July 9th, 2024

July 9th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there was a time when Democrats thought the physical and mental health of a president was of national security importance. There hasn’t been a single discussion with any cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment for President Biden. Kamala Harris and the cabinet have no intention of following the Constitution. Where is the NY Times piece asking why Harris won’t trigger the 25th Amendment? Americans were on the edge of their seats today – will Biden give a decent speech in front of NATO? Is this what it has come to, if he can give a decent speech? We’ve had a complete cover-up of Biden’s mental decline and it’s still going on. The media are going through the drama trying to persuade you that they were lied to about Biden, but they were part of the propaganda operation. Rep Ronny Jackson calls in to explain the coverup of Biden’s dementia. The best case for Trump is to keep Biden in the race but can America afford to keep Biden in office till January? Later, in the last 9 months or so we’ve seen Islamists in the streets, we’ve seen violent attacks on Jews, and we’ve seen synagogues ransacked. Despite all that Kamala Harris praises these Hamas protesters. Finally, Jonathan Turley calls in to discuss his new book – The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.

In 2017 Jamie Raskin claimed that Trump was mentally unfit for office. He proposed setting up a permanent office to evaluate the mental and physical health of all Presidents.

The Blaze
10% of illegal aliens admit they’re registered to vote: Heritage Foundation survey

The Blaze
Biden comes out against voter ID bill that prevents illegal immigrants from voting

Yahoo News
4 factors that will determine whether Biden drops out of the 2024 race

Israel National News
Kamala Harris: Anti-Israel protesters ‘show exactly what human emotion should be’

The Atlantic
The Problem With Coronating Kamala Harris


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America.  Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. There was a time, America. When the Democrats thought physical and mental health of a president. We’re of national security importance. Jamie, the Marxist Raskin used to think that. In fact, he said it in 2017. As he was trying to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. For example, cut 1, Mr. Producer, go and set up a permanent body, not just for this presidency, but for all presidencies to come to physical health of the president in the mental health of the president is something of fundamental importance to the national security of the country and the continuing effectiveness of the government. So I think that, you know, some of the current events have concentrated our mind on the problem, but we need to set this up as a matter of institutional responsibility as Congress. Oh, really? This guy is such a sleazeball. That’s right. You’re a sleazeball. And I want to give a hat tip to Representative Mike Lawler. Janet Yellen was at a hearing today, the so-called secretary of the treasury, and he is the first one, at least publicly, as far as I know, to ask the critical question. Cut one. Go. Madam Secretary, have there been any discussions among cabinet secretaries about invoking the 25th Amendment? No. No. Now, I’m going to continue to push this issue, ladies and gentlemen. Because this is an issue that deserves attention. Serious attention. And this is not good enough. So there hasn’t been a single discussion among Cabinet members and, of course, Kamala Harris. As the theory of the absurd. With a president whose dementia ridden. And we keep following the Democrats. Who’s for? Who’s against? Who’s against? Who’s for? Seriously. And so is this going to be the discussion for the rest of the time now? Until the Democrats decide. Well. One would hope not, but I think at least for a while. But the Democrats want to make sure no matter what, no matter who they run, that they will win. From the blaze. 10% of illegal aliens admit they’re registered to vote. Heritage Foundation Survey. Candace Hathaway. Investigation Uncovers Threat to Election Integrity. A survey conducted by the Heritage Foundation’s oversight project found that 10% of illegal aliens and non-citizens stated that they’re registered to vote in the upcoming election. They said they are. And of course, they’re provided with every opportunity, aren’t they? In a video posted to Ex on July 4th, Mike how the Oversight Project’s executive director stated. My fellow Americans, today we’re calling on all of you to declare independence from foreigners deciding our elections. The evidence you’re about to see relates to illegal aliens being registered to vote. This is a problem I have at national and scale. The United States of America is for Americans, and our elections are only should be decided by Americans. Muckraker dot com reported that it interviewed dozens of individuals residing at a Charlotte, North Carolina apartment complex primarily occupied by illegal aliens. A hidden camera captured several interviews with residents who claim to be non-citizens but who registered to vote. We come with a group, an organization that is trying to help register Hispanic people to vote, because in a few months we will be voting for governor or president, the interviewees told them. Anthony Rubin, the founder of Muckraker, explained We visited the apartment complex to ask residents do question Are you registered to vote and are you a citizen? Shockingly. Four of the 41 people we asked confirmed that they were noncitizen and registered to vote. If this proportion holds true nationwide, the integrity of the 2024 election is in jeopardy. And then you’re asked if you go to court, can you prove it? Can you prove what? We don’t have the names of these tens of thousands of people. The locations we don’t we don’t have access to the kind of information you need to provide for evidence in a court. This is a whole scam. It’s a sham. The whole thing’s a setup. During an interview on Real America’s Voice, the War Room House stated The borders have been wide open. We’ve been told by the left and the mainstream media that poses no threat to the integrity of our election system. We’ve been told that it’s a conspiracy theory. And he noted in a report containing the survey’s findings that it was sent to states, governors and attorneys general. And I’m sure most of them did absolutely nothing with it. Absolutely nothing. So this is. Ongoing. It is ubiquitous, and this is why I also reported in The Blaze. Holy Cross has. Biden comes out against voter ID bill that prevents illegal immigrants from voting. Now you got to blow off the media and these phony judges and former attorneys general. I don’t see any. I don’t see any fraud here. I’m not aware of any fraud in particular. I told them, if you have it, bring it to me. Okay. Biden, White House further blame Republicans for the border crisis. Here we are talking about voter ID laws. The Biden regime officially came out to say officials do not support House Republicans proposal to have a voter ID law for elections to prevent illegal immigrants from voting. As the border crisis has gone on for the entirety of Biden’s presidency. Introduced by Congressman Chip Roy, the Safeguard America Voter Eligibility Act, or the SAFE Act, would require states to obtain proof of citizenship in person when registering an individual to vote and requires states to remove anyone who is in the country illegally from existing voter rolls. Wow. That’s controversial. So why would the Democrat Party, every single member, oppose it in the House and Senate and their nitwit president? So that he would, in fact, veto it. There’s no legitimate objection unless your goal here and it’s not legitimate is in fact, to enshrine illegality and fraud and make it impossible to prove a negative in a court of law. Radical progressive Democrats are using open border policies while also attacking election integrity laws to fundamentally remake America. That’s why I’m proud to introduce the SAVE Act with Speaker Johnson and my Republican colleagues, along with the invaluable support of citizens and organizations that recognize we must end the practice of non-citizens voting in our country. Now, the Biden regime said the bill is not needed since there’s already a law on the books disallowing non-citizens to vote and that requiring voter ID will hinder Americans from voting. And then the statement goes on to blame the House Republicans for not voting for the Senate bill and the usual crap. There is no federal law that requires voter ID at the point of voting. None. This has been a slow process now where they have actually completed the race across the finish line that started under Bill Clinton with voter motor. Or motor voter, I guess they call it. Easy registration at your local DMVs and so forth. Even back then, I and a handful of others said this is a disaster. Because the Democrats never stop. Give me a little crack in the door and they kick it wide open. They kick it wide open. Everybody was sitting on the edge of their chairs just about 30 minutes ago. Will Joe Biden be able to give a decent speech in front of Neda? Is this what it’s come to? If he can give a speech. One decent speech had a ten. Then he’s presidential material. Is this what it’s come to? We’ve had a complete cover up here. And it’s still you can see its remnants. Or its entrails. It’s still going on. It’s still going on. And as I explained last night, the media trying to decide whether to push him out or get behind him. And the media are split and the Democrats are split. Because the issues power. I see some of our friends have now mentioned it on TV and on radio and even in their social media. It’s a good thing they listen. But it’s the truth. And we also know the country hasn’t been run by this president, has been run by some kind of a cabal. And we further know that Kamala Harris and the cabinet. You don’t intention of following the Constitution and the 25th Amendment? I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Well, America. Yahoo! News tells us there’s four factors that will determine whether Biden drops out of the 2024 race. Four factors rating. That would be Andrew Romano. They’re pretty good. The polls. The polls. And there are headlines today that Kamala Harris is leading Trump in the polls, 1%. And, of course. The public actually knew more about Kamala Harris. She’d go the way of Joe Biden in terms of the polls. Donors. Whether the donors will step up, that will help determine whether or not Joe Biden. We’ll stay in or not. That’s to elected Democrats, their influence. Their influence. And then their fourth is public appearances, how well he appears in public. So a public appearances. We have elected Democrats, we have donors, and we have polls. So what are they missing? Whether it’s good for the country. Somehow we have an entire article. And what to look for. To determine whether Joe Biden will stay or go and not once. Not once. Is there. The question of what’s best for the nation. We’re a big country with a lot of people. Some good, some bad, some saintly, almost some evil. But this is the best the Democrat Party could do, America. And this is what you need to understand. And of all the potential candidates. Throughout the States. There are Congress. All the potential candidates. Regardless of their walks of life. Walk of life. They chose Joe Biden. And the people who run the Democrat Party. Knew full well that he had dementia. The media now is going through a fan dance, a drama to try and persuade you that they’re very upset that they were lied to, that they weren’t lied to, they lied to you. They were part of the propaganda operation. The New York Times has a second editorial out now insisting that Joe Biden step aside. Second editorial. All the reporters like cockroaches in Washington, D.C.. Like mosquitoes in New York. All their resources, all their contacts in the White House and the Democrat Party, 98% of it focused on trying to destroy Donald Trump. But yet. It took the debate for them to realize that Joe Biden wasn’t cutting it. You knew it. I knew it. People who have nothing to do with politics or the media. Knew it. They heard it. They saw it. But somehow the big media. Kept trucking along. The big media, when Joe Biden pushed Robert Kennedy out of the Democrat Party, celebrated it. The big media. When Joe Biden moved New Hampshire from the first Democrat primary and it stalled South Carolina, where his man, Clyburn, could help him. Everyone saw it. They celebrated it. The big media. They saw the same speeches we saw. They saw the same physical frailties that we saw. A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the media. Was honest. A couple reporters from the Wall Street Journal. I can’t even think of any others. Now the media are leading the way even more than the Democrat operatives in Washington, even more than the Democrat members of the House and the Senate in Washington. The media are leading the way that this guy has to go. They say media that got him the nomination. The same media that lied throughout the Democrat primaries, lied to people voting in the Democrat primaries. Lied to the American people. Biden’s got to go. What’s their motivation? To stop Trump. Biden’s got to go. They don’t do this out of earnestness, altruism. Sincerity. They do it for the same reason. Other politicians, whether they be dressed up as journalists or not, are doing it. Power, influence, control. I heard some hosts the other day say, Mr. Producer, they call the media the state run media. I wrote a whole damn book on that. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You know, America, the last nine months or so we’ve seen. The Marxists and the Islamists in our streets. We’ve seen the violent attacks on Jews. We’ve seen Jews running for their lives, holed up in cafeterias and libraries, beaten in the street. We’ve seen synagogues ransacked. We have crystal mikes going on all over the country. And, of course, these imams from sea to shining sea are encouraging it. Later in the program, we now know that Iran is helping to fund it. Not just Hamas. Iran. But despite all this. Kamala Harris gave an interview with The Nation. The Nation is a long time. Red operation. In my view, they used to defend the old Soviet Union and attack Reagan. They are on the wrong side of the Cold War. And I didn’t get this from any of our cable networks. I didn’t get it from any of the network networks. I didn’t get it from any major newspaper. I got it from the Israel National News. About our vice president. All the talk going on now, all the chitchat. About Kamala Harris, the second in line. US Vice President gives interview in which she praises the anti-Israel protesters say they created an anti-Semitic climate in America. US Vice President Kamala Harris praised the anti-Israel protesters who demonstrated across the United States against Israel in support of the Hamas terrorist organization since the Hamas massacre of October seven. While stopping short of fully endorsing the radical agenda in an interview with The Nation that was published today. So it’s published. And the media still ignored. Harris said that the protesters, quote, are showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a response to Gaza. I’m quoting. There are things. Some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject. So I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points, but we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it. anti-Israel protests are frequently devolved into antisemitism and violence, with calls for the eradication of the state of Israel and Jews. Protesters have arash Jews and targeted Jewish institutions such as synagogues. anti-American sentiments have also been expressed at these protests, including the burning of American flags by anti-Israel protesters on July 4th in New York City. Addressing the war between Israel and Hamas and the humanitarian situation in the Gaza, Harris said. Listen, I strongly believe that our ability to evaluate this situation is connected to understanding the details of the situation. Not speaking of myself versus the president. Not at all. From the beginning, I asked questions. Okay. The trucks are taking flour into Gaza. But here’s the thing, Joan. I like to cook. So I said to my friend, my team, you can’t make s with flour if you don’t have clean water. So what’s going on with that? I ask questions like, what are people actually eating right now? I’m hearing stories about the meeting animal feed, grass. So that’s how I think about it. That’s how she thinks about it. Throwing around blood libels against the Jews. That’s how she thinks about it. She is no better than the rest of the anti-Semites in this administration, in the Democrat Party over the Atlantic, a left wing magazine. We have an individual. Jerusalem. Damascus. If that is his or her name. President Joe Biden’s insisting that his re-election campaign will go on for it does. Kamala Harris is the most likely alternate Democratic nominee that the vice president should be. Next in line is nearly an article of faith for many in the party. Clyburn told MSNBC’s Mitchell Andrea mitchell last week that his party should not in any way do anything to work around her. We should do everything we can to bolster, whether she’s in second place or at the top of the ticket. And he’s not the only one. Even former President Donald Trump’s campaign has begun attacking the vice president in anticipation of her ascendancy. God knows I have. Because that’s what the Democrat Party wants to do. But the writer goes on to say the number two spot has never been a guarantee, a promotion to the top spot. Only six vice presidents have been elevated to the presidency via an election. 12 have run and lost. Five even failed to get their party’s endorsement. Yes, but she’s the first woman we are allowed to say woman in her context, believe it or not. And she’d be the first black woman president. So none of that matters. Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? Not to understand. I must reduce or given my lack of a computer and printer functioning properly. Oh, by the way, on the website. We had a massive cyber attack targeting the Markel Event Show website. Correct, Mr. Brewster. It was massive. Now it’s back up and running as of right now. It definitely took us down. And this couldn’t come from some jerk in a basement, I don’t believe. Do you, Mr. Producer? And neither do our tech people. So we make so many friends, you know, in North Korea, in Iran, in Russia, in China. In Cuba, Venezuela. All throughout the lovely paradise that is the Middle East. So who the hell knows? But we got hammered in a cyber attack, a massive. What do they call it? They call it a malicious they call it a malicious cyber attack. And our people have been working very hard and we’re back up right now. Just so you know. Yes, we were targeted. Yes. We don’t like it. Yes, I’d love to know who did it. For a lot of reasons. For a lot of reasons. So Kamala Harris doesn’t have a free pass. I shouldn’t. In for the biggest reason is what I’ve stated. She’s been the leading pom pom liar for Joe Biden. Through thick and thin. And only she, with the cabinet, can enforce the 25th Amendment. They’re not even talking about it. You heard what Yellen said to Congressman Lawler. No, he discussing it now. Why aren’t they? And so I posed this to The New York Times editorial page. Why aren’t you? Where’s your editorial? In the 25th Amendment. You’ve written editorials, too, now, and you’ve unleashed your columnists and your dues page. Same thing to go after Biden and I have a problem with that. I have a problem with your timing and the problem with your integrity, of which there’s none. But if you believe what you’re writing, if you believe what you’re promoting, if you believe what you’re celebrating, then why aren’t you writing an editorial that Kamala Harris and the cabinet need the trigger, the 25th Amendment? This is incomprehensible, ladies and gentlemen. They’re saying the man can’t run. He can’t win because he’s certifiable, imbecile, effectively. So much so that the Democrat Party must hit the brakes hard right now. Throw him out the back seat. At the back door and replace him. But the next day, anti-Semite. Kamala Harris. Oh, she’s married to a Jew. Oh, like that makes a difference. Put her in. Incompetent. Buffoonish. Doesn’t matter. Put her in. And so they promote her. They attack Biden. And yet she’s the one that can do something about Biden right now. But they don’t want to do it. Why? The reason I have told you over and over again, this is power. That’s all it is. I’ve said it so often, I’ve written about it so often. You can now hear it all over cable TV. That’s it. It’s that simple. And so here’s The New York Times. Every day that goes by. There’s no peace. On why she won’t trigger the 25th Amendment. Devin interviewed her and asked her that David interviewed a Cabinet secretary and asked him about it. Why? Because they don’t think Joe Biden can win. They don’t have a problem with him sitting there. Until. January 20. Noon in one second. They don’t have a problem with that. They’re concerned that he can’t win. That’s their problem. And so when you read what they write, as I have. And you follow their logic, which doesn’t exist. And you look at how they’re now jumping up and down, which they didn’t before. Well. You have to ask yourself why. You know, people have said that they think Biden will be removed. They’ve said Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama was never going to run. Only people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. She doesn’t like politics. She’s treated like a queen right now. She can do no wrong. She’s got broad support. Why would she put her toe in the swamp? She’s not going to. Hillary Clinton is a swamp creature. She’d be more than happy to do whatever she could to assume the mantle. And Kamala Harris. One of the most dimwitted vice presidents in American history. She loved to do it, too, but she can’t seem too aggressive about it. So let me tell you this, America, what you’re witnessing right now, I don’t know how this will end. Who the hell does anybody says they do? They’re lying to you. But if you notice, Mr. Producer, how slowly starting to turn around. Have you folks noticed how the the rebels in the party. I’m not picking up too many more rebels in the party. Have you noticed that? But this we have six or is it nine members of the House who’ve called for Joe Biden? To step aside. Six or nine members. That doesn’t even make a baseball team. Low, let alone a juggernaut. So this thing is slowly, slowly. Unwinding. That is the pressure. I’m just telling you what I see today. It could change. I’m telling you what I see now. That doesn’t mean everybody’s going to bet their political careers on it. It doesn’t mean everybody. Is going to join the. The team of the the dementia team. In fact if they do turn it around. And Biden. His nominated. They will celebrate him. They will promote him. They’ll act as if nothing ever happened. But they will allow. The Democrats have tough races in Ohio, in Montana and elsewhere. To run from Biden. Just as the communist Chinese will tolerate some bad mouthing from politicians that they bought and paid for. And so now the cover up. And the cover up is taking place. The cover up of the cover up. Now all of us are supposed to dumb down our standards. What did you see? The speech he gave with the NAITO saying? I mean, that was a hell of a speech there. Oh, okay. Look at all the fantastic things she’s accomplished. I notice they’re moving in that direction now. And then, of course, the third thing they do is just keep attacking, attacking and attacking. Again. I don’t know what’ll happen. Nobody does. But I’m telling you, as of today, when I’m witnessing. And what is seeing sort of a slow burn out. Of this revolt. Now maybe it’s just a one day event. 36 hour event. Maybe it’ll change. I don’t know. One of the problems they have is they don’t have anybody to rally around Mama Kamala Harris. But Kamala Harris is playing very coy. Kamala Harris is playing this for the long game. To step in now on the 25th Amendment, which he’s supposed to do. Would be political suicide for her within the Democrat Party. See, none of them want Biden to actually resign. They just want him to step aside in the election. They want him to hang on to the end, but to have a new candidate for president. That’s what they want. So right now you’re starting to see. Look, I’ve got a good site into this. You’re starting to see a little bit of wavering going on. Like, Oh, uh, you know, I don’t mind being part of the pack, but the Packers and exactly that big, you know, the mob. The mob is it’s got to be bigger than nine people. Whether they’re waving around The New York Times or not. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
We’ve only begun to fight here in America. Well, well, look at all the chaos in the Democrat Party. The problem is they run the executive branch and they’re lawless in every respect. When you step back and you look at what’s going on. The entire narrative for this country. Going back decades. Is the narrative of the Democrat Party. It’s not the narrative of the American people. The media. We receive, the entertainment. We receive the laws that are imposed upon us by this massive bureaucracy. The nature of our politics, the undermining of our voting system. The Democrat Party seeks to replace the country. As I’ve said over and over and over and over again, and the backbenchers will catch on at some point and you can see it all around you, can you not? I’ll be right back.