists with him hanging out there as long as they possibly can. So if you’re going to make a Hitler analysis, there it is. No, I’m not calling him Hitler. I’m talking about the bunker mentality in Berlin. But Joe’s not going to take a cyanide pill. He’s not going to do it. He’s a stubborn old bastard. And I’m glad he is. I’m glad he is for the sake of the country. For the sake of the country. I want them to keep fighting for the sake of the country. I want him to be the nominee because he’ll lose, in my humble opinion. It’s not a guarantee. I say all the time, ignore the polls, fight like you’re behind. But you have to admit, don’t you, that he’s the weakest candidate they have now. Am I wrong, Mr. Reducing? I don’t think so. Fight like we’re behind. Always, always 100%. We need our ground game. We need early voting. We need our lawyers. We need to do everything humanly possible to push back against this gang, this mob of Marxist Islamists who are destroying our country. But I’m not talking about what we should be doing right now. I’m talking about what Joe should be doing. Joe. I’m trying to help you. The other thing, Joe. My advice to you would be don’t do a second debate. Oh, no, no, no, no. And by the way, that would be my advice to Donald Trump, too. Why bother? Can’t do any better than he did last time. And Joe can’t do any worse than he did last time. Unless his false teeth fall out of his head and his pants drop. Other than that, I mean, how much worse can he do? Take the win. But that for another day. So the Biden propaganda machine, The Biden mouthpieces. The Biden apparatchiks. You need to wrap yourself in the flag. No, no. Not the old Soviet flag. No, no, no, no. Not the communist Chinese flag that you love so much. Not the Palestinian flag. Don’t know. You need to pretend you’re patriotic. You’re not. But you need to pretend that you are. You’re not. You need to say. That you will stand and defend the delegates and the voters. Against those who are operating. In the dark, under the radar. Who are trying to overthrow you. A coup. The coup. That’s my advice to Joe Biden. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You know, the Republican National Committee seems to really be much more on its game than it was when Romney’s niece was running it. Just saying. I think this Lara Trump’s really hit the ground running here. Now, we talked about this yesterday, Kamala Harris and that line she keeps using about being unburdened. And this is a short segment. So I thought you would enjoy the montage that they put together. We can’t play all four or 5 minutes of it, but we’ll play a couple. Cut. 13 go. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been you know, what can be unburdened by what has been what can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by What has been. What can be. Unburdened by what has been what we can see, what we believe can be unburdened by what has what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been in these Unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. Who we can be. Unburdened by the music and being unburdened by what has been. Where we can be unburdened by where we have been and unburdened by where we are right now. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by What has been. What can be unburdened by What has been. What could be unburdened by what had been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be say Unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by hurt. Unburdened by what has been unbridled, by what has been believing and what can be what can be unburdened by what has been What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been very presidential. Unburdened by what has been. What can be. Yeah, unburdened by what has been acute Tourette’s, maybe unburdened by what had been what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been what is stuttering, Unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can. What should be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been. See what can be unburdened by what has been. I’m burdened by what can be saved, burdened by what has been all year, by what has been, and knowing what can be. Have a sense of vision about what can be can be learned from what is. What can be unburdened by what has been what came in. Say it unburdened by what has been what can be unburdened by what has been What unburdened has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can. Thank you. Yes. What can be unburdened by her. I’ll tell you that. I mean, honest to God, I think she needs a cognitive test. I’m not kidding. And I understand that over at the local Washington hospital, there’s two for the price of one on those exams, Mr. Producer. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been you know what can be unburdened by what has been what came in. Be unbroken, ladies and gentlemen. What has been what can be. We love our Kamala here in what can be. Unburdened. She’s the first. The first. What? We can see what we believe. You know, it doesn’t take much to be vice President America and be unburdened by what? We’ve had some doozies in American history. Unburdened by what has been the nobody quite as burdened by doozy as Kamala Harris and who we can be unburdened. Kamala Harris was down there at the border. No, no, no, no. Not the southern border, the Canadian border. I think she’s burdened by where we have been. She wanted to visit Toronto. What can be just for a vacation, unburdened by what has been. What can She’s done so much for the country and her what can be nearly four years in office? What has been what could be. Oh, yes, burdened by what had been. And when I think of something, I’ll share with you by what has been what can be. But The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Constipated News Network, may Celestin be unburdened by what has been there all behind her, unburdened by what has been. They want her to be president should they succeed in their coup against unburden lunch bucket. Joe, what can be a man who spent about 3 minutes in Scranton and Scranton, Pennsylvania? What has been what can be unburdened? Now they’re telling us what having supported Joe Biden brought us to this point. What can they want us to genuflect unburdened by what has been and back be? Kamala Harris by what has been the usual voices are telling us and burdened by what had been. Don’t bypass her. You’d be a racist and misogynist by what has been what can be. After all, she is a woman. What has been, what can be? Even though we’re not allowed to use the word woman, what can be unburdened in the way of a Supreme Court justice who cannot describe a woman, even though she’s a woman, should be back? She’s the first black woman on the Supreme Court. But don’t say woman. Unburdened by what? So what do we call this? Kamala Harris. Unburdened by what has been seen as she be her in it. Please help us, because I’m not up on the gibberish vocabulary of the woke. What can be unburdened by what has been? We’re reminded over and over again of her pigmentation. What can be Have a sense of who goes for the Democrat Party. That can be. That’s the most important thing. Unless, of course, your name is Clarence Thomas. Unburdened by what has been, then it’s of no consequence whatsoever, burdened by what is there to be, destroy and be because of your pigmentation. What has been what could I understand? Unburdened by what? It’s hard to keep track of the Democrat Party there by which their media, their academia unburdened. There are Hollywood lightweights. We can be unburdened by where we have been hard to follow the path unburdened by what has followed. George Clooney unburdened. Apparently, George Clooney is now in charge of the country, unburdened by what has followed by unburdened by what had other reprobates has beens, wannabes, what has been former drama students unburdened about as dumb as a doorknob, but nonetheless unburdened. They have a right to representation to be unburdened by what has been. And so it is time, we are told, by what has been what can be unburdened, what has been said by what has watched Joe Biden be has been who needs to be unburdened, unburdened and then burdened ourselves, who are unable to see with a want to be. It would quickly become a has been more who are able to see what can be unburdened by what is what can be unburdened by what is and what would be and what may come. You know, what can I do? I know. Burdened by what has been what. You know, it used to used to be fashionable to quote Confucius. Confucius says, can be unburdened. Now it’s fashionable to quote what can be. Kamala Harris unburdened the anti Einstein of the Democrat Party. What we believe can be unburdened. Joe Biden says he picked her. He wouldn’t have picked her if he didn’t think she could become president. What has been what can? But of course, the media failed us, should have followed up with Joe and said president unburdened by which country and be certainly not the United States of America. What has been who we can be. Now, of course, the real racist are in the media, in the Democrat Party, unburdened by what has been where we can. There’s a hell of a lot smarter women who are black, where we are right now. What can be than Kamala Harris unburdened by what has been what can yes unburden a hell of a lot? What can be more competent, burdened by what has and who can actually speak the language unburdened by what had been, what can be? Kamala isn’t the major issue in what can be unburdened by people. Don’t say, look at Kamala Harris. I want my daughter to be like Kamala Harris. Maybe they do. What can be? Can we use the word daughter, Mr. British? I don’t even know if are allowed to do that anymore. Unburdened by what has been unburdened. Yes. Has been believing in what can be. And so we you and I, we want to be unburdened by what has been can be the worst presidency in American history, unburdened by. We want to be unburdened by the worst president in American history. And think about what can be be. We want to be unburdened has been what can be by a dimwitted, inarticulate, barely literate vice president of the United States, unburdened by what has been. That’s right. Unburdened. We want to be unburdened, can be by what has been and think about what can be has been, what can be unburdened by now has been what can be. Over at Fox News, they took notice. Did Jamie Joseph Trump GOP take Aim at Kamala Harris? As her popularity rises unburdened, the popularity rises and be unable to know Kamala Harris is to despise her. I say that with all due respect. See what can be unburdened by. Yes, well, can be. We were told by Unburdened by what? What’s her name? Joy. What’s her name? Over there at The View? Larry King. They are. Yeah. Bay, They are. And knowing what can be have God unburden us from her regards about what can be unburdened by what has. We were told that to be make fun of Kamala Harris and her unburdened by what has been what can be cringing by cackling and cackling unburden was anti-woman. What can be unburdened by what is? Well, I don’t know what woman unburdened by what Joe they are knows. But the women I know actually have class burdened by what has been and then will cackle be like Hillary Clinton’s another cackling what can be unburdened by. We need to think about what can be unburdened by what has what can be. Look at the view. Better yet, don’t burdened by what? Especially after breakfast, you may not be able to hold your food down by what has been the Barbara Waters created. Unburdened will be Karen Goldberg took over unburdened by and of course destroying it the view unburdened by what has been five yet to be on burden burdening America what has been with stupidity in ideology unburdened. And so I say to you, Americans who are unable to see what can be. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need to be defeated and see what or fill in the blank needs to be defeated for and be unburdened by Kamala Harris and fill in the blank. You know, they’re not sure yet needs to be defeated, burdened by what has been so we can unburden ourselves, unburdened from what has been what what could be what can be by what. What might be can be and be whatever unburdened by what has been what we. And so I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, can be unburdened by what has take about what can be unburdened by what Unburden yourself and be unburdened by what? From the propaganda. Al Jazeera Unburdened by what has been Pravda media unburden yourself, unburdened by what has been who we can be from a centralized government, a growing police state that monitors you and wants to destroy your free speech, unburden yourself. Think about what can be written by where we have been and unburdened by where we are right now. What can be without Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has been stinking up the place. That’s right. I said, has been what can be unburdened by. Think about what? Be unburdened. Yes, by whatever. Unburdened by what can be. Unburdened by what has been. Let me continue with this excellent Fox piece. What can be unburdened by Trump in a suit and a true social post accused Biden of having choked like a dog during the debate, unburdened and offered his congratulations to the vice president as he dubbed her Lafond Kamala Harris. Unburdened by what Trump has given his opponents various nicknames in the past, unburdened, like low energy, Jeb can be crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe in what can be unburdened and now laughing. What can Kamala Harris unburdened by What has been what? I have a better one. Unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what had been what? Yes. Just call her. What can be burdened by what has been, what can be unburdened. And so they say at this campaign rally to. They noted Trump took sharper aim at Ed Harris, according to her, by accusing her of being a far left wing ally of what Senator Bernie Sanders what can be their converted but a marxist Islamist self-hating Jew, but that for another day he slammed her record unburdened by what has been seen. First of all, we need to send out a team of archaeologists to find her record. What the hell is her burdened by what has Yes, what can be undone? While the Trump campaign has not released any ads attacking Harris as a potential replacement for Biden, have a sense of vision. The National Republican Congressional Committee released an ad last week called Careful What You Wish For can be unburdened. I wish for what can be unburdened by what has been hit, by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been. It’s a great song, don’t you think? Mr. Biden, unburdened by what had been best elevator music I’ve ever heard and by what has been what can be. So the question for the American people comes down to this by where we’ve been. What was do you support unburdened by what has been a president who’s in the fifth stage of seven stages of dementia has been what can be or do you support a vice president to replace be unburdened by what? Who’s an imbecile? A man with dementia has a woman who’s an imbecile unburdened by what has been. That’s the question. Unburdened by what has been. You know what this reminds me of, Mr. Producer? We will have to add it to our Bumblers list unburdened by what has been. Because here is on burden, a group of the Democrat Party elites in and out of the media unburdened, unburdening us from what can be. Go ahead, Mr. Peters. What are they? Can it go to finally the gold strike? The heaven. It calls when If they just came you gave them went the the withdraw bringing us home troops from home and the the the you know. You know. You know. You you you you you meet somebody what is what finally and that of of of of un of about budget but resist we much we must and we will much about that be committed I’m I’m a warrior you know the the that it was it did to detect I mean it that that that they said that look the the lives of Austria was at him. Why I didn’t. If if if we if we you know it you know it we can walk and chew gum that we hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the go, you know, the you know the thing it and I suffer the pressure and impeach for inciting the erection. Donald, John. Donald. John Trump incited the erection. Insurrection. And what am I doing here? I’m going to lose track here and to and confidence in the integrity. Private. Private, economic. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t let me know how much I may do with the deficit this year. Bridges in those bonds that are collapsing. And you know, it is it is. It is. You know, it is not. It is. It is. Happy birthday dear diary. Part of the the the the the the I do some of you to some of the leadership of that. But John John the good times he drowned Jackson you Dr. Drew it was originally angel having they’re all nurses male female God save the queen man. President Trump incited an erection and mess. Women are aware beer brewed here. It is used to make it through beer. It is to find who worth rioters. Thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder. Ryan participated in an erection saying to urged her buddies come on up but calls and the erection issue storm after I sign the pack and pack out like.

Segment 4
Well, I thought we’d go to another Einstein within the Democrat Party. Her name is Debbie Dingell. Berry, aka Debbie Dingell. She was a lobbyist, I believe, for GM in Washington, and she was married to Dingell. And so they the Dingell things, if you ask me, Mr. Producer. And of course, she’s on the Constipated News Network the other day. How did that go? Cut five. Go. I do just want to ask you again if you think President Biden is the strongest person at the top of the ticket to win Michigan in the fall. He’s the candidate right now. And these are do you beat your wife kind of questions? You know, who is this? How do you beat your wife? Kind of questions to ask if Joe Biden’s the strongest candidate. Really? Like are they dumbed down? Wife beating you beat your wife type of questions. That’s a very. How shall I put it? Very uncool. I mean, I want to be unburdened. Buy the past and be unburdened by what was. I want to be unburdened by Dingell and the Dingell barriers and the Dingell things. Here we have AC cup. What’s with all these names, Mister Produce. S.E. Cupp. S.E. Cupp used to be a conservative, used to be actually quite smart, more libertarian than anything else. But then she found her riches at the Constipated News Network. Much like this guy Kinzinger. He’s got that look, doesn’t he? Like a mental patient. So of the eyes cross beady eyes. Great bazaar, dude. He’s all over the place saying, well, at least the Democrat Party is transparent after. A good one. Michael Moore. I didn’t know Michael Moore was still with us. I’ll be perfectly honest with you. That guy could use a. He could drop about £120. No offense. But you know what? I still think he’d be ugly. Ugly as a cactus. But what do I know? What do I know? Just observing things taking place. Quite a crowd over there. On the other side, isn’t America? I understand the Democratic Socialists are not backing AOC anymore. Did you see that, Mr. Producer? Even the Democratic Socialist, a.k.a. Marxists, think she’s as dumb as a doorknob. I know we got stupor by about 20 IQ points where they Kamala stuff. I’ll be right back.