July 11th, 2024

July 11th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is responsible for the predicament the Democrat party is in today. To watch the media feign anger that they were lied to about President Biden is quite an act. The New York Times editorial board issued a long screed about President Trump and how he is unfit to lead; this follows two earlier editorials demanding that Biden give up his campaign for president. This horrible corporation spread Stalin’s lies throughout the world. All but covered up the Holocaust and played a key role in installing Castro in Cuba.  Now, they tell the Democrats how to proceed with Biden and the country that Trump is unfit to lead. Also, Kamala Harris is unfit to be president.  She is the tip of the spear of the Biden coverup. She knows Biden is not fit to be president, yet she defended him. Later, Donald Trump outwitted the Democrat party, the media, and Hollywood in one brilliant move. Trump demanded debates with Biden, Biden’s ego got the better of him and relented, but he set all kinds of conditions he did not think Trump would accept. Trump accepted the conditions in a nano-second, and the stage was then set for the humiliation of Biden. And who can forget all the unsolicited advice Trump received on how to conduct himself during the debate. He needed none of it. He was ready, cool as can be, substantive, and knew exactly what to do in the debate, from the beginning to the end. He knew Biden better than all his advisers and media sycophants combined. Trump outwitted all of them and the Democrat Party, media, and Hollywood are still in chaos. Finally, Sen J.D. Vance calls in and explains the big problem the Democrats have.  He asks, if Biden’s not fit to run for President, how can he be fit to serve another four years? Trump is up for it, Biden is not.

NY Times

Washington Post
Democratic allies plot effort to defend Kamala Harris against Trump attacks

Right Scoop
Kamala has one speech and she just gave it AGAIN in North Carolina

Wall St Journal
Jack Smith Isn’t a Special Counsel ‘by Law’

Leaked Document Shows IRGC Intelligence Chief Planned, Funded Pro-Palestine Protests in US, Europe

Photo by Kent Nishimura

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination that German President Putin has, including a president whose president Zelenskyy. I’m so focused on being Putin. We’ve got to worry about it anyway. You know, that’s just I’m better. You are a hell of a lot better minutes ago. You know, folks, it’s very important now more than ever that you think for yourself that you use your own noggin, your own common sense, your own experience. To sort through all of this. There are a lot of agendas flying around here, none of which are for the country. In about. 20, 25 minutes Eastern time, 6:30 p.m.. Joe Biden will have a press conference. We will take it live. And we’re being told by the media good, bad and indifferent. That this is make or break. Now, first of all, he’s not going to all of a sudden be Albert Einstein. But what do they mean? This is make or break. So if he has a decent press conference, he no longer has dementia. What does this mean? Or if he has a bad press conference that just underscores that he has dementia? And the press, of course, are going to use this as an opportunity, I predict, because it will happen. To try and. Recover. From the destruction they’ve done to themselves. You see, the only people who have a worse poll rating than Biden would be Kamala Harris and the American media. The American people to test the American media, because the American media is like Pravda. It’s like Al Jazeera. To watch Jake TAPPER. To watch the conga line of miscreants and malcontents. The reprobates in the media. The Democrat operatives and the ideologues all of a sudden feign anger that they were lied to. It’s really quite an act. The media, as it turns out, are filled with drama queens. They were looters. They were conspirators. In 2000 when Biden was hiding out in his basement, campaigning from his basement all the way through. The minute before the debate. They are responsible. For the predicament the Democrat Party is in today, not America, the Democrat Party. Now America is in a predicament to the extent that our enemies see that we have a president who has dementia. And so this is provocative. And I worry about the next half year if this man remains in office. But to show you how unserious. The America Pravda, the America Al-Jazeera are there. Show how unserious the Hollywood clown show headed by George Clooney and his ilk. To show you how unserious. The devious, diabolical, evil America hating Democrat Party is. None of them. Our calling. For the 25th Amendment to remove Joe Biden immediately. Because their interests, as I’ve been saying, day in and day out. Her for the Democrat Party, not America. The Democrat Party in their view. Has to reshape America. Has to rejigger America. As to turn America inside out. Only then is America worthwhile. Only then should there be allegiance to America. When a monopoly party, a Democrat party, takes over. Only then. Is that country worth? Defending. The New York Times. It’s quite a remarkable institution. What they’ve gotten away with is a corporation. It is a corporation that has a board of directors. It is a corporation that has executives. It is a corporation that has employees. And rather than making widgets, it produces barely newspapers. It is a bankrupt enterprise that was saved by a billionaire, among others, from Mexico. Just as The Washington Post, as a bankrupt enterprise, say, by a billionaire who founded Amazon. Bezos. It cannot survive on its own as a news operation. But The New York Times has put out two editorials demanding that Joe Biden drop out of the race, not that he drop out of the presidency. No, no, no, no, no. That he drop out of the race. We all saw what happened at the debate. He can’t win. The problem is he can’t govern. We have a politburo, a cabal that’s governing. That is abundantly clear. But no, no, no. We can’t do that. We like his policies. We like the Politburo and the Cabal, whoever they are. The doing a hell of a job. We, the American Marxist movement. The Marxists in the Islamists. The most radical president in American history, whether he knows it or not. That’s good. But we’re afraid he can’t win. So now the New York Slimes realizing. That they have to do more than beat down Joe Biden. Has an enormously long editorial. One, just hold on. Two, three, four, five, six. Printed pages. Size ten font. Donald Trump is unfit to lead. By the editorial board. The editorial board. What is this editorial board? It’s a gaggle of about a dozen, maybe 18. You could look it up on Google. Radical left wing kooks. Who get together and they write their editorials. Extremists. America hating. Marxist, Islamist revolutionary. And so when they say The New York Times has said. You’re talking about a dozen to maybe a score of individuals. They said it. That’s all. What is The New York Times has said? The New York Times has a newspaper or a Web site. Doesn’t say anything. Can’t speak, can’t hear. Doesn’t have a brain. And I notice when they hide behind the editorial board, they don’t list as they should in every instance. The members of the editorial board and their backgrounds. Again, you can Google it. They’re all radical kooks. And the names of the individuals who’ve written this particular editorial because all score of them haven’t written the editorial. A couple of them. And it is a vicious, vile hit job from a newspaper that promoted Stalin. Hitler and Castro. Telling us that Donald Trump is unfit to lead. A newspaper that has promoted Joe Biden. All these years lying to their readership. All these years. Now pretending that they’re righteous. They’ve never been righteous. They can’t be righteous. It is a corrupt corporation. Through and through from one century to the next. They rate her the editorial board as a group of opinion journalists. But what is an opinion? Journalist Mr. Producer? All right. So no such thing as an opinion journalist in the profession. Unfortunately, there is no profession. So they’re all opinion journalists. What does that mean? That means their opinion, their advocacy, their ideology is the news. So they confessed to it right here. A group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by experience, research, debate and certain long standing values. It is separate from the newsroom. Their opinion journalists, how can they be separate from the newsroom that’s filled with journalists so they don’t even know how to write? They’re basically illiterate and they’re moronic. And so the attack. Donald Trump, who next week. Will be nominated as the Republican nominee for president of the United States. And I’m not going to bother reading this to you. Why should I? They’ve written more about Donald Trump in this editorial Listen to me. Than they did about the Holocaust since the 1932 1945. They spent more words, more ink attacking Donald Trump in this one editorial today than they did. In a decade of Nazi control over Germany and the extermination of the European Jews. They’ve spent more time in this editorial words Snake. Trashing Donald Trump. Then they did Joseph Stalin in 1932 when he was slaughtering the Ukrainians. They spent more way to nakedness editorial trashing Donald Trump than they’ve ever spent. Trashing Fidel Castro. And yet. They claim a self-serving mentor. To dictate our politics. To dictate our governance. To tell us who should be the nominee of which party. Who should not be the nominee of which party? Because truth be told, this isn’t a true American First Amendment media organization. This is a marxist, thuggish, fascist like. Propaganda operation. And that’s why the editorial board members hide behind the phrase the editorial board. I’ve got a ton to say. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
We will go to Biden live some years soon as he goes to the podium. So stick with us. So now the Washington compost, not to be outdone by The New York Times, which has a very similar record to The New York Times when it comes to American history and world history in the Holocaust. Michael Scherer. Another hack. Democratic allies Plot Effort to Defend Kamala Harris against Trump attacks. Now Kamala Harris is unfit to be president. She’s unfit to be president for many reasons, on many levels, but certainly as the tip of the spear in the cover up of cover ups, the greatest cover up in political history for years while she met with Joe Biden, had lunch with Joe Biden, I heard one of my colleagues regurgitate what I’ve been saying here. That’s a good thing. Campaigning with Joe Biden. She knew and knows that Joe Biden is not fit to be president of the United States. Yet she has defended him. She’s defended him when asked. She’s defended him voluntarily when not asked. She has lied. She’s looked into the camera. Looked into your eyes. She’s lied. Moreover, we have a Constitution of the United States. Maybe the Washington Post isn’t aware of it. Maybe The New York Times isn’t aware of it. And we have a 25th Amendment to the Constitution. And she is responsible for ensuring that if Joe Biden is not fit to be president due to dementia, that she takes steps under the Constitution that she took an oath to uphold. To bring that to the attention of the United States Congress. She and a majority of the Cabinet. In a letter. To the leadership of Congress. I suppose, to spell out the problems, the frailties, the the issues that now the media wants to believe they’re reporting about as if their newly found information. That’s her job. She has five jobs, five responsibilities. That’s the biggest one. That’s the biggest one. Secession. Succession. And she won’t do it because she’s ambitious, because she knows that if she steps into this. She’ll destroy any chances she has to become president. Maybe it should be a president for a few months, but that’s about it. But look how The Washington Post. Michael Shear Right. The Kamala Harris cavalry is coming. Democratic donors and strategists alarmed by the recent stumbles of President Biden have launched an advertising a public research to create what one group calls a pro kamala surround sound campaign to improve public perceptions of the vice president. Now, I can go on. They’re going to spend millions. To create a fiction. I lie and deceit and fraud. Just as they did with Biden. That Kamala is a leader. She’s a statesman. She’s exactly what we need, that she be the first black woman president. That she’s been absolutely brilliant as vice president. More totalitarian like mind control, thought control, propaganda control. And The Washington Post is celebrating it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
No Biden yet. Maybe it’s on the crapper or something, Mr. Producer. But anyway, as soon as we get him, you’ll get him. I was thinking about something before I came on the program and I posted it. Donald Trump outwitted the Democrat Party, the media and Hollywood in one brilliant move. Kudos to him. Trump demanded debates with Biden. Biden’s ego got the better of him and relented. But he set all kinds of conditions he didn’t think Trump would accept. Trump accepted the conditions in a nanosecond, and the stage was then set for the humiliation of Biden. And who can forget all the unsolicited advice Trump received on how to conduct himself during the debate? He needed none of it. He was ready. Clueless, can be substantive and knew exactly what to do in the debate from beginning to end. He knew Biden better than all his advisers and media sycophants combined. Trump outwitted all of them, and the Democrat Party media and Hollywood are still in chaos. Of course, that’s not to say that they won’t get their legs back, folks, and everything must be done to defeat them and defeat them badly because they are only going to become more desperate, unhinged and extreme. But Trump outsmarted them. He exposed them. He ripped the cover off the cover up. He gets no credit for this. And I was thinking about it. People were even saying, why did he accept the debate? He better do this. He better do that. He better do this. You know, the guy’s always underestimated, if you think about it. So in this Washington compost kiss ass piece for Kamala Harris. They’re working with the way to win group and raising tons of money to remake Kamala Harris into something she is not. They write a memo circulated by way to win calls for an expanded social media influencer and content creator strategy, paid advertising in key states and expanded research. The group released new battleground state polling on Tuesday that argued Harris would get a significant boost from younger voters, voters who don’t like Biden or Trump and independents. So as you can see, Harris is working behind the scenes to deny it. But who cares? We know human nature. We know how these people are. They’re power hungry. They will walk over their grandmother. To get to the next. The next leg in the ladder. The next step. And so they’re already pumping up Kamala Harris. I actually think she’d be quite easy to defeat. But she’s not qualified to be president given her failure. Every minute of every day to actually uphold the Constitution of the United States and the 25th Amendment. All she needs to do is take the editorials from The New York Times, Mr. Produce. But she sees it. The cabinet sees it. They all see it. Here’s Kamala Harris at a rally today. She sounds very. Presidential. Doesn’t she cut to go? They taught us that we could do anything and should never be burdened by the limitations of other people to be able or not be able to see what can be. And this is the community who understands and can see what is possible unburdened by what has been. She’s given this same exact speech without a change in a single syllable for four years. And people really don’t even understand what the hell she’s talking about. It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid speech. She gives it everywhere. It’s the same speech. Should never be burdened by the limitations of other people to be able or not to be able to see what can be. I have no idea what that means. And this is that community must be a minority community who understands and who can see what is possible unburdened by what has been. Here she is again at the rally today. Cut 13 go. And I know many of us have been involved in these elections every four years. And nearly every time we say this is the one, this here is the one. This was the one. The most existential, consequential and important election of our lifetime. Now, we always knew this election would be tough, and the past few days have been a reminder that running for president of the United States is never easy, nor should it be. But one thing we know about our president, Joe Biden, is that he is a fighter. Here they find. And he is the first to say when you get knocked down, you get back up. So we will continue to fight and we will continue to organize and in November, we will win. I. I don’t know who writes this stuff. That’s inspiring. Is that motivating? He’s a fighter. He’ll get up, he’ll get back. And we know one thing about Joe. He’s a fighter. He’s a fighter. Okay. See my point, America. She has a job to do. Under the Constitution of the United States, and she refuses to do it. Look at the. The hypocrisy, the contradictions of the media in the Democrat Party. Trying to determine if Joe Biden should be the nominee because he doesn’t have his wits. Everybody saw it. He had one bad night. We wouldn’t be in this position, would we? He has a bad night. Every night is a bad day Every day. We know it. They know it. He knows it. And the three people most responsible for protecting and defending Biden from We the People. Our three women. The three women of the Apocalypse. Three women. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. These three women are so consumed with their own power, with their own egos. That they will. They will. And if necessary. Continue. To carry listless Joe Biden on their shoulders. For themselves. For their own ambition. For their own power. It’s an amazing thing. And now to hear some of these people in the media. It’s really remarkable. Here’s Jen Psaki. Jen Psaki has been lying to We the People. Since the moment she was a spokesperson for Joe Biden. Let us not forget, she was his first press secretary. Let us not forget she worked in his campaign. Let us not forget, every day she was close to Biden. She heard him. She saw him. She knows and knew better than us. That the man has dementia. And she still went in front of that microphone like the current press secretary, like Kirby, and lie to us day in and day out as she lies on MSNBC, as MSNBC lied to us every damn day. From the morning shows to the nighttime shows, from the weekday shows to the weekend shows. And here’s Jen Psaki. On her podcast, Save America. Good Lord. Save America from her. Cut! 14. Go. Come here. Vice, The vice president recalled Vice president now, because like people like her, she is like, and in my view, an undervalued talent. She’s a very fierce communicator. She’s very strong, especially on one of the core. He’s a very fierce communicator. You just heard her and I could play a thousand clips of her saying the same thing. Or saying the stupidest things or saying things that don’t even make any sense. She’s a fierce communicator, says the propagandist for Biden. The official government Propagandist for Biden, Who lied to you, Who lied to We the people day in and day out. Now she’s going to tell us that Harris is a fierce communicator. An undervalued person. Go ahead. Election may be won or lost on, which is abortion rights. You know, and this is why I think what you did I did a couple of interviews after the debate. People were I was sitting on the set with a bunch of other MSNBC, NBC anchors, and we were like, everyone was like, that was great. It’s like, yeah, yeah, she was. That’s what she’s doing out in the country. And nobody had an abortion around the country. So what she’s doing, what a leader. What does the vice president have to do with abortion? Nothing. Nothing. It’s now a state issue. Well, we want legislation nationally. Well, you can’t it be unconstitutional? Don’t you read the Dobbs decision? It’s up to the States. What about her border responsibility? What has she done? It’s a disaster. She hadn’t done a damn thing. Nothing. But that’s the 25th Amendment. That’s her responsibility. The 25th Amendment. Go ahead. It’s just that’s who she is. But there is a character out there. There is. It’s almost like. We’ll be right back. Now.

Segment 4
You know, it doesn’t help that Joe Biden that he’s 20 minutes late with his press coming. I could give a damn whether he holds on or not or he’s 20 minutes late. Doesn’t change a damn thing. But. But you’re trying to create a perception, right, for the no nothings out there. And so they move his press conference from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern. And now it’s 6:49 p.m. Eastern. He’s 20 minutes late. I have a theory that they’re looking for him. He got lost somewhere around the White House, but nonetheless. It’s bizarre. The whole thing is bizarre. The media are bizarre. The Democrat Party. The Bidens, their bizarre, surreal freak show. Freak show. Maybe he’s going to announce that he’s not running. Mister Producer. Who the hell knows? We’ll be there. Come hell or high water. Come commercial break, Our news break. We will be there. Focus group on The Daily Show yesterday. They thought they would make a funny. By the way, you see Stephen Colbert. What a pathetic chameleon he is. No, he’s making Joe Biden jokes. All these people trying desperately to hold on to some. There’s some aspect of character of class, but they’ve lost it. They can’t. But here they are, focus group A black Americans. They want to see who they’re going to vote for. Are they going to vote for Trump or Biden? Cut 15. Go. So who will you be voting for in 2024? There. Do I have to see his name? One, two. More than likely it’s going to be Trump. Yeah, hopefully. Who are you going to be? Biden. And then later. I’m with her. Oh, Biden. Okay. Trump. Trump. Biden. Biden. Trump. Okay. We’re an even split, which I. Yeah, I didn’t see that coming. So you think there’s going to be a big shift, any sort of change? I think it’s going to be a big shift. Me, too. Yes. Really? Okay. For me, I’ve always been a Democrat and it’s like, what? For the most part with the Democratic Party. They always make a bunch of promises that they can’t live. You know, they use the issues of the African-American community as a soapbox to stand on and make promises, you know, just to get us to come out and vote. And then once we vote and everyone’s in place, it’s like, well, what happened? People are getting smart to what’s going on here. The black community, I hope in the Jewish community and other communities, they play us. They play us. And then you have real elites in the Democrat Party, in the media, in entertainment, including sports. They feel they have to go along as part of the elites. They want to know the big wigs. They want to know the big politicians. They want to know the big donors. It’s incestuous. Who builds one on top of the other? But here’s the dirty little secret. There is a gap. In the black community, the Jewish community, all these communities between the elites and the commoner. And by a commoner, I don’t mean people are comment by a commoner. I mean the vast majority people in these various ethnic groups. And they’re starting to get wise to this in all these ethnic groups, which is. Wait a minute. That guy on TV, that guy on radio, that guy in the Enquirer. He doesn’t represent me. I don’t give a damn what color is going to be the same color as me. He can be the same religion as me. Wait a second. All I know is they they pray to the Democrat Party. All I know is they make promises all the time. All I know is we vote for them. We. We donate to them. We get the same crap every single time. Fact it’s worse now as they expand their power, centralize power in Washington, open the border to foreigners, illegal aliens from all over the world. They give them our tax dollars. They get our jobs. We can’t get health care. Our system is overrun. And they say, vote for me. Vote for me. The other guy’s a monster. Vote for me. Well, you know what? We’re getting smart to this. Maybe that’s what’s going on. I want to say one other thing. I am concerned as I watch our friends in the media listen to some of them. We’re getting a little too cocky out there. This is a rare moment in political history where it’s taking place. I’ll give you that. The Democrats are on their heels. The media are on their heels. Really never happens. But they’re not going away. This is an evil, vile ideology. They will devour. They will crush, they will steamroll whatever gets in their way. They’re going to be back. It could be a few weeks. It could be a month. They’re going to be back. They’re going to be hellish. They’re going to be vile. They’re going to be desperate. And they’ll be back stronger than ever. Which is why we must not stand on our heels. We must not, as they say, lay on our laurels here. I’ll be right back.