July 2nd, 2024

July 2nd, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump’s criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned — from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. Also, If Biden drops out (doubt it, but who knows) go for it, Kamala Harris. Kamala is reportedly upset that she’s being overlooked in all the gossip because she is a black woman. You tell them, Kamala!  Is the Democrat Party racist and misogynist? Is it truly committed to DEI or will it now resort to a different standard? We shall see! After all, she is so accomplished, such a leader. Just ask Willie Brown.  Afterward, the Democrats and their media claim they are the Constitution originalists! For years the Democrats and their media have told us that the Constitution is old, it is a document drafted and adopted by white slaveholders, it is an obstacle to civil rights and progress, etc.  The Framers have been condemned, their names removed from buildings, their monuments destroyed, etc. Yet, today, right now, the same Democrats and media are claiming that our precious Constitution is being destroyed by Supreme Court justices who believe in and practice constitutional originalism! That’s right! Those who hate the Constitution and its authors insist that they are the true believers and adherents to the original principles, values, and words on which our country — which they said was hopelessly racist and unequal (CRT, DEI. ESG, 1619, etc.) — established. Later, Rep. Lloyd Doggett is the first Democrat to publicly call for President Biden to step down as the party’s nominee. This guy is a hardcore leftist and senior party man. He would not have written this letter without the consent if not urging of House leadership. Finally, after 23 years Mark and Westwood One have extended their contract for multiple years. Mark said “I understand my obligation is to serve the millions of patriotic Americans in the audience. I am blessed to do what I do, and I am committed every day to providing detailed analyses of current events along with historic context, commentary, and my in-depth perspectives to deliver the very best broadcasting I am able to share with our many listeners.”

Globe News Wire
Mark Levin Extends Contract With Westwood One

Rep. Lloyd Doggett is the first Democrat to publicly call for Biden to step down as party’s nominee

Gateway Pundit
CNN Data Analyst Loses His Mind Over Post-Debate Polls for Biden: ‘Never Seen Numbers This Bad for an Incumbent President’ (VIDEO)

George Stephanopoulos Lands First TV Interview with Biden Post-Debate

Red State
Justice Thomas Uses Presidential Immunity Case to Question the Legality of the Whole Trump Prosecution

Red State
BBC Presenter’s Despicable Tweet: ‘If I Was Biden I’d Hurry Up and Have Trump Murdered’

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I’ve been chomping at the bit to get on the radio today. First of all. Good news, I think, for most. Right. Not the Levin haters, of course. Cumulus, Westwood One and I have signed an extension to my contract, which will go on several more years. So I want to thank you and the audience. That’s thanks to you, our loyal affiliates. I want to thank them. We will be here. We have new and exciting things we’re doing with our platforms. We are growing the podcast as well. And we’re using every new technology cutting edge processes that we can to reach as many of you as possible. This is both a national and international program, but also a local, state and regional program. We cover everything. We cover the field. And honestly, we’ve seen it all. At least we think so. And then the next week we see things that we. Shake our head about. And I want to thank again, all of you, my loyal listeners, for over two decades. We started on a station called ABC when it was owned by the ABC Radio Networks. And we we expanded from there a Sunday show. From noon to two. A fantastic program Director Phil Boyce submerged. This guy’s got talent. And offered us me. TV 12 to noon, but management wouldn’t pay for it. I said, That’s fine. Sunday noon to two. He said, Yeah, it’s a tough slot. It doesn’t do great. I mean. It’s noon to two. You’re up against football. You’re up against. I said, I don’t care. I want to learn how to do this. Something I wanted to do since I was a teenager. So I did it. And the response in New York was enormous. And so. They asked if I would. Well, that’s not what. After 14 months, I decided to hang it up. I said, okay, that’s great. And they said, No, don’t do that. We’ve been trying like hell to fill this slot. At 6 p.m.. And they tried everything. They tried. Two hosts at a time. They tried a main host with sort of a guest host. They tried. One. Host. Female host. Younger. Host. Democrat. Hostess. And they said, we want. We want you. Said, okay. So from one hour I said 6 to 7. And they said, well, one hour really isn’t enough. How about 2 hours? Then. Okay, I’ll do 2 hours. Then they said, Look, the station across the street ward, they’ve got a host. They’re very strong, good host. He’s not going 3 hours. We need you to go 3 hours against this. This individual. And so I effectively changed my career. Not completely. I’ve always had an interest in the law. And so. It was 3 hours. We defeated WJR, the wonderful station. A historic station. A station I often listen to as a as a young man. And. I have friends over there, obviously. I have friends in iHeartRadio, but we continue to crush w0r from 6 to 9 p.m. Eastern time. On ABC. All hours. All demos. So the head of the ABC News Radio Network was a very good man. His name was Mitch Doblin. He got together with four boys. And they decided they wanted to syndicate the show. But they didn’t tell me. So. There was a host as I understand it, in Dallas on WBAP. Who they were removing. I had no idea. They just said the individual was ill or was absent or on vacation. What? I mind if they broadcast my program in Dallas for two or three days? You? I. Go ahead. What do I care? They decided they wanted to keep the show. Then it was Milwaukee Wisconsin with the fantastic cherry. But there. And I heart station. They said we’d like to take Levin. So that is the the longest the oldest affiliate I’ve had outside the owned and operated. Old ABC stations. And so it spread like that from there. And now we’re in every top ten market in the nation, 21 out of the top 25 markets. Over 400 stations. I know there are people in six, 700 stations, but there are stations that are stations in name only, and they don’t have a signal. I don’t I don’t we don’t focus on that. We had requests from satellite radio when it came into being. Some host decided, no, we want to keep pumping up our our ratings on it. Terrestrial radio and space. We now have additional platforms. I said, Let’s bring it on. Every platform imaginable. Why not? Don’t fight technology. We can do great on terrestrial and great on satellite. And we do. Because, you know, it kind of divides up the audience, but. You’ve got to have one foot. In the in the basics. One foot. In the. But I call the mothership, which is terrestrial radio. But you can’t pretend there’s not satellite radio. And then, of course, there’s podcasting. And we do that, too. This program right now is run simultaneously on podcasts. It’s often in the top 20. It’s basically the same show as I do on radio. And so you have to be able to navigate these things. And even local stations now are trying to podcast every. Syndicated show, tries to podcast and so forth. I just do my show. We have a YouTube channel. As well. And of course, with the mothership, the website which used to work. I don’t know if it’s still up today or not. Mr. Producer, we’re back and running. Well, that only took four days, but there it is. The the mothership is up and running. And I don’t have a phalanx of staff here. It’s me, Mr. Producer, who’s not just my executive producer, Rich Samantha. He’s the engineer, and he is fantastic. There’s nobody better. My affiliate relations man there in Milito has been my affiliate relations man since day one. Our wonderful call screener. Stephen, I haven’t had more than two, four or five call screeners. Uh. And we have one great call, screener screener Richie Valdez, who’s gone on to be a broadcaster. We’ve had substitutes on the program. Fantastic people. Ben SHAPIRO, Dan Bongino. Others. Our buddy Michael in Houston. Even now, Rich the only. We have our man, Larry O’Connor. We have Ferguson, who’s fantastic, Mudd, also fantastic. I believe in helping to develop a farm team. Now that it’s not me developing them, it’s them having an opportunity to have a platform. I’m very proud of that. Because I’m not going to be here forever. God knows I could drop dead behind this microphone. We’ve had tremendous stability in our affiliates. Tremendous. In every major market in America. Tremendous affiliates we’ve had. Stability. We’ve had program directors, general managers who’ve understood radio and the markets. And we’ve had small ownership, large ownership, corporate ownership, the whole deal. So. I’m very proud of you, because wherever we go, you seem to follow us. It’s a very vigorous audience. You are an audience that wants to know, learn to believe in our country. This is why I call this program Radio Free America. This is why I call this format hours. Our national town hall meeting right here every weeknight. Five days a week, 3 hours a day. And it’s because of you. And I want to thank you. And we do things behind the scenes that I can’t really get into. To try and help individuals from time to time to try and help charities from time to time, that sort of thing. I don’t want to get into it because. Just because. But. I’m very blessed. Really? Now, to be honest with you. I’ve agreed to this extension and very proud. But the relationship, the Cumulus Westwood One and I have. I’m very proud of the relationship I had with Citadel, which they acquired. I’m very proud of the relationship I had with ABC Radio Networks. Which was acquired by Citadel. And I would say 99% of the time, this one or two examples I’ve had to deal with. They say, market your program, do what you need to do, Do what you want to do. It’s your audience. And I will always remember what Rush Limbaugh told me. Always. You’re on the air because of your audience. The loyalty of your audience. Some hosts have huge audience. Some have smaller audience. But as long as your audience knows and you demonstrated every day. You come to the microphone working hard. You come to the microphone with something to offer. You come to the microphone with substance. Your own personality. And that you respect them and you respect their intelligence. They will listen to you. There will be loyal to you because you’re listening to them and you’re loyal to them. There’s some people in the radio business that will never understand that. The vast majority do. There is no secret in the fact you can read it in trades. I don’t read a lot of trades, but you can read it in other media business pages. You know, cable subscriptions are shrinking. And so you see more and more cable company even see FOX. Pressing hard on digital. Pressing hard. On Fox Nation. I’m part of Blaze. Which Conservative Review TV acquired and we combined. It’s very, very important. It’s growing massively. Digital is growing massively. Podcasting is growing massively. Because there’s a level of freedom involved in that. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. But in the end, I decided this. I will keep doing what I’m doing. We will expand in areas. We have some very exciting projects underway. Westwood One and I. We will continue to reach as many people as we can. With the best broadcasting available. Radio. Podcasting, However you received. And there’s really no reason to pick one or the other, is there? And so I’m just very excited. We’re excited that this was done. Now very excited. We’re going to be together for many more years. Now I’ll get to the substance and there’s a lot. As soon as I get back, we’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Well, you only have a minute. So let me start this way with something I wanted to leave for later, because it’s not ultra important, but it is interesting. Just shows you the way I think. You have this guy, Lloyd Doggett. Lloyd Doggett has been around a long time. He’s a left wing, hard core senior Democrat, member of the House from Austin, Texas. He puts out a letter today. And the bottom line is he’s encouraging Joe Biden to step aside. And the media reporting this. This is the first break. Lloyd Doggett as a party man. Is a man of the Cabal or the House of Representatives on the Democrat side. There’s no way in hell Lloyd Doggett would have issued that letter. Without getting the consent of Hakeem Jeffries. Any other leadership? Reprobate members in the Democrat Party. See what I’m saying? Lloyd Doggett is the canary in the cave. He’s not one guy going out there on his own and cutting off his own ledge. That’s not what happened. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
All right. Let me answer these questions and then we will move on. The greatest influences on me in radio. When I was a kid. Bob Grant. Who was obviously bouncing between ABC in Omaha, in New York and Dominique Cohen in Philadelphia. Huge fan. And Bob Grant and I became very, very good friends. As I as I got older, I remember calling into this program when I was like 15, 16 or something from Philadelphia. He was in Philadelphia, while, you know, they banned him in New York and he got back and all sorts of stuff. And you really weren’t nervous when you called it a pop program. And there were others. And as I got older. I heard a guy by the name of Rush Limbaugh. And we became very, very, very close friends like brothers. And after I got to know Rush a little while, I met Sean HANNITY. Actually, I’ve been on CNN on CROSSFIRE. Debating. I forget who I was. No, Carville. Carville actually whipped him pretty good. And Sean had seen it. And he asked me to come on HANNITY and Combs in. From there took off. And we’re very, very close friends like brothers as well. So anyway, that’s the long and the short of it. And, you know, I. People in my more recent history. Bart Tesla. Mike McVay. We have our dear friend, Theresa Gage. We have Suzanne Grimes, the former president of Westwood. The new president of Westwood is a terrific guy, Cohen. But, you know, I’m not this isn’t like a lifetime achievement award. So I just want to thank everybody and period and anybody’s name I left out. It’s certainly by accident. I want to get into some of this here. The propaganda, the rhetoric from the media and the Democrats. I said this over the weekend. I want to emphasize this again. If the corporate media do not get their act together and broom some of these nuts. Off a TV and off of radio. The country is going to continue to be at knife edge. You cannot listen to Rachel MADDOW and Joy Reid. You cannot listen. To these absolute fools. Going on about how now Trump can kill people and honor first of all, they’re such pathetic liars. Secondly, they’re so stupid. These are not rational human beings. They are ideologues. They are haters. They are racists. And so now they want you to believe. But the six justices on the Supreme Court in the immunity case. We’re all suck ups to Donald Trump. They just want to deliver for Donald Trump. That’s all. I posed, the Chief Justice, John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision is no fan of President Trump. In fact, I understand he doesn’t like him in the least. Indeed, you may recall, he publicly criticized President Trump some years ago for Trump’s criticism of Democrat appointed jurists. So the idea that Roberts, who I understand is good friends with Thomas Friedman and their wives with each other. Then he bent over backwards to deliver President Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of political opponents is so disgustingly insane on every level. Its demagogues must be openly condemned. From Sotomayor and her hysterically low IQ. Outrageous. The Senate to Joe Biden. From MSNBC to CNN and the rest of the mouthpieces of the American Marxism movement. Now. While on the one hand they’re saying. That now Donald Trump can do whatever he wants. On the other hand, they’re urging smack Jack Smith to go ahead. With his case on January six and giving him reasons how he can and why he can. So which is it? And the Supreme Court, they say that’s given all this power to the presidency, is the same Supreme Court that has just limited the power of the president to issue executive orders as if he’s the legislature. It’s the same Supreme Court that has brought back judicial review to the bureaucracy. So this Supreme Court is going to now rule that a president has the power to order the assassination of somebody. Now, let’s be specific. They said a political rival. Here’s the power to order SEAL Team six to assassinate a political rival. That’s what Sotomayor wrote, among other spectacular idiocies. Now. You don’t have to be a lawyer. You don’t have to be a Supreme Court justice. But whatever you do, don’t be an MSNBC, CNN. Our Democrat Party media mouthpieces. There is common sense. Is it part of a president’s constitutional official duties to order the assassination of a political rival must reduce. Know there is no. So what are they talking about? They seriously are demented. They seriously are sick. They can’t tell the truth from a lie anymore. But all they know is they seek power. They are propagandists. They’re the kind of propagandists that you will find in any autocratic society. They are propagandists. Not just for the state, but a police state that they claim they oppose. That they claim they oppose. Rachel MADDOW has to be one of the dumbest human beings on the earth, yet they proper up like she’s some kind of smart ass. She’s not. She was wrong about Russia collusion. She’s a demagogue. Joy Reid is a bigot. She’s been a bigot a long time with her homophobic comments. Well, they’re anti-Semitic comments even with her racist comments against fellow blacks. It’s all there. It was all there on the Internet. She denied it. She lied. She said, somebody put it there. But nobody could find that somebody. So what do they do over at MSNBC that’s owned by Comcast? They give her a primetime slot. But that’s who she is. She’s a liar. Look at the view. What is it that you hear or learn from these clowns on The View? They’re all failed. Whether it’s a failed lawyer, a failed radio host, a failed actress, whether it’s a grifter. A disgruntled former employee against Trump, whatever it is. These are clowns. And look at these columnists falling all over themselves. Not sure what to say. One day Biden needs to go. One day, they’re not sure. The New York Times really believes it’s its role is to dictate what the nation via the Democrat Party should do. So it comes out as fast as it can with an editorial. Get rid of Biden. The same New York Times that’s been backing Biden every step of the way. These people are corrupt. The irrational. Incomprehensible unless you understand what their end game is. What else? I’ve just decided from time to time to post certain things. Their thoughts that I typically save for radio and TV. But what the hell? If Biden drops out, I doubt he will, but who knows? Then go for a Kamala. Kamala’s reportedly upset that she’s being overlooked in all the gossip because she’s a black woman. Now she’s being overlooked because she’s an idiot. But let’s play along. Kamala. You tell them. Tell them Kamala is the. Frat party racism, misogynist, as I’ve said, for decades. Is it truly committed to DIY? Well, it now resort to a different standard like actual merit. We can’t have that now, can we, American? Well, we’ll see. After all, Kamala, so accomplished such a leader. Just ask Willie Brown. Now the AI is being pushed by Kamal. It’s being pushed by the Democrat Party. It’s being pushed by the media. It’s being pushed by academia. It’s being pushed by by athletes. It’s being pushed by broadcast. Being pushed and pushed and pushed. Yet when you actually apply this to certain people. Now it’s racist. You see, die is a double edged sword. Isn’t it? Isn’t it? So if people are looking for merit or people are looking for accomplishment or people are looking for winners. When you look at athletics, are people looking for success and so forth? There’s no D-I. It’s merit merit. Merrick. We want the best football players we can get. We don’t give a damn what race they are. And so most football players are black. We want the best basketball players we get. Most basketball players are black. We want the best hockey player. Most of them are white. Half of them are Canadian. That’s it. And yet they impose on the rest of society these absurd non standards that have to do with physical features, not substantive features. Exactly what Martin Luther King said to ignore exactly what all real civil rights leaders. In the recent past or the ancient past have said. But now, Kamala. Who was chosen not because she was the best. In fact, she she was the first to leave the Democrat primary in 1916. She wasn’t even supported by. Most of the black population. She had a drop out. So Biden picks her. He doesn’t pick her because she’s profound. She’s accomplished. She’s smart. He picks her because of the physical reasons. That a Democrat is supposed to pick somebody. And so we did. Now. Democrats are looking around like, No, no, no, no, she’s weak. Her polls are weak. She’s made it can’t you know, people don’t like her. We got to find somebody who’s strong who can win if we get rid of the dimwitted Biden. You know, we got to who we promoted the hell out of, but we got to you know, she’s a wait a minute. She hears about this report, Czar. She’s a what do you you’re going around me. I’m a black woman. You don’t get to go around me. But we do get the go around you. You’re a Democrat. Why not? Why not? Because I make an issue that they can issue out of what? But the the the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party. It’s like she’s the first woman vice president. But Justice Jackson, even in an opinion the other day, won’t define what a woman is. If these pronouns. Not real Nouns. Pronouns. But she’s the first woman. Excuse me. Excuse me. We don’t talk that way anymore. In our colleges and universities and other places that are very progressive and advanced. We don’t talk that way anymore. The Democrats took care of both sides of their mouth. One another example. I’ve got a million of them. Too much. Too much fun. But let’s talk about it anyway. Now the Democrats and their media claim they are the constitutional originalist. What do you mean by that, Mark? Well. For years, the Democrats and their media have told us that the Constitution is old. Is a document draft and adopted by white slave holders. It is an obstacle to civil rights and progress. Right. The framers had been condemned. Their names removed from buildings, their monuments destroyed. Yet today. Right now. These same Democrats and media are claiming that our precious Constitution is being destroyed by the Supreme Court justices. Wait a minute. I didn’t think it was precious. Oh, no, no, no. It’s precious. Our precious Constitution is being destroyed. By who? The very Supreme Court justices who practice constitutional originalism. So now they they flipped the script. All the people trashing the Constitution, American history, replacing 1776 with 1619 trashing. The framers of the Constitution, the Constitution itself, its original principles, its values, its very words. CRT, ESG 1619. Now they claim to be defending the values, the principles. Under our precious Constitution from Donald Trump. Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. See? These people are sick. They’re hypocrites. They’re ignoramuses. But power will do that. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Remember, this issue came up and we and we used Joy Reid as a as a foil, as a perfect example of the hypocrisy and stupidity and the dehumanization of DTI. Somebody wrote something about the governor of Maryland who, by the way, is a very competent guy. I don’t agree with his politics. He’s a liberal. But he’s not a nut. He’s not. He’s not a radical leftist of the AOC ilk is a Democrat. Any liberal Democrat, the kind of liberal Democrats I used to deal with. Name is Wes Moore. He also served in the military. But some jerk wrote that he was a DEA governor. And I believe it was Joy Reid got very angry, said that’s very racist. And I’m thinking to myself, oh, wait a minute. I would never say that because I think it is. But why would Joy Reid have a problem with that? And, you know, the Democrats are pushing for DNA. They invented it. The Marxists invented it. They want people hired. Based on diversity, equity and whatever the hell it is. It’s it’s leech throughout our society. And then if you say, okay, and I’m not talking about him, give me an example. That’s a I implore you. Wait a minute. That’s racist. Okay. Well, which is stop pushing a racist policy. And hired people based on their content. Nobody wants to believe that they were hired for that reason. They believe they’re successful, they’re unique, they have personality, they have skills, whatever it is. But the Democrats and their surrogates want it both ways. Well, you can’t get it both ways.